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Show 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted COLLECTIONS ADMINISTRATIVE Community , r College Accounts Receivable Assistant-Collections Salt Lake d r y , UT 100—Help Wanted CUSTOMER SERVICE BI-LINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE MAINTENANCE FABRICATOR/WELDER •nULTRADBNT MHr-nonuOTU> IKO Uttradent, a world-wide leader In dental research, development and manufacturing is seeking) MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Salt Lake City, UT 100—Help Wanted MEDICAL Medical Office Specialist Fabricator/ Welder E F/T DIETARY SUPERVISOR HARPER PRECAST DRIVER Alamo HARPER PRECAST FLEET MECHANIC ^National. CNA C.N.A.S AUTO TECHNICIAN PIACEVOUR AUTOMOTIVE r Desk Manager Soli Lake Valley GMC Js nelrfng a qualified d^ik manager. Candidate rmut be self motivated, resulti driven with a (proven track record, ejg^ecled to help motivate and train the tales learn. Must have experience as i ' a Desk Manager. I . Email resume toi M)r@saltlake valley !> gmexom AUTOMOTIVE, --.- LINE TECHS ySED CAR TECHS IUUBETECHS CLASSIFIED AD 7ft) AM to WO PM. DAY IHS SUMJR 7:00 AM to MOPM FRIDAY CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer Service Travel Specialist ATLAST1 A M Shift OPEN! CASH BONUSES PAID WEEKLY N O SALES N O WEEKENDS! 5 4 5 - 8 5 4 5 or apply ontine BestPartTlnw JoblnUtah.com For consideration of PartTime Instructor positions, apply online at rrrtpt//]obsjlctedg and click on the Adjunct Faculty Pool link on the home page. SLCC I* an AA/EEO Employer EDUCATOR"";"' BINDERY WORKER MENTAL HEALTH WORKER CUSTOMER SERVICE EDUCATION Stable medical office seeking full time billing specialist. Responsibilities Include working aged accounts, processing appeals and patient collections. W e offer an excellent beneftl package and competitive salary. Previous medical billing experience rag. Fox resume id 801 -397-0455. LABORATORY NURSING CNAS& PHLEBOTOMISTS 8 DAY COURSES Job Assistance Provided 801-201-0699 i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MEDIA PREP ASSISTANT I DOES MORE THINGS ; FOR MORE PEOPLE Join the Nelson Team and became part of a growing company! Responsibilities include prepqroiton of media for laboratory letting. Running of various: lab equipment including sterilizers and (learn kettles. Applicant! mini be at lean 18 y e a n old and have a High School diploma or equivalent. noun are M-F from 6AM-2i30PM. PleaM check out our website THAN ANY OTHER FORM OF ADVERTISING! Foothill, Customer Service FT MEDICAL ASSISTANT Outbound *\ Sales Rep CIASSIHEDAD. 237.2000 NEDON MEDICAL POLITICAL POLLING/ Flexible Hrs. A I* Career Launch client is Mark MIDer Toyota \t seeking outgoing people seeking experienced to conduct political polling TftaSt, Ream and Una by phone. No pressure Teehi. Not B«M"9 and no sales. Flexible enough hours whara you schedule, 15-40 hours/wk. Rimfly Clinic J now wodit? WE con rem- Located in Layton & Utah STUDENT TEACHER edy [hat todayII W o pay • Billing Office County. esculent wages ond of- To apply, pleaso send COORDINATOR Full time. f e f a great benefit packresume to jobs7@ Fax resume arm: Mandy ag». c-launch.com and put Individual will: place stu801-365-1033 for mora bifonrrallon. ; . Pleas* Mnd your Political Polling In the dents in appropriate r• resume |o EOE schools for field, • Phone Operator subject line or call mBta1@markmfUer.c0m practlca, and student 801-607-2347, Iv.msg. Full-time days toothing experiences assuring diversified assign• X-Ray Tech CUSTOMER SERVICE ments; monitor the super- MAINTENANCE LPRT and RRT. vision and evaluation of PRN shifts. i;<© TOYOTA student teachers; collabCEREAL FOOD orate with faculty ond }j>O W..N TOW N ' Medical Assistant school district personnel, PROCESSORS, Inc. Full-time Days PEERLESS BEAUTY SUPPLY and collaborate with co- Has an Immediate openl i seeking a motlyared In- ordinator of advisement ing In local flourmlll. We AUTOMOTIVE Busy family practice office dfvtduarwlth strong custo assist students as will be accepting appliwifh great benefits. Fax tomer service, sales & orneeded. SERVICE TECHNICIAN cations for a production resumes to numbers listed .gantzational skills for AsHELPtl W e have too much maintenance position. The above or email to: utfani Mgr. In their Drapwork. The Myrdock person In this position admin® er branch store. F/T ifart- Master's degree in Educa- provides operational Hyundai of Salt Lake Is foothillfamllycllnicxom tion or related field, support to maintain the ing@S10.30/hr.wHh seeking an experienced, three years experience process equipment at the iplrfi ami benefits. Cotmotivated service tedinlIn education, ond experi- plant and supports all dfan to come work on one ' metology backarognd ence with budgets and plant departments for re- MEDICAL preferred. Email resume of the hottest car line* program oversight re- pairs and project work. tot devon@ around. Great working quired. environment, benefits & > peerieub* auty.com Submit resumes to or fax 9 7 2 - 3 2 9 0 . pay. Call Scott at d.moen@cerealfood.com View details and apply 801-262-6401 or •mall online at jobs.weber.eau. •Qualified applicants must j.resume to scottm@ have strong mechanical CUSTOMS? SERVICE/. murdockhyundal.com aptitude, two years work FT medical assistant for SALES , WSU Is an AA/EO Coymodln dinic Ideal history, be detail orientEmployer. candidate Is personable, ed and have a good atO-jILD CARE experienced, and detail tendance records with oriented. strong work ethics. WillFT/PT TEACHER, COOK ELECTRICAL Please fax resume to ingness to work up to a or VAN DRIVER. Will train 2B8-4456 seven-day per week Benefits. 9 6 7 - 3 1 1 1 or 'MOWDUNAMEACA! Salt lake County Public schedule, weekends, holi• 268-1142 Works Operations has a days and overtime reMEDICAL — .T~-.T full-time opening for a quired. This Is an excel* Traffic Signal Specialist. CONSTRUCTION lent opportunity for Salary Is $2380/Month qualified Individuals to plus a great benefits learn and grow In their Stabla medical efftc* In package. Performs a Job with a national comLayton Making full lima variety of electrical pany. nWdkol Moratory. W » construction duties In the offer an excellent berwfn maintenance, repair and Foods offers , A dynamic organfeanon ! Installation of traffic •Cereal competitive wages plus >packoge and competitive offering excellent b a m - : signals, school flashers, & , salary. Previous medical medical, dental, life, flti and woA/IKa bol- , street light poles. Obtain r pension and 401-Kexperience required. Fax anca ho» on outstanding I Information and apply Intamwtmtaln Slurry Seal, resume lo 801-397-0455. plan. career opportunity for ' Isjane of lha premier asonline through our online •Successful applicants must phalt maintenance compa- dn enrhusiauic, setr moll-: employment center at submit to a pre- MEDICAL voted profenlonol to ' nies In lha Infarmountofn https://www.|obs. placement physical exenhance member service. : Wwt. Over lha part 30+ am that Includes a drug 1 slco.org/ man wa have been In by offering products andi and alcohol screen as wines*, lnlermourtain sarvkM via outbound I by August 3 1 , 2008. Sail well as a background flurry hai buiit a loDd calRna. ! Lake County Human check at the company's Our Physktan Proctke Resources, 2001 South T I gutarien as lha oomracexpanse. 5tr«et, Suite Management Organizah £of choka In our M u i - To complete an appQca- i State tion affiliated with a N46OO. SLC, UT 84190, r y. InlermoOnialn Slurry , rton and learn mora. Cereal Food Processors, large hospital corpora801-468-235I/V or 5 ; a i ipedaflzei m Slurry Inc. Is an Equal Opportuni- tion hai an excellent 801-468-3600/TTY. SaaJr MIcro>5urf adng, opportunity for Medkal ty / Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity O p p j a a l & Refuvmolianj Assistant In South Jordanl Employer. Employer. Prefer at least one year f j o fubmtl a rssum* experience as a Medical arifflimt em application Assistant In a physldan ELECTRICIANS Journey MAINTENANCE t - *pieas« contact practice. LPT Ikensure I Juifln Stagg preferred, but not Rock Spring*, W Y - l i FT Maintenance B0t-526-6ll5ofnoi required. Qualified censed Journeyman ElecGetoirtofthenrt! position working trician needed. Hourly In homes for candidates may apply Find a new job wage $25.75 with possidisabled adults. online at ble relocation Incentives. Must have driven license. at www.shared services Call 307-382-0647 Call Jackie @ 582-8097. careers.com. Mon.- Frl. 8am - 5 pm. Please refer to Job EOE M / F / D / V # 5 8 3 0 when applying. p | WEBER S I M w UNIVERSITY I0FUCEVOUR Biding Specialist Take your career to the next level- Take home more than a paycheck. Vhit our website and apply online at www.bbhBwt.com lAaoiATOai*! : Ne*ded In our^Prlnrtng Offlea. Fufj lima w t t h . : benefits. Must be able loi run eurteri, Folders, collators and hand work. Apply online al - :, hesdiDolMina MEDICAL Medical Secretary Medical Assistant 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted RETAIL OPERATIONS Enhancing Image... Enhancing Image... OFFICE CIERK II, Enhancing Careers. Enhancing Careers. G&K Services Is a leading Our medical office In Sort G&K Services It a leading STUDENT branded Identity appa- Lake City, affiliated with branded Identity apparel and facility servicei a large hospital corporarel and facility services company with nearly tion has an excellent EMPLOYMENT AND company wllfi nearly 10,000 employees opportunity for a Medi10,000 employees cal Office Specialist! Galileo Processing, a COOPERATIVE worldwide. worldwide. Microsoft Offfce profiTechnology, Marketing ciency and ability to and Customer Service EDUCATION Your organizational skills leader In electronic trans- Candidates mutt have a W e are looking for a multl-tailc required. are essential to your action processing has Im- strong background in Maintenance Technician Great communication SERVICES Is both selfsuccasi, as you will be mediate openings for In- fabrication shop, working who and customer relation motivated and dlsdmaking 5 0 + calls/day to bound ' #08020 In a team environment, p lined. You will maintain skills needed. Prefer at customers, pulling/re- English/Spanish Bl-tingual have sufficient training Speakleast one year front desk our facility and records Provide reception duties searching Invokes, & ing Customer Care Rep- and/or four years expe- and operate equipment. experience In a physician for ati incoming traffic heavy clerical duties. rience to operate equipresentatives. practice. Qualified Requirements: 3-5 years for the Student Employ- Requires polling experiat the Journeyman of maintenance experi- candidates may apply m«nl & Cooperative Edu- ence (pott checks, write If you enjoy a fast-paced ment ence, experience In online at cation Services and other offs, & adjustment to environment, and thrive level. heavy lifting (55+ lbs), w w w.shared se rvkes staff. Manage a accounts), as well as on working with peoplo and trade skills In welaUltrodent Is an equal careerj.com. multiple-line telephone experience with Micro- who are among the best at what they do, weopportunity employer and Ing, electrical, mechaniPlease refer lo Job system, toko |ob orders soft Windows programs. cal, HVAC, instrumentaneed to talk. offers a competitive #5879 when applying. from employers, and vertion, or boiler making. benefits package. ify job order status; par- W e offer Galileo provides excellent competitive Send resume to farm clerical duties Inflexible schedNURSES with a benefits, hr@ultradent.com volving data «rtlry cmd compensation, competitive pay, W e offer competitive benefit package. ules, word processing. Gradu- full or fax your resume to work from home procompensation, with a Rocky Mountain Home apply online at; gram, and a fun and ation from high school or Please B01-553-4642. Care and Hospice Is full bonefit package. www.gkcareers.com. equivalent! two y e a n of Click friendly work environlooking for a f«w Please apply online ati Job Search. City; ment. FOOD SERVICE related, full-lime, paid Salt Lake reat RN's for our Salt w w w . g k c a r e e r s . c o m . City. EOE. work experience. ake and Tooele locaClick Job Search. Cltyi tions. Apply online today at Salt Lake City. EOE. www.g allleoutah.com Poiition II open Positions Available: until filled TRAINING STARTS SOONI Full-time RN Case Manager-Salt Lake For a complete Job deHospice scription and to apply go G»K JUVICU DELIVERY /PICK-UP Full-time RN Case to hrtpi!//iobi.ilctodu. Overseeing kitchen In Manager-Salt Lake SLCC is an AA/EEO home for disabled adults. a*KSIRVICIS Sandy Dental l a b . PT, Home Care Employer. Wage starting at 11.00. CONSTRUCTION must b e 2 1 . Cars p r o v i d On-coll RN: 7 days on, M-F. Medical, Dental, e d . Call John 5 7 2 - 0 8 2 0 7 days off-Salt Lake and Retirement. Call Deb MARKETING Homo Care @ 582-8097 Ext. 1006. AUTO •Full-time/Part-tlme RN Is now accepting appliMARKETERS Needed. DRIVER Case Manager-Tooele EOE M/F/D/V Mon-Fri 8 a - l 2. For more cation* for all potlHom. Home Care and HosInfo call American HouseGENERAL LABOR pice keeping 801-967-5454 Please apply In person ah 2300 North 1110 Wart Sorensen Companies, a LASORERS NEEDED FT/PT Position Requirements! North Salt Lake, UT utility excavation comCity Staffing Senricas Must have a valid Utah MECHANIC pany. Is seeking a CDL-A _ RN license Coll 323-8383 .; Excellent benefits. driver for transport of DETAILER - Full time Reliable Transportation PUBUC1DAD CLASIF1CADA equipment, hauling mateHACE MAS CO5A5 PARA Excellent Clinical, Orrial, asphalt placement, I M S PEftSOKAS QUE DETA1LERS are responsible ganizational and Comana general construction CUALQUIER OTKA FORMA for working In a team en- CONSTRUCTION munication Skills labor. Must have CDL-A OE PUBUDDAO. vironment to deliver the Positive Attitude and Enlicense with 3 -5 years highest standard of car thusiasm Required driving experience, cleanliness to our valuab now accepting appliknowledge of local pits GENERAL OFFICE ble customers. Must be We offer flexible hours, cations for all l l l and current equipment 18 years of age or older training and orlontatie down laws. Previous with a valid driver's lition to Home Care and cense. Medical, denfot, Please apply In person ah construction experience Hospice, a great work 2300 North 1110 W e i l beneficial. Salary $12 vision, 401K. Please apenvi ronmo nt, and conilnNorth Salt Lake, UT $17, depending on ply In person at the Sail uod education. W e experience. May be 5YSCO Irtlermounlaln h Lake International Airare a stable and proExcellent banefliil required to lift up to 100 presently sacking a port by following the gressive company comlbs. Must have a clean Heal mechanic for our ilgns martced CAR RENTmitted to employee satdriving record and be Irvdc shop. The person AL RETURN to the ALAisfaction. able to pass a pre- It accepting appUcbllora In thii potltlon mainMO RENT A CAR booth. COOK employment drug screen. for General Office help. tains and repairs Fax resumes to: Great benefits available. SYSCO Inlermountaln PT Cook, $8.35 on hour. Please apply in person Please apply In person ah Suz Davles at yshidei and refrigeraAUTO: Coll Jako @ 582-8097 8201 Wast 5400 South at 4185 West 8370 801-397-4959 tion units and performs Ext. 1005 Keomi, UT South from 8:00 a.m. to or email to suz.davles(£ other duties as, EOE M/F/D/V 3:30 p.m. Monday required. rmcare.com Benefits available; through Friday, or fax COORINATOR Excellent wage! .1 .1 Mimjri resume to 282-5555. Wa have a full benefit EEO Employer. Check out NURSING package Including, madweb site at leal, dental, vision, (CASAJ Court GREETER/CHECK-IN 401k, tuition reimbursewww.gosd.com AGENT GRAPHIC ARTIST ment and stock purAppointed Special FT/PT. Apply at Mllkreek chase. Seeking full-time entryArtist needed for large Health Center. Competilevel greeter agent to Advocate Volunteer Sandy, UT screenprlntTng tlve pay. 801 -484-7638. Apply onflnei DRIVER conduct car-side checkcompany. Must have exwwvr.fyiCD Coordinator II ins with mobile handheld perience with Photoshop irtle rmountaln.com computers for our returnand Illustrator. Design Ing customers, while pro- Tho Guardian ad Litem skills and screenprlntlng EEO/Drua Free jecting a professional Im- Office- Salt Lake City- Is experience preferred. Local & Surrounding age. Advancement op- seeking a CASA volunFax resume (o 566-3350 Workplace Slates. Increased Pay. teer Coordinator with a portunities exist to or email to Get out of the rut! Great Equip., medical, cOunter-salei and service bachelor's degree in dental: IRAi pd vac Class kmorris@sansegal.com MEDICAL positions. Training pro- social sciences, humaniFind a new job A CDL dbl. 2yrs exp. vided. Medical, Dental, ties, or related degree, PaU.wkly; 965-08b0 at an associate's All Positions available Vision, 401K. Mutt be OR HEALTHCARE working with dlsabfed IB years of age or old- degree and three years adults. All shifts availaer, nave a valid driver's experience, OR a combible. FT S. PT available. license and available to nation of education and EDUCATION "MEDICAL Competitive wages. w^wk alternating week- experience. Experience WURSING Medical, Dental, and ends. Please apply In in the CASA program, or COLLECTIONS Sale U k c Retirement offered. Call person at the Salt Cake neglected or abused Community Jackie @ 582-8097 Gty Int'l. Airport by fol- children is prefarrod. The REPRESENTATIVE College ext. 1000. lowing me CAR RENTAL position Is full-time with RETURN signs to me NA- benefits. Hiring range FT Collections RepresentaTIONAL CAR RENTAL SI6.07 to $18.38 /fir. EOE M / F / D / V tive for large cardiology May underfill at a CASA booth. ADJUNCT practice. Knowledge or Volunteer Coordinator I Insurance, EOB's, and MEDICAL • Airt. & Blller depending on qualificaINSTRUCTORS problem solving skills. tion). Applications and AUTOMOTIVE Preview* medfcal experi- Busy family practice office full job description may F/T and P/T afternoon ence required. Second In W J looking for FT; be obtained from Sail Lake Community Col* shifts available in our language a plus. Please www. utcou rts.gov., or lego seeks qualified partbeautiful Assisted Living Ji time Instructors for classes fax resume and salary • MEDICAL ASSISTANT 450 S. State Street. Salt Needed for light line auto Community. $500.00 Must have exp In family Lake G t y , UT, phone In general, developmental history to 801*288-4444. jrepalr. St/IM license* SIGN-ON BONU5 if 801-578-3957. Closing education, career, and >1w1puL Pay DOE you have a current practlc* or pediatrics. Date: September 2, technical areas, The need ' Good bane flit. Apply at license. Apply In parfor new Instructors arises 2008 at 5:00 pm. EOE HEALTHCARE T ATE WATE SU SUBARU torn Brighton Gardens, frequently, and SLCC • MEDICAL BII1ER, exp. i 328-1327 76 South 500 East, SLC. would like to hove your Information on file. Fax to 8 0 1 - 5 6 6 - 5 6 6 7 GALILEO The'Salt Lake Tribune and The Deseret News A21 Monday, August 25,2008 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted LPN OR RN F/T position available In our beautiful Skilled Nursing Community. Shift split between afternoon and graveyards, Including weekends. Current license and the ability to work in a multi-task environment are necessary. Preferred «Kperlflnca In long-term care. Apply In person at . Brighton Gardens at SLC, 7 6 South 500 East or e-mail resume to salHakecityJirm© sunriseseniorllvlng.com. NURSING RN OR LPN F / t R N / LPN four 10ps afternoons at Valley Mental Health's residential crisis unit. Case/med mpjnt. Apply at www.vmh.com for |ob #718-2 PUBUCIDAD CLASIRCADA KACE HAS COSAS PARA MASPERSONA8QUE CUALQUIER OTKA FORMA DE PUDLJCIOAD. Halloween USA I* coming to the Utah Area) Locations In Murray, Ogden and Taylorsville Seeking enthusiastic people lo join our team. IMMEDIATE Openings for EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II Mldvale City Is accepting applications for the position of Equipment Operator II In the Storm W a For a scary good lime ter Division. This position Email: performs a variety of skilled duties related to dmlspage!@halloweenusa the construction, mainte- .com nance, and repair of city storm drain/irrigation SALES MANAGES systems and other city facilities. Telecom. 4-Stata corp. Minimum Qualifications: b o » d In WY since W U . Two years experience as Total comperufalon (salan equipment operator, ary and commission over plus experience In con- S100K. Relo provided, crete work, and asphalt company p d benefits, patching. Vacfor experi- 401k matched PLUS, vaence preferred. Appli- cation, sldk, holiday, p d cants must possess a val- expenses and travel. id Class B CDL or ability Grow our fail-paced to obtain within six (6) business to business sales group. Apply months. Starting salaryt Grade www.unlohwlrelesi.com or email Lmonloya 11 (Step 1 $12.35/hour or higher @mtvl e w.unlon- lei .com. TJNION TELEPHONE [ D.O.E.). Applicants must UNION WIRELESS, submit a City application Mountain View, WY (available a l City Hall, 655 W . Center St., or 62939. EOE Employer] Drug free workplace. online at www.midvateclty.org) to Rorl Andreason, HR Director SECRETARY dt 655 W . Center Si. by 5:00 p.m. Friday, September 5, 2008. Mldvale City Is on equal opportunity employer F/T secretary for Valley Mental Health's d a y treatment 1020 S. Main and f / t office sp. for outpatient clinic 7434 S PHARMACY TECHS State. Apply at www.vmh.com FT or PT, competitive pay, must be state licensed. SHEET METAL & ROOFERS Hours 9am-6pm M-F, 9am-1pm Sat. Fax to Superior Roofing has im801-298-8223 The mediate openings for Medldne Shoppe, Bnrfl. sheet metal & roofers. Health Insurance IncludPRINTING ed. Pay based on experience. Apply at 3405 S. 500 W . SLC, UT 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted WAREHOUSE / LABORER BOUNTIFUL/SANDY 6bdrm, 3ba. Rent To Own! No Qualifying! Low Down. 897-8899 2i00_pm-l 2i30am, M-Th. 510/hr starting. 3170S. 900 W . Call 801-977-0078 WAREHOUSE Assistant SECRETARY Jogger Social Services batkcountry.com SUPERVISOR 200—Unfurnished Apartments COTTONWOOD HGTS RENT & DEPOSIT SPECIAL O N 3 BDRMS, W / D hookups, great location, Brighton Park 2567 E Bengal Blvd. 944-1515 No pets please COTTONWOODi New Apartment Homes Luxurious, tpadous 1 -2 Bd. 5600 +. Pool, play area, hkps., balcony. Excel, loc No dogs. Hill Rise Aprs. 2385 E. 6B95 5. 733-5915 DOWNTOWN - Apt. Mgr. Lorgo2 Bdrm. Free + Bonus. Couple/Team. No smoke. 277-0167 EAST SIDE/SALT LAKE Lrg. 1 & Zbdrm. Rant $545 & up like new ramod., frplc, dishwasher, A/C, & many exlrai, clubhouse, p o o l No Dogs 486-6931,466-2274 Construction Realty SOCIAL SERVICE Pressman CEREAL FOOD PROCESSORS, Inc. LICENSED CLINICAL Has an Immediate opening in local flourmlll. We will bo accepting application) for a production position in tho flourmlll facility. This position provides mill sanitation and t/tlllty work to meet company and regulatory standards, on-the-job training provided. Submit resumes lo djnoen@cerealfood.com •Qualified applicants must be detail orlontcd and have a good attendance records with storing work ethla. Willingness to work up to a seven-day per weak schedule, weekends, holidays and overtime roquired. This Is an excellent opportunity for qualified Individuals to learn and grow In their Job with a national company. SOCIAL WORKER (PART-TIME) • #P8038 Provide Mental Health Ass»swrtent/Treatmonl/C risis Intervention/Group Services and Referrals For College Students, Staff and Faculty. Assist with yearly assessment of program. Qualifications and experience required: Licensed Clinical Social Worker or CSW "wirhm one year, State of Utah; Masters degree In Sod a I Work; psychotherapy experience; experience In Higher Education preferred. Position Is open until filled. For a complete job de•Cereal Foods offers scription and to apply go competitive wages plus to nttps:// jo bs.slcc.edu, medkal, dental, life, pension and 401 -K SLCC is an AA/EEO plan. Employer. •Successful applicants must submit to a p re- SOCIAL WORK placement physical exam that Includes a drug and alcohol screen as well as a background check a l the company's expense. The State of Utah, Department of Human Cereal Food Processors, Inc. Is an Equal Opportuni- Services, Division, of Aging & Adult Services Is ty / Affirmative Action recruiting for a Division Employer Director in SLC. Apply Send resumes to the online at above address. https://state|obs.utah.gov job#16159 PRODUCTION . Closes 9-02-08. Social Work/ Administrative SUPERVISOR TELECOMMUNICATION Local food proctnor looking for Una supervisor. Cold, wet environment. Sl2.75/hr. Plus Bowses, Overtime and Holiday Work. Sundays and one weekday off. Barwflti Induce medical, dental, ilfe, vacation, paid hofldayi, 401 (k). Apply In parson at Condles Foods 4B50 South 5300 Watt Reams, Utah M/F/V/0 RECEPTIONIST $10 hr Professional offke exp, required 8,30-5,30 M-F Perm/Benefits S1 Ohr Management Co Submit resume tot ama,fetzer@ vrlraso rtt.com or feu B01 -278-9706 OFFICE RECEPTIONIST Director of Telecommunications Teleperformance USA has an Immediate openIng for a Director of Telecommunications. This position provides assistance to the entire organization and requires proficiency in me following: Avaya, Genesys, circuits, ana IVR. Excellent oral communication skills and sense of urgency are crutiaL 10-14 y e a n experience In a coll canter or large business telecommunications environment is ideal. Must be able to work In an occasionally demanding yet exciting team environment. Must have BS degree In Computer Science, Telecommunications, IT or related field. Unfurnished Houses needed for distribution center. Must have warehouse and supervisory oxperlDRAPER 14336 Mayfield ence. Must be availa4 b d / 3 b a , fam rm, view ble tor AM and PM no smoke/pets $ 1395 shift. Excellent organiSAFEGUARD 566-9339 zation and detallorlenled; PTO, 401K, medical Insurance, em- RfVERTON 12229 Haven Hills, Lovely 3bd, 2ba, ployee discount, Indusno smoke/pet $1795 try perks, and advanceSAFEGUARD 5 6 6 - 9 3 3 9 ment opportunities. Apply online at 8 ackcount ry .com SALT LAKE AREA HOUSES Eagle Mountain Press Is currently hiring for a Jogger willing to train right person, must be reliHARMONY GARDENS able and able to work a Quiet Retirement flexible schedule of rotating shifts consisting of Community days ond nights, shift dif- Teach work skills to peo(55 yean +), ferential for nights. Must ple with disabilities. Day $99 deposit be able to spook and un- noun Mon-Frl. Fax re- lots of activities, pets derstand English. welcome, frlondly staff sume to 262-2066, or and great location. apply at Columbus 3495 3521 W. 3100S. Please fax resume to S. West Temple. 963-4979 801-988-1163 attrn Brenda SOCIAL SERVICE HOLLADAY 2241 E. Laney PRINTING Ave. $750 2 BD 1 BA Carport^ Onsito Laundry, A/C Coop. Property 35571136 Valley Mental Health seeking F / T and P/T HOLLADAY working w/adolescent In Eagle Mountain Press Is residential tx. (lobs 822Luxurious, spado us seeking an experienced 1,2,3 and A-D) Also F/T 1-2 Bdrm. $510 + 2nd pressman, must bo case manger for Alliance Pool, play area, hkps., willing to work a flexible House Clubhouse (job balcony. Excellent loc schedule Including rotat- 822-7) and F/T behavior ing shifts consisting of sp. for Tooele Jr High Cotton wood Creek days and nights, shift dif- (fob 822-5). ferential for nights. Must 4888 S. Highland Or. Apply at www.vmh.com be able to speak and un278-3287 derstand English. SOCIAL WORK Cherry Hill 2210 E. 3300 S. Please fax resume to 883-9750 801-988-1163 Salt LaJjc attn: B rend a Community C Del Monico College 4370 S. Highland Dr. PRODUCTION 272-2977 Vocational Instructor NO QUALIFYING Hundreds of Homes wtth SELLER FINANCING : Real EilCenne«H55-8555 MAGNA RENT & DEPOSIT SPECIAL OAC, Elk Run Apartments 8525 W . 3615 S. 252-0200 MIDVALE 3bdrm, heat & hot water Incl. hkps, pets okay 566-6o74 or 485-3922 MIDVALE CHELSEA PARK OUR PRICE A N D FLOOR PLANS WILL AMAZE YOU EXTRA LARGE 1 & 2 BDRMS. SHOWINGS; Mon.-Frl. 9-5:00 Saturday 10-2:00 561-3131 7351 So. Catalpa St. (eastslde 1-15 on Frontage Rd.) *oac EASTSIDE AND WESTSIDE AND NEARBY COUNTIES DAVIS-WEBER-TOOELE UTAH AND SUMMIT 100'S OF HOMES FIND IT FAST EXPRESS RENTALS OFFICE AT 1 2 4 E 3 9 0 0 S. www.expressrentals.com HEY LANDLORDS LIST IT FOR FREE CALL 261-4433 GOOD-BAD CREDIT OK PET OK / N O PET HOMES RENT-LEASE-OPT TO RUY 2 Bdrm $550 and up 3 Bdrm $750 and up 4 Bdrm $950 and up 5Bdrm $ 1025 and up 2Bdrm Mobile $550 ' IBdrm+Garags $500 2Bdrm+Carport $630 2Bdrm+750 sq.ft. $725 3 Bdrm Mobile $750 2Bdrm 2Garage $850 3Bdrm 2 Garage $900 4Bdrm+Garage $895 3Bdrm+Garago $975 4 Bdrm 2Ba Fence $950 4Bdrm 2KltoSen $1050 5Bdrm3BaDen $1025 4Bdm3Ba2Gar$1150 6Bdrm Den Gar $1200 5Bdrm3Ba2Gar $1200 58drm2Ba2Gar$1250 48drm 3Garage $1400 68drm 3BQ Den $1450 5Bdrm Den 2Gar $1425 5Bdrm3BaDen $1500 4Bdrm3Ba2Gar$1450 6Bdrm 38a 3Gar $1600 LUXURY HOMES 300+homes $1300-2500 CALL 261-4433 SALT LAKE IMMACULATE, LIGHT, OPEN, AIRY 3BD, 2BA, DOUBLE GAR. $1,250. E ROGAN RE/MAX METRO 364-0824 SANDY Remodeled 6 bdrm, air, 3 bath, fencad yard, garage. Private. $1500. 859-9118 SOUTH JORDAN 11036 Cadbury Dr. 4 b d , 3ba, no smoke/pet $1895 SAFEGUARD 566-9339 WEST VALLEY remodeled 5 bdrm., garage, fenced, RV parking, air $1400 new carpet. 859-91 1 8 Condos, Townhomes SOUTH SALT LAKE Newly Remodeled 1500 sq ft. townhome $995 SlOODEPOSITII Mountain Ridge 253 £ 3570 S 263-2024 SOUTH SALT LAKE Newly Remodeled 1500 sq ft. townhome $995 ONE MO. FREE OAC Mountain Ridge 253 E 3570 S 263-2024 MIDVALE FREE HEAT FREE HOT WATER FREE CABLE TV 1 bdrm., 1 ba-, starting at $590. Call now for availability. No PetsWell worth the wait. 565-0691/254-7639. MIDVALE RENT SPECIAL! 3 & 4 bdrms available Garage incl. Chadds Ford 255-2825 7 4 4 0 S. 900 E. MURRAY COME ENJOY OUR OLD COUNTRY CHARM BRITTANY APIS. LARGE 1 & 2 BEDROOMS 262-4041 4652 S. 700 E. - Small pets welcome • Low Utilities WEST VALLEY 2 bd 1.5 bo, rwnhia, hkupi, $695 2841 W 2 7 3 0 S 8 A DAVIDSONRE 466-4848 WEST VALLEY Lg remod 2bd duptax $750 2400 S. 1412 W. 466-2274 Construction Realty Autos for Sale '05 ACURARL,nov, LOADEO, $26,995 Gregory Pont. Bulcfc GMC 801-756-3353 04 HONDA ACCORD EX, blue, auto, 4 cyl, leather, pwr seat, CD changer w Aortellite radio, heated seats, pwr sunroof, four door, 93kml, $10900.00. 801-481-8827 Rent To Own C a n I Nor Credit Checks! Drive Away Todayl $500 down $200/month. 2770 S. 300 W. 486-5134 HURRY INI WONT LAST LONG Intelligent, outgoing hord worker with mult I- phorw line experience. Computer skills & non smoker perf. M-F Port to Full Please tend return* Time $9-11/hr fax re- AND salary requireMURRAY/HOLLADAY 06 MAZDA 6 V6, while, SALT LAKE sume: 801-566-8829 ments to Funmished Ig. exec apt. auto, CD changer, cruise, This Is a part time jobcareers® for 1 or 2 single people. alloys, 33kmi, share position working RECEPTIONIST leleperformanca.com. 2 bed was/ary. $12900.00, two 10-hour days per Bath/shower, fireplace, 801-481-8827 weak. This position will gar, tv w/cable and utilitprovide (administrative ies paid. Need Suitcase support to UDOT Region '01 V W BEETLE GLX TURonly. $1 100 No Smoking EOE Two, which includes BO, silver, manual trans, Imlde. 278-1422 answering Incoming calls, leather, pwr sunroof, CD, receiving and distributing SALT LAKE CITY 2 4 3 crulie, alloys. ONLY THERAPIST mail, filing, creating FT lelepham operator for 4 8km], $8200.00, bdrm apts, huge fir plans, and/or organizing exist- ; busy medical practlca. 801-481-8827 great mgmt, call far ing files and filing current Beq contpiifar skiffs. details 263-1620 documents, scanning ^268 3960 S. 500 E. documents, originating Take your career to the SALT LAKE CITY correspondence, docu- RECREATION AIDE next leveL. Consider DEPOSIT SPECIAL $50 mentation, and other working within a mull! OFF MO. RENT O N SEPT $8.85 hr. Must have Sport Utility written communication. disciplinary team of UNITS Gordon Lane valid UTDL Provides m* public and clinicians and mental LECT Vehicles Apt 247 E 4 1 8 0 S . Call Sue at 582-8097 others with information health professionals as a 261-8522 Ext. 1004 and assistants In primary therapist. EOE M / F / D / V completing forms and For a full job description SALT LAKE applications. Incumbents and application options Newly Remodeled "04 HONDA Pilot. also respond to and RESTAURANT sharp, must sea $13,995 vlslit our wedslte a l 2 Bdrm Apt Like New, route complaints, log Gregory Pont. Bufck GMC www.bbhsnet<com Frpl, A / C & many x t n complaints Into data 801-756-3353 $6B5 & up. No Dogs base and provide followVICTIM ADVOCATE 1B77S. 200 E. 466-2274 up Information. Construction Realty W e consider the cafeteria Contract position 2 0 lo be the heart of our To view a detailed job hospllai and wa ore hours/week. Information application at description with salary seeking a cook to be a and range and apply for this part or our kithcen team www.cottonwoodhelghts. utah.gov. EEO job pleas* visit our that assists In providing a Shared Rentals, webitte at nurturing and positive Rooms staielobs.utah.gov. • WAREHOUSE environment Reaufsilloii #18117 Visit our website and '03 CHEV AVALANCHE Closing data; apply on line at UNIVERSITY FumSthod. 5 1500 4WD, blue, auto, 09/01/200B www.bbhsnet.com mln. walk to workAchool. 5.3LV8, pwr seat, CD, Warehouse & Laborers. Equof Opportunity Benchmark Behavioral Share 2 or 3 bdrm at cruise, alloys, hitch, All shifts available Employer Health Systems $500/mo per personInd. 123km1, $9900.00, Coll 29B-9377 801-299-5300 utilities. 801-532-1649 801-481-8627 OFFICE SPECIALIST ^TELEPHONE P OPERATOR i ' THERAPIST CAFETERIA COOK $9-$11/HR |