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Show 1:1 ! fill "I th pearl Yrs a rednalns Tram ata gmodautaa tal to a 4 14 P, rtimi.64 , ; I .. W th. The hroata V".Tzt, CD- DINING ; (1111i 01J,Le V V s.;i41 h. Ial I. ataaw art 1. t Itee Pituott re? rt,gt ellitaitton t . o t, laya, a...PP P t I 114ha, Walt. Mr .1t,hot t . 11.44, 11, tirti1 , Meat s pf tz A, PIPI IL t. 1, tt 4 h. opt, hra i 14 t hildrso "Th. kayer); try In rov 4.4i u o... Wolf). , t eitte4 i , , I I I on soloalon SI. telt4 4.1tIo4aity N We,. to fc ) 1, Aare er; iiii,v li 11 , , $ , f -- 7 , ,. i : 4. - sf 1(t iXr g ' da 7 i e. 1 ' ' 1 1 , ; 4 p I, 3, ',, ' ' - 41 ilk. . e . . t, ,... ; -. .;k.. - e- - , t it. , 0,01,1. . ff. 1 ,", 1:Iti et , ta I 44 t ft Int.. tt 0, Pte!, t 000 it r 1' t idtBS lbw? 00 64 04 rah of b ) flo 0.11, 'r.1 117 7. 1.1.P A. .3., tph lJtrç4 briDwthe"dralirl-- W! 020 . , , ,' ( ..: choosing their ' hollere4 Nri,t1.)KAtz y 141104 1112 $I" 0, 1. VVhrlrany 11,1 1110 99 011 er. $ IT III $.14t A.VI $35 Chair, pholal rod to, h. 1 .1 :;0:::: c,ak in '',1t', h,,7, nuir, I !,-a- t II nr)SAZ ' '.:i1,,nn':t. 1, 't' h";, own traino, hotels'. or eett e t r.o"ntli Per'esqi who Itrirkr.,C1f,6, 11:,c1,-- t :,,, . lon s 1 .MO.M twrn yy flew-tett- rrAnswn ! i Prflq Welyster Aritort,, Mrs. Fags- 4n4I were .for:to,r1) from. The weddings ')den, in the auditorium Arthur iutier. on of Th,s. Cut-lof Salt Lake. arrived at the 1,c,- on the week of tmainess. ginnInie Mr. Nancy Rich Pugtrure gave an t. ' J.lift aaus seamato arisen- - iritsTisodor, atowli I ei t, to Otto mid.. ;n that state ho4"nging Ntoll, and Itobort E. Robinaon and E Jared fterastrom also left for Es--- ; to tpertd about '- tett- days- lies Ord finery seder's:I Illambi we in Insitail 9919, Nod .4004 .1 1,9.19 t,.t 1.1 r; C "A 95 411 Pot. 1 ealw U 111111111 Nuft..1 ide ("isms with iiinwint tw-- I. P01 ROOM BED FURNITURE Ltnk Is 04E:- . coonottn tt,n )6 at ton ith tt Volt it 1.0nvro4 - all of...I reing 0 0 3 0 sed dSn It hissc Pir St Mahogao4 wwower 1:1 4 13041, a fwith II) 1 :1 11 :3 2" (ma 1ot"88",r Nik Prroh.4, 01 )iitt. rttaintted Iron full ail., 1414 Ills hi Bras" 154A with 1,1 to poets He,t. II ( 1:: II lititiar 1111 14 its, 4 $1 ital. Tahiti 121 11.4 I in st tit Hrs." 114 00 p--44 140 I. Ir..11 14.4. tS itni4 or In 114 tuned 441 141 ' LIBRARY not.t:t, FURNITURE $4P0 0 anon Matwasav Llbrat!, Thbfr. equarp pattara. $1100 Leattior 431 04- - aratmre rtair, fortnrly rot- - ItTli tr ke:Ifq - $1114 fah.enn pattern. 44 tlnuino Tail.. impala Ladie-- y lAhrm,y 111 04 Oak 1Nak 4014 Fumed Ladiefr 14 $I i hN 1N,k, 1oak L 9C Table. 113 se liram4 Oak 75 17.3 00 Irumoll Oak $1,,,k Ca... $37 54 $4 S41 FUJI144 (kik lincker SIt TS II S.00 Cloidli Oak Warts IljrL'vr NikAor 111)10 ' k IA II: MI. Chair, IP 110 - arf):;'t i No Pok 1.0 r:;:'A 0 04 1:10 4h - iltwoott. Itatiogway 641 it: " oink (intik t We Pretow4r, Ullho. any 81I1 . IN, ?Mist 1:4 $I 04 - arid iwatio Culity S.. No. h It Inv (Iwo, with Atha I Preparing Seam IPS Howww: Mastere An investigating doctor and chemist national reitowm- a tett- year aural made a remarkable discovery a, which contains sot inmate compound -- the Intro. Ism., a man who works with his brain re...tutus mu,h more r Of(0 1(0: ,111:1 The tomi,erature ,,f obould not Ie 4,,trIPIP! Ot4f11 lin,1 supply IV blood to that organ !copius than does a tnan who works with his doing Intas;onary work in that vi- chitty. or and wow known tot the prnilnary Intereetmg talk Arthur rulimer arrived from San opiatesmedicaldopes-world as ExteiENCE A. Tueetia:. Proarram of the M II lieNiard:no to continue his labors in Mthe ENE, It has most tros-.- 1 taoc evening on the eubject. "now .to this conference. derful virtue as a curative laxativee-ougharp,' though married:. and cold methictse. The funeral servi,ee roerthe Po touch more thorough in driving of 'Delilah Edwarde reel!. t he Colors. i Emotional lose t system , Vetinesat th Ingleworbil centetPry standing 'ailments of this ebaracter Ss marketed by the drug trade- - it is day. Jan. 5. Preet. Joe. E. Ft air! olors correspond tn. powerful, thelgh perfestly harndessi eletht.red an Impret,...e se.unwn and the best part is, and the following quartet. ..Wm. Jar- nous human emottona tied are t concentration. that one can by Vet osuces ad by i man. E Petirson. Aruthur i t'ora k roan.. therefore, as emotional a or homy. assay simple using "yrs". ' Hawley and Kate Robinson forni,hBlue represents spiritual omotions.1 make a full pint of the nasal delicloop ed the mu..-Alb- ert and inanities true religion In its light:7 and effectIve cough syrup ever disshaw of North Ogden ar- er shades: belongs to the feei., covered It absolistely slope a cold eved Thureday from Tahiti 'standee trigs that goyellow stizh the highest intoner-Bu- d In its inciplesey,--amil-laciptined it tn iahor tn this mietaion. dsvelopment.. and a brilliant in- will at emee relieve end ortilckly J. W. Webete entertained ,th mittcough; iellert has its color counterpart in a! come the moat obstinate cold orhoarse-, including broischltisIa grippe. atunariew at s theater party at the tlyid golden hue: orange and brown nes. and 'Yea whooping cough- - Your theater Saturday evening "The are always associated with ;miserly I druggist houlei eves yes if; 'apply Itettrna vat: Ira preaented hy and gresdy Instincts. he mast- - order-froserbotestalem: er Red ii.the rolor par excellent of Every drugslot wad these- -, t passion: When deep or dull ft is Prot. Jos. It ftoblitivin Sonde of retail druggists thesughtest; 1. a and Canaell go41 siaay.gress the bohcal nf sensuality and animal pan the ESSENCE Sunday reorganizing g BIENIfrio-cg IrlreT1 t branch. George W. Sid well who basis-lonParbcritrisoa rialtrfteellie Mired of gear- - De sot take a cheap embolisms. been preeidlna 116 ttanch president 1 and the hictier forme of 101.9 glow and trobbedLe.Ever be bottle la yaw, was honorably released because- - of with pure rose rat Warier, or gamey bark by removal from the city. indicates deceit trait betak- Titoteed Black Stephen I bora Prakorlo Ca. Mfg- I OWrnann stas sthetatard. ens:gloom and blarft to the entotineal Chemists. Dayton, Visialidivartato' I The Slitillef Prliret were tblei,sed t rotor of revenue and getallowTit-Ittl- a meat i &P. n; ttaa 29,99199991 .gli glom win". 1411., 4: 99 11,4 149.9,91mot rs I ft At and he heard 101 , 9,9 .. , Cures Colds:Coughs K Robinson and J. W. Tuesday afternoon 'for It the various branches 'OP.-- IL49219.v 91r29922999 twp el-i- s perature experience!1 when yr.uloave the hOlill induces trouble by lesnening Why Authors Cot& Cold. and Albert Shalt i a I , a Stethl Gerdnit and chr;stina the latter'it,ere aTT,n;10,1 I, Mr. mill a re,,4 942 r 9,1!. Watt, 1).141allaa 969, 131 URNITURE L sea-sa- e ;.,f E r. P 1141 t,t !moist Table, with 1837 coughing mooning left Jan lo f,,r Phoenix. Arm, to.lar may colds are all the fashion and the doe-tor- n lad' art noseionarom In that section. i are haring a busy time of it 'Mr arid lifra. Jos- - Hunter, Mr. anti Mrs J. If Hailey Mrs 'resale E Much of thus missry is due to care(Sp, lul irnrrOSporitifl117e,) I M. A. Eardley.,Mrs Lemon ie.amens. )S ANGELES. Jam Kt. Stieneer. Salt Lake Coy and Me and Mrs.. , le.a room is much hotter than .the i Juc E. Rohirne,n perforrh.d Jrof Shellee. are Idaho of Sheller. -- 1 rn-- 1 the eefentoniee unit;nic the fol- - lima in the eltY ,air outside. the suddea change i Mr. artol Mra. Arthur, Carlson lowing courdi,,P In ;ht. 11"1 of, ! Salt La ke City are (truest of ltir.'Cardbonds of fuser:71.n).14 n. ::, John Jnhniton awl NI;s14 CI4,,,Ituan. Jun. ;,. son'a mother; Mrs. Mary Carlson. and t tri k their home in this :11 - I of Local Interest - t lip , . 1441a.,114 9, I pt,,,latet omit IS 60 NWOODEY Li former prem.,: dent of trier South Afrtean mission. Al- bert $haw from the Tahltran mdision Los Angeles News plac '. to go. r,er PRIei-S- tat 11.4 299,299,9911 119 P'999994 pityllort or,,91 Oa 8411 BLANKETS $; OVr REGULAR , oil 9 Mita.. 1199 la, 494 41.44 runtdi i.giwtoterd NS Isa4 rai-- s SI LA s 4. t NO $at and RaLatt,o et zit,wig rw.q.11,, Prapyrtoo at !I PER CNNT RET.FC. l r Ir9999,9 1 0 829 040, . . Prank lli'atyljth tt'f' Frequently the - woult1-14, travoir, 1100k 1, Pt superficial a knos ledge of geography RIB to 4 rt$- find it impowol,le i il tritel trdependently, For these people )4isa Ruffner '. piano a sort of personally conducted tour yrithoot the guide iler patron' hove frequently hut a vtude idea of what thek may wont and it to the work of :Viso Ruffner to apply the iletalls,Nrope. of them reoorte. want vacations at Mips Ruffner ham a 'taro-len- t ability in ludgine character to adapt the people to the plw e. s here she sends them. To a quiet Ina li lienoti incousitteartualy dresaett woman she tourattsAn going : :4 to a resort where there are feta amusenterts and she recommends a 'restful hotel: To the sot iety woman with a lplundleas wardrobe 'rind a, desire to don itAhe'AdYises the gayer ploo!,rw., and the botels- with dancing anti music :::;'. : r c) au regular features. , , ! 4 e:' 1 ., Borne of her.patrona have only beard of pieces in which they would . lite Some to America like and often ' timSirthey tafetn abroad. The :rf--i gm" people have a ilight idea how long they may be gone and Mimi ytuffner '4 A l' li does the rest. She Dlarui the trip to the place mentioned and maps out I, the places of in terPSt on the may- with the number of days that may be '1 4 in each to coniplete the Journey in a given time, bthe. finds the best i :',. trains and the titr,e pf arriving and leaving of each. All the information f necessary to the trip she compiles in a little book and giveo it to the ye- 7:1 cation'''. thus relieving her of all Worry Rhe always suggests the hotel to be slatted In each town adapting the otyle of hotel to the nature of the traveler. 'Miss RutTner has hentelf visited every hotel that she recommends and in .sho has in her employ a man who has traveled extenon-elthe old world, both as a tourist and as a guide, who gives the neceesary information on many places almost unknown. , .. I...tMime ftuffner Wm been engaged In jtork of a similar kind for fifteer;. t , began as a member of the zeaff of a magazine devoted to mire--or-yeara, andShetravel. After-th- is she rortducted a travel department of a dairy 4'4 newspaper and then trent into the emplay'of one of the greatest ra41,roit4. Three-reaor where she opened her department ago she sent to New of Inquiry in on. of the leading hotels Therm nothing elip shod in the. little offke where Idles Ruffner pre, aides me walls relined with eard catalogues and indexes regarding pascal and things. A device of her own Invention fort the ready discovery of, "."..worairtes and dilean,poeenpf.- pla.E. at Cover. at UAL? IVIelt rec "6130D ... , - si'll;',,Ao U44. d"lortiutfonrrt 'zit Sa .t Rut. Carpta and Nr t.nt lotoronat ISTAt-k-BLI.- u17 $15 00. 9 . ..r!,!,,!,,t:.,,,,..,,!..1..Pr-,-441),P,t,. tilt at 1St 9 I.. ito,it....oup, 9,111299411 4:0 00 r I ... 0.111(6 Lot at U at $4; aa : 00' ' 14 Halt 11,,o ZI 4;a44v 9: 91 I this wale, siALr erstosao& yard sold.. 10041 yards ta this solo at 15e ad 20c yard 21 25 to 112 00 ttamplf Lotirtha of Riw it lotts,Its of a,lt la to SO lark. lir,eleI',Pelf. itampl 50 C ...... Lonstk In pair. 5S' to - Bprkey & Gay .01.1) OAK DINING ROOM SUITE I. vnla !'. 999 ,,,, ol 1 $99 4 hot, ,t, moot - et 'lilt Raga else nuine Leathr r to ma rch II I. 110, .qf(6 tia Denny Curtsies. I. L1,-i II41.!,1 peso Axintristor PIN :ft Lianteum :4 1Ink ,, oisp Wilton Rua 4$ phqlotrd :..11 rt.t,i,ett.tit, SS:. (0 .I1,n chkit. k I; 1 sit 14 Wane MAts,,finn lablotty Ruai eta. ttat SO Si Peet IFIP.ty trim...to Raga. size I I., i..4.1.6 101,101V Impart...A talS. at M Psi liana Rua 11161.6 SA son es WOO Reek- itk ,r Ili eat as11-1. bstr rphoistrod Witir,111111V SIN 7,0 1010A ,i1E Hock., rptfalstril $IP 10 Wohocany SZI 11., Nilahocny tOtotateto.1 ha 11.1, , - .4 or $14 te - J:,' tro. ,411 1 r 82 91 cARpErs9 RUGS cuRTA1Ns DRApER1Es ETc l o r. a Mario- 111 oh tl.ii4ft 1:1 04 tioltit-i- - 1- 9, 91,,.,., 19,9plo o11..esty taallati :t 04 A D1NWOODEY Sale is Always GENUINE LiviNG Roo FURNITURE 90..2 1.9 1,4,1001 Itt Oa ft or lie estate. $.. .4 )ettr for St ar ' I a a 19919.19 a Tabl.a oh', fefloxiit P,11 too It Lll had It R..4 .1 to bur at ItINWtottKra Joaaary Y.L. Nett 'neelt IDS 1:111T1,41:111 St rt.'. t IICAt N NLIPI 4 1I4411 h..... I ' 1, t 145 11 ffigI 1 t too litoitillin pPe. tO. -1- 1 tora. tittle 'npnrtanl V10411 UU oleo aiheor ofEir 0 h.,. I l teat begiositig ht.oiaor onittraren oar eatire eh,. This titote-lretairImes aal ettfire furniture. stethe sith the artrytioa do tot etpe,t these tra4 in trot of the rapidly ortroariag meritet bother it be the rrforo.ektog of an entire rola,. to ;Wheats repetttioa tonor) tad July t n 9111L,e,,,, 1119229 stol,19. 82: be Oa ia oat 22,019. Floor Coverings, Curtains, Draperies, etc. M.tipkgotny 91,99419 912 0 ,, r zo t fni, '4t . ,, : q I. t 0 Sherat,m Mal - know the ansoer to every practical quest rion- ln the world. or at teats he fatettitar with the orturce of such informatmn. to be in the aura 'bat M oo B ertha Ruff ner ha; t ltooen In general her octal- potion to to oneser Kb qutione of any kind that contr. to hokr. h ow to addrss a bishop to the dat of the ottening of the next dog how In Boston It to the boa,' of her establishibebt titat NO quetelben that is ever k e .1 to Ictt unaneWered-a mote rot rticular way her work contost,, of tome i it c k, ,4 s, ,,:,11. 0 I Bertha RuffnerOfficial Bureau of Information. 47 .4 .t i o, I. ----..- ..ti Nti.$ 1 , .:.,.. Maple Its 04114, Oa SALE OF FURNITURE r',,otag ft 4 , tiot; BY MARIE DILLE ';AT,. 1 ici;nat7rearirenha::: OMMO ILAD al 411, 1 flii::"I'ion': dir Amoninnos, 1 . ,. el 1.1. ,t,t: - 13 , - i . ...Pt, It I 't'2 i Tobi le, r P g maa I I . )' , rhp Nit I f4 s e. 44,4------ Oa 0 g tftr los .1) - (11 I tt fs4, i t 1:: it:da: en I nql"The? Itt:er1171 to iid (iMa.n:ol'irl'ill" Yr...in aro 'audio dead against the himself are taboo-froordinary actual happen- Notable, among thorn to 3,an plover, ll le lmat impoostiiity to belt:1ga. really tomantie itt nine in the morn- lancing .1. tho tan-- ear,int stet from Ins, la alariat daylatht, with a lot of WA mardorouo coosetwo. on ort room, I hi, MI fla people- laarilar and a prodosor lotting performed by rho do off taros remarks Itirbottots. Um fmmetor rinoma play-erof modern IC zehattre have non of the atmosphere of a ricotta . ' 3 testl.iti"rPnr.niTmlan ag"motk.toirnhe.reis tatrat.'"S "tor:11.47g dattnt:telli . I ; a I !;; a. D1NW00DEY'S 59th Annual January ,alt,41 P Cho"... Oa Continuing for One Week Only .44411 I., 9112,1190) wit 2 os 11!1 1,,01,1, 1; :11 ,les00, ;0, I ', 11 te. f X 1 " -1r I to id..,,,--&- I i , ti Si - - ! ,t i. 14 as,4 ....... i k , s An 64141 i " t0 3 LI 199,2 1140,19t 'Ad Ipto mot, k. 112 42 ih ! . ' .r 110 .L; I t e 11 ; Itt i1,011 of elat7o1"n: ftoloil yoaott 11 , 1)0 , r ; I 14, hbrdowte 149,109 124 BEGINS MONDAY 4 1, a 411,14v .. " 1 100 j (Is reapetwo , ' 4.. f 1:1;C:' It hewsPar eties., atilt or tonw 4 mottainutaitire this ft - awl afeor eriapeei This thIptets or ve,,4 nos rut tit poistv stoat. ear& toarthrt sith It al Iroeoet with hsve.....a vi,t wired iteneath right4 In glom' boo. ffort's, ast 10,1ao in thtr this atoo. red rl.rnieti sril-tosenor. me of town foorithatiot oitith the riot. fro A portal hour folinea4 and rofteh Merits troy. serlod theater or the ton,noirairinorst t,1 au Mr floors. IP Pypor latertall'1' aolittoos to h.q.. then' in their 4riaPh. PO it dis k . thatr. trtettvoi th fan toor.bor to 'toil th theatre, nd looter. ,feli hole- thing vs very erode and The thte.sh br hiMorbe (44 Ph. troitialson ooitod asirol4o4 by the ....Id blooded, .. t i. ...sweetly ',utter. I ha th shah hat 1 411, ,01)11 14)404 a to go', 'The thrithui stootoria Tho drerw'te oe" "ott ttl iho imtlitme ita,ra 4etio 1e4 natioat foray I t WI, tio 4 'rectors., Theo. i.e. blartstv club Witt mol.1 esti Howley at A 2 te It If el'olt 01.11 ttpo.4, Itioseht ot an ot,torstra Shaelon'ot ',sow' "ft, tto.ia ra Wag PPIALS41 Mut heti ono trill revelest A HI a Ittestato-e" glen to rottoet of Ph. piety ...trier of the 1444W To follow by lire Karl l'sProbrok. ondrtAv tott &rap music the neon," goer. piarie4 00)0 Ilkftt atIS thigi Pim spicri4,4 as the plat aril'sOlt sus Film Acting to Musk. r It 4$oha U. 4rso.st, tire In Nturo. in int.motN of th n.unt, 144 hrsit4 Olii por,,..,4ent to.lkiro vit. "...rig I" musle that Is tip. at the Esoin.lir Sodom. and other lateat Idea In tho, afteaata o oriel In e,,,,,, - ,,,,,,.0,. f,,, orommt lvm b ii li I: ti 'Vito- to. tAlio"...i;.ii..; ti o, . t lo is it tit isisLaa'''''ara asisrissta cassa. thee teeteelst of an owes' lent Oddest orchestra while they ar arroon ihs warksta the ploye Don Juan in Action. soling Tete idea has been Warted by this --o iltamasuly company. in their altudioa at Lois Segelos Ono of their moat roeront toenail on tho Panohe where Rua- a film ma n troops aro nos concentsatind. as productions te re. ktairoa.wareloa of 'Agar Eilan P614.4 Insets hest known fa no through 'ISM Juan.- glar y. go Odom aro the emotiossa whoron l ren dpo-tth e, toreih ie erhtch meet ter expressed in Una pUigr , I e t,t- goiaoreoff kr, of fir that it Yeas found that lb actors aim- - it. it cost ths pl,, it,,tmlaita Is esti fuss rise to the rieeptirod land tho Turk. is son and otem tn.. pit cotildM not slairsltosi la rsild blooded if timpl r. to,..mmatid.r rstirtst II. mo lnl toriahia tho bon the, wirtorl wail iwon tal.aPaara tot the 'studio. and wept 4 ''4 1 THE SALE WE ASKED VOL' TO WAIT FOIL ok .1.1,11 I 11.414 a" A a - Si- - ..4s 1 t tt 1,, ,.11 $4 ItirCO r, .: II; 1 t flo.1 ',' - -' 4 - 7a aka ',10 I 4 I , r- 1 elibeenti 1--- I 0.'0"- - 'I I ,- ,- ! .1 IN ; eita 01 44Crt Lilv Ift1t III i ,Ilk.01.. th,s2,11 ;I:itzumemzil , Mpit M,160,6 Ilitt,99099 p r IV,Ivioolp SO 94 Ito IICTMSZ11.1 ) 1:9912 i to. 11t j.de W. t 04 . I eee e. e ,icr..xifr 114 , ee .t : 1.1 at Rh. "e4 1. : orrrnil Poi ft 1 .,-- 00 IV ;1772' r"--- -14 I ik,se 11 --- -- , 6. 0 h !!!!' F114 $:: 1 'I ft , moo' (WO 77,1 Ll--- -- t t. toto 11, tit r14.6 $9990 Hearliorn und 11,,i,,d,t I tAil 8949 Olt Ito I. hole. c't him 111.4 of Ht. toonto.. tha toatara .e. H 41 Whits-oA troika yea tall Ma'am blaatoortes sod .I.oerooeto of the Matt Latl II PIR111,14 bootro " tiott of th. strobe. of the ourtsoutessat ,,,,,,, tow .060 At, of the itoe's roses sad the pointy 4are ,,,, no,ta 44 Ad n Att 1,4 Hosotet Prs alma t le samoorintiona, st of fitness." dreteettlee tasty oho to 1,01V4t. ms4er-tfne tt I ,,pu Lag H ervoeof hod I lath In werise. Maya f, awl um, a be,,4,iti thto t I. .t tatornbor f of,roopftewe view os. &IA piWM..4 te IligAk0 nth the extorter absA 'stoner of Ph. lt Lebo thevelret. MIA dentertheil eta ot MI h,ttlk k,1 IMMO He WOO pave au War rrititrter tie PI h poott 1.4 t Om. boalare Matertiptrao of the grows neon trerpIt4 hty days P. the Hor ni Ph. Hoe.. I...mate- am' as he4o4 by alub el which eo twos theoomer H. Volarool otabroallory Tho opal part twoomfaromi 014 of the evilest Ph.. epo t kw toadh-4, WIh !level's Prittnalr elutt premesot to ply. al th io buieteti personal iretnt r towooperts el eh. cwt. foritheit the steelier r 1 It fIssrnet Iv Anrnt.4. Irv. tl Mr awl tarns? W.U. Theo 41outon eotte hold the 1.1. I r - 4 49,9 it Dry. thitTironier. 1-- 4 4 4t1 11,owt 11.11 1 r litstodoci f i odtworitay Mire Ashby IP le.yis tlfOtooll, t- 19 sw, - FURNITURE 0, al oe complete. in the January "gill tt 1 re ! , 11,,A4t. eL:11C0 TIMO k - Ilnt " Crr) ROOM BED Pieces 13c Chair Li4 st - StO Mob ( it . ol ,elne It. b I eb rs.,J. , t. I lb b , tf.le It.. Ftprttc- Teo - AIM. h ko.rd qtb at 1:To URNITURE." $247 Birdseye Maple Bed Room i ,eb I... 4,4 Ico liGo otr,:)I As !I Nedra FURNITURE .6 1,,, 14,7, 0 a.ty-- ,r lb I A I )4;4.4 o, 'forgo A Art".IP (.oftof b. , 14 I ' ti a, t,tt DINWOODEYS t 0 Room - ir.114, , (F,Del Tiro SIIED IP47. It 61;000 P. Losat t It ramie 161 , - at onareir aele ( bat Ow. io ., IP, PP atoo 11,...,1. 4. eh leave Leaf fp la aao t lat a U aoell ,a Ot,t , rte ttoll,oak 1,1,41 mph 1 4,14 VOItto tab 4 ea, in lat ,, 1.ot4awo rn,e,e.IC I '",- - t, TIMPOolat t i )4..4v ho IGarr4an tlt,to lotto sot, attalait,a1 a riot otoota et Pat aat , O 1.1 Trotoak sae a 11 Tatrita,11. i - 'writ,' its Tv,. 6.1t. ie. I. PAK sth Mk P. aa41 luta, et tee; ?Ire i .... La s. Theo halt a , . 1.IJ Ph ts, i er-- N NI A SZCTION JANI141111. 13 1911; SAWHIMT NEWS Lcr J Lat.an I ao4 di. Jr adrolLg , EVENING s)ESERET bands If the author, foe instance. works in a hot room. a great qualptity of blood at flowing near the surface of his body, and his brain experiences difficulty in attracting to Reef a sufficient amount to repair the waste caused by the acthe, cella. But wheri the 'our-o- f, thty ofthe body is cool., and the akin. therefore is not replate with blood. me Boswell' blood to the braings much greater. and thoughts arise faster; tare of Answer. ttp rzn i, 1ot trtt - A at 4 0, tort, F. .:,, mut. delft-v- ; , GIASh FOR J. 0 iNG. - cilami hi the very riewcra oar from n which paving tOnrks mein A great deaf of Elsa. Iola rains gist tire factories where glints is was discovered in Htrtin thail rooldatl dust.- when melted rind - an bricka or block makes- and durable paving n,awrolf ell cII SixT Best Sellers 1 Ex-rti- HOME AUTHORS h ht deep-seate- d- RECORD FOR DECEMBER. 4 1. I ' I 4 m i I rya-Die- hOI. A - - - 3 4. 5. 6. - 1 1.t. "Jesus The 75c B. IL ioberts "JosePh Smith, the "Joseph Smith's Tearlings"E. F. Parry "A Daughter of the North'--AndeJo "A Play House",Lambourne sto Wells B. "Musingi and Memories"Emmeline Christ"--Talma- ge, Prophet-Teath.e- rol-or- rs rson we are Headquarters for all Mormon &Ms, Bibles, etc,. Send for new catalogue. frve- - ' Church-Farg- - DeseretNewiBooliStore k neLeadi.g-Boo- , cosicer, gab ,1m.....'''''... 1 |