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Show THE DUCHESNE | 9 REET’ BASEBALL LEAGUE TO EAGLE | tes BEGIN ORGANIZING MONDAY All parents of boys 9-12_ in the West Duchesne oe area are invited to attend a organizational meeting of the Duchesne Western Boys Base- ball Assn. Monday night at 7:30 at the courthouse Duchesne. in Ronald J. Liddell, Duchesne,} association president, has call- | ed this meeting to organize for the league play this summer, and to set up a schedule. Election of officers, also, will be on the agenda for the evening. PHYLLIS DAY, Duchesne Auxiliary President fs stir sy At least four teams must be organized in the area to form: a league. IRRIGATION WORKSHOP TO BE MAY I3 St DUST IN THE SUMMER, AND LOTS OF MUD IN THE WINTER... 4 A follow-up Irrigation Work- shop as described in our water meeting held in February will be held May 13, 1966, No definite area, as yet, has been — selected in the County. If the directors of your company are interested and if you feel a sufficient number of local peo- ple in your area would participate we would be glad to bring this to your area. Lloyd Smith Duchesne County Agent BAR-B-Q HELD day night barbecue supper at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Bud Bancroft were Mr. and Mrs, ORSON MOTT American Legion Jerry Mieure, Mr, UNDERWAY FOR TA- BIONA-HANNA ROAD The announcement this week that the Utah State De- partment of Highways has | called for construction bids on the strip of road between Tabiona and just beyond the lum-. beryard at Hanna, was one of and Mrs. Rex Davis and Mr, Jerrv Tacoby. Tabiona, and youth in home, princi- 86, 000 and teachers may cubic yards of imported borrow, 52, 400 tons of untreated base course and 260 cubic yards of in and follows the river rather closely. _ The 4, 885 miles to be bid for construction extends from Tabiona to 1, 000 feet past the lumber yard at Hanna, states Duchesne, 7 pom. ue to serve our readers with of newspaper they enthe sake kind ae Dear Mr. Mieure ; For several months I have been receiving the Duchesne Eagle every Monday morning, I enjoy reading of the progress in Duchesne and to know there is a newspaper there again. My family and I lived close to Duchesne for many years, and still remember the many friends we left there. 7 I sit down and read the paper as soon as I get it, then pass it on to the rest of the family. It goes the rounds and is enjoyed by all. - I thought the first one I received was a sample but as it keeps feel some kind scribed for me, please tell me I may at least let them know copy, on coming, I friend has subWill you who it was, so thank them and how much we enjoy it. | Also please tell me the sub- scription price. Respectfully, Ethel Roser. Box 242 McCleary, Washington Our sincere thanks for your kind letter. We appreciate our subscribers taking the time write us. subscription was a courtesy of Mrs, Emma Wimmer and Mrs, Maxine Burdick. Our subscription rates are $4.00 a year. Mr. Jerry Mieure Editor, Duchesne Eagle ARBOR DAY TO BE OBSERVED FRIDAY State and county offices will observe Arbor Day, Friday April 29, P it is classed as a sce- nic road. The construction plans call location which will require be built on this strip, but the specifications call for three concrete box culverts, one at Farm Creek, and two others | This is classes as a State Holiday, and school districts, most businesses, and federal offices do not observe this as a legal holiday. Most businesses will continue operation as usual Friday in the Duchesne County area. SELECTIVE SERVICE NEWS The May 10 call is for five inductees from the Duchesne County Selective Service Board, Twelve other young port for pre-induction physical examinations on May 25, reports Mrs, Helen D, Odekirk, clerk of the Duchesne County Selective Service Board. sen; Bryce and Patricia Hamilton; Ione and Laurel Hooper. AUXILIARY TO HOST FOSTER PARENTS? RECEPTION a The project was advertised for bids as soon as the District Court at Duchesne issued or- der for immediate occupancy The Duchesne Unit No. acquisi- FISH & GAME CLUB May 4, NOT WELL ATTENDED Again, Monday night, not enough members of the Duchesne Fish & Game Club were The fourth Monday of each month, to be held at the courthouse in the evening. This was done at fathers, a board of directors were also elected, | ; President Gee has arranged for all these meeting dates, and has been present at all meetings except that for Dec. Business is not conducted at inasmuch as an insufficient number of members attend, Mr. Gee says if anyone is interested in continuing the club, contact him, as no fur- ther attempts will be made hold a meeting unless it is instigated by the members, Mrs. Phyllis in Duchesne County -- all of record in the Duchesne the reorganizational meeting these meetings, 22, W. Day, unit president , is in charge of the preparations for the reception, which will begin at 2 p.m. - Invitations have been sent to all past and present foster parents, both mothers and meetings were set up for the of the club over a year ago. The annual meeting date was scheduled in February. Harvey Gee was elected president, and to Gunter, Mr. and Mrs, Weston Despain, Mr. and Mrs. Myron low prize was awarded to Wes-~ ton and Pauline Despain. Stan and Diane Odekirk of | Kearns visited Sunday with Stan's mother, Odekirk, Mrs, Mrs. Gladys and Diane's mother, Ruby McDonald. | Dawnette, DeAnn and Darla Jean Mayhew attended a birthday party for their cousin, Daryl Sorensen, in Talmage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Don Mayhew took their baby to the doctor in Heber City on Monday. The Young Marrieds in the Duchesne Ward met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin A large. crowd was there to enjoy a chicken dinner. Games were played for the remainder of the evening after the dinner. at the Legion Hall in Duchesne. and Deon Brown, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Boyer on Friday. The American Legion Auxi- _ liary, is hostessing a Foster -Parents' Reception Wednesday, tion cases filed. present to hold a meeting. May 2, at the Stake Center by the > Moon; Linda Peatross; Diane and Melna Horrocks; Julie Jen- No bridges will for canals, Guests included Mr, Mrs. Jimmy Cowan, Mr, and Mrs. Niles Earl, Mr. and Mrs. 1 and Valenna Moat; Nancy and Linda Thompson; Adele, Karla and Chery] Lewis; Charlotte for three places on the roadway on two rights-of-way Sincerely, men have been noticed to re- . Dear Mrs, Roser, | to gift, Robbins Saturday night. by Jim and Terry Cowan and piano students of Mrs, Mary roadway. | As it is down in the river rip-rap work, "500" Club was held at the home of Ronald and Earnitta Taylor and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Fitzwater. High prize was won Hooper. The public is invited, free of charge. Those students who will be programmed for the recital include Starling County Department of Public és The enjoyment of our newspaper, as expressed in your letter, is sincerely and most encouragingly felt. We hope that we will be able to contin- Monday, Duchesne foot wide bituminous surfaced valley, Duchesne Personals cooperate A recital will be given at State Department of Highways. It will be a finished 28- Dist. 9 parents. 2nd project engineer for the Utah _ James E, Lenartz, American Legion.. Mrs. Barbara Horton, Auxiliary President, service and the gold seals will be used to indicate more than ten years of service of foster PIANO RECITAL TO BE HELD MONDAY, MAY q Myron Taylor, affixed to the certificates to indicate five to ten years of the child. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual educa~ tion. | project the Duchesne River Valley, school, intelligently in the training of is to be completed in 150 work- ing days. The new route is down parents will be presented to the present foster parents in the county. A red seal will be children and youth. To bring into closer relation the home aud the school, that parents pal items of work are approximately as follows: 790 tons of The Altamont, life. To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of faced roadway for a length of ' Gov. Rampton de- clared in his proclamation, Certificates of award and letters of appreciation signed by the Public Welfare Commission of Utah in recognition of the years of service given by foster church and community. To raise the standards of home road mixed bituminous sur- class A concrete. rents, These PTA objects are: To promote the welfare of children received until May 10. 3 The specifications call for construction of a 2 1/2 inch bituminous material, Duchesne, ''The childhoods of generations of Utah youngsters have been richer and happier because of the selfless~ ness and devotion of foster pa- tary. Bids for the project will be 4.885 miles; and the need them. Myton, Roosevelt Junior High-~Roosevelt Elementary, Union High School and Neola Elemen- the best pieces of news the _ rents for opening their homes and hearts to children who Objects of the Parents-Teachers Assn. has been reviewed by Elden R. Wilcken who was installed recently as the Council PTA president, which is comprised of the PTA Units at folks up that way has received in many a day. Friends that enjoyed a Sun- Commander, PTA OBJECTS ARE REVIEWED CONSTRUCTION BIDS Welfare office in Duchesne. Announcement of Foster Parents' Day activities in Du- chesne County was made by C.D. Moat, director of the Duchesne County Department of Public Welfare, Duchesne. Stephen Huey, Duchesne, child welfare worker, is making arrangements for the activity. Utah's Governor Calvin L. - Rampton declared the week May | through May 7, 1966, as Foster Parents' Week. He has called upon all citizens to give their attention to the ser- vices performed by foster pa- Jerry Jacoby, son of Mr, and Mrs, B.A. Jacoby, has recently accepted employment with the Bureau of Land ManHe will report for agement, work in May in Anchorage, Alaska, where he will be doing electronic surveying. spent the summer Alaska also, Jerry of 1965 in Mrs. Nelson (LaRae Hill) Herrera and family of Bridgeland and Mrs, Jarry (Neldene Hill) Kisan, of Salt Lake City, were weekend visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs, Nelda Hill. scpooL NEWS Thirteen pupils are enrolled in the kindergarten at the Tabiona Elementary School, - This class is taught by Mrs. NaDene Roberts, and will continue throughthe current school term to complete the six weeks of instruction. Supt. Thomas J. Abplanalp of the Duchesne County School District said the kindergarten is being held this year during the regular school term because of transportation problems involved when the sessions are held during the summer weeks. : |