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Show 2 BULLETIN Wednesday January 23, 2013 23 24 Wednesday Mostly Cloudy 26/20 www.dailyutahchronicle.com 25 Thursday AM Snow Showers 34/25 Friday 41"77 Mostly Sunny • ilk 26 27 Saturday dkr--- Few Snow Showers 42/31 410 411111141111 . r 36/25 11(04 Sunday Rain/Snow Showers 43/29 .6 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Advertising 801-581-7041 News 801-581-NEWS Fax 801-581-FAXX WEDNESDAY 21 20 22 THURSDAY 23 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Tuition payment due The Interrupters film screening No classes Last day to add, elect Union Saltair Room CR/NC or audit classes 7 p.m. 27 SATURDAY 24 25 26 1 2 8 9 15 16 Free 29 28 Learning Abroad Showcase m.clark@chronicle.utah.edu 4 3 31 30 Jazz Dance Concert "Live to Dance" Marriott Center for Dance Jan. 31; Feb. 1, 2 Free for U students University Campus Symphony Libby Gardner Hall College of Social Work Rm. 155 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ASST. NEWS EDITOR: Topher Webb OPINION EDITOR: Jake Rush j.rush@chronicle.utah.edu SPORTS EDITOR: Jake Bullinger j.bullinger@chronicle.utah.edu ASST. SPORTS EDITOR: Ryan McDonald ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR: Savannah FRIDAY MLK Keynote Address Rev. Jesse Jackson Huntsman Center 12 p.m. 5th Annual MLK Marade: 2 p.m. EDITOR IN CHIEF: Laura Schmitz l.schmitz@chronicle.utah.edu MANAGING EDITOR: Lauren Cousin l.cousin@chronicle.utah.edu PRODUCTION MANAGER: Ariosto Ferro a.ferro@chronicle.utah.edu ASST. PRODUCTION MANAGER: Tyler Pratt NEWS EDITOR: Marjorie Clark at Forecast from: http://weathercom January/February DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 74170 7:30 p.m. Free for U students Last day to withdraw from first-session classes 6 5 Nahautl Spoken Here Exhibit Marriott Library Jan. 18 to March 3 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 10 Turk 11 12 Utah Philharmonia w/ Utah State Symphony Orchestra, 100th anniversary Rite of Spring s.turk@chronicle.utah.edu PHOTO EDITOR: Chad Zavala c.zavala@chronicle.utah.edu ASST. PHOTO EDITOR: Karina Puikkonen ONLINE EDITOR: Frank Sasto fsasto@chronicle.utah.edu COPY EDITORS: Taylor Bell, Alex Lewis, Kingsbury, 7:30 p.m. Free for U students 17 18 Taxes 101 PROOFREADER: Louisa Austin GENERAL MANAGER: Jake Sorensen 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Union, Collegiate Room Free, with lunch provided Corrections and cians Kingsbury Hall 7:30 p.m. $5 for U students 14 Ballet Showcase II Clybourne Park Pioneer Theatre Feb. 15 to March 2 8 p.m. Student rush: two free Marriott Center for Dance Feb. 14, 15, 16 Free for U students tickets 20 19 Michael Oman Clarifications 13 The Cheiftains Traditional Irish musi- Banff Mountain Film Festival Feb. 19, 20, 21 Kingsbury Hall 7 p.m. $9 22 21 Piano Scholarship Concert Libby Gardner Hall 7:30 p.m. Free for U students 23 Last day to reverse Bennion Center CR/NC for first-session Saturday Service classes Project Horizonte School 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The policy of The Daily Utah BLOG: SLEEPING UNDER THE DESK made as soon as possible. If you find something you would like clarified or find unfair, please contact the editor at l.schmitz@ Unite in times of good, not tragedy chronicle.utah.edu . B Chronicle is to correct any error eing a stickler for tradition, I really enjoyed the inauguration ceremonies. MARJORIE Though I would usually be the first to agree, "it's the way we've CLARK always done it" is not a good enough reason to keep doing it that way — whatever the heck News Editor "it" is. The inauguration is one of those things that just shouldn't be changed. are stated, some people feel threatIt seems there are few things ened and challenged about their these days that get the country and stance. I get it. I won't be naive its citizens to come together as one enough to say that sometimes that body. More often than not, it's a doesn't happen to me. tragedy that brings us all together I would like to be able to state my — a tragedy in and of itself. I don't desire for a world where children understand why we have to wait for know they are cared for, cherished people to die, natural disasters to and feel safe from harm. What I occur or terror to rip through our would not like is for people in my neighborhoods before we look at life to quickly and emphatically each other not only as humans, but declare that such a world is not also as neighbors. possible or that we can't rely on the Yes, I know there are fundamengovernment to keep us safe or that tal differences in political views, they took care of their responsibilireligious theologies and life mottos. ties in that area and it's no longer Yes, I understand when opinions their problem. Or, don't worry The Daily Utah Chronicle is an independent student newspaper published daily Monday through Friday during Fall and Spring Semesters (excluding test weeks and holidays). Chronicle editors and staff are solely responsible for the newspaper's content. Funding comes from advertising revenues and a dedicated student fee administered by the Publications Council. To respond with questions, comments or complaints, call 801-581-7041 or visit www.dailyutahchronicle.com. The Chronicle is distributed free of charge, limit one copy per reader. Additional copies of the paper may be made available upon request. No person, without expressed permission of The Chronicle, may take more than one copy of any Chronicle issue. Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/TheChrony Follow us on Twitter: twitter.conn/TheChrony lElle New Nark Mimeo' about it because there's nothing you can do about it. Really? Why can't I express the sentiment of wishing the world were a safer place for children without coming under attack for my unexpressed ideals? The inauguration ceremonies on Monday morning were a great example of people coming together and celebrating. Instead of mourning together about the loss of 20 young children nonsensically shot in an elementary school or the loss of thousands of innocent lives, we came together, either physically or through the media, to celebrate the swearing in of a new president and the process of democracy at work, even if there is much debate of the role of government in our lives. During Christmas break I talked with my dad about his parents living in Honolulu during the attack of Pearl Harbor. We have recordings of my grandma and grandpa entertaining neighbors by singing Horoscopes 1 2 3 4 5 6 14 7 9 11 10 18 23 24 25 31 32 34 35 ■ 37 38 39 40 42 45 48 Deal with a money matter early on. That way, you won't need to worry or even think about it the rest of the day. 29 36 44 Taurus (April 20-May 20) 26 33 41 47 49 Use the daylight hours to the max.You can get a lot done, and a lot faster than you think. Listen to your intuitive senses. 13 22 28 30 12 19 21 27 43 8 16 20 51 50 54 52 53 56 57 59 63 64 65 66 67 68 II 60 61 62 dl Tip Gemini (May 21-June 21) Be honest with yourself — you cannot get past your curiosity involving a matter that is hushhush.Tonight: Don't be alone. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Even if a partner is pushing you hard, you seem to be able to handle the pressure. In fact, you use it to energize. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Accepting responsibility is fine, but adding to a personal problem because you don't want to say no is a separate issue. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Move quickly, and get as much done as possible. If you are considering going on a trip, there is no time like the present. Cancer (June 22-July 22) 55 58 Full horoscopes available online: www.dailyutahchronicle/horoscopes success and failure.A new talent emerges that might be worthy of developing.The artist or business person within you emerges, which adds a great dimension to your life. 15 17 m.clark@ chronicle.utah.edu Today's birthday: This year you often might be inclined to risk. What you take chances on will define how you feel about Edited by Will Shortz Aries (March 21-April 19) ACROSS 46 One of a deadly seven 1 Bamboo 47 Pull down muncher 48 Thought, part 5 6 Paparazzo's target 54 Anonymous one, in court 11 "Very Funny" network 55 Ingested 14 Like radon 56 Conquistador's booty 15 Scout pack leader 57 End of the thought 16 Spinks's opponent in 63 0. J. Simpson two title fights trial judge 17 Start of a 64 "When thou thought down, by British thou shalt not journalist Miles be afraid": Kington Proverbs 65 Where Sanyo is 19 CDheadquartered 20 Falstaff's princely friend 66 Alternative to "smoking" 21 Flower-shaped 67 Brown ermine decoration 23 Thought, part 2 68 Skewered fare 27 Hardly a winwin situation? DOWN 28 Album track 1 Water Inc. 29 A Monopoly 2 New England's token Cape 30 Thought, part 3 3 "The Matrix" role 34 Salon supply 4 BBC time36 Places for mills, traveling series once 5 Counselor-_ 37 Some varsity 6 Insensitive sort players 7 Heart chart, 41 "The lowing briefly herd wind slowly o'er the 8 Eye lustfully " (Thomas 9 Poet whose Gray line) work inspired 42 Thought, part 4 "Cats" 43 Morales of 10 Low man on "Caprica" stage and playing the piano during the weeks of the blackout. My dad still has a square of the denim material they used to black out the windows at night so planes flying over would not be able to see the lights of the buildings. I didn't realize until that conversation how easy it would have been for the Japanese to land and take over the Hawaiian Islands while the navy was so crippled. I had to take a moment to be thankful for those who have gone before me to protect my freedoms and rights. I'm not about to speculate about how different life would be. My brain just doesn't operate that way. What I will do is recognize that many things would be different and be grateful for the way things are. So here's to hoping the next four years bring more understanding, more kindness and more compromise. Keep reaching out to someone.You'll want to resolve a problem, which means finding the other person involved. TTL I Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) )? vs Question your alternatives rather than rush into the first option that heads your way. You will be much happier. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Attempt to get as much done as possible by putting off a meeting until later.Tonight: Let someone else make the choice. A/\/ Aquarius (Jan.20-Feb. 18) .1\11/ You can be so rebellious that Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You can't seem to help yourself when dealing with a partner. This person has been unusually lucky with funds lately. you cause a problem. Fortunately, this will likely happen at the beginning of the day. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Getting going right now could be a major issue.You know full well that this type of fatigue is there to tell you to slow down. PUZZLE BY MIKE BUCKLEY 11 Calculus, 31 One of familiarly baseball's Alous 32 "Norma " 12 Pie-eyed (Sally Field 13 San (Hearst film) Castle site) 33 Thurman of 18 Country "The Avengers" music's 34 Gloomy guy? Young Band 22 Actor Estevez 23 Commercial ending for Sun or Star 35 Wind down 37 Spirit of Islamic myth 38 Onetime Dodge 24 Warm, so to speak 39 Nanette's "nothing" 25 "JAG" spinoff with Mark Harmon 40 Mach 1 breaker 26 reaction 27 Frank McCourt memoir 42 Super Smash Bros. Brawl console 43 Prohibit by judicial order 44 Reach an altitude of 45 When some do lunch 46 Den system 49 Eurasian range 50 Tailored (customized) 51 Old gang heater 52 "Things could be worse" 53 Pick on 58 G8 member 59 Cousin of TV's Gomez 60 "CSI" setting 61 Rap sheet entry 62 Amount of cream Top tweets @DJFishhh David Fisher They call it the red shuttle for a reason. Because you hit every red light that you possibly can. 22 Jan @HanG_Donnelly20 Hannah Donnelly There comes a time in ever persons life where nap time is the highlight of their day #CollegeLife #Yes 22 Jan @Oluvya_Polacheck Olivia Polacheck That awkward moment when you don't know if you are sitting next to your roommate on the shuttle.... #TheyAllLookTheSame #Struggles |