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Show Friday, February 9,2007 THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS Miscellaneous Endl*» Sun Tanning Salon UNLIMITED use of ANY bed In the salon for $25/monthl Real Estate 4546S Atherton Dr 801-416-0822 MORTGAGE DISCOUNTS For Unlverslty/SLCC Students, Faculty, And Employees. Call Joel Nelson. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage at 243-77)3 Email: joelnelson@networld.com LEARN TO DRAW BLOOD FROM THE BEST! Utah School of Phlebotomy • Call 898-9306 or www.utahphletx.com Sttklng lummtr ninny lor 2 kids, ages 10 and 12, approx 4 d per wk, blocks from U. Call 463-7359 or email anntaylorslcSTnsn.com. Males and Females Meet new frlendsl Travel! Teach your favorite activity. Tennis Canoe Water Ski Gymnastics Silver Jewelry Costumer Lacrosse Video Raipontlblt profeiilonal couple w/2klds seeks furnished home to rent while remodeling their home in the Avenues Irom 4/2O07-1O/2007. Email marlamlna4@hotmalt.eom. Computers I BRAND NEW 2 3 " Apple Monitor Perfect condition, have box. Call Tony 649-9636 For Sale •SUMMER IN MAINE* Swim Sail Kayak Nanny Ropes Office Archery Rocks Theatre Tech Copper Enameling English Riding and more. TR1PP LAKE CAMP For Girls: 1-800-997-4347 www.trlppIak«cainp.coTn Typing WORD PROCESSING IBM-Compatible Computer, Laser Printer, Also IBM Typing. Can Check Spelling, Grammar, References (Specialty: APA). Mrs. Neeley, 467-2738. WORDS PROFESSIONALLY Composed, Edited, Word Processed, Typed, Proofread, Transcribed, Scanned, Laser Printed, Faxed, E-mailed. Theses, Dissertations, Family Histories. Carolyn:277-6725 For Rent 960 E. 100 S. 28D/2BA Washer/Dryer, huge master suite, 1500 sq ft, walk-in closet, secure bldg, parking garage, $1,OOO/mo. 913-7289 Avenues Apartments, Studios, &lbedrooms. $37O+/mo. Laundry & off-road parking. High-speed Internet.No pets. •379 East 1st Avenue" Call 801-243-0735 or 801-328-3791 Ftmili Roomite. Large Avenues house, utilities included. Bus stop, FREE cable, laundry and WIFi. No pets, no smoke. $44O/month. 205-3787, Room for Rant $395/month plus 1/4 Utilities Big screen T,v. garage, cable, Internet. $200 Deposlte Call Chris 9 801-897-7901 SALT LAKE - 5550 LUXURY 2 BEDROOM . NEW CARPET AND PAINTt Great location! Easy access to TRAX & freeway. Fireplace, carports, air. No smohe/pets. WOODWINDS 2295 S 200 E Mar 86 487-5673, 486-4148 SUGAR HOUSE: DUPLEX $575 Luxury 2 Bdrm Air, patio, charming. Great Location. Brickyard & Sugar House Shopping Centers > Nearby. 1283 East Hudson Ave. ' (2960 S),W, of Highland Dr. No smoKe/pets. 486-4148 Good pay, flex scried., Ideal for students, cust sales/svc, no exp. nee, conditions apply.all ages 18*, call 747-5210 APX ALARM Advertising/Sales Representatives needed. Make $25,OOO-$75,000+ this summer. No exp. needed. We will train youl Paid Training, Gas Allowance, & Rent Reimbursement. APX Alarm Is partnered with Goldman Sachs. Possible Internship credit available. Please call Scott at 682-597-8529 lor an interview. UNIVERSITY/ DOWNTOWN Ouplex.2 bedrooms/1 bath, ' updated kitchen & bath, washer/dryer hookups,central air. $69S/mo. Available March 1. Call 801-971-3748 or 801-466-3674 Services travel Apply Now University area 534 S, 1300 E. 2/bedroom. $585/mo air condition, laundry, cover parking, no smoking/pets 266-9185 or 635-9678 Ballroom i h m i , point shoes. everything for all dance. Largest selection In Utah. /Dance WorKs • 3228 North University Ave. Provo Utah 801-375-4622 Tax Return Preparation For individuals and businesses. Quality work. Reasonable Rates. Call Paul 801-859-1478 Or visit www.pauljonescpa.com Help Wanted For Rent IBANEZ GIO 6-strlng electric guitar, black, excellent condition 2 amps Included 8x8 5x5. Can email photos. Call Tony 649-9636 Jewelry I Are you looking for tuition money? UPS is Hiring lor ALL shirts and provides: -Tuition Reimbursement, Full Medical Benefits, and Part-lime shifts For more Information attend a tour at the UPS facility Location: 2040 Parkway Blvd, SLC UT, 84119 Time: Mon-Fri 1:00pm and 6:00pm Walk-ins welcome Or Call TJ at 973-3724 Artichoke* £ Company Is hiring part time drivers 10-20 hours/week, $8-i2/hour. Call 474-2784 for more information or come fill out an application at 850 South Richards Street. Award-winning publishing & distribution firm seeking MBA graduate to handle finance/operatlons. Expertlse i i needed. Offering competitive salary, benefits, company car, and 401k. Must have finance background and related experience in production or distribution. Qualified applicants only, email resume to chuck9greatmountalnwest.com Busy 2007 planned! DIAMONDS: DON'T PAY RETAIL 100's Of Diamonds And Settings. Wholesale Prices. Rocky Mountain Diamonds. 272-6948 . Business Opps Real Estate Investor seeks hungry & dynamic college student! Call 800-380-9164 x1211 Child Care Afterschool Care Needed Two boys, ages 6 and 8. M-Th 3-5:30, FrM2:3O-5. Car a plus but not required. Close to U near Liberty Park. 485-8243 Ask for Judith or Jon Child Care Provider for a 5 and 9 yr old on Tues and Wed afternoons. Car and good driving record required. $10/hr. Send resume including contact Info lor 3 references to denise.dearlng$utah.edu LOVE kids?? Babysitter wanted for Friday and/or Saturday nights to watch two great boys.ages 6 and 3.Requlrements: Very active,love to play and do activities with klds,klnd,fun-lovlng, responsible.and caring.Previous child care experjence and background check required! SlO/hour.Emall b-towninc@msn.com for an Interview. Tutor/Organizational Coach for 8th grader: study skllls,daliy homework routines, review for tests. Must have high academic standards+excellent organizational skills. 2 references required 6 hours/week $i6/hour Tuesdays/Thursdays, and Sunday evenings Call 554-6489 Help Wanted {BARTENDING! $250 Day Potential. No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. Call Now! 800-965-6520 Ext. 153 Account Exacutlvt needad for Allstate Insurance agency locatted In Holiaday, Utah. 25-35 hours weekly. $9-$12/hour. Email resume to spenccrbowden$allstatc.com or fax to 278-7336. Resumes . being accepted until 2/28/2007. Actors, Promo Talent, Models, Extras. No school, experience needed. Earn S10-$95/hr. Free training otfer. •801-438-0067* COLLEGE FIRST •Up to two years of non-deployment following completion of Initial active Duty Training •Up to a $20,000 Enlistment Bonus •$20,000 Student Loan Repayment •Basic educational assistance of $297 per month •Montgomery G.I.Bill Selective Reserve •Additional educational assistance of $350 per monthMGIB Kicker •100% College Tuition Assistance up to $4500 a year •Up to 100% State Tuition Waver US Citizens 17-41 Years Of Age. Army National Guard. Call Brad Wilkinson 581*6716 Cell 673-2969 or on Campus Military Science Bldg 23, Room 106 SLCC students contact SFC Logan Gregory 957-4753 or 859-2000 COME GROW WITH FASTENAL •PT Positions/Internships •Fast-paced, great opportunity •Sales Support •Inventory Control •Packaging & Deliveries •Customer Service •Valid DL & Meet MVR Reqs •Surf www.fastenal.com Help Wanted Help Wanted Awesotpe retail experience, close to U, excellent pay. Join fantastic team In fun, fast paced baby store. Must be dependable, energetic, self motivated and detail oriented. Must have excellent customer service and problem solving skills. Some management and selling preferred but not required. Fax resume to Bablnskl's 582-2305. be In business for yourself. work around your current schedule. Training provided, call our office 330-0049 Graveyard Shift to supervise mildly disabled people with their dally living skills. Oo your homework during down times. Flexible shirts, PT/FT in the SLC area. Apply at www.gochrysa1ls.com Retail-Part time. Immediate openings Must be energetic, detail oriented, self motivated and work well with others. Must be great with customers and have some sales skills. We ofler an excellent environment close to U, flexible schedule and great pay. Fax resume to Joyce at Bablnski's. 582-2305. for experienced gymnastics/trampoline/ tumbllng/pre-school staff at Black Diamond Gymnastics! Offering PT/FT positions for energetlcmotlvated.creatlve & dependable coaches. •We train & certify!* Hiring at both Park City and Salt Lake City locations Rewarding Job! Assist people with disabilities. Part-time, evening & weekend shifts available. Training Provided. Call 262-1552 ext. 143 for details. FIN out application at Columbus Community Center, 3495 S. West Temple or Email resume to sara.brockman$slc.k12.ut.us, subject: Submitting resume. Call Joy 435-615-18'00 Inn on the Hill Bed and Breakfast at 225 N. State Street Is now hiring a P/T omployee responsibilities Include phone reservations, overnight stays, light breakfast prep and service. Perfect Job for student needing flexible schedule Dorinda or Sharon 328-1466 group IHIIDE SALESDigital niunclal Croup Is a leidlnq provider of rrwre»wnt credit cord procmlng wlutlont. Location: SLC * Acquiring w l w I f t d i ind m#«tiftg «xp*ctfd M & I Quota •RwWual Ineomt Full-Time opportunities upon graduation EOE Customer Rep Immediate Openings * Paid Mrakol Iniurnnct • Dental Options *VltJon Optlorti •40HU PUn •Vacation and Paid HolkMyt Bate Salary dep*ndml on «iperW nte. Plcdie •null resume to Crlity GUave at CflleavrfiJ hjlt *l Fg.com or lai (801) 038-2256. Successful company seeks talented PT receptionist to join team of creative minds. $10, room for growth. Resumes to )nfo$perelson.com FLAGSHIP Loan Officers Needed Leads provided;Very competitive compensation including bonuses and beneflts;Will train and provide marketing support; Call Steve at 801-908-7040 SUMMER SALES: LATITUDE Is looking to help you make $20,000 to $50,000+ selling satellite systems door-to-door. No exp needed. Paid training, free rent, tons of incentives, great summer experience and much more. Call 801-355-3494 Also exp. sales managers needed. _ Local Furniture Store Summer Salai: Looking for sharp, honest, driven people to earn $15,000 to $45,000+thls summer selling Pest Control door-to door. Offices In Boise, ID-Portland, OR. Excellent training. Upscale, furnished housing provided. 503-849-2814 In need of part-time delivery person. $10.00/hour. Heavy lilting required. Call Chad at Bradley's Furniture for details. (801) 484-1007 Looking for employmtnt but unhappy with your options? How about a BUSINESS, instead of a jobl Recruiting PARTNERS for national/International expansion In the wellness industry. Complete training and support available to qualified applicants. Requirements entrepreneurial mind-set, self-starter, good communication skills, computer/internet literate, background/interest In health and wellness. Reply with resume to: Glen Kerpchar.Utah Alumnus glenO612@adelphla.net Tuchers needed Monday - Friday for two hours dally. $20.00 per hour in residential treatment centers throughout the valley. Prefer certified, but will consider student teachers. Call Taca $266-1262 ext 107 or email to tara sS^ood land- hi I ls.com The Dally Utah Chronicle has one spot left for the right account representative. If you need full-time pay but want to work part-time then we should talk. Our compensation package Is designed to award your achievement In a great working environment. The right person will be soil-motivated, enjoy Need male roommate as part-time aide for fun guy with mild $14 base-appt. flex, sched., Ideal for students, customer sales/svc, conditions applv.all ages 18+,call 263-1900 also: www.workforstudents.com DtNevtr flowm for valentines day In your van, SUV, or hatchback. 801-706-535B ENTREPERNUERS WANTED Call Zach * (801)8083146 Serious Inquiries Only Please Needed: Spanish Teacher Private School Thursday and Friday from 8-2 Starting Feb.1 - March 9 Call Tara 266-1262 ext.107 talking and employ great people skills. Work no more than 19 hours a week. Get paid like you're working 50. Monday through Friday. You choose the business hours. Email resume to: l.hurtadoC^chronlcle.utah.edu Free rent + great pay. 446-3562 Participants sought for study on sexually suggestive material. If student, over 18, and openly gay/lesbian, visit: ' www.psych.utah.edu/study/appeal. Participation Is compensated. Ptopli wnnttd to supervise mildly disabled people with their dally living skills and in the community on company-paid activities such as movies, outdoor activities, bowling, fishing, etc. Flexible shifts, PT/FT In the SLC area. Apply at www.gochrysalls.com US Citizens 17-41 Years Of Age. Army National Guard. Call Brad Wilkinson 581-6716 Cell 673-2969 or on Campus Military Science Bldg 23, Room 106 to complete our web site. The pay will be between $40-$50 per hour based on experience. Please review our current web site atlantlsloglstlcs.net, compare It to our competition and let us know what you can Improve and develop. atlantis<5=atlantlsloglstics.net . or B01-649-6279 disabilities. Apply Locally:16O5 W 2100 S ' Or email resume: tgundlac^f astenal.com For your language or learn a new language. Or many other Jobs to choose from In the Special Forces, Airborne, Aviation, Military Intelligence, Combat Engineers, Field Artillery, Maintenance. UU and Westminster scholarships available. Also ROTC opportunities at SLCC. National Guard and Army ROTC. UU/WM students call SFC Brad Wilkinson at 561-6716 or 673-2969. SLCC students call SFC Logan Gregory at 957-4753 or 859-2000 Also Gl 8111 and Gl Bill Kicker up to $497 month, Student Loan Repayment Program, up to $20,000. And more. Let the Army National Guard pay for college. Seeking Web Designer •Pold Training X UP TO $20,000 BONUS SALES REPS WANTED Market the hottest new software In the mortgage industry! Teach people how to be mortgage free in less than half tho time. Mortgage experience a plus, but not necessary. Will train. Very lucrative compensation plan! Call Shane at 800-566-2164 or send email shane3Pmyu1stfinanclal.net Digital? f^finandai Help Wanted PT Closing Manager- Financial Services Marketing • classifieds@chronide.utah.edu Fax: 801.581.3299 Phone: 801.581.7041 Various Camp Jobs: Girl Scouts of Utah Is seeking counselors, head cooks, health office assistants, and program staff for summer camps located near Provo & Park City. Activities Include: art, horseback riding, waterfront, and sports. Live In position. Must be 18 +. Contact Amy (800) 678-7809 ext 21 to set up an Interview. SLCSD- Group leaders for elcm. afterschool programs (2:30-6. M-Th; 12:30-6, F) S8.50-S10 per hr. Call 578-8275 or send resume to heldl.clark<?slc.k12.ut,us Work In excellent environment close to U. "Affyht is nvt iwn by we punch or fci Either (earntQ ensure of hive a Receive freight, restock, reconcile shipments, load furniture, some admin duties. Part time morning and some Saturdays. Some heavy lifting. Must be detail oriented, accurate and organized. Fax resume to Bablnski's 582-2305. -Pmcelee NEED A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD? CHECK OUT THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS DOWNTOWN SUGARHOUSE AVENUES DORMS ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE CALL: 801.581.7041 FAX: 801.581.3299 EMAIL: CLASSIFIEDS@CHRONICLE.UTAH.EDU BUY RENT SELL PRICE $1100 PRICE $550 PRICE $800 PRICE $600 |