Show ' I Vbe 5att' agakcl Zributte Monday Morning Mark Experts Looli' DPW Building 'Chinese INeNv Year's Must' For Major Jobs Mood Save on Steel In Grim Atlantic Test WASHINGTON Feb 15 miniUP—An "a mum" of steel and other materials needed for arms production will be used in detense public works the fecil bsolute Second Jutla' nd Shaping Up t - eral works an- agency 'Conflict Rob s S Celebration - o Gaie F Officials Think - - VICHY Feb 15 illrl—Specialttion that a snowstorm cloaked Feb 15 (1TP)- -1' he nets hung over their sides their departure Wednesday night steel International Council of Religious Education asked the government protected the German battleships for the dash through the British Sunday in case of an acute paper Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and channel to home waters shortage that churches be given paper priority for Sunday school pamphlets but that publication of pulp magazines be banned"America can do without a flood of cheap and tawdry 'crime"wpdwest' and 'love' story magazines" i the council's resolution said i i I In the fruitless attempt to smash the powerful German fleet units the report said the R A F struck at therm in 110 bombing raids 31 by daylight and 79 by night Thesteel nets limited to the superstructures such damage as was the cruiser Prinz Eugen from British bombs during their many months at Brest it was learned Sunday From the French port having its first quiet week end since the battleships arrived there nearly ayear ago came also the informa- done ' ' I I 0 19-1- Tan t SAN c two-stor- bomb-resista- nt Chinese-Aemriea- one-stor- y ns motor-- anniversary all-o- F ut I S Father Loses Three Song In Pacific War ee t : cs :t1 rl 0 N to rr IIei nit ) Joi r lye k' r er - t ar t4z4- - Our Salt Lake defens'e srea Group Visions U S Troops In Near East d - - ' Is face to face with an acute - that derlands immediate -and unified effort -- Fional opportunity to help in situation which presents a challenge a' housing shortage ' that offers anexcep- - a challenge the National Defe'nseProgram and at the same time an opportunity to make the wisest and safest investment that is possible : ' -' Pair Escalie Death in Plane Cralsh - f Presni- homes mustlloe remodeled ' and 'enlarged - - new homes must be built I homes duplexes and larger multiple dwellinig sing - 1 Sam has come forward with modified priority rulings on necessary " Lincl ! - rials in the Salt Lake area plans are now offered mal-e- 1 The smallest dowft payments and the easiest finance Modern home Materials and skilled labor are available i ' Anstralia Rounds Up Enemy Alien's' construction' has reached its highesf point of efficiency' and economy builders 1 6t the most possible out of every dollar invested Build now with höme every assurance of satisfaction - f doubt defense housing offers a - today! Beyond any question Inves'ticlgate - : splendid ipp' por-funit- right n' o‘v y in the Salt Lake area s- - Shift Boss Ends Life by Dvnamite FAIRBANKS Alaska Feb 15 ft77)—r'i11owing his head on two stieks of dvnamite Jack Middleton : r !' Gilbert night shift foreman at the Cleary Hill quartz gold mine lit the fuse and was decapitated authorities said Sunday They said Gilbert left a cryptic rote reading: "I have walked the bridge too lonztook too many torpedoes riidship s" His body was fiwnd Saturday !n the ran shaft where he had stretched hinelf on a piece of carves and touched off the exros:ves He was a native of Scotland -- He's One in a Million! Or Is It Two Million 9 indirect victim of the P A F for the Germans dynamited al to remove a dangerous landmark Brest itself suffered more than that might have guided enemy air-400 casualties from bombs W hich men Details of the escape of the Ger- missed the German marks and de- - man warships now available re- stroyed a civil hospital several vealed that German minesweepers schools' other public buildings and were busy more than a week in' more than 40 houses the report clearing the channel of British said mines The American battle monument A strong escort of small naval there a square granite tower on boats swarmed around the big the old walls overlooking the har- ships when they quit Brest just bor where American troops landed after nightfall Wednesday and during the first world: war was turned northward in a snowstorm lecill0- Nazi Warships Aided by Steel Nets L) CHICAGO FRANCISCO' Feb: 15 (UP)—Chinatown In somber war1 time mood observed New Year's WASHINGTON Feb 15 (UP)-- I day Sunday with minimum gaiety The usual firecrackers were Naval experts believed Sunday proof and were a "second of battle Jut that lacking and nIght masonry i wOoden structures The limland— this time involving U S conserving their gunpowder for itAtions apply to schools the Nipponese swarming over the fleet forces—will be fought in the hospitals and firehouses as of their ancestors Ind Atlantic to prevent Adolf Hitler's well as to virtually all other For the Chinese Sunday began reinforced navy from ii icing the of buildings types the nineteenth year of the seventy-sevent- h :11feline of weapons auPplies and Snyder explained that cycle of the calendar of be limited would structures men from the United States old China It was the birthday of to two stories because Confucius and the 4579th The showdown between the nazi driven elevators were of the reign of Huang Ti and allied fleets it was said may "out" for the duration of the first ruler of China legendary war and taller buildings corn'e this spring coincident with In San Francisco's framebig Chinawould require steel German the launching of an town the residents this time work offered up prayers and incense to offensive aimed at winning the Kwan Tat the god of war asking war in 1942 before U S producfor victory over the invaders that !ton can turn the tide of the now have gone into battle also struggle with their friends and allies—the Naval experts said the German Americans Usually the pleas go to Kwan fleet strengthened by the escape Yin the Chinese goddess of mercy 'of three large warships through Occidental and oriental celethe Erglish channel under the brants crowded Into Chinatown blasting of 600 warplanes cannot Saturday night and Sunday but the festive spirit was gone be allowed to prey upon merchant ROCHESTER N Y Feb 15 (In Many American sailors and solshipping in the AtlantiO and pre Charles H Kramb of suburban diers were in crowd and vent a flow of production from the Gates has given up hope at last received warmthewelcomes In they the —he knows now that none of his Chinatown restaurants and ba"areenal of deMocracy" three sons will be back from the zaars ' Formidable Fleet navy when the war is over Incense sticks and red candles 30 he known has Since January The nazi fleet now is regarded Were used instead of priority-effecte'as far more formidable than was definitely that two sonswhenJames firecrackers to drive the evil Spirits away Sidewark standa "generally realized It includes the and John wereto killed bottom the of the offered white and pink branches battleships Scharnhorat Gneisenau Arizona went and Tirpitz the pocket battleships Pearl harbor of 'plum blossoms the national he has And since tAdmiral Scheer and Luetzow and flower-O- f "Good luck" manr China son Charles darin oranges were sold that the third Fin:eral cruisers in front including the known !Prince Eugen one of the three last of the family of three boys of nearly every store in was the with action Asiatic There was one standard new large ships which forced the Dover fleet in the southwestern Pacific straits in battle decoration throughout year's These warships undoubtedly will Nothing more Chinatown They were posters mesanother Early Saturday be used to reinforce the "wolf from naval authorities came reading: "See you in Tokyo' packs" of submarines which at sage one time 'threatened to win the to inform Charles Kramb that he battle of the Atlantic for Germany had given all three of his boys to and brought the nazi counter their country Charles Jr had blockade of the British isles dan- been "killed in the performancePa-of his duty" in the southwestern gerously close to success The new threat resulting from cific Charles Kramb and his wife the the nazi success in forcing the Dover straits was believed to have boys stepmother were sad but been studied in detail by Presi- composed as they told of the three by One 'joined dent Roosevelt and members of boys who had one 21 enlisted in James the British-Unitenavy the supreme States 1937 his brother John command at a White House con October WASHINGTON Feb 15 UP— 24 followed him five months later ference Saturday The and was assigned to the Arizona Foreign Policy association 1 Reported at Emden with him Charles 23 signed up calling the near east the keystone of the allied defense structure The royal air force augmented in October 1938 Living in California some years said Sunday it was "possible and bombers and by American-mad- e the elder Kramb recalled the planes undoubtedly will- ago fighter had visited battleships and even probable that American corn- boys Geror to weaken the destroy try military naval and rnan units in the port of Emden shown an early interest in navy bat Units aerial—will soon take up posiwhere the nazi vessels are reported careers were just regular boys" tions" there to have taken refuge after forcing said''They Mrs Kramb the channel A nazi drive to $uez and then Their father spoke their eulogy: But the bombing of Emden will down were the Red sea the associain interested every"They a prove difficult task because the loved and other could split the antiaxis i thing said tion swimming base is heavily defended but didn't1 have sports they any front into two unconnected secBy rallying to sink the crack hobbies They didn't tions Therefore it contended the r ew German battleship Bismarck particular last year the British showed the live long enough I guess" stakes are great enough to justify aerinusness with which they re diversion to that area of a congarrd the presence of big German siderable and increasing propornaval units in North Atlantic waters The Bismarck had sent tion of available allied military tn the bottom the British battle power cruiser Hood largest warship in Presen t s Survey the world The association a privately-funde- d Task Difficult research organization said But tracking down and destroy: ing an entire fleet would be a far in survey: SUPERIOR Ariz Feb 15 UP-- rncre difficult task than sinking a "At present the most pressing airgle battleship Naval men agree Frank McElhaney a private pilot demands for reinforcements come that the present German fleet of We Ilton Ariz and his passen- from southeast Asia but as Genoperating as a unit could cause ger 13111 Cummings of 1Van Nuys eral Itommers Africa corps moved truch havoc before being Cal described Sunday a miraculoser to Suez allied strategists Ic lous escape from death when their Diplomats diaeliaming the threat will have to face again the probof a supreme German offensive tiny monoplane crashed into the lem of securing the near east" this spring said that the daring side of towering Irond mountain It is essential that the allies clash of the battleships from Brest 15 miles north of here during a hold the near east in preparation first step blinding storm undoubtedly was "the The accident occurred Saturday for the time when the superiority in this offensive" their armies will enable them If Hitler decides to use his re- afternoon and except for IlsIcE- of to take the initiative the report assembled naval forces for a ma- lhaney's bruised face and Cum- said sprained ankle they escaped jor victory attempt in the At- mings' "The Mediterranean coast of antic one logical use of this force unscathed Europe said opposite north Africa is the 141cElhaney it was said would be an attempt Impaet to oust the British and U S ex- caused his head to ram the I:- the nazis' most vulnerable flank" astrument board Cummings' foot it asserted "Ultimately the allies peditionary forces from Iceland went through the bottom of Vle should be able to launch an offenship and it was necessary or sive in that region which would the war directly to the GerMeElhaney to pry him from the carry man stronghold in Europe wreckage they added "Believe me we let out a gasp Described when we finally got out" 141cE- Region The near eastern region lying lhaney said "We were about 5500 BnISBANE Australia Monday feet up on the side of this almost south of the Russian 'battlefront east of the desert battlefields of Feb 16 iTi—Hundreds of enemy perpendicular mountain aliens mostly Italian sugar field "I had to help Cummings with Libya and west of the southeast workers were arrested in a wide- his bad ankle but we finally Asia zone of conflict provides the Friday night and reached a canyon floor We made land bridge which unites Europe spread round-u- p in North Queensland a our way slowly with the storm Asia and Africa Saturday By establishing control over this Finallyn darkd:spatch from Ingham disclosed still in progress Monday The sugar belt lies along ness set in and fortunately we had land bridge the report said Hitthe coast where t h e Japanese matches and were able to build a ler could seize the nexus of the allied defensive position in the would land in any attempted in- fire "At daybreak we sei out again eastern hemisphere and from there vasion of Australia A special barred and guarded A few miles beyond we came upon sever important connections betrain is taking thenf- southward the camp of Walter Bennett a tween Russia and the outside to be interned at Townsville The prospector We were never more world Then as the Germans obaliens were arrested in Queens- glad to see another person in our tained bases of operations on the Persian gulf and the Gulf of Aden land biggest raid carried out by lives" Bennett brought the pair In their raiders could harass allied police under army instructions here by truck shipping moving across the In- MeElhaney said the plane was dian ocean it added demolished He and Cummings were on a flight from Wellton to Globe I nounced Sunday Baird Snyder III acting W A administrator said buildings would y be limited fireto one and 11 i! - ty 1-- 1 Religious Group Asksi Priorities On Paper —February 16 Chiang Expresses War Loan Thanks SPONSORED CHUNGKINØ China Feb 15 k (P) — Generalissimo Chiang THOMASVILLE N C Feb 15 now conferring with British (JP)—A drunk came to Policeman leaders in India sent a message Eck Dorsett's home to be ar- of appreciation - for the $500- rested 000000 American loan to China to The policeman was off duty and President Roosevelt Sunday asleep But that didn't stop the Expressing "deep gratitude for visitor He walked right into the this timely assistance" Chiang officer's bedroom and woke him said the money would be used for "I'm drunk and I want to be military needs strengthening arrested" said the intruder' China's economic structure reThe officer roused himself demption of legal toncler note7 dressed and escorted the mart to control of currency and stabilizathe town lock-u- p tion of prices BY SALT YOUR LAKE Kai-she- :J1--"7-AL:J- IN THE INTERESTS OF ILL ADE9UATE LI 2 HOUSING ' 0 I |