Show pivuaie icifiqlii the into he went sober IVUDNESDAY APRIL There was Work Friday was want least good a Hansen p lino and under of be over ni Ilro Dr nice a litte up Bishop J call of and work Job for do to left arrived Just will Goods and Ginghams have and week the a have grain near account of prospect If from eity the where rimming 1 several are that the in been seen of e named thediepot R ousness iug of the pd young by to way Standard ounce We by have her cheaply as panion before rie column W J Geo a to “Numbered Mrs Leonard They arrest the sum Friday to Josopli Mr W of son and co-laborer old our day Judge ing The L Advocate gratulations dayi he their May happy through The current is tributor little follows families and Life Wickliffe Tale the of Editorial: Pertinent Belief tinn VI' wooil with Monday hitched and men of front the drickson on Edison's Associa- after time Some k cf hold bridle in while he the ho got horso other it reared face arm Glen up horses the In and man down badly and but Ho cm young in Hen horse young by horse hold to onto young his the I Mrs man the animal doing kuock and step fortiinutuly wa3 the of left was doorstep the APPLICATION No Mon of Mr ward eleventh U SHIRTS Register The Luck” by J the to from WG&L Utah-) 18MB City 11 Marob Mercfinnfs 1 dealing BOUGHT HD best rite will taken and the and a ho drove animal he pick fairly and shovel with foot hills the to companion Cedar treefar under he as and Wool elsewhere will short distance cedar Ho a of ho teli etc growers Orders by mail boughs swered W ground of ter teen the FH his Lw supposed clearing much the ed Redmond to be on dirt his and peared saw to and Teasdals r in to something struck rock East ' said lie was the real vot Mormons” “Jack ns denouncing bigamy obeyed Mormon priest-3 live to bably in Idaho as lie a of the Mr ( nnil behests Where kuown be the Illinois from he around what proved pile his that of own caused a he its bed covering a on discovered which from the use the from cop care and on which blankets closed He gen Spring pro Mormon-” ap lie expression 27 FdSJfSWOQTM constantly hand on carefully selected het large a stock of fairly the the saying here joined hold who Lis doned bauds tha up on all is Would “We ties on port the Arizona unfairly brave to gone proposition "VV had anil but aban united desire we in desire it only citizens” of'Arizona the earnestly action of territories in for the bill the failing de commit to yourselves Small ani profits the Shoes & lonst do pay Store room COv SARD WARE ( to-post & of Boots GROCERIES Rst goods for ! is m under 3taiu : ROBBS D money ru! our the s Bank StreetyHichfield -Register Land New PATENT FOR "We Sal Lake t Constantly Goods Arriving’ f 1493 Office hand have on a largo assortment of 1 4 Mcrelianaise Ctoncrnl 9 PICTURE I BABY FRAMES CARRIAGES Etc On the f 2 l) 2-ID Etc of south corner Richfield Tabernacle XIT1CI Of Land the new Utah MAL H0XKS1EAD Offlc PEQU 334 at Salt Lak CltyrTJtah April 6tli I8°0 given that the following' Bled Burned notlceof hie lnteo non) to make final proof in support of hie claim and that said proof will be Imade before the Probate Judge or in his ab the County Clerk of sence Hevier County at Richfield Utah Utah oa Wednesday Ylay 28th 1890 vis: John Elvln H E 8348 for the 8W Na K section 24 Tp 21 south range west He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon tlon of said land viau Thomas G Hum John Bergstrom-Jbh phreys Anderson olomon King all of Ballsa fevler eounly I ( Notice statelioml m The hereby settler bee la Departieht Fdrnituee Is and Dittino- with stocltd Parlor 1 t-ie fine a of' lot Setters Lounges Oliatm- EtcuEtc r JHSaLV lZ&V FOR CAStl EXAMINE IOH SOLD CII3AP CAILAND GUAtN YO 4 62-11X1 I h FOR H2D ure M D Who nak at Sail CUy for I March 8 ) 1890 1 I 'i FRANK I & CO in (he world 1890 will he mil mailed FKEE-to applicants and lo last aeason'oous beurr than ever Fvm tomers It ery perwon UMn Garden Flower for it or Field SEEDS should end M D FERRY A CO DETROIT MICH t hersby glrn that lha following Ills In filed notice of named settler he dual piooflu support ol Ins tomake tentloa Utah said priof will be and that be made rialma D Register lie HOBBS Judge or his absence fore he Proba-r 8 W Disks att’y lor Claimant Utah Richfield Utah Clerk of Hevier Co May 2nd IMI0 viz: Joseph Friday UleK onbehalf of tlse heirs of Ed hill for and In II K 7593 for lbs S ward Gledhlll deceased 2' isR NE i N E seelon Territory seotlon 21 Utah In the Probate Conrt In K U 22 west Lot aection 19 south range of Sevier Tp County and for 89 22 Ion west loeel range To whom It may eonoern: to prove Administrator He names ibe following witnesses Jehn W Coon and guar continuous residence unon and cnlllva--Ion his dian of th late of Kraelti B Anderon of said and lnaan an person now la the Asylum at James Oscar Ivle PAler Daslrup John- L bn pres mted a petition for an Provo Utah Utah all of Veriull Ion Sevier Co rel trup order of saleef tbe following Als-I Is ibe notice hereby glveu tear estate property of the salt iatane person uf folluwl g named soitlerdias Died nolee 20 16 wit jing south ami 10 Uoramen ohalns final proof In rt hi" Intern Ion lo make supp of tb noithwesi chains east corner of seo ob 23 his claim and that said proof will be Tp 4 In south range ol H L Mi westS vl County Clerk of' before Ihe south 13 thence eaet8 made chains thenoe Utnh Utah at Richfield on Tues thence north 13 75 KWchalns Couniy cbalDs theuoe I'uyus D day April 29 18902 vis: Ueorge wash 8 13oh Ins to plaoe of beginning con section 6 Tp 23 10671 fur Ihe lot souh talnlng being til section Tp eres south-range west 22 west being Couniy range of Bel-r Territory of Utshi Hu names ihe following witnesses to prove The Court bas residence upon and cu'titii continuous et April 23rd A D 1890 at p hear his m to said land vlx Ueorgo of Holdan aidpetition and oidered the same to be lion Dan Clnwar Cui Hmadhend Heber lubllshed In the Richfield for Jahe Advocate Sevier Comity Utah tls all of Aurora lour consecutive wees D HOBHs RegiMr witness rT£7 my hand and the seat of ld AU’y lor olaliuunt Probate tlourt tills 81st day of Si WDarke fOrVA March A D 1SW Nolle It BEAN T iSEEtTAHtltfAL I and-cultiva O D 307 Ottc apedi Brn M tFRKT&Co’s Beautifully JllaMnted llevcriptlvk 1 Land ean Largest the are e pjt up by FERRY Seedsmen CONSOLIDATED NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No those hand re 8-ALE ol rowml Timothy Will exchanve for hundred' few A FRANK 1 I I a- PROBATE f NOTICE 1 2 4 1 t -outh v4xi-Chrlsllan M-cyer BOOK? YOU DO WANTbook A in Any Name vr's price Motrcpollta WRITS to us at world furnish publish books wanted (Scud stamps the Puss Agtncy Wattii 45 St M Y ctesr-rlbed r 76-100 4 1 In-the photo-engravTng IT PAY$ TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR BUSINESS Portrait and cut of colleger hotel factories Biachitiery &c made to order from photo Seud stamp for graphs ilietli ecimcii Kstropolitsa Prori Agency 6000 WORK LOW QUICK PRICES TIMS Warren 45 fetreet K w e York 1 Euhber Stamps all of kinds i a KxiiEisar-niii rc rntca staki FRANK rn ' L NEWSPAPER l I every qualification ailmissiou was but the bill for her b to smothered in tho committee tojykcliy? simply because she hal sceafit 17th dy It WITS KINNEY Probate Judgs TOWN Now R s 0 of over In more HDVEHIISMG formation of value 10 advertiser than any other Issu pubiicaiiou ed It gives the mm of every newspaper ubiished having h eiioulatioo In the Arner an NewspHjcr IMreotory of more than ?A "0 copies eueh imtio with the cost per line for advertising m them A Mat of the best local nr'' dat ion lepers city ami In e wry iimn 5uoo poputai ion wllh town ofmioie prices by the Inch for month Special ue lists of dhiiy nmiMtry vlllige and class pa HnrguiQ oILt per of vulue ad to small veriiRerwor those wl hing to experiment Ju diciouaty with a of mouey amount Shows conclusive! v “How to get the most tee for the set Sent post mouev1 etc eto paid to any address fr 30 cts Address Um Ron rll A Co B Pub Uhers and Ganeml Ak'uu' 10 a?ruc Ulr®1' t re of admission His pooplo hail bten had treated Arizonafor lino fult n Goods Dry 1-00 ALL-PAPER Idaho? earnestly loyal-Americnu Smith nounced the had party 'saying:statehood- of for see PETERSON M i-es FURNITURE 4 UiB V 1 of sustain this treasonable lascivious institution or would Who ee by and Carry t would “Jack discussion question pioneers for his J n ty 11 March 186 th laherthy given that Dlckert A Ntice Sulphur of Uompanr a cut pnralton Myeis C by W H Oudeidonk of Salt Lake Utah Utah lu Iturney In faot has mid 81y Unlled for a Slates Patent for lode minin'! claim situ tb Wrst Mariposa Millard Gordon Mining Dletrlot ate iu Utah Territory consisting of 1500 county 601 llusar reet of lode and surface giound 1 55 being lot No and described lo leet wide pi it offl ll and of the sur tbe fiabl notes with maguetlo va vey on file In this otlise dogreci 80 min rant as riation at 15 No 11 bence Commenclnglal post follows: to north 67° west COO feet poet No running No 2 thence north 23° east feet to post 8 thence south 67° esst 600 feet to post No thence sonlh 23° wst 1500 feet to post No plaoe of begfn-ilng The point of dis th covery bears north 21° east 1000 feel distant a point equidistant between posis No from end tbe south-western line an on point aid olaltn and from discovery the soutlweast quacorner ol thenoilh-euai 6 20 2 of s°ctlon Tp south range west ter Meridian) south (Salt Lake base and bea i2! the west 370 fee Uloiant area 30 IU excsptlngand exclud ingi'MM expres-iy of the ing therefrom however so much 00 43 being same Bells included In Mariposa 13 of having a balancs acres acres all of which Is c aimed and applied for belngofreeurdto tbeoffioc said mintugetaim nl recorder of said mining dial rial of lb In Milium Utah T Creek county Cove knosn'tocatlons being Mariposa nearest lot 30 lot 41 and NebraakagPlacer In the I direct that Ihls Dollee be published pub the uewspaper RimriKLD Advocat for the lished nearest the said mlniug claim period of ten ten weeks 1IOBB3 Register D S 1 who polygamy all FELF-B1NDEB A 1MM) Said-County ho-no genus a call it doubt yen TO t 11 heeebjr given No 1 Mormons Idaho in goods CltyUInlr March I of Ila said it the minority report proposed that bigamists and polyg amists should vote in Idaho What tber of right had members the to minority impose Idaho upon hail the conditions which never been imposed upon before any coming into the union There state and what Late Salt APPLICATION Loa Fleasantdale They Democratic ticket Doltois earnesFy advocated the admission of Idaho askisisiug He hut Offloe FRANK its provision disfranchising the If Thnrher charge the that stoclof b-lng Koosharem admis members said that was an af examination close bo Sup’fc l complete a I polygamists constitution sue was congress eigh about surprise camp removed fully removing dig-and to a kettle per ASHWORTH 1 Monroe '-n Jakeman H the the it pick was the to exactly Land S PATENT FOR 15-100 w No Mormon the just obstruction the betof©' terms our 0 NEEDLE A 4 Beal VTm FROM 1491 1500-loet Kingstruff Andr The 2 to Mormons criticised Mormons' on undor -tree-which purposes1 inches and discovered commenced once the sinking grove at get honored promptly Stare carry I Marrell H Keeps and opposition1 to Idaho he said of ife I Trumlow Pleasant John Hatch Issac Hatch coun with in Nebraska maJe a speech only Ealaee 2-10 ' FURNITURE! ldaboi- who are persons association which er) thought purpose he it the his to - 8 75-100 his answer approaching: of CDHMISMGIY well pl-eatlun this April -John Wm commence Union Paci And bigamists tleman saw mountain this APPLICATION No 7 while of entorment the up tree piece 0 do ti 1 Peterson Erastus Sorensen Solomon King John Anderson Robt Foresyth Clias Snow we of from known pii search companion little horse his in the for- of driven his taking went box little hail left andl he placo proper he could tak spreading some When fav his bury to of says east think to - Window-shades bigamy Mansur he the I Gilbert Winget A about griilironed turn bill the and the little 1890 ' Butler Thos oi against the provision constitution which disfranchis the au dog buggy his got intending town his placing built passes before The admission and died box suitable 20 April Lundhold Andreasen 0 bill should’ reason it O tfhe They looking are iu important points huutiug be the dog killed the designat N Peter at of surveying proceeded consideration of the Idaho ed seems of Sunday on missionaries places Butler protested a accidentally whenever when ing much was job than four House sion ac little a the at W August Bohman we willhave Pioche Washington e finding wagon had promised therein his had home following Andrew is have for Before the int) California builds came It line I further line build the a a prices HINDLEG WM that Tha Dufcrl k ol Hrem-Sulphur Company la corporation H C Territory by W Omlerdouk Utah lt in Salt Lake City Utah attorney of for United bat main aplleatlon a foot for the Queen Victoria Patent States claim situate in Uordon mining lode District Millard County Ut h Mining consltlng of 1500 linear feet of Territory being lode and surface ground 440 feet wide the Beld notes lot No 50 and described In In this and plat of the official survey on file variation a 15 degrees offloe with magnetic at 30 minute east as follows: Commencing from which the quarter section poet No Tp 2 section' 20 and 21 between corner west Dears north 18" 24' west south range feet distant theuce from said port 1330 J 15" No aouth east 440 fo"t to post No 3 north 45° east No thence 40'feet to post No nortn 1A° west llience sooth 75" west 1500 feet to post No thence oontalrlug a total of the ptace-o! beginning Is claimed and II acres all of which From a point oa the we terly applied for which hears aouth 15° east 140 dit end line said post No the discovery tanl from north east 750 feet distant point bears 75° The said mining claim being of record iu he office of the recorder of said inluiug dial riot Toe at Core Cretkln Millard County U ah kn wu locations the Prince nearest Albert lot 42 and the A'hlon l’lucer lot 40: I direct that this uelloe be pub'tshed In the IliciiiiELD the newspaper advocate said published Dearest the mining claim for tbe period of ten weeks Missionaries Morten Joseph Ogden patches up have the Mon I an your interfered U Jensen surveys" pleasant last before burial so M t en that be never are whereabouts its assured rest can will preach ed is much cheaper to run surveys It railroads than it is to build cheapest always pays to find tbs Num Gnat gives of It ty because Kenner’s will of line construction a into Pioche California out thous this: interested of ignorant you claim 1st intq we all fic the will so contains in piled speak that to L for tirely an the the rails December ennuot and editorials them in We have we theeouutry Predica Season animal decent a WAA44W HOSI ERYy At reasonable PATENT FOR AUUAfcW JIUUUJ 1490 Office at Salt take Lead P Notice - Myers rmli Home Pioclio constructed running you Find Sen by flat Richfield fractious the order ot Young a over doctor would' saloon was run A tlicir by forty thought he Crook two “As south page in Doctor little Gen to over came Saints’ receive this Lucky week the lnrg? Hendrickson boy UUU r FBANKD seen Tribune ssing miles twenty that by Wright humorous' a and to Dr the of linage being over special Horne of Bridge Intelligence- Henry to Idaho baby t Doorstep the on parties The Extension- aud progr Dorsey the Criticism The Fear sketch A olaim Blankets Yarns May turn be to building work Milford ipartios Easter and buggy and shovel Fi"oueer of newspaper It 22-100 “sprout to official an railroad with Milford of fortune as for Republic and Hat” timely recognition The of days time A Nephite Forth John the Moroni Edinburgh Death Sierras III: Death and Con flTieteh the of sketches and in thy Eggs" will the Scntinal life the and Fiametta Love couple Months Galileo titles Week in Peru” by “Miss Wetmore momorable its as is’ I and may Pacific of trains Botanist’s hundred procured con The contents and by are of the Swett a ber die of number stories Ifiizlitt’s “A and which anil prosperous journey of the to-moc-row with" Pacific ones count its young hand at ure as Butterflies Christ condition Angeles Los is At E and officiat extends the to It Sara with Sliuw Kinney B Com by Easter in in united were same town of matrimony Mon bonds the East profusely are vp the men employed on present scattered over 115 145 miles of the road to be an Mornings” Bopt’s poems such goods Biess Flannels 44-100 the 2000 with the completely it season remains favor the i4 the - the A Glen Mary Miss of' 1 followiug: the ©f Louisa an friend line Southern of demand tfie supply 3 the Union Union be form next of 2 to I Ensign interview “One “Holy more over Cowley Arc prepared Utah in their j 2 When The Williams called examination for 6 2 first fine day course The April Double Easter- ments” Maria that wuod of steadily Tappan Sophia Four before appear BOUGHT The little and grasshopper good the The Friday bound eacfi $250 of story of making side turn with in between with “Bim obstructing from were in Ogil last of charge a will Youth’s Mary i Farns W toappear Marshal S nerv of Some by Miss CO rn Uotlce beginm the Jay the are B MILLING & 4 Greenville water done being How Ncphi the about resignation pages and Harbour See R Geo summoned Commissioner U R Coons Beal and answer eooner than out” out might The the writers- favorite himacalT in were to sell elsewhoro Sheriff worth Give another re bought purchasing ad fiis the stock will he flooded Greenville started to they found all cooly He The The illustrated by a just be can Utah Southern has WOOL 1UHI feet to POtNo eald poet No 8 N from k hmceS 6UO leet to post No 4 thence 6 45° 600 o thence tuoo feel to poet No 1 thence west (WO feet lo feet to post No N feet to poet 45) W SOU No thence post die place of beginning- being a total No nil of wulol) Is claimed acres area of 18 Ind the middle of tbe applied for From ibe discovery point beara endline Southerly The Raid nrtndng 600 feet dlslmt N 45" W roeord In the office of the Re being ol claim Ci eek corder of eald mlc log district at Cove The Utah near at Millard C’oumy In lot 87 being Mammoth known locations In dliect 'hat this uotlce be published tbs iOhpi kld Advocate toe nearest the said mining published period wof ten weeks the period the u’hOUBS night on Atkins mam being the and under is eggs seemed waiting favored of of Cushman the says M hereby given that Tim Dlcaert by Salt Lake City unknown or an Sulphur Company a oorporat In of Holt Imho H C Onderdouk by W the little babe was lu faoi has Its attorney mad Utah idivation for a United for Atkins the kind riv States Paienl taken m by Mrs claim situate In the Utah Lake lode mining the following note rHirdnu hostess found Mdlard Cou ty M'dlng Dtsutot this little stranger will Utah Terrltury consisting ol 1600 “I trust surf me ground 6U0 leet w de lode an of the and the deld welcome in your home lot R 53 and de cribeJ in find being plat of 'he nffidal survey ou file the notes auJ heart and that it will receive with ignetlo at Id office m In this fol U0 eat minutes aa owe: Com from that love and attention degrees you n from wnh h lie quar at post mencing it its between sections 17 and own parents should give ter section corner 25 west bears north 48" south rings ami 18 To mother is a beautiful from leet dlatah' th'ne 1458 g 10 U! east 481 feel to girl of said post N" 4 south 85" af end and accomplished able ft et V54° SU" 000 the me souih west post Dolt 80 fifteen years and has wealtny par thence uarth 8 wes' 1500 no to north 54" 80' ea-t thenoe feat to post No ents of intelligence and refinement the place of beginning SOB feet to poet No e acres however complex Hie area being 20 the father Jb a tall dark and excluding Noun the excepting nressly of 35 lie besides betraying much of ioned man: described same area so above the boston lot 48 4 is Included lo of girl be aa trust innocent the an leaving a balance of 16 aoiee all acres la olulmed and applied lor Toe to her sad which of has gone and left her SOnorth 83" west 480 point bears discovery this She is willing to make fate feet distant from a point at the middle ol the south-easterly the claim The end line of her sacrifice to shield parents from claim being of record In the of aid mining lo pride hope aldjmlnlng dlatrlctal cove Creek disgrace whose and fice of — Millard County Utah The nearest kn-wu she has always been 48 the Boston lot locations bemg In the be I direct that this notice be published reward for God you the nearest newspa Advocat RiruniLD help published nearest tbe said mlniug friending this innocent and per! claim for the period of ten weeks Register less babe HOBBS tents Mississippi impregnated Easter copy Number Marie in splendid which it is of ‘are of the on of mercy of all So and' Furniture of no of He t oil she and Farnsworth large a the calm a been Squire’s the until over Left fine Fred A great many people are that put to opinion end an was thelast grasshoppers summer Mr YickerB such is not the case the Co-op at purchased a ten-acre patch in the Old Field from Sliad racli Lunt lately and this week staited They had men to plow it apparently had’been trial advance train drew recovery R R ceived people condition “The evening of Condon from loison of partially soil at 22ud the attemj went Baby day homeless unchanged the degree mouth the incoming Ogden lot a remains is verdict a a scnteucedjou Ogden Thursday an Dr tansy for Tuneia can at further pending matter A Areola nfc MFC c'n-Minrf Adjourned correspondent between Wednes smile fate er the in last taking asked district the exhibited submit with passenger Thursday on girl suicide of bis Snodgrass killed by kind Ill 60-100 quite to - S Fido of playing “Gabrielle’B A has The defendant his he to with contact was accidentally by being struck Southern Pacific ut Juvenile prosecu given to was o’clock the jury 8 For walks and A committee relief made need pedestrians side limbs man have the trees shade so go along on out coming A 1 deliveroil verdict ghost s in places of rising in peasants are and blood has already been numbers as " McFarlane for The the the years Hansen P of 1880 SO lln-arfeet last case Even any 50 to debate Items - H There 5 the superceded to go court take corners b the Miss “Cyarve — Parian About to water hoys of bill little liis Memory only WH 0 accused the asylums againet passion and corporation Perkins in spoke favor the faithful the Fob i N the to I Is twrubv given that The Dlcaert A wiiin of corporation a Huphtif Company llWer ik Cl O on Jerdnknf Salt Utah by Its In applf hint has made Utah attorney tv (jnHeU state Patent for tha for iki’oiiirinlTcliirn iu Gordon sltmue Utah arri Oounly Mmins DUtrict Mlllurd liuenr fot of Lie lo !tv lorv anT lot No wide being surface grouuddoO In ivo He'd notes aud plat and le"rlbed In (lie tnle olliee on of tha Oltio'al aurvey mln magnetic variadon at 16 degrees! with nclug at No 8 eul w: Comm nt aa toil wh'e“ie B W 14 W emaerot lb W 17 Tp it) south range Quarter of section Sears thence 85° 4T W lull feet dlslant 04-100 monument Petersburg Itiazan Laukitzen M Evans jury the on of the Polyg a courts and rights religious closed incription St says Fountain” came into court with murder in the first to was recommended better hat a territories critized of Ida constitution of invasion indivi sacred crime which should was be tolerated bat the constitu--tion amy been his over marble fine this The a the argument when the year a good of of Mr tion of year being want for of age fast than erect to has death in even News entitled conclusion a closing last this sown there for you color to came Dress hundreds beent intends dog of 1 Ilf KKAJK McFarlane trial The Hansen’s P four the proposed ho asan dual and worth was little him Sacred to The most a lot the by dollars favoring rtiih City lk March at Salt 04Dc La a c 4 Dress of will the not his to jusiness at more Richfield acres a prints H There lot he admission doub thousand Idaho vi-iailou Fairy day of that while 1488 No ' Chinman dollars says grave with Hall Principal Roller line fine with J Company Mill had doub a than is7a PATENT Established FOR APPLICATION combined also had in the kept background Was it because poor Joseph the delegate had started wrong in his youth and become a Democrat shed acts The a the he will program he Congress Mexico with this to Wyoming and been the At seventeen twenty hundred S us us gold Right” tli “The Bro made Elsinore Saturilny ou anil Jensen I of Sorensen room calculated lie Hansen’s at office an worth in A putting is for be at school following the To conclude Drama iu two the belong lot a and Nngley A to of the evening Song — “Work Awpy" Negro Hunting Song Dat Pessum Fa’r" the purchased has fraction and house ing Neill II W residence the to he recitations to a that found he ex Class Primary Motiou Song Magician’s The Lesson— “Res Bean W G loon from invited resting short counting Democrat a territory of New population greater a He money thousand two one and bloons estimating 1890 reports are after send The his count began al fortune hundred Class j a Treat and lot opposite house of Rich- purchased has Seegmillor II that of but kettle a Doubloons a to conclusion rule red pect understand he school The songs Concert a re price good We of house in then District m faint time Chorus “Hail Joyous Opening Monro’' Primary “Tomperenco March” brought which of some very lately transferred lots field several been have There a throat uneartljsd just III 11th 10 public tbe where shirts id was too his Mexicans of faithful give received just had been the the ut consist The of April teachers In Hansen’s has havo He tend to P H splendid the hat summer go in not held at will etc money went Richfield be commencing nicely sing you the a house Tubernacle Stake he exercises the will ercises the on progref II Joseph of of School business Esq closing term yes Monday town If Ogden for ou Ross A J for left morning terday is The Eccles II J the into full most ns of jump to hurt morniug ibis in a would been out when was awhile hail came' ho believe we agaiu frost heavy he he he as after and If when saloon ’90 9 saloon home Edition A book giving pages a TC 28 Vittl ANO STATt lgtni uli JSUTICE- kUtropoilt&n (nt Frau Agoucj Ilf 22B££fi So KXTOA its! itinp 45 Warren f) P- LlWVl fir St timi I Ya Years 3 it BTiom To may order County Sevier notice all bury in Dated observe of bo or tho 9th its our wrw iNAft Nlld ’OltlllWglrtL Worth OO OO ywiiihin th wurhli re I animals strict to sani prosecuted Court IlEm-ER 18890 Clerk I fit If i i'crrirl timekvapar WrrntU tnary (M54w OaaUiw iHoih UO(r amJ (raiira tuwf 'wiilbweka and caaaa ol fqual vfthw Mas rcRtuk in totality -fh eo aecuro on rlire tojffther with our larro nJ vnlunbb lltiflof II hitlil wall Samplci ! lha aamptes lo ntrh art II lha work yotg Bi! 4I0 la to show what wml ru lo Iboao w Int rail-— your friend and nnirhhora and tboae alwtnl yoo— that alwayarruha ia vaiiiahle tradt fr u which hold for vaara when one tlarleri aid (bit na aro rOtatd Wo mv all airra fralirht oto Afiot yia know ail if you w'tnidilk to 41 to work fur ua you can to ara from r week and upwarda Addra ""hoiid IliluaaaA CooJSaakl6 JiVrUunU Muduu ‘jiln Wo by Wilt nml sell n rrartleal In the over trcn4rrntri 'rateil i Advocate Xb ‘ Court 1890 publish a to deoil of A March at 1 Term ordered owners and them order T Richfield the tary measures to law according By U Marelt- gular session the Clerk ws to the of By of Concern: County or child W'orlilTon extrasllet nnre Ktniiil by any $4000 sell live Klassesto Its tho finest NICKEL CHAPMAN for J op as I wa Foun- j one t f PLATEf SHAKE MILK Sdusciile be soda tlic & CO Auvc'CAr-E- J ) |