Show -- TLiliixnAw niniutf n iv I "' "' X -- w- yf 1Aii Duncan Hines Angel Food CAKE MIX 49e MINUTE MAN FROSTING MIX 29c NONET BEX GRAHAMS New 8V4-I- b 2 pounds pkgs OOC riccm emirs IGA QUALITY n - QJdGil FOR I ' f vv ': VX ' V A :' 5M v I I f MW MIUCU SKCITIXIXS Gelid ®o 4 J ' ’74 V f4 'V A! Am - an — n MOCCASINS POPS SEE OFFER ON 8‘ounco 24c ounce Kellogg’s io PEP -- 2Qc LA CHOY n Mein Dinner pa wvC Beef Dinner 79c Meatless Chow for Cottflo SO SUGAR for aa — ' YOUR CHOICE Swanson's IGA Ripe 'n LUMBERJACK SYRUP Ragged for SWANSON'S BONED TURKEY Kellogg’s a j V PEACHES ONLY for a — KIDS! “MAKE ’EM YOURSELF” n Del Klonte Fancy Cut 303 N " BONED CHICKEN for Hunt’s 111 k'jty f SIZE CANS ft? In A- ' - 303 Cream Style or Whole Kernel Daker’s Dozen - " f - for $1 YOUR CHOICE IGA GRAPEFRUIT JUICE TOMATO JUICE Libby's CHIU CON CARNE Dennison's NALLEY'S RELISHES HoDo8 burger tn 46-O- x for Hom db Sweet Spaghetti & Meat Balls Dennison's Pineapple Libby's Chunks Tidbitsiu Peas and Carrots Libby's 303 Sliced Beets Del Monte 303 YOUR CHOICE -- tn for d i YOUR CHOICE Blue Star l-l- each b TOILET TISSUE CHIFFON tMIIIMIMMMMIIIIIMMMMM lilMI All lipstick colors fall into three basic coloF tones - blue-re- d end red-re- d Evcry woman can usually find a color shade suited to her in at least iwo of the three color tones The jtolor is selected according to one's Own skin tone las well as the clothes colors worn! Do sure your rouge is of ycIIow-re- d Hormell PORK & BEANS PIERCE'S iMMlMMMlIlilMM MltlMMIMIMlIlllltl t - Invited f lvd wklck Wilt lie leal betteF with 7&$quick tan Fresh Strawberries N - 40-o- z WITH KJRCHASI j SEGO MILK 4c 4 for Reddi-Wi- p large delicious beautiful picture ©f I Ulah' historic SEA GUU j Suit silt for framing seOBffCflKE writ direct! f Crefine leenetti 44C7 Hoflyweed 31 Colifornle PUse include Mtf addressed end ttemped inveUpe hr cnelysit nd luggettiene Swi(t M Sjionubemiui the same color Y r i ' 51c C CHICKIN A LA KING SWANSON'S 45 s f J I f JOLLY TIME POPCORiSl 10-- Or Grocers are proud to serve you— not Just as grocers but as community builders We buy the fruits and vegetables from your farms and sell them to your friends We buy the processed fruits and vcg etables from your farms that have been canned Iti: local canneries The milk from your cows is processed In local dairies for us to sell to your friends We try to keep your boys friends and neighbors working to make a prosperous community Trade with IGA and help build your community IGA Largo Bunches ’ MUM ©' MlltlCI la i SESSIONS COLD STORAGE CLEARFIELD UTAH 1 PARKER'S MARKET I ROY UTAH GOOD WILL MARKET 3415 RIVtRDALE ROAD PENNY WISE MARKET RAINBOW MARKET 810 CANYON ROAD STAR FOOD MARKET WANGSGARD MARKET S385 WASHINGTON BlVD 2453 HARRISON BlVD 204 WASHINGTON BlVD KEN'S MARKET OLSEN MARKET NORTH OGDEN CHECKERBOARD MARKET PLAIN CITY f 2163 WASHINGTON V BLVD SALIMENO MARKET 973 29TH STRICT J 1 X iifYi S I |