Show PM is August THE 1921 PAGE UTAH MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT THREE lie Moab in in with company lett viist Week This This to the Judge L B Bart-I Mr Gribbon’s first was west North mile thence West Ms mile thence North thence West & mile rods thence South thence rods West 909 thence South 175 rods thence West 13091 rods: thence North 28 rods thence West 20 rods mile thence South 28 rods to the place of beginning or the reason that insaid land is agricultural character is used exclusivelyfor agriculturalpurposes and is and has no remote from value for business or residentialpurposes of said The hearing petition is hereby set for the 27th day of August 1921 at a iv nt the County 10:00 in Court House Monb Grand County Utah before which date it is ordered that and all any interested persons in said matter shall file in writing their objections to the granting of said etition on or before the date set for the hearing of said petition then and there to show cause if any they have why said petition should not be granted 1921 Dated this 1th day of August for 1 1 - I i ! j i i ! I ' a off i nrown anu mi Waring of Richard-2 W xi H by the LEE and He rope Clerk official I : the above PATTERSON And West The winter Court 1921 the suffer officials the Coal a heed people and their fill coal Power We Commission family every Coal its winter urge to In ederal compliance with the 1063) notice Water Power Act (41 Stat is hereby given that the following applications covering proposed ))owel development have been filed: California Edison The Southern California Company Los Angeles for development on the Colorado River between the mouth of the Grand Wash the Arizona-Nevada near State line nf Green and nnrl fka innnHnn Grand l)n iprnro (ireen Kiver and t0 the towu of Green River Utah Iin Grand River to Richardson Utah excluding however the portion of the Colorado River withinthe boundaries u'nuL' k of the Grand Canyon National Park Cil 'jJJ 'V onerui iuuuk iclmurcm oom-imhv The Utah Power ana mgnt week from St Johns Ariz having in Salt Imke Citv Utah for develAtrafruhr Tnd GjifVPr who WHS chaflwas v— wnu uih&’ — on Green River at the Ratt'eIU0VVUJ — of oprnent f the murderers unfh hiiim)'nilf ill in and Jenkins blue m ps ao aiw ao Sheriff Tyler Deputy snaK? in Emery The 16 and 17 E S L andB & M the Book mountains in May 1900 Uinta Counties accompaniedon the trip Grand Carbon sheriff was by Ed Thiehoff Carver was captured Utah The Company Green River Power in the mountains of southern Arizona authorities Los Angeles California for the comand was delivered to thefromUtah of power on Green requisition Govern- plete development on of Green River The preliminary hearing River from tothethe town or Wells confluence of Green before Jus-tice Wyoming was to be held August 22 and in southern Utah Grand Rivers Hinkley to such applications Any objections thereon or requests for hearings Butter wrappers neatly and quickly briefs with any reports or of printed at The Times-Independent is other data for which consideration fice desired should be addressed to the ederal Power Secretary MAIL SCHEDULE C Commission YVashington D All Moab in I Will later Be Received Coal or During August illed at on Os $1522 - II : ij-£ will 1 - lose to time in getting their winter’ fuel we substantial reduction in the price of Coal the month of August i 4-fki'ci people local induce To i RATH government now Orders and now secure unpleasantness avoid ’ L of bins ‘ ederal & this amine warning the 1 H I’ Money Save will unless Petitioners Attorneys Date of first publication August 11 1921 Date of last publication August 25 Now i ELMER entitled Coal T CONSTANTINE & for James were Moab visitors state board Nielson of the Swan equalization reached Moab on of business m Grand river from Dewey in a row boat enxddv” Brown ex-com visitor dur-1 that day They had planned to take lein was a Moab £ activity two day on the trip but having made much court and atreported such In quick time to Richardson they Elgin oil matters continued through to Moab meeting and John Broderick R with mishaps or adven Tully no important K Mill creek this week from cXrado tures cand Wn They for Springs le ft in the patented Districtcourt-convened Moab on on had been Jlims at theworking of Mill Wednesday and had little business to head creek to he the case of state Oil company1 attend Morning Gilbert dismissed Sunday against Webb The was get latest to active in the and the jury discharged Sheriff was the now Elgin district Two rigs were drill was appointed a commissioner Young to divide the water of Rock creek as en route to Elgin to commence of Richardson result of the case ing a Iowa against Waring 1 ne snerni was oiC Gribbon representing p such extra guards at basin was dered to employ narties interestedinfor Gold jail the as was deemed neces and left mountains the county an arrival sary this week Txunn xr vpurc !’() Mrs of Lit I j 1 the others Were badly mashed accompanied was to Moab by C L Christensen Judge Jacob Johnson Court reporter G A Iverson and Attorneys M M Warner and W D Livingston reach-i cd Moab Monday having come down ness BUY Your essentially I J h! mile 1 1-125 County Clerk Neff was advertising bidders to operate the Grand river ferry boat for one year commencing September "1 fronv Indian District court had several criminal was in roner p n on the calendar in San cases Juanj creekH McClure who had escaped from county Connel had returned G g from the sheriff of San Juan county a year ago was recaptured and visitingTCbrought back to Monticello to face Wm Bowen was Mrs trial He was in Moab Moab to consult tjves in 14 D ill lltl from his W 1LI1 Illa ItLLUlIlCy was in Brown John E Reed Smoot of Provo president of the Grand River Toll Road company c“' "L J'" this week in Moab Mr Smoot niley lK was tour of making inspection of was road He to put the Billv Hayes was down fiom the promised ITncle road in the very best condition as rapidly for supphw MiH creek former-ly as possible (Mr Smoot is now of Cedar City u RvaI1 vist-untv United States senator from Utah) was a court locate-! at Moab Charles Burr of Monticello was in nursing his right hand which commissioners met Moab while A Zdav and transacted routine bus!was injuredthird roping cattle part of the finger had been cut Ago Years 121 T I Twenty - Per Ton no make in Truckload 4ii lots a be thia at price must All orders and delivery received in August will be made during August and September during L i Engineer Civil i a SiA j I UTAH MOAB Moab ' The i j ! 1 i ! “EICIENT a ROBERTSON law at attorney C A I Building Cooper-Martin STAGE together UTAH MOAB HAMMOND schedule of the B’ollowng is val and dispatching of mails at Moab postoffice: i LAWYER Monticello 9:00 11:00 Leave Moab Arrive Moab j Arrive Moab onlv) i BARBER MOAB EARL HARRIS CHAIRS D TWO NOTICE DAILY Utah Parcel Parcel Prop and Courteous Service Children's and Ladies’ Work Guaranteed Baths Prompt IN ‘ post truck post truck arrive 5:00 P- 7:00 a m m 2 p n SOUTHBOUND m a m l p Ar Ar Moah Moab 11:30 a m 6:15 p m Bl 'I International Company’s Tailoring All Wool i O in-Connection iti an O ‘4 rI I K ana oi ocuuiun o - Suits abrics all $2555 from $4555 to S Irrigation Company corporaMoab Delilha cterL M 18 E S tion John Peterson all auSarah J Stewart Birtm AllAnv Any and persons claiming son ver!eiy any of the above described described Shafer R J ThomVenelv Mrs SS H file their cla-ms son’ Allred William are required to William Small the day clay this office in on or before Phonite Wilson Andrew Somerville in 1921 Wheat Harry of September otherwise their M Philip Crout Q disregarded in the Roy Larclaims will be Green David GoudelockR Kober- granting of such lease Edgar Roberson son Hammond B BLAKELY Register GOULD son George McConkie P B irst pub July 28 last Aug 25 John Larsen Tescher Boy John Amasa Larsen Thomas and M 11' NOTICE OR PUBLICATION wiinnv MvpAn Lanco IX r a i a a -ir dispatched DISTRICT COURTOB’ COUNTY STATE THE GRAND Moab Moab m Leave Thompsons8:00 Thompsons11:30 m Leave Thompsons4:15 Thompsons 4:30 ARE $350 EACH WAY OUR CARS MEET EVERY' TRAIN AT THOMPSONS OR Department of the Interior U S Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah Serial is Julv 15th 1921 uzvwNotice is hereby given that in purikrt aT rnnm’pSS aDDTOVon Ul SUHIJUU rankJohn ed ebruary 25th 1920 riii nost office address is Utah has made Moab Grand County applicationfor ml shale lease nver-UTAH All mg the following described land: 23 S R of Sections 34 and 35 Twp m p SUNDAY fiAILV EXCEPT SHOP a 6:30 APPLICATION SHALE LEASE O OIL m m a class (irst Leave Leave 'I SERVICE” SCHEDULE LINE arrive arrive m 9 arrithe a I PUBLIC NORTHBOUND Executive B Company Garage ad-red’ j'i J Things to be Remembered H Guilbert Provo Utah a Builder Tuner forty years’ to Moab come take charge of at with offices Practical Piano and Repairer of will experience twice a year to Piano your also secure a first-class can Better-Class W : IUV AUJ Plnintif A i S vs- ' Irrigation n Cmnpany The Wilson Mesa corporation J H Shafer John IanBurkholder Olous Joseph v eren gren Day D D A Jcrnson H S Day Johnson t ilnwre Deienand Ira aam Abe Dav dants O APPLICATION OR NOTICE ' ( T Department offic? afc of the Interior Salt Lake City THE U - -s of La 1915 I ! given that M niard Utah who on Homestead made 1 - Measure Clothes ITvw I Patrons I Advertisement MODERATE PRICES Mrs Helen M Prewer Proprietor I I of the 11 Pool IN THE GRAND i ? i t Pool McLEOD DISTRICT COUNTY UTAH In the Matter of me Withdrawal of Land Town Of Moao p'tah At NOTICE - Good Tabled Congenial Company Courteous Service A the Applicants publication August of last publication Hall Manager WAVE MADE TO MEASURE Application of Ltrnits of Grand Cou-ity TAILORING The i Some GAS We of Clean Hats SERVICE MOAB sure you to announce reasonable— with their CO j are compared I j pleased also extremely with the the that the values being quite super-qualities extraordinary CO ONE-HAL Se-we PRICE Line of Girls White Dresses at yours before they are gone at 1200 PER Our Entire Line of Mens Low Cuts Going Values Some §500 values in the lot PAIR Reasonable Prices Come in Line of Shoes for the Entire amily at and look them over closing Closing out are aie our of that sends cleaning parlor free from clothes back1 disagreeable irritating and your that over and see the in both abric season They are truly charming come Main We inest The County Town of Moabit Grand To the and to Utah may c"?ce’: wnom P’ Notice is Ehereby given V Riordan and O J Snyuer titioners filed in the have above’ entitled that a their praying Court petition be granted withdrawing decree of said CourtlitfuU of To from the Beenn-n-ncr the land: of Moab following the southwest comer of 3— rrrw Ok R 21 E S-es L- wa running thence East 14 miles thence - j INTEPNATIONAL Ladies’ and Gen-lemen’a Specialty Clothing our Grand CLEANING O O from - We prices are by Street Junction Colo PRESSING REPAIRING 549 ' COURT STATE CLEANING DRY IDEAL to of the to win colorings are beautiful CHICAGO 1921 ideas and CONSTANTINE the 00000 C- first Date 25 August 0 00 000 0000 Moab of 1921 & for & IT above Attorneys Date Diversion late and Model 1 PATTERSON invited Are vA® I application I “Clerk Play I 1 I’ 'hX-Vpp Are Our Made-to jl i j YOUR LAUNDRY EACH WEEK Complete Electrical Equipment or vdSfr"" I TO Best yJMEk Sal 1 Satisfied v a ! Laundry Our X h S Utah Branson Qc()er NWMc 016158 for NW entry No NEU Section NWM W4 W e¥ 25 East O WATER APPOINTMENT 93 Township 28 South Range has filed notice COMMISSIONER Salt Lake Meridian three-year that the of intention to make Voiee is hereby given corpora-i the !and Hloab° IrrigationCompany Proof to establish claim to of the of the named plainabove described before Clerk on the tion one above tiffs’ this court its ap-1 District Utah Court at Moab has filed with Miller of lst day of October 1921 that J P nlicatrin asking water com-1 Claimant names as witnesses Moab Utah be appointed the H mislionerto Smith W pleasure M isher W serve during discourt for the stocks Bruce Hissong all of the purpose ofof the the to the Utah inhntimrtf water users wlteJs by B BLAKELY Reprister Mill Creek provided GOULD as July 28 last Aug 25 jr?t pub of the above court under date) of December 14th 1908 as in said particularly set forth more said is of application & CONSTANTINE The hearing PATTERSON of Aug-ust for the 26th day hereby set 1921 LAWYERS at ten 0 clock a A D m House in Moab: All at the county Court in Couits date General Practice before which Grand county Utah persons it is ordered that any and file and Water Applications and interestedin said matter shall Land granting to the Contests writing their objectionsthen and there of said application if have why Moab Utah to show cause any they IndependentBldg not granted said application 1 - Electric ATTEND t 1921 : ’ ' ft f ’ I ‘ Moab 11 J Piano or Phonographat a consulting reasonable price by Mr Guilbert LET life r ' You of Buyers ' -9th -9t)i We e Splendid 1 have a Shoe Splendid Entire lect t I ODOR and Block AU SATISACTION--Our BARBER SHOP LkI Kinds Motto Agent Moab Company Co-operative “EVERYTHING TO EAT USE AND WEAK r ' |