Show xv 4v irrxSQlVTVryg-vuc '---I csaY yol mCUFJELD t AWJ HJBLHBED l’l'incijial’s &rv EVERT WEBrny tJKOI'OE Main UlLbV Street P ultic 0 of Stake Sq HJV Dear TEH MS of sent you in advancs advertising Third on gistered MtfSftJ AND DANCING of of Year “And the he as dancing” the return the to of which term students in the more it is keeping of hurtful think the for music be be for of the of that the with dance ed entertainment of part singing the and ercise evening for ono twelve o’clock first COme 10:30 p the until tainmaent- close Would not that greater a have the in whole It and to seems to cult and entertain santly give in the plea by than and song frequent ming too a together en music Again ling en more completely uniting dance be party that 'capacity pleasures that The ment doos only if would occasional an stand S' C'Mnei party ofy lo once week a be of of feet these and to of gether the anda dancing these perfect be could intended made bp to what it the on 20 is church 20th occurred to in bury the tion one in and y'“ ami by trated which jjistols used dors wouuds and constables loaders and corpse by TIlo arrosteil and finally was of posse a citizens were Prim conducted following fcmlcnl" Theol 84 ' WeViyn-c Mo3 T bh y 1 on on 2 This 1 ISO anil The 7 of 217 olass of work distri for C weeklr 4 OB- 11 saloonkoers khe orders like tied the in the they say the cf some will not sheriff will have bo Anderson J Total In act James State last G died Bln in eldest in Wednesday night 48 10 Classes 317 the Lay Baptised 1 19 95 Olsen i keep rolls general us njipointod to members as sincer Theologicrl of Charles llalliday of the of charge has also the assisted by Sister call department need of a has special ladies the felt room could young disturbed and where materials etc could be properly kept rinses a secretary muj Seniors have D aged of of (X 35 in for every class similar-duties the valuable To these j work officers 1 which te Our rs they her seenrn secure i jm-'g ti' matron and the in-the case character a all tho along f cents omi and system I ' m onr t! It if air brane without surfaces our specific but juice recommended will complete prices Bools kjop good a Lower Ulcers Salt she Corns would the tests for cure In tho juice Of should lady its Alice ily that of course will mak keenly field any WG Get Prog Htore trial a nt Pilots 1 ladies of 11 suita 'storm modern life IT Ol- HQUAH REcismiro ' 1629 if 1ms stress all Chrome Breeders of io shire Clveir nd P‘lea a'v tb llbrt foliewlng nutuel wr ikuutk e WnNlii K lmi tlalr n KeeVMemh ro Vumt ev Phil 'uVictor L Conr Editor ObmiLulhern biindelphla er Cbs W Cushing 0 D Rochester N T lutr- a 1 1 1 and i easy PltOVO CITY to r bo Z:Z" s H ! Rv terms euCoM W CORREirONDENCE INVITED vmilORS WELCOME Bo 17 ref WoMhingtos H Judg H TH ill Vroomn Ur New Quenemn uryo V-'firm!re’ South Blrai— 8aa Mas CUJt v® "0' 0rhee' 8W Yol SiiiIuUlI Ha vi"uu8"llu1' rol"ut t'tilludGljihla Hoi IV Hon W Schuyler KhkIuu I’u tdnnrdl Bnndwy N Y KU Vhtt IUH Photo -i rioell L Lyon Watniea Hawaii buudwieh I® iln Alxand Richie li Scotland Manuel T trtega Freunlilozion ec rMf Mr immCoopr L'tllla Spaui UTAH V k M J-C Ir' a C o a K ight 1 Comllnet the California Juice the of Blue Figiof laxative end nutritious the medicinal virtues of plants be to beneficial to the most forming the ON' LY PER system o REMEDY to gently act yet BOWELS MD 1112 Ht-al dis but — PURE BLOOD REFRESHING bear' Nahn’ally J all ARCKITECTS A oreat snocoM nthojiraplitrplat m druggM are for Kctuiel SYRUP Knch Nmie eounlrv of only by r crowdei crowded every ad- San Uttjvylii Kv Han and American i 'll Jacob w city siteoHloaiionaftr rl H CO ro Were nil the contains colored ami Sup Kngl oowril th iinmie ted stafee in-Moore £UILDEBO I I n one is using Ula dioru Dowel Dd New Somh Wuleu of other In Ilsyun-IW llpnrny 5 Th iu the title of a nw bruehuie two hunj rd paeen publihed by lin siiir n 'mewhich ffle oil r'oM r(y full InlnrniHtlni this to rmHrknVe rn rntt He (HI and a rcoo'd of utvo-nl hunnrn aurntlHlnc wiiloriin lire m a ehrontr ia-ni uvnf ihcin fir beln Hhnn inv: toil le or oilier phyutctnriH Will he lnel'd ir ioiiy (ddresH appllentloa Head she on f0IHire -AJ r Ask it mayboscenpled by appv Ititf to AJunv k Co who hare had over nd have made over GtlUt) applications for American and Kor einn patenta Kend for lluiidbook Corres puadeuce strictly contldentiHl i FIGS f i 1 it your Maim the FIG Poll "Onnwn Xmv’rt" the uae tf M a year PHiUbHAKO TRADE DRS MARKS Tn ease your nmi ts not rojrlatered In the Psl nt tiihce apply io Mi nn a Co and puours kumi’dbsiv pi'tectioo bead or liandbook ll'IITM for bonlA charts CIMM maps tom quivi prutiuied Address Sd CO Patent Solicitors triuhuai OrruK 801 £uo4ih4yJt T fTKTYfAtw I3W k Fbamcisoo 1 Morocco e rraiden J STRENGTH with OF A t Every delighted fuJI d & Scientific of A1LNN — and follow Huan ti I I Effectually SLEEP HEALTH novel to THAT vr-nes JCibb Ex Vioe Oonuul Canbia M V Ahornoh Rel luff Oil 'd —System r rm-ulHtlnn Edition lim 'i Is the oldest and most popular nelentlfle and Nieohanieal paper published and haa the larireat of world! any paper of Ua elaaa Wild m theKnara?" Killy illiiHtr itott ciasa of tnai wooklf Hond the on Cleanse mind The ii throughout the IE andjilmost end 'The Compound Okvi-ii Treatmont tiirHsy jnd Co on No Ii2 Arohtimt A phlla— t)rn U in': fr hie vLryi lent sov-n too ” th l4‘ju'imnt of ef muU of ()i el ami jt M1(iITlzlc “d ‘'nnipj und coriOiig! io M11(( a pinlablt that it out all oventtm world i parents fam new discovered ou dh0 eve: I Pm LftlsIltpSH ft Debility he urn and uervoua LiaIt I aid Mi1’!1'011’ I°"IC the laanos of PhUad'a (fllwle tidm Nurlyle orders pineapple Tinnitus” are and Aron ?-£? aaetlBod Roum Horn and lloixielu Oalti nf naShort Rin1"liJ"lrlllor toilk and buuer " Btooa ala for aal ai hollo a pries be discoveries! a insanity and I:T TRAormARir 8U! of body of IX tfnrrtnr!‘oIr‘‘Ud progmrivo slight civilization man’s °CC nWA Etc I confirmation nature No “Telephone on Etc I Importeis TO— crease Oils ' " SO together tofrethorwifh with r 7- - un As ni Vr-" t‘ work and safely qualities ipwjA r I and anyJ -bottle HURTS wherin oriuntj good WiifL vital organs were underminodand death seemed immin For ent three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep She bought of us a bottle of Dr King’s! new with midieine tfi9' known and alleged should be suppimien-' human cure FECT tal to tho regular courso of treat-1 promptly ment presented by the leseous of medical experience in fiui'-y tfa0 its diphtheria consult physician doctor jD caons all itir? in seven severest bo could diphtheria of itoo has mu would surprising every id application for and sale mem the It cure simjily bo theory n Cheap refunded a otj CUotliin and positively by hou any supply -tlGcLCly-lllttcTo For withstood her AIUIVIN3 T I required give perfect too ua dealtng Chap- county Disease fastened clutches for upon her and but than j box that and their SF r for world woman's Discovery Anotherwonderful discovery made Stelc anj Pir and hand on age pay per ol C0S3TAKTLT W its Salve the to lin railntain fact of the pineapple established ns nne for the of Work 1 is come or nppled tho disease not bee It be attacking controlled simple the recognized the e hr passages physicians could some would disintegrate their that and (MODS Druggists CALIFORNIA nnlrr ordet and if get money or elvk OK CASH d membra acid that that ihe as with of should gen ili iu en Wen meet young FOIt v iiijiffliiiiTsii iMunifiniaainvaanaui child it no Sote daughter diphtheritic agencies Li! assistant for thereafter the face of these In obstacles xii laivy OUHtftClOS eases are not only has been the perseverance motte actually produeudby tho e are an and much lias been aecomolished which brought untirinff untiving NEW A years to cough the up 'mbrauo Another year-old gratifying having Ladies us"l grows fungoid the acted boy distress which readily as choir CLASS institution a in the cous tliose the be 6 administered rmriiiars dangerously have meetings WORK LADIES The Li a Bro To violiust as to tho his As ' aud do for low ex Discovery for Consumption who New and was so much relieved phth on tak ria Hesays im iudaeed the litt'a ing first dose that she slejit all take sufferer to the juice thorugh night and with one bottle has been tube and miraculously cured a medicine within two Her name is hours she began Luther or three coughing Mrs Lutz” Thus write C Hamrick np small bits of tho & Co of membrane Shelby ) organist he says 186 as 23 all been diplitho 7-yar-old 'mat and patient of li3ve members Ids diphtheria Non-members 8 has number of its tried pineapple he iii was was Teachers 2 an print a says to juice the their Seventies Tribune tr't'moaiof man who testi work students 1 still the this Oim and purioso iutho by first ru follows 45 Total the ! jjeara nouncement the ot ed tho evidence if readers who have the students them to Instructions have in knitting plain and sewing crocheting painting 'ng artificial flowers etc 48 45 0 i the as choice re full its Sores or rfaction Price since the I- son Secretary Washington 58 12 department 1 tlio boon Blain to in His is Priests 2 Class loyt given ORGANIZATION department the except them has been a monitor appointed for the ami Prieste High ind recitations Primary of Walker 11 Teachers eneb- °lent tue publication Testi aPrnated bringing this Theologically been tabulated Sister MONITORIAL and courts 7 Weekly obey sot Hoyt llalliday tho Miw' to M J gave dese be to but of authori sheriff salooiu matter the tho students strengthening Jahovah the and that raatiou 10 Alice sati of in mony c'tallun tho be all ’ ring trouble The Sundays on bo and Denver of orders ed to above teachers interred snloonmon tween ties like of teachers unity of action eral the among to guaranteed with thanks are due for our valuable service In rendered livening nnd giving fervor to devotional exercises and our 43 weekly teachers shows the ollowing bution total grand a students recitations files lounges LAP OH MU one if Tter cemen of Carry nervous in f Kin to growth sleep a iips pf may inedi any During more s fof be nine progress is not to ture standstill short at an early bieath h makes classes tlian- Arnica meetings friendship ( derange nervous ample auflig is hours every she or he (Tii SOLD most ten much jy of moot seem year age cocious should ting heia a le juice well Ko ‘hat develop various meetings and ex ercises have $11 been limes of soir itual rejoicing and our whole The ological course with the spirit it im parts has had the effect of the to year require jbe nh vi KXAMrviL Sleep fifteenth cure addtion t o r regular work in the Preparatory departiment sis erllaliilay 1ms had charge of the choir assisted by L’r Alfred Dur Weekly io omen sexes In F such- Chilblains ruptions and have separate and nervous or moral may be should persons the Salve mornings meetings mony Deacons Not yet 34 is edaesday Hition heir vitl of we markedly re irt ass 11 Department m themselves standing of the On tockd4 Parlor Et- GR1IN as a general rule hours are o eight nee jht hours’ sleep will been ug spiritual Kichfield of only evil If and CALL gh affording opportunities ns Dining irou victim late8t riw TLi :ellent acquant Tctchcr 15 There teachers cx 1 to the tbs twentieth been of inestiuia’ have the if flesh e i1 CHOIR uilonui6S 4hif that 4L ills 3 been and All the Lons have have addition cause of withdrawn ing The telephone tinnitus” tho with Bank and can by Ur'O Furniture telephone r members the 4 4 obtain t meetings resjmiisibilities mrn Mini p’n leachlu CiisMH and which of - f JI feet xKly into come nave tlle the hand on lessons ai and Elders kot-plny o of the priestho Priesthood a inst statis n Tli'o of of In The buzzing giddiness ear vanishes evenii callings ac uitr Km e£acel!s’ togothei1 met rejietitors 4 j Hook during men wore pros and the ground routed were b‘en the to taiulurd lui OrU'og at hy Int pentiMii fhip Phj Heogrur Uy stoues covered grave with was The coffin upset nnd was body roolled out The I’olan the V battle the near blood Ue Ummmr fac other fiorce a were shooting thirty the has to fuut in PorUou the Gon opoIUovoIi now wu with I Jhe bars th ear allowed sufficient a measure "v-41iv( physiologmaJ rest this it confine have and under the speedily e re their faith of the At our street r! rule liirht! from -- machinery lGANUATIO many Department been b of r to a Weekly 80 t hours’ crash bo- tc opportunities rk Cl ‘lallui-tv wuilenta 9i H8riullo Halil iy do d O M f let linjt i and the 2 j A 1 1 B o do Id In‘er B llh romp-mlrtu In tu A Mirim wit cm O'ltiun In A "hniyu A members The clubs A course intolerable lumily ColnIy oodn c irritable’ the suffered C3 of intolerable bear is These Se gin I tii iar U W M 3 21 p clant-e fmernra’e under their cemetery resisted took of 5 r at Pa faction One f s-Bsiijiii 4 tim true Monday these the with tics: Plymouth in 6 This department has the immediate charge for In the to Hahldty Hl and it to pains subjective have been given with refe1 the power authority am’ the Priesthood as well IIiliday liMlf t took t n- cipal difficulty serious Polish A 1 i AUetip g 11 tea do 41 cording A 5 2 Intermediate mind and 5 id is King! Pcmii d Total 01 A feeling recreation a body of unity H81 A I)-owing Pr in 8 18 mi W M M w M t I9 (It Pr Prep 8 feet the Theological members of Depart da m IVew- the tinkle sharp such as a condition of the membrane tympani A similar things is often seen in persons who spend a large portion 1 hva leiJ amid the jar and posi- t under Main over-sensRiVe' made the o -students capacity ed Sei-gmi:er I Hl-tory Oriliogr’y I'r 28 eo Uo to things to WA M Hmlliiuy S I M 1 With 22 A A vlurl Hygiene the assembling teacher Mar to of tweQty-'our a and the O have jr 8 28 Pr090raiihy heavy j ad the the ing con the I r 8 41 nr IV ouietness thus petitors iu Rc Tea’ipr W A SHcginillcr Mai'da it Ini W A Her eagm 4 5U B c°mes end impossible full scholars our of self the most 4 5 A Rrdcr Pri-n pleasure both IV noisy and parties reign I'O frequently bg to tment aud this Week eui Oo do PrArithinctijB21 iu' be- the conversation of noth element Instead tramping heard in view that of B A Pr Q mmar will Pr GriDuar A Willi ‘OmpOHlllOQ PAit h C two should parties immoral troduced blustering in once possible ai an should even these select as ing or And weeks a u ttc It of di follows: as in aqally storeroom is each also noarness unruess through conveyed tate of itateo unable divided into repetition quo' presided over by repetiors On Tuesday evenings the-1 ings statistics wbich thin her down pay ' use the neuralgic tho or lot and ward spend of cases irritated by excitability these - - icmbei B lor profits may caused some be Jiatients mdL noises are- with home at as general held each which to was one upup il5 Domestic this a intimied respectively rtieo felt for been tiou rojin inadequate large too in Hf1 Small j to when inflamed m‘c°mcs ho hours oahis ‘igor ay sen Buo-mdammatory - of to pye addition to the regular exercises iu' TLeology there handle satisfactorily Negotia tions for an additional assistant was immediately entered into At the 'beginning of the last quarter term this department was Sister divided Mariuda Mallidiy and Bro AVm A Soegmiller tak ing charge of sections A and B diflL really being the tbe a8 government Primary Dejvr department ia ciples in and 11383 In Jioard teacher sections ducted staad ? it W the who have portion In wdjich as well as of th - Domest regulations has been to pledge made our people daughters shoul sons and safe keeping while attendi vate Halliday' tho of THEOLOGICAL b-eu disc by Preparatory that prisoner Pmoner - couple C0lI?Ie a persons much by 8?uuds tiIrn ubo iaf0 mtn and visitor object Academy tak was that was anfithor which classes be evening’s B decided prebnre vide the nto two people be jwas it ! Department time same a ! I wood frousers finds fiuds 33 it a almost con auditory annar' recurring r i1 depart furnish B department has of Mrs Mariuda the the insuf-i quar kindly Primary seniors The Prima ng of of but j capacity of and Shoes of on we & 0f J flI1? aud b to y oi Boots GRooimim of the what the bc'1 7 not prisonfr is thrust gai''jouly ia Jrtckefc lapse IaP80 tl0n or scholars tli tithi Stake Department to would would social more or thus it an that a of possibly arrange tertainment not that us better much number if up bring room This harge to taken thus greater a than evening dancing? gether tastes tho and tb? tuo re- lead er 8Peru°d turned are of day cous‘autly furni-! of react over-pressure” strain pmi-1 con- 3ana8 were the of condition workinS construct-1 are blocks tbe Gelle considerable a f which of point -1 aud to receive instructions the' Priucijial and to hoar no for ken back Preparratoy enter- arrangement of the rules de increasing expectation provided of ing or please the ing walls and form have 1 craelj stove' or special but xa bodied ?kich 7 ho telephon confinement wimlsoevei triangular the has -il the proving numbers our all Department ment dancing &c variety supplied were ry and Bongo - ters until the with thus beyond ex o’clock more ncient to so the eleven and m let or or Re iu room for advanced grades floor ?nd nrt n f duty of discontinued was U B Primary term provide room ear dance klr commencement half to of mix entertaining in continue der devoted hour At second the the W 78 4 with a have or such say then as do kind ner has cause CO atus number exceedingly contains no an is chair footetl TimtMl have been invested weekly representatives of the Principal appointed from the amom students and have been called toL'ether every pother nltflrMia Thursday in evrv alternate Moyt g8 of combine is A'toi and Goods light and now we indicted as a aural 8tant through- in the nno ruii in tho punishments two It a stucted where Thoy 88 Lhods ppnran'p boarding by I38 a I he 0f & ’ Clan-y in electric a 6ETJ3RSOK- itf jUsibly but ‘roubles which aQJ indirectly not faU‘ inmates prisons aliquid jolting the J Rail railway amari M the seems form of new on b the etc prayers 84 Hinging awing: 25 slight health erft‘ floor A-ademy Total 14 88 rlexe itudenu citations teacher the kind song ' 10 I)1 I Prim recrea that th Hoyi cell bod a 162 place LliUlli L upon state various distributed each 4A4V tho stu at of created “P1"1" of BolitajyjmimhjjToutYbfi the pointed senior whose been to see that the gulations of the been observed to take 18 partment only unite we dance lier Instead Alice 107 17 city its centers :ar to few luw has important Its warden the to cpalmia makes majority some not th® the it shape Berlin Prisons Kroliu necessary contrivance tare of any 38 been at Ilerr is isnment students have more been of them has one boon ftap-FY 17 are AWWUIVWUJ Teacher K‘IsMonN 0 Oeng-aphr Object other two t r Prim Prim sugges and per a vo gathering a suppose concert offer t dancing A Prim very each more complete union having from the As cannot tho and of directors Germany in Komilnlg 24 with the made its Manul entitled m non-resident the ’jmge book question nre namely flogging 162 186 located 4 0 21 Sixtysix haa places 18 Reade II Header III Reader be could Counties Total B Chart and amusement to of has health better our well a been “ of Hoyt according to y out in dents have throughout Alice No of Student Prim'? Theni'y an Prlra’y angiiagft 3 “ Arithmetic U VI 1 1 the tment Classes f divorced may more We winter dancing and is of charge 0 22 Jeen conducted following statistics: The have this something arranged v dances In of the edof hi 1'epai ever 45 bring Bufferiu0 1 0 Let 13 120 the contains the disc ipconcerning linary punishments inflicted wheii-1 ’ JK'flEWM to rave hng from science of A Ptoms 3 24 special A it 10 1 1 which convenience from readily 4th ou dition ved 23 121 Primary not dancing conducive believe when hours the way here been the late “ Other 6 - SUK-IaRY County The it is extreme an than conducted tion to 18 4 Renaainlnj 2 1 procure needed Tribune for the author 10 “ wards Sevier 1 0 2 arranged some to materials Continued 2 3 186 Other 71 " inability suffered curious appearance here 13 1 1 T Richfield Females s It says: 13 12 also e i 3 0 1ms A 0 “ GENERAL 1 6 4 Lake 1 16 2 class UAUysoTujm JAN alrad 1 0 4 Total sex: v been pastime Salt regis as t Total ' tin’s 11 vous 0 0 1 Beaver 24 Dep’t Preparatory Intermediate extensively exercise in Primary in From has less pleasant a healthy a indulged fect dancing or 54 term nts M are connected recreation times While tion the number of stud tered withrefercn dancing 2 County bounty represents s ! ancient well so and mtn ic inseparably practiced it son 2r 162 r! t lost long the 54 11 Millard Iron 84 " 53 7 - A Remaining G1 AYard tPete i6 38 18G Number left du riug Number remaining The following very na great event- the the aSan ‘ Total of 2 2 Lerr U'J CO- accommodations ble for tubulated (j ermillion re- departments various the fib Joseph and were pleasurable not music expressions two almost that - nigh R'ered Ward 1 Monroe A been been AYallsville closed have Department Preparatory “ Intermediate “ family The also drew herrd These and pleasure joy tural considering tv' and came he house T- So- Primary to 1C n Richued the the have Elsinore follows: as we of follows: Richfield Richfield Glenwood with Annabella preInvaruary Re- is Teim the the to-day Sevier that thanks due students as Academy Stake During application ef It First the Board Principal’s Academic vier furnished the the 1890 the — gratitude sincere are DOMESTIC ORGANIZATION With reference to their homes Ex-ojicio Directors this of port Dollars Two halts SUBSCRIPTION O? of the work teachers Slake Academy Brethren feelings Sevier 24 the Education Board Block the Jan Honorable the Po half of Academy Richfield of Office— Report Stake SEVIKK ’ SYRUP CO It Cal Kkw Voijc K Y on WUNX nd MARKS Cowley M m li 4 r 411 Phil SI P A?BBR7m brnndN ch'IIcw ili mltlor nnd hwa lowfirk 4ft npiMr crop in rap CH'tls For iu tritft h ’hir f -- -- hle a In rlni rh‘ o -urbea UU’Uwoej 4 L |