OCR Text |
Show 31 January 1996 VITAL Volume ll, Issue 5 26 January 1996 Publisher John Bresee Editor David Baker Production Director Balog Data | THE SNOW Janitor zoned Real Estate Editor AlexAnder ‘Alex Miller Advertising Sales Tad Turgeon Creighton Hart — a _ ie | NA — | Craig “PorkyPine” Gordon Creighton Account Te Hart David “Protein Window” Peck | | g 3 STH 4 THE ita STORM RCC Dary ‘Abe aaa oe , | CNC Zc Page : Tad Turgeon Contributing Photographers ene Jack Popowich Ba aan Bie CorroNwo0D CANYON PACE Bie Ron’ ALPINE ASTROLOGY Chris “BigHair” Murray ra Mark Anderson baie | VARIOUS TROUBLED PEOPLE ait Intern Now taking applications Marta Marta “Marta” Heilbrun Contributors Aseaaa3 Gays OGY Staff Mystic Ron Pinner READING —-P hs Canyon Reporter | COSOON Wasatch CLASSIFIEDS oe | Cover Boy Kelly “WhiteBuffalo” Hancock _ WCR Legal Squad _ Brady “Slip and Fall Guy’ Toensing TURAN CALENDAR | Eddy “Dog Bite” Carrrolll, Ill, ESQ Carolyn Uhle Mrs David Baker Footwarmer Max Balog Enhancements made in Photoshop 3.0 using the filter: Find edges, charcoal as well as changing the mode to Duotone COVER PHOTO BY: Jack Popowich «* SUBJECT: Snowbird SUBSCRIBE: TO $20 for about a year, $38 for two or So $1000 for a lifetime Subscription*; to: WCR SUBS, PO BOX 8118, ALTA UT 84092-8118. Despite what you may hear or read, we really do send out the papers, eventually. New, special offer: BUY 10 SUBSCRIPTIONS for $200 prepaid, GET 1 FREE*. Order them for} all your friends. *Do this and get a free psychiatric interview from “Dr.” Baker. . Back issues $2 each. Bulk discounts available. Letters to the “Editor’ should go to the same address. We publish every one we get if it has your name and address and youse don’t call anyone a *@$%#&!” or discuss bathroom activities. We'll withhold your identity if you ask, but we gotta give it to anyone you libel. The Wasatch Canyon Reporter is a community newspaper published once or sometimes twice a month all year. The next issue comes out in a few weeks. The WCR is the medium altitude alternative published by another bunch of people with a computer and a laser printer. This paper is staffed exclusively with volunteers & we'll take anyone - we even let Creighton write. 12,000 issués are mailed or handdelivered to a wide variety of people and places in and around our canyons, the lower 48, and the world (one issue goes to Hong Kong). We can’t afford that subscription verification service yet, so trust us. All material © 1995 and all that. Printed on partially-recycled paper. No swiping our brilliance without written permissionof someone who works here. The opinions expressed in this august publication are those of the writer. A surprising number of people lack a good, solid sense of humor. Try to find yours if you read something you hate. Until you see a “Fact Checker’ listed above, accuracy is not guaranteed. Caveat Emptor. You get what you pay for. If you don’t agree with something, write a letter. Or better yet, type an article and send it to us on an IBM-compatible disk with printout. We welcome art, photos, 35,000 word manifestos and gifts of food. We might run it if it doesn’t stink - but most stuff stinks. Be sure and include a photo release. None of that Apple stuff, please - we use Word, WordPerfect, Photoshop & QuarkXpress for Windows. Submissions will not be returned. If you enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope we'll use it to pay a bill or something. Buy some ads please! — Wasatch Canyon Reporter | PO Box 8118 Alta UT 84092-8118 Voice 801-486-1388 Facsimile 485-2735 CompuServe E-Mail to “76761 ,205” America On Line E-Mail to “WasatchcR” Our incredible website: tp: WWW.WEr.Com Patrollers with their Avalauncher « Sorry about what we did to your picture Jackae | |