Show I to - to -- - to ’ THE HERALD-REPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH JULY SATURDAY 25 ' 1914 to l'- LETTERS EARED BYMADANIE A AAA — W:to r- CONGRESSIONAL fill SUMMARY CAILLAUX SENATE W Counsel for 1 Met at noon Conferees on a compro-mise agreed with the House on cotton futures bill in executive Received session special peace treaties signed by Secretary Bryan with twenty forcirii nanons 558 Recessed at p tn to 11 a m Saturday CONSEQUENCE NO Trap Defense Caught Innocently irst ’ WEIR Set in Premiers ormer front Each in Other Murder at aam Con- debate on Adjourned at Saturday 545 m P J O " ARIS July The 24 defense In the trial of theigaro in-nocently ' which their Sqen that shoot M two letters his client was driven to Calmette through fear that of which she was photographic reproductions unaware existed would be publishedby M illfe Calmetteand the " secrets public made This 'to' ducedto - her of inner it argument by nothing which Mme thereby said will the reading is Ije re- the reluc- of letters Gueydan jtantly gave over to Maitre Labor! yes-x terday Today she declined to receive them back from M Labor! Replying to a question by Labor! as to what she desired done with them the farmer wife of M Caillaux said: "I do not care what you do with Publishall of them if you wish do so” to ’ Their reading evitable Is now regardedas In Letters Are Innocuous Gueydan’s counsel 8 G Archibald said today concerning the let- I Mme Ceccaldi amazed those in court by giving his in the form of a testimony speech In which he reviewed the and nenspap$r criticisms on the formerauditors premier kept The meanwhile up of protest or continuous murmur The protests caused Ceccaldi to shout: "If defend - 35c 4 Wool Wool 5c to because a prison” “They are innocuous They contain to disparaging references Mme then alllaux's wife and consider Gueydan the possibilities of his obtaining divorce saye to from would her 11c 10c 12jc 28c 36c Hammocks SAYS HE TO BECAME PROVIDE OR AAe AMILY in rancisco July — After deliberating ten minutesa Jury in Superior Judge Dunne's court returneda verdict of guilty against James S Hogue showing an are all the yard immense 80c $100 latest pattern o 4iU Qff All Vudor Porch Shades All $160 8 l-3c 8 l-3c 12Jc 15c 20c 20c 20c 35c 10c121c 10c 12ic P 33 Its a the yard the Knitted Underwear have you But yqur position madame hardly up to BILL the present the prosecution has You pronounced a word against you BY are defended by friends whose devotion and by a husband who stands admire hete full of activity and (Continued rom Page 1) energy and talent It not for me to was speak in of contentionwhich neither side yoUr defense could only give you willing to to surrender the respectful salute which is your due The house or lords’ amending bill My pity has been for him to the whom it which embodied concessionsthe is rightfully belongs” government preparedto offer will come before the house of on The of commons the cabinet Defends Brother’s Memory Tuesday members have no yet disclosed their plans to the A dramatic bit of testimony was liberal members but the talk in the given Calmette lobby duringthe day by Dr Albert of the house tonight that was director of the Pasteurinstitute the premier will say that the government Lille He paid a high tribute to the Is the prepared to proceed with character of his brother form if amending bill in its original said he believes the house of lords is prepared "I am Dr convinced” Calmette to receive' it as a peace "that if Caillaux had simply Mme measure If not he will withdraw it and th home opened- her mouth if she had only said rule bill unamended will become law to my brother ‘Is it true that you have and be presented the king to for his the private letters?’ signature in your possession The premier may then advise the my brother would Immediatelyhave king to dissolve her If parliamentand a genyou knew how scrupulous eral election would follow my brother was with his word! He of the rule bill The passage home Caillaux's would have removed Mme without amendments excluding anv part of Ireland from its apprehension provision be the signal for Ulster to start "I go farther he would have offered would Its provisional her his arm to escort her to her carriage government he would have filled her auto Criticize Kina’ George liberal The mobile with flowers newspapers continue to attack King George for the part he ‘‘Attempts have been made here to took in the conference The Nation define the brother in memory of my says: speaking of the manner In which he do not quarrel with the king's his fortune' As the of idea of callingmade guardian on both parties with and authority of his children it is my duty to say that some solemnity find a phrasing to but in his my brother worked hard all his life remedy summoning of the chief rebels to the His work did not enrich him greatly palace in his flattering speech for in his profession tEgre is one rarely becomes about them indorsement so much of certain kind of treason wealthy But everybody knows he a of deep friendships and which the higher powers seem to formed strong andthese ’it that we wonder where British was through friendships and British constitutionalism sovereignty his fortune grew It is common knowledge are being led” that it was as a result of the the possibilities of Speaking of a legacy of M Chauchard (the porprietorgeneral election the Westminster Gazette leading iof great a liberal a department store) that my newspaper brother’s fortune was made There is Bays' “If tlie Tory had their way jjo reason to blush for it” and the government broke In confusion Gaillard dentist Mme of Caillaux’s ano sent its to the supporters the day tespolls without anotherthatwitness the result titled she had ap madetwo an days might be a Tory guidance victory but let there witn nim tor be no pointment mistake about what it kfter the tragedy Her physician Dr Not that the oountrjr has would mean sanctioned also evidence either TMerclgny gave the unionist or Sir Edward Caillaux is the best of women" Carson’s that it methods but fee said “Her character is and quired stronger than the sweet measures Calm stupefied learned has taken against was when the of the and drama” breakers of the peace the it Henri Bernstein playwright rom would come a more of the igaro staff democraticmovement than this members ahSo were on the stand country has yet seen” duringthe day Lnuds Caillaux amily TO Ceccaldi the Jurv an addressed to impassioned defense of the Caillaux family Ho described Mme Caillaux’s efforts to restrain her from husband political she of assuming as was the opinion that hispower Belfast July 24!— The failure of the keeping out of the Buckingham palace conferenceon home rule became known definitely in Belfast last night from RULE 65c values is orient of India” breathes of the atmosphere Arabian Nights the T rousers” romance that is pleasant and light pastime watching the love affair developed in 4 A JOKER COMEDY EATURING ASHER Louise azenda and Bob Vernon Old “The complete has Doll” Rag sentimental touch a is Rex to that grips it in the coolest theatre now the city $100 values BLOCKED ULSTER LEADERS line of lace regular 65c neck and no sleeves also neck and short sleeves — 8o values for values for for 10c values 50c values for 40c 6 5c values for 50c 7 5c values for 60c $100 values for 80c bottom values Eriez c Gas Reductions 10c 20c Range beautiful in design Although is especially for service made and durability Undoubtedly the best and most economical range on the market rom $20 up Conflners regular Hip $700 values special $350 regular Hip Conflners $350 values special $250 Camille Corsets sixes 18 19 21 20 22 regular $10 values special $500 Ladies’ Venetian Silk Bloomers and daintily white black and colors — $100 Brassieresnew values for $225 trimmed white only special $300 values $37 for $500 ooo the very Children’s high $100 black Byassleres Summer Vests latest with dainty neck and long sleeves also high trimmings neck and short sleeves’ Regular special 50c 25c and 20c values for 15c ALL ALTERATIONS ON CORSETS EXTRA 5 Suits 60c 65 values values 86c values values c all in and DRAMATIC IS “GENIUS Enroll Special Stnmnerjates — 6 0c 5c Charles W 75c 90c Price men Colored sold Bloomers at 35c PRICE regularly for Meakin the Ruth Eldredge Meakin for children and 50c now Charles W Ruth Meakin A showing Men’s wise Hats to take extraordinary of Clothing Straw to Teachers ELOCUTION PHYSICAL ORATORY advantage of entire reserved Kight all when M — — sizes e needed most Half Price I reactionaries P-nd for-midible they Panamas VOLUNTEERS MAKE ‘ARMED DEMONSTRATION’ TO AWE GOVERNMENT Bangkoks AND or TODAY Men9s This the benefit of those all IS go at special Men's lot Suits $2000 values now and OR Class 600-601 July 15 i i the i COUPON instruction Physical Trainingis and 1 CATALOGUE at Instruction Lake city for culture the Studios Building Utah Templeton of City i xnfuaVir NOT GOOD ATER JANUARY L 1015 if Lake Herald-Republican presentedto The Salt8500 or This couponwill entitle the bolder to Mr on the correspondence Meakin and $500 on private instruction to up Your choice liberal WRITE Private Salt A Inaugurated Be who cannot come to the SPEECH ABTS courseof study in means of a broad and stock Hat and Included Suits the Suits $ Q85 n Will i i course at $885 Off CONSIONtjk EMPRESS BALSAMS gam 43 ItotoZ-ztoM Choose from our through telegrams entire line of Children’s ) IkCX-M: UlsteBJeaHers and the official Wash Suits this afternooncaused Men ’s Boys and Children’s Suits no SKIN here TORTURE excitement ( in this leading business men blacks and blues excepted) The clergymen bankers and who had manufacturers declared for an great O antihome rule movement Cure were Itched So They Couldn’t Sleep unanimous tonight in the uncompromising attitude ot by Resinol Cost Only $150 Sir Edward Carson and Capt IS AT! James OUR DRUG STORE Craig in HL April 25 1914: “My demanding the total and 112-114 Chicago SO MAIN h'r exclusion of Ulster from the two boys were troubled with little red workings of tho home rule bill their hands and face The pimples on got provisional 10000 fully tion It is stated pt the 9000 volunteers The Ulster a quota of man larger they the more they itched government awaits rders from Sir and furnish for the second line fighting in few are Edward armed Armagh county without H sot bo bad they couldn't sleep at Captain Craig who still are in London force equipment which includes Maxim guns night 'I had to tie mittens It is believed here the next step special service on their A corps To day olfi from be a general of or Sale hands to keep them mobilization of the consisting about 40000 men most of digging will — Clean newspapers force as holes iq their faces volunteer kind of soldiers to be officered by former Herald-Repub-Jican tried all kinds a “armed them regulars bundle for 10to Ot the World’s Most havirfg full transport office demonstration” which the and o£t may impress StupendousSpectacle ointments but it always got If the worse government still is and machine gun sections will comprise ent for Resinol and Resi-Ijjj government Ointment it the first line of a "flying D’ANNUNZIO’S unyielding certain according column’’ OCEAN STtkAjISHIPS appears nol Soap The to by prominent be ready to rush to second application declarations This force ofwillUlster them and they had their first that a provisional government any quarter where the ril£ht’s rest in three will bo set up before the home rule defy the provisional government months used to— — — wr w— — bill Is passed by rioting and reinforce local Boo jars of Resinol 'LtUEaWlTISnEIJ ’luiTJifiMinYiiini two Ointment It is The present policy is to continue all citizen troops understood the two cakes of Resinol Soap and the the public services as they Police in Belfast probablywill be withdrawn are ’Twice Dally — 215 and 815 cure was complete Not a speak has not interfering with traffic or now the telegraphs if a is all Aaxentlne orts provisionalgovernment Ln) PiuMmar SteuaeM on their skin since” (Signed) that if the set up thus leaving NwfromandAnd aat (UK so does everythingin the government New York rrery alternate Saturday 'not adopt coercive the ordinary of the volunteers William Marker 715 Willow street hands IT DAYS TO BIO JANEIRO measures life of Ulster will continue S3 DAYS TO BUENOS AYRES druggist sells Resinol Oint-went Every will be policed by to Be & DANIELS Gaa Ast Brmiiray N Y and Resinol Soap trial free Belfast probably Volunteers Ordered Heady BUSK or drawn from four local regiments Armagh Ireland July 24 — A warning I A Prices— Evenings 25c 50c and 75cj write to Dept Resinol Benton local agent 801 8 Baltimore volunteers who will be known as the Main street matinees 25c and 50c “town was issued today to the Ulster volunteers yeruffment guard” The same regiments also will to be ready for Instant mobiliza- DREADUL SULLIVAN — Brighton’s & 1 so-called 25-pound New Rustic Hotelwith an-nouncerjWt permanent ART TRAINING Wednesday be nothing in Straw a will COME line our you H atsz Price Uur in government indorsing of DRAMATIC Correspondence Course A values that Department Children’s re-’ ’ Eldredge Meakin 1 of Suits Dr r WORK Now ?! GJ -that the HARD I Sale approve M READER CENT O V3 aT-’ andeveral PER 99 Noted “We J i HAL PARASOLS ‘ “Mme 4 50c 55c and for 15c reassured die-hards ORATOR the various fabrics 4 $100 values $125 values Half Bonnets little baby white also 20c values 2 AND Rompers entire line Thecolors styles 65c 50o Regular Regular in Children’s Pants black Regular 5c and AN ' low Children’s Union Sults neck sleeveless with tight knee also uxnoreiia lace tnmmea Regular 35c values for 25c The Porous Knit high neck short sleeves knee length Regular 35c values for 25c The Munsing Union Suit for boys and girls in all styles 75c values 65c values BE La in Union An Dept —i $120 values $140 values $160 and Union Sults Inregular Venetian lisle $275 values combined for $200 A splendid Union Sults for 35c Corset Vests a ’ and Rosesand summer a VIT Low t WS Prince resenting O low - $100 values $125 values $150 I BOYS’ and talented Carpets Grass and Carpets Ladies’ Ladies’in Union Suits summer weights all the latest cuts Today they will sell the fol at lowing reducedprices — I fit it on the Stripes based Stars reminds one It “Love 75c at The I in J is it as the the of I I to insult of India MAX is the timely interest an romance a of Rugs New line of “A Beggar NOW New sway for silent play artist Off 1-3 CARPET OR is of plot full intense interest and of is $150 ?58 ST' of 7c Price 50c i I A drama 10c 21c 16c 16c 16c Russian Glass Glass Hammocks ( f MERCY” 7c Toweling Huck Brown Crash Bleached P MEXICO’S power Twill Irish Crex Rugs M Kerrigan Z 12jc Cent Off Cent Off Cent Off Crash $120 new goods Choose now while designs AT 7Jc IOC 10c 10c 15c Galatea 2-4 San Warren ? Red $140 l-3c of variety theatre best EATURES to A V2 at the IN Amoskeag Apron C Zephyr Seal Seersuoker 20c npvnnuhlm Percales 15c Manchester 20 Per All Sheetings Pillow 20 Per Tubing Table 20 Per Padding 12c 12 jc A2Jc 17c 60c Conch a J l-3c 8 80c $120 Ratines have They are local politics $100 YOUR RUG SELECTION ' BANDIT lannels Off 25 MAKE enclosure I - l-3c in Ginghams 52c 60c lannels $100 overthe 4 8c 8 plays best TODAY’S sold i 40c Silk be will reductions lannels lannels lannels lannels Silk to irr inrniLTirwirtn j r price Embroidered lannels lannels $100 Embroidered $125 Embroidered lannels $150 Embroidered lannels $175 Embroidered lannels $200 Embroidered lannels 10c 8 Outing lannels 12$c Outing lannels 15c Outing lannels 12Jc Domet lannels 15c Domet lannels defended Mme Silk $100 $125 $150 When a - 75c Colored This however he be after the elections to charged with holding up completed by allusions on a Southern Pacific train atpassengers the out no Importancewhat rancisco He skirts of San May 11 ever” will be sentenced Saturday The unprecedented spectacle of two Hogue his guilt and and M acknowledged former premiers Jean Barthou the said poverty m his home prompted the together bar Caillaux standing at crime In revolver battle with passengers and maintaining with no little heat and railroad detectives that fol divergentopinions on the case was of lowed nis attempthe had he testified the fencing taken care not to shoot at vital spots hardly less Interestand than Maltre The tide turning against him he atof Maitre Labor! Chenu tempted suicide the Calmette family representing Hogue formerly lettera was a railroad man of Pascal Cec-Stung by the taunt AGREE ON OIL BILL friend M Cail-Jaux caldi an intimate of Washington July 24 — An agreement that he had not a word of pity was reached by the House public lands for the the interior department and woman on trial M Barthou committee turned the navy today toward her and said: department on a bill to provide for the temporary development "I had the honor madame to haye of oil and gas on lands particularly been a guest at your house and you In California in dispute have been a guest at mine have between the and private to government claimants said nature nothing of a wish aggravate situatlbn to that the say COMPROMISE ON HOME the most sincere respect for a 7Jc lannels lannels He then proceededwith a criticism of former Premier Barthou’s course In reading in the chamber of by deputies the documents Victor drawn up abre in connectionwith the Rochette swindle M Ceccaldi concludedandformer Premier Barthou was called public his action in the making Victor abre documents M Caillaux also spoke briefly Caillaux in the prisoners’ presented figure a sorrowful In her eyes was look of bewilderment a and seeming terror She did not to but she had had a speaktalk anyone long with Her the husband in prison before the hearing began household every 75c Muslin aithful Swing woman ters: several 10c lannels becausehe is an man” The auditors soon began to tire of Ceccaldi’s speech and the increased which brought interruptions the witness the heated exclamation: "I have the right to talk here they seek to keep in is l-3c Cambric it Wool Wool Wool 65c 9c 10c Our Brand lie Hope 12Jc ruit of Loom 12Jc Cameo Cloth 15c Lonsdale a approval Caillaux Old l-3c 8 political M honest 8 Bleached t I 50c4Jc 6Jc l-jjc Trial — Mme Caillaux for the murder of Gaston Calmette editor of today was caughtin a trap set by Mme Gueydan once the wife of the prisoner's husband Tlie principal Maltre argument of Labor! counsel forMme Caillaux has X Red River 7Jc Cado LL 8 avorite LL 10c Tasco 11c Honest Width 12ic Indian Head J life wimi fonMn Specials in use attractive at 5c until the only way in government was they could expect to have peace in Staple daily in are Muslin Brown general noon Bar that today mend i-vusiiiuiionai om OMHBema w The Goods presented 5000 remonstrances against the proposedpro- ixMiivn ment Continued Two Saturday " UPSET IS liiioMiifiis— z ± Met at noon HOUSE for federal Moss ofbill supervision grain inspections was formallyreported favorably Representative Bartholdi of Missouri by Wife THEORY i all new i convenience WEEK ALT THIS World's Greatest and OPENED Deceptionist the At bin of Headlining a yreat weather features THE COOLEST SHOT IN hot TOWN Last Times head Utah's Bates $250 Trout and dally JULY of Big beautiful most modern 15 Cottonwood canyon Meals a la Carte dinner served chicken from 12 to up 3 Stage Brighton I s? s-t re-lleved Ulstermen nationalists i I S£ i $4 8 -appealed andX r g “CABIRIA” UTAH i NOW PLAYING THE KINGDOM 5 OJHER BIG ACTS 31-R ’ Prices: 10c 20c Salt irst South Lake Auto daily the at Co 8 a 162 m E for new O DREAMS THEATRE Leaves 30c HOTEL BRIGHTON BALSAMS stage leaves at 330 Returning Round Phone Wasatch AND Brighton trip $250 2684 for Reservation e v 1 -to- to to -to toj4 |