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Show nell THE MINING AND IDAHO PLACERS. RAILROADS. Evidences of Development and Progr ess ‘ All Around.* : While speculations are being A Bedrock in.. Some Railroad Statistics. — a number of other schemes to con- are frequent, In the stable: district stir which ness is owners. denotes being that done a vast there by busimine: The Centennial Eureka, with the hoisting works and machinery on the’ ground, gives evidence that the management of that property intends to rival in operations those of the famed Bullion-Beck and Champion, and that the race for good results from now on will be a close one with those wealthyielding mines, - “The Showers group is making a fine showing. and under the supervision of Mr. M. H. Walker _is looking exceedingly well. ~ Old miners, itis said are satisfied there are three veins in the Hureka, Tintic Mining District; — | P. O. Box 456, all kinds, waterways, railways and pub- lie roods are necessary the development for the of a country, and in erage mileage of highway to each 100 only 10 for the United States; while it was 140 for the United Kingdom 150 for Germany and 130 for France, or in other words Specimens the United Kingdon had 14 times as much highway in proportion of area, Germany 15 times and Frence 13 times, In proportion to population the disparity was not so great; as to every 10,000 of: ‘pop- of Considerable interesti is being ie ‘ulation the ‘United Knigdom had 57 fested in the Deep Cr eck country just miles of highway, Germany 67 Thiles, now, and expectations of a big boom: Frarice 70 miles and United States 1 in that vicinity, especially when the miles. It is apparant that so long as Los Angeles road is built through that region, are high and increasing. The vast mineral. resources there, the immense quantities.6f pinion pine which can be converted into first-class charcoal and for mining and milling _ purposes. and the abundance of water are a combination which will bring MANUFACTURERS Flannels, Dress Goods, Salt Lake City. and Strain Sheets LINSEYS, YARNS, Etc, Hosiery, and f WF PERN - TER programme being carried.out, Salt Lake will experience a substantial boom’ sucn as will ag- we have an rverage of only 19 miles of highway to every 100 sqnare miles of Territory, inclyding all resorts of high- NY pecially Giant and Oriental black, have been very large of late, and A gentleman at a theatre sits behind a lady who wears a very large. hat. “Hxcuse me, madam; but unless you remove your hat, I can see f absolutely nothing.” Lady ignores of 59 him. “Hxcuse me, madam; but, unless you remove your hat, something to upwards of 900 per cent.in Dakounpleasant will happen.” Lady ig- ta. nores him again. Gentleman puts pee on his own hat. Loud cries from the A little girl went visiting one day, audience, “Take off that hat! Take and after a time was given the album off that hat!” Lady thinks they of family photographs to look at. mean her hat, and removes it. “Thank She turned the leaves over carefully, you madam.” and pretty soon closed the book# A Connecticut boy was warned “Well, dear,” asked the hostess, “did against eating meat for.supper, on you look at the album?” “Oh yes,” account of its liability to produce answered the little maid brightly. distressing dreams, but he still insist- “And we've got one ’zactly like it, ed on doing it. A little while ago only the pictures are prettier.” the youngester was telling his last — ft . at the breakfast-table. Bears had surrounded him, snakes had crawled Complimentary Samples. down his back, a camel had turned a somersault over him, and a big elephant had assailed him. “There,” said his uncle—“T told you if you ate meat for supper you would ne frightful dreams!” “I don’t care,’ promptly replied the boy. | «I guess I want to see a circus once in a while.”’ _ Persons receiving this paper marked are requested to examine its contents terms of subscription, and give it their own patronage, and, as far as practicable, aid in circulating the journal, and making its value more widely known to others, and extending its influence in the cause it faithfully serves: Subscription rate, $2 a year. Extra copies mailed for 5 cents, if ordered soon enough. If already a pave Des ence show the paper to others. aan Wholesale and bai | Office, Opposite Retail Dealers’ i Walker co. Rustic Siding, Lath, 2a a. | Farin, Freight, Ore and Traveling Wagons, Office and Yards, 225 W. South Temple, between First and Second West Streets, P.O. Box |T. C. ARMSTSONG. Flour, Grain, Arbogast CHOICEST WINES& CIGARS City. Utah. & Trumbo Co. and Retail Dealers in ICE LAKH Crry,” 2” Wan. SALT LAKE VINEGAR Company, MANUFACTURERS OF Pure Malt Vinegar CREAM. P. O. Box 657, Salt Lake City. Fine Confectionery. YEARLING BUCKS AND BUCK LAMBS, Main TELEPHONE Street, 137. For Sale from the Herd of the Late D. M. BROWN. For Particulars Enterprise. =" RAMS! al 108 for the SALT ree 157 First East St., bet. First & Second South FIRST-CLASS. Sishanribe John Farringston, J. W. WAXWEME, Manager. & Wholesale EE he Sn aac Shy | Residence, 76 N. Main Street, first house north of Tithing Office. Stable. ee nnes ac Soe Carriages Aland #2. Fourth West and Second pe eas ae SaltLake NEES ge ‘Flacks. Feed, ' Wholesale, Corner cher South eianis, Brown's Sideboard, aaa tee nasa Shipper and Dealer in that CITY, Harness a Specialty. Salt Lake City, Utah. Fa Office and Store, 30 E. First’South St. prance Plows 333 AND 335 MAINSTREET, Office 240 Main St., next Walker House. STRICTLY Chilled Steel Plows, 1073. Grass and Garden Seeds, to McKimmins’ Reapers, Fine ~~ SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. IR$"I am not a prophet nor the son Next MACHINES, FRAZER’S ROAD CARTS, BOOM IN SALT LAKE CITY. LAKE Mowers, fees 44 {aie <i OUT FOR THE NEXT]. SALT WAGONS, THRESHING T but I predict > aS Salt Lake City. Real Estate and Loan prophet, SPRING ee ce aE MD Ware. OF Fine sia bast, ‘of an Windows, Doors, ‘Blinds. J. K. Gillespie, a House. later Br eg Se: Lumber Sawed and Dressed to Order, of Lake i Dentist, es Finishing Lumber, T. & G. Floor- ing, _Eagvevers on MoandteWood, l LOOK 3 Er. Cc. N ICHOLS, & Co. Peres in att Sina AGEN in renee a ge es BUILDERS MainjStreet. Dealer Salt a every dollar judiciously invested | per cent in the number of farms, in will pay the investor three dollars Minnesota, 99, in Nebraska, 415, Orewithin one year, gon 114,and in California 51. The greatest multiplication has taken place in the territories, the rate of increase ranging from 78 per cent. in Montana, nea - Lumber, pas Cedar laa Sean Alabama, 11 in Arkansas, 129 in Flori Iowa there has been an increase Retail 1 OF TER ieee Yc + da, 98 in Georgia, 70 in Louisiana, 50 in Mississippi, 68 in North Carolina, 81 been numerously supplied by: dealers in South Carolina, 60 in Virginia, and in this city during the pat few 185 in Texas. The figures~-show the great extent to which the great plantaweeks.—|[ Herald -|tions in the South have been cut up if ‘ since the war into small farms. In and e-/Central Branch House Mason 578.—{San Francisco Cronicle. that outfits of miners’ supplies have Jobber GENTS? FURNISHING GOODS, 1. W, WHTECA ao,” 15'S. _ TR doing the matter of construction if we build prudently and advisedly. Statistics show that this far in the present year 950 miles of railway track have been laid, and it is estimated that the total for the year will be 12 ,000 Farms in the United States. The number of farms in the United reably disappoint the most sanguine. to Census reBut in the meantime business men States has, according turns issued, increased from 2,realize the fact that it will not do to 660,000 in 1870 to 4 000,000 in 1889, or be to idle and are preparing for the at a rate of 51 per cent. in the10 years. coming of the good time so long sung |. The most striking. increase. in the about. As one evidence that mining, number of farms has taken — place in ai least, is being prosecuted throught. the South and the North-western the Territory, it is stated that the and Pacific States. The increase shipments of. blasting powders, es- is shown to “be 102 pers cent. in House, City. 35 W. First South al PES ways, we are in -little’ danger, of over- + aa Lake TRUNKS AND VALISES, B22. well provided and equipped, left for of 12,000 miles prove correct, will be the banner year in railway building, as Deep Creek on Tuesday morning and ‘in 1883,. the: great year heretofore, the another started out Thursday. amount constructed was less tnan 1 Railroad matters are looking ex- 000 miles, the precise fiigures being 11, half the present mee POULTRY. CLOTHING, HAts, CAps, Boots, SHOES fie, 231 Male Steet, Sco EFloor, that district into prominence as a mining centre in a very short time. miles, an increase of about, 3500 miles. One party of miners and prospectors, over 1976. This year, if the. estimate | ceedingly well, and the event of one- importer, om | SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.” AEP D Dy “Box FISH AND Bee Kinds| Work. XM Thos. W. Jennings. KnitiGoods, Eeuineeree for IN Wirst Door South of the Walker Salt _ Bridges, a Spenialhy, Estimates Furnished on ia CLB. DURST, -} Gree, Staple aud FyCrem : Or Civil Engineer and 0. §. Depaty SALT LAKE CITY, Mineral Surveyor, S.C. DALLAS. square miles of territory was 27 for the whole of Europe and & Sons. DEALER H. 8, JOSEPH, ©, E, nations of Europe. In 1880 the mileage of highways in the United States was 385,000, in Great Britian 165,000, in Germany 308,000, and in France 264, 000, but at the same time the ay- Hooper & Eldredge Block. Salt Lake City, Utah. Successors to William Jennings growth this respect we are yet far behind the Designer of the Cullen Hotel, Karrick Bidck, Lake Park Bathing Resort, and other Prominent Buildings. Office, 218 MAIN STRERT. many railroads built, especially in the great and growing West. Highways of Kletting, ARCHITECT, (INCORPORATED.) facilities in some parts of tne United nect Utah with the outside world, States, and that before the country Self-inking, ae those interested in the Territory’s grew Pocket and up to them many of them were progress on the inside are quietly, swamped under their load of bonds and Pencil Stamps. but earnestly, at work developing her mortgages, given to enable them to be resources. In the mining camps the built. All the Latest Novelties. extraordinary fine weather has enabled Our Territory is so immense that it work to be carried.on, and shipments. will be long before there will be too of Tintic there is an air of bustle and Richard WOOLEN MILLS CO. ~-Patent Pri inling Wheels. for transportation 3 DESERET — C. W. CAFFALL, Fine Rubber Stamps. American road matters, and the probable be- railways of 1870 and 1880 were built It shoule ginning of work on the Salt Lake & without sufficient cause. _Los Angeles, and the prosecution of rather be said of them, that they anticdemand ENTERPRISE. J.C, MURPHY & CO, Cleanup in Buckskin Gulch--- A Pint of Nuggets. ipated the LAKE. J.C. MURPHY. concering rail- It is not strictly correct to say that the dulged in by many SALT 45 H. First South St./W, |, BROWN, TELEPHONE 55. Inquire of : Executor, Nephi, Juab. Oo., Utah. , |