Show Sheriff Beal Coons It Ogilvie APRIL WEDNESDAY Conference ul Elsinore have good a II J from people Eccles Ogden returned sp out morning this the of marshal President KutiJunn F Stake Sunday last forget Don’t People’s day in came evening the A time good the free school School in C pay has Christensen house over you caused by for commencing you Mr Wm the lower and go days 17 at Price chair a of can Working the trees Farnsworth’s over be meet the west of with or Miss Flora J Prof dom only tion of in etc for R the Elder Gates George missionaries on accoi to Utah turned Since ago isting he has answer to Futlier said he has in same of of in Son Him when and My is Him” manifested in dispen any God They has So Frophet to the revelation that world Ilis work the ap in beloved ye been manner tho or when Joseph hoar never the both important heaven arrived I child church the administered was conference when last Friday was which God prayer “This au good Story things the April is num three sent silver cents or — it by in of the its God angels his teach were instructors and that he perform 1890 f Fol rot place Brown of Store from business to on Main Street south the public CO WOOL BOUGHT 3 Arc Utah 8- 3 her for her two new doors they his home The prepared square 8 H Charcii Offlee at USLand NOTICE and old figure Son left shoulder small bay let on i7 I or animal he not paid within dsysrotn date of this netlce he will he sold to the highest eash bidder at Teasdale Precinct at 10 e’oloclta April 211890 m Sylvester Williams Coasuble W Allen Per O Justice of the Face Teasdale Plate County April 11th Utah 1890 cost on said Lake Salt City 11 Utah W0L of-Southera as Yam® Blankets Miymt Untferwear HOSIERY BOUGHT kW &C T prices HANDLED ON COtfHlSMQL 1 f Merchants hereby given that TheDickert Sulphur Company a corporation of H C Onuerdonk of Suit Lake Utah by W Its Utah attorney in has made fact City application for a United States Patent for Utah Lake lode mining claim situate In the Mining District Millard County Gordon Utah Territory consisting ot 1500 linear feet and surface grouud 600 feet wide of the lode being lot flo 53 and described lu the field and plat of the offioialsurvey notes file on with magnetic variation at 16 in tills office 00 minutes follows: Com degrees east as from which the quar mencing at post mo sections 17 and ter section corner between 25 south west bears north40o 18 Tp range east 1456 feet distant thence from 24' said post No 4 south 35° 30' enstf 1500 feet to thence south 54° 30" west 600 et post No thence north 3oo 30' west 15o0 to post ho 2: thence north 54° 30' east feet to post No the piacenf beginning 600 feet to post No the area being 20 acres however ex pressly excepting and excluding from Ihe above described area so much of 48 the same as is Included in the Boston lot leaving a balance of 16 acres acres all is of which claimed aud applied for Tee discovery point bears north west 480 feet distant from a point at the middle of the south-easterly end line of the claim The said raining olalin being of record lu the of fice of saidlmlulng district at (Jove Ureek in Millard County Utah Tho neatest known locations being the Boston lot 48 I direct that this notice be published in the Richsteld Advocate the nearest newspa published nearest the said per mining ciaimt for the period of ten weeks D HOBBS Register Is dealing Wool and will growers Orders by mail elsewhere do well get to promptly WM i our 1 : before toraa honored ASHWORTH Sup’t 4 6 8-10 1 UBMI In the Justice Court of Aaaabella Preol enot County of bevler Territory of Utah lerael P before Rudolph Jhitloe of the Keyes Flisha B PlalotUT Peace Vb John Poe Defendant You are hereby To John Doe Greeting:summoned to be aud appear before me the undersigned at my offlee In Anuabella in Precinct the County of Sevier and Ter ritory ef Utah on the 22 day of April 1890 at 10 o'clock a ra toeaswer a oompluint filed agdnst bv the above yon named plaintiff wherein said plalQtiffolaimgjudtre inent against you for the sum of thlriy-fire alleged to have been done cents lor damages to plalntlffby your animals described as follows to wit: One dark red oow branded dill in left uuderbit on left hip ear and lu right ear One light red two year o!d heifer marked with visabie crop off efeaoh ear no braaai notified that If you And you are hereby fall to eo appear and Answer as above requir ed the plaintiff will apply to the court for in the relief demanded the complaint and for costs of suit To the Sheriff or any oon of stabte Savler County Greeting: Make legal service and due return hereon this Uth day of Given under my hand April 1890 9 ISRAKIi RUDOLPH Justice el thePeaoe W NOTICE borne” such reasonable f 3 'a 4 FINAL dom m2: 66-100 4 22-100 44-100 Bata 7 0 e 66-39' FRANK APPLICATION No u Land S- Office FOR FROM PATENT If cemgletB a NEEDLE A it doubt you 149L call PELF-BINDER TO A and sec for yourselves v t Lane Salt CltyUtali March Notice carry 11 1 1980 J s PETERSON M commencement which go x' demand goods oi ani At ) 1890 line NHIllTH PATENT FOR the supply Mings 1490 March Notice St Myers their in Gents’ FRANK APPLICATION No to Bras® Flannels ll at ms & 6 C D Berries 8andoy every morn o'ciook bunday s bool at $ o'clock iOIom meeting Thursday bight at every o’cieut All er oordlulljr invited Joa HansbNs Pastor Preaching log Bro 3 removed has quarters of s 6 E M 1880 B know the Prophet his ten Millinery U ten have I I that this the concerning organization Spanish of was of behold the that manner manifested to other Short 11 64-100 thigh years interposi which peared sation vis been in attending re weeks two relatives and Fork health poor about then his until of nt our releas was this record and of A I have In my possession: One horse white strip in face branded God Joseph administered waB of Notes ESTRAY guid king manifested Father This of one who the the aud prophet Amber -by Miss her pow same power to dispensation men Home is ourselves of anywhere read Son too They pedestrians accident Happenings Salina the in the of the bak there in nad no Old I shown have power way a ganization ' king destruc that direction through found any to Band no himself of ren the and Almighty in never Ander J and and — outside have the Utah) city hereby given that The Dtckert A a corporation of Myer bulphur Company by W H Salt Lake Cl Utah COuderdonkof Utah lt attorney In loci has made applf ty cation for a United State Patent for the salt rtairo situate in Gordon Lake lodemining Millard County District Utah Terri Mining coutdflting 1500 linear feet of tbelol tory ground 000 feet wide being lot No surface ana 54 and described iu the Bold notes aud plat of the olfioiai survey on file in this onico with magnetic variation at 15 degrees 30 min follows: east as utes Commencing at No ot V the from which the N W comer quarter of section 17 Tp 25 south V range N85° 47' W 1049 feet dislant bears thence N looo feet to post No from said post No 4 thence KG00 feet to post no thence S 6 post No thence JttOO feet to 4I° E 500 No thence west 000 feet to feet to post No No thence N 45° W 500 feet to poet Sost the place of beginning being a total o 18 acres nil of which is claimed area of applied for From the middle of the and Southerly endline the discovery point bears 4fr W 600 feet distant The said mining N claim being o( record iu the office of the Re corder of said mining district at Cove Creek in Millard County Utah The nearest known locations being Mammoth lot 37 I direct that this notice be published In the KiOhpield the newspaper Advocate published nearest the said mining claim fur the period of ten weeks D Register HOBBS is hereby given that The Dickert & ers were safely His friends u corporation of were all that he did all Myers Sulphur Company Territory by that should W have Utah HC Ouderdonk his races come anxiously waiting and return halt Lake City Utah Lb of attorney in ed from the from has made aplicatiou! for last of all fact a United week Monroe and bade him “welcome oif near one Patent for that day to the day of his martyr Htates the Queen Victoria OF lode mining claim situate in there has much Gordon been so by the revelation of Jes District Millard was Mining County Uth Last Saturday afternoon Alfred Territory coaslpting of 1500 linear feet of failure nearly talk to a or so Christ We ought under 342 were us lode and surface ground feet wide four old of So 440 being the Mrs year son lot No 50 and described In tho field stand this and as a people have Land Office at Balt Lake City Utah notes although several efforts were made in the phia Crane while playing 1890 and plat of the offioial survey on file in this April in iu His faith God revelations off office with magnetic variation a 15 degrees la to have them come fell tho and Notice hereby given that the following Corral from manger 30 minutes eiat at Ilis promises as follows: Commencing in We should look named settler has filed notice of his in post No from which the quarter section broke his arm just above the wrist to Intention make final proof In support for 29 21 lately the fulfilnent of between section aud 25 Christensen released forth these Tp corner of his claims and that said proof will by set fractured limb west bears north :18° 24' west south range was before (he Jndge in be made his absence promises the day or in unto and P us 1830 feet distant tbeace from said the pen Elder K Miller post the Clerk of ilieoourt for Millard county Madson of this place aud thelit south 15° east 449 fetto post No generation iu which we live They Utah at Fillmore City Utah on May 30th No is north 45° east 1590 feet to poR Presidents Clark and Soegmiller tle fellow recovering no as rap 1899 vli: James Fisher Meadu P O Mill' thence now w be filled is will The Lord at nortn 15° west ‘49 feet to post No work thence 8 ard Ce H E No 67!tt for 8 W the bo expected the' the speakers at Latter idly as could thence sooth 75° west 1500 feet to post No 27 lias set W S 2S T were His hand to accomplish N and a H N £ 22 the place of beginning contain Dig a total of H W llobinsou who has Saint’s last 15 is claimed and meeting house of all aores all of which the great dispensation which He names the following witns ses to prove applied sufferer for several for From a point on the westerly been a great culitiva continuous residence bis and upon aud the patriarchs prophets have Une which bears south 15° east end 140 dU lion of said land viz: has attack of ytson A Stott tant from said post No ihe discovery a severe years now since the world began Henry G Labrutu John w Bushnell Wil 5oint bean north 75° east 750 feet distant people all symH Stott all of Grippe The liam P Millard did O Monroe Opera troupe let not Therefore hearts be County Utah TerritoryMeadow he said mining claim being of record in the your office of the recorder of said mining district Eathizo with her audhopo she may P Also Peter Robison 0 Millard last Thurs in Kanoh work on Pinofore troubled believe God believe Creek in Millard Oouuty U ah Tue aMJove E No: Lott ef Co UtahH 8052 for tue So astily nearest knowu locations being the Prince recover in in Jesus Christ bslihve the 31 Tp 22 R W and evening in this City to a small Lot of Beo Tp Albert lot 42 and the Albion Placer lot 40: of Department” 23 rauge 5W I direct that this notice be published has In gospel which been preached audionce They should be invit He names the following witnesses to prove the Richfield district will close school tho newspaper on advocate our his continuous residence and fulfill and keep the upon and cultiva published unto us nearest the said mining claim iust tion of said land vlrt fta'mon M to return give Friday the 25th Tho “Pri Btrkdull and another for the period of ten weeks of all Ezra God: then Ramsev John BarkduW Oirlos Young D HOBBS Register five Dept” may continue ou all of Kauosh performance po Millard County Utah Ter will bo right the Lord will not fail ritory longer Also Jane R Bennett Holden PO Mil Saints the Latter-day He will not lard Co H E Mo 649 for the L its ft it'd Clean out Last week our Hans Gottfredson waste ditches your fail iu His work in the gathering Y 8 W M sec 18 T 20 c R 8 W B spent a couple of days at Vermil the following witnesses to prove 1493 keep the water o ff the streets He names of 11a will not fail the His people his continuous residence and culti upon in his parents’ lion celebrating of is too of vation said land Charles Jr 8 much mud caused by seed He will not fail viz Woo Land Office Salt Lake Pity 1 he enjoyed H Hlbley John D birthday He Joseph R Giles Thomas says March 111810 the seed of J udali They will be Hunter all of Holden F O Millard County is Netlce hereby given that tbe Dickered: water from the lots spreading “muchly” over himself Territory Utah Sulphur their Myers Company a corporation of gathered home to Jersualem the streets and sidowalks it dur FRA VIC D HOBBS RegisUr is quite pleasant Utah by Ouderdonk of Salt La© in holy place They will receive their Parks A Thompson ait'y for claamlnt Utah Its attorney fact has made City ing the day time it continues to be EDpi States Patent for cstlou fora United and be city and temple prepared George Hales West Mariposa lode claim met with a chilly during the minim situ the G A nights in Gordon Mining Distriet Millard OF ate for the coming of their king painful accident last Ulah Territory Thursday Saliim April 15th 1890 consisting of 1MM) county If Zion will arise and linear feet of lode and surface grouud 60J prosper in He was working at the wide being lot No fosnd described feet Saints will but do the Latter-day 344 the field notes and pi it oi the official sure job press Sixtieth Conference when he got two fingers there is this ofiise with their duty in the veyonfilein maguetic nothiug va Land Offlee at Halt Lak e City Utah riation at 15 degrees 30 mimnes east as of April 11th 1890 the right hand accomplishing all that follows: Commenolngjnt No thence caught and bad our post Notice Is hereby given that the following north 67° west 600 feet to post running No has boen promised I filled notice named seLtier has ofhls Inten ly mashed St unto us Dr 2 thence north 21° east 1500 feet to post No John dressed Sixtieth Annual Conference final tion to proof In support of 3 maae thence south 67° east 600 feet to post N have no fears myself with regard bU'clalm and tha said proof will he made the injured fingers of the Church of Jesus Christ of south 23° wst 1599 feet to thence post No the Register and the final Receiver At to outcome and triumph before Lake the place of beginning The nwiut of dis in Latter-day Saints Utau Sait May 31st 1890 viz: on bears north 21° 900 feel distant east covery of the kingdom of God of tho Zion Hobart L Hcotfil K 7915 forthe More the E y at the 4th room October iroma point equidistant between posts No — the tabernacle IS Tp 18 south range south-western of the of the end line of of God church God of of See on Post Office delivery It at window 10 o’clock There said claim and the discovery was a fom point very tho saints the following to of God has witnesses The Lord He names prove tbesouthfreast of tbenoitn-eusi corner is rather will of quatoo crowded attendance which his continuous residence and persons upon and enltiva 2 ter of section 29 Tp south range west already gathered thousands t on of said laud viz: Gpbram A Warren be day many (Salt Lake base and Meridian) heais south increased from to there to V while course Peter McCarolo Cropner Hyoe Calhoon hour tlieso valleys 10 an to of the 3o 42' west 379 fee distant ike area he away mountains all of Oasis P 0 Millard Co Utah lug 26 66 10 e xpressly excepting and exclud in friendly chat greatly annoy in fulfillment of his promises D HO BB Register are however ing therefrom so much of Die choir “I saw a mighty in sang naineagfistincluded Mariposa 43 belng74 00 ed by parties brethren sisters let and pressing forward to leaving a balunca of 13 6M00 angel fly" OF acres acres bo thougutful oi is while in the flesh all which aimed and applied for ihe get their mail Please remedy it opening offered us was said mining claim being ot record tu the office prayer seek and to magnify calling our of the recorder of said mining district at D by Apostle Franklin Richards 350 Clove-Creek in Millard county T" Unh T Let our hearts bo set on building W Ross of Joseph sent at kno-vn listen to Offlca Salt Lake City Utah locations being Mariposa Singing: “Come Land nearest a pro the of lot 39 Gol aud none 13 lot 43 and NebmakuJPlacer Aprl 18M several good beeVes few north phet’s voice” a Notip hereby riven I direct that this notice be puldiohed Id the that th following shall fail With regard to those ameii settler ha tiled pub notice of hi inten Richfield days ago and Advocate the uewspaper Mr Abe Swenson FnrsiDEN'T tion to make Anal proof in eupport of hie lished nearest the said mining claim for the during this may address us Sabbath this claim and that (aid proof will be made be period of ten ten weeks Sixty next of Monroe will yenr3 ago send fifteen head I conference hope they may have fore tue I'ounty Clerk of D Register Hevlor Coil ly HOBBS of Jesus Christ of Latter Utah at Ilichtileld Utah Friday June on to Provo week is too all our that be next This they may 181)0 prayers Tli Fra Franc-n S fo r Saints in no D IttlO day organized Fay was K Ya S E ‘i 11 inspired by tho Spirit of God and the N W V N W V See we’ro beef hungry all aud It Seneca New York 13’JJ y NK See 14 Tp 31 ftouth Range elte county those preach only things which those fine steers off going Ben by the of organized prophet the following He name wltnesae to prove true and faithful are hia continuous resldenoe upon It and cultlVa be ready and Joseph Smith was or rope one in as they lion of aid land vli: 307 God bless us and pour out Edward Ohrlteusen of ganized by the Christian Jensen Peter Peterson James Richfield pass through His Spirit that all ef Offlee Bait Lake City us Hiusen Redmond Sevier County Land at upon we by the of may revelations Jesus U lah time have a good this at confer Its D 1890 history is before the Register March Christ HOURS Commissioner Jones’ court May we enjoy that Spirit 8 W Dabk att’y for claunaut Notice Is hereby given that ihe following the ence world heavens and the earth: Ills filed in settler bag notice of named hearts bo united together at Monroe yesterday JConuty Pros I our bis feel tendon tomake final pi oof la support 01 myself that hearts our ciairnH and thalaid proof will oe made be and may we rejoice in those prin ecuting Attorney Q T Bean the should bo filled this morning fore ihe Probate Judge was with or in his &bcnce which ciples have been Utah at Richfield Utah revealed Clerk ofjSevior Co and tlmt to side gratitude thanksgiving set and Win McCarty one Friday May 2nd iri90 viz: Joseph died ou for tho comfort salvation and eter behalf of hill for and In the heirs of Ed of have the privilege mooting attorney from Beaver appoint 2? 7590 for the ward Gicdhill deceased a k nal life of the children of men in iniual cunfereuoo of the 24 section 25 HE section K NEj£NE Prosecutor in the of the 22 Lot south west section 19 case Tp range if fire Jesus Christ of Latter constantly largo 80 outh hand lot section lp22 west on range a Elliott Alex and Paul to vs lie names ihe following wltnese I luqio that prove day its aud tru-it anil carefully selected stock o£ and his continuous residence cultiva noon Magazine Beutler charged with felony Find will be lift tho hearts of the saints tion of said and viz: fhiislian Meyer James Oscar Ivte Peter Dustrup Joliu Das by d Mrs John ing no evidence the ed up iu prayer to God that against boys all of VermiDion Sevier Co Utah trup April ihe shall for the Also notice is hereby given (cat Logan contains ing tho time we spend togeth Beau moved for a dismissal named following Bottler has filed notee of ALL-PAPER this the spirit sketch ofan iu brightest April capacity and bis intention 10 mak' final prxf in support poem overruled and Mr Bean er was of his claim and that said pioof will be will smile of God the thill the spring suu upon may rest upon before the County 'r of Sevier made Window-shades at Kirkficid U'uh Picture of the World’s Fair Com Utah lues aposo’o and elders who will address County mi April 29 JM0 vU Geo Puvno Dft day saints mittee aud upon the themselves 19671 for Ihe lot 2 secdoi Tp 22 south us west by Empress Mrs Lo range may hear 0 Ho names the following w prove resld-onfeel very thankful hit continuous 'Ui cultiva I myself that gan tion of said land viz: HdiJauy A to by Trip Hebron I still have the privilege of meet Jttbez Broiulhcad Dan t'l a Etc imr Cur— Etc in ail uf Aurora Hh Utah Us ing in general Conference with the the D Raster south of the new corner I realize A by that “Janet: Story” AU'y Saints of God 8 W Darke may an hang walk trimmed ance and with have Singing men’s R Mr residence side — by Music ed Those Music the perse have which against the or earth earth of Office at Salt Lake March various show— aud on Smith S the is this overthrow We have We never Fall of creation man of son Questions $1500 sets buy Band Morrison sons efforts its power of U the Painting Laud 5 Notice 2 mer labors among The the heaven a Brass B — Recitation 'make thirty rocking a J Instrumental late should — the V season ''05 1488 1 warfare in that should to II W Pros the in to-day— God for tion Choir Beau store low Chaplain and Rise — Parties in tho A Seegmiller Political Prayer powder lcing by ’' April want nothing estate will for and upper Richfield If 1800 Ladies earth a ”TB7x PATENT Established FOR APPLICATION No PUB Washington all to to-day with sweep THE BRODIX scenes have enacted show been manifested ganization of this church dom Richfield — Lecture movement price half for real Nelson A Dentist tooth work cutions held Country’ and of People’s 18 been sky ' in call been the to the faro for months Try stamps Address the things have through they by not very tho be tho and we and till has work inspirations the of Room” host a ' moon” out Don’t fail to get ber The Magazine Erom His opposition that are manifested of the men— from Choir the Recitation a wind heavy a will it Richfield upward decided a in Paper — Mrs C E Bean Chorus” Song — “Pilgrim’s Marimla Halliday & Co Mrs there boom reached The since when two day or took by Music a springs ’em Try going for erected hot his Monroe of east let that and tho of Society plac and bill “The stead”— the Father Eden The man the since forth t of now pass have which shown heaven be Marshal to “Our Singing— Young Opening Address to world of brough “Dining able in since l’atriarch until of the to world the garden history our ed S 3 earth of e power Clark P bath of his City April Ladies Prayer three teachers the U the been performed by God of Almighty grew March Club evening Young house with LI April Monday started be to District Richfield next is cases on meeting Singing— A in action and and Political L’riday pated City given old was day been of tli in that deputy jail in the For Parly antici is Mount ed aiul over F Adam too and These Sheriff the was have habitants foundation the day Program Fri next Club by them the of the of meeting Political night town to Friday Sheriff t!io’ arrest lodged ing his Farnsworth of Hammond A against S of last Kalina jury grand the which commissioner beforo went up to the cobwebs and discharge wero hound $500 to await of sum weather of the but Marshal night riuglike wero hold to Oglovic Esq Sunday Beautiful slim shop harness a to going nre on who charge S Officer in dudes were Leonard at The evidence return- have visitors ed ’90 1(5 Marshal lish this church Hia Kingdom Zion the gather G His Work His W together oE Ilis people in ful ing recently arrest of the of revolutions God filment hindering a U City Farnsworth It Carry HOMESTEAD Goods Dry PROOF No lino full u & CO of Boots Shoos & 9 GROCERIES 1 Hans from The ' 6 Best 2-10 Dr 1 HARD WARE 6 li 2 for goods lo'ieit t5e money 3 Day Store 15-100 1 v ft “Grammar The 6 4 under rule cur Bauk the 7 Main spoken La is down pay room Sunday The good day ard 1 He Mrs profits Small 4 Street Richfield I 8 ed commandments mary weeks FRANK 1 APPLICATION No 3 and There Abraham PATENT FOR E2M3 New We U l Goodw mu Constantly have baud on General large a w&i Ai-1-ivingf of aesortmeut Mcreltanfflise WHC While Bro Furniture The NOTICE HOMESTEAD FINAL PROOF morning Department No Annual Is stockid with lot of 1 way The 4 and Dininp1 commenced Chatrs io"- Ktc 1 Wanted: floe a f on Setiees Lounges P'tc 1 ft 7WestSL lao2 good CAILA?iD 6 going day The NOTICE PREEMTION Mr Kingdom up Wilfokd Woodruff I who FRANK Chinch (I bad -eo CONSOLIDATED was NO God TICE PUBLICATION FOR May commandments No God FBaNK In may and 8 FUBNITURE! we F&8tfSWQ8TM9 $? Keeps The IF A Mr 4 1 1 Home Conducted ITRNlTUltE AV which power ( PICTURE FRAMES BABY CARRIAGES Augusta— wo Lane weak who work His generation of be spirit clothed upon of God power the to bear our iu men The stretched forth of hope of and God Lord Ilis illustrated views Vice by CASH FOll taken ever c- Women’s College Bright Bits Richfield Home at Balti Books Bright Wo that our aud Himself hand to All they The and a our power not iu has estab Mane about Bashkirtseff: extracts § I the folks story of White are remembered Abraham House and Lincoln his boy “Tad” Picture of the woman “who th Pro' lor Uoift County ate -mid in ic-U ud h ein e (iT seed gpi b BEaN i ud guar Atideismj hi'H'tuB vsvuiii m w in the nied hi eiu urn un ibed order of u)e he foil wiug n estate property of the tali inane poison uih at dotin' to wit: Coin ni n nog 29 ol of mv last u chains cot L 2J s M 4 in Tp west range th south 13 7p1c0 cnaln thence nuoeaats 75 tiu nee north lOOoh Chains ‘S thence place ol he in o con west 13 act h Tp taiuing cm mg inset h in 22 south range ig oun h of U T of Sevier Tcrntory miu ha 1J to hear et April 2d A IjvH) a ip petition ud odertd lh aid oop 10 published iu Richfield the Adv h'ATK fo four consecutive we )'-i tho astute oi insane person u an Utah h Provo pres f r g f s r 1 1 tl ti th-we e l r J -outh 3 8 ch-hjH ( 75-ltiO 4 11 J we-tbci v ' ci vV £cwJ 1 1 1 ti as raid Pm Mur h ' ha tn Mt e A D d j lS m 11 ist t seal ol dy ol i t I J 9 ’ RY Judge v 9 YOU DO WANT Any book ROOK A in the I t O WRITE ( TO US 1 : world furnished at publish books wanted (beudtampk er's price Name Metropolitan Press Agency Warren 45 St N T 'photo-engraving IT PAYS TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR BUSINESS Porttgits and cutsof colleges hotels factories machinery made to Ac order from photo graphs Semi stamp for specimen sheets GOOD MetropolitanPress WORK PRICES LOW Agency Warren 45 Street Hew QUICKTIME York ’1 Eubher Stamps all of kinds e ) akic Ay MICE SSS-JL (IP nOMh 22Lis m Lund SA5££ town ano ever Agents cuie z:sey fis MstroooliUa Press Ajoucy No Office WITH Yen v I t ijszil stakf t IX 2:2:13 oe extra s:ni rn? 40 Warren ()F U wC fir tcrai St Over Y ?5 Years Jfo It FREEZES -named wT£v r vL"lrh r II te and Wo J Register Mm sell the Hest by any Can bp op pure aoila via 4000 (ias 1'oun -‘aln claieuto finest Its NICKEL SHME CHAPMAN Sa’uxcrlLe Mflliann for the I TLATET " & r- one frw ' aU extras or child live use 'VVorld- PJIK o cn aerur onn together with our lrr B L Ilneof llotineholtl 1 he well uiliDlea itt AH (he work you wan n nre need do t to ihow wtwt we arnd yon t tlinne who rail— your Wienda and neighbor and thof nhout you—lhat alwavi reault in vnluatde tradefor ua who h holiU for vt an when oneeatarted and ihn we are rrimiit Wepnval) eajir a freiirht etr Attn yj know all If vuu would like to fro to work for u yon ran iiO (rum to 4kl4t AiMreaa wa k and upward kUtiMia Ai la Uva a 1 “ rwrfiiuiUtkLaitte "v Boll n stand t jr S-rg i - liy ill S 00041 re NkJwai Jwatrh in th wvild Prlet lmikMpf Warriiiodhuvr OOLR hltndn CMr fli iadiet an'i fent mn with work and f iual value Ode rttso in urth generators 'rated CD EC h t FHANKD js Practical in tho over a I little In of dian Fr-di from i ol rounds Timothy exchange for Whl 1 other publication lssu Is Notice hcrcbv alves the zrauie of every newspaper settler 1ms u! published having a circulation In the Amer fin d lean Newspaper Directory of more thau 25 tnm to make and til his claim 090 copies euch issue with the cost per ime o for advertising in them A list of the best jnude before tho County Clu papers nf local circulation iu every city ami sence the Richfield at limn 6000 populaiion Utah town of mote with John 28h 1890 viz: prices by the inch for one month Special May Ne U see iiHtH of dally lor the HW country vilUgo and class pa weH Bargain offers of pers value tosmull range ad vert Isers or those wishing to experiment Ju He names the following w icKldetice u hia continuous diciously with a small of amount mutiny said fond viz: T Hhowfl conclusively “how to the most tion of got Bergstrom Jo eto' eui'’ Siint’poii plireys John ice toe for the tie el' iiioua’ immoy” “cn palil iald to any address for 30 cts Solomon King alt of BuIIiih a Address Oko lv How Mil A Co UtUl1’ Fob Ishers aud Usoeml au ueiiemi H Hi' 4 10 Advertldi Aeut 8?ruc Street B W Duki ai’’j lor Liam— it J dfa vDf i Utah ef County of Sevir and it To whom may eouco John 'V Coons A'immlsir Utah t while Territory SALE hundred few A f I f IDMSIIC interior of Morton’s FOR NOUCE FRANK mwfB Illustrated more the Tabernacle article President The Israel with mind in finest of and that pray Saints Latter-day hands the I men — The to ago PR03AE t King’s Daughters— Lowe Dickinson from earth every Elders strength want the in and and address world 1 On OLiphant perform has chosen the work of Apostles may nr: of things we hand tho to Lord foundation perform is called are The weak the in instruments God the the ‘ ft 2 this LVP o PROOF No are of CH ) YOaitSGLVESi FRANK Now The an ed People FOit SOL GHAiN 2 KXAMIM: CO Ind Adyccaiu 1 J 1 ! |