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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Friday, September 8, 2006 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Policy o/i s and Alcohol UNIVERSITY OF UTAH: Policy on Drugs and Alcohol The federal Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act requires institutions of higher education to have written policy whichdescribes: 1) legal sanctions underfederal,state,anci local lawfor the unlawful use.possession.ordistribution of illicit drugs and alcohol; 2) a description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol; 3) a description of any drug and alcohol programs that are available to employees or students; and 4) a clear statement that the school will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees for violations of the standards of conduct. The University of Utah is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy environment for its students, faculty, and staff. The following document provides the information required by the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act. Please contact the Campus Wellness Connection at: (801) 581-7776 for additional information and resources. Federal Forfederal drug trafficking penalties visit:www.usdpj.gov/dea:(and see table) In 1984,the National Minimum Drinking Age Act (Public Law 98-363) was passed. For more information visit: http^v/VAv.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/alcohol/Community7'o20Guides%20HTML7PDFs/Public_App7.pdf Other Schedule I & II drugs (and any drug product containing Gamma Hvdroxybutyric Acid) Flunitrazepam ny amount ^;V:^^" •'^-iy'--.1S J QUANTITY Mar.j Liana : 1,00 0 kg or mor o mixture; or 1,0 00 orl'.v; moioplanis •; V. lODkg 10 099 kg mixture, or 100 t o 999 plants more than 10 kgs hashish ; 50 lo 39 kg mix lure morn lhan 1 hgol hashish oil; SO lo 99 plants Man] u ana Hoshrsh 1 to 49 plants; less than 50 kg mixture 110 kg or loss 1 Won if an ndividual, $10 ritlion if not an ndividual. 10 gms or more mixture Ogms or more pure or Second Offense: 500 gms or Mot less than 20 more mixture frs, and not more ; 100gmor han life. If death or! more pure or 1 serious injury, life kg or more imprisonment. Fine mixture )f noi more than $i -'Ilion if an | *** I ' fair Otfiot Natcciics iKoiiii r«g t«i» & tcc<Ttr rntac*^ utir<ni w s e en Hi^-Low ^ TArrpri *f*f*i •Mcm' cema. pentfg 4aXTi Bonbon laic pines QUANTITY^ £J?£NALT1ES J kgs or more First Offense: llmixture 1150 gms or slot less than 10 Hmore mixture yis. and not more nan life. If death or 00 gms or |roore mixtuie serious injury, not ess than 20 or 100 gms or ore than life. Fine Lore mixture Post i Die Unknown PIC y nr.rai altered e«Wtt«n d Birc ana avofltx Ptilocytui rrwshiooni» Lcaimy (MDMA] I Qtho» fiatiucirmg o m " Vrfmen. Tm MxxH*tim pry. MW 1 < * m * Br«M<x>nt*iBa agg' OxymoiholOOl Drug and Alcohol Programs Available at the University of Utah The University of Utah offers faculty, staff, and students a variety of alcohol and drug treatment options. Faculty and staff can contact the university's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for information and referrals for treatment Call the EAP at 587-9391. In addition to the EAP,individual and group drug and alcohol abuse treatment are available for faculty, staff,and students through the University Counseling Center. Call the University Counseling Center at 581-6826. There are also numerous treatment options available in the community. Contact the Campus Wellness Center at: 581 -7776,or visit its website at http://www.wellness.utah.edu for more information. University of Utah Policies and Disciplinary Action Student Code of Conduct: The University of Utah complies with federal and Utah state laws and penalties regarding the misuse of legal drugs (alcohol and tobacco) and use of illegal drugs. PENALTIES First Offense: Not more thai 20 yrs. If death or serious injury, not less than 20 yrs, or more than Ufe. Fine S1 milDon if an individual, $5 million if not an ^dividual... . . . • .. . ...... . . 1" OFFENSE Nol less ma n 10 years . not "•more than life If dnulh or sari ous injury; not less than 20 years, nol more than life Fin a nol more than 34 million if an Individual, S10 million if olhar lhan on Individual ' * •'" Nan] uana «nfCMpi!>tt, The following information on student code can be found at: http^/wwi,v.admin.utah.edu/ppmanual/8/8-1O.html Poky 8-10 Rev 5 Subject UNIVERSE REGULATIONS- Chapter X CODE OF STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ('STUDENT CODE") SECTION l!t:STUD£MT8EHAViOR W<&$y£i' Marij uana o/>l/Cofto/46ose &/ifcofto/«m fW/WJi; provides comprehensive information and resources ^ , assodated a|coho afause iQm rf (he majof hea|(h ^ flf a|coho| abuse indude a|coho| dependence, | asting ^ fln ^ ^ ^ assauK apd ^ . ^ m mmn]mnhqm for more i n f o r m a t i o n . For college students in partfoilar.visltwww^ollegedrinkingpreveiwionflcw. Health risks associated with other drugs are indicated in the following table: (Visit http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/ for more specific drug information) Legal Sanctions: Federal, State, Local Law Federal and Utah State laws prohibit the use of illicit drugs and actions related to the abuse of alcohol. The University of Utah has policies in place for disciplinary action of faculty, staff, and students who violate alcohol and drug policies. Listed below are the general federal, state.and university policies or links to these policies. DRUG/SCHEDULE_ \\ Q U A N T I T Y ^PENALTIES Cocaine (Schedule II) 500 - 4999 First Offense: bms mixture Cocaine Base (Schedule 5-49 gms | ot less than 5 II) mixture I yrs. and not more Fentanyl (Schedule II) [40 - 399 gms i than 40 yrs If death or serious mixture njury, not less Fentanyl Analogue [10 - 99 gms than 20 or more (Schedule I) [mixture Heroin (Schedule I) l|1i ot more than 52 million if an LSD (Schedule I) |1 - 9 gms individual. $5 million if not an - 4 9 gms Metbamphetarmne individual >ure or 50 (Schedule II) 99 gms econd Offense: Vixture Jot less than 10 POP (Schedule II) 1 0 - 9 9 gms TS. and not more pure or 100 - nan life. If death 999 gms ir serious injury, ife imprisonment, rine of not more rhe N f l t ; 0 M f/^f/tufe OFFENSe Not loss tha n 20 years . nol more than life If death or sorioua injury, msnd a lory I ile Fine not more thBn S8 million if amndivi dual, 52Omill.on it othor lhan on Individual Nol less thn n 5 yoois. not more lhan 40 years Nol less [ha n 10 years , nol more than life if death or serous injury, no lisas than 20 years , noimoro than Ufa if death or serious injury, mand alory life Fine not rnoro Ihnn 52 million if on indfYKju a I. 55 mil I ton i t olltsr lha n an indivldu a I Fine not more than S<1 million it anindlvi dual. S10 million if othe r lhan an Individ ual Not more than 20 years Not more than JQ years II death or serious Injury, not loss then 20 years, not more Ihjn life If death or seroius injury, mandatory life Finn 51 million il an individual, S5 million If other lhan an imfivkiu al Fine S2 million if an individu al. S10 million if oilier than individua I Not more than 5 yoam Nol more lhan 10 yean Fine not more than S250.000. S1 million other lha n individua I Flno S50 0,000 if an Indivrdu ai, S2 million 1 f oilier lhan individual Hashish OH 11 kg o r lose State Article XXI of the United States Constitution, which repealed prohibition, grants states the right to regulate alcohol distribution and sale. State laws are unique,but each allows local communities to regulate youth access to alcohol through local ordinances and law enforcement. For general information on Utah State laws visit: www.le.state.ut.us A. Standards of Behavior In order to promote personal development, to protect the University community, and to maintain order and stability on campus, students who engage in any of the following acts of behavioral misconduct may be subject to behavioral sanctions: 8. Use, possession or distribution of any narcotic or other controlled substance on University premises, at University activities, or on premises over which the University has supervisory responsibility pursuant to state statute or local ordinance, except as permitted by law and University regulations. 9. Use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages of any type on University premises except as permitted by law and University regulations. 11. Violation of federal,state or local civil orcriminal laws on University premises, while participating in University activities, or on premises over which the University has supervisory responsibility pursuant to state statute or local Violation of the student code may result in one or more of the following sanctions: * Compliance with federal and /or state laws as-appropriate to the law violated, and/or • Review of violation by University of Utah Student Behavior committee with possible sanctions that may include suspension or expulsion dependent upon the nature of the offense, circumstances, and previous violations. Since a variety of factors must be considered when sanctioning, sanctions may be increased or decreased at the discretion of university personnel responsible for administering the Student Code. Factors affecting the imposition of sanctions include such issues as the severity of the incident, impact upon other individuals or the community, and other prior judicial history. Possible sanctions for students who violate the student code regarding alcohol and drug use on campus may include, but are not limited to, meeting with the Dean of Students, Alcohol & Drug Education class (with fee), parental notification,clinical assessment, or specific disciplinary action by university unit or organization (athletics,Greek system,Office of Housing and Residential Education). Local, state, and federafiaws may also apply to alcohol and drug violations. Staff/Faculty Code of Conduct: ' "j' The University of Utah complies with federal and Utah state laws and penalties regarding the misuse of legal drugs (alcohol and tobacco) and use of illegal drugs. The following information on staff/faculty code can be found at httpyAiAmadmin.utah.edu/ppmanual/8/8-12-4.html Subject UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS - Chapter XII COM OF FACULTY filGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - PART IV RULES DrivingUndertheinfluence http^/wwv;.te.stateut.us/«code/TiUE41/htm/41_04045.htm Minor in possession http://wwy.le.state.ut.us/~code/TlTLE32A/htm/32A0D015.htm Health Risks The use of any illicit drug or abuse of alcohol is potentially hazardous to your health. Faculty, staff, and students should evaluate the health risks associated with use of illicit drugs or abuse of alcohol. Synthetically produced drugs may contain impurities and the true amounts and ingredients are rarely known. The effects of a drug may be significantly different with each use. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration states: "The illegal importation, manufacture, distribution, and possession and improper use of controlled substances have a substantial and detrimental effect on the health and general welfare of the American peopk.'According to Ralph W.HingsonfStD., Professor of Social Behavioral Sciences and Associate Dean for Research at Boston University School of Public Health, The harm that college students do to themselves and others as a result of excessive drinking exceeds what many would have expected." (http://www.col!eged rinkingprevention.gov/Media/pressrelease.aspx) D. Obligations to the University 8. Faculty members may also be subject to discipline for violation of the Drug-Free Workplace Policy and the Field Trip Policy in accordance with the procedures described in those policies. Drug Free workplace http://www.admin.utah.edU/ppmanual/2/2-12.html The Policy and Procedure Manual (2-12) stales that the university malntainsa drug-fteeworlcplace.lt shall be a violation of this policyforemployees to engage in the unlawful manufacture,distribution,dispensation, possession and/or use 0(3 contioDed substance or alcohol at a university won\place,of white engaged in university business off campus.Any person accepting employment with the university agrees to abide by the terms of this policy. Employees assigned to a federal contract or grant should be aware of special conditions of employment regarding violations of drug statute! Other violations include: • Smoking in violation of the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act* Possession and/01 consumption of akohol on University premises.*-* Any employee of the university who violates this policy may be required to participate in a drug or akohol abuse assistance of rehabilitation program approved by the director of human resources in accordance with federal law; and/or discipfirury action and sancu'ons imposed may include a written reprimand, fine, probation, suspension without p3y or partial pay,and/or dismissal Employees must notify their supe/visor of any criminal drug statute conviction occurring in the workplace withinfivedays of the conviction Whenever permitted by universityregulations,rehabilitation is preferred to discipline for violations of this section. CampusWellnessTl1 Connection %m we! hess.utah.edu |