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Show Thursday, September 29, 2005 UTAH CHRONICLE www. daily utahchronicle.com I \ A / y. j 4- p +-f\ II C letters@chronide.utah.edu GEICO. A 15-minute call could save you 15% on car insurance. BABY YOUR BABY More than 40 percent of college-age women in Utah who get pregnant don't plan for it. Are you ready? [at healthy & exercise Take vitamins containing folic add • Talk to your doctor before you get pregnant • Avoid drugs, tobacco and alcohol stepped up her level, and Lori Baird also," Launiere said. "I think they're holding up extremely well, considering we're the defending conference champions and we gradcontinuedfrom Page 7 uated five seniors last year." But too many of the Cougars each of the last three sets and could never get the lead back had been here before, at the as the Cougars sustained then- very least during last year's two losses to the Utes. Outside offensive momentum. While players' lack of big- hitter Shelly Sommerfeldt, one game experience played a part of just two seniors on the Ute in the loss, Launiere said, con- roster, expects different residering the circumstances, sults the next time around. her youngsters played reason"BYU has a lot of experience ably well. Hotshot recruits and a fun environment with a Lori Baird and Airial Salvo lot of fans," Sommerfeldt said. had 14 and 12 kills, respective- "But we have another chance ly, while setter Shannon Krug at them in November and I'm had 44 assists and seven digs. sure we'll be ready." c.bellamy@ "I thought Airial had a very chronicle.utah.edu nice match. I thought she YOUNG TEAM TIRES ATBYU Now is the time to Baby Your Baby. For more information call BANqkok T I I A ! 1-800-826-9662 1400 Foothill Drive " Salt Lake City • 582-8424 Cltysearch 2005 - Best Vegetarian • Best Seafood • Best Salad - Best Wine List or visit www.babyyourbaby.org Price Rollback on Vegetarian Dishes 1O'2O% DAiLy • MEATUSS MoNdAys™ DiNE I N ENTREES Li/Nch $ 9 . 9 9 DJNNER $7.99 I FREE P A D T H A I (a 512,00value) 1 I With Purchase of an Entree from our Extensive Seafood Menu I • 1 NW Vilid nitti ANY Ottwt Olfrr nxhidinj Oiicounli, Dntotmied U n u , lr*6f Coupon, a Mrjli^n MjndjfV Nol (W Tilrout. l » l l One ppr Pjrty . Piwnl »hfn icJttd - d p ™ Od 11, ?W>; Visit Us on the Web at www.bangkoklhai.com for Offers, Menus and Recipes 2005/5766 High Holidays at Utah Hillel Rabbi Ruth Sohn & Rabbi Reuven Firestone Mon. Oct. 3,2005 • 8:00 PM Rosh HaShana evening services We invite individuals with Par fv their family and friends, to attend" An Educational Symposium; £ Tues. O c t 4,2005 • 9KX) A M Rosh HaShana morning services g£ "Memory and Parkinson's disease" • By Thomas S. Schenkenberg, Phd Wed. O c t 5,2005 • 9KX) A M Rosh HaShana [2nd day) morning services Saturday, October 1, 2005 Wed. Oct 12,2005 • 6:45 PM Kol Nidre: Yom Kippur evening services ltt:30 am — 2:00 pm (Registration begins at 9:30-; Thurs, Oct 13,2005 • 9KX) A M Yom Kippur morning services SC Yizkor Mt. Olympus Senior Citizens Center; 1635 E Murray Holladay Road (4800 Sotiflj Salt Lake City, Utah Jonah, Mincha and Ne'ila Services 5:15 PM Potiuck Break-fast after Ne'ila (RSVP REQUIRED - Hillel@lists.utah.edu) Registration fee: $8.00 a person This includes lunch, question & answer pcria and a social hour. 'Presented by the American Parkinson Incase Aatoclu InfnrnwtioD uid Referral Center «nd the Utah Chapter All services to be held at the Unitarian Church corner of 1300 East 6C 600 South, just off campus. 5r more informati^aics No Tickets Required Donations gratefully accepted. http://www.utah.edu/hillei A$UU UPDATE " OCTOBER 1 UNION BUILDING LEARNING TO LEAD: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1$T 8 : 3 0 A M - 12:3OPM IN THE UNION BUILDING PHANTOM HOMECOMING 2005 GET READY FOR HOMECOMING WEEK OCTOBER 1OTH THROUGH OCTOBER 1 5 T H SAVE THE DATE!!! OPERA FREE FILM SERIES: THE P H A N T O M OF THE OPERA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 8 T H 7:OOPM I N THE POST THEATRE FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG O N TO: S+UDQn+S.con SAVE BIG WHEN YOU USE TAKEN 0AKE PIZZA AT THESE LOCATIONS: I |