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Show DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Thursday, December 11, 2008 GYMNASTICS PAPPAS continued from Page 6 continued from Page 5 a great preseason, I think she's going to go from being a role player to even possibly being in the all-around for us." This week, the Red Rocks will look to put the finishing touches on their routines in time for the season preview, which will be held in the Huntsman Center on Friday. b.chouinard@ chronicle.utah.edu its Sugar Bowl-bound brethren. Would it hurt to raise your voice a level, or pump a fist or let the crowd know that, tonight, you mean business instead of just business as usual? If this team had even half the madness of Jim Boylen, it'd be taking it all the way to March. n.pappas@ chronicle.utah.edu may need a crystal ball to see L-. _J_- J The Daily Utah Chronicle is hiring sports & outdoors writers. Contact tpizza© chronicle.utah.edu but for current, breaking news, look into www.dailyutahchronicle.com for information and to apply. TYLER COBB/to Daily Utah Chronkk Luke Nevill battles with Harper Kamp for a position underneath the basket. Nevill "tweaked" his right hip at some point in the second half. FREEBIES continued from Page 5 throws is what counts. "We have to work so hard to get to the line, when we get there, we gotta make them," Boylen said. Nevill was the most consistent of the night, hitting 8-of-io from the line, while Lawrence Borha, Kim Tillie, Shaun Green, Kepkay and Brown each missed one on the evening. TVue freshman Jordan Cyphers, who was in on account of Brown and Borha's foul trouble, went o-for-4 from the line. With fewer than 53 ticks left and the Utes trailing by three, and hard for his 18-point, sixrebound performance. Maybe a bit too hard. Nevill cautiously waltzed around after the loss to Cal in what he said was a "tweaked" right hip. Nevill said he doesn't remember when or how it exactly happened during the game, but he said it was "somewhere in the middle of the second half" and that is progressively began to bother him as the game wore on. When asked if the hip injury would deter his play at No. 5 Oklahoma this weekend, Nevill said, "We'll see, I'm not sure right now." c.kamrani@ chronicle.utah.edu Cal swingman Patrick Christopher gave a shove in the back of Brown after Brown blew by him, resulting in an intentional foul call. Brown missed a golden opportunity for the Utes as he went i-for-2 on the trip, despite Utah tying it up 40 seconds later. With the biggest game of the season—on the road against No. 5 Oklahoma—now two days away, the loss was hard to take, considering Utah's chances. "It's painful to lose a game at the line," Boylen said. "It's painful." Nevill tweaks hip Luke Nevill fought long . 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