Show - y nJt SHF Vo!f 2- - No 8 Professional and Business Caidsj IJ Bfvvt s ‘I ’ ‘ general -- 0WtoUlM TB WART dhd ' COLLINS " ' Attorneys ' Law: T' RICHFIELD' ' - ?'I REID and HOFFMAN - " '' 'S' WU1 te&etsAJH Attorneys-at-Zax- t 0r 'ThtishefedtheChtHaoVlhe: - " “tM' and VtadW summer' there this $150 Ii county farmer killed I - i l n one day while laboM ’ ' JtouxrJuirMhsmts “ ’’ ' V J 8 ’ A Year di Weie? returned from “Pixie17'’ W -- lateen owfa ”TmI Anfla’ last Saturday' Weaver had new straw E’ TVlor Rcb nettles In Monroe fresh buttermilk lit ln undef th “p tleS' Impression which tool 8 enterPrn “orohant found a Marysvale roast Iamb and green pea? many' of us have tfiatW kas'rlAdlngl 8lW aboT® Axtabella and In Cedar City and a watermelon in S the country of a test If'hehad'8toD- - eMrTOr He reports lots of to consider lire matter be 'would I See’Dg the tac4nt1and the little activity to Southern Utah and says that he neve I '°Wn 11 wM fleclded thafit' should be have' called 'toinlnd the fadt that owln I wel1 10 and greaaewooS iurt danf'I’n1' So‘ they I jaw the’ viulid hot have been 6‘ plentiful ir °k WeU afc eDt to WOrk ?° thi8 I tlmo °Mr Ths Jt" the®taT- hat ’locality bad there’ not been ar "Z Pre83’ d the ' ot I thh dam capact3r It has ibupdancejof food fortbem' and they 1)660 We fllled ths were year a watchman preying upon rabbits mice and hre- - Kln't W Brae t'Sl”'tWo" J Iwi TOiwif to 4tji 1897 ! Oarlleld v ' The 'Deeri4 Mining Pb has lewd it Sliver I DMrt”M‘rP"rtw LI T77 1 the Court Stt all Id '' v- - c7 ' I '' ' Jne A BO USD The bicycle road race from RaltLak I ' Walter v— Brown wa 4a mmioejg to Farmington was a feature of DeQorC8ter5'7 and-l19 bn W heard many notes from the miners ration Day - r E 9 Hoffman " wo RE HIIVEIULS News n UTH V Riehflelcj Utah Fridjjy' -- pt wort sage-brus- hi The Dargers wlH have work A trend' the charge! in( Utah and Ingtoq D Clntr and the I four men are at work mining outthr Knee Rloclj Richfield Utah1 haVlD? 6660 tbere to 8e® that the dam sou them part of South Carolina on- - ore while three teams are anori tot Ptber vermin which’ aiq always so des FBBMONT curred Monday hMdDo weil and put at hanlinjr Thirty eight sapir tructive Scientific invesilgatmn'orrt00dth6Lte8t' b°°T ofwatr 0D mileiong by shlnped a little while ago and It careful jnquby 'by the layman will First of J une was quite a cold day WALLACE ft RBOJFy mIle Wd® and fourteen feet b A creamery most weR I 80 lear out the carload will began r assertion that there We listened to aome very managed by Andrew! v Atfofficyf at Law' 66P Is good 'h? da“ awalu scarcely a b'jrd in y tah which Is not 1 Lawson at Blchfleld handles milk to I f1' ' RicitfeWnth preaching at Stake Conference Th( I mg of the gate The more owners h Bir D! men navel wilt practice In til tbo court State end Fed the atWHknt of 3000 in 000 ponnda dal-r0 Hr worthy of protection irom des-people of Fremont who attended felt offcr9 erni: 'Oorpornttitf Laud And Oompierota) ievm vould 8 n!n on on1 Cr®ek The 1s crow trqption Iv a — 125 to 150 poundsof but producing scavenger I Solicited BtufeM ii 4u ter t0 ° 6 7 double intested “P1481 b“4 paid for their trip aD'1 Osborne are beginning the hawk and owl do far more good In tbeyear round while during a por- - 8taley Dot car® to 08 ther Dry Oreek iff Father Dopcan la with us again If pmapect the desthictlon of Insects andanlmals I the7do tlon of the summer 300 to 400 pounds rW JOSEPH XCKEESLET ' thev how are pleased to see the old - y hleh are hurtful to the farm and the up flwt rttt M thy im of cheese per day is added tohe pro-f" § gentleman down Mr Osborne moved! has I farmer so well than Just Almost looking harm In the injury of duct Milk is f purchased from the every day'a newspaper mao at iaw farmers at 00 toiJ5 cents per 100 pounds hlafamilyifrom Monroe to the iplnes J growing or harvested crops -- Jress I see8 “shady’’ things in bia walk! about Joseph Fllotte is vstennaiteit A new tie rtwd is J Oouqty Attyrney for ayqp County adding to its per cent or butter fat I town that would not look well in sfint being opened up I ' Mr Borgqulst of Richfield Is '' the IneLot Cgnyon I PPle Joubg and old Ira LQA having UTAH I— Tribunes cOXSTY of I1 guilty A are at workon the I nHwlemeanore of ‘ sheeps sheared this week The Fre- lees' nU or greater road to the Seyler Mine Charlie Rob- ' 1 of Commissioners- held I I mont 1078 bavo kea the Job rettimr intit M W MANSFIELD1 A J Knowlen & Co of Kansas I ’uaotf is in sessidi'U itttctteTtheU Wd City charge k as DunCa from Calnl'' I So have lately purchased 4000C sheep in few days since Alma Gilford ld considerable Jbwwd !T‘U “°! lawyer looking after t to lie hem t the vicinity of Gunnlson'totraltlnto visiting retttave Crabtree found aome rich county iffalm The question of °k e8’ I P Notary Public J flhat on FIsH Creek' They pairing rpads was brought up and during the suihiner to be fed to keen handioff HURBER sat out ‘to Add IM source and “d- The county-cculUtah there next wlhter on grain ttady for-1I ®ome ofour P®°Ple a talking ot do but little I mto trouble If the latesprlngand early spring mutton I traced it up the creek arid then Up Ifif took hhlrfuf the matter now 10 Salt Raice for pioneer tales told In Print Day HE U H HEBBEHtf " market These At ridge the trip ot sheep were purchased rldgri the boafi decided to wait until a suit- mint f ! '' ' ' ' by E J Kearns of Gunnison the Utah the float dropped both ays'so’ the att financial- situation was‘ at hand Pre“°Dtiand troublesheslmnl? Physician and Surgton' i &b°Ut i representative of this firm The flock? b°y beriovelts source Is cfose by and ce5“ln?ut and 19 a credit to then make a ‘general 'repara- iheL and efld of th® 8 ' I 8’ Office at Pioneer Irug Store have Just been started eastward to go they are hot on'the'trrili jtlon: Thlcoupty y through Utah Colorado arid Wyoming I The Blue Bird Is being worked Jeff bonded for43UOtmf it fould be (a coming out just lool BICRFIELD Carter'has pTAH moved h'is family up andhejfull tended ‘for at the ditches and plowed ground out more apd as that with three others are ai work’ The JWoul mike the there t copqtH' cash hash jI lots DR M R SHtPp of ore haS I that heen GUARDI " Aid FISH LAKE lay rig ort the Wrnfef than before It 'was decided up-- I Mr Jctn iobnsen from Elsinore Physician gwI Surgeon Of late there has been a fixed deter-- dump for some' timehas inot brienihlp on iri th'e' proffer miiW ' Arrange- on our called with hla I ned althouarh several frliii Office and residence at thq minatjop qn the part of Sevier Cbunty beautiful and complete chart butthri to protect the fish at Fish Lake Kentucky House the occaaslon All day I chalrman thought it Ml Johnsen had I the county fish and game warden decorators i — : Mqxkob or a' Utah thronged theb®nPedlnanw I were also completed' J Bean has been plylng blmseif dill city cemetery with trreaths of flowers 1 9a®K of unity to iie scuteree amon ' u!‘'’ LEARlkATRADE I gently at the work A week ago Mon Monaay showed no abatement- To our people to build a house fit for suctf SaHna efferri ncouwgena?nt to kV eTU DEBTS’ RETURN werd evenlfig MonfUy iijq Hanieo I nc charuhe would havii been mord ere I band want rip to the La9 'Fridy cemetery a n for haying iknje later Mrohnsen1' nlghtnthe'igaln wa oung with Jong the militia RICHliLD' Company 'The I when we have a better houa ’T lo?ded'h students from the B Y I ten jlck r y T' r on i fjiii i r' - j w5ftr6rs of tymen i the hlue thore diMtmfAf I jl i must herd sheep'or punch cows if be Acndemr ind eJ?Qwher(e on the way the gg LhGnatSaa(dflIeS Ple°ty ot acthe disposed griveof them James Hanson to adeceased their homes The complet lili Is: to’ acul re a heFe I metobir fired two salute help t0ment? cording fo law and look Russell to expeetp jjopftpnce ndiI Mias Jollyj-- i oyer the ! Owwrol Can j ther’ Peterson a SM are Christian more already here lb5 I and grave came home Decoration and ln'the' fleM than ttaPS°D’ Christenson John trate fined him for his offense beco“lD a nd Mm NOTICE' in Rich-Maud Falfbanksalda j ? The Fremopt Irrigation Co tor ten there are sheep and’eows’he young °8tlpnd’ 6 ' man in MONROE iRRIGATrON CO I years ealja hpa pq particularly Anderson Mill!? Daidp' Emmaj past has maintained a reservoir it:DastruP’ brilliant future Ephfalp pastrup ' pama Notice is hereby given to whom it -' may (herd sheep may concern that a stockholders meeting of the Monroe Irrigation Cto wiR ' ' ' o ' An Oflced Mint! earthquake shock felt Tennessee at Wash-- j 1 fc al-“°- !! i” hooia-lDcfllo- c(c 1 fT - ’ - - 111 ' 1 -- °°’k "i-t- " 1 mmir °rcof“ - Jr“ - IDkU fcay and-Ber- a andsel-Nebrask- -- gold-beari- dls-lnes- s - 3 ‘ ’ - W -- vrirMh010 ? - 7 - t I - 1 cml“ V fl?6 Dry-valle- v ( ’V I achool-truste- es I ‘ tchool-hoUs- a ’ I ’ - s - ’ ® I - - - I 'aheep-horde- rs I cow-ppcii- ra ‘ - -- 1 '' oclipUc ttOpSore intoftr V 8 Deputy :°a'sw"‘ 7“ taw Wl PVfl tb® way 10 fu’ hole suitable for the fish logo through neatness Fortunate in the gate Besldps regarding thl8itureort'JDa“d 4INERAL SURVEYOR ‘ pw)4k1 wlttSDacrt in £rfs Ltjtr'B i cut SOMRR McCAJiTY j the C Pi istlansen Hall Monroe SeViet the quiet I State ot Utah' for th purpose I burg The renort as hln County’ cihjulftted I tint Tine Oiler who VlVea I tioMor ‘an? da Bus®h'- agreement) Hawley on a bU!’ ranch in Plateau for ald had so some as to permit and att Company Bell Stewart Dana Eversol Lu Cqra Dorlzo said compariy to purchase of time been past 1 paying particular Whittaker Hughs Whittaker Mrs ?ubscrlbe tor stock 2TTT88hl‘ comes another from ws'1’ By-La- NOTARY PUBLIC action as V® J?ung man wh°oan learpa Illegal the Irrigation comCmia W-i- WU of idle men I : pany claims tha it is not good for the MQNBOE UTAH in other corpora1-tention to a slxteemyearold girh who I Crime foUowa cr‘®nd Showwalter 44ons now oranzed or hereafter to be fish as men then stand oyer it anti now admits that lllict ret‘on8had organized for the purpose of THE WRIGHT HOUSE catch with net spear or club most all poverty and distress fill the land A pureba' existed between them “ ' ’ Oiler went jing constructing or recboy to succeed in life must have ao edmaintaining beauties the to out that go over to W ayne County and from there arxoirs and spawn or IK W right of water for storing lrrlga-nProprietor ucation aud if possible a trade & N' if they escape here they will be made one knows where Oiler apdhistlon PurP°sesand to transact such can acquire neither id Sal iria Under Johns the prey of the Indians wild animats not lived happy for some I o4ber ma44ers ° kuanPta as may pro nimcauuiircmuQii correspon-- j Eirtt Class in Every Way or violating whites wiien the water theseclrcumstanccsthebest hinghe dent had been very home 'sick wVnt time perly come before the meeting s hold Asa of B few acres °M (I) vote of the entire t°Jt?et spreads out below-- Yet the company f log to go to his home some hundred stock must be bad a full atten aDd capital and 10 make °g a try mlieii llvln? has assured Mr Young Wayne Couo-t! Terms Reasonable north of herela requested dance bebind tb® p0W' Ifc U tbe 0CB IJBILEE FLOAT- I 007 re‘ eral Aliases had been employed by Mr ty’s game commissioner that they gill If WBohmamPreat and ifhe is not bright Reese for some Richfield Utah W- A War oocki maintain a fish way ifSevier County time and was to have I Last Tuesday evening Mayor Brand (Secretary ® wU1 fHfol8b a guard bor8e a8 piy' b4t the Ul I17 froin returned Ifromhe ' the tbat was state left capital JEN8ENHOTEL u ' hekverage boy in and the boy takti away Under be not fish at its or business whither of destroyed mouth various sorts took JUTAH-thpromise Erirwr wni wo“Wb® better offjofbelug taken home STANDS AT THE HEAD ' Mr youngj grass patch below While there he contracted for r had not I hl They CD 1 8Cated to 9 gone far when their absence was noa fl°at to be completed placed and Aug J Bogel the leading druggist Cnsob reporter that liej dAAdf aw y kipt qoIubieTfltf bad never heard any one calling for a ticed ShreVeP°rt La says f and I of 8omfl in ?f towns ha the parade for tne entire people set conveyed vo VitF d8h way unless it was a person whoj pRogPEWi — "Hr King’s New Discovery Is the E8rB0uttnpursuitv They were overtaken aPPr°Prtatlon given the county MY OLD KENTUCKY HO ME” I wanted use it for unlawful purposes I' Cff“4 T hecSLQ!it tbp flb tter spawn in lnt0 property in tne Sevier country I nere Tbe tramp escaped into the I th dairy industry’ iff the first so Do If you believe In Silver 19 to 1 and good meals good beds that Invite to the creeks running into tbe lake than burned to the city yesterday and tmberb“t Johnny was brought home other county will have a display of its Campbell merchant of gafford Arlz' sleep and pleasant dreams good they can In the river belotf WhHe a J8! that prospectively tbri district is Tb nomad is thought to have some jd8tlT Products as no two can make writes "Dr King’s New Discovery Rooks Magatinss and " I the same exhibit SeVler la the fourth IS all that is claimed for it it never Papers fish way may notanswer the bt4tpurbn 04 the biggest be has ever visited connMtlon with Robbers’ Roost -Daily He will probably return to the south poke of all people ritthd' two counties county to make arrangements for its falls and Is a sure cure for Consump Ah home with a Sample Room Ob ' are with Mr Bean(q hla efforts toen° Inaugurate work on several loca tlon coughs and colds I cannot say" float' ' Main street and - t-- r?t a 1 a i o i1 - - N wife-hav- two-third- 1 ’ ‘ 1 j r66 “7 e l7-- - — fZ68' - ’ " j- ' go- - to - tions that were made by him during One Monday Thomas Oil ve a I the expedition ne did not reach the pro Sevier Co Monroe I Utah mlnent citizen of Crawford 'Gxrgia APOSTLE ‘GRANT'S CONDITION Lammersdorf campon Gold mountain FltLMORES’ STAGE LINE ‘ A week ago last ’Thursday but says the campaign there is pro- who had been sent as an Indian agent If f Apostle HOTEL FIBB8QN For many years the mail from SI- to himself Heber killed J Grant' was takeri ill and an StGeorge in an out- - j gressing with great aieam The ex‘ Elsinore Utahl gurd t Ida baa been carried on a ifrir t appendicitis was decided cartj peaitioa was ooaof great Intemtto house near the hotel known as tbe operation Urat aeoea and well ot with Newly fitted On Hou36’’ thought goleg Iron thc CapUni equipped lie "Big UP? bad m acted Sunday if morning the state bew !town ” Sevier to Wane Couotyaa paa-Luu- i troubled for some time but yet seem wa£ partied by the news that there tvsrything for contort lnJoIU Now howove vthare- - aia gor quite than had been repreaeoted to bin ed to riot be very bad He however be- -' was little hope for his recovery as the comfortable conveyances plying operation had revealed blriod poisoning started on it He p7edctlcamecraz7- and s?emed to realize It tween these two points Three pass- - that in the south will be Ia wa9 in Georgia where n a wel1 developed state On Sunday developed House Sign So Ornamental jPaipter - — 'li engers can at any time be accomodat-- ' j Jt ' ed while baggago and express can he Gralner Fapeif Hanger fe Decorator well cared for snowing oa ot exceuent value— rvpmauon ip tno-- -' UTAH jWCHFIELD THE KENTUCKY HOUSE force the fish arid game law - ‘ pl:'day7' I - Well-Know- - - it im ( n - - enough for Its merits" Dr King's New Discovery for consumption Coughs and Colds is not an expert men' It has been tried for a quarter ol it century and today stands at the head! It never disappoints Free trial tot ties at all Drug Stores and Geneyal ‘ ' dealers ' Thanks to the occassional cool night and the steady weather the hig water ha 4 gone and all Bevicr has (l |