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Show peed — pee Che Lomolograt., PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY — j. £, JOHNSON. ONE DOLLAR 4 inch Ist ig or 4 3 4 3 1 3 | A YEaR. 3% | brought about. -. In labor, mechanics and freighting, $2 00 insertion a TS EE Se I THE ee eee ee A a SE 1877. FER. aed .—K—__" shovlate, been disturbed by the pick, and el and giant powder of the miner, reducing of whistle and thunder the of works, while the hum and bustle LJ are Free to Everybody. On raceipt of a three cent stamp to pay ostage,! will send, prepaid to any address taking} ll sample of Puram Prouiric WuHitE~ Eech stalk of. corn © FLour Szrp Corn will produce from 4 to 12 ears; Catalogue circulars and terms accompany each sam- zens,- We bear aiso that some of 1 commissi large a gle of corn, allowing to every person who will aecepi an agency ~ to intreduce this new variety of corn. Cleveland, Fenns - dialects, and we understand he has volun. teered to give some time and atiention to | the present season;Shus at once inau- the: lady citizens of St. George have conceived- . this direction -so commencementin S\N \ o Are planted by a million people in It cannot be expected chat they will sail smoothly down aa unruffied «cur. ss and rent to the beaven of succe wealth,-—of course they’ will meet ‘Vick’s I!lustrated Monthly Magazine; 32 pages, fine illustrations, and Colored | Plate in each numbefe Price. $1.25 a years | with obstacles, losses, a-a-2= eer NOTICES. dis- failures, couragements &c., butif they persisit large mining population is rapidly ins reat boon to our narrow bound limits. and Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paper covers, with elegant cloth All my.publicati yng are printed in English and German. James Vick, Rochester, N. Yo Mark These Facts... Fruits, Small Shrubs and Vines. Amer- Des illustrations, Five copies. $5,00.......-....-.---~--- We desire to announce to those of our patrons who love and. cultivate beautix ful flowers, that we have received. from Joseph W. Vestal, of Cambridge City. Indiana, his Wholesale Catalogue of New, Rare and Beautiful Piants and Fusrocks Specialities in Roses, Geraniums, -chias, Bedding and Hardy Plants, Flow- unyielding. in their exper It is nothing new to hear people and are attempts, their triumph will” l complain that their peach trees (es- menta n and joyous to them and a a few years bearing, be certai pecially) after to retrograde in the quanticontinue ty and character of fruit produced and Aatalogue,—3i We feel work and shall report farther hereafter. ultimate success. Trees Vigorous... Keep your Fruit ees () ree prospect even- tion have donated the profits of one spirited, energetic and determined, ing’s entertainment to aid in procuring young natives. and predict for the risters great and clothes for tothese commend the philarthropic sty. ~O>ae GE each continued and large increase,— a of labor, wealth and business, and Ld of our ¢eitizens plant,seeds also; are obtaining books, the improvement of these indolent natives bespeak | and eggs ofthe silk worms and really | We wish him-every success and the cit- |: a hearty co-operation of him for silk of growth commencethe to mean {inence. full blown mining operations are withof ; some sible encouragemeut given them to do something for thems-lves instead of begging for their living. Se Col. A. P. Hardy has for years been @ frontiersman and interpreter of the indian ward has its organization and are pro- and give no intentional or careA new Erahas dawned! upon South-to right less offence, they will dwell among us ern Utah, whether for good or evil the in peace and help us to more abundus, remains for us to choose, as ant means of comfort, provided. we Teuton puts it “ you pays zour mons hurry up and produce the many things Our choice.” your ey and dakes of they desire for their business and sus~' has, life, heretofore quiet moral | ering and climate. are happily Those who love and cultivate flow altho fine end large at first it would "Our soilto growth of the morus fam- &e: of the Whole World. plants should obtain one of these The Testimony and ers ed adapt finally become worthless, and this we s—a catalogues which will. be sent free on worm the of h healt the HOLLOWAYS. PuLLS. and have often noticed to te true. Now. ly are reasonable e with litle thunder ‘application. His prices climat brisk I had no appetite, Holloways pilfs gave dry, labor and foland filled y attention camp care, promptl little are a with ns ex and all orders There are mary mining hearty: one et trees and lightning and long seaso to the ‘shipped to all parts of the country by mea ‘Your pills are marvelouss: lowers, who would not, as citizens, this may be remedied and your April of to ng from the first creasing our numbers of people who and must. eat, drink and wear clothes, gel hire help. yet, be desiranie; and Li now is likely to the enterprise of staring a school for the Let it be so with us gurating an industry that viour meritsit, rudimentary instruction in letters and in Southern Utah. hers all’ot to‘lead conduct and s n all our operation a books, of these younger heathen among us, see to d please y highl e Wear do we If and that the St George Dramatic Associawards cur new comers. ae SITUATION. and around us, with fair A FAIR PROPOSITION. of] stews towands a farther improvement in their condition by giving them instructicns and a little assistance. ‘They have a farm eee? ceeding to obtain and plant ground to trees and cuttings of best sorts. of mulberry we have, and prepariug to perience that we are treated respect| fully and honorably whea our beha- s UTAH, GEORGE, and and surrounding wards are taking the iniliation in the above industry. Hach siemell emEach subsequent ins. 3 G0 our people have obtained much col one ins. 12 Ov ployment, and means have generally year 3 mos $5.—6 mos $8.—1 4 00 given satisfaction and been well treat: t'on : eol. one inser 00 mos. $7.—6 mos. $13.—one year 20 00 ed, both at Pioche and Silver Reef, 7 col. one insertion and labor and contracts have been a. » year I mos. $12.—6 mos. $20.— warded them equally with others; tion co). one inser 90 00 and we find from observation and exyear —1 $35. mos—6 $20. mos. ST. some below and rear Price City on the Virgen. isto be plowed and they assisted to The Relief Asgociations of this city This tools, seeds and instructions, aud all pos- be might yeats viemnity bave, More or { less, cultivated patches of ground and ra‘sed considerable towards their support ~~ STRICULTURE. ———= (an seem would arrangements such that it us, as we have with oE=E————- our Indians in this our always be thrifty and: continue to produce large and delicious fruit. Where trees ere young the orchard is generally cultivated and cared for, but as it grows older and covers the ground, personal observations lead us to the conclusion whe that many, yes most of those come among. us are here. for. busi- tendi — first of October at least—six months mail or express, them guaranteeing Dr reach their destination in good order at in which period four or five crops may. all seasons. He offers you the rare ope | portunity of buying your plants at. be made from the same grove. in these In our opini simple— deal with them as we should This W. H. Branch Cor. Secretary. at once will aud business mean Club 1 and ment, nine times out of ten. with all men; fairly, honestly old burden of fartler imIf you choose to have good fruit, take up the straight forward; treat them gentleproving our orchards, gardens and our to hole the dig trees, attend your t, plant you respec when with and: manly vineyards by introducing new, rare own business and not meddle with a foot deeper than necessary and at ‘and valuable fruits, plants, shrubs and gravel to y bones. wor'h rocks, in les fill bottom examp the Set them theirs. The following wil outline vines. be followed, and only covy from any and any sort of carrion: covering with some of the resolutions passed viz. make dirt, then plant the tree over it. the practices that will exalt, and The Club:shall hold weekly meetings more intelligent and useful,—all this Then yearly as the tree grows (rim and members restricted to 30: applior year, for, every. ng top the of hunti of fourth ad one off Inste more. and eants for membership are only receivworking mines,go to worl: with a will cu'ting in the top, branches, lower ed by unanimous vote, fund raised for ns, thick, too garde if and limbs farms, and sprangling and produce from your let immediate importation of new and val-_ orchards, mills, manufactories, herds. thin oat the small branches, and fair and fese the trimmirg be done as soon as the uable plants, at least one daries and barn yards the produc exhibition year, each held be to tival they need and will pay the money for fruit is gathered if practicabl>, if not member instead of importing it from abroad, and remember that when a farmer or artisan seeks wealth by hunting for, or working mines. ii 1s simply that manage- bad treated of fruits tions, SEEDLING APPLES. - a in all valuable fruits products; vineyard and wine EB and Crewemee 0) eee many are really successful. “But with your plow, hoe, pruning fine knife, mowing first five years ago in the first “The axe, saw and how to succeed, and surely, though percomfort and compeour advice, stick to named bearing came into Itis Dr. 8. G. Higgins of this City, ovate, a large, all over of garden deep red, tough skin, flesh yellowish white, rich, juicy, crisp and almost sweet, your farms, trade and legitimate busevery available furnish iness, and even and herein our hot climate, when other apples, as Spitzenburg character of supplies to those who and White Winier Pearmain are all need and will purchase, and you wiil gone, this is in five sound condition, havea never ending silver mine at far from shrivelling, Tree an up- @—>- -) be far better for prouucer and consumer both, to have a fair medium regular price for everything, and so ar~ range against serious fluc'uations, by skin, nearly round and smooth, thick skin, flesh yellowish white—a pleassimilar’ to Peck’s ant sub-acid, Pleasant Annual Prolific, heavier and means of co-operations, agencies, de- keeps much like the Higgins. and thus secure| We a consider them the : best and - .Disorper Qr HOME ITEMS. Tae: Kopneys Tn all diseases affecting tle water; these secrete too much oy whether .they that may orgars, or to» lit- be double Chinese give almost immedsate relief when they remove al! acidity occasioned by intemperance or improper diet. . ‘reach the liver ard reduee alk- Mr Edwin Lonsdale, of Germantown. In England there are named kinds as of Dahlias and -Holloways Pills are the Roses all diseases that for. one. dollar, 12: liable to: afilict. None are gonuine unless the signature as agent for the United . states, surrounds each box of pills and i of J. Haydock, dollar, Double Scented Varigated Geraniums for one dolJar, 12 Fuchsias, Double and Single, for one dollar, 10 Dahlias, Large and Small Flowering. are NT CAUTION. We will send free by mail, guaranteeing their. safe.arrival. in- good — condition, [larger plants by Express, charges paid by Purchaser,] 10: Roses, Everblooming sorts, ali distinct colors. for one 24 for two dollars, or 12 Zonale compiaints,. Blotches on the skin, Bowe!s, Censump-. tion, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Ery_ sipelas, Female Irregularities, Fevers. of all kinds, Fits, Gout, headache, . and. AND sroloomin a ! | best known Billous’ Ger- Beautiful Flowers Bs V5 a healthy lists of jin the wo-ld for the following diseases= long aniums. —Gardener’s Monthly. _ v Tue old Virgen tunnel and canal is now by which reconstructed, being opened and some hundreds of acres of land suited to cereals, Roots, Orchards, . Vineyards, Meadows, &c. will be added to our arable domain. This enterprise has been under- | taken by Messrs Cox, Terry and others and wil) no doubt prove a great blessing to our citizens’ Within the tunnel, walls are to be erected on each side, and strovg it to either action, they aro wonderfully efficacious in cases ot spasin—in faet they never fail nz all diseases of tne liver and stom wee your door, and that too, as soon as i right, brisk grower, fruitful, bearing lugs of Cedar placed on the top, sufficient y-u are ready with supplies. annual crops and coming early into to sustain the weight of earth after cover| And again, mining people are as- bearing. jingin. | for grows customed to paying fair prices Seedling Winter Orton's Bricuam Crty Corron Farm —The Cowhat they need and are willing to fruita size” larger, with red cheeks operative Aseociation of Brigham. City It would and splashes on 4 greenish yellow have establisheda Cotton Farm on the make of usno exception. pots, or other modes, HOLLOWAYS PILLS © Invariably cure the following diseases Mr. John Saul, of Washington, and ‘homes in the sunny land of Dixie. ——+-@-@ this Oint- It does not heat is most invaluabie. Primroses could be obtained readily other means have failed, | from seed, great improverments have For Sromacus Qur or Qgper. | been made therzin. The Flerist and medicine will so effectually improve = Pomologist gives a colored plate of a. theNo. tune of the stomach: as these. pills, » beautiful peach blossom variety called Club, all whick we hope to see carried ‘Higgins’ Red Winter” in ly, viz, Winter Seedling, both large, fruits and grounds, ani the beautifyOrton’s ing and making more comforts in eur Fil igs looking and long keepers. this toilsome experience, only one plane, you know work your way haps slowly to tence. So take the discovery their test| out, avd that these Pioneer Horticulproduced in this city, that bear the turists will give a stirring impetus to risatisfacto most trial years of several ent of our and the increase and improvem Cutaneeus Disorders all eruptiions of the skin, meut to with s‘one o1 gravel, or with aches and pains settied in loins over reginys of the kidneys, these pilis should be taken accor= | ding to printed directions, -and the oint= seen in our Library by any one. mens sh uld be well rubb@ into the small Double Chinese Primroses. —Since ofthe back at bedtime, This treatment will and Colored Plates, is received and also a part of the programme of the We have at last two seedling apples me cf noises in the externally alone, but penetrates with @ searching effect to the very root of the evik for much of their ornamentation. making practiced gambler in a play at cards. Most of the miners who come here have had an experience ranging from five to twenty years, andeven with all machine, For and Much care is taken in mailing plants and “we have ever found them fresh and nice on : et ca% arrival. — His prieed. Catalogue. illustrated with Cuts be and their products to cured ‘I enclose a dollar: your price is 2 but to me tis worth. a-duliar I have over 200 such these, but want of space compels ‘me -. We would direct attention to the card of Peter Henderson & Co., Florists, in another column, His collection of nature’s rare beauties is very extensive and complete, and our green‘house and grounds are indebted to his collection” worthless, become and has wellin ove day — “Your ointment cured made and discussed at weekly meetings, cuttings and plants of our Miss Eva Fish, the flowers. of which mulch and top the ef most cut away choice seedling fruits to be offered in are an inch and three quarters across up spring will growth the tree, a new exchange for any snch as we desire In our own country, there is much will you the rootlets form anew and for propagation, Commercial opera- improvement going on, notably by often make the tree young again, wise ‘duck of luck’ is If trees have been other- at any time. against science,” it Is attempting to make money from a business you know nothing of, and would be about as liable to success a8 would a novice to put his money against ‘bad Holloway © that was chronic | I gave one of your p lls to my babe for The dear little thing got cholera morbuss Our area of fertile lands are smal] wholesale rates, quite an object nae ness, are gentlemanly business men. there are few things that will pay times: and the and e ceases— derat orchard the attention to We have received from: and in fact ave very consi silk and bee Too Beautful.— than acre an from more does ming and ground becomes compact ‘John Saul, Florist, Washington, D. C. Colored peaceful mining people, who live the fibres (of industries: to , e moisture desir Lithograph of a New and most lovely Pelarthe and retain not ess busin own their and he ‘| gonium, a Seedling raised by Mr, Saul ng become leavi Peach,) the Us, like trees with tender peace and in unity named it Mrs. John Saul. . George. St. of Club the ers n up Garden take religio Old to most our the cease The of e, and one is it ’ practic diseased and ‘nicture the to Tf true ~~ +n oriay ts neediul support 1Or @ Luli Weugeu vup, while we leave them Undisvurvcu beautiful and desirable flowers that one cau le’ Gardeners and obtain. Reliab ‘Old The busand the growth and fruit become stu nted ord ~ views theenjoyment of their George recently John Saul is noted for his great collection 7 | and the leaves become p:le green, Pomologists of St. S83 iness. ed, electing J. E. of rare and beautiful plants and flowers which ganiz re-or and met Now the question is, what is our then white and curled, the fruit poor, Johnson President, H. W. Miller Vice he sends out by mail warranting safe arrival The New Pelargonium is duty in regard to this great advent of then tasteless, then after a few years President, Col. A, P. Hardy Secre« and good quality. to any one for $1.50,—we have his priced miners, mechanics and trades people, the tree dies and you wonder why and tary, B F: Pendleton Treasurer and sent ue. Rae Catalog on the answer is plain and call it bad luck; but you must re- power ' + OF ADVERTISING: RATES THe InpiAN Farm.—For of winter to producer a fair remuneration for most profitable of all the list commend warmly we and be may apples, er labor while the consum against exho:bditant de— them to all who desire good and protected Ina community ‘ike ours, handsome long keeping apples. mands. and so fair a class of mining citizens Bedding plants in Variety for one dollar, 12 Varigated Foliage Plants for one dollar, 10 Carnations or Florist Pink for one dollar, 12 Tuberose Double and singie for one dollar, 15 Basket Plantsin Variety for ope doliar, 15 Coleus assorted zolors‘for one Rio ‘Virgen a little above Washington, dollar, 6 Hardy Flowering Shrubs’ for one where for severa! years the cot'en fas been dollar or the entire collectien of 160 plants raised that supplied the Factory owned for [en Dollars. ‘Also many hundreds of by the Company and recently destroyed by other Beautiful Flowering Plants at unus— fire. They now have good comtortable ual low rates. Trade list to all who apply building's, nice orchards, vineyards» and Address J. W. Vestal — gardens, and thus far the enterprise is a Cambridge City, Indiana, | prosperous Success. | A handsome reward will be given to, any one rendering such-information as. may lead to the detection of any party or partiescounterfeiting the mediziuee or vendigthe same, knowing them to, * .*Sold at the manufactory of Pro= fessor Holloway & Go., New York, and allrespectable druggists and - throughout» the dealers in | ~civilizsd world, in buxes at 25¢ 62c and $1 each. (ae There is considerable s taking ¢he larger /sizess 3 - W'BY Directions for the guidance. of patients in every diorder are affixed Office 112 Liberty § treet, ‘toa New York. |