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Show SPRING 2003 SENIOR CORNER: The West View DIRECTORY. RESOURCES { Page 11 _ ! In the Beginning, 25 Years AE On<s by Emma Houston The driving components to estab- | lishing the Sunday - Anderson Westside Senior Center focused on three elements that affect the healthy lifestyles of Senior Citizens: nutrition, companionship, and income. Through a national study, these elements were identi- fied as the focal points that needed to be addressed to improve the way Senior Citizens approached their | Shelter mature years. Sunday Anderson, for whom the Center is named, was a. veteran politician and Legislative member who took the cause to the City. ‘Entire City Enjoys New Library already by Marilyn Tracy been here dedication for hours.” Another group said that they had Your new main library is open. In 1998, the voters and homeowners moved here because they loved Salt Lake City during the Olympics. in Salt Lake City approved a bond “This to build a new library to serve as the going to be here all of the time,” they explained. “mother ship” for all the branch libraries. Its’ central placement makes it easily accessible for everyone in the city to use, regardless of whether you live in Poplar Grove, Rosepark, or in University Heights. With a strong central library, the - branch libraries will be much stronger, as well. During the opening ceremony in early February, Nancy Tessman, is even Parents Children’s start to cry it was time better because it’s to help improve the lifestyles of citizens residing on the | BUUGH West Side, the Sunday Anderson | \u Westside Senior Center opened its _doors on June 17, 1978. : For the past 25 years, the Center has. been dedicated to. providing senior citizens with a location that | 4 |. Canteena was filled with adoles-— cents doing just what they were intended to do— talking, laughing, and enjoying one another’ s compa- Wendover trips and BINGO games. — - With. the: assistance. ‘of. an. Older Americans Nutritional Grant, what originally started. nch pro: Rocky Anderson spoke about the need to continue to make positive . _of the Wasatch Front, or bask in a Library Director, said “this was a improvements within the city. Moshe — Safdie, _—_ architect, explained that at one time, the library was a place where books surrounded people, but that he wanted to reverse this process, and make a library of books surrounded by people — a place that you’ll want to visit again and again. Next, the ribbons enclosing the door to the library were pulled, the crowd roared, and the doors opened. On all: sides, people expressed amazement; “awesome, unbelievable, wonderful, beautiful, stun- ning” were just a few of the words that described patrons’ firsti impression. As the day progressed, people continued to come. Their obvious enjoyment of the building and it’s atmosphere was seen every: place you looked. I was there to help them find their way around. One couple told me, “We thought we’d drop in for a minute, and we’ve : |; are delighted with the - provides a nutritional and balanced Library. A few children - meal, educational opportunities, when they were told that ‘social companionship, and health to go. The Young Adult “maintenance, not to mention the _. grams. for hor iene held. in BYee at | Salt Lake City Schools, has now Library ‘Square provides much evolved into a senior center that is more than a library. It’s a communioperational five days a week. ty center where you can enjoy We are pleased to celebrate with meeting with friends, have your the community, dignitaries, friends favorite drink, see beautiful views realization of her dreams for both herself and for Salt Lake City.” fetetetatcalee Disrerecereres Because of the strong desire and Urban Area has various shops and a and family of Sunday Anderson the 25th Anniversary of the Sunday Anderson Westside Senior Center. Come out and join us for an day by staff and aoe phone (801) 538-2092 to confirm luxurious environment of — this inspiring, light-filled building. The } | } | | | evening of remembrance, good | wonderful auditorium for special events. Above all, for “book-— food, dancing, and entertainment on | Wed., June 18, 2003, from 6 — 8 aholics” like me, there’s a greatly p.m. at the Sunday Anderson expanded lending library. Westside Senior Center located at Tours of the new library are 868 West 900 South. Please telegiven at various times almost every 45 volunteers. Wherever you may live in Salt Lake City, take time to visit and enjoy what we, together, have accomplished. : Marilyn Tracy lived in Poplar Grove for a number of years, and has traveled to many other parts of the country working as a _ speechNanguage pathologist. She later returned to Salt Lake City after retirement, and is now living in Rosepark. She presently serves as a docent (volunteer tour guide) at the Main City Library. your attendance. Sunday ioe | Senior Center Spring Activities & Classes Line Dancing — Tues. at:1 p.m. Special Functions —_. Tap Dancing — Beginning to intermediate class 8:30 a.m. Wed Health Clinics — 4/17 & $5/month. 6/ 19 Podiatrist Brian Seagle, 10 a.m.— Noon | Free Legal Advice — 4/22 4/15 Computer Classes e Tues. — Intermed. Computer Classes 9:30 a.m. 12 Week Course - $20.00 e PAF 5 — Learn to use geneal- ogy software 1:00 p.m. 12 © Week Course - $25.00 e Wed. — Photo Print Class — Learn to use photo software and scanner. 9:00 a.m. 5 Weeks $10.00- M — Fri., & until 9 p.m. Wed. Barber — Hair cuts Mon/Wed. at and evening times in April — Please call | 538-2092 for more decals: Exercise Class — Mon.., a.m. at 11 a.m. with equipment open 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Mon. — Fri., and until 9 p.m. Wed. and 7/16. Must call for a 20. minute attorney appointment. AARP — 55 Alive Driving Class M - Th.9:30 a.m. Open Course — 4/15 & 4/17, 12:304:30°p.m. $10 for the 8 hr. | course — auto insurance discount given after completion. Lab on Fri. Call 538-2092 to register. 8 a.m., Tues/Thurs. at 9:30.a.m. Ceramics Class & Open Lab Charged for green- ware and paints only... Oil Painting Class — Tues. 2 a.m. e A Beginning Basic Computer Class will also be taught day Group Exercise Wed., Fri. at 10 Tai Chi — Wed. Exercise Room Regular Activities Pool Room — 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Wendover Trip — 2nd Wed. of each mo. Bus leaves 9 a.m.—— returns 7 p.m. $12 with $7 cash back /free buffet lunch. Donuts, Bingo and movie on the bus. Cooking for One — 1S Thurs. and 42 Wed. of each month. Free! Learn cooking techniques and nutritional information. | Outreach Worker — at the Center each Tues. at 11 a.m. in M lebration 5/5 —Entertainment & lunch starting at 11:00 a.m. Mother’s Day Celebration — 5/8— Entertainment & lunch starting at 11:15 a.m. | 25th Anniversary Celebration 7/18 — Dinner and Dancing, watch for further details. Lunch is served at 12 noon each day — reservations need to be made 24 hrs. in advance. A $2 donation is suggested. » Call 538-2092 & ask for Shirley. |