Show j : u1' f t i A :iVJSRS!TY OF" UTAH 1 1 BOASTED 'A The University o! Utah compris-- 1 Aktbr Th Phbsbytery leadcourses r thorough collegiate Why They Condemned Mormonism ig to degrees in General iScience and Liberal Art and Mining lectricalEngineeringjheside which a State Normal School and a Pre-- i In eadInff the dany Tribune of paratory School are conducted un-- I sept 1 it is observed that the Presby tier tne direction of the University terjr of Utah is at it again the stone X-Ra- 1 V k v f1 ‘ PEASANT WEDDING Mrs AleoTweedle in her journey logs through Finland appears go bare displayed a happy aptitude for forming friendly relations with all aorta aud conditions of people At one peasant cottage of the poorest sort where she stopped to buy a bowl of n ilk she fell into conversation with its mistress a very clean and apparently vefy aged woman clad In u short serge skirt a loose white chemise and a striped apron of many colors— these simple garments being all of ber own weaving’ Over her head she wore a black - as in Richfield sometime ago It is J lamentable that this would bo chria Qualified students may be admit Ljan concern cannot feel the great and ted to the Normal andJPreparatory philanthropic spirit of Him they pro ' Schools if over fifteen years of age I fess to follow They are here in fair cashmere kerchief Her face have belonged to a and to the university courses if ovl U‘ah to Christianise the people claim woman of amight hundred or a witch of er sixteen years of age ancleilt times It was so wrlhkled and tanned her hands were hard and The Normal School offers ad I to tiie Mormon church and people horny and yet after half an hour’s vanced courses leading degrees iDg at she was I and a four years course lerdirg to to Christianize them One can hafdly conyersation we discovered fifty-fivabout only certificate which by provision of blame them for swearing for having Hard woik potfr lood afid life id ddrkj 1 4 ° 111 qualifies the holder to teach in I very little to“f it is a ventilated smoky cottages age the singular rih common schools of Utah for a 8UCb njce aud weq educated theo- peasants fast at seventeen many a term of years without further cannot convert the Mormons girl begins to look like an old woman I woman was as to to amination their belief The old or middle-agescholarship bd was a sold aiid friendly In connection with theState Nor The Presbyterians preach that baptism cheerfitl soon beguiled by ’the visitor's commal School arc Conducted a tho- - P3? imersion as portrayed in the sCrip tUre ”here baptised ments on a' woven band hanging in roughly equipped training school ’ a was by sprinkling and at onetime sight into narrating an episode of kind-of forthe training when one 0f Jts devout ministers was family history It had been one of department ergarten teachers and a manual preaching on the baptism of Jesus he the presents givfen by Iit boh on his remarked that Jesus did not go right marriage to his groomsman He had training department down Into the water but ho went married a girl of another village— askthoare The laboatories very close to the water to the edge of ing her hand in accordance with imright roughly furnished fer woik in the water you see and was sprinkled" memorial Finnish custom through a Assaying Electrical Chemistry A Dutchman who happened to be puhemles or spokesman a kind of General Physics Measurements and heard the remarks went preliminary best man who must do up to the minister after services and all the talkiDg while the suitor himMineralogy and Biology A small annual registration fee said to him that he would not have self sits dumb Being accepted he exmissed that meeting for anything changed rigs with lys betrothed and is required but no tuition its charg since he had found out how to explain gav herfathei the usual kihlarat ed all the scripture and in particular "What is that?’’ thef visitor asked further information address that part regarding going to hell That "Why' it is a sorter "deposit given J T Kingsbury President the person did not go to hell but he toj he girl’s father to show he really went around close by not into but means to marry the girl— a cow or Salt Lake City near hell just close enough to be com- something of that sort'’ fortable that Daniel did not get into A‘ two years engagement during the fiery furnace but just around close which the young deople were earning byr just near enough so as not to get their household equipment was folheri that Jonah did not get into the lowed by a grand wedejing celebrated whales belly but close by just around as usual in Finland at the bridesomewhere where in the vacimty of groom’s house the whale maybe on his back and rode It Is a very cxpe?i thing to get tohore and that now the Bible was married" said the my easy Pei haps this is why these very sou had to give to the wise men from the cast cannot convert father aw brides-al- l AND the simple followers of Joseph SSmith-R- maids and grepiS the didn’t use courage boother Pres bridesmaids he fd7sr A Vs that bjtciian try try again We will raise being the fashioh ry toj vour corn aud potatoes both lor your- the groomsmen hefrtfrlV ) to his selves while laboring among us and moijer-in-law- a dress' J atber-- f for those of your kind In the land of a belt! and t( friends We will be kind to you and Canajin RAILROAD CC as ydu smite us on one cheek will turn 1 ii short she confess NSat the theiither and you can smite us on that was a very serif drain upon in (frder that your cup of Christian the family resources-Boh it was TOURIST OR FAMILY SLEETING CAR feeljng may be full We realize it is a lovely time! she aided wedWe had a discouraging to work so leng and so ding is a splendid thing hard for so little And we do not wond- feast all one day and the next and SERVICE er that the good honest'suuls who pay tin n l lie priest came and they were dearly that you may have a business married Do you know that every evening the wherewith to get bread and gravy are ‘Every (me we knew came from a of little tired miles for around Borne brought a can of Denver & Rio Grande R R in connec- getting putting up y you Of course if your followers can milk and srnie brought tion with the R G W runs a Tourist stir up a ‘‘hip hurah” ‘kill him off”! and ot hers brought porridgeandJohan or Family Sleeping Car to Denver in aorta’ Christian like spirit you know sen had been to town so ho brought which a lower berth can be secured for perhaps the brethcrii who have gone back with him some white bread Aye 200? In addition to this daily ser down into their pockets for you these it ww a grand feast! We danced and vice the D & It G also operates en many years will go down again and1 ate and sang and made merry for two you will yet be permitted to tarry with din s: and then we all walked with my Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays us and son and Ins bride to that little cotsing there distinct Tourist Sleeping Car But by the way do you practice tage on lie other side of the wood and nes to Omaha Kansas Citv Chicago polygamy? if not what would you left them there where they' have Boston and New Toik— no change for name it? Please answer by return liveed ever since’’— Youth’s Companmail and oblige ion Utah passengers— at reduced To See ' WhatWe Have f 4 - JUST BOUGHT I Our Store Has Been Stocked with N1TUR e! 1“b“r“ OF “““'‘‘f 1 ' ir t d 1 1 ! f t ¥ The DENVER A T T Carpets Linoleum Window Shades Lace Curtains Baby Buggies Springs Washing Machines and Mattresses “ t DESCRIPTIONS Y‘ ’ etc etc K HIl Goods are of the Rewesf Styles and JJest of Qualities Prices down for ft " In Preparation for our Large Fall Trade ( !w f to BEDROCK for such H:gh Grade Goods THEO BRINDLEY CORNER MAIN & CENTER STREETS RICHFIELD UTAH I in-la- w ' ’ A Prominent An TTlderly Isdy Pliynlclan A prominent New York physician An elderly lady living at Fordism in disenuing the merits of Ripans Heights a part of New York City Tabules with a brother M D said : laud who was known to be a warm Several years ago I inserted that I’rocate of Ripans Tabules for any ise of liver trpuble or if one wished to become a philan indigesSon aid to a reporter who visited her for tliopist and do a beneficent deed— one that would help the whole hu-- he purpose of learning the particu-ar- s man race— nothing could be better of her case: “I had than to procure the Roosevelt XTos- - employed a physician and didalways so on pifcal prescription which it thi basis the iunt occasion I had fer one but to at that time obtained no beneficial of tht Ripans Tabules and cause be put up in the form of a ketchup eau It I had never had any faith and distributed among the poor n putent medicines but having seen Ripans Tabules recommended very Rales Incresulng highly in the New York Herald con- The largest retail drug store in eluded to give them a trial and America is that of Hegeman Sc Co found they were just what my case on Broadway in New York City demanded I have never employed A reporter who went there to learn a physician sinoe and that means a how Ripans Tabsaving of $2 a call ules were selling A dollar’s worth of bought a Bipans Tabules carton and asked : lasts me a month “Do you have end I would not be muoh oall for without them now if it were my last these?” He was referred dollar” At the to a gentleman who time of this interview there were proved to be the head of the departpresent two daughters who specially ment He said : i “ The sale of Ripans Tabnles is objected to their mother giving constant and is increasing due which should parade her especially to the influential character name in the newspapers but to do this the elder lady argued : “There of the testimonials in the daily press and growingout of these through may 5e other cases just like mine the recommendation of friend to sna 1 am sure I take grout pleasure friend Satisfaction with them is in recommending the Tabnles to any very general When ones they are one afflicted as I was If the telling about my case in the papers enables begun I notice that a permanent oustomer for them is made This 1 some other person similarly affeoted I believe is through their intrinsio to be as greatly benefited as I have merit which proves the bona fide been I see no objection” The daughtcharacter of the advertising I think ers knowing how earnestly sheulfelt them specially useful in the general about the benefit she had received decided she was quits tight i run of stomach troubles” ut RIO GRANDE in-li- y j j m it ut t I ’ I five-ce- corn-brard- " ! ! 1 ’ greatly These Tourist cars are berth rates i managed by the Pullman Company and are provided with all necessary conversances and appliances The tourist car icature together with an admirable train service and scenic at tractions of the route has placed the 0 & R G in the foremost ranks ol Western Railroads For rates and detailed information apply to any Ticket Agent t theRQ W Ry to B F Kevins General Agent cr II 'Traveling Passenger JlAgentCusMng D & It G No 68 West 2nd South Street Salt Lake City Monument Mils ! THE LAGEST UNDERTAKERS S 5 Coffins Caskets Trimmings Burial clothes! Buyyour trees of Handes Scrows and th© lik© Wg are also prepared co take charge of preliminaries for funerals an'd to’do other cervices SALT LAKE NURSERY CO usually re-- 1 quirdof undertakers Osr trees are V r r E03NE & MILTER Pierson throp The Best Place To Get A nawstylepftchfltoogtAlnlngTEWPAifS TABCTflpwtkfdlna paper oartoa(wltSiSglMUew for nt at some Arne tore— toelive-terim ccvn Th Vlvwirlud aor la intruded for the poor and the One dozen of the eartenn (I U'enlra) nan be had bv nail by waW torts--z erenoKitml lSerno Btrrrt New York— oradnche eerhea eight ceofa t the lurk C'arniciCxnuA-rh'of rone irneawneaapM (Tav reiiBLne) will ho tent forflvo oente eome et barber ehaps One (Ivm nM vtoroiuul end j aoin agent (torefceopen liquor ( yv¥wvwvwvwmtwwnvmwvvtttvwwmwiwywwwiis(wvt( GlenWood Utah © nt alvra free from moth They are well packed before shipping ’ They are vrel raised and trimmed TWO BLOCKS WUp OF THE COURT HOUSE v Consult ohr agentbefore placing your order O C Andrabon Agkxt All kinds of Mill Produce Rich Held Utah ' — V mr Monro Tjjjah J |