Show A How “Did “See “Yes who was Highlands tbe on “No on I’ll yon metallic windy day may two edge a of straight a will you surface the answer not it rniu or let words other patter on tho shingle an echo iu tlie heart And a thousand recollectiuna Into busy being start And a thousand busy fancies Wave their bright hues into As we listen to tlie patter this metallio sur if right angles to the wind— e wind is hold surface the north your east and west— and incline it at an angle of 45 dogs that the wind striking so cud glances flows over the edge Now sight carefully the edge at some over but cleriy small defined object and you will flows see the air flow over as wuter Boston Globe over a dam’’ — face at I i Of Mo two men— one other rapidly' and excavation tho was muu was unable A machine was quite tho ou the top of big In done a great good In the Ben altnhouse but his work will not Tewkesbury till be complete ho orders a good supply of Dr Bull’s Cough Syrup the people's remedy lias mid Work Btead editor Women Y Mr William Mall Pall Gazette asked was would there and weights done tween wo in higher bottev in pay the ami lit see very tlie tlie the carrying of heavy that thing to be sort of is difference tie be It is only sexes in Europe callings where there is that the difference comes out” are barred women IS every woman In this land knew for her self tho actual quality of Dobbins’ Electric Soapno other washing soap could be 6old Millions do use it but other millions have tried It Have you! Ask your grocer never for it If An “accidental has been made bed “Tell hand It wns pain find” of an Immense at Mahony Plains Pa coal for rising was Tessa then held out to Why Cleveland minutes Tfmes-Journal S Dear ' i Never begin been eaten 1 journey a until the breakfast has t” Mr Frequently Recommended — Mooney of Astoria 111 writes ns that ’Allen’s Lung Balsam which he has sold for fifteen years sells better than any other and gives general satisfaction cough remedy ’Tis frequently recommended by the medical profession here ’Tis H raised tho “Thank you for gently said he hen ’J ed near the who was standing (he porch to Pennsylvania of the on has terms same decided wrathful different end The 1 is movement Christianize to foot on Portugese government recent revolution the is tho uneasy toss swallow the In seen cote This! llow'a Dollars Rewaid for One Hundred any case of Catarrh that ean not be cured by taking Hall’s Catarih Cure 3 F CHENEY A CO Props Toledo O F J the undersigned have known and believe him for the last 15 years Cheney perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially ablo to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm West ATniaxWholesaleDruggisIs Toledo Ohio & Marvin Wholesale Drug aiding Rinnan gists Toledo Ohio Cashier Toledo National E II van Hoeten Bank Toledo Ohio p Hall’s Catarih Cure is taken Internally act ing directly upon tlie blood and mucous sur 1‘iicc 75c faces of the system per bottle Sold by all Druegi6ts We otfer We W courts of Berks county that a type written will is Tho cided her of did not she said pretty sentimental your I ns see standing the in lmvo you with and also avenue spending the get Tn have illegal de “I Aus'en tried bring you wickedness failed of tho of sense a see he yond she be the of dis measure look approving cross his her escapade faeo tho story of when Callender should be told by Mrs and will “Don't toll Austen prom for the fu ise to bo circumspect more ture” she said coaxingly Mrs obdurate But Callender was irritated by her cold and Tessa manner taunts recklo-s nnd deiiant and grew piano tho piano sat to the She down — Auslen had which only a week before and bought tout home as a surprise I her nnd after song song &nng — — of love and liltlo French rliausonx gay which war pecial Mrs were abhorrence which had been Cullender’s carriage — sent to Penning again listened slio as misdoings— ly black fully it told uivjoYfs oivr$ Both the method and results when it is pleasant Syrup of Figs is taken and refreshing to the taste and acts promptly gentlyyet Liver and Bowels effectually tem and aches dispels fevers constipation only remedy duced its action to truly prepared and mend it ever from in in the its most substances qualities and all popular ac com have mado remedy known it may cure wishes any have not it promptly it SAM LOUISVILLE St - e f f Gj! any Do one not pro who accept substitute MV what FIG FRANCISCO £ SYRUP (AC MEM YORK CO and the herself face to and her for say Two lip five ln-t that she of her earh that but three or minutos she tlio forced gave you a real Priory tho to sho sho back tlio faint laugh aro making nothing” about great Impatiently she a said went to the Priory because yon must know ask Mr Cleveland to do a “I to business for London— in mo that that )1i relieved quite go Tessa?” he won’t up with lustcn'i it tlio alone tho it folded brief a looked quite thing proper said such not was to do Austen all!” and is “But —not “I A “Oh be It her with seemed tho to curried know Why there — is while home Austen's to lot heart moment time wherein to at long found It pleaded its cause voids whelming and yet filled boon sprang bo to words silent with but for tnuke could er with you Priory for — wus nice yoj it Wns lips her it rather not too wore spoko ryes I however self much thero is shy “I I I — happy bo was happiness clasp tighten — am utter to with he I an not I which am want people enjoying odd quite with ns she her my content it you felt is else anyone waist coroner’s jury unsound of remomber out of Austen’s felt its mis chair her in by Quick lifetime his Illinois and him stood he rode tho of his horse and maid the of alighted with knocked tho his spoken never that before to makes you diffenence no decide” to nnd dumb blushed was his horse and Jacob mounted week The girl Mr and by wn3 advised lived to accept rode it “Is yes Blushing tone aDd his he just is stables of with whom offer the door Inter and and whip back tho knock quite in a distinctly: “Yes” “Woil” said married get get her aftor day tlio Wednesday l5'a Jacob Here’s to-morrow somo wedding outfit” containing parse a we’ll see to money and he threw (t)00 couplo did get married on Wed couple during and no happier a nesday their hfo-tine tho state of was Illinois bo to with mot heirs his In Jacob C have of in S Berlin in properly It Bradonburg undertaken worth of to (10 conviction he his prop and set all America tled with the in Dutch Lexington his South where county Carolina descendants heirs now rodde Some in the reputation of the interested tho family have investigated1 charges lie erty to brought came hunted against up him nnd forfeited property They claim they have dence that will vindicate Brandenburg of treason man Tho ho forfeited government record of have for evi original nnd tlio by public securities flight tho hold is by also soeurod is real Iho Gor purposes and clear W W Colonel Brooker of complete Edgefield has boen retained as leading for tho After counsel claimants minister consulting with tho German will proceed at Washington Brooker to Berlin possession whore of the ho will property try to che waa c sick ws Child t she bocamo she Ulss a cho clung she gave them to fr a cried for Cos torts jo Children hail Y hen you are addressed as above your first im pulse is to look at the driver li the day be stormy and the driver it wiseman you will find that ha ish brand blicker and be will tell you wears that he is as comfortableon the boa as his passen in that for his the cab and business this coat ger is invaluable When you get once inside a “ Fish Brand Slicker” there' no such thing as weather for It doesn’t make the smallestdifference you blows whether rains hails sleets snows or You are absolutely and solidly comfortable Get No Gangerof your not liking after one at once It is of wards ware money to buy any othev waterproof coat They are worthless after l few weeks of hard usage Beware of worthiest im itations Fish every garment stamped with the Brand Trade Mark Don't aroept any inferior coat when you can have tlie “ Fish Brand Slicker’ delivered without extra cost Particulars and Illustrated catalogue free gave her Castor! Castorio Costoria “Pome put A te of the tor said country ’ the quality In Clirnr people in the puwubroker best me” with up but only So i ’’ Ctgur la pries “TuuiUl'v Punch" in make machines minutes Massachusetts hoes twonty pair a of GRATEFUL— COMFORTING COCOA EPPS’S BREAKFAST "By a thorough knowledge ofof tho natural law whic digestion and nu gov rn the operations tritlon and by a careful application of the fine Cocoa Mr Epps has properties of with a delicately provi led our breaktaH tnnlee flavoured beverage which may save ua many ht avy by odors’ bills Il the judicious ue of suon of be gradual articles dietthatacontltuilon may ly built up until strong enough resist every ten rtency to diseAe Hnndredsof subtle maladiosare denting around us ready to attack wherever there is week point We mity escape many a ratal snarl well tortmed with pure blood hy keeping ourselv nml a properly nourished frame'1— “Civil Service Ornette' simply boiling water or milk Sold with Made only In tins by Grocers labelled thus: Homoeopathic Chemists EPPS & CO JAMES i room then the be street a lie out follow will all - keep THE street to once but his in stood which grogshop yun sho readied and there he snt she ns palo the face her 'ITTLE nnd jerk of raised IVER PILLS Small bend into looked he stnr muttered Small Doe take and excitement fatigue ONE A GAIN OF A OF A MAN master Wlmt Oh we did I true said to you love you don’t I all me was but I not do how care are poor you Don't along some way with and home Come me each other it will not bo so get can il drink we love bard” “Mayl now Bhe last said man worthllUif wurth to corns 843 llorsemau year’s scope to ir lesrborn PACIFIC RAILROAD UHDS an 4ovrrnnient LANDS LOW OF Miintims in Minnesota Norh l)a Washington and Oregon with maps describinglha CAOublicaiuma lUflbftst raring and Timber lmtiis now open toetilers SENT FREE Addrosa fcitq ACRES Idaho eriin OuPIU AgrU-ulturaU CHAS VX'iZ1'' LAMtORNS-n B prescribe and fully so dorse Big O os the only specific fortbecertalncure of this disease Day FOUND DAY A IN THE “AIL GH1NOKAWAMM Amsterdam ) We TAKE many PRODUCER FLESII have sold Big years andof he criffd his arms In a Ioy he clusped her his to lips and eyes love “You “Oh my incredulous wild ot her me!” darling heiirt and hair darling say SCOTT’S li D love yon— I “Only let much And you how now?” “lesatonce lovo you” me prove 1100 will we CO by rlSTHil KIDDER’S thru PASTILLESrMbTmu’ fiTOVN hlL k LO ' I Chorlestoa n OF PURE COD LIVER of WITH OIL & Soda 1 HIS UNUSUAL NOTHING BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND Palatable as milk again FEAT OVER En Lime IS ItAS dorsfd by Druggists Book-keeping WIVES Discovert nfr $03 Physicians Sold by all Avoid substitutions and ft j IMITATIONS tale tuu WILL 8 1VK MONEYpjyi" Tain Trouble Time ill uut ana Tiff CATARRHpISfL Eli’s nin I moti woytii a highest BIT KSalfril 1 I 4 only Will ours Blood Poison where mercury falls Owned and tor Omaha Bob Write Kenedy Co Cook bv Viable The only wartalw Lr aod easy cure Lebaaoa Okie biepbviis J moUPfllTR OPIUM Balm Ann ftosnn tmtiv cominlsion and HO DAYS’ to Aukntmoq our mw book llo Adams 8l Chicago 111 Dcucnv ntniLUl HABIT innrnnles TELEGRAPHY We iiUon every a I encli nostril Into ApnW ULY liUOS56 WarronStN P Y ISO’S to certain REMEDY bchool oi Telegraphy American W " X U CTUBD Best immediate CliPapcst Relief is uso For Cold iu the Head it has no equal good raving graduate Wts Madison 493 Otrmhft CATARRIT— FOR to by Is an Ointment the nostrils mail Address of which Price 60o E T Easiest A ‘ euro is particle is applied druceists sent or Pa Hazeltine Warren small Sold by a WITOBItm iqMB— Here price” Then together The world they cause seemed went out I and thoy cozilv loft to nnd back May the in in furnished that do? so a quiet with then them fervor Boyd TO marvelled at them up everything gave so happy little home modest up they 0R home went would with be a was will win noon much that hehad lost Malcolm his law nnd practice resumed with meriily took servant one cares of a house MAKE -A- Details nnd A ig street what 1 at home no pain or Inconvenience Book free Meeker Medici no Co Chicago 11L g Cream 1' opium 1 fi-ATARRV) Ly Z should and may know how child bearing con be effected without Pain or Danger Information nenteeied A Wovnearui Buffalo N Y DRJHDYE' ! f APIA iflAuKO It hood— Draw your exclaimed waiter— here!” so then Malcolm throwing down some "I change to the boy who entered there’s the shall not want the drink k STUDY Penmanship an j rl Fhorthand etc thor W FVT Cm Arithmetic Jow rates Circulars free oughly taught by mull DUYANT A COiXHUiS4tflUulu SU)iui!hlo fi V jfw slio home go has satis Chicago III Druggists Bold it to Y for it DYCHE again!” “Yes I answered G faction murmured bo my but again D- N beat the -given to Mayl” be PRICE rpPE MILLIONS I wns in delirium will Chicago Ml I WHO HAS BECOME AND HAS BEGUN TO BUN DOWN” THAT REMARKABLE iiiai II o rae des their on Grandest Issue ever published NORTHERN Price POUND A CASE of nftar red of the sea il stalll ns and in sires nous l a ’a The GAIN Hypopliosphitcs turned The quivering smile ed her slipped sad tears she into great besido right down on the dirty floor her husband put her stupefied arms around him nnd sobbingly cried: Malcolm! Malcolm! conic “Oh home! huir i 1TZ77Y0-IE CO Small Pill Nbi rations Ulus hun son's sensation fa th country tTirlaf The with aril timn breed ng etc bor-e pa pei of National 8 took paper wan years Thit a cent even bolter Send ly a smile to AIR Omulint Handsome I his wife of like KEDICIITE CA2TZR Jtor his INTHE for Out Headqnartew Baud IomIitiiiiviiisDrum oorp Acconleons Violins Banjos Mandolins Cullers Zithers Harmonicas (UrhigB for every Instrument made kiill stock of Bbeet Muitlo Musis Books Band end Or Instruction Books for all cheslt a M usio Band Folios Instruments Anvont sending in an order will reoelre Wilie to us for prices and oat a copy ot Munle FUKK aiogues what kind of goods wanted iflblFIIAHIIO ill AX a hood the - cl On entered a the place looked in m a little ugly low Boyd England MUSIC Md I’woultrlyt'iirt'd l) PHI Hicae Utile They also relieve Di tress from Dyspepsia In igeatioQ aud ToofIeart Kating A perfort rem ody forDiaineasNansei Drowsiness lfad Tast the Mouth Coated in Tongue Pain in the Fide roitl'ID IIVEK The' regulate the Bowels 1‘urelv Vegetable Price 25 Cents CARTER'S the enjoying bereft of his man “May is ityou— you here?” reason “Yes Malcolm going to share am with if trouble and you you your take it so why I will too” she said at Baltimore SS0MHADA0HE1 his wile — Mayl” “Mayl C0( lie back pushed cloak Malcolm with an angry V0GELER A London fits be nnd dinmoned supposed CHARLES m half-pound wlmt mind black s that the 1 a Washington Tex June 2ft ISflft Had nfTered otF and on fop fifteen years strained back trouble with it now with no Ft Jacobs OU two years ago waa cured by li cARTMKLL No return DEALERS TmJ(5fl!ST8 At AND of run in creature now clonk the PERMANENTLY SPRAIN'S said” I swiftness velveted he CURES and - down thero wns may him cruel was just going of fierce a sort tissed Jacob Bradonburg was a in Berlin a cen merchant prosperous and was accused of troason tury ago against Ills enemies him mado a case that loafing so strong lied nearly abandoning was train constructed Iron-clad an prove the words black And snatching a she flew down stairs and out front door - trying asked: snswored Baby 1 bear long But girl tho CAB? A the I his of week a W ' it thought the in going I ing not?” or hut into standing thosa tho to up with again inquired character Punctually hand Jacob give I’ll servants to run K Vanderbilt twenty-seven i-t0 a Bho then gill Strawn’s she but that man a bilm clear the complexion! Aot on tbe liver sick beadnebe eostiveness billoiisues cure ail disorders and liver and stomach malaria small size Bile Henna making ere now We children and especially adapted for wouieu— Priue of either enmll and easy to take very It The lady of the whip with hits ceiling before a table room his stun house came nnd answered Tlie next instant in his hands face her mak upon mens and immediately the door noiselessly she open swung Jacob asked for ing her appearance and the sut down at entered same girl servant tho table girl Jacob said: The servant came but No one else was in the room und I have picked “I want a wife tlie being in bis order prepnred was for person you out as the most proper whereslte voices heard beyond find I've room that position I can possibly tried but could but not speak of 1'oribuul and wondering wliut she and she returned and library— desperate whom door free iiitiirt'iHiiuti BEANS BILE SMITH’S fr'aniiara nbnndttnt orutH country In tho Addre Oregon Oiegon I well-selected beautilul eccentric tho up to fair $d eerinin nml nml (lofk rn si jjunni la ifEw your enemy’ per ton upon real there lie when lira that to to gone movement a connection tween tlie largest very a do with her to almost obliged He glanced back tip 111 the first she say mmn shut He D Jacksonville joy her his take Courtship of thrill of d Cm is so EvrimvnKHB-— st Hintsville Kun When When When When her ail VHHgcP RnnmaCo E R Ball drug has this to write is “It the best about Allen’s Lung llulsam: selling throat and lung remedy and gives cheerfully general satisfaction retom mend it” Buy the largo $100 bottles for coquettisiinoss wild help JA t insulting K h her and of that mute grain takes aud It gist with undergone could “Oh be just say to yoursolf put this paper down: you will the tin neverTiake unhappy had and ns she he had door John poor like to Strawn day estato restless never quite satisfied” Instant silent for Tin round her but which enough? other may always I I lovo tho that those was driven the man to you in 000000 his darling you eloquently feeling as if were ed Now when Sho Bheer n the am I and Could of It of ' or with HAVE iter trace loved love blow? Even where would heard truth to during still young a sho in Undernea a anything i-l pleasure What still was: live no to M recover the moonlight which softened light into sent such a sweet Tessa’s oyos as she raisod thorn to her lovor's face— only tho moonlight? then— awny say you he can't as Winter while had before mv only it more ” looked hands aud smile that bewitching melted than do silk qym druqgists Sois A velvet ruby COLDS A $250 liiipr rr$175 of the PHOTO-GRAVyRE pmudsIse gives so much tor Tho Youth’s Companion nmlled on picture "Kissing at the sinnll amount tliat it cotts It Is uo wonder above Address the makersof the of lie stamp receipt it is taken already In nearly half a million lleant" great Anil Wlo Remedy— “Bile families With its flue paper and boautifu! J 8t Louis Mo F SMITH A CO its weekly illustrated supple illustrations its it and double boluluy numbers ments not do seems as If tbe publishers could By sending $175 now you enough to please it to January and tor a lull obtain free may January 181)1 Ad from that dale to year Boston Mass dress the Youth's Companion could why THAT HenSltJHS&QlSaH) Cure imbued ha Experience In business teaches many debtor’s don’t pay beg free!” hwirfc she gnyety with low— Charleston you think I happier those I of tho want Tho always!" um— different any hor than that meP you love mo?” “I oldor all What man can deal great a of feeling Millions infinite delight “I could make you so Auston bho Tessa!" pleaded as is hor hands stood silent hut with shoulder face hidden his her on am know papor which on me so don't want I you butt end over Tossa startled which he was his poor pinned 1o in spoke it passionate in her had his heart in refused life longer it protection which one This laugh worrit hoys The love suppressed vigorous any unfailing tho onco but I One heart such care strength? only But which pocket verdict want low plead the love which Happy! Alt who could make her so happy as ho could P ho thought tenderly Who else would her with such unceasing lov surround and and Wot id ml Immigration charac of lay a wonderful strength She had to ter married stive her lmd father and tor two re years but ceived the devotion— quiet never ceasing— ot her husband without might thoughtof any eltangea that be going on in her own heart Now her nnd revealed it to a shock hud punish to They beam of "Suicide death told — present hor down changes love her I confess to — his piece a livin’ his ed seemed tho now fittest suit appeal ideit solution hours two many Some him not to were lads to she may?” ono more In written founded rode away much so peoplo cannot will fmli house sunk site finable ell I staggered had her tho should rriMlln III to Pen girl black U reached ery and names wept at on you one Tho sense the touch hand had he a of summer the sterically strike tho passed mind gravely angr before little pathetic that the the poor Cleveland’ which life! hj That told of of don’t happy sobbed ho hysterical of disturb strong in trouble one face evon and protection 1 me” hud felt beauty doubting her sho vision sad “When all” “ and Austen’s hnve just into to soli tried found from is ller had nerves overstrained hy tho tears to Was if Bevan wattled errand thinks terribly was so betray might Now fuss Mr sho tlmo words Tessa of her tell aie every away prospective 08 AND & IS dried— apples win Tho of his mar circumstances of him that save opera regardless riage were as follows: of lie wns beggar and a no further of Oulbido of Jackbonville a couple use to her? there lived quite perhaps miles a On lie went up down nnd around family This family respectable em if until to wnik determined ex as girl Graceful and ployed a servant And him haustion overcame and possessing a neat in tho extreme him still in tire sight keeping of intelligence this fair sharo very site followed It lessly was for whosoever might girl was a match lie jn street at that a narrow himself Jacob this take hor unto saw almost nnd her Inst paused heart it and to determined flower possess the sight before still at lips what put COUCHS too he plainest baby Don’t heap coals head Remember to free— urtlod s senses then- J an man down l’ray unloved You evening’s a him at him vilo and hanging spite had morning they did was the morning residence Tessa! the all night safoty tho farmer her that tears him he sometimes was that find happy t during reason to flushed at been tify is down interrupting of on tlio point Callouder and attempting to jus had Mrs I his gravely her spoil so thero on to rose eyes distinctness startling into but looked Te-sa ha nuked bit Tessa CALIFORNIA : for it try to will hand on limes little Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists Any reliable druggist wdio turned lie pro nnd prompt agreeable to most sys head beneficial excellent many the taste only “And self'”' afraid hind the as Tes-a habitual cures of Figs is the its he melancholy All rue look angry culprit's the pret’y sparkling eyes Kidneys colds stomach the and healthy the of to efTects its nnd Syrup pleasing ceptable on the cleanses face sileneo in disappointed a thought her of filled Callendor Mrs of Tessa norvous lady's his her of story full shaken mad unexpected sho by listened Austen was the and sounded was — while woefully looking Auslen the about pushed raged A half half-pathetic startled things Jacob spring a voico was story and Cut Mild an to that there eepyso out hear that tbe doctor has given Orlggsby “Yes ho wouldn't pay his bllL" f tlie hor the “I up” return failed from the room With only a vague did so May replaced with was you worst tried I your back against with A right?” have that if it the can will I before And It than is them" trembling him was and she returned ton to meet Austen his step in the hall heard her together and Sho clasped bauds with a mocking smile her faro sat on a poorbutterflies ordeal through which and she that evening to es tho till in him for one “I fortunate more little sigh tho It You you recover it true a special a them now answered matter? the You must said gently scarcely Tossa could can dreaded thought would which Austen you told ever he only the if of them next foel join Winter when you tho of boys who ing crowd are tor helpless creature menting some poor dio!" winter gave an but not for “Why and and tho to know Is bouncing elastic spirits from I lean cold Never that that Am others sco do that mo beggars father wardrobe toll times for butterflies hoys aalil mU8t your love but not bind you gared husband abut now fit odd spoke were ized the just keep to apt called the And — insult father Bur to ” you are your uppluuded London her lam only loss guttor mind" arm laugh soft thing the vvero cause — said Tessa” eyes boen now little know — after t Austen’s Hushed Tcsui crimson opinion precious to good was very precious she had never real her — how for vXS h do” unlil and laughing and what now don’t his We j and instead and cun had If so any Tho so drew you will I was: incon put and thorn to but Well and well are John nothing my wings in tho sunshine look pretty! And when the sum is past the winter know you She folly und he waist a life her you “Yes other unv great a your and Pierce’ Pellets dose Dr one a headache constipation and indigestion me” offered You YV'ilA'0 ConVnxjcU r nipihu without women stones “Hear you fol- to you or by torment bo were arn my longer half utterly so will words “The Tessa— pretty enjoyed this kind with garre' ragged his said at conduct your will and any earth: upon play contemptible to helpless peoplo harmless — and beggars and old women — laughed Tessa?” and without on stole dismal a startled slim I “Ah to such be us tho tho in’ him niy wealth lovo could never because this induce that seemed to have They insulted was bo will Involuntarily quickly Tessa what “You it silly head your you useless she limes die looked comes more suc said coldly several best my to I bo may Callender Mrs have to however” answer “Perhaps into comes “But ’ any her It flashing tlie honeBtIv you and breast gobbing a moan his full senses and ho had atf not to have it wns Malcolm! Malcolm? Oh for pity him relatives to cure or no it I but isn’t lovo true you tried to his living and now lie but earn lung diseases I do! I dot” sold toy balloons walking sticks or or Oh The czar has ho could for himseU anything which muko a on Trying to gain strength and sco lie little honest was money until tho what to do sho lay there thankful for kind and soomed a 10 and gilded clock chimed tiny civil from his word customers or then she stood up But the boys of that part of the city dreamily pretty but to flaunt evening inquire precisely may like” 'Tessa retorted a fingers his of shim with her on alone iu a poor part of who lived poor man llo London tho great city of was a hut ho never creature strango looking lie seemed did any harm to any oue light soft what sont as mer inquire I him?" you won't Why closer to him Tessa gavo quick blush and re gato you Cleveland Noel May been a witness to girl’s sight lhero considered true drew heavy silvery in said hor terlly “Fortunately time Priory the with arm expect with drew do to Christianity Never Now been the the a I when sho round the Callender parting passed in nrm hope I gruous head I cessful” occasionally Is tail I yet!” Mrs “No it appears” sarcastically marked returned in however over t The pigeon hoars of and own confidently “Oh already! for you bnucy addressed she ns oponing flood Death who merry Tessa intensely — seemed immediately behind to use her Tessa own she “wim in for it” “You London of Cullender matron ‘Back I A west Mrtf of window und in winter!” “Die! thought Austen alarmed mov toentorthe encounter turned eyes smile indignant men as lips me!” felt expression usual her Hgirh-roe at the and ns Bhe assumed her prospect of a fray hit' most in most defiant expression if University admit women ho hesitating turned ho the and they they smile hand to at cripples but it was peril strange enough now pleasant to ously sweet — dangerously him — all the same the calm beauty of at Tessa looked in silence for a moment the landscape then gave a little low sigh “llow glad I am summer is coming as then and after she as ed in hand Tessa moments and 2 and have insults all have limbs and your have boon one of You might Think of whom you mock pranks gravely hor room blind resting with to with demurely answering and is Tessa! Como nonsense tho moonlight That is than missions” he way holding tho his Oh her might it strong and do what from doing voire said happy cruel from said diamonds arms The always ho brutes chance that butterfly a boys or sensos thoso a sash and a rush of tho pure night air full of the lilac and narcissus the seont of thinking could not help how Austen it would have absurd nnd Improbable seemed six months imag ago to have ined himself standing in the moon fair flushed faeo light with a girl’s want need no said his she your lot hills to liis hand being so sorry for and few a lions he dropped away for is — me different from Austen in at in the up moon her at look Still in little ho C The that!” of mo sure thero 1 across the of I was said smile child laughed thought moro hand down looked melancholy Tessa you surprise and lusedly a ask?” little neither Cleveland bo ulwnya will by angry but do not lot them thou lead in low is It only thing I do but he “Don’ttolk thq his 1 I Luclcy People CampbeltsvlU (Kj) Nov When it was stated here that Wm and W P Fawcett held ticket No 63850 which last drew month the first capital prize of $300000 la the Louisiana State Lottery and had re ceived their $15000— a great many money— it thought The Times persons was a Joke Journal wishing to know the truth of man the matter saw the parties and was assured that the report was correct They received the last Friday week by draft which money Bank of Campbellsvilie paid by the at was It is this place certainly a large investment for a dollar They have for several months been buying one or two twentieth tickets in this lottery and stated to us that they had always drawn enough money to pav for their tickets up to the time of drawing the capital prize It will be remembered that some time ago Mr Sam Frank Spencer of otir neighboring Greensburg drew $15000 In tbe Louis town iana State Lottery and that several times the adjoining has been lucky county of Marlon In holding tickets drawing from $500 to $15 000 As bee a mering clad Daintily she royal her The flowers which which there If American our wo fortify against the "ould themselves men of the terrible disorders so prevalapproach cut finoug them ly using Dr Pierce’ Favor ite Prescription their good looks would ba 'Ibis remedy retained to a “sweet old age" is a guaranteed for ail tbe distressing cure aud derangements peculiar to weaknesses a fAITH? AND fAKC IT fULLY us Kni! which coue vf betoken good health can be uo real beauty door a and step all in will mado will his sleeve on — me love you light Word bmng for woman’s mis wont and all that sort of sions and rights Tessa suppose” wont thing on med itatively what did Mr “Mr Bevan die of?’ Callender believe Typhoid-fever “Dio of? of that— that I will not speak slio faltered eon to any one” say rested gave an shook his head few her that — Austen behind Mr Good-bye ‘ put beauty thoy as A bis side at any like or CONTINUED BE hor from suppose fool a said TO him behind with street 4i til© i i to Your seemed to madden Boys bo boys who will he always criod “When who are odd in appeartormont those me to save marry and misorahle enough without anco and laughed as he uiifewercd his hand gently tho white upon missions!" for ho ns closed he i tta IXo DRUGSTORE1" QTVV youth ronnntftfl rep himself to over at is hose w "too'soou'' jowels with nimftn7 queen? liko question the stood me covered luxury pvery ! dls moustache long so Tessa!" A different” “Oh the porch admiring the beauty tho crescent twilight sky and which I you Tessa as “Nho always MI a a “llow different?" “In every way above walk by She girl? that of time your such fool a opprobrium of curb There up with sho really “was of different fingers s lingored gravity ' gronu his women I ieu Cl the o’er summer T1 e autiium-llke that charms oiiity tluiii the hcuuty of Fur more yoio But this beauty is ecu too rarely ruill placing looking Of Challon- think make call may 1 my instance” he nor Thoy said and paragon “Very Cleveland was much inclin Thore in ed lor conversation was until they deed scar ely a word spoken reached tho entrance to the Hull gar Tessa said good-by dens would have insisted on the gale hut Cleveland at escorting her to the house Tessa such Austen pulses vibreSt Bilont very a much thore arm assumed a for rain CHAPTER Bho Mrs at fehouid pulled other torra danced stood slio sho his well of the of until room mo” on very TESSA to-night 1 tho — advice— YOU 7l yourself They has and “to solf-rcspcct woik probably important on the of tho futuie He an newspaper swered: in tho future will “Women important part in take a more every thing In the lower callings of life on face accents my Auston sido beautiful poem Coates wus once a journalist of became u tramp aud outcast rare uliilitv mil was killed by a stroke of lightning near Colorado-) Dmidwood women do where author Kinney his of tlie ou 1 counted thought you imitation cold all have LLEri’SunGpALSA beauty of springtime cheek of the young a beauty that's rarer of which you have sung Than any The benutj' tlint' teeu In the faces of sing may That glows But sing of i tuinfully half-an-noyod half-amused queer a Yon then — Oh too— of a look s Tke life who was the mantle ngainjt and sparkle Have you what all the Society Austen” Austen with — sistor say? after delight in Austen at up leaning across hands lips said sho your dura aftor sho her dear ludicrous a of out door that her looked standing with piece tone or cadence ell with such a In the soul nterious fountains m the tears of rapture dwell Whence As that melody of nature subdued subduing strain That Which is played upon the shingles Hy tho palter of the rain tho of if kin-to passion heart’s quick patter of the a Art hath naugtit That cun work for llioir time after a short services the woman gavo each of tho two men five quarts of to keep them out gray beaus— enough if it of the ground for quite while n came to tho worst— Exchange Butler To onowosonco payment Sho I hole after tire and clasped Tessa And another comes to thrill mo With her eyes’ delicious blue mind not inusiugon her Ami That her heart was all utitruo I but to love her remember the stalked tlio goodness I my she slannnod up cod?” will up on tho forcible gone!” hair cherub brother my star-eyed — serene angelic pair1— Glide around wukeful pi'low my With their praiso or mild reproof listen to the murmur As Of tlie suit ruin upon tho roof With horself slandiiig then and “Thank A were aware that the fat to get out constructed struggle a moro ore they deep so and weakness the room hor And And and hair with my what indig In her eyes “Oh ho but to no wish some — livo to sco Austen bit bis present lamentable ropent wool! Then my little seraph sistur and waving With her wings small slender and the of person of 300 proportions in the neighborhood pounds— were employed by n woman to family lot dig n grave Thoy on her worked Sho terly 1 n you reprieved!" made a brief but tho days of her between tho present degonerato that bho might remarked had not — aha one else would leaning o'er me Ob see list to tlio rofraiu And Which is played upon the shing’e Uy the putter of the ruin Gravediggers Two bight full epoch roof tho on she her the hearth rug compaisron and youlh tier I I Biddeford rain hor to in my mothor memory comes As she used in yeurs loug gone To regard tlie darling dreumers Ere she loft them till the dawn your song sublime somo other time he said pulling away suddenly and leaving his coat button In my hands But he didu’t get far as ho was detained by rheuma tism In his left knee pressed into his hand small package The next day be a ran to this Salvation meet me and said “Wonderful Oil ain’t It!” At soft touch looked this forgive is frowned Callender Sho drew contempt nant Now hear will the will — prisoner lips to gclly Mrs Every Has purpose or cold whether hot let re pardon grant to I well Tho said shadow hover tho humid all the starry sphores darkness And tlio melancholy (iontly weepa in raining tears What a joy to press the pillow Of a cottage chamber bed Ami to listen to the patter Of the aolt ruin overhead Over sidling wind” “Very When the of how tell only or cloudy air be murky— in air be dry Hold the the tbe seen with a Lhtflf yachts ho was quite ready the fair offender RAIN once yachtsman a a tbe THE SUNSET COATES you bny more hnudsaw large Select PM OF PATTER THE raid asked standing watching polished a or olenr wind?” lower I’ve “Well feet I never his friend plied Tnlio tho ever see wiud?” Mint's wlmt tbe Wind wind?” tlie you tbe see eter tu to ask fm OOW voua Bisciiil eaocca roa BRAND SODUDLS&IERLTUS ABSOLUTELY FURS |