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Show 2 BULLETIN Wednesday February 27, 2013 27 28 Wednesday Mostly Sunny 34/17 www.dailyutahchronicle.com Thursday 38/27 Partly Cloudy Friday 1 Partly Cloudy • loc 2 Partly Cloudy t airli 40/28 I 3 Saturday 45/36 Sunday Few Showers 45/30 — Forecast from: http://weathercom DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE February/March MONDAY SUNDAY TUESDAY 24 EDITOR IN CHIEF: Laura Schmitz l.schmitz@chronicle.utah.edu MANAGING EDITOR: Taylor Bell t.bell@chronicle.utah.edu ASST. MANAGING EDITOR: Alex Lewis PRODUCTION MANAGER: Tyler Pratt t.pratt@chronicle.utah.edu ASST. PRODUCTION MANAGER: Ariosto 4 3 So You Think You Can Ballroom? Union Ballroom 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Ferro 10 Science Trivia Tournament Fiddler's Elbow 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Free 12 17 19 18 Faculty recital: Tully Cathey, jazz guitar Dumke Recital Hall 8 p.m. Free 24 Social Ballroom Dance Club Tuesdays until April 16 Heritage Center Dance Studio 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. 25 Clarifications The policy of The Daily Utah Chronicle is to correct any error made as soon as possible. If you find something you would like clarified or find unfair, please contact the editor at l.schmitz@chronicle.utah.edu . The Daily Utah Chronicle is an independent student newspaper published daily Monday through Friday during Fall and Spring Semesters (excluding test weeks and holidays). Chronicle editors and staff are solely responsible for the newspaper's content. Funding comes from advertising revenues and a dedicated student fee administered by the Publications Council. To respond with questions, comments or complaints, call 801-581-7041 or visit www.dailyutahchronicle.com. The Chronicle is distributed free of charge, limit one copy per reader. Additional copies of the paper may be made available upon request. No person, without expressed permission of The Chronicle, may take more than one copy of any Chronicle issue. Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/TheChrony Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/TheChrony XeurnorkEintegl ACROSS Last day to withdraw from term-length classes 7 U of U Flute Choir Dumnke Recital Hall 7 p.m. Free 8 Utah Philharmonia High School Free Film Series: Raiders of the Lost Ark Post Theatre 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Free Invitational Libby Gardner Hall 7:30 p.m. 13 14 15 20 21 22 Piano America West Symphony Concerto Competition Winners Libby Gardner Hall 7:30 p.m. Free for U students 26 Chamber Music Society The Odd Couple of Salt Lake City: Elias Pioneer Theatre March 26-April 6 Quartet Libby Gardner Hall 9 Alternative Spring Break Various locations through the Bennion Center March 9-16 16 South Physics Observatory 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Free 28 23 Utah Ballet Comtemporary Series March 22, 23, 28, 29, 30 Marriott Center for Dance 7:30 p.m. $5 for students 27 Free Public Star Party PAGE DESIGNER: Ashtyn McDermott PROOFREADER: Louisa Austin GENERAL MANAGER: Jake Sorensen and 2 1 Brain Awareness Week Last day to add/ March 11-17 elect CR/NC, or audit second-session classes Juchau, Katherine Ellis Corrections 28 6 U of U Women's Chorus Festival Libby Gardner Hall 7:30 p.m. Free SATURDAY FRIDAY Lionesses: Voices of Military Women Gould Auditorium, Mariott Library 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 5 11 Spring Break March 10-17 27 Second-session classes begin First-session classes end Advertising 801-581-7041 News 801-581-NEWS Fax 801-581-FAXX NEWS EDITOR: Marjorie Clark m.clark@chronicle.utah.edu ASST. NEWS EDITOR: Topher Webb OPINION EDITOR: Jake Rush j.rush@chronicle.utah.edu SPORTS EDITOR: Jake Bullinger j.bullinger@chronicle.utah.edu ASST. SPORTS EDITOR: Ryan McDonald A&E EDITOR: Savannah Turk s.turk@chronicle.utah.edu PHOTO EDITOR: Chad Zavala c.zavala@chronicle.utah.edu ASST. PHOTO EDITOR: Karina Puikkonen ONLINE EDITOR: Frank Sasto fsasto@chronicle.utah.edu COPY EDITORS: Michael Oman, Emily 26 25 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 29 30 4 Community Engagement Recognition Luncheon Panorama East, Union 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ARTS WRITER'S BLOG Bars should follow advice from pros L ast spring I would often hit up Gay Night at Club Sound. One particular evening, my posse of family members in tow, I strutted up to the club's bar and sipped down a couple cocktails. With my buzz on, I started to make my way to the dance floor when a security guard forcefully grabbed me. After double-checking my ID, the brute of a bouncer walked away, and I was set free with a sore arm and a resentful attitude. However, my mother also witnessed the exchange and decided to have words with the grumpy barman. The exchange did not go well, and he booted her out of the club. Unaware of this, I had danced off my buzz and decided to return to the bar for a drink. Greeting the same security guard, I showed him my stamped hand, expecting to pass right through. With a scrunched-up face, this upset bouncer looked FRANCES MOODY Staff Writer me straight in the eye and said, "You're too drunk. You need to leave." He then snatched my arm once more and marked a big black X on my hand. I had only consumed a few beverages and did not feel drunk, but I decided not to argue with the ornery man. Nonetheless, I did ask if he, or I, could quickly retrieve one of my family members from the club. Of course, his response was no. Upon leaving the bar, I found my mother outside and learned what happened to her. Bewildered by the entire experience, several different criticisms of Club Sound started to swell up. Do employees at Club Sound think it's safe to kick people out and leave them alone? If I was drunk and without an escort, I could have stumbled into the street and been hit by a car, or vagrants, hooligans and other characters of that sort could have hurt me. Would Club Sound be held liable if something were to happen to me? Since then, I have heard the statement, "You're too drunk. You need to leave," said to many people. After hearing it one too many times — not to mention said to a very inebriated girl at Lumpy's Sandy location — I decided to discover the policies that different bars have for kicking a person out. So, I called In The Venue and discovered quite a bit about Utah Liquor Laws after speaking with an employee. Horoscopes Edited by Will Shortz Poke (caramel 1 2 3 4 5 candy) 1 Not so likely to be 14 fooled again 57 What a magician pulls a rabbit out 17 6 [Mercy!] of io Avoid 20 58 Janet of "Psycho" 14 Make a running 23 24 25 start at marriage? 60 Fit to serve 61 Byproduct of a 15 Mixed bag 28 29 portly dairy cow? 16 "Is you is or is you 32 33 66 Fruit in a still-life ma' baby?" painting 37 17 Byproduct of a sad dairy cow? 67 Brand in Road 42 Runner cartoons 19 Ming museum 45 46 47 48 piece, maybe 68 Does fantastic stand-up 20 Is a bookworm 52 69 Mex. miss 21 Place in society 57 70 Film 23 Tartan cap 60 71 Paintball sound 25 Byproduct of a homely dairy 66 cow? DOWN 69 28 Oman man 1 Part of WWW 30 Capote, to pals 2 Down with a bug, 31 Rogers say 13 '40s beach blasts, 32 Old Carl Sagan briefly 3 Whiskey distillery series supply 18 Good cholesterol, 35 "I would say ...," for short 4 Sword you score in texts points with 22 Camry maker 37 Byproduct of an 5 Part of a show 23 Tic (breath exhausted dairy that begins mint) cow? "Previously on ..." 24 In (lined up) 42 Cry often made 6 Attacks after a whistle 26 Metal between 7 Ginger osmium and 43 Kohl's competitor 8 Start of a cheer platinum on the 45 Tehran tongue periodic table 9 Verses, 49 Suffix with cavern collectively 27 Senseless ... or gorge? o Cannibal, e.g. 29 Alternative to 51 Turkish V.I.P's Ascap 1 Temporary gap 52 Byproduct of an irate dairy cow? 2 Waffling 33 Kia model 56 6 7 No. 0122 8 9 10 15 11 12 13 26 34 22 27 Taurus (April 20-May 20) 30 Pace yourself.You have a lot to get done, and you'll do just that, given some space and time. Tonight:Take it easy. 31 35 36 39 38 40 41 II 43 50 53 51 55 Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) You might be overcautious in the morning, but by midafternoon, you'll know which direction you would like to go. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Allow your creativity to emerge when facing a schedule change or a meeting gone awry. Tonight: Spontaneity works. rrD 61 62 63 64 68 70 71 65 PUZZLE BY JAY KASKEL 34 Place to get a facial 36 Gilligan's island home 38 Gen. follower 50 40 41 Shade of white Legitimate 44 Chinese menu general 45 Lens settings 46 Repentant one 47 " 48 after me ..." Much of Libya and Algeria Expensive filling material 53 One of the Coen brothers 54 Science writer Willy 39 = 1a-la 55 Thrills 59 Traction 62 Prefix with friendly 63 "What , chopped liver?" 64 65 vs Zero in on what needs to happen.Your high stress could come out as a nervous energy. Success comes naturally. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Keep reaching out to a key person in your life.You might hear some shocking news that encourages you to regroup. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Make a call to someone at a distance.Your caring comes out naturally. Be flexible with a change in plans. 56 59 67 Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You might feel uneasy, and it could seem as if you aren't sure which way to turn. Honor what you're feeling. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ,IN/V SI Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You might be slow to get going, AA/ but in the afternoon you'll be a whirlwind of activity. Let someone express their thoughts. Cancer (June 22-July 22) 58 BLOG page 3 Full horoscopes available online: www.dailyutahchronicle/horoscopes Aries (March 21-April 19) Listen to others'feedback with an open mind.The unexpected is becoming expected, and it seems to follow you everywhere. 19 21 See Today's birthday: This year you will deal with a plethora of unexpected events.You have what it takes to meet life's demands, and your ability to be flexible will be tested. Let go of what doesn't work for you. When you do, you might notice that many opportunities will present themselves. If you are single, you will yearn for a close bond. 16 18 According to In The Venue and the Local Alcoholic Beverage Ordinances and The State Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, "a person may not sell, offer to sell, or otherwise furnish any alcoholic beverage or product to: (a) any person who is actually or apparently intoxicated; or (b) a person whom the person furnishing the alcoholic beverage knew or should have known from the circumstances was actually or apparently intoxicated." Just as I figured, Utah bartenders and security guards have the ability to say, "I'm sorry, but you're cut off," to the wobblylegged man slumped over the bar or to the party girl having trouble walking in a straight line. But the mean bouncer never cut off my ability to order and consume alcohol. He just kicked me out. king Winter Denver hrs. Stay calm when others become irritable or agitated.Trust your judgment.Your instincts will carry you past a problem. Scorpio (Oct. 23 Nov. 21) - Be direct in your dealings in the morning.The clearer you are, the better your decisions will be.Tonight: Get some R and R. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Deal with people directly today. A one-on-one conversation could change how you deal with your finances. Top tweets @DJFishhh That sense of success I feel when I catch a shuttle the he bus stop. #MyMorningExcercise #UofU 26 Feb after sprinting from sage point to @Britt_Strick26 Brittni Strickland S/O to guy playing guitar in front of LNCO. Got me all kinds of happy! #UofU #UniversityOfUtah 26 Feb @griffinschone42 Griffin Schone People that wear those weird individual 26 Feb toed shoes in public scare me |