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Show Tins Monday, December 5, 2005 DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE REPORT SHOWS DECLINE IN ETHNIC ENROLLMENT but it is better to retain," she said. "It is not good enough to ETHNICITY YEAR replace one (student or faculAfrican-American or Black 34.6 1996 ty member) for each one that 27.3 American Indian or Alaska Native is lost." 48.1 Asian or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander The report found for the 33.9 Hispanic or Latino/a three years studied—enter39.0 Total Minorities ing classes of 1996, 1997 and continued from Page 1 47.2 White 1998—minority groups did 55.0 not have as high of a retention 1997 Afiitan-American or Black mation provided was self-rerate as did students of white 24.2 American Indian or Alaska Native ported." ethnicity. 45:6 Asian or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Trujillo said self-reported 45.2 All minorities averaged 41.7 Hispanic or Latino/a information often results in 43.6 percent graduating within six Total Minorities students choosing the "other" years over those three years, 51.8 category rather than picking White while whites averaged 48.8 an actual type of ethnicity. 46.7 African-American or Black 1998 over the same time span. In the report, there was actu25.0 American Indian or Alaska Native The only ethnic group to ally a greater percentage of 50.3. Asian or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander perform better than whites unknown ethnicity than the 36.6 Hispanic or Latino/a was the Asian/Native Hawaitotal ethnic minorities. 42.5 Total Minorities ian/Pacific Islander group. Flores said trends of low diWhite 47.5 Trujillo hopes these and versity are a problem for the other trends found in the reuniversity. In his eyes, a stu-. dent ought to be exposed to back to what a university is at students of varying ethnic port will begin to change— different types of experiences its core. An institution that is groups difficult. Because of for the better—as the report and diverse cultures as part of intended to educate beyond a this difficulty, the committee is brought to the public and hopes to use the information used. an education. narrow field. "Everyone has to work "A university is supposed they have collected to make "The more diverse the university is, the more likely they to be universal," he said. "If proposals for making the pro- together, not just our committee," he said. "There is so will be exposed to a wide va- you can't gain an education of cess easier. Karen Dace, vice president much potential at our uniriety of perspectives," he said. other cultures, then you aren't "National boarders are disap- as prepared as you should be for diversity and a member of versity that, if everyone were the committee, said that reten- working on this, we would pearing, people need to relate entering the career field." with people of other cultures The diversity committee tion was a key part of the com- see changes immediately." to be successful." j.layton@ noted that local demographics mittee's study and report. chronicle.utah.edu "It is wonderful to recruit, Trujillo said diversity goes make recruiting and retaining de-icing the walkways is a tough job. "You can't be everywhere at once. We put down de-icer as fast as we could," Pope said. Despite the efforts of grounds workers, patches of ice lingered until mid-morncontinued from Page I ing, especially in areas obother io minutes later, a Salt scured by buildings and trees, Lake City Fire Department like the intersection of sideengine arrived along with an walks north of the Business Classrooms Building. ambulance. This intersection is where Freeman-Sabahi spent 20 minutes sitting on the frozen Heather Aust, a sophomore in concrete, crying from the pain political science, slipped and before emergency specialists cut her hand on the sidewalk stabilized her ankle in an in- trying to catch herself. flatable cast and loaded her "(It's) not hard to navigate into her husband's car to be around it, (you) just have to driven to the University Hos- pay attention," she said of the pital Emergency Room. incident. Lydia Strait, a sophomore Doctors operated on the ankle on the morning of Dec. in psychology, was intention1, and she is doing fine, Amir ally sliding on the ice with her husband James. Sabahi said. "We figured as long as we Only minutes after Amir Sabahi called for help, grounds had the potential of slipping, workers in golf carts and white we might as well try to control maintenance trucks began cir- it. So we were actually having cling lower campus, spreading a lot of fun," she said. salt on walking surfaces. But on her way to class, she Pope said she wasn't sure saw a student slip and almost whether the area where Free- fall down the stairs to the Soman-Sabahi slipped had been cial and Behavioral Science treated for ice that morning, Building, barely managing to but with 30 miles of sidewalk, catch himself on the wall. 200 buildings with stairs and a.kirk@ only 48 workers on campus, chro nicle.utah.edu ICY WALKWAYS ENDANGERS, INJURES WOMAN Retention Rate of Campus Minorities PERCENT GRADUATING WITHIN 6YEARS UNIVERSITY OF UTAH UNION PHARMACY Olpin Union Building, Rm. 156 Monday - Friday 9am - 5:30pm Closed Daily 1:30pm - 2:00pm 587.3363 • 587.3375 Fax Discounts for students and employees not covered by prescription insurance. The helpful place. s a l t INVENTORS & ENGINEERS: --* | Have a product? j Started a company? • Need funding? Contact us. We fund, merge, or acquire. SOURCE iwww.RDIsource.com l a k e c i t y Plumbing, Electrical, Paint, Fasteners. For your convenience we are open 7 clays a week! 4th South JfOE Hardware Store Hours: 612 East 400 South Mon. - Sat. 8am - 9pm Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Sunday - 9am - 5pm Phone (801) 364 6567 ASUU PRESENTS: BEN STEIN: "HOWTO RUIN YOUR LIFE" DECEMBER 5TH, AT KINOSBURY HALL FREE A D M I S S I O N FOR EVERYONE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ASUU OFFICE, U N I O N 114 AND KlNGSBURY HALL ASUUCHILDCARE SCHOLARSHIP p aprilia ASUU'S FREE F I L M SERIES LINE UP FOR SPRING *O6 JANUARY 2 5 BEYOND BORDERS (R) FEBRUARY 1 G R O U N D H O G DAY (PC) FEBRUARY 8 - ELECTIONS ARE COMING Las elecciones estdn viniendo As elea9oes estdo vindo Wahlen kommen y'SyX Les elections Le elezioni stanno venendo DUCATI 4» check out our full selection ofscooters_and motorcycles DEADLINE IS 4:OOPM, DECEMBER 5 T H JANUARY 1 8 PICK UP A N APPLICATION WALLACE AND CROMIT IN THE AT T H E A S U U OFFICE, CURSE OF THE WERE-RABBIT (0) UNION 234 OR ONLINE AT WWW.U5TUDENTS.COM :tt0% discount www.saltlakemotorsports.con^ oh select models phone 801.478.4000 for all students! ~ visit our.show room at: ":"*-i 1077 S. 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