Show ' tt f' i l i f t F Richfield' Buumess and Professinai i' Ictoblr 8 U 1898 $150 year RAILROAD SURVEYORS JASM ! flarcls ' PETERSON BANK V BE HOFFMANN Lawyemni Notary t t' I Will praclico and Federal ' RICHFIELD Vormol Pv p'? UTAII Capp RAPP and BEAN Lawyers practice In all the State and Fedral courts and United States Land Office Messers Rapp and Bean are ablo and experienced lawyers In all probato land water mining and criminal litigation' i Will attend all sessions of court In the jBixth Judicial District and adjacent counties of Southern Utah Office in Anderlon Building 1 UtAh UV for 'Wayne M WjMANSEIELH i Lawyer II tab TIIURBER W mSHCT HXTERTOUVilTOR AROUND FRUIT ORCHARD c One Pound Can to 5 Gallops of Watet is the Solution for old Trees and 6 CaPons for :t Young Trees See what one of your oldest Horticulturist says aboutthe quality of the LYE for that - H P C THOMSON & CO Manufacturers Red Seal Lye Philadelphia Pa Office in the Neill !' ’ j’ ROCKALTLLOW ' Canon City Colo ' ' Lawyer Building Richfield Utah Tiie Bertlesons Again I JBTEIVART Attorney-it-La- Court Oficein Horse YEARS AGO Richfield Utah ‘0— The light fine that ustice Payne in Twenty years’ active practice In the flicted upon Mrs Bertleson was gall district andlsupreme courts of tho United Interior to the people of Ricnfitld while her husband’s acquital in the face of his acUTAII undoubted knowledge of her wrung bitRICHFIELD tions made the dose but the more ter In fact tie proof of theirlong be G II HERBERT career of petty thieving is eo evident that the people are determined to set Physician and Surgeon them up or get rid of them by their the town Each budget of leaving Pioneer Office at Drug Store stolea property will make a case them and each person who has UTAH RICHFIELD tho : found property among the sto’eu is willing ft year£ ago the popula tion of Oregon tbeqjiiemtcry com- posed of the presaatUerDf Oregon Washington Idaho and Montana Attorney at Law States and the Departmental at Washington D C 4 Forty-seve- n goods to swear out a complaint little over to a 13000 people whereas according to the census of 1890 it amounted to 879701 in that that year In 1831 the population of Portland amounted to about 400 people at present It amounts to 95000 and other cities of thefour states mentioned have grown in proportion so that one may cunjecture the present comtined population Forty-seveyears ago but one steamer was plying the Columbia river between Astoria and Portland now that stream Is stud ded with both steam and sailing craft In years gone by a few schooners and brigs transported products from Portland to Sun Franciso now there are lne3 of steamships capable of carrying thousands of tens each not only in the coasting trade but to China Japan the Sandwich Islands and 'Manila When the new avenues of commerce opening up in the far East and the good that will accrue to Pacific-coas- t states - therefrom because of their geograpical and other obvious advantages are considered tbe statement may be ventured that all signs portend commercial prosperity not only for Portland and Oregon but the other cities and states adjacent thereto— Bradstreets n On Friday morning a warrant of arrest was issued by Justice Simon 6 the Sick Christensen from complaint of ChariMidwifery und General Care ton Secgmiller who foundapdr of RICHFIELD UTAH his pants among the wearing appeared of Mr Bertleson and considerable MRS ANNIE M NELSON clothing that belonged to himself and wkfe among tbe plunder tfrat was found Nurse Midwife a2td Bertlesons’ the day the theft was 1 at am tor study After a year's absence discovered City Marshal Ramsay 'toy place ready to resume my practice served the warra t and brought the Utah Elsinore parties before Justice Christensen at the city hall Attorney Bean being EOMER McCAllTY out of the eity the defendants asked for more time in which to plead and U S Deputy bis honor set the bonds at $100 each MINERAL SUR VE YOR Tbs wife who moaned and muttered and NOTARY PUBLIC lc a hysterical manner during the time put in: “Let them have my head UTAH MtfNROE I don’t want it They can cut it off PROBATE AND GUARDIAN and keep It” As talk went on furSHIP NOTICES mentloued were bonds again ther the me I’ll me and have keep "Lt them stay’’ Then again she would moan for hsr husband to hold her head PROPRIETOR tbeD for him to provide a cold water Enquire of thb County Clerk oh WRIGHT K Respective Signer for Further cloth or let her lay down Tbe last Information known of the pair they were hunting De would Fwst Class In Evert Way glad body bondsmen Every Id the matter of the estate to have them leave town MRS N II STJOHN The Wrif Kf House i A TERMS Lars Frandsen REASONABLE Notice ouse r LOA UTAII it f for hotel accomodations Best public Uie traveling t Hay Ghain Stablin6 and ' Camp House 1 ' 1 - it I sample room Mstite always mads nelcome I) r - fr'-- Mil-lor- A Short Session The Commissioners Do Little But Allow Claims The first item of business that came up for the county commissioners to diand Sevier Branch pose of was the change of boundary 30 d lines in the Glenwood Sigurd and STATIONS Sallna school districts The Sigurd AND people wanted more of the King’s Mxd Mxd sidings m 523 p m Ar BALT LAKE LrJ08 angm canyon and Loss Creek country but Salina’s being a bonded district put a stop to that so Sigurd got a slice off the Glenwood district only Two changes in registration officers Peterwer$ made by removing P F from tle agency at son Democrat Redmond apd appointing J B- Soren son Republican and removing A R Hawley Republican and appointing Asa S Hawley Democrat in the Cen- SanPete West-Boun- East-Boua- ri j Deceased The petition of Hannah Frandsen adminiDemocratic stratrix ot the estate of Lars Frandsen de Cjjpgd prayln for the settlement of fipal account of said Hapnah frandsen adminidistribution and for the and stratrix partiThe Democratic electors of Rich of the residue or said estate to tho per field precinct are hereby called to as- tion sons entitled hat boon set tor hearing on the semble at tho County Court house In 26th day of October A D 1898 at 10 o'clock A Richfield on l'uesday Oct 11th 1898 M at the County Coilrt House In the Court tral district at 8 o’clock Pt M sharp for the Room of said Court In Richfield City Sevbr Besides allowing a large number of Utah bills there was no more business and purpose of electing 8 delegates and 4 County Wltfiess the Clorkefsald Court Train 23 will run Tuasday’a Thursday' alternates to the demociatlc County with the seal thereof (L (fixed thl the commissioners adjourned Train Si will run Mondays Wi Saturdays 1898 candione of A seretith day October P Convention and to nominate and ‘ aesdays Fridays ' 8 O Clprk Clerk fcPAL H- - li Movu Agent Richfield date for each of the officers of Justice canvas a made has Bean S Laurltzen T J tpeorge By DO Dodge Gen'l Manager of the peace and Constable for the cfT for the nomination Deputy Clerk ft Q Babcpck Traffic Manager tbe county Comprecinct and rto elect ji prepinct I J Stewari ’ county - attorney on C W Collins mittee' ticket this week 'a v ‘v ot the Precinct Commlttte Primary Blackburn On Tuesday last two surveyors cairic Accounts Solicited to Richfield and stopped at the RichMoney loaned on Arrroved field house They had camp tables built at a carpenter shop and such security other equipments as are usually needi Drafts Drawn Fayablx In ed by an extensive campiog outfit arThen they hred a slDgle ranged All Frta of The World e team and a lx team a ' f Correspondents horse team to go out’ with them on New Yoit Friday morning Thursday evdhing’s HENRY CLEWS & CO train brought In ten more members ot Lake the company who took quarters af UTAn COM SA V BANK Salt the various hotels In the city Friday WELLS FARGO & CO mornlog the company left for the San Francisco south but tbeir destination was kept a profound secret except as the snr rounding circumstances would Indicate The brakeman of the train on which they arrived reported that their tickets were from Los Angeles California which indicates that they have probably been working mere on me west end of a through line But from the filling of their team sters still inoie can be learned WU uam Thuisixn why drives the fou Lui&e team i to be employed about three months lie is to take this paityoutou the piojected lme arm when they are cumped to ietuin here for another party that will arrive tcu days or two weeks laer aua theu to be kept on the load tor supplies dur-iuthe lest ol his time Whether or not the party Is in the employ of the Rio Graude Western could not be learned Ills presumed of course that they are Directions DRKARL G MAESER’S for the sending of supplies would indicate that they are to bund up the ‘School and Fireside1 Sevier canyon although that may be a blind and Clear Creek canyon be the No school no is now All members of the fireside is published without it A destination complete company were free in say ing tluu modem handsome book in throe tney intended goiuglo Southern Utau styles and spend the winter in the warmer $2oo $275 parts St George was often spoken containing 400 pages including 12S! of by all and they evidently expected portraits Frontiselegant half-ton- e to be near there for some weeks is a full page picture of Dr piece An employe who had been with the Maeser Agents are wanted in aR party lor some time temarked “We parts of tne United States Utah P arc surveying toward Los Angeles and will survey clear through before particular MILLIONS of books are being pubwe quit In three months more look lished annually thousands of canvassfor dirt to start flying The Utah and ers are sell ing them but only a LIMJ d 'acilic which is building from ITFD few are worth yOurtimeto ttuough to the coast is thought read Tell tho canvasser so when b to be huiryingthe Rio Grande West- calls on you and BUY DR MAESER’S ' ern to action and that it is intend- BOOK build coast toward the out to it ing The Western is looked upon as a road THE SKELTON FlIBNISUINd with plenty u's money its reputation ' CO is that of a fair dealing concern and Southern Utah will welcome it with Provo Utah open arms if it does build Into the V south g A V Chariton Srtqmiller has them Arrested on Complaint before the City J ustice of the Peace JmB JENN1NQS r F oETY SEVEN i w Christenson CasUlor ‘ J COLLINS IT C Peterson President four-hors- me pleasure to recommend to Horticulturalisls the use of your Brend of RED SEAL LYE having found it preferable to other brands of Lye and because I believe its free use has greatly promoted the healthfulness oi my 80 acres of fruit trees the trunks of the older portion of whiqh though fifteen veais old are bright and clean and eu i irely free from bonus as also the apple trees in my fruit garden that are 26 years old Tludr productiveness ten thousand bairelsin 1897 shows too that I have not made a ry mistake using Red Seal Lye on them once or twice a year for years I oonU not be i u d need to use any ether “brand I am yours truly It gives B 1 M -- -- Notary Public “ ft J received subject to cheek Deposits t Gentlemen: UTAII c 1883 RICHFIELD UTAH : Also the Greatest County LOA i GLEANER purpose: JOSEPH ECKEBSLEY Attorney at Law County Attorney GREA TEST SOAP MAKER and G'T Beaa Will Richfield THE Stato Block Office Ence RAILROAD SURVEYORS FIT OUT AT RICHFIELD THEY ABE THOUGHT TO BE WORKING ON A THROUGH LINE TO LOS ANGELES A COMPANY OU the Courts In all (Established By order Attpftwiw- V J"' Jr- - 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