Show fr e - & '£ t ii - A ITEMS OF INTEREST HsAn'pf Toaenh A FRFMmqr Chicago Wtb4 mskegits touri ' ' about the city on bicycle ji nlsv ciJtod“Onr1r Qty hai written i Monkey are like oUpiii &ije rceject ton!’ Its sepne of notion Is Rnnb Rome cold weather specially at Militia ball (olgfit auilert'gmtiy frOp SCaaipknets —they America and the time 74 B fl'Pbne niehf ' Pculist a£ac)--t that opera An eminent yRaliegh Jones is up from Baling who have road it carfn)lr rfoclare it glaaece hired in theaters very oiteh Onrschool trustees hive pnrebtsed - ' to bo fub of fin" pnsnnos Tn Its spread eye diseases ftac Queena tomorrow night tJie Anderson mck hnildtnsr for a LorCttialk'er SteuLetiti1 Mrt of Ion ballots apd offoots school bouse Mothers aha over Joved benville 0 has 'been a widovy for 71 f J 0 Teters is over from Bolder will tin nooded cnloro no1 tlio ballot nf Her age la 101 year A (Doing a rushing business— the tax “TboDawoof Doatb” is a rblof The Tiighest tree in the world 1 the Toseph Jensen' JArYherlv of Rich- AU I Collector Mr Bonn Is nrinoinal of tbo Ttiob-- fold has Juit finished burning n kiln of tralla Its height Is 490 feet Prank Busch has sold his ranch at flod schools and has boo four voars in lime Cftrdinal Mezz'ofaivtt could speak Bryon calUd film “a walklanguage oorrnlotln? bis work which will hp Plateau The threshine maenine is bn8v in ing polyglot’’ n Now York Thero-nninwill TTorso Yn’lev i ' Chas Robison is whiling away today For every 1000 of population ho nrcankofl ind drilled boro foe sever has 28 erlminalo Masmchusett in town Detpitp the better times nnt pver 23 and Texas 21 nl months prior to Iho nnonlno rho r1 Fremont parent eonld find n nickel for Many paupem have lived to b a hunWalter Brown was down from Joseph roooaesrv epom-the having ' dred years old but there is no record Niekel Rnnday Wednesday funds teonrrv out the nrolpcf The of a millionaire having attained that Tares are to he pnd this mnnfh age- Miss Mina Rodeback 1ms gone t0 commnv will ho portlv from Now York A plant that grows in India called the and nartJy of home talent Yesterday s f’onnt’v peonV wish BohTntreroli wm OedarFort for the winter tacea dec trica emits electrio philo ' ’ Tribune The hand which touches it president sparks f' fiwcn Borgqnist is at work on the Mr Elle Maxfield wbop hairhm immediately experiences A shock Tho daughter of A C Olds of Kansas farm having quit the sheep business lonirbken gray "surprisefi tb whole City has a mother aged 23 a grandMONROE ' Barber Ivie has a baby daughter town when' she la Wv presented her mother 47 a 72 " a and 02 V ' and yet he doesn’t give fiee abates hiibarfd with a'daughter Previous to the sixteenth century it The city council Ispreparlng to hate’ O Onderae'fion is ill Many potatoes sre in the field yet was customary for every physician in ' Mr Europe to wear a ring on bis finger an offlelal survey of Richfield made' as an indication of his profession ' Mrs N E Akelund snd are “tors’’ ITomer McCarty ha9 gone to the hr Divorces are frequent in Japan One Miss Lucy Harmon of Holden la In ifo a rom home month’s visit Richfield mines ' in every three ends in a legal marriage Richfield studying “Home sweet home" In that country a wife can separation O A Andelin Islavlncrthe foundabe divorced if ahe talks too much Mrs Emma Beeves spent a few days The L jif I A snd Relief O Magleby's now residence I this we£k with Mrs W A Seegmiller tion to H DECORATION NOTEa ' r have their new organ nearly paid ” ' “ ' " H O Maerleby has Just received tor Boms of the prettiest Holland Miss Nora ITolman is here She will are now made with two carload of another lumber and Shingles perhaps" stay all winter across the bottom folks are not as interested in bander of handsome lace a and oldest of Condor Joe The edging to finish daughter school as they should hir as they enn We are informed that Col Tatlock Such shades are decorative as well ss Is is maladv the TyDhold seriously onlv attend half a day will not be here for this evening's ball use tut ? t ' ' You can buy very good plaster busts Christopher Nilsson Is at the saw A party of Rabbit Vallevers Mr and Mrs Lsmmersdoff will spend recently about eight or nine inches high for 29 sA ' mill closlhg it nn for the winter the winter in Richfield ramped inTacobsen’sebeese house nt cents each By oolortng them to a deep tone they look like much more 4 "Plateau Tttckns Anderson moved has into The mice would have eaten Ivory Arthur Dennis Jr of Glenwood is postly productions n M Hansen’s ears offv if vNiels Ake- - For a library decoration a row of Fernando Erickson's honse home from Glenns Ferry Idaho busts of poeta authors artists and Georire Swindle has abandoned bis hind hadn’t scared them off by snor' musicians In this ivory finish is a sug' Brother Meteerof the Advocate and ‘ ing honse as the wet weathe’r made It gestive one A shelf above wide fold prosecutor McDaniel are In Millard Jt Mf lng doors to an excellent place for such ' "Sounty a display ' ' Chorister A 10 vear old lad stole a pair of spurs Busts of Mozart Handel and others of JLOA BUDGET r George M Jones is in Rich the old masters in music as well as TuesAndrew saddle from Brown’s field prepared to take charge of the some ' of Our modem musicians are N L Sheffield was appointed post- suitable for a tausio room The day vthoir" d for these old busts 'I master of Loa laVi'woelt The office be preferably a pale slear should Orson Hutchinson is working on the Queena was an American girl who will soon be moved to the Brick Store a green or a soft went to Europe Bee bolt they are Otter Creek reservoir ‘He is accomA bust be made to look " ' may plaster ' Last treated by royalty' Saturday Robert Taylor aged panied bjf'''Mr8 Hutchinson like alabaster by thoroughly dry ‘ waxy 6 i years fell from a wagon while going lng it In a warm room and getting it Work has been pcpupicd on the The Woody music class has oeeo with bis older brother aft6r wood and very warm then suspending it by a and in a short time carpenters quite prosperous In Monroe11 They fine broke his arm above the’ ''elbow Tho wax wire in the finest purest white twill be puttlng'on the roof melted in any suitable vessel Close with a concert Saturday evening older boy abdfit 14 did not know the Adulterated wax will not answer The he best supply of toys ever had In Smith Brothers Magleby Brothers atm was broken sd remained ont and operation must be repeated until the wax begins to rest unabsorbed on tbs Delift bounty wllibefit the n T E Lisenbee Thomas Hunt's sons loaded his wagon before returulng Dr surface of the cant then the east mint " “ " ‘ cember 1 Bert Tuft and J&hn "Anderson win Blackburn set the limb and madethe be auafMrodod in a rooui perfoc tJy free g fKW ' ' little fellow as comfortable as possible from dust for 24 hours then it can be O E Salisbury and bride were tend- Winter sheep in the West desert polished with a clean brush— Ladies' He is nowdoing well ered reception at the groom’s home World under dramatic home The company ” tondaf night FACTS FOR FARMERS the direction of G W Pentose will District Court is- in session again The Woody singing teachers are to play the' Dead Witness Tuesday evenThe party given by the officers of Th bent kind of bedding far Block WWik'tu Richfield MOttdfitf night to ing a the Mututl Qtghb Organise anhttief class had and music good plenty of It easily thwdkA Hake them a soon m The Society Stock Company In They they b4Ytn to‘?alI sad Btoretbem under Representatives of the Balt Lake Queena Thursday night Bo sure to Bebby Richardson returned yestcr- 'liitcr WJO NureerytJo h&vfibean bdsy delivering ee little Jesse Coo raid Utah’s child day from Idaho' He thinks Rabbit Dr ‘Galen Wilson saym "All sheep In trees that feed apd Valley Is not such a bad place after men will admit due time actress" play Little Queena Mntr to mutton breed pot gives quality ' Eleven coyotes were standing by a“‘ ton U little wanted for local eotisump- James 0 Jensen pf Glenwood has ' o a tew to Roy Brown will leave in a few days tioB Th° demand for lamb iAmbt lately returned from a rdissioh to' Den- Chris Simonson’s corral arena and who the wool and occupy The anlmaltijare becoming for Provo where be will attend school mark ' lie looks healthy add well fleceo to not darea Mythrt a and dangerously bold of this winter As rs thanaeJx-ponnderplentiful yejry more worth The Glenwood people offer to grav Let late Michael Hanson and Lottie his pi the lane half way-- ’ if tie Richfield the wool they produce estimate its aonu-daughter went to Nephi last week hav nl value and then compare such value leopla prlU do (he ’Otter DfclK Can’t Qn eight rods of ground John nodges with that which be derives from mutton ' 'vi raided fiO bushel of carrots efloltf 4 that ing received word that the girl who and lamb bo at to dotermtne in which raised lfiOO bushels wgs taken with typhoid was werse direction the sheep give the largest fVIlUaua JobosQu’B sturlopticoa ex- rate he would have & host of friends lo Loa profit and be will not hesitate to or 48 tons on an acre What an amount Tereey has hibition waa gt thO Academy Ball 111 sheep by Smprov wore sorry to hear of her nes6 cr‘ase a little spot well bared for will produco ing with mutton breeds Thursday nlghi It dreW A fair house The object in pruning grapes to to 11 d vine and a large yield Stockholders of the Richfield Caual ‘KTnti get & of the of the fruit IiBtray ImlCO Go! wb6 wish ' tb work on the Otter ELSINORE In my possession 4 black pigs year growth should be cut away- If have I breek Reservoir should apply to Wm not severely pruned more fruit will be one red and black spotted pig and Wmwt Ogden before going' one white pig no marks nor brands If rememlx-- r that grapes grow upon the Little Vcrnard Anderson lalll this year’s branches O P Borg fell through the floor the above described animals are not ®fiW WCW1 benr next year’s fruit Let the vines be ouse at the Tedpesday olst Opera Elof Nelson has lately “added col or claimed and taken away I will sell trimmed in the autumn badly bruising hi head and breaking to his residence in Brooklyn them to the highest cash bidder ten When little pig? begin to cot thsy Lave scours To ppavcnl Ihto two ribs town date Monroe the at from days the fool should be cooked until thsy gi The people are very busy this week Will Podge of Gold Mountain has Too tbo danger stage No sow having ' past husyto make much news 3 be given slop that to sour or should a with east Recently returned froifl tbs Clean wholesome food not too filthy Supt A EWelby of the Rio Grande concentrated and not too much at a pewly parried wife Mrs podge is Western was in town yesterday time is better than feeding a surfeit c pending the winter In Richfield any and ell kinds that nea ve no purpom Jack Killian of Montrose Colorado than to do harm or to be waited MarriSKS license have been granted OFF WITH SHEEP rUNNY THINQ8 fO James Anderson of Plateau and shipped twelve carloads of cattle from Miss Annie Sepulveda of Burrvllle Yaca Friday Very Unkintl of llixn —Cumao— “That E and Annie Nilsson to and Jeppa parrot is a nmle” Mrs CXimao (greatly In Glenwood Tuesday night the interested) — HHow do jxiu know 7“ two drunks Fautin Marshal bagged Anderson both of Nonroe Cumt-- — “It doesn’t talk" — Rartom t yesterday They both spcntlast night sheepherdors had a farewell party in Lit® Attorney Bean is home from Loa lo the “cooler” the Helleson Hall The boys are all “There to something strange about Charles Ceitsob that He informs the to leave for thcwlut-e- range thcoe sciemie disturbances" said the preparing The sale at the p Store has been and expect a good time Every crew thoughtful mas "the earth yawns you Lee has been sentenced to one year in Doutoa the state prison while Blue John was doing well all the week The people li armed with the Censor to give snow when it is moat active"— have Transcript and many seem well satisfied convicted of a simple assault home news wagons are beiog comOne lady said to another: "Have you boon enabled to lay winter shoes We had a most to church been stoves fitted out tables with fortably The school trustees want consider- and clothing at a greatly reduced exon training children” sermon beautiful beds and such other equipments as add d hauled to the school house Xo j waJt ot homo (urfng it" was (he "i t pense off in Tho — to their comfort aro boys reply to furnish a chance hv ti j've v" Reason — Megtotmta— "If r A Valid t Two train loads of cattle passed crews thus: Frank and Andrew Civjn MSB uJc3 I'i 'Pt ' rw-rd 4to I The principal part of i - Bi'ndsy c: " I away the moment the policeman apRodeback and of Andrew Peterson Ray pealed 7" Pat — “Bccausu yer hmor “figej to Hans Tuft flu!— cl ‘let ' At Thursday nlg'-t-'s thim cope do be sJways axristtn’ ths and Heber and Isaac Oidroyd - 'I'lieCros-t'‘"‘J Henry iUoi'iu wrong man"— Harper’s Basar city council the bonus of the incoming snd I lay cock who hal three cars of Peter Hendrickson Frank aud Archie "I Jivve just thought of another difn officers were H6t st Mayor f'’00 W Peterson Chris Anderson A and of one ference between a baby and a cow" and cattle 1000 Justjce sneep 12L 0 Marshal Buchanan Jr The supplies are be- remarked Mr Bloomfield as he carried thickly dressed in r500 Recorder 500 Tiea’uer J4000 Siiuul y nip t the Brooklyn Cana ing carted out to Black and Frisco for bis youugcut clothes from the house to the a rcl''0'r jrjQoUnflrl the winter and with the thinned street car "I WJ suppose I must liitea The children of the public school to It” repbed Mrs Bloomfield resignedirton their fcoh’c:? and The crews her large" the late-£jli thd"good loiiy f Vavea mania for eurprise parties “It’s til’s: A cow weighs less when urrjrE’ly taking s’yockin lhe e nipment an ciorli m fine is ex- - itly la drenhcd and a baby weighs more" On Tutaday they surprised Misses tlon f tie I’m —Pittiburg) ') '1 0 ('Ji’o ' bv Oa Vednej- - ct2r Cr'Jflf rtr'roit 'Jcr ancj Pulsipher do out not torn holders 'inter n ih RicnmLD - T - ' A Utah i rt rtf I'n O TliV - TT U- 4 v - "irKTWR IGHTSNS V t wro-du- ct ne'-nsr- )i ! ’ TJie Proper Place For Buying Oils i i fon-t-o- 1 i rro-duco- d “ - t v Call-lorn- la 'll!-th- r ‘ iVe Have a Lae Sujjp v Glasis Sash of atepints QnHand Best er er " f H ' Pump TOade w ’ 1 - V dreto-faaki- qc-- A ' - J‘ - y - " windo- w-shades open-wor- k ’’ 111 — ( t 4 4 - '' ‘ un-Sa- fe W back-groun- ivory-tone- M terra-cott- ’ ‘ tab-brnac- le - 7 WT I Consolidated Implement Co Uu-opo- MATINEE! w-- r - TKe Society Stock Company lt H will: PLAY ‘ ! "" this-vee- ‘ NA t morn-Jpgsag- ’ - Bva 4 -- i i THE la-w- tc well-forme- wt -- AT v ’ Two-thir- OPERA HOUSE ds - Tomorrow t fft’erivooix at 2:30 I a I I pi-- Come to see Little Queena Admission 10 Cents I o 1 r Co-o- to-do- s r' Tit-Bit- s de-th- Hep-Pie- t lu ’ ' Saturday Tli$Kt Ku( u A y ‘ I Q i ’ t Be Sure to See Queena 'i rf coun-cilme- cold-weath- er J pe-t- J:c -- 4 ed i Chronicle-Telegrap- h HOIVIE NEWi U |