Show J s - w iiirr 4- -- '': 4 &5i ir AF J y jr" ft" -- V f“ j 1 0 I EXTRA ANOUNCEMENT FOR FALL AND WINTER ask of you is to give us a little of yourtime and read this add it will make you aware of facts you have been ignoran of and wh ereby yo have been a conti n al looser Wear® hereto tell you that there is a store in Richfield r‘THE WONDER” that can save you 25 per cent on your annual purchasers this is worth while to e n vest i gate don't you think so? We at all times guarantee to give you better satisfaction and more value for your money than you are used to or your money back that's a pretty bold statement isn't it? If you have never been in our New Store you might think so but k’f you have you know how we do business "Won’tdo no harm”to come and look any way buy or not as you like we wiltnot look cross or get grumpy if you don't Wewill show you the largest assortment of goods South of Salt Lake and at prices that speak for themselves All we Here are the prices of only a few articles Compare them with others Our DRESS Ladies and Childrens CAPES and WRAPS 4 Wre hare them from 1100 up Ladies and Childrens GOODS completed with the LATEST Our eligant lina of Ladie3 sailors Double width Fancy Dress Goodd w orth 20 cent we sell it m atid Walking Hat can not be but for The latest styles dress patrons in 8 yards long worth 200 we sell It 120 style beauty and c0eaPne8a- 30 iuch Wool Serge in all shades worth 30 we sell 20 it must see them And you rill admit Extra heavey Double fleeced Flamiel worth 15 we sell it 8 you that we are righfcin all we fcv- See What you can Buy from us for 5 cents One yard w ide tine Bleached Tooth Brashes Department i One jard wide heavy L L Factory White Pearl Button a due Curling Irons A Box of Rubber Hair Large size Honey Comb Towels Ladies heavy Ribbed Union suits at 50 cents Ladies Derby Ribed shirts and 50 cents Drawers at Ladies and Cbildrecs snoEsj Nail Brushes 5 Ileavy twilled Crash Plad Outing flannels UNDERWEAR is The lest Standard Calico Baby Flannel Hair pins Ileavy Canton flannel Safty pins 6 spools Uair Good Embroidery silk Ladies B’rappers in heavy Percale Heavy pins 5 papers for 10 cents Cloth Brushes 10 cents 5 papers Nets at 75 Childicns supplys fancy Sheet Blankets 5Uct 35 All sirds Fascinators 25 Metis and Boys 10—4 Sheet Blankets 7cts 12— 4 Sheet Blanket 1100 'Ladies and Childrens DOSE 10 Ladies heaiy'hackLarino Ilose cents Children heavy fast black lOcts fleeced Hose all six es cent9 Hoods We have a ail Wool largo stock of Provo Blankets Clothing v t Hens suits made In tweeds Furnishing Goods and nil Dhtgiiids fruu s 100 t 10 jer-y- papers for 10— 4 Hose supporters Wool 5 Flaonelets Wrappers inpretty styles at Ilair Crushes Black Pins Meos heavy Ribbed Fleec- - 450 up- ed wards Mens Buis nulls in all sires and style Jens xnd Boys SHOES shirts and drawers at 50 extra heavy Merino shirts 75 upwards very i obby little boyr and Drawers at eiscy Milt in Miliiurv stylos at 175 Boys heavy Fleeced shirts and DrawOur 12‘ 35 ers at Mens Mw'iivi Mi Overcoato at Ladies shoes is the biggest bargain Lined calf skin Gloves for men and 25 you ever sought ITe have t Deni in 10 Men sweatm- at 50 Boys rum 153 - m different styhs All our BASKETS go at lo els lit ivy Breastfii Shirts DouIjU Aricy and Nr y Six al 50 12 We have a full line (f Hats ttirue tnV see our mens Caps German sox and Rubbers of all Linds 1 10 bh es i ts a stonDur Our Furniture Department This Department we keep absolutely for the accomdation of our customers we make ino profits on furniture we give ytu all there is in itthisisone of our great inducemert£s to draw thetradefrom the adjacent coantry to Richf eld and makp this One Of the greatest grading pOint in Central Utah we hive the st0ck and we can do it &S KROTKI EsxzssxSsr&LisuEL csgsra A V J lvt 1 |