Show r Let’s take hold hands Mr Grocer and dance We’ve got some beautiful business for you and with you and for and with your 1 customer Schilling's Best is the tea Pay every customer’s back that don’t like money it We’ll pay you There’s money in it TO tion we had about matrimony’1 “Ah” l‘KM)l(T t'V(IOM:t I murmured Dolly resented the inflection “I tell you there was no flirtation” with an impatient tap of the high heel of the little font “We were just discussing in a purely analytic way the cause of so many happy marriages and so drifted into our ow n Idea of a hajpy He said marriage prefer to He writes marry a literary wonan you know hut is an artist "I said I would Iik6 to marry a man I was good chums with thinking what ‘capital pals’ Jaikand I are as he says hen I thought It would be nil e to marry a litetary uian who understood all about publishers and such and said TI snn OU NsjK a Kamo us Astrono- SpotM then Since many iilk ou everyone the house happy by buying a RANGE MAJESTIC cook a dinner fit for a king and it never gets The only fault we have to find with it Is that it lasts too long It will outlive two generations Tor further particulars apply to our agents: Tt out of order t j French savants hav e been laboring hatd to find some method by means of which such atmospheric disturbances can be accu95 so We shudder when we rately foretold "My dear he acted try strangely al hear of whole towns being swept away that day and when we came to break hut as a rule the disaster occurs far DOLLY'S STORY fast the next morning we found he had away from our own homes and we gone The feather brained Teddy came soon forget the miseries of the hapless In like a whirlwind the other Not until we are day and and homeless victims The portieres were cast aside and roared with laughter so that I thought face to fare with the danger do we real-z- e A very fetching Dolly Dolly entered its power the long expected hid happened and he It was In a dark blue serge gown wlti had So the French hardly realize the force — at last He said” gone crazy the bodice covered with ecru embroidDolly burled her face In her halnlker of a cyclone until they saw one playing ery and the sleeves composed of tlnv chiefs and I lost the rest of the sentence cur'ous pranks in the streets of Paris puffs She wore aspray of golden rod at Now to accurately fortell the time THE WORLD- - FAMOUS MAJESTIC FLANGE “Do not imitate him" I said Impaher belt and places In which cyclones will manPBICE AS ABOVE CUT Dolly was quite delighted with her tiently ifest themselves is clearly not an easy I was a nice girl but “That growing self and the world that was evident Sometimes it is possible to too fond of him Some men would be matter Her eyes were sparkling and jhe dim make predictions bad enough to lead the little thing on using for the purpies about her mouth were visible een but not he He pulled out when he pose such data as the variations of presthrough her white lace veil could do so with honor” ed Doll) sure registered by the barometer the “I determined not to tell variations of ‘temperature shown by the you” shu be- behind her handkerchief gasj ' ' ‘ gan the indications of the “Now I suppose the world is full of thermometer "That Is why you got up so early and Idiots just as conceited who think hy grometer the electrical condition of dropped In” I said women who barely tolerate then) ape in the atmosphere and the unquestionable “If you are going to ho horrid I love with them If he met me now fact that there are certain fixed peripds won’t but it Is really amusing ” Raid at which cyclones may be expected to he’d think me consumed with’grief” as Dolly as she raised her veil and the dimshe dabbed away the tears with Ik r ex appear ples stood out in bas relief "You re- cuse of a handkerchief But even with such data it Is practi-Exchange member I told you about that youth cally imposslhie to mak£ predictions who was so nice to us Jjlst year in leultli r'liil ISeaoty' IIiiiih- with unerring accuracyi As a French Florida when auntie broke her ankle?’ Pumice stone is one of the best things scientist "And you repay his devotion by makto use in removing stains' of am kind branch of melorolgy Is 6till in him from life I miserable 'for I the hands ing its infancy and the results obtained by suppose” answered Gloves wopn it night too constant)! means of meteorological instrumen to be Dolly made a brave effort are apt rather to yellow the hands that) are often either wrong incomplete or but the dimples threw down the wtdten them Vaseline yellows the contradictory” barriers and ran rampart oer her small hands The dtfliciiltj’ of making predictions m G W SHORES chin “Let us not anticipate" she said is furthermore enhanced by the fact A good lotion to use for Tbe Oldest Specialist la the Went perspiring with a wave of her hand "To begin at hands is Jmade Of cologne water and that cyclones are ‘he result of many the beginning he was quit£ attentive to belladonna using about 7 grammes of different causes whereas their effects auntie and me”— with heavy emphasis are invariably the same If there were to 12 of belladonna on the anntle — "during h$t awful time cologne cause the prophet’s task would be onlv lemon and soften and Glycerine juice I could not leave auntie to suffer alone much easier whiten tlie skin Mixed in equal pro in a hotel sitting room so A novel prophetic method is used by portions it is an excellent remed for mnch confined as she Ch W Zenger director of the observahands chapped "He suggested getting a hammock tory at Prague According to him no Soft and flabby skin gains firmness of and putting it in a sunny corner of the other instrument except the telescope A R balcony which was shut in by stained texture bv the use of cold water to Is ueeessary for such work and he E He superintended the which has been addqd a little common claim that by a glass windows judicious observation of salt and of the hammock and every hanging DK O W SHORES spirits of ?ny kind the stars not only can cy clones be foreVjnegar nscklnf to help suffering mankind always always trying morning he would see auntie safely en- used as a wabh about twice a seek help told hut also reand to convince volcanic he value people that earthquakes gives to keep the skin firm sconced before he went to breakfast ceived for every dollar paid him has eruptions Imdecided to give quackery fraud and "Afterward he would come up with To cure white canker sores in the His prophetic method is based on dis- position Its death blow and protect the the papers mail and fruit or flowers and mouth get at a druggist’s 5 cc ts worth tinct scientific suffering classes from tha despicable principles He has noticed methods of quacks and charlatan Every stay with us instead of hunting or play of gold thread and sttep in warm water that atmospheric and terrestrial dis- sufferer from tennis or attending the morning and sweeten with honey or loaf sngar turbances coincide with MANing periods of solar wet the canker spots with a swab german He knows a lot of nice peo-piactivity — that is to say yvfth the appearHOOD particularly in the literary set and dipped In the tea every half hour and ance of circular concentric spot6 on the Seminal Weakness Varloooele Hydrocele his mail was usually very interesting take a little of the tea sun’s surface Gonorrhoea Syphilis small Stricture or shrunken organs prematura ld age Vaseline rubbed thoroughly into tiie gossip which his clever correspondents Hitherto meteorologists have consid-thes- e and all other private diseases whether wrote him and auntie quite swore by roots of the hair precepts it from fall exoesa or contaspots as simply a manifestation of caused noby ignorance matter bow severe you can gion hint you know” Ing It is said to preserve its color some disturbance in the sun itself The consult DR G W SHORES tho physiI could not cian who has given his Ufa to curing fancy her haughty aunt Brushing the hair wilh a stiff brush it theory now is that when such solar dis- chronic disease and he examined adswearing at anything— not even by her minutes every night thtn once 'n the turbances are seen atmospheric or seis- vised treated and cm oil without paying him one dollar until the cure Is effected most dlstinguishe I ancestor— but I did day makes it soft and glossy Do not mic disturbances may surely be expectthe doctor reserves the right however not Interrupt Dolly use borax water on the hair as it fade s ed on our planet refuse any incurable caseLlf he can’t stars and to Shooting cure you he don’t want your gaoney "Auntie called" him 'quite a pleasant and Injures it meteorites which enter our atmosphere Such an offer wa never before made by a To responsible physician and Dr G W person”’ continued Dolly "arid that keep the face dean without the and e the point of departure of elec- Shoies Is only ablo to make U because was saying a great deal for her When use of soap make a little hag of tlucse tric t roubles are also said to be forerun- he positively cures these diseases Don't waste another cent on questionable doche found we wOuid have to re urn to clo'h and fill it with bran oatmeal or ners of cyclones or tors but consult tha “Old Doctor’ and earthquakes — York New alone since Jack couid not almond and warn von wash our face Examine the sun then is M Zenger’s J? r££ri?LIiUSW'JESS sacredly CON- UiiNnAL comejorus — he left two weeks earlier use this bag In the place of so ip advice and be assured that when you Dr G W SHORES than he Intended because he feared When the hag is dried it ma he utilized notice cy cloniai spots on its surface there Lock Box 1585 is if auntie might jar her foot in changing again the meal almond hut where is good cause for terror The Salt Lake City Utah phase of cars W lost sighJj5( him when he re- oatmeal is used it should be renewed solar activity recurs periodically every turned fcXf epurse auntie made it a every day :6 y ears and M Zenger Insists that our point to invite: him to her'first dinner arthisin consequence much troubled and sent him cards 'lot her regular 'at The Only I’lM'lor) of Its Kind Ini tali every ten years fie is said to have r It is not generally knowrt'ihat there predicted the homely 271896 cyclone of "Heftame to dinner I Ketfeve and Is a Clothing and Knitting factory in basing his prediction on July the fact that Salt Lake City the onl one of its kind SALT LAKE CITY UTAH called just before he Railed for Europe in this uly 27 1S96 was a very stormy day state where make men’s t the nqkt week I had forgotten his ex- and hoy s’ clothing amttheysuits to and that on both those dates sun spots — DEALERS IN— gj istence' till I went to Rtay at the Blank-fords- ’ exdiislvel from Utah cloths We re- w ere clearly seen This eminent Prague astronomer has Hides Wool Sheepskins Deerskins last week cently wc nt throu h i and found’ that He 1r a cousin of Mrs hands employ t d In a rival In the Blankford it seems He was there and there were near fitly person of a made making clothing and SOLF AGEMS FOR was quite ill — so ill in fact that once hosiery andready As the former were told lvit nearly all botanist of Vienna THE tAXMiMi (O the house party came near breaking up the merchants in the country townyof looks to the sky for Inspiration so the Utah carry these home hiade goods and tlier looks to Mother Earth But he got better soon The stalk one of lire suiKwas and 'I mar When you ship to us you get “Now I thought here is the time to whoeverw bought petals of the shrub known to botan-i-t- s Alw ay s ask for sure to aiiit mother and tc as get returns Arlnis price eturn the kindness he did us My dear home-madquick l’nobllls are precatorious sinty made In Cutler Bros vour trade A faultless barometer inexerted my self and I fancy I can he (03b Main S' Salt Lake Cite and if his guide gel what you want at iniir deed this shrub appears to be Its (uite agreeable when I try” sad Dolly you cannot country store send to them for samplts wc are told is so great that Watflinmker Jeweler nnl Optician demurely of cloth and measure blanks and thee by the movements of its leaves ALEX I WYATT bait Lake "Quite” I answered briefly thinking will make y ou-suit at from to City of the poor souls to whom Dolly had $l$z0 that will outwi ar a i! two east rn hranchi s ami stem Storms earthquakes IyesVxanMjied free suits at the same pr! e and otlur atmospheric occurrences can been agreeable lie foretold much more ‘T wrote him a little note each dav be y THE E S DEAN COMPANY readily and 4 liriwt ore going on some expedition the hostthan thev can by the use of the mill iiinsi turd Plnying ess had planned and I marked the pew InstruIn the time of Hi rrrv VII of Eng most delicate meteorological lOOOllOo Incorporated Capital books and sent them to him One dav laud a iirious statute was passe d w tu li ments I ally I’nid “Alter all" as a French scientist points when I heard he was worse I sent him prnhlhiu d all of ids Map sty's suhjiits Dividends paid on $100 requested my photograph” exuptthe nobility and the renal faintly oul '"litre Is little real difference be13 1896 to Salt Lake Cily August tween two these I “Could mortal man ask more?’’ said from play ing arils a diversion w ih h methods of making customers on their pyramiding plan M Zenger and tha Aus"When he came down" said Dolly "I was at that lime new and very popular predictions 1st dividend paid $990 tried to amuse him In fact I grew to This act was to only he In force duri lg trian botanist work in different ways September dividend paid September 15th but ioo il use The the the same Christmas holidays j hey like him as one would a dog one feeds origin principle” October 1st dividend paid 8 00 But on my honor there was not the at t pr iliihitt d ard gam sin any of Ins October 5th dividend paid 3 60 SeafneMH ( nnnoMls Cored vaguest shadow of a flirtation between Majesty 's sul jc Is but the king refused In l III November 1st dividend paid a 60 upplicutleiu 22 cannot it reach they to and rebuked I severely us and fancy know what a flirtation sign parlla the diseased portion of the ear ia November I$th dividend paid 17S2 is (with pardonable pride) I suppose merit for presuming to interfere with nilv one wav tb cure deafness and There that ia December mt dividend 21 37 paid he based hlN suspicion On a conversa the jiastitrus of iris court by cnnatitiitinual remedies Deafnesa la ran soil by an Inflamed condition of the muProfit for 105 days cous lining of the hustaohian Tuboi When $121 39 this tube gets Inflamed 'you have Aren’t you Interested? If you are not arumbling sound or imperfect henrlng and whan it ia you must be dead to your own interest entirely closed deafnea ia the reaulf and or else you are broke Call or write for unless the Inflammation oan be taken out Information and printed matter No 216 and thia tube restored to ita normal condition hearing will he Clark destroyed forever nine Atlas block Salt Lake City easea out of ten arecauaed by catarrh which Young agent is nothing but an inflamed ooudition of the Brazil is favorable to Cuban inde inticoua surfaces PUREST YOUR We will give fine Hundred Dollars for pendence but will await action by the any enso of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that United States ANI GROCE It cap nit bo cured by Hnll’aCatarrh Cure Send for circulars free P J CHFNKY 1 Co Toledo Ohio SELLS I r REST Flank Andrews W O h it ( o A M l’i ' J Fooper Pyper Co li'!rk ( Patilo Pocatello H Ham A Co J on St Anthony Isaua Kdwell oy o Muriln are t o I’royo Moroni ( M mill hiihrtom H W Curtis It lie in E iy G T Mt Pleasant Co Nephl Kayesvllle Rexbnrg Logan Moroni Blaokfoot p I OR Salt Lake Hardw re STEEL AND Do You Co AND 44 WEST SECOND SOUTH ST 42 MALEABLE - SALT LAKE CITY $52 60 UTAH - - Know tliat the SIEGEL-SANDER- S Live Stock C nimission Co the only Kansas City House that maintains Branch Officey at tklFLak ’ Denxer and Pueblo 7 ' I iey are Reliable ami w ill give your business attention all along the line HItITK TflK)l RANK n'i Manager SIEGED Kansas City A D Branch House BODtjALL Salt Lake ORDKK YOUR HOLIDAY GOODS FROM — " s AYNES COALTER SALT LAKE MUSIC HI' TT ST WMBBsHW ‘ NOT ONE -- t 11 111 ’ 6a'yl-"Thi- Make a SA'K'X'Xi XCSzf'SBRB'X'X mer Are Nun Nlgn A very interesting paper In regard to the possibility of predicting cyclones hurricanes and other atmospheric d es was read at the last meeting of t lie French Academy of Sciences says the New York Herald The timeliness of such a discussion is evident There have been cyclones I11 several places during the last year but espec lally in I’aris where they did much damage xrry pure bow’s ear but you IN’Tofcana make in CZ3 Hazleton Bros Pease From $dx up DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU T From $50 up SOLD ON EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS Guitars Mandolins Banjos Autohaps CURED Ltc Sheet Music and Books a speiialty Catalogues furnished free on applicaHeadquarter- - for all Mormon publications tion Day lies & Coalter 47 Main St CALVIN H X )D I President Cattle Salesmen I P Montgomery L A ALLEN J C FARRINGTON 1 ( Eaman Office W T C J EAMAN J LANTRT W T McIntike Sheep Salesman J T MRQHEDY'Hog Sal asms-- Hale C Book-keep- e The Kansas City Live Stock Commission rnmpny HoomsCyTTAPIC and COKKKSPONDRNf R AND CONSIGNMENTS Capital mil 1 e iiK-nl- a accu-ratcl- c GOOD Experience SaI (sold by Druggists 71o Hail s Family Pills are the Hewlett Bros Salt Lnkp City Utah beat Boat " facoma hi nicc J Tailors ough Syrup In time 1F&1 LAKE CITY SALT Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co Tlif oldekt as well as th lurtfeat Savings Hanks in lUnh having beon estahlihnd overtwentv three pnr Since the organl zatton of the finiiU swings aeeomita have been opened with im We pay five (S) per rent per annum interest on sav lags account compounding said Interest teceive deposit from not quarterly only the people of I tali but also from of uearl every state in the Ui ion ns well as foreign countries We mute siicn and take anv amount from $1 un deposits W rite for particulars to Nos I Jl and 5 Main street Salt bake ity Utah I- resi-ble- lIKR TOKfi Ilford Woodruff Geo Q t union George M ( annon President Y ( a ashler M Kopp’ M Id'll KA N’t UTAH PORK & GO PHILLIPS COMMISSION BROKERS GRAIN PROVISION COTTON STOCKS AND BONDS Kuonie 117 W & Fine Confectionery Holiday Novelties I and 20 WallterJlro’ Bank ltiillillng Malt Lake Utah W sold at $535 per barrel Recentlylow agalnat a average of 1097(4 barrel We perceive no reason for any per further de- cline and predict that conservative purchase of the hog product will prove exceedingly profitable We receive quotations on grain provisions the most active stocks every 15 minute during the day Prompt service Carefu attention to orders Correspondence selicite una 0 D A Jl - Hast Humer- ii Disks Fine Side Jioirils 1 Motel Ranges Roler KxtenMim Tables worth $io-o- $60 Fancy parlor Suits for one half price 1 X L Tel Second-Han- d 48 E 1 D A LA stl in r x sion llm I 31 Store Second Sonll SOKKNSEN Wt'l fit CH N U 24 East First South Street Salt Lake City Utah We do a general banking business and receive accounts of Corporations Firms and Individuals upon the most favorable term consistent w ith snfeand conservative banking Write for information Francis Armstrong President 'vWa"Kn J b Jennings Cashier nt & CO INCORPORATED N ON HR GINTLLM $40 a month and commis- Addiiss and A R DERGB 1 1196 S iff 22 ur priii Time Yearly by Utah Commercial ami Savings Bank bait Lake City e -- one Interest paid on Saving Deposit Compounded Four I holes dp Onl - Temple I’op t OK Write for I’ru es Tutea Good Use Bold hr druggists SBlJU-niAi-sai- AMPLE KtOlK 1 Baking Powder- - PKOMPT RETURNS The Salt Lake City Soda Water Cp AbKVTN c Use Three Crown E8 Market Retorts Free Contains more Liihia than any other water In the world Posltlvelycures Rheumatism Gout Diabetes and Bright’s Disease Put tip irr tases of fifty quart bottles each 7 00 per case Orders should be sent to well-know- n I SOLICITED Teams’ Active Utah Lithiafe Mineral Water “ Summerhays Iwenty The Wonder of the 19th Century y Co ©took Kansas City StockKxchange Yards a-- Rowe Morris ID HALT LAKE ICITY K Hooks and Periodical to destination at Publisher Prioe prepaid out of town t oe Stationary Office Special School Teaoher ml iippll 51 189G nt tenttpu given a'1 order hy mall or expraa H SMITH Lake City Utah W CURRIE AvdP — f V |