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Show . a eb igg eR eee a tessa eds RMR, ocuete ¥ THE THE UINTAH COUNTRY. The Survey “Party—Incidents by the Way—After Bear Meat—The Scenery Desecribed—An Altitudimous Aseent. daeeeen tener UINTAH INDIAN Sea ve a Sept.3, 1875. The progress of Du Bois’ survey~ ing expedition to its objective from Salt Lake City point, the Valley of the Uintah, has been necessarily slow, owing to the -attenuated condition of the cattle, and a consequent indulgence in rest and grass. Leaving Salt Lake City and taking - a southeast course, the expedition passed through Parley’s Canyon, and . after several days’ march, camped on the eastern base of the Wasatch range, near-the thriving agricultural purg of Heber, in Provo valley, about forty-one miles from Salt Lake City. A majority of your readersare undoubtedly familiar with the inter‘vening mouth Provo tion is _ way, miles extent of country from: the | of Parley’s Canyon to the river, and a detailed descripaccordingly unnecessary. Middreamy little town, about three west of Heber, is pleasantly situated at the base of the mountains, | and with its sister village, constitutes the civilizing element of the valley. There are probably about eight hun. dred settlers in Provo valley, anda number . ; ‘WHOM YOUR CORRESPONDENT INTER~- ‘VIEWED, are evidently well satisfied with their lot; still they seemed desirous of possessing an acre or so of the beautiful country to the eastward, which Uncle _ Sam has reserved for his intractable children, the red-skins. P The boys wanted to have a good time before waving a parting adios to the outposts of the Wasatch, and mustering in force under the leadership of our major domo, Telemachus Roper, succeeded in procuring a good supply of Old Tom. The wagons were passing quietly through the WEEKLY TRIBUNE, SATURDAY delights to gaze. The animals seemed THE DEEP CREEK EXCITEto enjoy the delicious herbage,..so MENT. Pgs abundantly provided by navure, and gave evidence of their satisfaction by The Truth as Told by Outside ‘| quietly reposing in the vicinity of it Journals, -1 camp and grazing to their hearts’ con‘tent, a privilege for which their proOur. latest. exchanges from Calijecting ribs: pleaded in, dumb, though fornia and Nevado. come filled. with eloquent language. " concerning the Indian _. Strawberry Valley is included in dispatches Below the Uintah ‘reservation, and this is a uprising in Hastern Nevada. barrierin the way of the successful we give the particulars as related by settlement of this valuable tract of those who were on the ground. country. The climate is very cold, [From the San Franciseo Chronicle.| and your readers will probably be Pioche (Nev.) September 7.—On ‘surprised to learn that as early as. August the water freezes half an inch in thickness. . Cereals might be suceessfully cultivated during certain fa- vorable seasons of the year, but owing Sunday morning dispatches were received from A. ©. Cleveland of Spring Valley and. from: the County Commissioners of White Pine county ‘of action,. chamging evary tik day. Mang ‘their | Spsition’ are entitled to.a very flattering descrip- The Indian who shot him was killed % SEPT. inclined to that the exciteigent’ is ceased’ > s San Francisco Chronicle has two cour- iers with the troops, and the very latest intelligence is received through them. FRED” WBE RC | | From the Stockton Independent.] to seize horses and necessary supplies Pieeae ae se Wie a ot eetycaiipenns tiers” a : r 18, 1875. ‘ANOTHER VOICE BEAVER. FROM The Amelia Palace. Lhe Hemale Relief Societies and begging bishops begin’ to turn in the by exaggerated reporg, and that The Term of Court---A Dearth of Lawyers-.-Trouble im Pi-ute there is really no occasion that disCounty=-Am Indian Telis trust should exist; but a careful surToo Much. vey of the situation, while not presenting itself in magnitude as first reported, gives grounds for the gravest Correspondence Tribune. | Brayzr Orry, Sept. 7, 1875. apprehensions that the trouble has (s " but commenced. The scene of dep- | The quiet city of Beaver nestling redations being sixty miles from the in the bosom of the mountains, has nearest telegraph office, ib isa hard little to disturb the even tenor of her matter to gather particulars. The of InPiocuz, Sept. 7.—While..a small dians had surrounded Cleveland’s party of Pioche volunteers were goranche, holding him and his family ing through Silver Fork, forty miles as prisoners in the house; that two from Pieche on their way to Spring It. is twenty ..miles from _ Heber men were already killed; that the Valley to aid the settlers in defendCity, the. nearest. settlement, and settlers were ordered from the valley ing theic houses against Indian depsixty-one miles from Salt Lake City. and the people were out of ammuni- redation, they were fired upon by. the The mountain raiges bounding the tion, poorly armed and ‘wanted help Indians, and one of the number, W. The excitement was intense C. Glissan, was wounded in three valley are covered: with timber, within at once. en receipt of the news. The fire bells places. easy reach. Leaving . Strawberry He was brought back to Creek we passed a number of large were rung and people gathered in town in the evening. The Indian hills located in the valley at intervals order.that the facts might be stated, who shot him was instantly killed. were read to the Pat Holland, proprietor of the Dazly of several miles, and after reaching The dispatches crowd by W. W. Bishop, who called Record, one of Glissan’s escort on to the limits of the Sirawberry country for volunteers. Hvery man who we crossed over a hilly diversified town, brought the scalp of the Indisoil, well watered, and camped on could get. arms and horses started anin, and itis now being exhibited Kern creek, twenty miles distant. immediately for the field under com- on the street. | mand of Oolonel G. M. Sabin.. Kern creek runs ‘through a narrow, Eurexka,. Nev., Sept. 6,.—Intense. About 30 men, well armed, went rocky canyon, is aclear, fresh stream, excitement prevails here Owing to the ‘well supplied with mountain trout. from town in less than two hours outbreak of Indians in Lincoln councall. Horses and arms The expedition lingered half a day at after the ty. The latest news corroborates the this point in order to aftord the cattle were scarce, but all went who could report that Patterson Station on the be equited. Since that time men a chance to do their best. A number -Pioche road, and ranches in Cave of the boys employed their time in have been leaving as fast as arms Valley are surrounded by hostile In| hunting and fishing, while your cor- could be obtained. dians and several men killed. Nothrespondent strolled up the canyon on THE SETTLERS ARE COMING TO TOWN ing has been heard of A. C. Olevea prospecting tour, but failea to dis- with their families from Patterson’s, land and Dan Murphy, who are held cover any indications of mineral de- Cave valley and other outside camps. prisoners at Rouch, in Spring Valposits. The red sandstone formation The people are greatly. excited and. ley. It is feared that the Indians on the east bank ‘of the creek is arms have been telegraphed for, as have murdered them. Detachments hardly an object of interest, outside the town and county are now almost of the Eureka and National Guards of several natural curiosities moulded defenseless. W. ©. Gleeson and have left here and others are preparinto peculiar shapes through | the party were'attacked by some Indians ing to leave. Squads of citizens are action of wind and water. The about forty miles from town, yester- also leaving. Orders have been section of country extending from day: Gleeson!was shot. with three ar- received here from Governor Bradley Kern to Red creek is certainly not rows. He has just arrived in town.: to Captains of military companies to the intense cold, even this is questionable. The valley is twelve miles in’ length by ‘four in width, and an excellent» summer range for atock. stating that a large number MORNING, ree dimes to their master! pag for the eompletion df the Amelia palace, the windows. of which are be@My filled with glass, andthe ianer walls lathed. Amelia, the power behind Enoch’s throne, is alive to the fact that the old man may wink out any day, and leave the palace, unfinished and unfurnished, an elephant upon ways, save and except when the District Court assumes the mantel of authority, and brings before it, by Summons, ‘service, subpeona’ and arrest, the accuser and the accused, jurors, witnesses and pleadérs, to try mutual altercations between plaintiffs her hands; therefore, she is continually spurring the partner of her joys to strain every nerve to carry out the original design of making the building all that imagination paint or money purchase. ‘and defendants, and to punish the guilty, unless that mysterous talisman can The queen of Zion is looking forward to of-hierrchal munificence hangs about . the time when Brigham’s fame of his neck or one of those sacred and oleaginous garments intrenches his unctuous body atid anointed limbs. COURT PROCEEDINGS.. 5 On yesterday morning, Judge Boreman ascended the judicial throne, and immediately thereafter Marshal Stokes proclaimed in ministerial | life'must give its final flicker, leaving PAOD tins Soa aoe a _ A fair widow, A queen in her wealth lover; " and of course, local bar was not dignified by presence of Blackstonian the discisples from abroad. ‘The late. trial of John D. Lee proved to bean axis about which these distinguished legal gattelites revolved, but since that fa- mous trial now remains i statu quo, they come no longer, This term of court will not bea protracted one; the civil husiness is light, and most of the criminal business will go over un- tilnext term by common consent of ‘gounsel for the prosecution and defense iu: these cases. I think there abides in the minds of all lawyers interested in criminal cases in Utah, an indefinable reluctance to haye cases come to trial, perhaps, on account of the general practical work- ings of that old Latin saying—Hodie this reason she is anxious. to see. the work on her palace progressing. Brig- tones that the Honorable court of the. ham, however, Second Judicial District was now in session for the transactionof United States and Territorial business. Our for to. enricha young the work is loth forward to to push comple: tion; a8 he would have done in his younger days, when ludeness was his only pleasure, but now he feels very naturally more like leaving the palace unfinished to fall to ruin--s splendid monument of the lechery of his mind, and his physical degeneracy in consequence thereof. If the people of Utah could see far enough into the future, and reason correctly upon the result of Brigham’s death, they would readily arrive at the conclusion that the event would. beggar the Church, and would enrich, with the hard earned dimes he has wrung from the poor, a few score of his own family who have no sympathies in common with those people to whose industry and duplicity they owe their ill-gotten gains; nor would they from tion, and during our weary tramp and his scalp is now being exhibited on for troops, The County Commission- mihi, cras tibt, | the day reason first asserted her sway over this monotonous mountain re- the streets. ‘Seven hundred — ANTICIPATED INDIAN RAID, ers of Lincoln county have asked aid over their minds, give one farthing valley, and had preceded the “* boys” gion, our classical friend alluded sevINDIANS ARE IN ARMS from the citizens of White Pine to A messenger wad dispatched day bemore towards furnishing the palace. a@ considerable distance, when Telem- eral times very pathetically’ to the The mil- fore yesterday frcm Piute county to At Cave valley well supplied and di- help subdue the outbreak. OG OQp—o—s achus gaye the order to extract attendant spirit we carried along. — itary from this place are under com- the commander of the post, asking Tammany Hall, ‘corks, and moistening our lips with a Red creek is almost a counterpart vided into two divisions. .Troops are mand of Major John H. Dennis, who that.a company be sent there to prolittle of the ardent, we presented of Currant creek, and on.ascending 2 hastening forward to prevent a juncThirty thousand dollars per quarter has left for the front, with a detach-. tect. the people from an anticipated tion of the Indians. One Indian was bottles as a farewell salute to civiliza- steep, rocky hill, in close proximity Indian raid. A considerable number is the estimate of a competent judge jailed. ment of troops. tion, and turning our faces to the to the water, our attention was di- captured here to-day and LAtTER--3. Pp. M.--che | citizens of of Navajoes had already gathered of the city’s income from licenses eastward, marched in the rear of the rected to a great natural curiosity, Thirty Indians are at Highland, about are assembled in mass about the country; with no purpose alone, and with thirty-six hundred train. Your correspondent feeling standing several hundred feet. from five miles from here. All sorts of Hamilton rumors are in circulation. A general meeting to take measures for defense. whatever save to create trouble; they poetically inclined, was expatiating the road, and resembling in miniature dollars from fines, besides the income Indian war seems inevitable. The It is thought the Indians will move had sulready displayed considerable Our special, with enthusiasm on the golden bil- the Egyptian Sphynx. from the Warm Spring Bath House, lows of wheat-covering the dreamy taking out his note book, prepared to situation is anything but inviting. on that town and Cherry Creek. timerity and insolence toward the With them Arms are being sent to the latter people, and there was some reason to the faxes and other sources of revenlittle valley of Provo, when Beppo, sketch, but Beppo (who had been The people need guns. Another detach- apprehend trouble. They have never we, make an income of a good round our chef de.cuisine, Viewing with dis- angry for several days, because the they could protect themselves ; as it place from here. forgotten nor forgiven, Indian like, is, we can’t say how it will terminate. ment of troops is just leaving here. gust the beautiful surroundings,quiet- boys neglected to bring him fire wood) sum. Salt Lake City ought to be About 200 men are now in the field 4:30 Pp, u.—A telegram iust received the unceremonious disposition made able with all this to get along without ly remarked that he would rather be seized a large stone, and striking the of two:or three of their number by partially armed, but with a small supstates that the pony mail rider from: alamp-post in a large city, with a Sphynx, mutilated it beyond recog: borrowing money. The only things HKvery hour re- Pioche arrived in Hamilton nine the Gentiles for cattle thieving. A letter-box attached, than live in such nition. Thus Harper has lost a valu- ply of ammunition. ports of an exciting character are hours late. He had one horse killed Navajo told one of the whites, whom to show for the sums of money exe a miserable country.. We excused able contribution, and the world an the mistook for a Mormon, that he received, much of which is unreliable. by Indians. Fighting was going on pended by the city area few gas pipes, Beppo, for the poor boy was home- eighth wonder. ; had better take his family and stock sick, and after. moistening our lips _ Wethen journeyed over an undulat- All I can say now is, that we are hay- in Patterson Station, fifty-five miles out of the country, as on the full of iron and wooden, two hundred and ing war with Indians. How expenagain with the spirit, found that we ing country, good enough for Indi- sive it is or will be we can’t say. from Pioche. Two white men and the moon they were going to run off fourteen lamp posts, a promissory ans (to use the expressive language two Indians had been killed. | a all the cattle, and give the Americats note or two made by the ALREADY REACHED DANIELS CANYON. of our ex-missionary) and pitched There is a strong feeling here that _ Nothing has yet been heard from trouble. He told him it would not the Indians are acting under orders ONE-EYED PIRATE, tents on the banks of the DuChesne, Cleveland or Murphy. ‘The families be safe for him to remain. This is probably the roughest canyon The setfrom. the chief head of Utah. J believe this streamis dignified by at Duck Creek and other places are tlers are few in number, and live a and an armful of vouchers, sent in in the Territory ; the road winds over The Very Latest. leaving their homes and fleeing to great distance apart; they have much principaly by the Wells family, The abrupt hills, steep descents, through the name of river, but in my estimaHamiuron, Sept. 7.—By courier to Cherry creek. Great excitement fine stock, and with few exceptions, streets are being improved by 4 9, mass of rocks and boulders, some- tion thatisa reflection on Red and Saigon throughout the settlements. are ali Gentiles. © times following a noisy, rapid little Kern fereeks, for they compare in Hamilton we have just_received the gang of the pocr devil stripe, supersize. very favorably with the Dufollowing from Spring Valley: The roops are still leaving thia place. creek for several hundred yards, and: THIS SINGULAR CONFESSION OF THE intendent and all, without any exthen apparently losing itself in the Chesne. ‘The river passes through a Indians have left the weinity of CleveINDIAN, | pleasant valley or,more properly, canpense to the city, save their board land’s ranch, and with others of the -geeming interminable brush beyond, inadvertently made, spread with the and Bill Hyde’s salary, and heaven yon, and is bounded on the north How Is It? Goshotetribe are making their renaltogether presenting a very uninvitgreatest rapidity, and in a little while ‘Eps. Trrounz:—I would like to ask: every white man wads under arms, knows as wellas Bill does that he ing aspect. While the eloquent ap- side by perpendicular ledges of red dezvous in Lime Spring valley. The peal of the buckskin lash was spur- sand stone, at an eleyation of prob- settlers of Spring valley to the num- afew questions, if if trespass not to and sentinels were immediately posted ‘gets every dime of that. After the ably eight hundred feet; the south ber of 75 are at Cleveland’s, well ring the cattle onward over an almost much upon your time. How does it in the most available positions, police are paid, the demands of the perpindicular hill, Telemachus dis- side takes a gradual rise, several hun- armed, and able to stand against any dred yards form the river, varying in attack. Prominent among the, In- happen that the latest news we can This was the situation when the mes- Wells family satisfied, asylum and covered an old grizzly with her senger was dispatched for assistance. gas bills settled, where is the balance two cubs quietly ascending the moun- places, and is covered with a thick dians are a number of strange war- get from the Indian scare, with which Beware of ‘‘the full of the tain side, several hundred yards dis- growth of cedar and pinon pines. riors from Utah, who seem to be the place we are in direct communica- moon,” is the soothing utter- of the $20,000 taken in by the city The road crosses the river in five difring-leaders. ‘The Mormons about tion, comes through Nevada and Caltant from the road. The announceance of all acquaimed with In- dads every month? ment produced a thrill of excitement ferent places, there are no bridges Deep creek have lately baptized a ifornia papers two or three days old ? dian warfare and depredations in Tt looks as though there might be in the whole party, our ex-missionary and the current is swift and to acer- number of Indians, and by many it How does it happen that the dispatch- this country. No assistance was grasped the faithful spencer, which tain degree unruly, rendering it very is believed that the Mormons are at es received both by Ohureh and Gen- proffered from the post; one com- a miniature Tammany ring down at particularly for the the bottom of st. It is known that he had carried in the jungles of In- unpleasant, An exa- considerable feeling exists on the part tile papers here, state there is no pany had already been ordered to the City Hall, and a few embryonic dia, the gentleman with the classical boys who had to ford. cause for alarm, while dispatches march to Spring Valley, Nevada, Boss Tweed’s spoiling for room to mination of some rocky surface washof the Mormons against Dan. Mur‘eyebrows, threw aside Dante’s Inferfrom the same place, and bearing the 200 miles away, to suppress an Indian display the grandure of their native phy, who has about 1,500 head of no, to clutch an old time ‘‘ navy,” ings, revealed nothing of importance. same date to the Western papers, disturbance there. This company meanness. “The expedition trayeled twelve stock grazing on the hillsin the viIt is opportunity to exand our Deseret University graduate tell of murder and other atrocities started at the appointed time, but as . sprung wildly from the rear of a miles in the DuChesne canyon, and cinity of Deep ereck. committed by the gentle Lamanite, luck would have it for the poor fel- hibit their abilities that they need the bearing more directly to the southwagon where he had been riding for THE MORMONS COMPLAIN tell of the general consternation and lows sent on that forlorn and use- most; but in the meantime, on @ eight consecutive hours totally uncon- east crossed over an extended basin, that his cattle encroach on their feed- alarm of the settlers, and the arming less tramp, countermanding orders small scale, they are making their scious of bumps, thumps and lumps, which resembled a huge reservoir. ing grounds to the exclusion of their of men all over the country, hasten- reached them when about four miles reading with extraordinary interest, The ‘action of the elements in this own cattle, and they have therefore ing to their rescue? Lmay not be from town. Why this constant de- claim good to share the fame and rogreat basin has caused a peculiar for- some blood-and-thunder romance. incited the Indians to acts of lawless- posted as to the inside workings, but pletion of the. military force in this wards of their New York brothers. _... Telemachus fired, and brought first mation of conical shaped mounds, country, is a matter awakening the ness, resulting in the killing of Tol- to say the least it looks strange to a and various natural designs not alblood. ‘Rah! Bruin moved along ) STRANGER. Cyphering Hi, Out. | keenest surprise and greatest wonderOur travel- land and‘a general uprising of the Inup the mountain side and over the together uninteresting. Sanur Lake Crry, Sept. 10, °75. ‘ment. The enemy is at our own dians. Dan. Murphy resides in San Class in ’Rithmetic, stand up. ereek, apparently indifferent to a ing experience on this march was’ door, but no notice is taken of them. Jose, Cal: Both he and Cleveland Ques. If aman’s property is worth slight scratch, casting back a glance very severe, owing to the lack of are safe from the Indians. The volwarm [ We were told the night before the The citizens of Piute county are tothat seemed to defy a whole line of | water and the oppressively unteers are distributed in the differ- troops left here, by the most suecess- day living in constant fear of a danger- $100 to-day, and is worth ten times weather. ~The men were tired and gatlings. The classical gentleman ous Indian movement, and in vain do as muck in six months, what will be ent valleys. Major John Dennis and winked knowingly, the Deseret Uni- thirsty on their. arrival at. Lake Fork river, particularly your corres- Captain Kelly, with detachments of ful’ Indian and Mormon -fighters of they ask assistance; but a useless ex- its value ? versity man suggested a little more the Pacific Coast, that the present pedition of infantry is started on a ~ Ans. $900. Hureka military, are marching to Old ‘Tom, which was. unanimously pondent, who gazed with delight and the | march of two hundred miles. distance Steptoe and Little Spring valleys. -.-approyed. We didn’t kill the bear, drank eagerly of the beautiful waters The Pioche and Hamilton volunteers scare would undoubtedly prove a fias- to chéck the'hostile career ef a few Q. By what rule? co. Ourinformant, who is thoroughly _ but the boys made the canyon ring flowing by in freshness and plenty. A. By Brigham’s rule. TBGIADR cs ab ares i} 3 are in the vicinity of Cleveland’s It is stated that there are excellent with old Bingo, and that Clam song | IN THE STATE OF NEVADA, ranch. Captain Hubbard is left at posted, ‘as to ‘the ways that are dark Q@.. Ifaman works nine days for probably more laughable than ele- gold indications.at the head of this Hamilton in charge’ of the reserve and tricks that’ are. vain,’ of both The peoplé of Spring valley, Ne- one dollar per day, what, will he get? river, and as if is our intention “to gant. ie s solag corps stationed at that place and Hb‘A. Three dollars in money, three ». Reaching camp just in time for sup- visit the locality in.a short time, I erhart. There are no further indica- these outlaw classes, stated that depre- vada, are entitled to protection from per, we discovered old Beppo snugly will endeavor to find out. whether or tions that the Mormons are .instru- dations had undoubtedly been com-: the government, and the people of dollars in Co-op. orders, and three not there is any resemblance of truth Grass valley, Utah, are entitled no the Morseated behind a huge camp kettle en: ‘The United -mitted, but as soon as As I: have probably mental in the outbreak. less to protection trom a threatened ‘dollars in labor tithing. - ergetically announcing, ‘Bear meat inthe report.. mon leaders saw that the strong ‘arm danger States commandent at Hort Cameron, reached the limit of the space .you to life and property, produced Correct! | boiled with potatoes.” This comesUtah, has refused to send troops, ot the military ‘was interposed to by the self same agents and cause. Q. If a cirous is charged. one tible did not pan out, but our hungry can afford me in one issue, [ will de- not wishing to withdraw. protection . stomachs. were agreeably surprised fer {further description till another from the residents of that vicinity, thwart their little scheme, they would As seon agit was ascertained that hundred dollars per day license, how opportunity. EF, Lez CHAUVIN. ‘no assitance ‘could be had from the with a fresh collation of delicious trout as danger is apprehended from the immediately counsel ‘the Indians to camp, a méeting was held here and much will they have. to give for foux SO OP i ere which proved a pleasant addition ‘to Utah Indians. The Indians have quietly disperse, and thus ‘cast odium word sent. to. the citizens of Piute days’ license, two performances each “Coalville Enoch. — the regulation fare of bacon, bread Jeft Patterson Station and are sup- upon the Corinne scare and :attribute county. asking an account of their idee? « -c. BOS | fg | and beans. wa To-day; while old Euchre lies low posed to be making for Little Spring situation, and if reinforcements were both of these disgraceful proceedings A. Four hundred. dollars in The. canyon is fifteen miles in in this ungodly city, his emissary, Valley to join the Indians there. to machinations of the “‘ring.” needed, to eéommunicate’ post-haste, The length, and the expedition after dragmoney, 1,200 free tickets to Brigham’s Two cavalry. companies from. Fort}, and a quota of able-bodied and W. W. Cluff, bishop of Coalville, is ging and toiling for three days sucHalleck have been ordered to proceed wires may have been greased, but whole-souled musketeers would be: families, and 240 tickets to. ‘Yours in ceeded in reaching the limit.’ Emefg- giving the Saints of that burg a lively to the of this we are not -informed.—Hps,. immediately 4° ofeng ena dispaiched to their Krist,” fre De! By ing from the gloomy, rugged ecan- deal, administering to them Iinoch’s “| relief, whose ‘Willingness and ability . That boy will make a President of TRIBUNE. | © AID OF THE BESIEGED DISTRICTS. yon and standing on the brow of the holy pills. Take them) without maktake| a. .hand in ~ the i | to: a 9 GE & PO Governor Bradley telegraphs: that mountain range, overlooking Straw- ing a face, or be excommunicated business would. make. it interest- one of the Quorums of Seventies, if troops are also coming from San berry. Valley, the eye surveys with ° Give me the drinks for two.” ‘ing to thosecdusky savages from the he isn’t. blood-atoned, from the Church, is the text from Francisco.’ Families are still: being “fapture. °* Cnoe which the sorghum and carrot eating sent #0 Cherry. Creek'and other towns “ What on 2” asked the gentlemanly’ wilds of New Mexico and Arizona,who A SCENE OF SURPASSING BEAUTY. ' perpetrate their double dastardly and | Briawam says: George A. Smith They from the valleys. It is thought that barkeeper. ‘* On this,” the customer diabolical. crimes, robbery. and murWalled in by the great mountains elders’ are preaching to-day. was not a pillar on which the Ohurch and. reticulated by the streams of are to be promised in the. most ap- the present number of troopsin the answered, pulling forth ‘a Webley ‘der, in that propitious and supersti‘‘ The security is good,” tious period of the month—-indicated rests, and his logs can be made up= clear healthful water, almost alive proved style, great prosperity as the field and those én ‘route will be am- self-cocker. ply sufficient to cope with the Indians in the person of his little Fat Boy mixologist,” ‘and they by ‘‘the fulness of fhe moon.” with trout, this Arcadia of the Uintah the rned retu with its tall, waving grass, is a pic- reward of turning their property over and severely punish them. The InQCAROLUS; the days gone by. k Hi | Briggy. to drank dians have developed no definite plan . ture of beauty on which the traveler I to Brigham, or damnation for refusal. |