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Show IF 9 Phone: 8Q1.581.7041 Fax: 801.581.3299 classifieds@chronideMtah.edu CLASSIFIEDS Friday, January 18, 2008 Adoption Help Wanted Business Opps Help Wanted APPLY NOW ADOPTION A devoted married couple wished to adopt newborn. A lifetime of endless love & financial security. Expenses paid. Please call Maggie and Peter at 1-888-326-2080 BANK TELLER Salt Lake City, UT Part Time Mon-frl 12:00pm 3?7 5:00pm You will be responsible lor providing quality customer service by processing a variety of payIng & receiving transactions as well as opening new accounts & performing customer mainte1 Bed Apt S495/month. Private nance functions. Successful apElectronic Keyed Access, 4 Blhs plicants lor this position will from Trax. Parking Is on Street have a high school diploma, proTree Cable, Internet, Gas. 1721 S. fessional & friendly customer Main Street. 808-0273 service skills & cash handling experience. Tellerexperlencelsde130 So, 1300 Ea, t Bd fur slred. For Immediate consideranlshed (optional) underground tion apply In person at First parking, storage, security, Isun Community Bank, 490 East, dry, neatlng Incl. S550.00 per 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT mounth + S350.OO deposit. email resume to ctafoyMin. 1 year lease. Call; at^fcbnmxom or tax resume to 363-2140 or 634-9564. (505) 241-7152. First Community Bank offers a lun work environment, training program and competitive pay, benefits & advancement opportunities. For more Information on this dyDIAMONDS namic bank visit us at www.tcbutah.com. EOE DON'T PAY RETAIL. Gnat starting pay w/rapld advancement, flexible schedule!, Customer salei/svc Ideal lor students, PT/FT available, Inquire SIX office. For Rent Jewelry Calt:263-t900 EARN $130 A WEEK! Great part-time Income opportunity for students! Becoming an Independent Distributor Is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurial-minded Individuals. Earn $150 a week distributing Afternoon BUZZ weekday afternoons from 3-6:30 p.m. It's great lor people with other commitments. Weekly and monthly bonuses available. Successful candidates have: • Entrepreneurial spirit • Team building skills Not Your Typical Banker, Not Your Typical Bank! 100's Of Diamonds And Settings. Wholesale Prices. Rocky Mountain Diamonds. 801-272-6948 •GROUP LEADERS* • Reliability • Ability to work 3-6:30 p.m. (Monday-Friday) Help Wanted Business Opps • Ability to work outside In all types ol weather •STUDENT WORK* Army OHktr Candidates positions available for men/women. Get paid tor your education and experience Call Mr. Suenram In SLC® 1-877-815-0712 Backyard Adventures I t looking lor an In-house Sales Representative! Younq, fun and exciting work environment. FT or PT positions available-will work with school schedules. Please call Julianne <5» 801-676-7603 or 801-381-7533 or email resume to JMItchell@ bairtah.com Flexible schedules, around class schedules, customer safes/service, $14.50 guar, base/appt. Scholarships/Internships during school, conditions apply. • Lift 25 lbs. • Energetic personality Contact Oebby lor Interview opportunity at (801) 204-6104, or e-mail dsmlth^medlaoneut ah.com. Exciting, fast-paced, summer job opportunities with Princess Tours Transportation Division. Seeking service-oriented appliApply asap: 747-5Z10 cants lor a variety of positions: Motorcoach Driver/Guides Luggage Truck Drivers 'WORDS Luggage handlers PROFESSIONALLY* Customer Service Reps Mechanics Composed, Edited, Word Processed, Typed, Proofread, Sreat Incentive programs. Paid Transcribed, Scanned, Laser raining for all positions. Training programs In Provo, Utah. Printed, Faxed, E-malied. Friendly atmosphere. Cafe Trio Is hiring for a lead Theses, Dissertations, Family Princess Representatives will be host/hostess. If you areHistories. Carolyn:277-6725 at the University of Utah on Janhappy, outgoing, hardworking, uary 22nd, 2008 and Utah Valresponsible and punctual ley State College on January please apply online at LEASE: 2 BD/1BA 23rd, 2008. Please apply onwww.trlodlnlng.com, at ourDuplex, Clean, new HVAC, line. - . dowtown or Cottonwood loca- near University and TRAX, Apply now at tion or call BO1.944.8746 and hook-ups, off street parking www.prlncessjobs.com ash for Aubrey or Mfkel. No Smokers/Pets. Rachel, Part Time tutor for 9th grader/ office computer help. In Cotton801 Pay rate Is $10-14 per hour, wood heights area. M/W/F. 801-262-3900. schedule Is flexible. 801-943-8516 (12-15 kids) for SLC School District After School program. 19 hrs/wk; M-Th 2:30-5:30/6pm and Fridays 12:3 0-5:30/6 pm. $9 per hour. Send resume to: heidi.clark@slc.k12.ut.us or call 578-8275. Help Wanted Help Wanted Rx America Customer Service Up to $13.00/hr» UTESNEEDJOBS.COM Paid Survoy takers need in Salt Lake. 100% FREE to joinl Quick on surveys. E S T H E T E T H R 1 V E D R 0 U T E R S A R M A N 1 j RxAmerlca, a leading pharmacy Vision Security benefits manager, is seeking Sales/Marketing Reps wantenthusiastic candidates with ed. Reps make on average customer service, experience to 20,000$ In three months. Very answer Inbound phone calls In Relaxed work environment our new facility located In the working about six hrs/day. International Center In Salt Lake Call Ryan at (435) 590-8313 City. In addition to competitive www.vlslonhomesecurltY.com base pay, earnings opportunities include performance based Wantedt Asian egg donor age wage increases in as few as 90 21-28 In good health, preferGymnastic! Coaches Needed days, wage differential tor ably a repeat donor. Financial for on-campus program evening and weekend shifts, compensation for accepted starting Jan. t2th. seasonal overtime, incentive donor. Contact Gail (587-3475) Part-Time with good pay. contests, and discretionary fi- at Utah Center for Reproductive Prior coaching experience nancial Incentives based on Medicine, University of Utah. MANDATORY. company performance. Call Jefl at 581-8090, Wonted: Car* AtiUtant to leave message. work with people with disabiliBUSINESS AOMIN. V\\ RxAmerlca employees can ex-ties In a home setting. Assist AUTO Login C ty School DIstrictAppllpect to work In a fun, fast* with dally living skills as well as RUNNER/FILER paced environment with casual community Integration. Various Mark Miller Toyota Is looking catioru are now being accepted LA EUROPA dress code, incredible career shifts available, flexible hours tor a part-time person to do of- for n BUSINESS ADMIN, of the ACADEMY fiTC. growth opportunities and free and great working envlronmen- fice running and filing. Hours LOGAN CITY BOARD OF EDUCAStaff needed to work with TION Application materials will be from 11:00 to 3:00 monthly massages. Benefits In- t. teenage girls In a CONTACT: Deanna of must be received no later than daily. Errands will Include taking clude medical, dental, vision Danville therapeutic program. 25+ Service LLC of the deposit to the bank, mail to 5:00 p.m. Feb. 15, 2008. For and prescription drug coverage, Utah 860-3164 hours/week. MWF £. TThSa a 401k proqram, and tuition rethe post office, delivering con- complete notice of acancy & apshifts + one imbursement. RxAmerlca Is an Wanted: Cart Assistant to tracts to various banks, trips to plication go to: Sunday/month available. equal opportunity employer. work with people with disabiliDMV, etc. Must have clean driv- www.loganschools.org Experience preferred, not Qualified candidates should call ties In a home setting. Assist ing record. Mark Miller Toyota call 755-2300 ext. 1005 required. May quality for 1-877-485- JOBS (5627) or with daily living skills as well as Is a drug free workplace and a benefits. $9.25-$9.75/hr. send resume and wage require- community integration. Various great place to work Please email CABINET Cad Jordan ments to hr^rxamerlca.com. 801-638-8779 resumes-to Custom cabinet shop In Murray shifts available, flexible hours needs Delivery Driver/Receiving and great working envlronmen- russwf&markmllter.com or fax Clerk. Lilt mln. 60 lbs. Prompt, to 801-415-3180. Mad Scientists Wanted • Mad* Base wage Is Sli.OO/hr. on t. CONTACT: Deanna of dependable, clean driving Science Is looking for outgoing additional S2.00 an hour can be Danville Service LLC of AUTO SALES record. Apply In person at 273 people to present hands-on sci- earned within 6 months by Utah 860-3164 Utah's #1 volume retail GMCW. Berger Lane ence programs at elementary meetinq Pay for Performance truck dealer Is in need of sales (4950 S.) Call 269-1878 AUTO SALES schools. Need car, experience standards. professionals. We're looking for CABINET w/ kids, high-school science, Utah's 81 volume retail GMC Individuals with a winning TALENT NEEDED1 Custom cabinet shop In Murray available afternoons 3-5 days a truck dealer Is in need of sales attitude, strong will to week (10-15 hrs week). Start at Movies, Commercials, professionals. We're looking for succeed, and a desire to moke needs Sales/ Designer. Pay $15/hr Apply online at Conventions, DOE. Apply at 273 W. individuals with a winning atti- well more than an average www.madscience.org/utah or Promotional work now! Berger Ln (4950 S.) Call 269tude, strong will to succeed, Income. If this is you, we offer: call 292-8646 Free workshops. 1878 and a desire to make well more Income potential of $80,000+ Earn $10-$95 hourly. CAD Drafter than an average Income. hourly plus commlslon 801-438-0067 Architectural CAO drafter with If this Is you, we offer: Medical and dental benefits 1-2 years AutoCad experience NextPage. Life Insurance Advancement Tutor needed for U-yr-old needed. Excellent career oppor Is looking for capable. with autism. $t2/hr. Training Income potential of $80,000+ opportunity All the tools you tunlty, great work environment, hard-working need to succeed Much, much provided. Car necessary. M/Whourly plus commlsfon people to test software. more Experience Is great, but WE competitive salary compensation from 2-6:30 p.m. Near 2100 S.Medical and dental benefits Will train. PT. Need solid WILL TRAIN the right Individual. package. Email resume to and 2100 E., SLG. Call Annell Life Insurance mlkeg9wondoor.com or send knowledge of If you think you have what It Smith at 573-8598. Advancement opportunity to 1865 S. 3480 W., SLC, UT Word/Excel. $11/hr. takes, contact Kim or Rob at Salt All the tools you need to suc84104 Send resume to Lake Valley GMC, Unique Income opportunity ceed Vlckie.birchall($nextpage. 3300 So 725 W, SLC. for Mandarin speaking farm Much, much more CARPET CLEANER com boy. Experience Is great, but WE New Year Time for a New Job Major multinational companyl WILL TRAIN the right Individual. CASHIER Salaried production managePART-TIME Nanny Needed for 2 ment. Requirements: Mandarin If you think you have what It RC willey is looking for full- Si,80Q per month sal. children (gr. 2S3) for after school language ability and agricul- takes, contact Kim or Rob attime & part-time cashiers to Training Provided hours (3-5:30 PM). 15 hr/wk. near work at our Murray Location. tural production experience. Salt Lake Valley GMC, UU, competitive pay, perfect for Cashiering experience pre- Call Tues. -Wed. Training provided, no degree 3300 So 725 W, SLC. For Interview students. Call 583-0360. needed. ferred. We are closed on Sunday $75,000 - $125,000 / yr. AUTOMOTIVE and offer an excellent benefits 9 7 2 - 0 8 4 0 Personal Assistant salary (not commissioned package. Starting wage Is $8.54- Savannah Distributing, Inc PT/flexlble hours, start- sales) IS NOW HIRING ng 01/08. Clerical work and immediate need: short / long VALET/PORTER BUSY HONDA /hr and up DOE. Please see our errands. SlO/hr. Must have term available. Email Steve at DEALERSHIP F/T POSITIONS website for more information BANKING own transportation. Call Paula ss.agrlculturechlna@gmall.- CONTACT GEORGE AT about the position.' Apply at CUSC Is now hiring P/T Tellers. at 801-973-0139. Will work com STOCKTON TO MALONE 861 E. 6 6 0 0 5. or online at Please fax resume attn: Kara around school schedule. for more Information, HONDA 553-5153 www.rcwilley,com • Help Wanted Help Wanted 967-0352 University of Utah MORE TV WORTH WATCHING With Digital TV you can have three KUED channels With color and clarity like never before. KUED KUED I (7.1 ) KUEDV-ME (7.2) KUED 7.1 offers the same program schedule you already . enjoy on KUED. ( 7.3 ) KUED HD offers beautiful high definition PBS programs with 5.1 surround sound. Simply the best HD programs on TV. KUED V-Me offers the best of public television quality programs in Spanish. -F^§M^v^ l>-::;.:^.f.-';1 .. . Ways to Watch KUED Digital TV Your existing TV Your new digital TV Use a d i g i t a l set-top b o x available t h r o u g h retailers for u n d e r $1OO w i t h y o u r current T V and antenna. • Better picture quality • Receive all three KUED digital channels • It's all free Use a T V w i t h a b u i l t in d i g i t a l tuner* and your current antenna. • Much better picture and sound quality • Receive all three KUED digital channels • New widescreen format • It's all free *Ask your retailer if your TV includes a digital tuner. t'f i * Check: * t Ht- w w w .k ue d,.Qjg EfeA j..**-2fe _ ^ ^ _ i P. Digital cable or satellite service 1 If y o u s u b s c r i b e t o d i g i t a l cable*1 or satellite, y o u c a n receive s o m e KUED d i g i t a l c h a n n e l s . * • Better picture quality • Requires monthly fee to service provider • See KUED on Comcast Channel 7 and KUED's HD channel is available on Comcast digital 658. • KUED V-Me is available on Comcast digital 108 • Only KUED 7.1 is available on \.*' satellite at this time. ,y . * Check with your provider on where to find KUED's digital channels. |