Show To Present Original Score Gladys Rich's Operetta Resides in Ogden Indefinitely Sponsoring Laramie Club ' Rehearsal In Returns to Rockford III Ogden Group ¥ - ) The Soroptimist club of Ogden is sponsoring a new club into the orthe Soroptimist ganization club of Laramie Wyo An installation banquet and the presen tation of the charter will be held at the Connor hotel Laramie Wyo Rehearsals are well under way for the presentation of "Alohr Sugar Mill" the lateit operetta from the pen of Mis Gladys Rich of Ogden The operetta will be prothe sponsorship of duced under ' the USO with Mrs Gwendolyn Steven director and Miss Kath-ry- n Grunert program director In charge ' na- Mii Rich who has gainedof her ' tome for tlonal recognition - and publications Tiill-ftprincipally which was Mimlan made famous by Lawrence Tlbbett's tours presentation on hie concert direct and radio programs will the operetta Paul Cragun will as-- k sist in the conducting of the chorus R work and Mrs Frederick who has spent two-anMatthews mm IS- a th Hawaiian Lll ajftca t lands will direct the dancing which will consist mostly of the Friday July r " ' ' d- 4 - B-u- aii -- 1 Villa Anf0 trlD rmntv mana a work research for to Honolulu for her operetta and the composition depicts Hawaiian life wrapped t mnAmm Aav t)lot centered e round the Aloha sugar mill There are many tropical scene aiongwun nd catchy Ha KAitnmci wailan tunes as well as an interof Los esting story Lswrence Cook Miss with collaborated Angeles ! libretto T(t ah Rich is well-knoas a Miss In havinsr had many of her compositions publishedby national firms Some of her publlcatlons lnciua "jjenwin swuui-er- n Sky" and part songs 'Banana Man" "Nursery Rhyme Blues "Christmrs Wish" "Sitting Home at Littla Houses:'1 operet af tas the librettos for which were written by Phyllis McGlnley "Toy "Walk the Plank "Lady Shop" e Va" mnA "Garden Masrlc a cantatas "Triumph of Faith" legend of the seagull ana "Messengers of Mercy" Miss Rich attended Boston nf Afiiata and wrs SUDervIiai nf muslfl for the nubile schools at New Castle Pa for a number ae of years and nead or ine music col-fof the State Teachers partment at Clarion Pa She has spent most of her time twn veara In comoosing i Aittir urttvi Vir Dr Ezra " M I IUIlk C Rich In Valhalla Ogden canyon for the summer months and at her apartment In Los Angeles th wlntar She recently had one of her latestsongs "I'll Keep My icyes un rou mmvA mnA mnnee bV the Hill Field orchestra and featured by one of 01 wmcn its tar singer over m MinriUnir wa mdfl Miss Rich announces that she i bav th Anerett readv niti for presentation the early part of August a numoer ox soiaiera are cast in the piay - Tith Con-aMn- f - nt — fthr — js-- 9 The entrance of this club into the Soroptimist group brings a new state into the American Federation as well as into the Rocky Moun-- 1 tain region which now includes Utah Idaho Colorado and Wyo ming The dinner will be formal and will begin at seven p m Mrs Marguerite Morris of Denver re gional director and Mrs Edward J Hall Jr president of the Sorop timist club of Ogden will be in charge of the installation and Mrs Susan M Dixon president of the Laramie club will be in charge of the dinner A group of Ogden members ex- pect to attend as well as members from the other clubs in the Rocky Mountain region v" ' to I A i H Miss Helen Russell Honored at Tea 7 Mrs David S Romney was host at a small luncheon on Monday afternoon at her home In compliment to Miss Helen Russell bride-to-b- e of this week Members of the bride's family comprised the guest list Mr Miles A Romney of Los Angeles was a sepcial guest ess tfWsjtt MUs Gladys Rich who will present her operetta "Aloha Sugar Mill" at the USO auditorium under sponsorship of the USO early In August Social Events Prove Popular at Club Week-en- d Mrs Charles IL Barton (Loveland studio) — — --a ft V f L 'V Proves Popular Picnicing Spot Bert H Purdy returned Tuesday to his hom in Las Vegas after visiting his mothers Mrs Albert Coop and Mr Coop and Mr and Mrs W Karl Hopkins parents of Mrs Purdy Lieut Patrick JHealy IB U S N ha ar R of Washington D rived in Ogden to join his wife and son Patrick TV who have been visiting at the- - home of his par ents Mr and Mrs Ft trick Healy for the past several weeks Lieut and Mrs Stuart Healy and small v Patricia are also home daughter for- - e- few days en route to Vancouver Wash where Lieutenant Healy has been transferred Lieu tenant Healy has spent the past several months at Camp Lee va and he joined Mrs Healy and his daughter et Casper Wyo en route to Ogden Mr and Mrs Edward J Hall Jr of Ogden and Mr and Mrs C L Johnston of Hooper Mrs Hall and Mr Johnston attended the graduof Lieutenant Johnating exercise ston June 27 from the Foster field army flying school and accompanied the Johnston to Ogden C With the stringent gasoline ra tioning in effect picnic parties are somewhat curtailed and Lor in Farr park is proving a pleas ant substitute for the more re mote picnic grounds On Thursday afternoon members of a sewing club held a no-host plcnio party at the park ana spent the time in knitting for the Red Cross The committee in charge of arrangements included Mrs C H ' Barton Mrs O A ParmJey and Miss Sylvia Dee Oth ers attending were Mrs Clarence Blessing Mrs John Edward Car- -' ver Mrs George D Darling Mrs Rose Dee Ensign Mrs B J Finch Mrs Winifred Forbes Mrs Sher man Hendershot Mrs John T Rushmer- Mrs Harry F Irwin Mrs Wade M Johnson Mrs E P Mills Mrs Frank E Nichols Mrs E D Paine Mrs Lyman Payne Mrs C H Stevens and Mrs Eugene H Smith ' ? - - Mrs J W Barkley of Aberdeen Wash will arrive Wednesday-- to some time with her brother spendelster-in-laMr and Mrs and Carlyle C Eubank She will be joined by her husband a little later w - Find Ogdenites Homo Provides Vacation Spots Mr and Mrs John N Spargo and Mr and Mrs Iyrry T Dee are now at home after a trip to the northwest While there they attended the graduating exercises of Mias Margo Spargo from the University of Washington at Seattle They also visited in Portland and Spoksne during their stay Mrs William Varney with her grandson Douglas Jensen has returned from Lawrence Kan where she haa been visiting her and daughter Mrs and Mrs H S McCool Mrs McCool is the former Miss Leota Varney Mr David S King of Washington D C left Thursday morning for Le Jolla Calif to visit her brother-in-laand sister Major and Mrs Charles R Nauert She haa been visiting at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Joseph E Evans and expects to return to Ogden to stay for a few days before returning to her home in Washington son-in-la- w There is no place like home to spend a summer vacation if one has been away from It for a while and many former Ogdenites are wending their way in this direction Among them waa Mrs J E Brennan of Seattle Wash She spent the past few week with her parents Mr and Mrs Joseph F Barker and left on Saturday for Berkeley Calif to reside while her husband Lt sg Brennan is serv-in- g overseas Her sister Mrs Charles C Het- xel Jr entertained members of the family at dinner at the Star-lit- e Mr and Mrs Lloyd Wettis of San Gardens Salt Lake City on Friday evening In compliment to Francisco have returned to their Mrs Brennan She 1 the former home after visiting relative and Miss Mary Barker friends in Ogden and Salt Lake w Roger Brown Has Resumed Study At Saint Louis Roger Brown ha returned to St s' vaLouis Mo after a cation with his parents Dr and Mrs W R Brown He will resume his study of medicine at the Washington university He and Miss Helen Gestlng of Salt Lake City were special guests of Dr and Mrs Brown at the dinner dance of the Ogden Golf and Country club on Saturday evening - Wednesday Lunch Attended by 12 Mr ess at home Places guests sion IL Earl Rushmer was hosta small luncheon et her on Wednesday afternoon were marked for twelve Bridge formed the diver— J - s Mrs R H Prindle is In Keokuk Iowa visiting her and daughter Mr and Mrs William Thoroughman and their two small sons Mr and Mrs M H Dunsmore of Kslamazoo Mich have arrived in to spend the summer Ogden months at their home in Ogden canyon Judge Tillman D Johnson will accompany them son-in-la- w Mrs Norman E Berg the former Miss Charlene Smith daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Joseph Smith of Ogden whose marriage was solemnized June 27 at the home of her parents Mrs Ronald Wadsworth entertained a few guests at tea at her home on Monday morning Card formed the diversion The evffii honored Mrs J G Leonard Volkers to Move To Colorado Decorative Theme Is of Roses Mr and Mrs Henry F Volker of Salt Lrke City formerly of Ogden who will leave soon to make their home In Denver Colo were guest of honor at a small event by Mr and Mrs Sebastian Embleton at their home in Salt Lake City on Sunday evening A few close friends were bidden Pink roses formed the decorative scheme for the breakfast given by Mrs J Quill Nebeker at her home Wednesday morning Bridge formed the diversion and eight guest at" tended f - 88 " Values $1095 to $1295 i 88 Values $1695 to $2495 S&cwh Studio Values $2995 to $4500 IT'S TIME TO PERK UP! ) 20 c 88 son-in-la- w Whatever part you play on the home front or In the war effort your health plays a vital part It is patriotic to keep fit in the field or battlefield - ee lLt-- a f SUMMER GLOVES yourself a Eftl We have the perfect combination T7 A feather haircut— shorter a style for every woman! Then safer A RilUng KOOLERWAVE Permanent-co- ola that's important no heat reaches your scalp And quicker these busy daysl KOOLERWAVE is especially good for hair that's dry You'll love your soft neglected or curls' other women will envy them I brushable blues we Call us for an appointment For those busy-da- y recommend a WHEN YOUR DOCTOR GIVES YOU A PRESCRIPTION LET A PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST FILL IT— TAKE IT TO JOHNCULLEYPH'M- PRESCRIPTION PHARMACIST &d Sick Room Sfits SECUClIt BANULDG- - X time-Savi- 49 Values to $125 79 Odds and Ends of Sportswear GlVE le Values to $100 ng Few Summer Bags - fac- Uncle Sam needs your health tory or office YOUR PART TO DO KEEP FIT m Few Entertained At Morning1 Tea SUMMER DRESSES ':'4 rT easy-to-hand- Room 214 of Pocatello Idaho were sruest at the home of Dr Ezra CY Rich and his daughter Gladys in" Valhalla Ogden canyon on Mon day They were accompanied to Pocatello by Miss Betty Nelson daughter of Mrs J Edwin Nel son who will spend a few flays a tnelr guest Claire Women's ar DUTY (?iLimL(vtwKA Mrs Fera L Young was hostess to a group of friends at a garden party at the home of her parent Mr and Mrs Stuart P Dobbs ori Tuesday afternoon in compliment to the first birthday anniversary of her little daughter Trlxle Guest attending were Mrs Albert Scowcroft Jr and daughters Mrs uartn Susan and Nancy Peck and daughters Holly and Pen ny Mrs J Clyde Buenier ana dauarhter Pattl and son Joe: Mrs Norman Bingham and Bairy Mrs Frank Rounds and daughter Becky and on Frankle and Mrs J Russell Hoffman and son Johnny - s HEALTH PROTECTION IS YOUR PATRIOTIC K Mrs Young Honors Pocatelloans Aro Valhalla Guests Small Daughter ' Gilbert B Moyle To Mark Birthday andMr and Mr Miriam and Helen daughters edrance SaLe Charlene Smith Takes Vow With Norman Berg Sunday Mr and! Mrs Ora Bundy will have for their guest for the Fourth Honeymooning in Seattle Washingon are Lieut and Mrs Norman of July holiday their daughter E Berg They were married June 27 at the home 01 the bride's parents Mrs Grant Goddard of Salt Lake Mr and Mrs Smuel Joseph Smith of Ogden City and Mrs Agnes Goddard snd Charlene Smith The bridegroom is a The bride is the former-Misher brother La Marr Frr who re- son of Mr and Mrs Ebert Berg of Everett Wash cently returned from a six-yeThe ceremony was performed by Bishop Bradley Paul in the pre stay in South America and the ence of members of the families and a few close friends West Indies After their honeymoon Lieut Berg will leave for Camp Hale to which camp he is now assigned having recently completed a year's Mr and Mrs H S Jensen of service foreign 2944 Washington boulevard have The bride is a former student of Weber college just returned from a trip to the east They spent some time In Chi V- IT i" ¥ csgo 111 and in Grand Rapids JF Mich with their daughter Corp Beatrice E Kiernan who is with THE M the WAACS at Fort Custer Battle Creek Mich Mrs James Ourand another daughter who is the wife of Captain Ourand is visiting her t parents after spending the past Dial 8821 Third Floor at Penney's three months with the WAACS at Camp Brickenbridge Ky Mrs Lydla Tanner Is now at home after visitinsr her and daughter Mr and Mrs Dix M Jones and family at Palo Alto Caiir — tiilt Miss Alice Woods who has been in training at the - Presbyterian hospital at Chicago HI is home on a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Herbert Woods She ha also ben stud vine niano t the American Conservatory of Music ana was swarded a scholarship for further Stud v She anneareri on the program cf the annual meeting of uisxrict wo 1 for the Illinois State Association of Graduate Nurses City during her stay in Chicago Mrs Nicholas G Smith and Mrs Bruce Bowen Nev Fera Decker of Salt Lake City were spent Sunday withof MrReno and Mrs guests at the home oftheir mother Joseph Jensen of Roy He was en Mrs Tirza Gay on Sundey route to West Point two-week- ' V Lieut and Mrs Blair A Johnston of Victoria Texas arrived in Ogden Tuesday to visit their parents - " The Hotel Ben Lomond was the scene of a small luncheon on Wedwhen Mrs W nesdav afternoon £ Karl Hopkins entertained eight guests: Those attending' were Mrs G L Becker Mrs William Alfred Turner Miss Mary A Littlef ield Mrs Fred M Nye Mrs Ronald Adelbert C Mrs Wadsworth Brown Mr C F Moulton and Mrs Milton Boyle Mr and Mrs Hopkins were host and hostess to members of their bridge club at dinner at the Cobble Cottage Saturday evening Members attending were Mr and Mrs Fred M Nye Mr and Mrs Harry F Irwin Dr and Mrs S W Wherry Mr and Mrs John "T Rushmer Mr and Mrs Wadt M Johnson Dr and Mrs Frank K Bartlett and Dr and Mrs C C Hetzel A C Allen of San Fran cisco was a special guest He was en route to his home after a trip to Boston Mass spm Lyman Hyde 2432 Van returned this week from Boise Idaho where she visited for two 1 weeks j with her brother and slster-ln-law- k Mr and Mrs Arthur H Caine During her visit she at tended the wedding of her niece Miss Helen Calne r - PERSONALS Mrs Buren Mrs Hobart Corning Jr of Salt LakeCity with her mall son Ho-bart Corning III 1 residing in ugaen xor ine aunuon wivu mother Mrs D N White Her husband Ensign Corning It serving overseas iioveiana siuaio Hostess at Small Luncheon i-e- ' 'rf4m&svrJsA Mrs Hopkins Is rs a - Mrs John II Page who with her husband and family has returned to her home in Rockford 111 after several weeks' visit with her mother Nuptial Vows Are Taken are all in- cool breezes Summer nights tempting food ducive of pleasant after a hot sweltering day and that is why the Thursday night family dinners and the buffet supper and dancing hour at the Ogden golf and country ciuo sunaay evenings are proving popular these days A number of the members of the club arei findlnar their way out there for these inviting events On Friday the hostess luncheons are still being welcomed also A large group attended the past week with Mrs Harold E Hemingway entertaining a group of seven They were Mrs Patrick Healy Mrs Patrick Healy III of Raleigh S C Mrs Stuart Healy of Casper Wyo Mrs Robert Vlckers Mrs J C Thomas Mrs Val A Browning and Mrs Harmon B Mrs Augustus William Bartlett Jr Foursomes Included a i ana inrs RArton Mrs V P Campbell Mrs A w ariyie Eubank Mrs Buelah H Gavin Mrs JfTanK uoinns Mrs nounas ana Mrs J S Underwood Mrs Henry u stranquiat Mrs Aioert n Aiana Mrs W R Brown and Mrs Ronald Wadsworth Mrs a ir Mattmes mtrm VtvA m Nvb Mrs William Van Allen and Mrs Jonn mawara Carver: Mrs Ora Bundyj Mrs Stuart tr jjodds Airs a xu cecKeri- ana Mrs W F Nantker Foursomes were aiso enieruunea ay Mrs - v White and Mrs H A Benning get-togethe- www' n-ujt Lorin Fan Park J i x££wuoe£$ lively-looki- Sale Starts Tuesday ng Rilling Fred M Nye Co KOOLERWAVE The permanent that's KIND to your hair! Dial 9251 4 j |