Show r "" 77 In the history of Richfield as of It is said that ourbtate militia suc- THERE IS NOTHING SO GOOD SOUTHEBN CENSOR Tilt: GOOD OJ TIIEArillLEE Them is nothing just as good as Dr many other surrounding tnwnsthis it ceeds no better than it does because 1 Mb Editor: ' 1t PUBUSHHD EVERT FRIDAY AT lack pat riotism Remember King’sNow Discovery for Consumpbea Tbe old time is Utah boys transitory way iRichfuld Shvieb County Utah I notice tbatjou are quite favorable new to a great that many of those boys are of the old tion 'Coughs and colds so demand it to tbe Jubilee Will you please toll ing superceded by the and do not permit the dealer to sell extent and at tbe coming (election stock that sent the Mormon Hiattallon iT CBOSBY AND MORRISON me what Rood we will get from it? Ho will not you some substitute this question is apt to 'Confront the to fight forcountrytbat had Just ex-j claim there is anything better but in A B M 'Shall 'we make the changej pel led them Walt' until the country’s order to make more profit he may Tbe Censor is as said (friendly to people" Directory : or shall it be made slowly asj peril calls for protectors and ee If claim something else to be just as good suddenly the Jubilee althpuh notwo 'friendly You want Dr King’s New Discovery ’do?1’ Then Young 'Utah lacks patriot ISth to the manner In whldh Salt Lake we can pay for 'What 'We because you know It to be safe and attend-ed'booteffects that have tJHltBD STATES SINATdfcS makes itself tbe whole state Ril'd must the bad reliable and guaranteed to do good rulc J Cannon in many Utah towDB be reFor coughs J L Rawllan “We have a town ordinance to re- or money refunded works the UnRDces hll’bDr Wa’y Is pleading to 'bee the membered It colds and for all afl'ac-tion- s ‘ItiPEESENTATIVE TO CONGRESS of a said be fcsldent Is a But the Jubilee consumption going to gulate everything” W ll King Of Thtoat best and Lungs replacing the Did adobe GleuwoOd a few days since Wekoow grand teacher In the first place Many brick cdttage GOVERNOR is beV there are stores our That nothing so good as is Dr 'fiber U Well of the young of Utah have never structures nothing of Glen wood’s town ordlnan-- j King’s Hew Discovery Trial bottle an evident fact cestilitit better kept is SECRETARY OF STATIC known the miaeir'a'hd suffering that coming is well to know they are free at all ' General and Stores t Drug 'James T Hammond It took to make their homes and this while the public improvements that' needed before they are passed Too dealerd 'Regular size 50 'cents and STATE ALITOR: will show them what it was and sp should be made are being made Yet tnan'7 laws passed 'on tiieory only 1106 Horiani Richards Jr adobe an shack in live to STATE TREASURIES is well better never work teach them to be more appreciative of It Jiueu Ohlpman forever than to run in debt for a mod' homes and other comforts ATT0 ItN ' is better to wait many ern It cottage A0 tyhop Again the people of pur country An ideal school board should have v PUBLIC IN6TBUC GUPIBINTENDENT have an Idea what it took to settle the years for water works than to leve one retired teacher who bad previousPERFECT HEALTH REGAINED THE be paid by posterity Betto WONDER OF TEE AGE debt t ( TION tlje no oue but have of man pregressuccessful Mississippi Valley they ly been John R Park hall stand another Grandest dlscovary In the annals of knowledge of wbat has been ILelot of ter Jet'our old city sive business ability snd onp person SUPREME JUDO E3 medicine as a monument of frugality wbols veil in touech with the people i Guaranteed to cur more diseases Thulei 8 Lane ptaji’s pioneers They will leave Utah generation W 0 BARTCnr With a higher regard for the people than to erect one ever so good and kt and can find how the school suits than any other rntdictoe treatment or Vr !' a miner' a higher conception of the state’s re- it stand as the monument of debt VTe them buch people can and should be ilystem known to the medical profes-sto- n SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE FOR DISTRICT: “No MAN made" remedy but W(n M McCarty sources End a full realization of Utah want all these Improvements' but we found iu every town to fill these imnature’s’ true panacea I1VIER OOUNTT BIRECTOK V pluck r all of which will encourage want them to be paid for So with portant places Vatuma is an antiseptic' germicide men- - of means or ability to come other towns of the county do what COMMISSIONERS it 'positively destroys all “microbes” E H Boll Olen wood among us you can even if it taxes you heavily and your faml and germs of every kind name and Va'k a Make VT U gravel Robinson Ballna Then there has been ever since now but to borrew tajney: others hat’ure It Is healing and soothing to ' J A Ross Joseph have dry feet Put saud around lycan ' Count Olsrli-Ra- m’i to mucuous membrane It will perwill have a it the Utah' was pay settled feeling that the Richfield 0 Clark' the house and It will save the wife cure the majority of cases of fiecorjer-- M mJ Sponcor Layton Richfield pioneers their travels and hardships manently ’ Aasesior— Jos A Smith more work in one winter than It takes Bronchitis Catarrh Dlspepsia all Monroe were to be Mormon peoDle praised by Lsrlff-Jo- ha '5 W Coous Richfield AASlSiLVIiK the at MciaXLEY Provide a scraper it of the Stomach troubles all diseases to) all Monroe and not by tlio ether citizens of Utah Eupt Schools— Jacob Magleby "To all who closely watch the rapidly door you cau make one tn ten inm- Bladder Bowels Kidneys Liver ConTreusurer and Tar Collector-- P There has been a feeling that Plonaer Piles Old Sores Rectal Ilaostn Richfield chunglng face of the political sky ates Mali a little improvement In stipation Ulcers Eczema Scrofula — “Mormon McDaniel was Richfield a EW Prosecuting Att'y Day day’ but all tins Diseases t Ballna ses are there seems to be no doubt but wlnu your home this year a little more next Blood Poison Jurrejor— P D Sboebsr Rheumj’ Ism Neuralgia uniting la this celebration and wiil work several and your home will soon be a lovely Diseased Discharges Diseases v tCITyi DIRECTORY peculiar that will break down the old fee'lng President McKinley MAYOR— Theodora Braudlsy to Women Nervous and Physical his administration If one during surprises ! for and Is It down be to time It broken OOUNOIL-- E O Peterson Weakness etc ’ U he has his way of doing it all' J M Jenson Many attempts have been made to ' NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AILMENT N P Peterson t ' In the tlrst place the Canton major UaVe Utah do certain Is it quite the square thing for coun- or where you live write us a full histhings and S$'lt Morten Jensen 1 work on — Joseph B Horne Lake has usually taken it on Us hands was never noted for any great try towns afier they have made tory of your trouble and our consultand his Recorder-O' greatest Goldbrassen the city by the business given it to ing physician will pdvlse you wbat to to do it the Jubilee will teach the the money question T re asurtr— James Christiansen do In order-t- e work will never be toward a settlement also be forc-eregain your health Tmstloeof the Peace— Simon Christensen giving its very best metropolis a lesson In that regard We Consultation end sacredly contoward as much as Isfrejs Marshal— 0 W Blotnqulst of that problem business men to also help it out When ourselves really have but a faint confidential lew For proofs Terms DIty Attorney— I J Stewsrt very his favorite scheme of tariff adjust- a ’ Jkreet Supervisor— PCPetorson! couutry town has a progressive citi- enclose 2 ceut stamp ception of the various Industries of ' will If W Coons Peundkeeperh-Joh- n zen let’s try to keep him Local agents wanted evoryuLie our state we will learn wbat they ar ment and tbe money question Water Master Niels L Anderson uo considered not all be at taken up No and where they are by this celebration canvassing Va idvmun 7 u m parasllae Phjalclan-- H Ei N6tH'K D ik Incum' of term In '1 Addr-s-s til the borne paper present with your latq In short the Jubilee will do good hisVj from theElphfield AdvoJudging ’ stamp WAYNB COUNTY DIRECTORY torically It will prove an advertise- bency cate’ racy colums Richfield is becomTHE VATUMA COMPANY But when It dpes come there wfffbe "1 ment and improve the condition of in the state— the Z12 towjn BOX ing P toughest 0 COMMISSIONERS CHICAGO ILL r A Hpanish bit will affairs in many ways right here in another surprise Alomo Billinas Fremont Bugler have to he put on tbe president If he oui own state Chsrlos Snow Teftsdale To call Attention to our town is per Is kept from working fob International ( IsBTlC White Giles i bimetallism for while the majority of fectly proper but disrespectful atten fOUMTY CLERK A COUNTY RECORDER hurts a town and both tbe AdvoOUR STUDENTS NOT th9 Republican Party took the mone tipn - - - Loa " " jBL M Hanaeu aod Censor have published too cate PiJACriCAL tary clique of the St Louis platform l'4 ' ' lir ABBBSBOItl to mean-- permenant gold standard much of the sensational and there are so many yoiing peois that it Why John H Curfew Cain mills tbe falr Judgement must decide that some of the results ple who have gone to bur best schools sheriff:'1" e are of so little real use when they come President McKinley took another view yt Geo Chappell Lyman home? Why can so few of those who of It and will work accordingly That The Provo Utonlkn speaks proudly : upt schools: success will follow seems more and hav studied two' or for there Y Robinson English because Provo’s own boyi are her Loa more icprobable every day three years edit a paper or even write TREASURER leading business men Come boys of one good article? Why is It that m:dy T A Jeffery Loa and be the merchants bevier in Jiffi 1 n State - Builder J c l&ougb or Planed Lnmber tl NOT GUILTY BUT MUSt HANG Born in Renssellar Couuty Jjy ' I York State in early part of this m of Dhy tury— emigrating with a part Minnesota family to Ramsay County in 1890 1 have lived continuously on t farm and as my friends say a useful life-- am well known to every civilized (and many uncivilized) country in tht world— a majority of American farm My ft ers are my intimate friends sociatein crime (V)came into existence about same time as myself and heart — not equally as favorable a record is it suffei shall innocence that a pity through guilty misrepresentation yet we cheerfully go to our doom and grant you premission to hang tLU who rue card on the wall that A Walter know and that read” may Wood Mowers Reapers Minnie Binders and Rakes together with Cliamiii on Binders Moweis Reapers Self Rakes and Duppcrs still exist and that these manuthetories tuia oil more machines annually than ftli ethers— that you can always obtaif extra parts for 6amo and further thaL uo machine iias a better rccord—$u buy a Champion or Wood and be ''latent— agencies in every town in t and Idaho Respectfully RED TAG PLYMOUTH TWISK May 6th 1837 We are Exclusive agents for F E Myers celebrated glass valve well pumps fruit tree spraying pumps For further information apply to 0 P Borg Richfield and J S Jensen ' VATUMA '' j I t ' “Ll-o&- 1 ex-Ofii- -- e ’ &rl j ' "V'' ' Tamed Work Molding - (I ANDEUSOX mil proprietor of the only planing fit in pichficld and is best prepared a oy one in the county to do all kinb of wood work Wiite to him if want any thing in his line as: hs i T Carpenter Contractor 8q-iin- a i Co-o- Wagon and Machini p Co : Do Hot Forget TIvat A 'Horne the hardest woikers at 9cliool coni homeaDd never take part In a society an association or any other organiza- I will llbcruly pay anyone who tion that is tended to educate the peowill send me and information as to ple at Lome? Is It not a fact that the where abouts of any of my cattle rnaDy of our most successful men in jranded 2 oa right hip or thigh the real tussle of lire are those who w Loa of PROSECUTING ATTY: Joseph Ekersley Loa Utrh j jJ TttjmuAt i uever wen t to a college a day of the world? Is It because too ninny students of pedagogy uever try to teach is BICHFIELD SALOON II W IIA J1L0SE Prop ‘ HAS 183 ALCOHOL TEST-PROO-F CALIFORNIA ORA PS BRA ND T BA Bnnlt of B'mkberry Port and and Wine Cherry other such liquor start needed in sickness H Try our W E Cigars Missouri Pacific R’y The Colorado Short Line to Kansas City St Louis Mo and all point! South and East Free reclining chair cars and pull-ma- a palace sleeping cars of most ele- Direct connections at gant design the magnificent Union Station St Louis for every where Tickets on sale at all station on “Rio Grande Western Railway H 11 E J Vlynn Kooser C F & 1 Salt A F & P City Utah T Lake A TO ' HEARI ( erms All thei local news of and Sevier Wayne Counties and get a U Summary l s ' ‘ of World's the news in general subscribe for the Censor $150 a year that out of the great number we get really good teachers who stand the bard test of years in the school room? There Is one thing that parents must learn and then train accoiding-lTo succeed Is the struggle of a whole life and children allowed to be Illiterate during all of early life can not become a scholar in a few years at school The boy who Is never taught to work when he Is a child can not recover from the laziness by taking a year or two years of hard study The children are not prepared by home life to go to school and that is the reason for the incapacity of later life Too much is left to the teacher and the parent shirks too much Teach children to take hold 6f matters In earnest and they will do the same at so few y county editors the lawyers and the land the The llroad Ax thinks that C U as an editor his owners of the next generation GouSrki whoa anti Mortime havihg ys-emon writings were ho longer needed No other writer in the West has done more to mike theciuteof bimetallism the Y:'L M I A of Nephi I? getWbat it is tbuu C C Goodwin for seventeen yeais the editor of the Salt ting up a kirmess or fair to raise Lalo Ti loupe —Richfield Censor metta for carrying on their work Our hccoeiations have been in the habit of In order to stand in with the powers is be Brother compelled having dances or theaters for that that Crosby to defend the unscrupulous and purpose wouldn’t a change be mere writer from the attacks of remunerative? the other ntws papers because the report has gone abroad that the Justice will Boon become a full The trip being taken by President Hedged member of LheMorman chuich — BrolAx Seegmlller and State Engineer Willcome Good winand ard Young will without doubt result Ilurry up Judge are thn fold befoie gates within the ReservoiriDg in a great deal of good closed against tlie wicked is tbe making of all tbe valleys on the 11 Sevier River 1:1 out-date- d J - acti-Morm- & Miller Undertakers i -- b Keep constantly on hand at their establish rhent Richfield a supply of COFFINS CASKETS HANDLES SCREWS LININGS &c and they can fill orders on short notice &n Having sold their Planing Mill they ardseas-’ xious to sell the lumber which is well oned LATHS DOORS &c they have on hand and will sell the ground occupied by the lumber yard at a reasonable price for cash - A who has been non-Morm- ing the Book of Mormon read- - Remember the Dear Departed i Show your rsgard for those who have gone before in Enduring Everlasting Grave Stones ARTHUR HENRIE propounds Several places In town trees are sickthis question to the Censor: ly because of mineral being at the It Is claimed that the Book or Mor- roots We are Informed that mon was translated from plates which cinders and refuse rocks from were hurried fifteen hundred years or slakt-lime put around the tree will more by an angel sent by Gcd for revive It blacK-smit- h that purpose Now how dues It happen that the following quotation XX has established his Marble Works on Center St East'Of Co-o- p Store and is prepared to make grave stones and do all kinds of Cemetery Work Kintergarten work Is getting a firm fromShfikespeafe is in verse 14 Second FIRST-CLAS- 3 hold in Richfield We now have a ONLY Bock of Nephi “lay down in the cold INSCRIPTIONS school Teach them to succeed In the and silent grave from whence no very good one of week days and are soon to have one in our Sunday School little duties of childhood and tbey traveller can return?" ' will not fall in the great task tfiat It Is a sign of healthful progression beset the man and our students will That we might have light petrokum come borne from icho'd ready willing was placed In the earth In abundance “fianfeuafe” said Sir William Hamand capable to uie wbat they have lot cold be we should not great That ilton “Is a' means of concealing learned while away of coal were provided That they ” We never believed the as- !? and other northern town raised nothing but grain the people were always poor Tbe Bugler gives Brigham's shipment When Brigham City strawberries for this season at 140000 quarts Lots of other northern towns get money from similar sources of and so money circulates quite freely Here we must look to butter cheese and eggs for our money and the quick-e- r might be doveloped the government allowed private ownership of them That the mlltlonaries may leave great masses of unneeded riches to their kiudred they charge outrageous prices for both' But the sovereign people gave them those fields of wealth and now should see that the wealthy own er does not Impose upon them thought sertion until we had tbe Advocate for a neighbor than never but it that a year little wonder i band seldom survives over a i WRIGHT Pioneer Oil House £2 JUST RECEIVED— A Lot Of WHITEWASH BRUSHES Paints and Oils Paint Brushes Glass Sash Doors Lath Iron Roofing etc aiette Farmers Attention Machine Oils A f K I I Call and get my prices before you M( J K 9 i- Richfield Adaocste aad Georgo these are produced Instead of selThe Brigham City Bugler one of The ling bo much grain ilia quioker pnople Utah’s fairest and best country week-Ue- a T Bean in the same bed They are ill havt too much alike to sleep together man I Is seven My4W:tlf felodt of — I WORK EXCnANGSB FOR PRO DUCK -- At last our brass bands are getting a Better late little encouragement - M -- I Don’t forget the place I K WRIGHT S order r |