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Show 9 CLASSIFIEDS Tuesday, September 25,2007 Business Opps Services Receptionist wanted to work part time (or Chrysalis. Starting wage at 8.00-10.00 hr. Please contact Chrysalis at Jobs.slc@>gochrysalis.com Auto Gla» Repair A Detail FREE car detail with rock chip repair. Glasszllla Is a mobile detall/rockchlp/dent removal repalnhop. Schedule/Contact ui $> www.Glasszllla.net Help Wanted Earn $100 per week for 2 hours per day. Hel needed picking up two schd age children M-F 3:00-5:0 Must have car and be reliabl Kathryn 631-9348. Screenwriter needed Eddie Bauer tor Him treatment and script. Political Thriller qenre. Hourly compensation. Call 801-364-6261 or e-mail dllght12@gmall.com Is looking for associates. Flexl ble hours, great pay. Apply In person Fashion Place, South Towne or Park City. FALL OPENINGS WRITE YOUR OWN HOT DATE? GRADING PAPERS? NEED A WASH? Student/Faculty discount!!! $25 wash while In class/office here at the U. All exterior Included. Schedule your service $ Glasszllla.net Typing •WORDS PROFESSIONALLY* Composed, Edited, Word Processed, Typed, Proofread, Transcribed, Scanned/Laser Printed, Faxed, E-mailed. Theses, Dissertations, Family Histories. Caro!yn:277-6725 For Rent Charming home on horse property away from big city, yet close enough to schools.In Pleasant Grove, avail OCT.lst.2OO7 call 8801-785-9795 Going away for the Summer? Leave your stuff here in a climate controlled storage Unit Towne Storage is offering discount! for students over the summer. Call Derrick 9 352-9333 for details we usually fill up quick so call now to get yours reserved ( Must have current student ID ) PAYCHECKSIl! Looking for people who would be motivated to earn $2,000, $5,000, $10,000 or more a month provided you feel good about the right opportunity? You can work Irom home and still make great money doing It! Let's set up an orientation todayl One hour, no pressure, no obligations, all questions answered. Call Brandl (5> (601)755-2433 or check out my website http://krazysystems.acnrep.com Child Care Family In need of P/T afternoon child care 2 MS/1 US students. Assist w/transportation, HW, logistics. M-W.occ. Fri, Need to have own car and good driving record. 359-7454/712-7351 after 5pm. Nanny wanted for a 3 month old baby, 3 days a week, 12+ hours a week. Please email resume to amy.plllow&hsc.utah.edu Need PT Nanny for two cute Sugarhouse boys (ages 10 months & 4 yrs). 10-15 hrs/week. AMs preferred but schedule Is flexible. Perfect for a student! $9/hr. Kat 801-580-4743. Part Time Nanny needed tor 7-yr old child of physician In Sugarhouse. AM meal and transport to school, PM pickup from school alter care. Some backup duty when parent Is on call. 9$/hr, 14 to 20 hrs per week. 801-467-5331. Help Wanted •BARTENDING! $300 Day Potential. No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. Call Nowl Real Estate Free Home Buyer Seminar. Interested In buying a home? Learn why now Is the best time In 5 years to buy. Learn how to find and finance your next home. 10/2/2007 at 7;0O PM at Miller Campus, SLCC. Pre-reglster by calling Vlckl 801-944-7345. Seats are limited. Roommates Clian, sptcloui houit above foothill drlve.Close to U. $370 (Includes unities).washer/dryer, AC, storage , and Internet. Call Vlnce <§> 801.809.5435 Automotive CASH N0WI1 FOR YOUR Car/Truck/VanRuns Or Not Top $$ Paid! 485-5111 It's Worth Your Time To Call www.carsold.com This SR5 4 Runner 4 X 4 800-965-6520 Ext. 153 •STUDENT WORK* Flexible ichcdulei •round class tchedults, customer sales/scrvlct, $14.50 quar. b»t/appt. SchoUrshlpj/lnttrnihlps during school, conditions apply. Apply *sap: 747-5210 -ENGINEERPrepares Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate for Bridges, Box Culverts, Retaining Walls, and other miscellaneous structures associated with UDOT Projects. Will review design work completed by others. Duties include structural analysis and design, checking of analysis, design notes, plans, specifications, estimates. Updating design manuals, standard design plans, and assisting In Inspections. This engineer will have both lead designer roles and assistant designer roles as assigned by the supervising engineer. May be Illled as an Engineer I (recent civil engineering graduate w/FE), Engineer II (civil engineering graduate w/FE plus 2 years of related experience), Engineer III (Licensed Engineers). APPLY ONLINE at https.7/statejobs.utah.gov Job « 14447 Access Global Education LLC English teacherswith V6 Enqlne, Is Priced to Sell! Recruiting It Is in BEAUTIFUL condition In- South Korea.No experience side and outl It runs and drives necessary.Teachlng hours 25PERFECTl Smooth and Quiet. It 30 hours/week. $2500/month. has been garage kept. Accident Free Airfare and housing. Paid FREEI NEW Brldgestone Tires, Vacation & National Holidays NEW Brakes. New Windshield Requirements Include: {welcome to Utah) Towing Pack- • Must be a native English age, ABS brakes, Luggage Rack, speaker Running Boards, Dual Front Air • Hold 4 year university degree Bags with Passenger sensor, In any major One year contract (contract AC, CD/AM/FM/Cassette, completion bonus) Power Windows, Locks, Mirrors, Cruise control, Power Rear lilt Gate Window, Onboard mileage Send Resume and Fuel computer, Electronic Igrace1234@comcast.net Compass, Dark Gray Cloth Inte- Grace:801-856-2502 rior. Oil changed every 3000 miles with synthetic blend oil. ALARM TECH needed 72k Fwy mlles...l'm selling It to for Installs and service calls. get a truck-. Giddy up! PT or FT. Experience preferred Please call me with questionscall (801) 208-5498. Joel 615-519-0763 Cell I'm located In Sandy, Utah APT. MANAGERS/TEAM, 2BDRM.12PLEX DUTIES INCLUDE PR SKILLS, RENTALS, MAINTENANCE NO SMOKE/DRINK/PETS 801-486-4148 Jewelry DIAMONDS DON'T PAY RETAIL. BATTERIES PLUS FT/PT 100's Of Diamonds And Settings. Wholesale Prices. Rocky Mountain Diamonds. 801-272-6948 Retail Sales. Looking for friendly people to help customers with laptop, cellular, camera and other battery/charger needs. No pressure sales, no battery knowledge required (will train). Customer service/sales experience helpful. Apply at 293 East 3300 South, SLC. SiO/hr. Lance 461-4988 Business Opps Part-time runner and file clerk needed for downtown Salt Lake City law firm. Email tmoss®wlnhas.com Receive $4,000 CASH and brag to your frlendjl I dldll cashed in Just by pointing people online to: www.extremelyfastcash.com HEAR MY STORY: l-aOO-679-7 042x7 547 Referral !DflBS19902. SAVE THIS ADI Phone: 801.581.7041 Fax: 801.581.3299 dassifieds@chronicleMtah.edu Grt«t starting piy w/rapld advancement, fltxlblt ichedults, cutt. ulas/svc Ideal for itudants, PT/FT avcllabU, Inquire SLC offlca. Call:263-1900 Films Commercials Modeling Promotions Extra work available! S75-S79S dally. Free Workshops. 601-436-0067 Flexible work for • 3D photo studio: Photoshop Digital Editor: S8-10/hr depending on experience. Sales Representative $12/hr, negotiable depending on experience. Health benefits, Great opportunities for advancement and growth. Call: Trevor Parker 801-644-8682 •GROUP LEADERS* (12-15 kids) for SLC School District After School program. 19 hrs/wk; M-Th 2:30-5:30/6pm and Fridays 12:30-5:30/6pm. $9 per hour. Send resume to: heidi.clark@slc.k12.ut.us or call 578-8275. Horizon Window Cleaning hiring Window Cleaners Starting at $9-12/hr depending on experience PT&FT available. Monday-Friday Call 801-424-2622 or e-mail horlzonutah@comcast.net Immediate openfngi for experienced gymnastics/trampoline/ tumbllng/pre-school stall at Black Diamond Gymnasticsl Offering PT/FT positions for energetic,motlvated,creative & dependable coaches. 'We train & certllyl* Hiring at both Park City and Salt Lake City locations CallJoy 435-615-1800 Internet Developer Chlldrens Miracle Network Entry Level, 1-2 years experience in ASP.Net CB preferred. Knowledge of SOL, Object Oriented methodology, XML, CSS Part-Time Ok, Full time Preferred E-Mail resumes to Jobs@chlldrensmiradenetwork.org Junior Web Developer Tech Support Children's Miracle Network Entry level, 1-2 years experience In HTML, CSS, Web Layout Design, dreamweaver, Photoshop Knowledge of Flash Is a plus Part-Time Ok, Full time Preferred E-Mail resumes to |obs@chlldrensmlradenetwork.org La Europa Academy RTC. Staff needed to work with teenage girls In a therapeutic program.25+ hours/week.AM/PM/Grave shifts avaliable+one Sunday/month.$9.259.75/hrw/beneflts 801-638-8779 Love Kldi, love fitness? • Become certified In youth fitness •Coach Toddlers through School-Age • Part-time: we work with your school schedule! •nine month to I-year Commitment required •$9.50/hr ^mileage + Incentive program E-mail your resume to: d.kubly@comcast.net contacts:Llnda/Christlna 801-581-938 Mad Scientists Wanted Mad Science Is hiring outgoing people to present fun science activities at elementary schools. Need car, experience w/ kids, high-school science, 3-5 days a week (10-15 hrs week)$12/hr Apply at www.madsclence.org/utah Make More Than Your Parents RealEstatelnvestlngForStudents. NextPage is looking for capable, hard-working people to test software. Will train. PT. Need solid knowledge of Word/Excel. $11/hr. Send resume to Vickle.blrchallffnextpago. Certified Nursing Assistant Classes and Phlebotomy Day, evening and weekend rszs classes Accelerated course Receptionist/ 2006 South 900 East Scheduler for medical office, MTWF 801-476-6400 pros, good pay, Murray www.ccCNA.com area. Fax CV, references to <http://www.ccCNA.263-3030. com> Help Wanted Now Hiring Culinary and Sarvtri "Good enough" Is never enough at Olive Garden Exceptional benefits, hands-on-tralnlng, flexible work schedules, and real career opportunities to advance, Is only the beginning of the great respect we show our extended Italian (am lly of employees. Come see the difference we're making at Olive Garden.To apply, visit us today at:2272S. 1300 E. and 200 S. West Temple. Apply daily between 2-5pm P/T PRESCHOOL/ELEMENTARY MONITORS Rowland Hall-St. Mark's School Great (or U student, Next to U 1.5 hr Mon-Frl, Lunchtlme SiO/hr Free lunch Included Contact Janet Slier 355-7485 or J8netsller35rhsm.org PART TIME HELP Handyman to work by the hour. Schedule flexible. Pleasant environment. No Smoke, No Drink, No Pets Contact Cheryl Aldrldge or Darrel Roberts, CPA At 3200 Highland Drive Between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed for Lunch 1-2 p.m.) 801-486-4148 Rewarding Job! Help Wanted Help Wanted -ENGINEER- Tho iM leoson Is f u l l about hero and Solitude Mountain Retort l i hlrolno lor O7-OBwlnter see ion. ror more Information log on to wviw.jkljolltude.com or contact Phil a 601-536-5716 « email p K hm u 11 *•» it I i d tt uo>.c am JOB FAIR OCTOBER 12th at Solitude Ifotn 3pm to 7pm The UPS Store Retail Sales Associate - Smart; Computer savvy; Friendly; Good worker. No Sundays 4760 S Highland Dr, 1905 W 4700 S WANTED: Flyer-droppers, $9-$12 an hour paid weekly. SLC metro area. M-F. Very FLEXIBLE hours around your school schedule. Call 877-224-3577 O F F I C E P R O D U C T S We have two Immediate openings. Part Time Monday thru Friday Mornings- 7 am - 1 pm Afternoons - 12:30pm - 6 pm Great job for college students. We can be somewhat flexible with school hours. Warehouse and Delivery for Office Products/Furniture company Apply at ROSI Office Products 2250 South West Temple 801-486-7711 Andy@roslop.com Prepares Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate for Bridges, Box Culverts, Retaining Walls, and other miscellaneous structures associated with UDOT Projects. Will review design work completed by others. Duties Include structural analysis and design, checking of analysis, design notes, plans, specifications, estimates. Updating design manuals, standard design plans, and assisting In Inspections. This engineer will have both lead designer roles and assistant designer roles as assigned by the supervising engineer. May be filled as an Engineer 1 (recent civil engineering graduate w/FE), Engineer II (civil engineering graduate w/FE plus 2 years of related experience), Engineer III (Licensed Engineers). APPLY ONLINE at https://statejobs.utah.gov Job tt 14447 Access Global Education LLC Recruiting English teachers South Korea.No experience necessary.Teachlng hours 2530 hours/week. $2500/month. Free Airfare and housing. Paid Vacation & National Holidays Requirements Include: Must be a native English speaker • Hold 4 year university degree In any major • One year contract (contrac completion bonus) Flexible Hours! P/T evening & weekend shifts available. Assist people with disabilities. Training provided Call 262-1552 ext. 143 for details Columbus Community Center, 3495 S. West Temple Email resume to sara.brockman&slc.k12.ut.us, subject: Submitting resume. TRAILER TECHNICIAN Send Resume SWIFT TRANSPORTATION igrace1234@comcast.net Now Hiring Experienced Grace:80V656-25O2 TRAILER TECHNICIANS Accounting Position $1000 Sign On Bonus! Seeking qualified Accounts Receive S500 Upon Hire & An Receivable/Payable Clerk. Additional S50 After 90 Days of M-F, lull-time, benefits. Employment. Tech School Is A Ideal candidate will Plus. HS Dlploma/GED & Valid Driver's License Req. Swift Of- ' have strong accounting skills and fers A Competitive Compensation Package Including Training prior exp. with month end close, accrual accounting, & Tool Purchase Program, Paid budgeting and Vacations £ Holidays & More! RxAmerlca forecasting. (drug screen & background Customer Service Degree In accounting check req eoe-m/l) Up to $13.00/hr* preferred. For Info Contact Felicia Ollls A Fax resume 801-401-3131. 800-800-2200 Ext 17437 RxAmerlca, a leading pharmac Apply On-line at benefits manager, Is seeking www.swifttrans.com BATTERIES PLUS enthusiastic candidates with FT/PT customer service experience lo UNDERWRITER Retail Sales. Looking for answer inbound phone calls in Primary Residential Mortgage. friendly people to help our new facility located In the Inc. a leading national mort customers with laptop, cellular, International Center In Salt Lake gage company with over 200 camera and other City, in addition to competitive branches In 47 states, Is seek battery/charger needs. No base pay, earnings opportuni Ing a OE Underwriter to work In pressure sales, no battery ties Include performance based our Salt Lake City Corporate knowledge required (will train). wage Increases in as few as 90 Headquarters. 1 to 2 years Customer service/sales days, wage differential lo work experience preferred. Ba experience helpful. Apply at evening and weekend shifts, sic computer skills required. 293 East 3300 South. SLC. seasonal overtime, Incentive Must be customer service oriSiO/hr. contests, and discretionary fi ented and possess the ability to Lance 461-4988 nanclal Incentives based on prioritize and multitask In company performance. fast paced work environment. Boy Scouts off America Is looking for PT adult (male or Enjoy competitive wages. female) leaders. Provide RxAmerlca employees can ex Medical and 401K available. leadership and activities at local pect to work In a fun, fast Email your resume to elementary schools as part of paced environment with casual kmeadows@ prlmeres.com. the Scoutreach After-School dress code, Incredible career WAREHOUSE CITY STAFFING program. No experience growth opportunities and free SERVICES LLC- Long term Emmonthly massages. Benefits in ployment opportunity. Swing & neccessary. Just ability to work with kids. Flexible schedule elude medical, dental, vision day shifts. Up to SiO.5O/hr. Afternoons M-F, and prescription drug coverage, Also available; Call Tony <3> 577-3200. a 401k program, and tuition re- Light Industrial tyapias@yahoo.com imbursement. RxAmerlca Is an Skilled Trade equal opportunity employer Shipping/receiving FALL OPENINGS Qualified candidates should cal Production 1-877-485- JOBS (5627) or Customer Service Great starling p*y w/»pld end resume and wage require- 801-326-8383APPLY: »dvinc«m«nt, ments to hr^rxamerlca.com. 1164 S. MAIN, SLC flexible, achffdulai, WAREHOUSE cu*t. talci/svc Base wage Is Sti.OO/hr. an It's time to get a good job In a Ideal for studtnti, additional $2.00 an hour can be fun industry. Specialized BicyPT/FT available. earned within 6 months by cle's Salt Lake City distribution Inquire SLC office. meeting Pay for Performance center is growlngl We have standards. Immed openings for INVENORY COORDINATOR & WARECall:263-1900 Screenwriter type HOUSE SPECIALISTS Inventory needed lor film treatment and position requires previous bockscript. Political Thriller genre. ground In warehousing and Films Compensation offered by proven Inventory experience. Commercials hour. Call 801-364-6261 or Must be proficient with spreade-mail dlight12@=gmail.com Modeling heets and warehouse (management software. Both full and Promotions Seeking Students part time shifts available tor Extra work available! to work part-time In the ComWarehouse Specialists. We offer $7S-$795 dally. puter Department. Textbook great benefits, plus a lunch Free Workshops. Loan Program available for ride! Fax or send resume and those eligible. Apply at the Uni801-438-0067 alary history to: versity Campus Store Customer SPECIALIZED HR Service Desk or call 581-3616 1137 S 3800 W, •GROUP LEADERS* for details. SLC, UT 84104 (12-15 kids) for AX: 801 973-2558 ERVERS WANTED... full/part sbcjobs9specialized.com SLC School District Ime. Apply In person at Thewww.specialized.com After School program. Dountry Club, 2400 E. Country 19 hrs/wk; :iub Dr.(2380 S.) 801-466^ A B I Z D N 4 TJL€ M-Th 2:30-5:30/6pm and J751. Fridays 12:30-5:30/6pm. .imply-mac STUDENTS Get aggressive in areas that countimngmt,sales and IT. Simply Mac Is hiring FT/PT retail sales reps.YOU can gain experience all employers are looking for.plus great benefits: Benefits+aggresslve :ompensatlon IPhone signing bonus.up to 1500 value after 90 days of employment Coolest product s.fun invlroment Apply Online today at www.5lmplymac-jobs.com he EnergySolut Ions Arena Is lookng for Food Service help during his year's JAZZ season. We have he following positions available: Ine Cooks rep Cooks I sh washers luffet Attendants Concessions lussers (Interested complete online appll:atlon at Jobs.lhm.com or call :801) 325-2235 for more Information. Applications accepted daily the Arena ticket lobby (301 W iouth Temple) from 9:00 am till 4:iO pm. he Old Spaghetti Factory Is now hiring SERVERS night and weekends shifts available, flexible hours, eneflts available, apply In person 2-4 mon-fri at 5718 South 1900 West, Taylorsvlile ANSWER TO TODAY'S PUZZLE WAREHOUSE WANTEDI WARE$9 per hour. HOUSE WORKERS Send resume to: Arizona Tile, an established, heldi.clark@slc.k12.ut.us rowing, ceramic tile and stone or call 573-8275. lab distributor is looking for tar performers with warehouse Horizon Window nd forkllft exp. We offer a Cleaning riendly atmosphere, Top hiring Window Cleaners wages, and Xlnt benefits. Fax Starting at $9-12/hr depending esume to 801-463-4745, on experience apply at: 2300 S 4000 W, West Valley City or 2114 S 400 PT&FT available. Monday-Friday Call 801-424-2622 or e-mail W, SLC. Drug Screen Req. EOE. horlzonutah®comcast.net Immediate, opening! for experienced gymnastics/trampoline/ backcountry.com tumbllng/prt-school staff at Black Diamond Gymnastics! WAREHOUSE- Do you hate desk Offering PT/FT positions for lobs? Now hiring warehouse energetlc.motlvated.creatlve & taff / FT & P T / a l l shifts.' dependable coaches. nsurance, 401k, PTO, holiday •We train & certify!* oy, profit-sharing, discounts Hiring at both Park City and or gear & season passes. Non Salt Lake City locations moking environment. Apply In erson every Thursday from Call Joy 435-615-1800 ow until Dec. 14th, 2607 S. l200W.(11am-2pm). Internet Developer Chlldrens Miracle Network YAREHOUSE/PRODUCTION JANUFACTURIHG com-pany it entry level PRODUCTION !d WAREHOUSE poiltloni a! I able on days, and gravo'•rd shirts. Some lfilft 5c^ed• ilai ara 12 houri, 3 days or ilghti one we»k and 4 days or lights the othtr week, itarllng wages lor jofne polltons aro $9.50 to $10.83, d * ng on experlinco. AppJints ore r»qulr»d to fill out heir own appltcatlont. P M son nust tw able to pass a drug icrcenlng and background heck. Application.! are te>en Monday thru Friday, 9 J 0 am to 30 pm. Good medical and ntal b*rntllti, life Insurance, Inlble spending. 401-K, lublilty Iniurancc. va-cotlons. iy. e t c 10 PHONE CALLS LEASE; DO NOT RING CHILDREN 150 South 3600 West 'archoutt UA alt Lake City, Utah qua I Opportunity Employer Entry Level, 1-2 years experience In ASP.Net C8 preferred. Knowledge of SOL, Object Oriented methodology, XML, CSS Part-Time Ok, Full time Preferred E-Mail resumes to obs»chlldrenimlraclenetwork,org Junior W«b Developer Tech Support Children's Miracle Network Entry level, 1-2 years experience In HTML. CSS, Web Layout Design, dream weaver, Photoshop . Knowledge of Flash is a plus Part-Time Ok, Full time Preferred E-Mail resumes to Jobs®chlldrensmlraclenetwork.org Help Wanted La Europa Academy RTC. Staff needed to work with teenage girls In a therapeutic program .25+ hours/week.AM/PM/Grave shifts avatlable+one Sunday/month.$9.259,75/hr w/benefits 801-6388779 Love Kids, love fltnen? • Become cert Hied In youth fitness •Coach Toddlers through School-Age • Part-time: we work with your school schedule! •nine month to 1-year Commitment required •S9.50/hr +miieage + Incentive program E-mail your resume to: d.kubly@comcast.net contacts:Llnda/Christina 801-581-938 Mad Scientists Wanted Mad Science is hiring outgoing people to present fun science activities at elementary schools. Need car, experience w/ kids, high-school science, 3-5 days a week (10-15 hrs week)$12/hr Apply at www.madscience.org/utah NextPage Is looking for capable. hard-working people to test software. Will train. PT. Need solid knowledge of Word/Excel. Sii/hr. Send resume to Vickie.blrchall&nextpage. com P/T PRESCHOOL/ELEMENTARY MONITORS Rowland Hall-St. Mark's School Great for U student, Next to U 1.5 hr Mon-Fri, Lunchtime $10/hr Free lunch included Contact Janet Slier 355-7485 or janetsiler@>rhsm.org PART TIME HELP Handyman to work by the hour. Schedule flexible. Pleasant environment. No Smoke, No Drink, No Pets Contact Cheryl Aldrldge or Darrel Roberts, CPA At 3200 Highland Drive Between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Closed for Lunch 1-2 p.m.) 801-486-4148 Receptionist/ Scheduler for medical office, MTWF pms. good pay, Murray area. Fax CV, references to Help Wanted nolv-mac STUDENTS Get aggressive In areas that count:mngmt,sales and IT. Simply Mac Is hiring FT/PT retail sales reps.YOU con gain experience all employers are looking for.plus great benefits: •Beneftts+aggressive compensation •IPhone signing bonus.up to $500 value after 90 days of employment •Coolest products.fun envlroment Apply Online today at www.slmplymac-jobs.com oo O F F I C E P R O D U C T S We have two Immediate openings. Part Time Monday thru Friday Mornings - 7 am -1 pm Afternoons - 12:30pm - 6 pm Great Job for college students. We can be somewhat flexible with school hours. Warehouse and Delivery for Office Products/Furniture company Apply at ROSI Office Products 2250 South West Temple 801-486-7711 Andv@rosiop.com RxAmerica Customer Service Up to $13.00/hr" RxAmerlca, a leading pharmacy benefits manager. Is seeking enthusiastic candidates with customer service experience to answer Inbound phone calls In our new facility located In the International Center In Salt Lake City. In addition to competitive base pay, earnings opportunities Include performance based wage increases In as few as 90 days, wage differential for evening and weekend shifts, seasonal overtime, incentive contests, and discretionary financial Incentives based on company performance. RxAmerlca employees can expect to work In a fun, fastpaced environment with casual dress code, Incredible career growth opportunities and free monthly massages. Benefits Include medical, dental, vision and prescription drug coverage, a 401k program, and tuition reimbursement. RxAmerlca is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified candidates should call 1-877-485- JOBS (5627) or send resume and wage requirements to hr(s rxamerlco.com. 263-3030. Rewarding Jobl Flexible Hours! P/T evening & weekend shifts available. Assist people with disabilities. Training provided Call 262-1552 ext. 143 for details Columbus Community Center, 3495 S. West Temple Email resume to sara.brockman<3;slc.k12.ut.us, subject: Submitting resume. • Base wage Is Sli.OO/hr. an additional $2.00 an hour can be earned within 6 months by meeting Pay lor Performance standards. The Old Spaghetti Factory Is now hiring SERVERS night and weekends shifts available, flexible hours, benefits available, apply In person 2-4 mon-fri at 5718 South 1900 West, Taylorsvllle |