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Show Monday, December 4,2006 THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Bill to amend Redbook's election expenditure policy moves forward Morrell said, "Without a definite, clear-cut way to define wholesale, there's still ways to take advantage of the bill, which leads to more focus on complaints than the actual quality of elections." Evans, said that amending the bill would prevent it from passing in time t;o be put in effect for the upcoming elections, and that the bill was not ready until this senate and assembly cycle. She said she will include a definition of wholesale in the elections packet. "The elections packet is definitely as legally binding as Redbook, and we will work toward an amendment (to include a definition of wholesale) in the spring," Evans said. While Senator Morrell said she supports the bill and believes it everyday retail value, wholesale value and non-perishable value. At everyday retail value, candiAfter passing in both the ASUU dates should report the expendiSenate and Assembly, the U Board ture at the price it would normally of Trustees will decide on a Red- be valued, disregarding any special book amendment clarifying elec- deal they were given. Items should be listed at wholetion expenditure policy. Dealing with a candidate's ob- sale price if they are purchased ligation to disclose all campaign from a wholesale company and are purchases, the bill would change accompanied by an electronic reRedbook to more clearly state how ceipt. Perishable food items that have and what needs to be reported. "Redbook used to read that a lost their retail value, such as dayparty's expenses had to be listed at old bagels, would be listed under everyday retail price, and it was re- the non-perishable value category. At Thursday's ASUU Senate ally unclear," said Lorraine Evans, elections registrar of the Associ- meeting, senators debated over ated Students of the University of whether the bill needed to specifically define wholesale in order to Utah. Now, all expenses have been di- be effective. College of Nursing Senator Piper vided into three price categories: Rochelle McConkie The Daily Utah Chronicle JONES IS AWARDED FOR LONG CAREER INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS HOLD POTLUCK ROTC PLAYS FOOTBALL continued from Page 1 continued from Page 1 continued from Page 1 she understands how difficult it can be for international students to adjust and integrate themselves in Utah culture. "We organize different events to help the new international students get used to the campus and to their surroundings," Gandhi said. "We don't want them to feel they are all by themselves." President of the ISC Bianca Mecena, master's student in applied linguistics, has been involved with the ISC for two years. Next semester, Bianca and the other council members will be preparing for the ISC's biggest events: International Night and Film Week, which will take place in April. "Everybody is welcome," Bianca said of International Week. "Our main goal is to give students many opportunities to get involved and to have their best experience while here in the U.S." lherman@chronicle.utah.edu Jones' reputation for accurate polls has won names like the "Patriarch of Utah Politics" and "Utah's Political Yoda." In the last election, Jones' firm accurately predicted the outcome of n major elections and ballot measures within in a few percentage points. Jones also involves students in his polling firm. Many of the callers for his phone banks are current or former students. While Jones has spent the majority of his life teaching and observing politics in Utah, he hails from Pocatello, Idaho. After coming to the U as a graduate student, Jones conducted his first poll for The Salt Lake Tribune on the 1959 Salt Lake City mayoral race, and he has been working in the profession ever since. "Polling isn't for everybody—you have to like people," Jones said. "I've never awakened one morning and said I hate going to work." Outsiders sometimes try to peg Jones with a given political party—a label he fervently avoids. He said many wrongly assume he is a Democrat because his wife, Sen. Patricia Jones, serves as a Democrat in the state Legislature. "Many republicans think I'm a Democrat in sheep's clothing," Jones said. But Jones, who describes himself as a political independent, said he remains unbiased as a pollster and as an educator. "Dan is (just) interested in good politics," said Ron Hrebenar, chairman of the Political Science Department. Hrebenar said the U political science program is wellknown for having Jones as a professor—a job he said pays little compared to Jones' lucrative polling business. "Dan doesn't need this job—I just think he loves it," Hrebener said. After nearly 50 years of teaching, Jones hasn't set a retirement date, but plans to at least teach through the 2008 presidential election. "I'm more excited for the '08 presidential election than any other election I can remember," Jones said. d.gardiner@ chronicle.utah.edu www.daiiyutahchronicle.com • y : Sturdy in will make elections more fair, she said, "Redbook is extremely important to me, and if we're going to make changes, they must be the most thorough and the most accurate so that there is no room for loopholes." Student Body President Jake Kirkham said he also supports the bill, as it provides more clarification for candidates. Last year, the issue of accurately reporting election expenditures became an issue for the BLOC party. Candidates reported the purchases of signs at prices given to them from a banner company with which they had made a deal, making the amount they reported almost $1,000 less than what it would have been if listed at everyday re- tail value. "I was the presidential candidate for the BLOC party," Kirkham said. "It was a mistake we made—we should have reported at fair-market value and we reported at a deal we got. With more clarification, we may have not done that, but we made a mistake." Evans said she hopes this bill will prevent any problems from happening in the upcoming elections. "I don't want candidates to have to go through that again," she said. Students and candidates can find information on the upcoming ASUU elections and the elections bill at http://asuuelection.blogspot com. r.mcconkie@ chronicle.utah.edu The winner of the match is given a large, golden, bullet-shaped trophy, which some have named the "winner's trophy" and others call the "magic bullet." The winning team holds on to the trophy until the next game the following year. After Navy's loss, junior earth science major and Marine Sergeant Issac Goodrich said, "So for a whole year we have to live with it." Goodrich was captain of the Navy team. In the actual NCAA Army vs. Navy game, the winner is awarded the Commander-in-Chief's trophy. This year, Navy defeated Army by a score of 26-14. This game, which has been a tradition for 107 years, has been labeled one of the most intense rivalries in college sports. LENNIE MAHLER7 The D-iik Utah Chronicle r.mcconkie@ chronicle.utah.edu David Anderson dives for a catch Saturday morning at Ballif Field, Study in Taiwan Jichplanhip Available For more information: www.srudYintaiwan.org www.sfmoe.org Tel: 415-398-4979 OUR STAND $338 SAVED ON CAR INSURANCE IS $338 AVAILABLE FOR SOMETHING ELSE On average, drivers who switched to Allstate saved $338 a year. Call me today for a quote. 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