Show ri V - THE SOUTHERN CENSOR I® Published every Friday at Richfield Ssviet County UrAn This from the Paik Record sound strong but It is very true muj Editor Snow of the Brigham City don’t irank J Cannon believes people or that the 1 Utah will uphold him when f OlItfZUYfVlTVOY FVou Yo 1'-- 1 iPMSto wr-s- Carpenter Contractor V Ills vote Is VATU-MBugler No one car explained propose to get licked lie 1 bo vdtor of W CROSBY AND MORRISON was assaulted the other this doubt disclaims paper but that Utah will got non day by a doc1’EIJKKCT HE LTN liKUAINt tor and before the fracas ended in r'Cponwun lity for any thing that good than harm from the the WONDER OK THE AG K bill Dingley Ji l’ editor tried to U3e a six shooter and a but Senator may l!ndcr ilIII)0:ir tho ibovc Cannon voted against the Grandest discovery in'll Huoais heading dirk Whipping editors has become riv State ir ectory: ijuHcves tbat honest fcse Ksiou j 0 measure for the good of the medicine it a as quite past time In some sections of country H Iiollield beneflclal’ IS Guaranteed a to whole and we believe euro Fvery best more should ciisem-person Utah of late but unless the be nee-that the than any other mod cine t reitujt-ii- o able l" ferB'e a reason for ceases somebody is going to getpractice the faith ny one in the county to do u’l knul UNITED STATES SENATORS killed pie will say “Weil done” when they 1 system known to the medical piotW Is that wood in them neither should work WUteto hini'ir An editor endures debt and Frank J Oannoq hear Frank’s explanation though hide they you sioa "No Man nude” ‘lomedy only Ruwllua bm JL their murmurs to get his subscribers to under a bushel-- Ed) want any tiling in his line s nature’s’ true panacea pay they do not now REPRESENTATIVE TOt CONGRESS The followiiigstatenipnt up He endures criticism complaint W H King Molding in the ro- II TmnedAVorh jfv’rmJcldc y it pos 1 v- yttes n ny ptlq “micobes’ and Mormon” GOVERNOR was I cussing until his hide gets tough overlooked The Jubilee has come HeberM Wells and gone atd Jioogli or fi'lmicd Luttber and germs ofreJorr and ho doesn’t care lie endures hard hauie and s SECRETARY OF STATE nature-invue" is healing- mid rc work and poor living that he to soothing r James T Hammond n°w the immuom membrane may struck when we hear or pom “For a will perIt better the world and the community people I STATE AUDITOR: odisb lovers in the Book 100 REWARD Moo manently cues selling their IM cow using ef Mormon majority of cases of Morgan Richards Jr in fact ho "endures to bronchitis The prove sought readers tUat 110 of Catacfu the last manyjthlugs and this Dispepsia all money they hoped to get fo STTE TREASURER! WJ1 he S oiuach trouhics all I10r is nn hopes to endure ah things’’— but Jjuboi Ofaipmaq pleased to learn that there is diseases of tho whip at Jsu hla'Iilcr Bowels Ivlilneys pings one dreaded disease A 0 Bishop that science has ?tipatlonr Piesr0td been able to cure in all tiw Ulcers Eczema IScrofuJu SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC IN8TRUC its singes and An editor hasn’t every right in that is BJoudloison tatarrh Rheumatism Neuralgia Hall’s Catarrh Cure the TIon Diseased Discharges Diseases world nor does he claim to have the John Park But °ny peculiar J cure known to to Women havo cxIstod'during that Nervous and Physical as long as he Is within tho bounds the SUPREME JUDOEa medical period In fraternity Catarrh being weakness etc of Kiel field has one CliarlesIS Zano citizen who likes niis age was formed most of the lime a constitutional reason he has the right to correct disease requites a NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AILMENT Q W BARTCll any to have good times On and Mnd tone or all wrongs ho Pioneer was J A- MINER an Day constitutional it of see or age may you live write us a full his treatment nan 8 or where publish E Taylor DISTRICT JUDGE FOR SIXTH DISTRICT1 spent one dollar f0 vertebrata 'Whrt animals existed at CatarrhC'ure tory of your trouble and our consult- news Item any reliably brought to children’s Ww M McCarty Hrtitm mg dance tckets How much j t time bad no back' bone The directly uponistakenjinternally physician will advise you what to him Itcannot bosaidthat Editors tho blood and mucous do m SEVIER COUNTY DIRECTUM Y order to regain your health sport could a big man have out of one uppearencc of dry land on this surfaces of the system Glanville of the Wasatch Wave WilConsultation Is kbes and sacredly con- - ' COMMISSIONERS Tliereby'W dollar? How I klobe was in the sijurlan age The (rrrrfng tne foundation of the disease Sciential Terms happy the twenty dance kinson of tho Iron county Record very low Fur proofs H H Bel Glen wood I tickets made twenty little faces who found evidence of and giving tle enclose 2 cent stamp “I'cheaologist Ve Snow of the Brigham City W II Robinson SuIInit patient strength by Local Bugler Pity tlm man who never J A Ross Joseph knew the ll(I"es existing In' tillage must have building up tho constitution Roe of the Nephi Republic or tho ediagents wanted everywhere and as- No Ihno pleasure of giving to a child County Clerk— Sam’l G Clark We advertise you In RlehOold tor of this a miner and had reference to sisting nature in cauvasing' paper have been among the Recorder— MaudJSponcor Layton doing its work The your home Richfield paper Address with horses found in veins of mineral Assessor— Jos A Smith which proprietors have so much faith in Monroe immoderate critics yet we have had iis stamp Sheriff— John W Coons miners Rlohflold kick about now a days Now curative powers that the thumpings We do not know in THE VATUMA COMPANY Supt Schools— Jacob Magleby they offer One Monroe we wnilld Bke to ask Treasurer and Hundred P o BOX Z12 Tax Collector -- regard to Glanvjlle’s dimensions When did the but CHICAGO ILL U P Hansen DyaB0ttat R Mormon PeoPle And Richfield the others are small men and it is our we are under a protective system and I authority for the fails to cure Send for lst of testiProsecuting Atfy-E- W McDaniel Richfield remains to be seen whether size not our writings that made Siivjjr-- a D Silln or not establshmcnt of polygamy'11 Strang" monials us it Address F J oil the victims of the bullies’ wiath protection will cure the financial iUs as it may appear the Book of Mormon CITY DIRECTORY NEY CO MAYOR — Theodore Brandley gives fourth no uncertain sound on that have caused the hard Sl!d hy II times ot COUNCIL— E O Peterson 71c n°io °t Iru”gtsts this question tbe past few years s Family Pills are On page 132 Book of J if Jensen We know old men who own the best two N P Peterson Jacob 2 21 we read: "Behold David thousand dollars’ worth of Mortonn Jensen and Solomon property The more gold there Is in truly had many wives Joseph S Homo yet hardly make enough to live on existence Missouri Pacific PPy Recorder— Carl Goldbransan concubines which thing was Sigurd Loa and Coyote the cheaper it will get Three We know young men who own Treasurer— James Christianson The Colorado Short Line half the bef°re me suith theLwd’ to Kansas Justice of the on reported size of ICkmdyke wJ“bonjlnab'e that much property yet make several Christenson Stage Line I Urse Marshal— G W Blomqulst 8atlle cbaPter says "Where-mone- City St Louis Mo and all solve the ratio between thousands points the tw "re’ 1 every year City Attorney— I J Stewart Which one GRASS AND RABBIT Lord God- will net suffer kouth and East Street Supervisor— POPoterson metals in half the time it will VALLEY gets the most use of the pleace and Free Uut thl9 Poundkeepor-Jo- hn W Coons l1C0PIe slall do like unto reclining charr cars and ROUTE take a monetary conference order of county pull Slater Master Niels L Anderson government? The pub'them of old” Verse 27 “Where-- r man palace sleeping cars of iuarantlne Physician— H K Neill M mosteie-kan- t lic roads? Tile other public Improvefole my brethern bear me design Direct and liearkconnections ments? Tbe young man of course at Leaves Sigurd 6 am every morning school house should have- a on to the word ie magnificent Union of the Lord: for there Station Who pays most toward it? St except Sunday reach Eurrvlile at t WAYNE COUNTY DIRECTORY Tho old HagmUinuul1 Liuis for every where T not any havc you “tand SO on to Loa or Coyote that gentleman who Is pearly ready for the g should be raised and lowered at have It be one Tickets on sale at all stations’on wife and concubines COMMISSIONERS grave Which of the two can best proper intervals witii for Passengers and Rio Grande WesternRail proper salutes ho shall have none" frCtr°datl0nS Alonzo Billings Fremont way afford to pay it? The for carrying express Children of B Utah man young aren’t taught to Polygamy is forbidden Charles Snow Jvoosar Teasdale E J Fynn by the laws Fillmore Brothe’rs Then why on earth doesn’t ho do Levi C White U F & P a it? love that old flag as they should el nature which are the laws Giles T & of F God A Burrville ' Wby do we tax property whether and tlie laws of man COUNTY CLERK A COUNTY II it Salt Lake City Utah is forbidden It RECORDER is Proprietors bringing in wealth or not and let The Provo Rural Press wants II M Hansen Loa to re- by the Eible and the Book of Mormon the man who is perfectly able to pay move the tree Assessor: inspector of Utah Coun- and is the source of nearly ail the taxes escape? because he ty John II Carfew only pays attention to trouble of the Mermen people Njw Cainesville II ted spiders The tree inspector of if the Book of Mormon is the word of sheriff: On Independence Gfeo Chappell Day the commit- Sevier County doesn't even pay at- God how could Joseph SmithVtab-IisLyman tee hired a band to polygamy and still claim that he wadi the streets tention to them because we haven’t SUPT schools: was Gods play at meeting and at the afternoon any inspector W E Robinson prophet Somebody is reLoa xports The Pioneer Day committee quested to rise and explain TREASURER ' ' did the same It came T A Jeffery Because of Most every Loa to between opportunity to start been called polygamy Mormonisiu has one and two dollars for the twin relic of barbarism each band man another line of business in Elsinore is PROSECUTING A TTY The compensation was is a It great sin against posterity Joseph Ekersley meagre when quickly taken up by the people of the fcoa the hours spent in : practice are consid- town Why shouldn’t Elsinore pro- Many children of polygamous parents ered but it is a feeling tbe disgrace of their step In the right di- duce its own business men and position Can fil1 why curse their rection for we will never have bands shouldn't father as the author of every other town? if they can net at least clear their shame This is harsh expenses language RICHFIELD SALOON by playing to use but the Our mines and their development goons knife is cvuJ sUlTit II W HAMLOSD Prop A Builder aM)ijiso i i ai 1 e t :"- lgt - - 1 L ut I?arL 11 t u - -- par ATTORNEY-GENERA- -- 1 - z:'::±rr:rr S Pive - in-1- 1 Mm ° IT 1 Peace-Slm- f D- y - - - wal’-hgovc’i- r Do ‘ Lot ForeLTKaiA h Horne & Miller Undertaker’s ’ '“BrtrkLiraar1rrib' cmws orders° shon um noticeand thEy 'li T HAS &c- tho ground they have on lnvlt“! hand the lumberyard at a occupied by reasonable price for The Indian teachers for a district of “ U’tS tlnnk ot surrounding country have been holdther an 188 ing institute at Ogden during the ALCOHOL Uldl1 p of inviting a woman CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY last week What these teachers inI of ill repute became of Best Brands of Blackberry Port this evil and struct their students in we do not - If we are not mistaken I " 13n Cherry TFinfi and such other meet Morrmms tbey Brothers liquor know they treat but the most needed m are needed in sickness thing is to Snow of the Bugler and Cannon G'cm all right and do not allow 0l teach them to farm When their they are the Deseret News and editor I H W Crosbv f'’cllriKt0 be shown in their races but Oigars settled down to farm life schools and of this paper are the only sons of pio- - j'11 tie same tine they think that tlie churches can do them some good but neers who edit papebs Are we right? I Jr°rnKn people are a lower class of they can net while they wander and I heings but few removes from the anl- II hunt The writer of tbis conmiunica- Iron County had a fair last season tion knows II “any Morons that he reand it did a great deal of good very: Among his other work while in awakening the hBbly and'wbon be wouki Ppccts people to and re°pe in a11 Washington Senator Cannon has would do the same in Sevier clunty '! ? Masses and denominations that asked the Interior ll”cr Department for and it wouldn’t cost much either tie holds in contempt But how help for more of the Utah Indians good II The Indians of most reopie could be Mormons in the light alumi- states have surrounding Watch Richfield's municipal elec of nhe present Is something he can been given good lands for reservations and been rationed by the tion this fall It la going to he a hot riot understand Tho hottest in the Non Mormon government while those of Utah have one city’s' his seldom been treated so well and the tory ONLY FIRST-CLASmove is timely SOMETHING TO KNOW INSCRIPTIONS If we annex Hawaii it will be an It may be worth something to know excellent placo for statesmen to send that the very best nredeci ue for restorTlie Jubilee is over Some enjoyed their troublesome friends ing the tired out nervous to it all Some enjoyed tlie first a healthy vigor is Electricsystem IBitters part This medeclne is purely but were too tired to enjoy the latter II vegetable acts by giving tone to tlie nerve centres Some found the crowd too THE GRANDEST REMEDY big and in the stomach gently stimulates the didn’t enjoy any of it That the JuMr R B Greeve Liver and Kidneys and aids these ormerchant of bilee was a success no one denies llulhowie a certifies that he had gans in throwing off - impurities in is NOW OPEN'FOR That its historical value was the blood Electric Bitters improve was great all consumption given up to die the all medical bought admit appetite aids digestion and is treatment that Whatever financial troubles of 1897 money could procure’ tried all cough pronounced by those who have may result the state as a whole feels tried remedies lie could hear of but got no it as the very best blood Five Acres of Lovety well over the great celebration and relief and purifier spent many nights sitting up nerve tonic Try it Sold for 10c or all better realize what lias been in a chair was induced to fry Dr done per bottle at all Drug Stores and Shade King’s New Discovery and was cured General dealers during the fifty years -- WITH A by use of two bottles Forj)at three CIOOD WHISKY GALLON Z $300 A TEST-PROO- F m Hr" rr -- Try our r 'I y i f rr R Remember the Dear Departed your regard AT You get best bargains on extractors ’ established Ins Marble Works on Center East of Co-o- p Store and is prepared St to make stones and do all kinds of grave cans tin and num ware eaves - for those wlio have gone before in Enduring Everlasting Gravs Stones ARTHUR HENRI E Greco’s Tin Shop honey J 81lOW trough and roofing work Cemetery Work S WORK EXCHANGER FOR PRODUCE Eastof Social Hall Richfield - i H Rndreason's Park V K WRIGHT Pioneer Oil House JUST RECEIVED— The Season t years has been attending to business anil says Dr King’s New The more gold coins the world Discovery is President George Q Cannon had the the has grandest remedy made as pver it same right to criticize his senator tlie moro silver coins It will need to sou's lias done so much for him and also vote as any other man and If his for others in his change them community Re s New is opinion worth more than other king Discovery is guaranteed for colds and men’s that is all right too coughs ion consumpf It domn’t It don t fail Trial bottles Dee at all 1 There were no Utah cdilors to show any office II seeking either lrun Storn nnd General deal A Lot Of WHITEWASH BRUSHES $1-0- now-pas- ' tlrcl Paint Brushes Paints Glass Sash Doors Lath Ironand Oils Roofing etc Farmers Attention Machine Oils Can and get my prices before you order Don t forgot tho place I- - K WRIGHT Itcas ago 1 L |