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Show Wednesday, January 10,2007 THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE CLASSIFIEDS Adoption OPEN ADOPTION Loving CA couple looking to adopt baby. Financially secure; stay-at-home mom; dog-lovers. Open adoption welcome. Call Shavon^t-800-971-7901. Miscellaneous Looking lor extra cash? We buy gently used brand name clothing and accessories (or teens and young adults. Plato's Closet 1763 West 4700 South In Taylorsvllte near Albert son's. 968-0084 Services Endltit Sun Tannins; Salon UNLIMITED use of ANY bed In the salon (or S25/monthl 4546 S Atherton Dr 8OI-416-O922 Huith, tnattrnltv. dental INSURANCE. Multiple company comparison quotes. Apply online, quotes online, or with on-campus agent. www.awlseplan.com 523-0185 LEARN TO DRAW BLOOD FROM THE BEST! Utah School of Phlebotomy Cali 898-9306 or www.utahphleb.com Naad financial aiiiitanct fl the holidays? No S got you down? We can help virtually any situation. Call 1-800-769-7182. No fees. Typing WORD PROCESSING IBM-Compatible Computer, Laser Printer. Also IBM Typing. • Can Chech Spelling, Grammar, . References (Specialty; APA). Mrs- Neeley, 467-2739. WOKUb HROFESSIUNALLY Composed, Edited, Word Processed, Typed, Proofread, Transcribed, Scanned, Laser Printed, Faxed, E-mailed. Theses, Dissertations, family Histories. Carolyn:277-6725 For Rent 2 bedroom basement apartment great location, easy freeway access, 3300 S. Wasatch blvd, off street parking, small yard, W/D hookups looking for quiet person, no smoking/pets $700 Includes utilities and cable TV. Available 2/1/07 for more info call 484-5682 almost on campus l-bedroom rooming house $360/month, includes utilities/wireless Internet/ washer/dryer. 322 university street. 557.8512 Avenues Apts, Studios, and Ibdrm $37O+/mo. Laundry and off-road parking. Might-Speed Internet. No-pets. •379 East 1st Avenue* Call 801-243-0735 or 801-328-3791 SSREWARDSS offered for purchaser. Contact Andrew ® 262-443-0473 Furnlshed.classy.clean, modernized Victorian. Amenities. Bedroom/study suite w/small guest room. 6months,SiO0O/monthlyOBO. Deposit. References. Near U. 435-635-5692 Spacious Avenues Apartment 3 bedroom 2 bath Close to University Si200/mo 801-557-8500 Perfect For Single Student. One Bedroom. $450/Mon. . Includes Utilities and Cleaning. " N o Pets. Call Huqh:359-3435. Available February 1. For Sale $125 Used Dell PCs See $125 PC at www.llonsdenpc.org Store hours M,W, F1-4 pm. Life time labor Warranty. Jewelry DIAMONDS: DON'T PAY RETAIL. 100's Of Diamonds And Settings. Wholesale Prices. Rocky Mountain Diamonds. 272-6948 Child Care Are you GREAT with kids? Want experience for developmental psych/chlld psych/speclal ed/OT? Come watch our toddler two to three afternoons per week for about 4 hours per day. Will train. Wage based on experience/education. 486-4668. Babyiltttr nmftd In Centervlllc 3:00-6:30pm Monday-Thursday. Transportation and references required. Email Ilndsl376^yahoo.com BABYSITTER: Part-time for 3 amazing kids flexible hours; live near U. References required. Call Amy S- 652-1319. Energetic nanny needed In Draper, 3 active boys 40+ hours some over night, must have transportation, please call 571-1410 Ntad part timt Child care for 4-year-old In my home near the U ol U. Must have car. Ellen^-581-0369. Seeking n t t i r s c h o o i c i r t for two children. Cottonwood Helqhts, 10 hours/wk. For details, contact Dana at DBrunvand5Pyahoo.com or 944-3986. ' CA$H NOWtl FOR YOUR Car/True k/Van;: Runs Or Not Top $$ Paid! 485-5111 it's Worth Your Time To Call J www.carsold.com Boy Scoutt of America looking for PT adult (male or female) leaders. Provide adult leadership to Scoutreach units at local elementary schools as port of the After-School program. No experience neccessary, just ability to work with kids. Must be available from 1:30-5:00 M-F. Call Tony 1* 577-3200. tyaplasCtyahoo.com Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake has 1 part time positions working w/youth ages 6-18.Hours are MondayFrlday between 12:00-6:00p.m. Core program area of focus is sports (itness and.recreation. Duties Include planning^ Implementing a variety of recreatlonai&educatlonal programs&activitles. S8.00-S8.50/hour Fax or e-mail resume to Maren (801)531-0709 or maren.miller@bgcgsl.org Busy 2007 plannedl Actors, Promo Talent, Models, Extras. No school, experience needed. Earn $10-$95/hr. Free training offer. •e01-438-0067Cashiers, Prep Techs and Auto Detailers needed Immediately Turbo Express. P/T, near University on Foothill Dr. Competitive waqes S7-$10 and big Incentives for qualified applicants. Call 596-1965 or email resume to baur2Shaol.com Dsycare teacher needed 8:30a-4:30p Monday-Friday. No weekends, no nights. Little Rascals Daycare 808-9621 Elegant Park City Bed and Breakfast 5e«Klnq child car* ior ll montrihiring FT/PT Innkeeper. Must old boy at our 4iom? In Sugar be organized, efficient, House: Two days a week, 8:00 am personable, considerate, to 1:00 pm, preferably Moncooperative, well-dressed. day/Wednesday, but negotiable. Position blends front desk, Must have experience and refercooking and reservation!st ences. Please call Erfn at 484- responsibilities. 5at/Sun hours 5248. required. Email resume to Sunday morning tnurcn jeanG&washlngtonschoollnn.com. chlldcare worker needed. No Encore Grill Isnownlhng experience necessary. Pay Is experienced servers. A.M. or SlO per hour. For Information P.M.. PT oc FT. Excellent tipsl contact Missy at 363-3889. 2080 West North Temple 534-1996 Help Wanted IBARTENDING! $250 Day Potential. No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. Call Nowl 800-965-6520 Ext. 153 —leiepnone interviewer-Great Job Conduct Public Opinion polls No Sales 359-3697 eat 1 Aammitiraiiva A U I I I I M to work for a Sleep Disorder Diagnostics Company. Full-time. M-F 8:30-5:00. Office, customer service, telephone and computer skills required. Great working environment. Send resume to aisenhourjrxsleep.com or fax 944-5123. An unuiun iiflcnmg Opportunity! This Is not a job It Is a callingusing cutting edge technology to help struggling students more effectively turn teachinq Into learning. This is a great PT position for a parent w/older children. WIU be working afternoons 3-4 days per week. See learnlngtechnics.com then Call 269-9315 APX ALARM Advertising/Sales Representatives needed. Make $25,OOO-$75,O00+ this summer. No ex p. needed. We will train you! Paid Training, Gas Allowance, & Rent Reimbursement. APX Alarm Is partnered with Goldman Sachs. Possible Internship credit available. Please call Scott at 682-597-8529 for an interview. Are you looking for tuition money? UPS is Hiring for ALL shifts and provides: everything BRAND NEW.Walk to •Tuition Reimbursement, U, no imoke/pets.Maln floor •Full Medical Benefits, and !• unit and mo-ln-law unit •Part-time shifts starting at $l,000/mo Inc. For more Information utilities. 583-8366 attend a tour at the UPS facility Location: 2040 Parkway Blvd, 534 S. 1300 E. SLC UT, 84119 2/bedroom, $585/mo Time: Mon-Frl 1:00pm and air condition, laundry, cover 6:00pm parking, no smoking/pets Walk-ins welcome A 266-9185 or 635-9678 Or Call TJ at 973-3724 Automotive Help Wanted Plato's Closet 1763 West 4700 South In Taylorsvllle, Albertson's shopping center. 968-0084 Earn big $$$1 Free Real Estate Investment seminar. 866-479-4388. Fax: 801.581.3299 Phone: 801.581.7041 Help Wanted Jason'i Dell Is Now Hiring for all positions. •Catering Delivery Drlveneasy hours and great pay, S10.00-Sl8.00/hour. Must have a good driving record. •Daytime register person:$7.00-$11.00/hour. •Daytime Catering Assistant S7.0O-$13.00/hour. •Call 263-1000* La Europe Academy RTC. Residential staff needed to work with teenage girls In a therapeutic program. 25-t-hours/week. MWF AM &PM shifts, TThSaPM shift + one Sunday/month. Experience preferred, not required. May qualify for benefits. S8.75-S9.25/hr. Call Brittany 801-633-3458 Let's Have Some Funl! Come see why Feature Films is so different and such a great place to work. We are looking tor sales people who want a great lob. Starting pay $9/Hr. F/PT shifts. No Sundays. Benefits. Terrific atmosphere. Opportunities for advancement. Call Laura at 801-281-8181. You'll be glad you dldll Loco Lizard Border Grill Big Cottonwood Canyon area Great tood,casual atmosphere Seeking servers.day hosts Apply within 6550 South 3000 East Looking for employment but unhappy with your options? How about a BUSINESS, instead of a job) Recruiting PARTNERS for national/international expansion in the wellness Industry. Complete training and support available to qualified applicants. Requirements entrepreneurial mind-set, self-starter, good communication skills, computer/Internet literate, background/Interest In health and wellness. Reply with resume to: Glen Kerpchar.Utah Alumnus glenO6129adelphla.net Love Kids, love fitness? • become certllied In youth fitness •learn to coach toddlers, preschool, & school-age fitness & wellness programs Help Wanted The Daily Utah Chronicle Morning Receptionist /Office Manager The Chronicle Is looking for an energetic, fun student who Is interested In office/clerical work. Someone who enjoys working with people and who can take charge In the front office. This position pays $e.OO/hr & will work Mon-Frl 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Priority given to students with prior experience. Please Call 587-7217 and ask for Brandon. - or email resume to b.blackburn$chronlcle.utdh.edu LASKA OACH Now hiring Driver/Guides (or summer seasonl Spend your summer southeast Alaska, showing visitors the beauty of the Last Frontier. Visit us: Univeslty of Utah 1/16 from 11-2. Marriott Provo CC -1/18 from 1-5 For description & apply: www.alaskacoachtours.com OHlce help PT/ mornings experience and communications skills required, must email jlnr^timesharetravel.com for Inquiries Part-time Event Coordinator/Grant Writer Utah Alcoholism Foundation seeks part-time event coordinator/grant writer for annual 5K Run/Walk, grant writing, & other fundralslng efforts. Excellent communication and organization skills required. Growth opportunity! Send resume & cover letter to khousleyK-uafslc.org. EOE Physical Therapist aid* wanted for new office in St. Mark's area. Energetie,ilngle,college-agegirls Highly competitive pay offered. needed as counselors to mentor •team envlronmentl Contact Janelle® teen girls during a life-changing •part-time: we work with your 801-573-0215. week at "Be The Best You" girls school schedule! camp, directed by Barbara BarringPT Event Staff ton Jones at the U of U June 18Average over $12/hr. 23. 2007. Apply at www.- •one-year commitment Details call Cory bethebestyoucamp.com or con435-730-1016/801-573-7289. tact Becky at (800) 989-3309. Ap- •$9.50/hr +mileage + incenplications due February 15. Coun- tive program PI Server/Cainier wanted. selors earn $350/wk. Flexible hours. Apply in person •preceptor opportunities between 11:30-1:30 at Female graveyard staff needed 2115 East 2100 South. to work with teenage girls In a •beginning gymnastics or dance background a plus residential treatment center Heal Estate investor doinq bed checks and some Seeks Apprentice E-mail your resume to: chores. One to three 8-hour $8K-$16K a month poss. shlrts/week.11pm-7am. Halt d.kubly^comcast.net CALL 866-713-2505 shifts a possibility. Great for contact Linda for questions doing homework. 801-581-9438 Rewarding Job! S8.50-S9.00/hr. Assist people with disabilities. Mad Scientists Call Brittany 801-633-3458 Part-time, evening & weekend Needed-Part Time shifts available. Training Financial Services Mad Science of Salt Lake is Provided. Call 262-1552 ext. hiring outgoing people to Marketing 143 for details. Fill out present fun science activities be in business for yourself. application at Columbus for children at elementary work around your current Community Center, 3495 S. schools & B-day parties. Excelschedule. Training provided, West Temple or Email resume to lent Job (or future elementary coll our office 330-0049 sarft.brockman^slc.kt2.ut.us, school teachers. Need car, subject: Submitting resume. Fun, Creative, dependable experience w/klds, high-school person neded to tutor a 3 year science, available mornings or Secretary old Boy with autism, 10 hrs a afternoons 3-4 days a week Moving Co.hiring PT M-F week of ABA therapy, no experi<~10/hrs week). Start at $12/hr 12:30-5:00pm. Must be ence needed. Profeslonsal trainApply online at www.madorganized and detail oriented. Ing provided. Located In Cotscience.org/utah Able to answer multiple phone tonwood Heights $9.00+/hr to lines, provide moving start. For details contact Kavlta Information, and schedule @ 809-9471 or 733-0261 ft*. appointments. Will train. Pines C a m p ^ y Apply In person M-F 9-4pm Gain experience In the Rocky Mountain Movers Social Work field. Hiring support staff for graves, Make A Difference! Camp 663 South 600 West SLC •venlngi, and weekends. 355-7700 Counselors Wanted. Friendly $fl/hr. Pines Camp, in the cool Must be 21 and pats a B.C.I. mountains of Prescott. AZ. is elem. afterschool programs Fax355-9943 (2:30-6, M-Th; 12:30-6, F) hiring for '07 season, May 26 email IJorqenionSuafslc.org S8.50-S10 per hr. - Aug. 2. Program has waterski, Call 578-8275 or send resume Great P/T Job $6.00-1 I/hour, climbing, fishing, photography, to heldl.clark@s1c.kl2.ut.us preparedness/camping store. target sports, marital arts, more. cust service exp useful. aiMp uiftorocri lacn. niu.ni Competitive salary'. Will be on Open M-5,10-6,great work shifts. Great for pre-med, .campus - Jan. 19. Forapp/info atmosphere, employee pre-dental experience. jcall 928/445-2128 or email discounts. Apply at Computer and customer service 110 VI 3300 S. En Salt Lake info@fricndlypines.com. skills required. Health care or email experience preferred. Training Download an app. at tim'? beprepared.com. provided. Great Job for www. friendlypines.com. students. $10-$11/hr. Immediate opening! Send resume to for experienced Nationally accrtdlttif child care Jbennlon® rxslecp.com gymnastics/trampoline/ program located In Research or fax 944-5123. tumbllng/pre-school staff at Park Is hiring classroom atucmng i n a piciung oiutjib assistants for morning shifts. Black Diamond Gymnastics! Work with children ages 2-6 in STANDARD RESTAURANT SUPPLY Offering PT/FT positions for 3500 South West Temple a high quality program. Wtwlll energetlc,motlvated,creative & Up to $13 per hour based on work with your school dependable coaches. Initiative. schedule! $7.00 to $7.75 per •We train & certify!' . GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR hour DOE. STUDENTS! Hiring at both Park City and E-mail resume to WILL WORK WITH SCHOOL Salt Lake City locations ahuffman9usa.utah.edu. • classifleds@chfonkleMtah.edu Help Wanted SUMMER CAMP Camp Cloudrlm and Trecfoll Ranch are hiring counselors, horseback riding staff, program stalf, kitchen supervisors, and assistant director. Seeking applicants Interested In working with and mentoring children. No experience neccessary. Paid training. Live-In position, room and board provided. Contact Kleena, Girl Scouts of Utah *S 265.8472 to apply. Tomax, producer of retail management software, Is looking for part-time OA Testers/Interns to perform product testing. Ideal candidate will have understanding of formal OA methodology, operating systems, relational databases, and excellent problem-solving skills. Excellent opp for Computer Science and IT majors. We hire 95% of Interns! Email resume to resume-35tomax.com. $!2+/tir. UP TO $20,000 BONUS For your language or learn a new language. Or many other |obs to choose from in the Special Forces, Airborne, Aviation, Military Intelligence, Combat Engineers, Field Artillery, Maintenance. UU and Westminster scholarships available. Also ROTC opportunities at SLCC. National Guard and Army ROTC. UU / WM students call SFC Brad Wilkinson at 581-6716 or 673-2969. SLCC students call SFC Logan Gregory at 957-4753 or 859-2000 Also Gl BUI and Gl Bill Kicker up to $497 month, Student Loan Repayment Program, up to $20,000. And more. Let the Army National Guard pay for college; US Citizens 17-41 Years Of Aqe. Army National Guard. Call Brad Wilkinson 581-6716 Cell 673-2969 or on Campus Military Science Bldg 23, Room 106 WANTED: Piano S, Pre-School Music Teachers Able To Work With Children Ages 4-6 & Beginning Students From 7 Years Old. Intermediate Level Piano Player, Music Ma|ors Or Non-Music Majors OK. Part-Time/Permanent, SiO-12/hr to start. Reliable Person w/Transportation, Monday-Thursday 4:00-7:00 Music Masters Group 278-0189 Working Mom needs responsible, dependable aduit to drop off/pick up her adorable 8-year-old daughter three days a week, and for day care every other weekend. Must have drivers license, car w/ Insurance, references. Great pay, Includes gas and ether expense*. Please call Laura at 799-0985. FLAGSHIP fiNANCIAL GROUP" Loan Officers Needed Leads provlded;Very competitive compensation Including bonuses and benefits;Wlll train and provide marketing support; Call Steve at 601-908-7040 Advertise in t h e Daily Utah Chronicle Classifieds Place your ad in the Chrony Classifieds for $45 per month (Includes ad In paper and picture on the Internet) For Sale SCHEDULE! CallJoy 435-615-1800 Make • Great Income buying. and selling MONEY, work from your computer and make money In the largest financial market In the world www.forexworldflnancial.com NEXTPAGE Is looking for CAPABLE HARD WORKING people to test Quality Assurance. P/T Have a solid knowledge of word/excel $10/hr. Email resume: vickle.blrchall$nextpBge.com call: 330-7862 or come In to apply. named Driver and Cook (or Slcilia Pizza, FT/PT, Flexible hours, great pay, gas reimbursement, call 961-7077, comelnWSE 300S. Call: 5817041 Fax: 5813299 email: classifiedsechronicle.utah.edu your car? Advertise in the Daily Utah Chronicle Classi Place your ad for *45 per month (Includes ad In the paper and picture on the Internet) Call: 581.7041 Fax: 581.3299 email: classifieds@chronlcle.utah.edu |