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Show 25 January - 7 February 1995, Wasatch Canyon Reporter, Page 3 _ Wasatch Canyon Reporter Volume I, Issue 5 INS 25 January - 7 February 1995 _ cr Editor ae oe David Baker Je Hehe | WHERE TO HAVE YOURS 7 — : David “Helmet Head” Doherty : Real Estate Editor 1 Fern Baird. oe Mark “The Balker” Stock _ | FELICIA ; __é |— ? ? | : | VOILE | | “ | ie COLUMN _ WCR TRIES TO GET SOME CULTURE, cihcaaead | : i3 OLIVERA THEATER Aol: VirginiaPearce Chris Murray ~~ | So J. PENNER FELICIA OLIVERA VOILA Michael “Elvis” Henderson _ | WASATCH EVENT CALENDAR :-9 BIG RON’S ALPINE ASTROLOGY 10 DINING IN THE CANYONS — at ee Contributing Photographers | RAY GARDINER | ALFWEAR_ e | WITH RON ALD oo Jonny Atencio ~~ CHAT : | Alexander “Prolific” Miller - Kelly “Photoshop is My Life” Hancock Advertising Sales Executives , | ee — INTERVIEW- THELONGAWAITED | Ronald “Church of Here & Now” Pinner poring - CANYONCRASHES | oe Editor At Large cae A RIDE ON THE AVALANCHE : 7 | _ Felicia Olivera — Staff Mystic > DRAMAINREAL LIFE eae abies =| LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ) Creative Director &CFO Stephen Edward “Balog” Balog. IssuE Ve a EDITORIAL | | ibid THIS 14 Craig Dillon Mike Chew 7 | ror Investigator Kevin ee Bone” Peterson 3 | | . : ? Equipment Manager hte 3 . Blaine “Backcountry” Conrad aa ehrise es “ COVER PHOTO BY:Danny Caruso ¢ Extreme Snowshoer: ome Dillon + LOCATION: A 5.8 leading sick deep snowshoein DISCLAIMER: No v0 ES, loaded down, in ski boots no fess. of you u this ae ‘will probabl. fall and crack your eoconut. SVot on Y do are not elegy it, we flflat out forbid yo ou from ging it. Of you - fry it and get a boo-boo on die we don t want to see any ie ees) We “h like t E picture, OWEVET, and since . it is of a valued contributing photographer wre tan i. Loan Officer C.D. “Julie” Uhle | WCR Legal Team — A. William Chase Edward “Eddy” Carroll II Prank Caller “Doc” Walton i TO SUBSCRIBE: Send in your name and address with 20 beans to:/f WASATCH CANYON REPORTER SUBSCRIPTION DIVISION, PO BOX 8118, ALTA UT 84092-8118. Letters to the editor should go to the same address; beans optional, but will help get your letter into print. The Wasatchit_ Canyon Reporter is a community newspaper published every other WEDNESDAY throughout the winter months; the next issue comes out around the 8th of February. In the summer probably once a month is all we can handle. This paper is staffed almost exclusively with Cottonwood Canyons employees. 10,000 issues are mailed or hand-delivered to a wide variety of people and places in and around the canyons. All material © 1995 and all that. No swiping our graphorrhea without written permission of someone who can write, is important AND works here. To call us: 801-486.1388. The facsimile number is 485.2735. The opinions expressed in this august publication are -Hithose of the writer. Many people lack a good, solid sense of humor. Try to find yours if you read something you hate. Until you see a “Fact Checker’ listed above accuracy is not guaranteed. Caveat Emptor. If you don’t agree ‘Hiwith something, writea letter. Or better yet, type a coherent article of 1,500 words or less; Mrs. Larson, where’s that dog article? Send it to us on an IBM-compatible disk with printout. We have MS-Word, Lotus Ami iy & WordPerfect for DOS. None of that Apple stuff, please. — CanyonHeheReporter Wasatch rt alte Alta UT 84092-8118 Voice 801-486.1388 Facsimile 485.1910 CompuServe E-Mail 72557,2760 | | 4 Hours: | io 7am - 6pm SIX DAYS A Sunday 7am- 1pm WEEK! i: . |