Show THE OGDEN Dying Hurricane Brings East Rain Spreads Floods Through Two States 1 sr ' " UTAH THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 1955 18 1 - f By UNITED PRESS The fast dying hurricane Diane pounded Eastern states with heavy rains today and spread flood waters through North Carolina and West Virginia Cloudbursts also swelled flash floods in the desert regions of Southern California Railroad tracks were washed out and motorists 1 were temporarily stranded Diane couldn't work up winds 514-Ho- ur any higher than 40 miles an hour as she swept through Virginia toWASHINGTON (UP)— A staff day But the damage she caused report to a congressional' commit- was counted in the millions of tee charges that government "red dollars and more may result from tape routine and timidity" have flood waters retarded efforts to use more of SAN FRANCISCO (UP)— UnitSLIDES KILL THREE Air Lines expects to provide ed the lightweight metal titanium in The heavy rains spread into f five hour service US war planes New England causing a landslide from and coast to coast by 1960 using The report to the Senate In- near Bolton Vt which killed a a fleet of 25 airliners jet terior Committee released last child and her parents President W A Patterson said Five feet of mud smashed onto United will order 25 jet transnight said the metal "and the extent to which it is used in mili- the David Cutter family as they ports by the end of the year at a cost of 125 million dollars tary aircraft may make the dif- stood on a back road near U S total He said the decision to the ference between victory and de- Route 2 last night Rescue work- jets is the most importantbuy in the feat in case of war" ers found Cutter and his wife airline's history "vacillation "If we make a mistake" he said The report both 40 dead Their 2Vz year-old said "we're busted" and an apparent spirit of 'let Patricia was still daughter r Patterson expected a George do it' within the Air Force alive clutched in her mother's service between Honolulu and itself as administered by Secre- arms But she died before she a will Francisco San permit jet tary Harold E Talbott appears to have been a contributing fac- could reach a Burlington Vt traveler to breakfast in New York and lunch in Hawaii tor" hospital He predicted two other major Talbott left office last week HOT WET DESERT will compete American after resigning as a result of a The desert Southwest mean- with Unitedairlines in providing jet coast Senate investigation of his pricoast to service nawhile some was of the vate business affairs There registered The jet transport will carry a no elaboration of the implied tion's hottest and wettest weathminimum of 112 and a maximum 102 er The Yuma at criticism of him degrees 150 Because of of Ariz was the highest passengers cost would be this the torrena and country yesterday Pennies Kill Girl tial summer cloudburst hit Cali- the same as that of the present DC6 transport which carries 64 Mass (AP) — fornia's Mojave Desert WALTHAM swallowed she The cloudburst sent tons of passengers Several pennies two weeks ago contributed to the water debris and rocks across Ju- Highway 91 at Palo Alto Calif death yesterday of not She did K Hamilton dith closing it to traffic and the the swallowed Union Pacific's rail tracks were had she reveal in showed washed out in the wasteland area until up they pennies Near Bly the Calif two bridges last Friday were washed away and 22 motorists were temporarily stranded Caused 2 to Die WASHINGTON (AP)— Forty-eigon a flooded stretch of U S PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Carl Highway government investigators Jenkins 5 tearfully told yesterwere above their are being assigned to halt any Temperatures day how he accidentally caused summer normals in most of the the death of two playmates Lewis rest of the country and got as possible "black market" in polio and Lee Andrews and then fled high as 102 at Bismarck N D vaccine but4hey will not check afraid of the consequences police and Mowbridge S D yesterday on what doctors do with it A spokesman for the Food and said The boys took turns going Drug Administration conceded inside an old refrigerator When there have been a few cases of the brothers were inside Jenkins Old Revere Bell doctors charging steep prices and found he couldn't open the door LYNN Mass (UP)— The half-to- inoculating children outside the because he wasn't strong enough bell in the steeple of the or was too short priority group First Methodist Church was cast "But these are cases of proby Paul Revere in 1816 It rang a fessional ethics and not a violaHeld for Girl's Death welcome for Presidents Monroe tion of the Federal Food Drug CHICAGO (INS) — Pvt Jackson and Polk when they and Cosmetics Act" he said and 18 of Detroit visited Lynn will be left to the states Matthews Henry was recommended held to the grand jury on a charge of murder today by a Cook County coroner's jury investigating the strangle-deatof Joan Pushis 17 of Chicago it i 4 Warplanes Retarded 1 j I Plans Jet Service Across Nation v ByTalbott? - A3 R Southern California Has Cloudbursts: Tracks Washed Out Motorists Stranded NATION TODAY J OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINE- CX''- 1 - i ' 1 i a v v one-hal- i§6 MJfcJfaM— five-hou- Adm Robert B Carney (left) congratulates his successor as chief of naval operations Adm Arleigh A Burke after Burke took the oath of office in Annapolis Md Secretary of the Navy Thomjas is smiling in center Tightened Credit to Stretch Good Times Through Coming Year U S NEW YORK (AF) — Taking a tip from the hosiery industry the administration is trying to make good times Times right now are undeniably good in most parts of the land In Washington they believe they can stretch those good times through next year by letting money get tight now The fact that 1956 is an election year may or may not have something to do with it Or to change the figure the administration isn't trying to put a brake on the boom — it is trying to equip the boom with a governor It isn't trying to slow down business — now tootling down the highway at record speed —but to keep it from speeding up a lot more and following the traditional course of runaway and crash CREDIT GETTING TIGHT That's the way many businessmen size up the present situation Credit is getting tight That's why interest rates are slowly rising It's why banks are luring new deposits by raising the interest they pay depositors and by seeking new funds from abroad by raising the interest on foreign deposits It's why one New York bank has called some of its brokers' loans — the first time B-L-- E S-T-- R ' toj a record high AHEAD BUSINESS 8 Chain stores and mail order firms report summer business running about 8 per cent above a year ago— just about what the average for the year has been so far! Auto production is starting to slow down for the changeover to 1956 models But steel mills are finding plenty of other business Hampered by hot weather vacations and shutdowns for repair the mills are still turning out more than two million tons of steel elach week And many of their customers are complaining of delivery delays Iron j ore shipments still pour down the Great Lakes Tonnage so far Ithis year has topped last year by 26 per cent Housing — another big prop of the current boom — is beginning to slow down as expected Fewer homes were started this July than last— and some of the drop Texan Gets Term Wyoming Plant to Over Land Bribe Be Modernized SAN ANTONIO Tex (AP) — ROCK SPRINGS Wyo (UP)— Bascom Giles 54 was sentenced to two to six years in prison Intermountain Chemical Co will here after defense attorneys spend $325000 between now and pleaded for leniency and declared "We have cooperated with next January in modernization of the state" its plant at Westvaco resident Giles already under three-yea- r Manager C A Romano an prison sentence on conviction nounced today of abetting theft of state funds This expenditure Is in addition under the state's veterans land program entered a surprise plea to a $1250000 project for con of guilty to two counts of agree- struction of a third shaftr he said ing to accept a $30000 bribe The modernization program is ex Rut he pleaded innocent to a third count — that he actually pected to increase production of accepted the money from two soda ash to 325000 tons a year San Antonio land promoters from the present 300000 tons t if y m in-th- The consumer shows few signs of cutting back on his spending Department store sales are running well ahead of last year in most sections of the nation Much of this due to the rise in both employment totals and in factory pay checks The stock market however has stopped to take a second look at the boom For four weeks prices have been mostly on the downgrade and volume has been light In the commodity futures market traders also have been bearish Farm product prices have been weak as the prospects of bumper crops raises the total of already high surpluses The outlook for farmers incomes isn't nearly as bright as for their city cousins Prices of manufactured goods tend higher steadily — an offshoot of the boom that has raised demand for materials and hiked wages But despite a f e w soft spots times generally continue very good And the money managers hope that with a little credit tightening now good times can be stretched out for quite a while to come nn mw re e seat-mil- e that's happened since 1953 an- may be due to tightening of mortgage terms by lenders other tight money period Good times are being spelled TAKES UP THE SLACK out ori all sides The summer But commercial and industrial slump is mild The Federal Re- building still takes up the slack serve JJoard reports that while Contract awards in these fields July as usual saw industrial last month (were 39 per cent highproduction off from June the er than the year before And drop was less than normally to there are no signs yet of any letbe expected So the board's sea- down in this phase of the building sonally adjusted index of output boom rose i ! 48 'to Check Any 'Black Market' In Polio Vaccine X-ra- ht 60-7- 0 n - j DALLAS Tex (AP) — Police boy yester day who admitted taking 1500 pencils in a Sunday burglary at an advertising firm When asked why the young culprit said "school starts pretty soon arrested a NOW pi tei MB X J f KENTUCKY'S FINEST BOURDON for almost Phillip French kicked at some old newspapers on the beach and made a fascinating find— an obsolete pair of handcuffs Naturally he tried them on his ankles Just as naturally he couldn't get 'em off He hobbled to a nearby hamburger stand run by his mother Mrs Richard French She hustled " him to police headquarters Sgt Robert Houghton tried all manner of keys and finally found one: that set Phillip free— wiser but not particularly sadder (UP)— An unknown warrior of World War II is to be brought home at last to rest in honored glory in Arlington National Cemetery Representative of 16 million persons who served in World War II symbol of 360000 who died and chosen from 8000 who could not be identified he will be enshrined beside the Unknown Soldier of World War I Unlike the Unknown Soldier Apprentice Moved Up whose white marble memorial is BOSTON (AP — The International Typographical Union AFL a mecca for American and forj has approved a change in its by- eign visitors here the unknown laws under which an apprentice of World War II may be a sol could become a journeyman a sailor a Marine an airprinter in four years instead of j dier man or a Coast Guardsman six am to 9 150 : automatic i reductions on these 1 prices every 3 hours! n tcjq n if f£ Also KITCHEN SALES CO 4 :! I - Phon 6044 Avaihth OOTTLED Easy Spin Dry de luxe Bendix Kenmore de luxe Easy Spin Dry t semi-automat- ic It! C0I1D urn: i Kiesel Ave Frigidaire 12500 Kelvinator 2500 7500 7500 Coldspot Westinghouse" - 10000 10000 15000 Frigidaire Kelvinator Norge Washers: Coronado automatics Maytag conventional Easy conventional Ambassador de luxe Alonitor apartment washer "6C J2237 Refrigerators: 10 AT NO OBLIGATION WASHINGTON pm Friday On Sale in Our Used Warehouse! Located 1 Blvd LONG BEACH Calif ( AP) Eight-year-ol- d 2nd Unknown Soldier Due In Arlington ed 4 2717 Washington BOY FINDS HANDCUFFS TROUBLE TOO a They had been estranged - 12 hours of price busting all oyer the place! I YOUnGSTOlVf mobile agency where he worked few days We Can't Take These With Us! feir only PLANNING Mrs Irma Broadhurst weeps over body of her husband Richard as he lay in a casket at funeral services in Downey Calif An hour and a half earlier she had been charged with murdering him Police accuse her of shooting him Aug 12 at an auto- clearance J IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO REMODEL YOUR KITCHEN SEE US FOR EXPERT XITCHEN a— —I ld W9 lllo H Ml Takes 1500 Pencils On sale 9 tfflJ III h m Ml m HI CHARGED WITH MURDERING HIM -- BURKE TAKES OVER NAVAL OPERATIONS — 7500 12500 2500 4000 1500 7500 4000 7500 4000 Televisionf Zenith 21" full door mahogany at only 1 17995 Zenith 21" mahogany console 22995 RCA Victor 21" table model maroon 13995 Miscellaneous: Scigler oil heater Redco 6 freezer 140C3 1CDC3 |