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Show sien Mam 2 , : : Ei pe pa On ¢ ¥ ak ESS 2 ‘Vol. 4 Te St. George, | Ww. BUSINESS CARDS. wee 4 St Ps Fs “ . 4 = f ba et ee j 9 DIZ-dii,< SILVER REEF. D, Johnson, . at saci 1, 1878. U tah, “Apri ae | FOR SMAEL TurEvercrzen. —- Selertey JOHNSON, UTAH... » .| 12 miles East of Kanab. A Monthly J ournal, devoted exclusive l a} LAG OF (| Pl Keeps general [ assort ment fo the culture and of Dry Goods. DRUG STORE. preservation of eee ees .an Groceries, Medicines, Hardware, Miners. and timber, ah all 5. Should be read by every| .:. ("Good assortment of Drugs: Meédi- Goods and outfits, Butter, Cheese, Pro— mean in Ameri Ca. > 3 Me it slog on ale cines and Chemicals: constantly on hand. visions, &c. j e o ) | j i s e SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, postage paid, . : Prescriptions compounded. Centre St. |’ Fine assortment of Trunks’ on hand and ] mee ee 20c. 5 i oe ‘Sur months, i ; bepiesanise \ made-to order oh aS ecimen copies , hae ee ae We, ES ee, Johnson send. to J, Capps & Son; Mt: Pulaski Ils. Pentoh oe : fa Rg een” Address,3; Assay Office. rect returns rendered. People’s . 1, | | Market! SSO on hand. and Sausages. Givea Also iwl is stades a - ee a : r pat= ronize the undersigned at St. George Utah who is now making a gord article of putty. eas Persons wishing to purchase can get supplied at his residence on the south side of the first block south of Tabernacle. Put up in bladders ‘in quantities: to suit purchasers; and at prices.ag low -as. the lowest W. W. Smith, Painter, Centre Street, Silver Reef, Js E. Jounson| Pror: #S~ Good assortment of Lumber, Shingles’ Scantling, Joist &c¢ constantly on hand. i-ly JNO. ML MACFARLANE. US Deputy Mineral Surv LN ; ae Next Door "J'o Post Qrrics.. MEALS REASONABLE, GRAIN aa AND STABLING Jonna Pymm, | 3 Genera Drauer In Books, Stationary, favelery Tobacco Oigars, and all kinds of WAGON TIMBERS? : _ ~‘St. George, Utah, PATENTS LOUIS | BEST AND CHEAPEST, BAGGER WASHINGTON, & CO, #1) leitters D. C to P.O, Box 444 Washington, N, J, pls) . PTERag ies 2” Magazine. _ ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY Pacus of reading, many fine Wood list o 3° 00 newspaners, and cost of advertising. LANDRETH'S 5 tite of rs Gentry. ITs : ait: NX SHEDS , ket Gardeners is particlar ly requested. Landreths’ Rural Regis- Sorel umes : inac ens will b Trees, Plants, The who apply. Lost ve ey ‘2 SEHR Biwergreens. In or He says; | And ‘wives lead such a sweet happy life!’ But years fly apace, and noone of ourrace : would shield, GRANT, 3 ™N 7 Dealer in all kines Oft feel they reap more than their share. Thrice blest are the few who, through © Winter'and Time, ° © Their seared mantles around them’ have’ of | un flung; MERCHANDIZE, OVS “VOR S, TEWeITYy iWiaps, | Charts, Engravings, Chromos, Music, Music Books, Novels, Photographs, Albums, Fiags,Shell and Jewelry. boxes, dolls ; ‘ s ; -E’en though frosted and bowed with life’s . _ burdens, have kept es Ao wentncnrt TES aressnisccdl Rinnai Bane ear ene _— scaemnrosaur tensity - sid ae > If John’s heart beat for Mary, aud Mary’s for Joni," si Even through to the mists of old-age Love wil! shine as a last, beautiful Je ‘¢iinis’ at Fairer far than on youth’s title-page.” the trees, represent the Southern It is a picture that wiil touch every Southern heart and ‘should ‘find’ a place in every Southern home.’ Sent mail mounted @& Sions. ‘Jery (O&io) County Horticultural So- by on a roller and post-paid on | recipe of 25 cents, or 3 for 60 cents. Address JOHN BURROW®& Go. tCaEE Publishers, Bristol Tenn. (2 Agents wanted everywhere to gell our cheap and popula pictures. $5 to-$10 per day easily made. No money required until pictures are sold. “Send stamp for With High Prices? CHICAGO SCALE CO, but slight protection in winter.—Gar- Apple, Pear, Peach, Apricot, Almond Mulberry, and otner shade trees, Pome, granate, Fig, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Strawberry vines, a fair supply which’ experiments:donot seem to be a great success. Itis said the leaves fall in. successfully grown in that State, with dener’s Monthly. Tea Plants in Galifornia.—Recent . will be sold cheaper, than ever for produce lumber, fencing, &c. Inquire ‘of J E 68 & 70 West Monroe St. Chicago Il, | Johnson, Have reduced the prices of all kinds of _ summer from the warm, Best Apples for Mississippi. —The apples in this State,’ Schockley, Yates, Kentucky Streak, and Nickajack.- The Agents wanted free. TRUE &. seem to be {last name has 12-Ly. >) Roekford; Illinois, 10 Roses —- I offer 10 Beautiful everblooming Roses Indiana. Millio G54 by .Mail ‘The Beauty Pear from $4 to $8 pr days can be give enerpursued in neighborhood, and ig strictly Particulars free, or samples that willenable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of two stampsi Address 292 Was onoGins three cent J, LATHAM & CO — hir gton st. Boston, Mass beautiful work ef the kind in the world it contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine Illustrations, and six Chromo plates of flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature Price connection with Philadelphia Belgian . Horticul- cents in paper covers, $1 in elegant cloth. in German 3 taken for leading papers tremendous-reduction Book. in many states from publishers rates. at showy He deems it, all things considered, one of the best of his entire collection. If the vine shall prove healthy and hardy, so we can all raise such fruit {ee G: Cheap, Good, Systematic. All perSons who contemplate making contracts with newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should send 25 cents to Geo, P. Rowell & Co, 41 Park Row, New York, for their PAMPHLET-BOOK, (ninetyseventh edition,) containing lists of over .2,000 newspapers and estimates showing the ccst. Advertisements and Lady Wachington Grape. —It’ is very agreable news to all lovers of choice. grapes, that Mr. Ricketts, of Newburgh, has at last decided to offer this splendid variety to the ‘public. and English copies for $5 00. its large foliage. —Gardener’s Monthly. 50 Vick’s Cataloeue—300° Illustrations, j only 2 cents . Address, James Vick, Rochtster, N. Y Business that will Pay your own honorable. is the most year; Five tgetic men & women of the Tree,—The adelphia, has-its leaves turn to. the beautiful brown color so characteristic of some Maples: and .Sumachs. It also speaks of Clapp’s Favorite, in ‘Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine,— 32-pages, fine illustrations; and colored plate in every number, . Price $1.25 a for We will popularity in tural Review says that in the fall. of the year, the American Pear, Phil- { Zrinted Roses, (G¥"Descriptive Lists Free. | Tyra Montgomery. “te _ Mattoon, Ils. WANTED a wide the South. “he Apple does very well” in the northern part of the State. $60, Former Price $160. Choice atmos- | most popular 12 _ books: on the subject. GAR. DENERS throughout the country commend its practical labor saving methods as invaluable to them: E78 eMrs her gon Sent for 10 cents, which will be allowed on the first order forseeds, .. Addreg F d send J.B. ROOT, Seed Grower, > dry phere.—Gardener’s Monthly. — St. George or Silver Reef, aday athome. 4 . Outfit and terms | CO., Augusta, Maine. catalog ~ ciety reports that the Fig can be quite TREES ! front of How, when, where to plant: free to all on for One Dellar; choice named sorts, our _ Address receipt: of stamp. selectioh by. mail or expregs (larger plants Wm, Morton & Son. Allens Corner, by express). Greenhouse, Bedding and fno62y Deering Maine Exhibition . plants at. low -rates. Catalogues free. ddress O¢See advertisement of Johnson’s geo one ie JOS. WaVESTAL, + Home-made Medicines,—read and Cambridge City. athen come and buy. . sol- . gdiery air, e ga And speak now s and then of his “ Wrent!? While shy May gquaintly says, “He does,” ~ AMERICAN FORK, UTAH. “paper, execu— Soldier which {the ruined cottage, telling a sad tale of the miseries of war, are two graves wit. rude crosses, on ote of which some friend— - J1-2.., Where Advertising Contracts can be made. daysof spring, Cause. in size, printed on heavy pl ite beautiful in design and artistic in tion. It represents a Confederate after the war returning to his home, through Cross. Buds Garden Manual. Se, . And envy no king-on his throne. And John steps with a grand anda Gives special attention to the mail busi—’ ness, and willsend anything from a darns Lovo, in palace or cot, is a beautiful guest: . A blessing in ways manifold; ing needle to a constant-sereamer, providDAVID LANDRETH & SON, By Mail—safe arrival ing the same doesn‘t: weigh more. than A crown of bright glory on the forehead of uarranteed. a Philadelphia. youth, Pus “iS Si : {four pounds, by mail.’ Will be pleased | Send for Catalogue of 1000 sorts, _& halo of bliss for the old! Addregs | to answer inquiries concerning prices which, by the way, are the cheapest in the J: Capps, Territory, ona let postal card, free of Mt Pulaski, lls, MAGNIFICENT Picture 14x18 inches charge, The Fig in Ohio.—The Montgom. all _ Foors ELLeR . Mirrors, Games, Fireworks, Song Books, and Picture Frames, besides several mil{ico things too numezous ‘to mention, ue and terms: = © Cut All other sizes ata great reduction. EvIllustrations, and one Conorzp Prats, A {ery Scale FULLY WARRANTED, All orders beautiful Garden Magazine, printed on el-]| promptly filled. Circulars, Price List and egant paper, and full of information. “In Testimon aent ‘upon applicati ials on; English and German, Price $1.25 a year. | BUY THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. Five copies $5 00. i'¥Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Garden 50 cents in paper covers; in elegant cloth Covers $1.00 f wake +Vick’s Catalogue,—300 illustrations Ts filled with topics of interest.jo.every owner of a.garden—is POINTED, PRACTIGAL only2 cents.: ir Sf BS GE Fs Address, . James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. and THOROUGH, and contains’ one “half as much as $1.50 ! PRG} WM. 12Ly |} — i love Is exempt from life’s trouble and care; _ na those that fond love most gladly _ esti- 5 eb ed O 6 € 10 outfit free. P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. ly sweet to labor for one whom |. | Chose a nest older birds have outgrown , And twitter and: sing through. the bright or freight, Fruit Trees, F ITO >) Have spoken their own \ praise for upwards of three * quarter a Cent : “'Itis Anud,John,there?s none like you I know,”’. So the soft little hand into his slyly creeps, And where he goes, she gladiy will go, . Ill, Bloomington Nursery; K. PHOENIx, express, MUSICAL ‘ly hand has hung a garland. To the right the calm river and the rising moon. indicate peace ard.rest. The stars _ seen Are cetebrated for their purity of tone elegant design and thorough construction. Send for’ catalogue, Address, Epy:arp Purors, TREE mates showing he finds lonely and d,solate. BY Solicitors of Patents,. -H@-Address J. E. Johnson, taining s Proprietor. by mail, Lily Ma- Addross, fon ie Shrubs, timber and Ornamental Trees, ‘Grape, Creeping or Arbor Vines, - Roses, Standard and Climbing in great variety, Tea,-(Rose) Moss, Climbing and. Ever blooming. Plants. of Fruit and Flowers for Hothouse, Greenhouse, Parlor or Open Garden. bic : LEWIS ELLSWORTH, © xii tf _ Napierville Il. low rates. Spring ‘List free. heart, Is the gift'I proffer to thee; Anda vine-treilised cot thy skill would. Bh adorn, . ve Would be more than rich palace to me. . like two birds, their hearts (4° Lewis Elisworth of Naperville Ill. And they, brimming with. love, -' varieties flowerii g plants for garden, gzreenhouse, and> parlor. Vines and hanging basket plants, perpetual blooming roses, shrubs, fruit and ornamental ‘trees, &c. at Piants, _ As he seals her Sweet lips with a kiss! | Not.silver or gold, but the wealth ‘of one offers to the people of Utah, well secured, ee 25¢ to Geo. P Rowell & Co.. N.Y e, for Pam phlet of {00 pages, con- | OBTAINED; Mexican (Tigrida Gonchiflora,) $1. per doz. deria vine bulbs $i. per doz. Many wee charming it. an Willrural John talk to wimsome young May : Usefulness and Pleasure Combined! : Office in Court House St George lotel. ' 25 cents each, good roots. be varieties [1-4 Food for the Taste! the Sight! and the os How sounds! In what a delirium of bliss ; Usility and Beauty? — of Dahlias, assorted; sent by mail, postpaid at will be yor and At- St. George HAY. which BY LUUVISES. UPHAM. cont Smell! Love in a Cottage. “Love in a cottage a Chromo fs Large assortment of choice { offered at low prices. Flowering Bulbs | and Tubers! We have a fine lot all ‘those wishing manufactura, ‘to: fine Peach sent for 3 stamp. }such as Currant, 8. Goosberries, Raspb er— les, Straw berries—and Roses Lilacs , Peories and flowering bulbs and tubers in. variety, J. E Johnsen; St George, Utah| Oh! Yest? eatlogue with ... of the Alexander Bay Wis, GREENHOUSE*PLANTS ae Trees, Shru bs, vines and plants in grea, variety, also frui ting shrubs and plants One Dollar per year in Clubs of thirty OF over. Specimen.copies free, For terms and dsommissions,.-_-. tio 3 Address, THE TRIBUNE, Nj. Y.: to encourage home LUMBER YARD. torneyat Law: << Sturgeon Illustrated. ntal Se es Be ME e0es Now is the time-fo Corned Beef call. KLY.) Oh! Yes! quality of Beef, Pork aod Mutton hivt NEW YORK TRIBUNE — t _ CWEE Main St, Silver Reef. Best constantly J EVERGREEN, FOR FARMERS. Main Street, Silver Reef, Utah. eo Re BULL; Proprietor, | Ores of all kinds assayed and cor- _ Mail or Express, LVER REAP. | THE BEST PAPER tl + acini Orcs . as Mr. R. does, then indeed the grape millenium will seem to have come at last-—Gardener’s Monthly. — Cultivating Old Plants:—Fine spe- a Get the : cimens, showing great skill in culture, can be as well shown by growing old It is said the Galnekibd for the St, Guorcx Unzon, things as new ones. ; common candy tuft makes wonderfulSemi-Monthly; one dollar a year. Address,J. W. Carpenter, St. George, Utah, ily ! beautiful specimens when well grown.—Gardener’s Monthly. a 1} | |