Show E MtWeJMZatMtl The Weather Save That Fat! - Are you planning to save the fat from that turkey or Christmas roast? It is needed for glycerine to ! For Salt Lake City and vicinity! Saturday Maximum temCler perature Friday43 degrees minimum temperature 30 degrees (Issued by permission of military authorities) -- QJ I 4 manufacture explosives Christ! as Fins Yanks at 'War On Many Fronts Day Brings Little Change to Troops In South Pacific Africa Zones British Irish Price Five Cetitt Salt Lake City Utah S'aturdal Morning December 26 1942 Vol 146 No 73 Dine-AE- E U S Bags 24 Soviets Rout Jap Planes Nazis on In Solomons Middle Bon Silence Aircraft Guns of Nips In Munda Raid 41- Members 1-o U ono-- By Associated Press WASHINGTON Dec 25—American airmen achieving their great- By Associated Press American fighting men on faraway fronts fought the enemy est triumph to date Inover Japanese forces at Munda the central at Christmas with successful strokes while the rest of us back Solomon islands destroyed 24 some made the day an traditional yuletide enemy planes and silenced all antiMillions families were of aircraft batteries the day before stilled wheels gathered Factory Christmas the navy announced about glittering Christmas trees Friday presents and then exchanged A communique said that all our turned to the usual heavily-lade- n planes returned undamaged to dinner tables But meanwhile: their bases on Guadalcanal about 170 miles to the southeast In New Guinea American and 14 Shot From Air Australian troops dro v e two spearheads into Japanese defense The number of enemy craft Iines thrusts which threatened to wrecked-- 14 shot down and 10 blown to pieces on the ground— cut the Japanese into separated indicated that despite heavy and ilsolated units on Munda for American attacks American Christmas Message From Guadalcanal the past two weeks the Japs were fl)ers bombed and strafed Japandoggedly trying to build up their Goes to Subjects ' base there and to some extent at ese installations at Munda on New had succeeded in repairing least down shot island They Georgia Throughout World damage previously inflicted 14 planes and destroyed ten more Military authorities said howon the ground 25 (IPI—In a ever that so long as the present Dec LONDON American troops In Tunisia Christmas message to British peo- ratio of losses continued Munda repulsed two ails counterattacks ples prove more a liability than throughout the world King would and then drove on to capture a an asset the Taps while offering VI the stressed Importance American toforces George strategic point in the south Pasaid the of the empire Friday and British Dine Americans war had shown -- the value of what cific an easy target for further wearing down enemy air strength But in England and Ireland we might have lost" "Many of you to whom I am Losses Total 667 Plane American troops were observing speaking are far away overseas" Christmas in another way They he On the basis of incomplete resaid You realize at first hand of cheer a wealth holiday brought to have lost ports to numerous gatherings of young- the importance and meaning of 30-o-r moredate theat Japs Munda planes of which the those against outposts empire remember can sters who icarcely American losses of only wisdom of our forefathers selected known the days of peace two Their losses in the And thousands of Yanks were and which your faithfulness will Solomons aircraft now total 667 campaign defend and homes in Irish British ruests 24 raid in which The December Most British families tried to Liave Lost All the Saps lost so heavily apparently find places in the Christmas Might "For there was danger that we was carried out in the morning circles for at least four Ameriand fighter should lose such and this has by cans the principal planes—those of being to our value rathe a delivered eyes opened King George-Vtypes operated from Guadalcanal dio address in which he said that what we might have lost" He declared that "the lessons The navy said enemy antiaircraft of despite "the dark shadow for was weak and the batteries learned during the 40 tremendous fire war" Christmas meant "hope were readily strafed out of action us us behind have taught the return to this earth of peace months the 24 planes were destroyed and good will" Referring to the how to work together for victory" All and added that "we must see to it In this raid Yanks he added: Later In the day American airour in homes that we keep together after the craft We welcome them on a second mission against and their sojourn here will not war to build a worthier future" the Munda area bombed a group to us This Prime for a be appeared parallel happy memory only of landing enasserbarges recent engaged in reChurchill's Minister of basis but also I hope the he was not premier "to inforcing and supplying enemy during underatanding between our tion thatover the liquidation of the troops ashore The number of two peoples" preside was barges damaged or empire" not reported but thedestroyed Pre !dent Worshipa communique said that four made land Message President and Mrs Roosevelt Eternal At same the "The message of Christmas" the time the airfield worshiped at the Episcopal church said In his address was bombed "from low altitude in of the Epiphany They heard king eternal and unchanged the absence of enemy resistance" the Rev Howard Stone Anderson-sa- "remains is a message of thankfulness the communique said This was that "there will always be a It taken by authorities here as proof Christmas" Before the church and of hope of thankfulnessmer-to that the first attack had rendered His the for Almighty great services an army band and chorus the to cies return of this the for Japs incapable of fighting back hope carols and Christmas sang played for the time being e on the south lawn White earth of peace and good will" He said that this year Britain House Mr Roosevelfs efiristmas mes- was sharing her Christmas "with sage was delivered by radio on so many of our comrades in arms Christmas eve In part he said: from the United States" and he "I can not saY 'Merry Christ- expressed the hope that their stay rnas' for I think constantly of in Britain would be "the basis of those thousands of soldiers and enduring understanding between sailors who are in actual combat our two peoples" ''Recent victories won by the throughout the world—but I can united nations enable me this express to you my thought that this is a happier Christmas than Christmas to speak with firm conBy Associated Press last year in the sense that the fidence about the future" the king Death cast only a faint shadow forces of darkness stand against said "On the southern shores of the on Christmas this year as the naus with less confidence in the Mediterranean success of their evil ways" the First and tion enjoyed one of its safest DeEighth armies Our fleets and air cember holidays with 146 fatalities forces are advancing toward each WASHINGTON Dec 25 (— other recorded forand heartened Friday night compared greatly President and Mrs Roosevelt wor- tified by the timely and massive with 494 reported by the day's end shiped today at the Episcopal expeditionary armies of the United last year church of the Epiphany and heard States Anderson Stone Rev Howard the Highway traffic was lighter "Tremendous blows have been proclaim that "there will always (Continued on Pate Flight) the countary as a rethroughout (Column Three) be a Christmas sult of tire and gasoline rationing Joins In Prayers taking a toll of 83 against 301 The services were under the traffic deaths in 1941 n Trains accounted for the death auspices of the Washington of Churches and the presof at least three persons in Illi ident joined in prayers for those nois and California Sixty were of the armed aervicea and those killed in other incidents Dec 25 (LIP) TAMPAtFla who gave their lives for the cause Two In Kansas City a family quarrel personi were killed when an over of world freedom the purchase of a $9 Christon a routine flight bomber army The Rev Anderson pastor of from Macdill field here crashed at mas turkey ended in the shutgun the First Congregational church Avon Park Fla of a mail His Wednesday killingwas of Washington praised the Chin- it was announced early wife held by police Friday ese and the "heroic legions in A man chopping ice from the First Lieutenant Ralph E MorMother Russia" who love their rison of Helena Mont eaves of a house in upstate New of pilot land soil family and human the plane and Private Ralph E York was killed when he fell from He said they disa Thomas Brooker Fla a decencies A girl in New York passen- the porch played the moral initiative that ger were killed Thomas had been state was killed by electric shock "fights and dies for freedom" stationed with the command when a heater fell into a water-fille- d and he said that so long as that Long Beach Cal ferry bathtub alInitiative existed there will e ways be a Christmas There will always be a Christmas he continued as long as there are simple joys There was a prayer—a formal One from the Episcopal prayer book for the president of the TAMPA Fla Dec 25 UP— United States and all in civil She found a room in another I hotel and left word for her husauthority Christmas troubles: Mr Roosevelt listened to the band to follow her Meanwhile Mrs James T Runsick came collect for peace from the prayer the private was shuttling beSunday to spend the holiday tween the first hotel Francis "0 God who art the author with her husband a private She avenue and rental agencies of peace and lover of concord in registered at a hotel he reThe husband didn't show up Mrs Runsick tried to telephone knowledge of whom standeth our turned to Mac Dill field him at his field but that was eternal life whose service is perMonday she checked out of Two letters the hotel leaving word for her fect freedom: defend us Thy humagainst orders no reply ble servants in all assaults of our husband that she was getting a brought Finally the defense council enemies: that we surely trusting room on Francis avenue Findin Thy defense may not fear the ing the room already taken she reached the husband at MacDill field power of any adversaries through returned to the hotel and found So the Runsicks spent Christthe might of Jesus Christ our her room there also had been mas together filled Lord" - old-fashion- ed billtiSh Empire Must Be Held Says George VI -- dive-bombe- Enemy Loses 14500 Alen Slain Captured rs of-th- 0- C r 1MetrotilL1:it!tOrii6 DI Er árfil: Slinye7'it06601-1 - 1 ay Patrol Activity Increases Mono- Front in Tunisia for By-Pa- ss Allies Beat Off Attacks - In Tunisia ) I Runsicks Spent Yule Together But It Took a Lot of Fixing recreation U By Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA Saturday Dec 26 —A slight advance by allied ground troops on the left of the line was virtually the only operation reported to have occurred Friday to break the calm of Christmas day in the Buna battle areaof northeast New Guinea While one unit was pushing farther toward the coast to widen a bridgehead established December 24 most of the allied troops were given an opportunity to rest from the arduous assaults of the past few days and to attend divine services in the jungles A spokesman at allied headquarters explained that Fridays thrust toward the Buna government station gardens placed the allies in a better position to destroy the enemy in a triangular defense pocket about 1500 yards inland from Buna which Australian and American infantry already have invested The spckesman explained that the allied progress against the enemy in the Buna area necessarily must be achieved in spurts inasmuch as the Japanese have made excellent use of the terrain which is dotted with a strong system of defenses in depth Systematic mopping up of Japanese strong points—from which the Japs fire through strongly protected ports directed by snipers In treetops—was speeded up by the work of light tanks during the past week But after as long as 12 hours in tanks in the steaming tropics tankmen need rest and cooperating infantry must be regrouped before the advance is resumed "patrols are operating in other sectors" Medjez-El-Bais a crossroads of main and secondary highways which lead about 35 miles northeast to Tunis and 50 miles north b to Bizerte Without giving any substantiating details the German high command declared Friday that renewed allied attacks had been repulsed by axis forces in Tunisia and a large number of American prisoners were taken This had no confirmation from any other source The Rome communique which also reported new allied attacks repelled did not mention captives French Battle rOft French allies of the united nations battled the enemy west of 65 miles south of Kairouan Mediez-El-Ba- b and about 40 mile west of Sousse the port toward which the French have been reported trying to press a wedge between the axis' Tunisian forces and those of Marshal Rommel presumably to rushing westward h unite for a defense of Tunisia The Germans attacked but said a Morocco radio broadcast of a French communique were "repelled on the whole front leaving last-ditc- all" By Associated Press ALGMRS Dec 26—The assassin of Admiral Jean Dalian identified only as a youth of French nationality whose italian mother lives in Italy was condemned Friday night to die Sat day Mlies---(Offic- ial) Imorning Dar Ian Death Complicates Task m Africa Assassination Poses Grave Problems For Gen Eisenhower WASHINGTON Dec 25 UPI— Was the mtirder of Admiral Jean Dar Ian in Algiers Thursday an attempt to assassinate American power and prestige in Africa? This question hung heavily over Washington Friday as President Roosevelt and his military and political advisers studied the sudden turn of events In the vital French African zone and pondered the problems now confronting Lieutenant General Dwight D Eisenhower Meager reports from the scene of the assassination left unclarified the precise political affiliation of the slayer though one of Dar Ian's closest associates said the killing was inspired by the axis or its collaborationists One Vital Fact Despite the fog of uncertainty the affair however surrounding one vital fact stood out like the periscope of a lurking submarine: The fact that Dalian the first outstanding axis collaborationist who dared to quit Hitler for the allies was dead Not only was Dar Ian the first key man of Vichy to quit Hitler cold he quit him to get aboard the first great American offensive against Hitler's wehrmacht He quit him to join the Americans and he lived for six weeks - Must Meet Problem Thus General Eisenhower wto as late as Thursday morning could concentrate on the task of ejecting the axis from Tunisia is confronted Friday by another most urgent assignment: The task of demonstrating to all the world that those who spurn Hitler to join the Americans do not necessarily die a violent death ttacked by the enemy The new problem Is of double throughout Thursday" in an Not only is it imporarea west of Kairouan 63 urgency tant to demonstrate for the benemiles south of Medjez-ElBa- b fit of tortured souls in all and 40 miles west of countries that a man Sousse east ern Tunisian can quit Hitler cold and still live port toward which the it is even more urgently imporFrench have been driving tant to demonstrate that Frenchmen and others in Africa who are behind numerous prisoners and a friendly to the Americans will at least not be stabbed in the back great quantity of war material" On the latter demonstration deAlthough the American comsafety munique said bad weather ham- pends nothing less than the pered air operations the French of American supply lines and comcredited United States planes with munications in Africa the secur(continufd on Pia) Two) effective support of their ground (Column Five) to Reuters said the French and Germans were engaging now in a German warleaflet warfare planes it said were showering French-hel- d areas with green and w hi te lea flets exhorting the French to "stop this useless strugDAKAR French West Africa gle" and with passes permitting the French to enter the nazi lines Dec 25 (A')—New s of the assassion the promise that they would be nation in Algiers of Admiral Jean treated as friends and allowed to Dar Ian was received with conreturn home sternation Friday by the people The French answer floating who in view of the recent arrival Tunisia of American service troops otherdown on German-occupie- d responded that the French were wise would have observed the most raising an army of 500000 which joyous Christmas in several years would be armed by the united A brief official radio announcenations and would help the allies ment early Friday morning told "throw the Germans intcrthe sea:' of the death of Dalian the French African leader whose influence made it possible for U S troops to enter this strategic port area without a fight DarIan was received warmly here on a visit several weeks ago and his death was a blow to the masses who showed they liked throughout the axis" Murray's him genuinely statement said We renew our pledge of devotion to the cause of complete Oft-Bombe- d We reunited nations victory affirm our pledge of unity with the workers and the plain people of all nations including the MALTA Dec 25 tiTI—A small occupied nations in the common struggle for freedom and for life number of enemy fighter planes itself" flying at high altitude turned William Green president of back Friday without attempting the A F L similarly condemned to cross the coast Their appearance caused the only alert in 24 nazi atrocities in a recent stateaxis-occupi- ed Darlan Killing Stuns Dakar CIO President Condemns Mass Killings by Nazis WASHINGTON Dec 25 (iP)-Philip Murray president of the C I 0 Friday condemned "the massacre of Jews and of civilians of all nationalities where the nazi war machine has entered" and pledged redoubled efforts for victory "In answer to this mass horror now being inflicted on our brothers and sisters in Europe we pledge in the name of humanity to redouble our work for the utter destruction of nazlism and all its legions of death - Malta Records Alert ment 0 Name of Young Assassin Withheld Execution Slated for Today Giraud May Succeed Slain Leader El-Ba- Death Toll Yule Drops Sharply In Btma Area Two Airmen Die In Florida Crash military By Associated Press forces in —10 MOSCOW Saturday Dec 26 (Al French Africa —Russian troops have thrown the who assumed Germans back 15 miles in the the duties strategic Kotelnikovski sector southwest of Stalingrad and killed of the or captured 14500 more nazis in assassinated Friday the middle Don offensive that now has taken a toll of 106- Admiral 700 of the enemy the soviets announced early Saturday in anJean Dar Ian other special communique pending The Russians said the push 1 "north of Koteinikovski" came a decision on after a fight that saw the a permanent Germans lose 9000 men 300 tanks 268 planes and 160 guns in an successor unsuccessful series of desperate by the counterattacks launched "with the aim of saving their formations French Africa encircled near Stalingrad" council Gains NVIden That body was For a time the Germans "sucscheduled to ceeded in pressing back our troops and occupying several populated hold a meeting places" the communique said of the Kotelnikovski today battles But "our trocps wore down the enemy forces and then went over to the ' and breaking counteroffensive enemy resistance threw him back to the southwest for a distance of 20 to 25 kilometers (12 to 15 miles) Eight villages were overrun by the Russians in their triumph near Koteinikovski the Russians said and soviet military commentators said the red army in its four Heavy Rains Make Battle Area Muddy offensives now going on already had regained more territory thgn Major Clash Waits Solid was won all last winter A Junction of the forces driving Motorized War Machines Footing westward from Stalingrad and those pushing south from the middle Don toward Rostov would trap Allies—(Official) By Associated Press a huge nazi army that has been Dec 25—Increasing patrol activity on the Tunisian LONDON stalled between the Don and Volga rivers and deep In the Caucasus front particularly in the northern sector was reported Friday Junction night although the battle area oozed with- - mud under fresh Scores of additional villages of winter rain were declared retaken in the mid- downpours This activity still consisted of dle Don drive that already has pushed straight sweat into the feeler thrusts The major battle Ukraine as well as wheeling south apparently waited only for an toward Rostov Military commen- opportune moment and solid foot- tators estimated the Russians were within 135 miles of Rostov in a Ing for the heavy tanks and mostatement issued before the spe- torized war machines on both cial bulletin telling of new ad- sides vances A L LIED HEADQUAR- A United States war department Two of the recaptured towns TERS French North Africa were Kantemirovka and Markov- communique in Washington dis- Dec 25 IP) — A mixed force ka about 70 miles northwest of closed that the high ground from United States-Britis- h has occupied a position six Millerovo a key Junction on the which the allies drove the Germans Moscow-Rosto- v miles northeast of Medjezrailway These are Thwsday in the most significant b west of that railway and are two offensive move in two weeks was beating off sharp of several towns taken in the six miles northeast of Medjez-El- enemy counterattacks in this Bab the gateway to Tunis and area only about 30 miles (COO:toned on "'Ref Three) Column Three Bizerte southwest of Tunis In the same area allied air Attacks Repulsed tarpatrols shot up ground curUnits of the allied advanced gets but bad weather forces have beaten off enemy tailed flying operations now hold the To the south allied French and counterattacks ON71- troops were "violently aposition the communique said and U S Holiday Allies Relax Fed-ratio- General Henri Giraud commander of 4 Russlan---(Offici- al) 13-d- t hours The slayer's name was still withheld but the French communique announcing the death penalty said he had spent most of his tife in Paris and Italy and had come to Algiers a year ago and entered the university The assassin used- the name "Morand" when he gained entry to the summer palace where he ambushed the French high commissioner who had been helping the allies The communique said his name could not be announced "for rea"lone of national security" It was learned that when first questioned the killer believed his attempt on Dar Ian's life had failed "I am sorry I missed my misMon" he said Glad of Act When told his victim was dead he remarked: "So much the better libu may kill me now" Lieutenant General Dwight D Eiserdiower cut short his Christ mas visit to the Tunisian front headquarters Friday night toonconsult with French leaders successor to the assassinated Admiral Jean Darlan Names Mentioned General Eisenhower immediately conveyed his sympathies to Madame Darlan and General George C Marshall S army chief of staff said in a cable that he was shocked adding that Darien had "rendered service Of Vast import- ance to our armed forces" (A Reuters dispatch from Algiers said a French military tribunal condemned to death the young assassin and that he would be executed Saturday morning The gunman was reported to be a French national whose mother is Italian and lives in Italy) Foremost among those mentioned for the high commissioner-shi- p was General Henri Honore Giraud- a hero of both World wars and a figure around whom all the dissident French elements could rally to carry on the fight against the axis Quickly Installed Giraud was quickly installed as acting French ruler of all the African colonies handed over to the allies almost without bloodshed by Dalian but only last week —before Darlan's death—he expressed the wish to avoid politizs and continue in a strictly fighting role Beyond question Giraud was regarded with more interest than any other French figure in north Africa but for the moment there was no indication that he would accept the leadership from which Darien was suddenly removed by the pistol shots of a assassin on Christmas eve The whole political situation will be reviewed at Saturday's meeting of the imperial council headed of French by the governors-genera- l Africa Governor-GenerArrives - - - - - - - al August Nogues of Morocco and his staff were among the first of the leading French officials to arrive They were met by Robert D Murphy acting as Preside n tRoosevelt personal representstive Like Eisenhower Giraud w a s visiting his troops in the fitkid when word was received of Darlan's death lie hastened back to Algiels The arrival of Pierre B0i3- son governor general of French West Africa still was awaited Nogues was on an inspection trip to Marrakech when informed of the assassination He returned to Rabat in order to take a plane to Algiers The French Afrique agency reported from Rabat that Si! flags were flying at half mast and that the sultan of- - Morocco had sent condolences Going to Cathedral Darlan's body was to be taken Friday night to the Algiers cathedral where a solemn mass will be attended by French civil and military authorities Then the funeral cortege with military ceremony will proceed to the little chapel of Sainte Marie adjoinino the summer palace in which the admiral was shot There troops will pass in review in what French sources said would be a "symbol of a nation in arms" United States and British troops will participate in the ceremonies Burial plans were not disclosed immediately During the day the body was Governor-Gener- al - 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