Show rr TLC "V- - 'J t s r frliWMUl1 IV !' t-"- i KEEP IT HANDY ' -- I- JULY FOURTH CELEBRATION Band Selcctioh Invocation 3 S Horne Sohg— “itall Morn” 43 ! Ini" ©0 If YOU HAVlS CUT BURNED OR flfcUISED roafielrof ltve air fnrae cbw'do-g- ' Jllfd or any animal that is’ wounded1 any way y6U will find BUCK oit Joiixsdrjs A Sola g £ajnqY uxttlt Asti 10 GEAXDE RAILROADCG on! familV BLEiSrfiJo' 6j!b BERVicE prize 50 Cents vards pa?e bv J 003TLUND t From now till next of June a piece ahirnf the pindef- mines or he Ohlnrado River which does a grent 0 ofie that is deaii kf(l gene jnjijsfie Pn-ep- arrletf men prlz n !' to 10 race prize suspend from 10 to fe 14 f race" price Jc’-In- i 0 “1) ‘r Race for ladies over 50 prize 3 cups and saucers v Race for gents over 60 prize sill vSA- 1 r race for all ladles silvertea spoons face (0 10 pr(zelAcandy Girls race 10 to 11 prize shirt waist High kick prUa 50 cents ozen 4 G irN High Jump prize spirfjpin High jump boys 10 to 12 prise pocket knifB 2 blind search for a prize Girls I0ito-Jn by ladies Best cartoon sketch of champion high kicker in 15 minutes prize 60 - cents 1 m i Sack race 1st prize purse A money ' second prize 10 Cents Girls 10 tro 14 egg race prize a sum-' '’tuerhat v I PROGRESS BANTyFE r- " - ROUTE Ogdeh of Salt Lake ih JYduWive hh evening atd after breakfasting in cars' of 'the' the sumptuous dining' SANTA FE ROUTE on the third aofnihg you arrive ini Chicago 1 !'OF TABERNACLE or St Louis season to attend to business or feoq-aewith all fast trains for the East itpme one has said repently that the is Efllbtt 3 W (jbalrmani bf Amusements ' track' of the ATCHISON TOPEKA fc SANTA FE railroad was In bucli perfect condition that the long distance run of the “Flyer" on the New York Central could be equaled if' not exceeded by its magnificeut trains JD KEN WORTHY OenT Agt Passenger Dept to West Second South Street Salt Lake City Utah C F WARREN Traveling Agt i " 1 I t t t i - It VCA TlONf D cbild and all It to develop faculties in a natural manner while checking all propensities to tvll Tbi "New Education" may be regarded treatment tf plantto the ' it a by skilful gardener It Is tr apply the maternal Instinct lotelllgently to make the oonscientl ous mpthef in easy circumstances hci child’s best education during its is tbie - teu-dere- West-Boun- is East-Boun- d - retiring own shadow Great Scrittl Crosby n saintly scrapper from Rcraptown 7 hjf his m BUCkLEN’ fle ficrbfs llics a lienion and can hurl fl naper weight wltk I be sanie precision MisstiUri Pacific ll’J' ARNicA SALVE Fastest ti tue shortest line and in the world for accomodations for feeding are the-lf- l i ran throw a rtibbet that a Ulcers UUts Bruises S ilt duenients we offer to shippers of lil$ Sores We fire sorry tit at fcroshy got hall il Rheum Fever Sores Tetter Cha between Pueblo and nunefied Ii is rUscredltafeie to the Hands Chilblains Corns and all smu t(ick City Special live stock trains for 'as iwfessfon ttben wofldly people dls Eruption's aqd positively cm es it is guarapteeij eover tti at editors chn be smashed or no pay required with impunity none of us are safe to give perfect satisfaction or monej 5 Qents per bo refunded Let us ir’ray— Salina Press' For Sale by all drug gists and Geuer The Best sehiioi-glr- Siile “ pj it al dealers' N6 PROtECTlON Richfield June 29th I'Iditor Censor: It appears BEST PUMP MADE ' i that there( Is no protec-'io- n I 1x1 ' a way he can as give no protection t :’i against thieves Z Non-reside- nt tt M tlNfun-employe- have been telling their ® ifcl O TyC '1 co - — '3 2 Sq 3 SSol d “ S mo c 3 to ny-'- TJ oa "‘I was an The “Pingree potato-patch- " New of as other York "institutioa"of d cities last year and some bt men who took land to culti- vate (5 — r ST- m2 w "a Q1w ao 0E 30 C3 it appears that the prosecutingjoffloet of Beyier County 'will (D0 O c la f5 CD 12 ccif CO £ E (D - an r any (0 to OJJC Justice wassiMightqrfrqm the pjr a ecutipg attorney an answer was given tbatltwasacivilCcse and le could givenojirotection JA paan haclibet-lelook put foCtbeprotectlpn of his own property by Bi owii strength or o 3 348 M float going(dow tbe Sevr River tnd were p Sev j or county Wien rl o C In (Sevier county for the people 'rum t helves One ' of my employes r int long ago caught another pan wo had a stealing railroad ties while ' o r CQ fi o05 § experlen-e- s or EQUITABLE STORE THE BEST BRED TROTTPNGSIRE Car-rar- e i Summer - Like ’ JV at ' f - V - ’ t ‘ l terms a - The Equitable Store -- S - i ‘ 1 d well-to-d- o 1 Piaiid: s tisrv-ou- first-wee- y ‘well-balanCe- irioffehsiVe lie feilow afraid ill aria Wa con- BOLDEN “i lA mistaken quiet OgaHs mi alininmhids— ftro C'rnsbv’s film he as if We wen - awfully WS lit si new mapor mao 10 r eene a thump- - COOD w Most them fully' supported staki Arrangements td'push the heir families Several cleared a h 'abernacle'td completion are being dollar!) or more lu addition'’' 'ftie" made and before the stdrmy part of most successfiil amateur farmer had next winter comfirf on that structure p walk from the Cast side 6f Long is td be under roof- The workmen an Isihud' City Wheh he began wofk oti ' Our new arobkof In August and ns "'vacant lot" because he licked 0 begin the here Is cdbsldcfabl? pteparatory work he nickel for Goods ye'ht th'e end to be doms ' Fifty loads df river sand if the season he o'toned a plow harairmail islnaDd they good and subu must be hauled Fortji1 perch of rock row 4 wagon and a team of hcirsesl GU Of will stantial It pay you to ii must be ’tjuarried and put on the hJin other words be had' everything ' Take Capital Stock ground and many other odd jobs tuusi nit a farm— and It is safe to say that From now until Jtily Belden will bd ie done and when work docs begin mt'h a man will not in the store and then get the profits long be without at:' ' flOO per week must' Se on band to back by our per cent system paj me— Youth’s Companion Mon days RichflelJ on i ! and the workmen provide material J We to Show Good! AnnabellA T uesdays Kuhl has been hired as master mason TI1E TRUM'REMEdY-”- ' Eisire Wednesday ' tnd two assistants will work undei v W M Repine editor Tiskilwa ill Joseph t Thursday him when the bu lders resume work iM Monroe “Wd won’t ireep ho use Chief’’ c says: Friday rjjia will require from four to ten more 1 Dr without New for King’s discovery bo will assist in preparing material : i For the seapop of 11 Beldpn iwlli Consumption Coughs and Colds Exaud carrying It to place Mr Kuhl will do the right thing by perimented with many tthetyihut stand at the nominal price cf 500 if 'tiltB vlltk COUNTY WARRANT never got the true Remedy until we paid cash down or 600 hose who bring in produce and will paid by Sep- FO J OT LAI R1TZ JEN AND GET used Dr Kings New Discovery No tember CASH FOB THEM take all the wheat the committee can other remedy can take its plpce in our get in at fifty cents per bushel thm home as iu it we have a certain and enabling them to make a basis of co- sure cure for Coughs Cold Yi hooplne ntract Cough etc" Jt is Idle to experiment Ou Monday night the ward tabernar I i" with other remedies even it they are le committee met and organized with on you as just- as good as Dr G Euce as chairman Niels Busk urged New Discovery King’s They are not Hans Christensen P E Westman O a good because this remedy has a reK Salisbury Andrew Poulson Chris An of cord of cures and besides is guaranteGan Poulsoh Henry Bartlett Georg ed be never falls to satisfy Trial viH Crosby Jf Jos L King O A audGen-erabottles freest all Drug Stores l Andelln J Kuhl Jens L Jensen Dealers David Hansen H P Hansen as memgo bers The committee was glveb beats in the city of which a canvass will be Q made from time to secure the means Now is yoilf chance to buy good at aim ost your own price needed aud "We will build the tabAll neW ernacle" is the feeling iu Richfield r years to associate children with chil drcti Jnapure atmosphere amid pleasant surroundings and under a special guidance during the three or fout years intervening between the nursery San Pete and Sevier Branch and the primary school It Is to afford children all proper d 28 rational enjoyment to supply them STATIONS with toys and games to sing with AND kid Mxd os to play with them— the toys them sidin (90 pm Ar OODEN LrS45 sin games songs and plhys being all Cpm 535 pm Ar SALT LAKE Lvl230pm overt vehicles iustructlon '' It is to promote children's healthy activity latet1 td awaken their imagination gradually to the Influence ot the beautiful the true and the good tc stimulate their lmitativd and now aid ’the cajjacllyi'to development of their reason aud to give those A professor in thccollege of the city powers free exercise and a right direcof New York said recently that the tion school-boin that city "has it is to prevent ahy undbe strain oh average to be tuught English as if he was learnchildren’s powers mental and physia ing hew language" This is absoluteSaturday Twin XI will run Mondays Wed- - cal— to teach by means of object les' and Fridays true The vilest "English" spoken ly sons conveyed In play rather than by H LM0CI1B ' Rich Bali) 0 Dodgn Qfco’l Uaaafer bookl anywhere Is heard from tho Ups of fi A Wkdllh Gen'l PaoiengeF Agont : It 11 tb form a mind youngsters In Hip streets of New York Uooeral bUwSklt Laka OUjr to discern and bring out gehtly but Many children of people t surely any lataat aptitude fur iuid- - learn it and in their play their speech It iht- - WHAtlS THE PVRPOak OF klNDkRGARTFN-X- Pros-b- Southern (iUh 4 ct It - and it eei't'nnlv the kl'rCs-ot- sidered tolro yn ro t tACE CUftTAtNS BABy uArRiaG IvAtL pApeE are agehts for the cfelebfatfc$ y utid-re- ' h IF02fK CARPETS WINDOW SttADEdj ‘ Treacle A Biscuit eating contest prize- a jick knife Chllderns race boys 6 to 10 prize set of matbleej girls prize a rubber 11 ball In for the dime— 5 dime! bbc&dhck 11 ’ - 7k : y n (1 1 cents Potato peeling II- V 6t-- Potatq race for young men prize white shirt ' If' Potat race for boys 10 to 14 prize 25 - 1 - - ' 4 w ( I eri Boys " ELSINORE October I want lies piled any place by the railroad track from Sail na to Belknap I pay 16 cents each for all red pine ties piled by the track and will'advancfe 20 cbfits 'M Supplies as 6oo n its the ties are piled Pot further Inf u n n i i apply to my ' " atmy store ft f - I rents from Alexander Wililsds the ever thoir gold enonph first man out of the California Bar to be able fc nav fir fils supplies amf expenses ndv S rouse was with him and her made Imhrovcmehts on thii fCeni Machine made a success if It be tore W R TTav ever saw the Bar I't’hls much T know for a cerfnlntr Mr FtaX dhi not come to tbe Californli' Bar until the winter after Willis and trnuse had succeeded In making It nav Billy has dope a good dealln cp ' ' enlng up the Placers on the River hut h success of the California Rflrlr ’he first pla'e belongs to Alexander Willis nd no to W R Tlav As for as L M Chaifln and Op are concerned in the Independence claim thev rever went there 1 work on that rlalm nn 1897 a very short "tlire 'll Apfil vears" Just aboqt pn a imethlng like be 70000 paid out for wages and sup plles " 'i M i Wnq U Hay and LMChafl)ti av been very aupcessfuin mining on the ColoradQ River ao much jq that It does not nsedstretfibjngpne Jota The plain un yarnished trumgqpd Rnough and hard to bolijeve in these tiard times censidering their financial circum stances In the start they have done well by hard work i hard living and You with what is called good luck may say they Lave sucoeedediweli but not aswell as the Advocate would have the publio believi Geo E Chaffin FURNITURE i - r taken tn f fiat he figlltrg editor of the itlehdeld having commuted suicide Ifi'Juiv ifar horribly In Golnrado Rngleli they leRituiltvr-T- in The People or Sevieh and Uf ttMH Counties WtrHi Cumriartloii Ceieor in flevit ing were TO ymPatihr him vs t Me 4fvrctd ’n (tie tlio at be-i- Coir sympathm- jM 56 - 50’ Boys s rp-Nso- f flnii i Contractor Tie Epit-o- - In addition to this daily service the D & R G also operated eh ednedays 'Thursdays and Fridays therq disluct Tourist Sleeping Car Hoes to 0 maha Kansa City Chicago Boston and New York— no change for ytah passengers — at greatly reduced bprtp rates These Topr 1st cars are ipanaged by the Pullman Cojppapy and are provided with all necessary The cpnvenlances and appliances Tourist cr feature together with the admirable train per vice and scenie attractions of the routs has placed the D St R G in the foremost ranks of Western Railroads! For rates and tailed information apply to any Ticket Agent of the R G W Ry ti B F Novlns General Agent or H JEL Cushing Traveling Passenger Agent D A R G No- S3 West 2ad Suth Street Salt Lake City eomvt dudy ti - - f'taii tune Loa Afternoon Amusements At the publ’c square at 2 p m feaindy will be distributed' to aff between the ages of i to 15 100 yard dash prize' summer hat open to all 100 yard dash between Taylor Thnr her and Jim Ramsay the winner to riicelvrllOa'nd th- looser to have b' bead lathered and shaved 60' yards space' bV Married lacf er fSOO t until ‘s ADVOCATE' a tvp itFSbX'rs I Do you know that every eventng lie Denver $ Rio Grande R R in conned 2ion with the It G W runs' a Tourist Vt Family Sleeping Car to DnVer' ih which a lower berth can be secured for V 1 OFFERS BARGAIN! - it Band Selection t Relei ft Phrl-stfans- H E Taylor Singing “America" Congregation The DENVER t -e- Mrs at 2' CM 1 Drug Dept ioWisT I e CURE THAT CURES Genuine only fekware o imitations token sighed ' v tl-i- cbiidren for Tt is final v (0 school to fit them for learning more readily to sow the first s eds t hat are to yiv4ur n1 ults of snund tnind in I'vime sound fvidv oi-d citizens ami true have 1 RRmDLEY’S Furniture Store s them property Chariton Reading of "Dec of Fwegtn flier Band Selection Solo— Sword of Bunker llill” M L Bean Recitation Roby Wright Song -- “Star Spangled Banner Mis Ida Posch Oration R T Thurbef Band Selection Sentiment I 3 fttewaff iTepon-0 W Collins QiiArtetf MIshca Jensen Sentiments Mrs G T fieaft and substantially the same as that of the “young tough" It may not le profane obscene cr slangy but It is cliaraotiTitiil by a clipping and dis-t- o tion of words and by what may be termed an Impudence uf utterance ruake it the moet offensive norlii-of t lie Ingti-ith tongue t be heard nu where in It- world No wondt r that wit n tbe-i- ’ youcg iters Is manual skill It is to partially relieve parents 01 slender means of tho charge cf their Sutil verr yong ihHd'eii fir yn't- of the day and during that tinir to iram ' Forenoon Program lectual acquirements artistic gifts or TOlLLIIlERy Ladies and Gents FarnisKins? - ’ irrimense stock the above goods will to sold the people of Richfield and cinity during the next thirty days They hnust It REGARDLESS bf COS1V AT I ” our goods are and stylish no shelf-wor- n nor cheap auction goods in the best get bargaih3 housei Gome early and secure first choice Greco’s Tin Shop You on Extractor's cans num tin and honey alumi- war£ eaves trough and roofing p East of 4 Social Hall Fchfieldn NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS COURTEOUS TREATMENT WALL THE W0IDER max KROTKI Prop In Alice Brown Building south of Deserdt Telegraph ' N ’ ' |