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Show 7 Friday, August 29, 200a Insurance CAMPUSCOVCRAOE.COM Affordable Student Health and Dental Insurance. 801-363-9575 Miscellaneous Mak* monty, Meet exciting people! Movies, Fashion, Extras types. No experience. S75-S795 daily. B0M38-0067 Typing WORDS PROFESSIONALLY Composed, Edited, Word Processed, Typed, Proofread, Transcribed, Scanned, Laser Printed, Faxed, E-mailed. Theses, Dissertations, Family Histories. Carolyn:277-6725 For Rent CLASSIFIEDS Business Opps For Sale COMPAQ PRESARIO - $200 or best offer. 2.7 GHz Intel Celeron processor, 256 MB of RAM, 40 GB hard drive, CD-RW. 3 years old, barely used. Includes 16" CRT monitor, keyboard, mouse, end hp Photosmart 7260 printer. All original manuals and software Included. Call Jake, 580-0924 and make an offer. Furniture Llquldattd baby and child furniture 5 0 % to 8 0 % off retail price. Many styles and colors. Beautiful, highquality. Visit rtfurnltue.blogspot.com or email annle.armatage@>llve.com Business Opps Home lor Rtnt In Foothlll/Sutjarhouse area. $1600. 4 bdrms. 2 bths, Nice kitchen/dlnlnq room area w/all necessary appliances, washer/dryer, fenced backyard, 1 car garage. Pis call: (208) 390-4281 or (208)3517611 or email: vlckdablc0yahoo.com. Room for rtnt. 410/month. All utilities Included. 161 e. Claybourne Ave (2770s). Call (219J-309-0059 Real Estate $455 monthly blip with your mortgage! Suqarhouse duplex, FSBO; 2&1 bedrooms, updated kitchen, larg»2-car garaqe. 601-466-3213. NO LISTING AGENTS. Phone: 801.581.7041 Fax: 801.581.3299 classifieds§chronicleMtah.edu Now accepting application! for enerqetlc, hospitality oriented team members. We have openings for hosts, bussers, and servers. Come In any time to pick up an application or download one online at osf.com. Open Interviews Monday through Thursday from 2:00-4:00 pm. Located in the trolley square mall. 801-521-0424 PLACE YOUR AD HERE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE PLEASE CALL 801-581-7041 Child Care Seeklnq PT nanny tor before & alter school care ol lively 5 y.o. girl. 15th & 15th area. Must have own car, be non-smoker, and have experience working w/children, email: kesslerlt^aol.com. We are looking for a marketing representatlve(s) (or our Insurance company. Prior experience In the Insurance Industry NOT necessary. This position entails maintaining existing client relationships and helping to develop new client relationships. We are looking for an energetic, outgoing and highly motivated person. Base pay would be $14 per hour with potential for monthly bonuses. This Is a parttime position that would require approximately 25 hours per week. Potential employees would need their own vehicle. Please send resumes to matt^herltaqeinsuranceservlce.com. Help Wanted Applications are currently being accepted for permanent part-lime positions at the Clarh Planetarium. We are conveniently located on the TRAX Line, at the Clarh Planetarium Stop. Those with a background In Astronomy and the Sciences would be preferred, but not requirred. As a now Staff Member, you will be required to obtain a Food After School Cora Handler's Permit. Starting wage part-time for 8 and 9 year old I Is S7.Z5/hour. Weekdays and flexible, need car, non-smoker | weekend evenings prefered, but call Ellen at 891-9414 not required. Career After school care; 2 kids, great | advancement opportunities are available. Please come by in pay! must have car/Ins. person to fill out an non-smoking 755-4796 application. We are located at Babyittttr Naedtd! Btiponil 110 S. 400 W. ble, loving and RELIABLE at the entrance to the babysitter needed for singleGateway. We look forward to mother. Occasional weekday talking to you! evenings and especially weekend evening babysitting for 3 Tl.s Clark Planetarium children In Sandy. $10/hr Management 801-664-7042 Child Care Boy Scouts of America Child cirt athlatlc 8 and 11 y/o M.Tu.W 3 to 7pm. Need transport to Emigration Canyon, apply mdslnqhal'^qmall.com. Is looking for PT adult (male or female) leaders. Provide leadership/activities at local elementary schools as part of the Scoutreach program. No experience neccessary. Flexible schedule Afternoons M-F. Call Tony ® 577-3200. tyapi a s<S yahoo.com Help Wanted Help Wanted Chlldcart and Uachlnq, for our 5 year old twins. Duties Include the ability to develop, prepare, and provide, dally reading/phonics work, and weekly science and art projects. A background In child development, music and/or Spanish speaking skills a plus. 20+ hours per week. Some light house keepIng required. GROUP LEADERS (10-15 kids) for 5LC School District After School program. 19 hrs/wk; M-TH 2:30-5:30/6pm and Fridays 12:30-5:30/6pm. Start ® $9.50 per hour. Send resume to: heldl.clark«>slc.k12.ut.us or call 578-8275. Back ground check required. Contact Sue at 580-2378. Famata nudt modtlt- $35hr plus you keep all clothing bought for the shoot and a Icopy of photos-all photo will' Ibe done tasteful and classy lemall a head and body shot to )ames_ashley2OOO2OOOcsyalhoo.com FurWovInt) tutors needed tor our amazing 2-yo son with hlgh-functlonlnq autism. S9/hn 8-12 hr/wk. Somewhat flexible schedule. Professional training provided; GREAT experlencel Call Michelle at B01.440.8952 for more Info. Otorflttry/Phyiks tutor needed for high school student. Must be dependable. Must commit to working with the student at least two days/week. Preference will be given to applicant who commits to tutoring for entire school year. Fax resume, letter of Introduction, contact Information to 272.9102 or email: )!m4500a<$yahoo.cotn CertaPro Painters Make $IO-$2O per hourl Arc looking lor L"t-golnq, friendly, and self motivated people to assist In Marketing campaign. Great hours for Students, part tlmel Call Matt now to apply! 801-554-6826 Modtli Winttd for art classes. Undraped $15 HR Salt Lake Community College campus and downtown on TRAX line. No experience required. Dependable and reliable persons please. Currently have positions for day and evening classes weekdays/weekends. Contact: Rick Graham 801-5023033 and Sid Colton 801485-3935 1 7 8 8 7 9 5 6 3 2 4 7 9 Job starting at 510 per hr. Mlp cafe, Plates&Palates In Bountiful. Day shifts m-sat available. Hours Irom 11-5. Must bo able to work at least 3 days. To Inquire call 292-2425, ask lor owner. Next Pag t It looking for capable, hard-working people to test software now and during Chlldcar* ntcdtd for our 10school year. Wilt train. PT. month old daughter In SugarNeed solid knowledge of house area. 3-4 days a week, 5Word/Excel. $11/hr. 6 hours a day, somewhat flexiSend resume to: ble. Call Erin or Marianne at Vlckle.blrchalliiPnextpage.com. SCULPTOR NEEDS PART-TIME 484-5248. OracU consulting firm Is look- FEMALE MODEL. Tracy Aviary Is currently hiring Guest Service Associates. Visit Nanny needed ages 8 and 10 Ing for PT office assistant with Please call Monday-Friday, computer hardware skills, 8a.m-Sp.rn. Pays $15/hr. www.tracyaviary.org for more Holladay, UT. 3:40-5:40 M-F. $11-$13/hr, mlke5Ptrutek.com 9.00HR. 281-0046. information. Must be 18. Call 671-1635 Graat studtnt Jobll Disabled downtown resident needs personal care attendants. Good pay, flexible schedule, relaxed atmosphere. Call Andrew <£> 557-9182 4 1 8 Answers can be found on the website at www.sudoku.com Help Wanted Help Wanted SCULPTOR NEEDS PART-TIME FEMALE MODEL. Please call Monday-Friday, 8a.m-5p.m. Pays $15/hr. Must be 18. Call 671-1635 P/T Secretary 8am-l2:30 pm M-F.Must be organized, detail oriented, able to answer multiple phone lines and schedule appts. Will train but must be a fast learner. Email resume & wage history to InfoSrockymountalnmovers.net or apply in person 663 S. 600 W., SLC. 801-355-7700. SOCIAL SERVICES The Carmen B. PJngree Center at 780 S. Guardsman Way near the U of U Is seeking p/t classroom assistants for young children w/autlsm. $9.16/hr. We also have p/t positions in Kearns monitoring adolescents In residential and day treatment and two positions for p/t van drivers. (Job 829-A & B) To apply for any of these positions, go to www.vmh.com and apply online. Oulat Romantic Gataway .5 bedroom 3 bath with mountain view and spa. Perfect for office study. Large fenced yard. Lots of parking. Near shopping and freeways, yet secluded. 3,6, or 1 year lease. Call Tarrle 661313-2297. Roommate Needed $450+utllltles Private Bedroom/Bathroom/llvIng room/dlnlng room. Private Entrance Furnished or Unfurnished Option for cable t.v. Share kitchen Call Alclra 801-272-3285 or 801-566-0743 WANTED Musicians and coffee drinkers. It you love coffee and are Interested In performing at o coffee shop, come see us. If you just want a great place to study, COME SEE US. VILLAGE COFFEE 2704 S. State SLC, UT 801-485-0636 Former reps have gone on to have sucessful careers working for the following firms: • Reagan Advertising • Newspaper Agency Corporation • Love Communications " City Weekly •K5L •New Day Financial , NEED. A CAR? .FIRST TIME BUYER PROGRAM; ' MCAUTOS^LES/FIRM With our first time buxcr^Qrogram you don'tn'eed any credit history .or ,co-signer<and your payment _can.be as lbwas$70/monthwith.np.thing down. ^X.. For information call: ' Gary - Finance Manager v t i l l : 714-791-407^ MC Auto Sales'/ Firm DLR #6975 North Salt Lake, ITT ,' (801)502-8143 ' — — OAC• • - She Jfetir JJork ®imc$ Crossword ACROSS 1 Spell 7 Crams "SSy6*16 16 In Dutch 171 past S table nospitaoie 18 How some are offended 19 Cobbler, at times -rtO .. 20 Practice ., . .. 21 -majeste 111 urkey's dewlap 48 Calvin and Hobbes" bully 51 Part of the 7 6 8 9 10 P^w:Abbr. 17 18 52 Look daggers 53 Start of a "Name That Tune,, b j d ,,T .. . „ 55Textte-hee 56 "Your children are not y1 o u r children Kpoet , , c _ 57Bank of America Stadium team 19 20 ^ ^ 22 23 24 26 27 59 Attire •• 29 35 36 40 ^ ^ H 4 4 £3 Uorhc rti 51 54 ^•55 57 60 62 tho n°°T^ woodcock 38Brittonwho wrote 'The President's Daughter," ' G o a l °* middle management? 2 Quaker Oats product 3Acting ™!2L 39 Fifth-century 4Must cTW pope, the first to receive the title e "the Grpat" reat 5TV announcer who played himself in 40 Ones with read faces? 43 M a c ^Aftfhl, 44 Got by 45 Rebelled ^.o 6 Some specials 7 Rolling Stones hit just before "HonkyTonk Women" "Bananas" 8 Ill-fated NASA effort 9Jazz pianist/ composer Williams TOTaxfg. „ , 11 Landlocked — Sea 12 One with a high Q score 13 Five-time Horse of the Year, 1960-64 14Celtic canines 24 Former union members: Abbr. 20 hours a week excellent resume building experience for students 12 13 14 E-mail resumesto: t-hurtado@chronicle.utah.edu • 28^^H^^^BH 32 I 33 34 39 42 ^••••43 45 46 47 52 I 53 11 31 38 41 • 49• bU• 0J nerus OT me mint family J 30 37 4ti »-„«. ,. 29 Should shouldnt... 30 Visitors ™ V« 5 4 3 16 6 0 inclusive words, fittingly? 61 They may be lined up at the bar 62 Weed ™ 2 iVill Shortz $7.00 per hour + bonuses Contact Tom Hurtado Director of Advertising @581-7751 15 23 Tribulations 25 Baseball's Belinsky and Jackson 26 Prickly area of a prickly pear 27 Sue Grafton's 35 Cousin of a 1 Edited Get ahead of the rest... 56 59 61 63 28Apnea specialis r s ort " 31 Some cc contests 32 aShortage rush-n subway t . f o 33 Not inter I for just a>urt gle applicati< 3 in ^ar. 34 Dry stateDur 36 Walker, (ideekly sin 37Grand Dn: 41 Put on a pedestal 42 Intimate luic i PUZZLE BY JOHN FARMER 46 Base of support 47 Legendary MacGregor 48 Child prodigy of "Heroes'^ 49 Florida's National Forest 50 Lords of London 54 Have a little something 58 Invention that's not thought highly of Universi FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Certain restrictions apply Low Rate Auto Loans a Free Costco Membership |