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Show , - .. . : I - '111 . - -- 117-1- -- 1 AmomM , - 6 , ...my ......n.n...n.n. . 13 I- 11st--A N101011101111111111111 dENMA ,.....m, ,....... pmwm4 0,.f ' IllillEIMEMMMO. inloonE00000111 AIME g 0711.11111111.11116.'. 11111111111. 1... 041:1 of144 0!Tn MOM 1916 - ' ,......ta.....::.! ''.".''... .11 Air A.11.1 1:Ininlirlerraill7 annillif d.n........"....,...., AIM" 111.11111.11. : ' of, .:110 '"g C. '1111.... DESERET EVElktIN' 0 NEWS SATURDAY AUGUST ) It.,k'. OAMIU16 0 st:.i1" istuutilim -. N.,, , , I . , 0.4 o.0 ' MEMO, UMW 1.1 I 111111111W '4Mloinnol 01111111 TLn ,s, 4 111 MMONMEMMft MINMMEP NOEMNt MEENE am ......M.........M. mo.m.m.m...nl.mb MMIMIMIOMMMEMMIn MMIMmlniMMMMIk .OP ......" .".,.., .1.1.. ... ." OMMINEMMEWM minmmmo mm.,. MMMP ...1P .MIP ... i mini. an 01 Oaramt . .16gme -- was. ."''Mn. atiMmONM,M, fl.1. A IIIMMi, 4111111, .., Pmm,0 , mm4 .0' Om 0.mnimm, SmOmmE, AP', :40111ra , IMMO IMMO IMMO 41111. 47 MIRO dilEED etioNat EI;; I. WINN" OEM Prefaced by a Few Pertinent Paragraphs Pertaining to the Reo Policy and Program ' . Efi . ,,,, , i, .. eNED -.4 falin TM lido Fear 4.: cyder. ,, THE AIR HAS BEEN FULL of rumors of ale g 41111110 son 4RNINO the NIA, SAO 'The lame Krefeld . se:i411111111111.w. 41EINS WE ARE fest Nvw Ilme ' Csindat Rom HONOR. entrust to any other the fuif.nry,ent of those obligaticsiaand enjoy the monry we had received? WE Rho FOLK HOLD that the sale of a not the consummation. but only the beginning of a transaction car is TO OUR WAY OP THINKING we assume, at the Cr.,. we acceTt the check in paynumt, an ohligatirm that shall endure so long as that au is in n. YOU SEE. WE ARE OLD FASHIONEDvery old fa,hionel, we've been told. BUT THIS IS AN AD and we should talk business "hard cold business" in an ad. So we'll say no more on that subject! Leave it to those who are interested in such thingsthose who bave a Price WE HAVE NOTHING TO SELL. we Reo folk. Nothing save the legitimate product of our Lao. 41EMIO YOU WANT TO I:NOWeverybody &limeys emote to knew se.st naviels Reo will make the coming yeaz . and tbe prite of tech. OF MANUFACTURERSnot Merchandisesnot Zadedst GI 4 "WS promoter& stock manipulators. an,W Ie. New Sit NO: WE HAVE NOTHING TO SAY against such combinations. nor against those who make or who join them. Undoubtedly they are good for those on the inside. Silt Ramotoint. AS should 1.A I kunsonsor Rao Sin Touring Car NOW try to answer it? es Ill le TOO FEW HAVE BUILT for many alas, for the quick I 10111011 , N41- 40111111b MEMO - anal emoolo Pi OEM am. MOM 4111EM OMB Tbs MOM ibi7111 Sods Six Rime anal MM. 1.11. lune 40111110 01 111RONO 011116 NIBS SEM MEM 111MI. 11111110 , ' (4t4 IktmmNms, 111111.10 OEM )1- -- ' o' aline Spa 'Spend Ware." Slane d . , All prices are F. O. B. Mich. 11111111b amino timsing mom wawa III IIIM or -n I ' ' :PT 8 IIMEMi .., 11111' s f,1,,,. I , 100 , - 11 k O. bl' ' ' , I I (ululIV. III wkb te reason or the nAND WE TOLD YOU EACH YEAR oductioothat we had absorbed a p.ation ,4 the initial expeimental, tool rg, die and sprocil iriuiptritentcoit. and were girmg you the beuett. THIS POPULAR REO SIX la new in Pi third season. It hat Polled this arm stages thmqgh wht-- it's great tnnt- n amesak wentretitled oats hs v. teen ateor bed, te off- And in accordance srth st unswerving Ron palit7 ere give the buyer the benef:t and set the prics St 111150 Lists Lasting. Sht WE WILL MAKE A LOT MORE of those Roadsters the noosing season. Ws underestimated the appeal and the demand for this csekt It po,sed one R th. lapel populat Roos met a built-OU- RECORDS INDICATE that the inaiority r4 thnse who bought Rao Six Roadsters the past season were men who formerly bad paid 113000 to SA0u0 tor thett cars. ELT REO PRIDE PROMPTS that we absorb the entre cost. as we have for months pest, and keep the price whet it is mail conditions will. happily. return to normal. ROADSTERsame THE chimes, same price, is the smartest thing on most popular car in the world among ph prolessional and business men. Also $876. wonderful whiselsths and all TO SUPPLY A GROWING DEMAND for sn enclosed body 00 Reo the Filth chassis; we have planned to build a limited number. The quality will be Reowhicb is to say, excellent. The top is rigidly supported at fillet and rear. Removable glass panels convert it into a veritable hmousine for winter, and these discardsd and with Jiffy curtains (which are also furnished) it is an ideal summer towing car. The price is 11CC5. THE NEW REO SIX will continue In Its preiit popular touring car and the deny 4- ; and we will make a limited number Peseeettee with Sedan bodies to supply an insistent demand for this typo cal body on this splendid chassis. tosthe 41.11Ms MEM ENNIO 01.11111, MOO MEM GRADY MOTOR Co. , Phone Was. 3162 :1 t ,; , : f dims 410111. dmiElp mono MEMO ONEEP IBMS IMES ! 4100 OWED inimp 411111A 01111.P - 111111 4111. collo mos t ' OM. 0.1. SUMO i , IMMO NOM ,; , 0110116 OMB IMMO UMW : e 111110 ; : anollanb 4111100 , ONES MUM , ,r MM. OM. gnaws :,. 1, , -- IMIEW Wines -, , 0 MM. MIMI OMNI MOM FOR THE MAN WHO CAN "afford to rey any prks he likes" for a car..ile the very man who &rent He insists ea real value tot his moneyand his knowledge of values acre cite dictates a Rao than any other. srx SEDAN speaks for Itself though, truth to tea,. an illustration does it Saint IUSUOIL THE ''Iteir' OEM , IIMIND dIIEMP v Omni WOWS I, :1::,. 41111111, MERV OMNI NOSS v ,,,-,- IMP IMOtito I 4 , 4 1 MEM dMIP 5 : OMER !t !'..1-1 : - 11, iMin, OM. i 01111P MEP It i.- - IIMEMI. -,i i- PRICE OP THE bolo reduced to REO ''Speed Wagon" haa Win ---I cone IMM NEVER SINCE THE DAY this model was announcedgni WI made only one general announcement in the whole yearhave we been able to supply the demand- - Never, though the new Reo Truck pima txrvers 04 scree of ground and is running to capacity. AND THAT TWO-TOREO. What shall we say? What need we say? We outgun. it is the greatest motor truck in existence. Has been standard for longer. Has sturdinesu ci its and and kw proof given greater efficiency cost of upleeep. rr WE ARE TO JUDGE by that we may well assume that we could sell ail that we could maks were the prios $2600, instead of 111650. 1.1'i; r:' 'A' .'g 10 ligliato 1111110 '.-- molle GIMP AND FINALLY A WORD about the big general brief reiteration ci the Reo policy. plane WE STILL ADHERE to our determinating' never to nstke airs or trucks than ',scan make and make every' TEMPTATION IS GREAT of course. Dealers protesting know buyers begging for more Rem Hut we know--what eobd foundation this keo success was built; and well jealously guard thAt policy to the last --- on SEEM i 4111000 111110 1111mP RATHER THAN INCREASE the quantity we shall strive alwaye to improve the quality so that tie the art adVanCell and cars generelly improve. still Reo Will coatinue Gold breadard ei a2eas.7 to be known - 'S '. ) ! onlMo ONO ' ammo ammo : OPEN '''':1'. mom MEMO IIMEE 411M0 . - 1 . 41111NO :.T WEN ONO IMO OEM t t to; talinta MOM NINO il ....', !I '. GEED 1 ' 11010 OMB it, ail 1111 i: V ,,. '.14- SIM MONO 1 - it- ! MEM OMElb COO MEOW - ONES I , MENO , - MOO , Men OEM OM. UMW , ti OEM 1 I o IMMO ll 1 ' , .1. t , . f :I; ;.:A ,z, -- i 4 I i'r t -- ;, Ir., T, ? t ' f,, i A ,tr M 1 g 1 1 ' 1' 4 .' I t,,! I it 7 -- i1 41 ' 1 , I :t.',) 4:4,1., GOLD, SIANDARI5 E OF VALUES" ', t 19 i !Ili f it ,It111111111 . : t , 1 , - ::t ;j :';'11 v4,4, i: ; t 'it L ti, 5) i ..i,: .4 ..1. il "46--T IL. 1'w Xlet tra,40 Pit ; ' 1t illinal MOO OEM. MEM, AND RIGHT NOW Reo stands higher in the esteem of buy. ers and of de trade than ever before. $30,000,000 PER A NNTM Is not mudfl by any means. Rea ts in fact one of the largest in point of production. We have no ambition, however. to be the Largest. Don't want to make all the automobilesonly the best. ' . t - 41 4111 11111111P RIGHT NOWAUGUSTthere are more orders on hand at the factories than at any previous time in Reo history. Order hopelessly in mem of factory outputand that also is greater than em before,. 1', 4...1. 1111M 4MMIP tiiiHNNO more Roo one good. '., , i. Ilinme SAME REASONSAMESPOLICYreduced cod of manufacture despite higher present cost of materialsas enunciated in speaking of the Reo Six. 111111111111111111111111111111111111:a I 0 monk s 1 ,, ', Wyse, lami'ilsd.Cab) Vale , 4 i OM. A Now $11501 models. '4 1. 2 OREM I 1. :' '. 411111116 I t P NEMO THE PRICE IS REDUCED $100 on the roadstss , - ':' 4111111M I t 04 41111N6 4111.1 I - 4 ONISM MEMO THOUGHT POR YOU: If ',is trust "count the net" you can't do better than to foLoet the lead a LIA milliotsaire in the selectioa ot an auts,mobile. HIRER COMPANY 457 South Main St. ,,, jilla Ito Volt - : CARPNoso infinitely better csrlot each year Itt bare incorporated refinements and a tted equirnent as the art boa developed. SAME '' 41101111b 1 i '' I ' INNEN OWES I r.,,,141.MIEF, MIS Mal REO THE FIFTH SOLD FOR $1250 in lOttl Its vire was s; reduced by siaccussive stageijmrn year VI year as $link $1050. and now is $4.3 Lob. Lanit;ng. Sit Factoriess Lansing. Michigan Mm.mo 4.. , 6 ORDINARY BUSINESS RULEAtietate that we 110 the priceiof Rag $.50 at legit., REO-MOTOR-CA- . lerire, Lla MI r....I.o'... A P lir ,.. 4 fir1!, ti5 Listen' REO MOTOR TRUCK COMPANY) 411 411EMIE, SONO to TODAY YOU SEE OTHERS inereming priose all along the line. They must do so. They bave no choice. - ammo ' permanencytoo WAS AN ACHIEVEMENT of the OM metnds produce such a car and sell it at such a pdoe-48- 75. p. GET in return for this business (honestly get, of course) that would be a fair exchange. , OWNS NINO , IT SO WHAT COULD WE OEM - red THE REO POLICY IS SUCH: the Reo product Is such; Reo reputation is such; that this business is as sound, as permanent, as sure as any other business in the worldin or out of the automobile industrybar none. It is so regarded by bankers and business men the world Cent. ASK YOUR OWN BANKER;be will tell you. 011111EP IMMO - FRANKLY WE DON'T KNOW--- we Rio folk where we could put the money (did we listen to the siren song of the promoter) ; we don't know where we could reinvest the money with equal safety and with as good prospects for, not larger. but as steady and certain returns permanently. We don't know. S1714 First sot ACTUAL COST OP MAKING is now more ($30 more) than when the present price, 11875, was Set a year ago. And we and perfected had made this model so long; had so manufacturing processes: bad reached puichea high state so low ot efficiency in dealerediscounts cut :and that we bad, then, readied rock bottom. A BUSINESS for such a coup inGROOM volves forcing production to the limit to show rsyfitsand thot Arsult is -a product :oL, - stiecEol:reqiiiiity' it bestr'' (8.5") Km clean-u- IRE WAYthere's the retest pewit- to eTM pe , the workings of the Roo plan and its bettervenos to buyers. NOW A WORD ABOUT THE TRUCKS sine gn per rent ct all Rao automobile distributors also handle km mous truck& NO: THE PRICE WILL NOT BE CHANGED this maim We will not increasewe cannot lower it.. WILL SAY THIS THOUGHthat the spirit of "I've got mine, so I don't care," which is invariably preceded by 'Vben I get mine, etc." has, in our opinion, seriously retarded this great industry and lowered the general standard of the product. RY NEW BODY TYPESYESand some that put Rao in the highest class of ears in looks es well aa is performance sad longevity. Well treat of each in turn. THIS IS THE SEVENTH SEASON that Ron the Fifth has been standard in practically its present form. WE SEEMS ILLOGICAL at Erst blushdnesn't it? lint it iut. Fee the Innis is never illogical. And the truth is t:.at &vita the present higher priors ot massenals and I r ter modvl tdso it Kill it mats us tem to make this sia-cydid a year ago- YOU MUST SEE IT where you can study it$ artistic lines and faultless doish to fully appreciate this latest Roo which we price at S1750. FOR THIS IS THE GREATEST automobile ever built, we verily believe. why NOW YOU WONDER. and naturally. how we ran reduce the peke of ths Reis Six intele!s and not the F. Net AN.; RNIA I altar wha t ant hava just told you about the nitre-a...- 1 ,,et al production. NOTHING RADICALLY NEW Is ever offered So Rao buyers. For it isn't new when it gets to youit bas been thoroughly tried and cooclusively proven beim we let It get into a Rao car. REO TITE FIFTH COMES FIRST. of come. only among Reos, but among rootor cars. TO THEIR INFLUENCE for good or ill on the tradeor the consumertime alone can tell. Anyway that question has not been asked, nor that phase considered, apparintlyso we door Ms how many other automobile concerns can that be truly said? That assetwho calf inventory who aptgaise? - no businessof THERE ARE NO NEW MODELSerw 'Isaias models we mean. You do sot look fore do Dot expect. do not want nom chassis models flegit NA& coritsE THAT ISN'T THE REO WAY. RaAnernentect come. Detail improvementswherever and wheoever we eta tind a place or a way to limbs them. THAT WHICH WE HAVE we prize so highly none other could see the value we'd put on it. WE HAVE A PERMAIsIENT rZ couLn WE, IN REO WILL CONTINUE to do business at the old stand in the old Rao way, striving from day to day to give to Roo buyers just as much of value as our experience and facilities will permitand that. as you already know. has always been just a little more than you could obtain elsewhere. Lio r ..14511066-.- MEM pro- THArs WHY WE SAY at this timeand wo; desire to make it as strong and clear as words can conveyReo is not and will not be one of these. Vest." ben rt THEN THERE'S THAT OTHER ANGLE that some might ca3 foolish sentiment but which We, old fashioned Reo folk, regard rood serious!y namely, the obligatiotui we have ILS sumr1 toward distributors and dealers and buyers of keo Motor Cars and Trucks. AND SO REO, THE PIONEERfinancially one of the strongest in the wordhas been much discussed, much coveted by promoters. 111.1.1111M1 Tbe new MESS WAS CONCEIVED TN PRIDE and that pride of achievement is its greatest guarantee of quality in the product to you and ( f ita permanence to us. ANY CONCERN THAT COULD by its financial standing lend strength; by its organization and experience lend confidence; or by its reputation lend respectability to such a plan. has been mentioned in the gossip. 11. 1111110 THS posed plans for the uniting of several rival coo. cerns for weeks past. The wildest rumors have gained currency and some credence. t; 0 1 4 41111Mb WINO concerna Rao agosissett. g finiinno I r rin i' il,, '' ', ewe 0110 t 11 ',i -- AMMO ONE. IGIRST LET US SAY. since It is relevant at this time, that Rao has not, is not DOW, and will not be concerned in, or a part of. any merger. combination or consolidation with other automobile ,i x .;'. 0.111 OEM .1 ,, 141r, '! ' 1 l . 0111EIP ',' t I., MOM, Two Interesting New Models Two Important Price Reductiont ' k done 61kPAZ MONO 0. The Reo Models and I rices Z sWXATTS0 ems OHIO IMEMme niiEmoMP mmmoomor OM M wom...o filMMNRM.M.P nomm moommoinnowsaft Ania .m00 .no.n. '4! 1: t pmmi MOIMMMIIIMINEMimmomm. 41.11100EMI ,z MmStaHoMSNM 1 ff0EaSso mMIMi1MMMiin 1. ammmommMMmilmmommona MEMMIIMINIMMImmoomIEMOM lilimmolimammommommOnh MMMMMEMMg 1111mommol ANNMINUMM, wwm..m111.0 ...E.. NMIk m....m owoom. ......nop mmownte emIMMMNI ,..,n MEElliNMEMMMP nnouncin eamemnocaMm.ROmMA I 0k 11111MIMENEmmw4111EMIEF IIIMM011011111Er ...d.LT, 4 ' 1 -4 ' 1 !I s t - I |