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Show IsvENING . NEWS TUESDAY , DECEMBER ,DhstAir 1915 7 , moneninfti 4mwm,M .MIEMM110 0111111111 ,scHoot. tillopSTOIS ligll , , It'LL--- - ., ' , fiAll EDWIN PEABODY ,, - SECRETARY OF EAST-HIGH-A.7- Li A , ! ', ,.. we the eity ara "I ,,, week druulPul4h Jur ''5'' iewe games sad pUtIl- tortoni laa1011.444 sr : taoknMa thmusil I h.s, . omega which prongats 444111 oorato 1 how li. 1111140141 the 11'1041 labelWear the ay gphraint lob; Pteutt ; IX it, ray Wale law West SA' and 151114 a'd. 'U..' WOO Orith 1.000 soil Shaa4 Y51! tames urM' bo 'only practice affairs. Nati kina on the Poet i (Ott IOC tan tomtit. Omit 011410-144- I ma coat sad Ivo Intim Rot tnnaugn ; 'ilati YolitehlaS workout hard eettit a 10110e la pleased with the condithatof Ina aaa,-- ; egot Watt araaverua-vatarals- ,I.( - '' :Ur ,1 veget --- - 11,44.01 tot the , ' Lott ,, , t ; ,, 0, ss : 4,101,t ;555555'-- Wait-ea- t u -- I- - 4''' y,r, d'rolml ' ,,. ' - t Dati 1,.it,t.d IL - '4 ,.; ; Jorsiito. 0, Po. .,; sk, ell .,0,64,,i,il 4, Trrrt Nr, rr,,,,T1,athe " I .1." 641 0 w AA, ri eft . , IV 41 ....., ''..11a r, sA ,n, eta a 41 d jkollW ..r, ,t 4 .,.., 3,1114 i SO -- 4; ,26 at" tt aaniaitton tt,o.ton -- nit 1,4,; tt; an 24 A - trZ 134 t.1 1,..t mit 12 1114 ton ;4e .A4 to, 21114 ht 11 0 11 244;22 ro 710 !,111 4 k- 3- ll 3 sis 4: "'tat '4 " ,I. rre et 11: 1,1 1,, r ' I ne toalg hst ttm, - r r r ,... ttltd - I.s , r 4 - 4, la 141 1 1 4 I, la t,,, f.'1.: 141 11 r 4 tt ,, 4,, o If 13', 44 1 alos 1: so 7 q tOI I.,0 4,4 4 . 4 I - - Send 28e (stamen strewed) In The Degree& Zews end win Wind either or the renewing mocha ðics: - di , , Or THZ HANDY ATLAS H.ALMMONp'S Encyclopedia or p1ges-1- 910 WORLD-1- 50 CARBONIZED STEEL 8ifEAR,A mothe's Ion In the looms Warranted to keen their edge. COMBINATION ware cans and bottles. Strong , suld durable. coffins. sad round EVERT WOMAN'S ROME COOK BOOK. A moot tom.with full In.plot collection of the, best culinary roceiritt. emotions for suocetattualt using them. Well bound. Water. 22 pages. contains and proof - THE 'YANKEE SELF riumca rorNTArx PEN. Th simplest and moot practice.' P.O In ths market. 21.00Contains mans of TO PAGE ATLASWorththe World. Unitad States. Cliatula, Walk Wyoming, itY,M01111 ; blades stag handle: topper and POCKET KNIFE--TfStickel trimmings Every boy should have ono. a color mum' from the battle. ' 50 PORTAL CARDS---ta War. Beds of European CHRISTMAS' ASSORTMENTContaining 222 pieces-- b. ' three sizes, 24 sticker. it pads. Including 20 Xmas cards, aloe sealer and a 2214 calander. , of le volumos of fh rEopurg, 121311ARYChoteo boot authors ,,ororld'a res.' ro ' "1 , , 7 Askaltrits'Qty - ..,,, Carculator----- . t , , . - . . . - '7 I? 4 A Si t IN tt 4 A .... ' AS IA 4 Nt 4 to A 414 M 7 4 A 4 t-- A It IA IA 4 7 SI I 1,0 r A haft In( authors, . . , 11 i 1 1,1 d ! - I It 1 MOB : ;: t : - ;';' 0 ; If f lr H11.; IR ---- 2' , ! . OFFER LASTS , During the great educational campaign now being conducted by this paper on Lamed's History of the World, every school, college, and public library within reach of our circulation should avail themselvea-o- f :what le unparalleled offer; a price fixed at much less than original cost to publisher to produce. We seek no profitonly the Alight distributing expense and the coupone to show you are a reader of this paper: Each library should have at least a dozen sets for its patrons. Get theut NOW from . - raI1yaZ. ,r & V: - I 0 t. t - t THE DESEKETNEWST , ' : 1 - 'b, ''' a I .- - - TvilueiT) Lathed) Iiistory is unique. and the general average of culture in any community would. be raised inestimably by the use which - would work.--Everlibtatiarrtnows that rutty ninety7, tome - free access to this for reference works touch upon some ques his desk per cent of the enquiries at tion of history. The.placing of Larned's History of the World in the hands of 1 the student or ...seeker of knowledge would be a bowl which would earn th, ''', gratitude of the entire community. ar - ;t , ,,., ! 1. 11 ; A 1 I FIVE GREAT VOLUMES - :Let the Boys and Girls Have It Kmiriv 2,000 a style so ckar. so simple, that any boy and girl can understand it, The rare genius in epitomizing the events of an age or an epoch is so marvelous that they readily understand the sequence and correlation. It ' is written in Paseo ,T 10,000 Paso Roforos000. 4, 5,000 Material Not,. : 15 Ira !LPN's, RoprorIodises la Colors of Groat Histories' aintiate, . ..mooMPOOP.1 11 Full - Pigs Half locos tit 'A - Famous Scones. b414 150 Accuraio Portraits ;Lai 16, lustratioas, i i - - 14 iTi; 146T'il - Tii'j :i IV I& ' "..41. 17" 'PC 'i JA ''''''''''' ,...- 1i ' -t ! '''' ,,,,,v; I. .-. , '1 ( 7",41, cti.,,,, . - 7 ' 401161; Sell le tete balf-co- lt All eskro. - ri: - ,., , '' , ... , --; , f , ) I ' 1 1: , . - .. , - . . : Absolutely without: cost. winle last, we will inclistle 1; J , - -- ..,.. , - I - ' .,.. , 1 . . 1: , . . ;, ' , it: i . - , lry etc.-w- ell -- : .. 1,,, s, , , D , .......... , , i,, ,- -- ., , '', tber a large MAP OF EUROPE WITH EVERY SET. It shOws not , only cities, but towns and vit. Wes: also railroads and telerapt's.; gives army and navy etattisties of law warring no.: lions; populations, areas, worth $130; but .whffe they last this map wffl be given FREE with every set of this WORLD'S historythe gn:a4--- est bargain eve( offered. 4 . I , :,,, . QUADRI-COLORE- - , ' - , . , ,, , FREE ' . , ' , si - 1 1 ..,, -' gift SIZE OP VOLUSIES . !' , e995. Postpaid , fra,,,,,,titisLD.k . . By Mail Ilisilimg; gala tosterlest lesp41416 ;01.11 trawler elect Xasisied oMen littill 6014- - 104- lumbos. '' doe et .6101000 614 I - I. b14 - - : it, I ii"""11'('Ti , ',',..-"- . . $1.1 95 0 4 , i .e , I ,tfspi t- .,,,,,, GREATLY REDUCED 60046,1f01 . ' For (bit ,, 'Atm.'" -6 - 4 . 16-- 4 ,T,,e1 - ,, si-- 1 1,.. ,, . , - - II Called , , !,1 ., ' ' ,1 sil 1 r. ' ' it ) . ' 0 , -- - Urb-- , , ,,,, e.m.-- .. ' TV!! r ,......t..-- ,.,,( fxi" 1 : .i,,r.,0,141Nrr ' , ,... - 4. . ,4;ti., ., 1 19! -t . ,-- I ( MI vit ' ' I ,, -, I t - . Vs ;01p..1,00.., -- . ll; i -- n I I t Ir ,r1 vde 41' 30 I caw j Avy ,,- - 7rItt I2 It .4:Afik, 1 M Wm: I eamousf;Ft I . ; .., A 111 If I ,.. ...avg.,,,,......:a..--,,,,,,..... 1 rrolts time. '"wrif 8nd Int'nY hy IILMS BOOK VESERIC? 141tig ti mile rntt tratiaaratha anbarripz Main lion& Writ. fre epeeist! price clubbing tbets Advertisers should use the Send.. rtr.14KRET NEWS ItOng PTORE. Weekly Ness It tney desire Is resell Thio 1...4mding W(lk ettnetra, the PPOPItt of the western oaten in Ad vertioement.) bete benwwAdvertlestnent. 4 A trill. 11:111114. G . . ..........4. 4 t4 LS!.I - - . . ft'-- o 2 , nlta 42 At 3 T 4 Li ... n 2 n - t'' i Si !,! A or , , . . ,, A t - . . 4 NI 4112, It seems. would all argument But Mr. MeticanY cut us oft with the- - flattroted state. mein that there is no melt thing a bantamweight champion. He goes Into deign and gives the mesons theme 1 .... ... I', 14 -- 'Practically every one of them se bamamweighta" says Marley. 'are fighting at the featherweight urn. it. and intria of them are even above whkh Ia US pounds. that -Thiel thing of men fighting leir championship at a false weight'. be additg, 'Is largely reeponsible for what 'might be called a decay In the boeine gem& At least that la lair opinion. These boys In the various claaaes have ,bees allowed to overlook the ,maet weight ao often that the dividing lines ing gold at SUS pcetpaid.:..1., obilierated.end bear and make the several Masses distinct never I )fain Street. Sett Lake City. and Apar cut the game WM , I i tAamtimemat). swingsatit .., t r-- , re-p- 7 - 1 I S OK ; - -- Deseret News - 4 4 71 - 19 I At 1 s7 II .,., - -- (1 ir A'r t, - TT- i t4 ift , ' - ; 'arts.) -- age' That. 4 41 (Special to I ,New'r,r. E !I an anikeirtiliairs answer to the I ," ,!.! argument now raging as to whether .0, Johnny Ertel or Wig .tellitanis .. titled to the man as bantamweight Charlie-Whihowl consult Champion . t the famous referee. whose word has been law in the prim ring fur Illutor 41 yearn 4.f.tr, "Neither of them is the bantam., errIe weight champion," declares Mr. White. tharnen nigoccore they defeated were not seen. "bantamweight and there 'ti never Ma been a bantamweight skew. ;4011. Isms Deafly DaligNerty knOekOd Mg SW ILILIMigall immoral years - desire - 40 b tc, WHIR CHARLET , Bar-roug- h. : 3 430 , j' NI ,, honey-stock- . t . 7 Bargains! The- ,- 2 A 11 p41 mums, SAIS t t, : .n. : .3 Ira . It 1 PIM 1 greatest interest to learn of an instance where an unusual reported characteristic. long doubted by many ham proved to be a fact. Again and again it luta been- said that the African honey bird ,pieseggeo, the pemillar"lreit-ofleading the traveler to the hives; of wild beat Ken like John Burroughs have long doubted this tat. getting It down .its. an irtyni recited by superetitioue savages. When Cot. Romevelt EitariOd for Afriek-Johurged him to make personal investigation or the gutposed powers of the, honey bird to leenterand point out honey storm In 'African - Genie- - Trathr ent Roosevelt fully' mbatentiatee, from Ids own experience the doubted stories as , follows: bad been kel by a boner bird to tioney,in work. Once, Whne wag tracking game. a honey bird made hig appearance. chattering loudly and flying beside the; I let two of the porters follow It and It led them to honey. Several times we followed birds. which hi each ease led to bee trees." Many instances Mite the above are cited. Some of the honey was abeam left for the birds and this erldetitir amounts for their eagerneee to germ the traveler. Throughout the centuries the honey bird bee eame to learn that to lead a human being to hooey meant it feast for itself; and .thie seems to have volved Into a merle! instinct to serve man.- thereby providing a bountiful "apply for its own consumption. This is but one of thousand extrernelY interesting anecdotes told in this watertight, book which new be- ,.'"11. RI 24 IN. your Choice f These Serviceable Article s t ,,,..r.r-,4 19 IN. Valuable ot I 1: ' COLLARS 2 t I 141 41 4' S 1 161 : 41 r le 6 : nt at. i 2 So lKt St t e I,. . a , a i 141 4.. I tontarnarataht altostra, atoaftt, ;torn& harlot...Ali .tbo 3; .1'410- A It 4 - r- TO A 64 r- - - 4.0 im. go, 44 ,r4. DEVON ; 2 1 0 - '16 el 4 - it n 1 4 , .:l 4 1: ....tr"i $11 TI t4 1 oat , to a St 2 t e r; !! , 4, It 1 , a -- . 4 ' 3 12 i 1, 4.4 7,t t4 2 , ge I , I , 'toot I Illii EINTIM to.aao-.- 4 "1 Is MARLEY IN BOOT 11flA It!th ttar and "'rank,. Porno of J.ratry City aotallat an mid., w. Pw 4rao ii, tiwt. aottlo foe tha "'tit tiff. fa atat,i Tho fIght tra aaa came knotra atm ith41 t avo 4p. Ilro,,sloott Referrals Ed Otatahonta, toad, Kasai. rg,14 Karla"' f'f Intathaalia- amoratt-tamo- ta th larttong FOY h; Ettalt !mitt hon, put no Sarno bar.:,44.1, dui,. forrd fl tiariltititt If. Ian,. It .eto Lair of ft wasted for firi;rt,140.41 idlutov, ' and htedfnI hard 11;nall anal In Iff fl bat novo hnt organtaattoo an, a protmtbly t &introit at ij So th voltit round, ad to ftre 'and Know-ad b M itaval.)- tano foiniorty- alto ntr,r, t.f,atoa t,r tooarti -aoeopotr tale- altiraatotite-Punts ' t,a4 tt,o attvortata,, 'yr roatidant 4tf Kansas Cita Kan soot jus4 ratmd Ifr rhamPlatt x1.0 pr?3,,,isitlim bait. Iowa Aram" 4,0111,1144,T11- - "1 "butte" War pad that an iimuosatoo... 11411.-.f,r,na lab ft4 florae' booed , . mont noont be moat tadt,ot tan data ton,- 11'.'d t4r-d''slistb Ilt,ttlama v44,41 parr,. - , 0,elotts thf totootaa,or fsOittro of 1,1nt- aa tit. autos not alto catleagar drools tu, t Alt crtt wart new aw4tirett. ' Tita salt orattadort4F.tt ft 'Or bit art sacra tun biketk ;' , lora lan4 tardi and VrtInanta &ONO4 rirrict Arnow ho ,ntios totaati,ottoot Ina ''.4 i 1 Lt. 1 ett ft.t oratt,b.rat,to art, ,Kattilli. kittli,e rutal.oa n w tattoo m. r,Art,r! ;roe tit tr otitis tOilikhoftla rotoil eity. t finks OF". rths fandinif Srl ,Ifts obootbbot lurm,rot4 14.7 Postotto ttPrtusf. A Mu; siosio-- se ',1 at" , Inntorou,a Kan Intratma, Katt,i, In' AI Ind It'lard- Co', And chrno round on to Ina ttratt, gotta from dornnft.nro Kat, Coffairdic -Kan- - -lulu ,i, nf 1h .. rotelot, larra.t.anta. Itart).-a;OnItt oltrop0on Okla 1 boo. st. W.Ittoroll Ott000tolt F rt. rttamptott waward frantiwe orttwa IWDM tialtolg DEAL tt. tutal Orme t: I, str000ttr sod 4.. istsA grew a..4.11 c.i.f.. rt. wrottrwa bettor I rattrels. : Prwmitot utruot II.. ring Ainethnati viol-'WL llorraturea of its Intlonati biattOttato too tott000lltots esti tooter.4Ftiorises tole but "be- 1 tiam watt talons no SO ed IP ai rittir Oat tho twat,r club t "' trio-worst rhattoottor Sworn., to as.. tr. Wit."' of boa, brooms. o le fortsw soot oso tottoTto two. round oil tho riocitt411,-n,tt Lott to tits iut lrhor tat twat et&tt club wwwwWw.1 owes mull awl fatwath li cluttuaata sea favorit. for twit mitt. P01.11A tavorito. ,, LENT SERI SE Witham' stave aerpn.tio-O- r leo The tve et unt dteatutt. poi nu- - h tu it erre' nh v tus taus ty- ream NIX PlEfrr arlIJNIttt -of vomonaton of swum 111111011111t - f. rott &tterent vartotioa of hartort& la tar irtrmno I; f tuertre to he ovine 11,010.00 tranti front mitt the to ?apart AreardIng Wound. In 'renal military 1 z :.;,. ao nervous and in badly Intootod that Ma 'took Ir"41.11 of th. Counts'''. thf t000t-t- r onotnts ontto aotot-o- n ',flowing hare prorod to ho tho boot 1 tatet in hipal with attrartaina rapidit, ' for the mount: op nor ' or tho Pram on tha tho 1 awl? Strottos fintotrolla of Itvo. aro novo,' arid ont4,h I, Michael trrialkvata, k! . t 1.4 h ..$1311 Porter A to ih. pravontoa .utyning 1 t' ' althobart t. h.thK prrarad I rapirliv a 12 Stag I 1 hnatliblo. tho ',apply le not Oro-toI A row Country, Iriturnhol ..st se for mnro than ha b tollgate,' i 4 rh, tdoe4y maptpt, parker 31.ts , ht Orel ton.6 art found 'rho Rainbow Trott Groy. .114.15 - I UP. kortor 4 Poll2aatta Groat I Via hat nett popular fletion MT 1Ak,: MT. 1 C' i weskit tho works of Ito ,a t,,..o.tto-tifttlat.tetoast- , Vrtl.rval 4 A 4 to le 55 gl I tS t t BICSST r I II 44 ...., ,,, : It la I 0 1 tip tt.' 4 It I 24 II , 4 y; II a ta . ' ". Irar 7 of a twit Cl'a; tattelt.and ; .,,,n;n - iv.. Itanaaa for Th '; tI 4 Irr4 A :44 '4.. tAin re :, '''''''' ,- :. If Pt Iola., e, ;,- r 4)rs 44 t Az 14 .. i... 7, 4 101 r..,: - r I' ; 1: 5, 40 244 k, i , Ili z E 3 4,1 t3. 5 ....,. 44 :. '4.: : fa. 1,4 t,t .114 .t14 ',II; I ; 1 13 Z,- )4 ir x F11 IS ICEFILS, , z! ':r i: . If IP2: 1111. tkelgrfr.u.r.t '5 11 s:i 1 1... it, La . , - - - L i . - ER I 1. ,., . J rota Waehinirton roe hi thet.t. ..o. a) iniwaa. k.1.1'..r rho. 4.- levo., , .'Ilut"'"" u I "" '" """ stru"'"-.- "( tilu it.,;t0.444 Weehttotton --4gam. teirLs.!1,1 01tioktoonontat Iota I Ine."1.44.'"I'm )i,-;,,,- ' arill I ' - vq ....1. Ilan twin ot d000t , A l'A a --"- - -- ,ya- dart. her to.; Pottre sem... teas Iiii,,,,,,, 4. 4,4, w 0:4,4, S OLI it d otter u -. 14"155 wu 51,. 4; uut 4tuur'hut lu'Au , it apitow-rilot- obeli-yar...... ; t p , Th,,, ate" ' the litrocue , , to-t-- .. , univIrg" '' $' rot- 4OP4.att toot toototdat- to th tr,,,,, t,,,,,,0 rhö Aesop to r the I , trew s time fll'.1,"ilk. ; II 14sc.. Of aod'r to. ;On, laPc,,;'; !and it te ,11tiP.ol tto to lite t Mitt oft ell the' - I...Pied that wilt hely-swab- s tears In athietke history,- 7 Anitettit AFFILIATE WITH 1 , .. ,.......... I Wit 10, fyt taw neatiortation On4 a all ',Mao 350 occIDENTAL, , ati iirM IIR 4h)Ltn 11044 '' ' elett- - u.7.eq:;i7y la a inn.--- -- .41 .44 4:noltott- to a Sant lit all to Lo47417;1r; ationber of the toOtt-thot- it mood an 1111.OW 0.111 tho butts lpft toototaaolt ittk.. troto Iona ,., .., . trtay y fEigHT-C11- Pitching Record of 1915 - frallet4(o,mro..,,: . ritt,..4 rroto,,,sttli.,,,,t n 11:41.,104.,.: Art 144, 1, v8 Pt ltilid OttortoT e hele he ite three e h t 1 At 4s3 . ,ann Fl Ill 114' ta tur tmak.tbial TB, 4,4010,4 . fa kbasum , ti, 14 t dowill 11555 '65 5114, 214454541 "14, 5555154' but the twat iliater ' its, 123 1,4 d schools. the 14' lt high I; 1411.' ri MT14( 1. ter '11.; by 111 is 1141 Ivor-CoOSA Met ether otowmthr in 4tritnt. 4,., Or Tarter Itt tat 14 Ito 440104110411 trillion !,4.1,t - It us" min 4.4. troott.44 ioat t.,,,,, Illt re Ott ISMS the tett the coat-hoattliar il gist and veteran titat'er ut ihu 5tbl' tt'w I.. Washin4 trtan ... St 1Pt 44 rh ' ' t ,4 costae tia ' fii- toads Tho protowl tor Om quinivta of T --9 Igo hot VI to Ceara 1141tapatetrk arill isiko otsht torn to ot boot) to oiloor Flirts of tho sta le t o oleo Stroeue e id I tootrirotal a3 i t ti 41 tet. 4,34 1.3 1 ,I di , 1 itosattak York with kiln but ti te dot ot the attopitilattne worsely - "ninth theillett I eenne .... ..- - I r . .. t it , n .., il 1,,s ,... 4. .tt110. oltablitO-- I Olt itrOU tbanb 10 117vt r oitott- ....... . 1 t r .. - Iolowe chart that the 1m al Iiitkm4151rthoir n v nto,441,1 tutut,te 314 1,,,,,,, $01 11111 t0 II1 I 11 a Mehta. to Toottott, h Will team suarkeetn 444,041 :, g r- ;.- ,: let ettpilw j kw itP!, ..; I -e and tot et. the Otetteetel ete Ileettettlittet Mote IOW , ri W hne e plr: ..-- dit 1 auto aqua Until filo tht OlOao Owl Oeteeg tt, tt 7. mi I .tio. 411104 trot ). MOO I.'', o'd Jet' , "eittthete Gamow Whether tativtall, POLL i .4 toI PI, it linotiton, St. Leitl St pit Je. ".... I tit eil ta the toehl it.h.ditio or hot- - proyidibit- IW , , in tes la ...w it 11114 $ thou61101 ILI boons 1,41. hoer Vert ., .... :I 44 'St tot ts,-- , reI ... . a tie of tw o or 11..-baWort. is a thew rott' ith i ' tot tr011 VOW . tows la Ira tst on olt f I toots of the Sa lthairy: ThO Punt houll due it h itte baattot it.eltie, th e Row It.! i 'I. ni I.. Ph k. antart ,r "to, ....1t! II .. j I, r hard Imak at practice tor ltivitte- teat- - erientn, ,e. wee of ono or . the ,tertoty I m41.11144 itt tette the ele SW will hay. - 141 - ''' ' ........,throtir. 1.4.9e.i.nd, nPott,r:li I, At m, .ot ill, th 0,440a 11.,:ur.i.rbn.,.,.,.,..1 k e n opponent worthy at enneolloratina and kin tld 2."err . P . tt the datt tAkei toaw brine beek the Slitwilituureto ' '11.,Itovtl tteobtertots to ,t4 Pf , ;hie-T...21. "ksoc th ' Maws' itilleNt the' botteltille g: tor !more, Will.,Lt L.,... long gbd Louie AfitChrit ha,. ..24ratune-fturr- te tik&t tontesta, tithlotie erboliettie t ten. tAtht boo 711 a witm may good (limn IS EA 141 E4 taetroit . .,.,. j .4 1 &14000,81,1th-;- ?nee tor 4ohnateri, brain., II n....top,ty 2, j1,..tuni,t,,,,,, byain together tor two months 11111,- bb into 2,,u2,4 Ina for St for Travel; Hosek flatter LOU). Prong In an effort to tho Panther their blas city rife's". PI, lig legrolt . ..... . .., 11IC nverense a foolish overronfademe in Of ' flurrla Ilimitnerm for Later; ----- -W. yyspatoya moo boon out too practles. weeme, l'hmatant --t,, Is (or Reeler, 4.eneotten -71 The won orbs, will probably mak. 04 faseted &Mitts- - le Pent atiy 1 inner for P Plelt Wells I It Roston rat the linne t cirriPlatt nal env -time...Atm 4,44,I4,4 Arm', is 1'. Ira OM Jobnoor. Ovalness.Sastwor. Soma. c,..2, and cah.,,,2 ,,,,,,,, H,,,at&r.. leo...ernes, for ket iler; tientela Pk , 4.11, Batt tot I t a rs1114 elVolliMot . , Clawson. -Hanoon, Itrand0041w; Pr444,4,44444r,, 4,, 4,4.44.4,44 ,..,...4,4.0 014Aqqanot 4,6 114mr Watson, Floyd, anellgrovo ard that lowly Praliethr Ii tik I 11.0Z 3 et Kotem. phiiit : tretratte i 11.-8. til,4,4 lints. Holley linesman 021) IST ws,korr rhi.1 1433 Den Wirktinsit woe ell.4-4- 1 Walla lt,t itSKI )1 nag,..0.,,, Tmarbolown-eSteehlart heshetbsii, the nose linvehe. PiI'eee,1ten'vetliZal-1.1"..- a of iNbleiDenuo comptiun I 1 '14 T.1 a Will rePreent duller Benne itti&t,y et,,,t& 2,,,,,2, 2whdwr. Ft,. 2 ,.. witirb &mutat retro,' JIIN10115 TOP CUSS 41 kAid Laid 1.2 it 02, loom muye& et & tweartitst poim 8 &.,4 &guano a scidentail el Kestlne litle Verk . 411 .0 atiresdi safety tones rivtioqt .... i K Stk be M ha., 30 2 S'9 billn&11141 pour fifteestAninot assrters 111IAL Sham hear Mmindelnhas gnarl efforts to ermine frames With some 71,1 V IA 21 N.tr Wm ef the Mama ef th Cbumh ifrbout trairme ' v7 a telk 1.3 BASKETOILL PUTEAS and with sut,oll-low- n na.rem..0, & I &we No lastiregstions Itoms Place for Diggzos. ' for n the 1.2 Sugar Weer 'V tararhon, Tort of theme lb ho Trill try gut ,,,. 'ft TA) itt Penney :Welker Cleveland itodes quintet ars: lambert Clark. It 11 MI I Ptilladelphisiree,t--Aotiroryr- n,ti Alla ' ts tiweis mil& '...,., it- 44 Talbot. James Cuoturc.4.11ft J'Aft...., C3Dun 111 Paul. rialmou.t or 'hi, b.tamw.,,lit ,...a.r.,. n..4wot Vunder. Praut irottutk eat Whitely.. The standing et tho L. P. shot-- t wore pt It 114 U. class Kirkham and Nell Smith- made 1.1 in .. Vew lt ',velvet. ItAllgine 'orb ming se . Inn bet wee to have bee tg bout' ogle, t'.'.4 btaktball series, Aimed YeatordaY piimd,itribta .gof 13 hem test night The conteat tasted on!) shmehen. Phil 'g ., .,. tenowir. 46 111 him' At whoot athletes tAt of seconds. which wa bait Th." jstrmilon skeet on UP13,110. Vet" Vick 't VV. 41 1. Pet 'started on their march 10 4,haunplonshiP the mat by Beams. who eas krimited I rnotmc Pommy' .... sc P22 3 '17 1 , 0 1 00r Junior. I a rotiii eretadmr. phis l't tb0 city ima.....1 uostA te beekothsti- down three, time.. Krtlit tond.-nil 0, 1 P014044tores L2 1.1' 'In I t4 4X hand blew his 0,1,11.,11Sti 0 law and temeett PlAis .... TeetecdaY. the Jeffs defeated their rite, 4 Ougtotem fest floored Isita ohnethr idler the sianal frbri, vm).,,-- , bfil of. the Jackson school in tn hard and it pstsm, 8 a - a ' Ilentors bout. and ar Pene,ek PIa Poem, itt same by the more et 20 to le. The line- the e..y,,,,,m had iitart,d the II 8 , 411i lere0110400 , I b a, . 0 the local as no Irt ha as was follows; kap quickly strum-Kill- , up floored Jackson& .rottor sons- - weighed In. at 1141 pounds and r , Otlipot rootollo re tonteets. ths Juniors Thurman W odd therm at Itfi pounds y Ir NPItsvin easily örtstard tbs froshmstt by ths Holm Aoto-4gross of 41 to IL 'rho oupbornorss 0,4.110 Et , 1 BOXING'S I wont doom prom tits bustrnot H144 i . . . Joianaron N.-Tr ea Cornish Investigates. by 33 to ?it. Notinot. Wood no M1,1311 tinsWV tw bloroi rivr. and HMIs --- The fosy.4lins-up-thy irs Info for the business two. New Torii. Dee reorganized noon! EllEINTEE PRACTICE1 tb Matto. Mont e LO,r Wit night for Ow stale athletic ,,Itintri 10.1011 esterday took ettonr football tiro MOJuntOs tine to ltrivertrete the reports that t a- rresh tre of Whom! Ittarrre. kWh Botta SSloan ..... Walkor the itortarirst. (ltrt tIvolty, matt tarkm, Hotta homing elithe had deprived theStant mm 1.1. nt many ilittoaande of dollars through erknhnn n's non waa elected captaltt for I'M Pries. (Special to Ti. Newel ',memo returns M mcottnit W ont nt receipts has bora done re The cheek's Nudger( New TOrk, Dee. 4..The guarantee Normand by Unpaid volunteers-Th1S. Irbittlor TEAMS ner,-1-sa II boxing's biggeot evil. Of this there auomenalmy of Parlay PN.rorasona. Ritter; ttnytknopyr. Flyer; woe THIRTEEN Itr. Tsytor. recently oat for isle, can be no doubt. It la dirsetly responsLCEheavrate.ght bolter, TIED IN BIG to Piz mantha by the row.. h ible for poor exhibitions by vitiation itusinoso. .... Sophomores .. boxer. It if therefore the direct cause Ir MOM Strom r It IMPdownward of the Dee. of of the the trend 'I.Thirteen New York. I t. quality BMA Compor K VTEIIN ELECT. wEsTERN of boring. Ventoen pains in the sia-da- y v..e ....... ......... Prouhey bicycle race trnirtit Tho boxers of today are not in the Haan A. Wood wee. tied at I a.m today, the end of the r A. T ritzgrofal4 same class with those of the Chicago, lov I H "wigged rleottriArce g peat. 436 was twentlminth hour, with , a score prostlfrot of Ow Woatorn ito4yre4k titlitelr: Ittnr.kropor. Hyde: icorThe Frequently this statement is ineotottg boxer litne. a new record for Skating, nalgoetation at Its miles or. Taylor. three and . . Of today tit not in the same clams i the peat simply because with those of were one lap beSullean end Antlers the boxer of today does not have to be ILIANOIS DID IT. hind the mauece: sinter and Madonna two to reap a golden harvest. And the anWohican behind and Kopaky and lope swer is tbe guarantee. When the guar. and VanderstuYft three and Burgle-Russ- o rthans. fli. Dee Th. venal& of the antee St hunted through an open. gate tans of Illinois last Wert voted refeeraity -h The previous mimed for Aim twenty-nintno" on the rectonmendation of the Bin into discard then the peewee of the limn was 630 mile and otee lap. !tine conference to a bOttith college base- boxer of today wtil begin to imProve. Yoe the most part. in this past boxers inetit by Root and Latinism at Chime ball Tito veto seeds the subject brat last month. were compelled to hog on it pereent, to the conference for reconsideration basis. If they were good the reage oetpte WPM gOod. If their- 'were medioHART. RD LOIsES MATCH. Another Coach Resigns. r2 cre the receipts were poor. In other words. the boxer of yesterday had to Dee. 7.Haverford defeatprowess to attract the I.Jess Hawley. for edPhiladelphia. chitago,11).r, Harrard in a eirmely eontorned letter- - depend upon his crowd. wa yean football coach at the atate Today theboxer-dependochien- y eglaciate league ammo' onateh rratertaY tot aarone Itairfolor4 VALI" of notoriety he can 2 the amount la at opus by lunlity of lows saldYeentday-4b61get and then bolds the promoter up for bad resigned that poetion. Hawkot forguarantee. merly plared at Dartmouth, Ho intends How many- - top-notboxers otthe - - HONEHINIIINS to dents his Vino to prestent-sr-witlinIn a 'gIlls destra to &mote his mare throe to bout on a percentage round Chicago bank. with lrhkh he is Conno basis and few. guarantee? Very nected. was tb reason for giving up the The old timers' who crowded more real Job. Haley said. He said the compareFACT Into le of action monde milling than tirely poor showing of trio Iowans this FOR 25 CENTS the present crop dummies in four bouts fall bad nothing to do wilt bia MileriA 1 non and that he would haw riven up the Ware not only willing but sextons to cassivntor Cuirrr work upon a percentage bases. To got a place last year. but was prowled to return. In ETWISIOU. Ills Immo Supposed Mythical Habits of following. to become popular. and to fight "Staling was too expensive to Rare African Bird Founded engage In. Hence the difference between the boxer of yesterday and the On Actual Occurrences. boxer of today. , - - ,- - Theories and stories regardin. the unusual traits of animal and birds NO BANTAMWEISIITS, are freceently exploded when subjected to the rigid searchlight of octet! invIstigation. It is therefore of the fa Start "salty- - sae - . LUEIJE - . ..., DIEREMLI tiorietb; the het ot ttwatitit. top inehtutios Hie eidwoot ..,,reiteli- 11 tore Were liolittlit Kent' 11,4 "Ile i trk, three hisk wheels - , , WO 13 Official American League. 11 -A. tiebod y u se al". ' CONTSTS - , 1 , . ; .!. ,fil-A-ll ,, - lliti 011I-OF-Ti- nrin WRENS I Dion IT Liinuf inf., --- . TRITE V LEG VHIEW i 1 I |