Show Local Metal Markets Save Time In War Time a I ':Ar - Buy Bonds Vol 11-- 1 Salt Lake City Utah Sunday Morning February Ltalms to Start at T With Escort In Panama Area 'Business Schools Ready for Change to the victory program A check Saturday of business house s industrial plants mines pmelVers schools and public bodies Indicated that the new war time will be almost universally adopted in the area to there are those who keepIf watches and clo cks plan on the Old mountain standard time—and none were found in the survey—it likely that they will shortly find themselves so confused and out of step that compliance will be a welcome relief For all those who fear that the new time will be confusing there one simple solution Just turn the clock or the watch ahead one hour before retiring Sunday night get up the next morning at yourusual time by the clock and forget that there was ever any other time but "war time" True you will be getting up starting to work and quitting an hour earlier by sun time But time Is largely psychological and it will soon become just as easy (or just as hard) to get up at 6 or 7 a in 'war time" as it was at the same hour under the old standard time To Save Electricity The primary objective of "vvar time" is to push more activities forward into daylight hours and thereby conserve electric energy So remember that you must go to bed an hour earlier by sun time as well as get up an hour earlier to In really accomplish anything other words if you have been getting up at 7 a m and retiring at 11 p m mountain standard time you should follow that same schedule under "war time" To get up an hour earlier sun time which this time of the year means burning Lghts in the morning for most people and then stay up until usual sun time hour would be a "daylght wasting" instead of a daylight saving program But to reiterate the simple way eut is just to turn the clock ahead one hour pursue your usual schedule by the clock and put all thoughts of standard time away for the duration Officials Adopt Change Federal state county and city offices will all observe "war time" beginning Monday morning In other words they will open at 9 a rn and close at 5 p rn "war time" which will move their activities up one hour sun time The public schools and the University of Utah will do the same thing So will retail stores and other places of business Banks have been opening at 9:30 m and closing at 2 p m week- days with a 9 a nu to 12 noon day on Saturdays They will continue to observe the same schedule "war time" which will move every- thing up one hour by the sun Mines and smelters which have generally been starting the morning shift at 8 a m mountain standard tirne will bezinning Monday start the same shift at a in "war time" Utah Copper company which starts the ay shift at 7 a m will move its cocks ahead one hour and continue to start at 7 a m under —war i I I I 1 !l ) f 1 11 Railroads Too For the transportation industry the thange-ove- r will be somewhat more Complex than for average business Railroad operating per-- I aonnel on shift at 2 a rn Monday 14111 move their watches ahead one hour at that time Train ached-tie- s will remain the same as they are now so far as clock time is concerned That is a train that departs at 6 p m now will depart at 6 p in "war time" For a short period after the change-ove- r trains of course will arrive late Inasmuch as one hour wl1 be lost in operating time Rail: Toad officials reported however that crews would be able to make up the lost time on long runs and that those trains would probably arrive on schedule by the new The change will not be without its minor profits for some people For example anyone working a shift during which the clocks are moved ahead will complete an eght-hou- r shift by the clock in Even hours actual working time Thus unless the worker is recoired to report one hour earlier than in the past and nothing is de ddcted from his pay he will re(five eight hours' pay for seven hours' work But when the change i made back to standard time it is going to take nine hours actual time to work eight hours by the K which will even things up is i time" CPC Hers Ott New Time Set-U- BRUNEI s OV '''''' Projects Flying Force of 2000000 Men -- !1! MINDANAO do Celebes A CAPTURED Sea AY Allies--(Officia- 6 - OM 1 1 - -) - r-- pt) 4 : p 6 : li ( : Pe - L sub-Mari- ne Japs Bombard n avy 'Reports Forts at Entry Success in Subs To Manila Bay War Fighting Dutch Blast Three Jap Warships i ts P-4- By United Press Approximately 130000000 rt" women and children from the Atlantic to the Pacific will donate one hour of time early Monday morning to help defeat the axis— and willingly A nation-wid- e survey Saturday night showed that the nation— with few exceptions including a charge that President Roosevelt like President Wilson before him is trying to hold back the sun— will cooperate unbegrudgingly with "war time" Reports from the federal employes in Washington from the in New York from the industrial areas of Pittsburgh and Detroit from the solid south from the farmers in Indiana and Nebraska from west coast shoppers troubled by air raid alarms—all indicate that the sacrifice of an hour's sleep is patriotic and "little enough" to do The survey revealed no holdouts on the "fast time" except possibly for a few undecided small communities Some of the problems created by the time change and how they will be met include: Railroads—Every clock in every station and every watch in every train man's pocket will have to be moved ahead an hour with precision to prevent interruption of schedules Most railroads have issued detailed instructions for on s" Page Eleven) (Continuer) Column Six) - darn-age- be-lo- re - ' P-4- S-- - Sub's Victims Reach N Y 28 Men Lost Petah' Blocks Nazi Move For Agreement 63-da- (UP)--Negoti- ations - 11 all-o- ' - West's' Senators Blame Sugar Dearth on Crop Controls WASHINGTON Feb 7 (UP) —Senators from western states Saturday night blamed administration farm control programs for the sugar shortage as the office of price administfation prepared to ration sugar at of 1941 consumption Senators Edwin C Johnson two-thir- five-poun- ds One-thir- Japanese List Enemy Losses Tangier Mobs Attack British Abe Murdock (D) Utah and John Thomas (D) Idaho asserted that the drastic ration system confronting the nation can be traced directly to crop restriction programs Johnson said the country could produce at least 1000000 pounds more sugar annually than it has been producing but that the agriculture department "wouldn't listen" to protests reductions against acreage "Now we are paying the penalty" he said Senate Republican Leader Charles L McNary of Oregon in a letter 'to Donald suggested M Nelson war production board chief that the sugar shortage could be alleviated by using surplus stocks of corn and wheatinstead of sugar to produce industrial alcohol Price Administrator Leon d Henderson in asking for a reduction ' in sugar con Nazis Prepare Nation to Face Spring Offensive by Allies time-bom- morale- -building d 1-- - t t 11 - :41: - Nearly 130000000 Will Donate Hour Monday Morning - : S-2- Nation Waits Clock Shift To 'War Time' S Firm After Week of Siege TARAKAN V WASHINGTON Feb 7 (11)—A Salvage operations went forward l) ''4!" :::AN JAPXN ESE itCe77: "'4111 n to raise 2000000-maWC' the United air f ore e— the Saturday :!ii :::::4-Associated Press By SAMBAS LX:61b " HING ::::A States submarine tomb of SINGAPORE world's largest — was announced MENA00 The end of nine weeks of b : :org PEMANOK IT ::f as the army's eventual perhaps 36 men who perished in ::: nif i Saturday 0 lbs warfare in the southwest a collision between the submarine ::: ::::: kylipar :?! x 'C4w1-'- 1 objective with half that number grim 00 SAMARINDA ' -- -and another U S naval vessel off ease Pacific mit to be mustered before the end of Saturday night found I'S EQUATOR ::: t Panama on January 24 04 S' the year I4PONTIANAK the forces of the united naThree of those aboard the sub—I BALIKIXmarine first U S navy submersiaimed This tremendous program tions still fighting defensive Iposo 3 4 ZNOKA ble to be sunk since June 20 1941 KETAPANG '"' 0:::: PAPANel crushStates at United the ata giving actions on a sprawling 5000- CELÈB when the 0-- 9 went down off Ports$ -b air superiority over all its BAND- IP ing mouth N H with a loss of 33 4:IP PALEMBANG - - JERMASINIAP 1ebi-enemies was disclosed by Secre- mile line of fronts--o- n each of Men were swept overboard from 4 of before War Stimson who KENDARI tAry the bridge when the Amsorn was 70 l'eari Harbor had set a goal of which the initiative remained 4q) 411 c (0) rammed on the surface Java lir They : : 400000 men in the air force by firmly in the grasp of the agiiiii f' were rescued TE Lotpiiii-6i-pailnext June 30 — 'ar mA'CASSARV 1 Sea 10 1 Believe 36 Lost ::":: It compares with a reported gressor Japanese with little in 47 I I strength of 1000000 to 1250000 indication that the tide of con- 44e111 liAtil A ::: The others presumed to number 4'46 in the nazi luftwaffe and of about 36 since vessels of the 6 hy class quest can be turned for some it w21 SEM A AANG 1000000 in the British R A F SFERABAJgb e ordinarily carry four officers and t4hJzs men too more is than the time to tome It 35 men undoubtedly perished since JA II A MALANG in all ?LORIS at had branches the army In Burma where Rangoon was the submarine was not located unto outbreak of the war til five days after the collision on Singapore bombed heavily Li soaisAwA It rested in 301 feet of water and No Breakdown of Figures island where big guns Japanese a diver who hammered on its hull to MIA The war secretary did not break for the first time found the range 3" EAST I got no response from inside 16411i5 INDIES down this over-a- ll 2000000 figure of the i) AT liQuait00 Those saved were Lieutenant city itself in the Dutch S of into pilots mechan- East Indies categories Commander Earl C Hawk Sauwhere the allies' vital ics etc: It is known however Invade Java site of the allies' southwest Pagerties N Y commanding offi- Arrows down coasts of Borneo show approxi- Soerabaja base again was under 400000a of the that original goal cer Lieutenant Robert E Ward cific command Airline miles between major man force called for training of air attack and the secondary base mate area under Japanese control and indiAntioch Cal and Seaman Joe B 30000 pilots a year Presumably of Amboina was lost the invader cate strategy that might lead to attempt to points in area are shown by dotted lines HurstAda Cal this training program eventually Commander Hawk said the and even in the Philippines where will be quadrupled was cruising on the surT x In addition to the army's plans General MacArthur's one possible face when Lieutenant Ward called the navy is preparing an immense line of withdrawal came under the him to the bridge to advise that arm Secretary of the Navy fire of Japanese artillery the outair an escort vessel had changed Knox announced a week ago a pro- look was course and was drawing close To definitely somber- gram for training 30000 naval air avert a collision Hawk said he cadets each year Bright Side of Picture ordered the submarine's engines its anwith Simultaneously reversed and an emergency alarm 011 Only news of United Nations nouncement of the air force prosounded came from the Indies successes war the took gram department WASHINGTON Feb 7 of where it was announced that: toward further Comes Too Late steps expansion Defenders Admit (UP)—Vigorous American ThreeHour Attack the ground forces An executive A Japanese cruiser and transcountermeasures against The action came too late and order from President Roosevelt auon German the escort ship rammed the subpreying Hints New Drive thorized it to call to active duty 27 port were sunk and another cruiser Enemy Capture Atlantic coast shipping are marine pitching the three on the organized Infantry divisions which and a destroyer damaged Base Of Amboina MacArthur meeting with "increasing 0 To Crush bridge into the water and cutting in peacetime exist only on paper Eight American army success" the navy reported a large hole in the submersible's down three of Call Officers fighter planes brought late Saturday Early hull It sank speedily e- out of a larger enemy force with The navy said in a comU The collision occurred at 10:20 Dutch—(Official) Department officials said this munique that "axis subma Next morning searchers p tn Press Associated would mean early mobilization of one U S plane lost and another Associated Press By By rifles continue to operate picked up a yellow marker buoy BATXVIA N E L Feb 7—The all qualified reserve officers not missing WASHINGTON Feb 7 — A over a wide area in the At- or the type sent up by submarines now on active duty and of specialthree-hou- r AmerThe Dutch Indies fleet despite of stout bombardment lantic ocean including the in distress to discloss their posiDptch defenders of Amboina ized reserve units such as hospital to the still d waters of coastal the United of Tokyoslaims and Manila tion A note was attached to the ican forts at the mouth sank a Japanese cruiser units which have been formed in was intact and very contrary much in opStates" a On but and the submarine fire marker another had floated buoy intensified artillery many cities eration But 'it added "their atfrom the point where it reached bay control of that Activating the 27 divisions will and new air But even this bright spot in the relinquishing Bataan on peninsula allied tacks merchant The the surface be carried out in this manner: submarine was duels indicated was almost broader most and air the second comthat are gloomy Important Saturday being shipping not found until January 29 Reserve or regular army officers eclipsed by the picture occupabated vigorously with inJapanese naval base a Netherlands Indies will be assigned Six divers were flown from the Japanese were opening a new ofalong with cadres tion of Amboina--- an operation creasing success by our United States on January 28 to fensive in an effort to crush reIcommunique announced Saturday of enlisted men The ranks then carried out at the cost of the three forces" assist Canal Zone divers In rescue sistance in the Philippines (Continued on Page Two) A big Japanese transport also naval vessels For Amboina flank(Column Six) work A war department communiwas sunk in a separate bombing ing the most direct supply route Both Ends Flooded westward from the 'United States' que telling of these developments Borneo west of the communique also disclosed that near Bali in and Australia to the Indies also said in found (The message the the Netherlands East Indies a gives the invader a fresh foothold to blows which These brought marker buoy indicated according formation of American 0 eight only 630 miles from the chief north 59 the total of Japanese warships to announcement in Washington was attacked by a Australian base at Port Darwin planes pursuit or and the sunk by damaged ships that the forward and after ends "greatly superior force of Japay in Dutch the war—just of the which contained the nese fighters" The result was that Singapore Stands Firm four fewer than the goal of one compartments fitted for rescue "at least were For Singapore standing firm three enemy planes a day—fell short of breaking up work with a divine- bell had been shot down" while one United a week of siege and still on after a week armada which the Japanese flooded Any members of the crew States the was destrcyed and ready against any sign of the plane swarms NEW YORK Feb 7 (UP)— ago Friday began landing who survived the collision must another is 7 VICHY frontal attack Feb expected Japanese missing have been in the central operating The Swedish motorship Amerika- of soldiers the whine and blast of shells was French-Germa- n a seeking Are Forts Targets compartment to the already painfully land was torpedoed and sunk 30 In Japanese Hands "reconciliation" agreement were added (Naval authorities explained familiar thunder of heavy air atThe bombardment of Forts miles off Cape Hatteras on the 1100 miles northeast Amboina that because of the design of the Drum Mills and Hughes In Ma- night of the Petain by The snagged Saturday tack first barrage directed 2 the twentieth of the major Indies naval base of February conning tower structure in this nila bay disclosed that the shells known victim to requisi- at the city itself did little damage refusal of axis government's submarines 600 and miles northwest Soerabaja type of submarine it would not in Atlantic poured on enemy gun coastal of Darwin Australia where the tion 52000 French horses for the —but to many it sounded like the operating have been posible to use the sub- the forts on denot ashad waters was disclosed it Friday Dutch had stationed light Warships German army's use on the Russian warning signal that an marine rescue bell over the cen- positionsall was batteries con- by 11 survivors who wereSaturday sault imminent battlefront Japanese stroyed landed to and and planes patrol tral compartment even had the cealed on the southeastern side of here front an allied rescue vessel guard the In apparent confirmation of The German military authorities eastern passage though the Moship been found in time n at the same time aggravated the that view was the appearance of 15335-tothe bay Saturday's communique The a Amerika land to to luccas and Australia Java (Lieutenant Commander Hawk side the Japanese bombardment vessel leased- by the Bethlehem is now in the hands of the Japa- impasse by refusing to exactiate small boats on the Japanesesoundinwas born in Brooklyn N Y April said no Ore company carried a crew of nese and enable the Vichy gov- of Johore strait A possible Paris that was artillery a by for heavy few of bands except 51 1905 and attended Saugerties of the British defenses damage was done and 39 It was believed that the 28 'defenders which are waging gue- ernmsnt to return there and by g-out N Y high school He enlisted in material fire the came under the returned to "our liberate been others 1400000 had that lost guns they promptly refusing rilla warfare here and there the (contititipa on Page Six) with undetermined results" of Survi'vors were picked up 170 (Column Three) French war fire held in still withering imperial guns prisoners said which blew a number of the craft Most of the Japanese shells miles off Sandy Hook where they communique Germany Some of the defense were forces Nazi authorities said that the out of the water were directed at Fort Drum a con- had been carried by the gulf successfully evacuated from the In the Philippines there were crete fortification atop an islet stream from the point of the tor- 3S6 square mile island leaving the prisoners were "indispensable to Japanese ofbut some were thrown at Fort pedoing a few hours after their 115000 population to the mercy of German war economy" as work- signs of a gathering bombardMills the Corregidor island posi- water had given out They had the invaders rrs in mines and factories and oh fensive in a three-hou- r ment of American forts at the tion and at Fort Hughes not far been five days on the water in a Further word was being awaited farms NVashington Undersecretary entrance to Manila bay—including away leaking lifeboat which required to whether the two Japanese duel of to Sumner Welles said that Corregidor the fortress to which the constant The for State presumafloat range keep which were hit had also Fal mpti on promised action to ably varied from five to 10 miles Originally bailing were being made in Vichy it has appeared for some time that 12 one of their number warships inquiries been sunk MacArthur eventually prevent profiteering by grocers the former being the distance died the second day out regarding reports that the axis General in Africa was being aid- may have to withdraw his forces Six survivors were taken to Much Closer Java and punishment of hoarders He from Fort Drum to the south(campaign now on Bataan peninsula ContinliPti on Rage Two) Swedish hospital Brooklyn from promised rigid control of retail The Japanese at the close of ed by supplies from France Column Four) rescue the five others the second prices ship and Vriter Gives Account of war were' were brought to a New York hotel thus much month Any increase of more than 1 to closer Java the If there were need for any fur- d cent for a They were not certain whether two Dutch bastion and it was evident bag of ther or durover proof of the great and galthree the struck sugar torpedoes prices charged an attempt at a direct inship lant stand being made on Bataan some believing that a third ex- that ing the first week of December vasion could be expected at almost Is "profiteering pure and simby MacArthur and his men it plosion which they heard was any time Henderson said "If in caused catne fire room the by ple" prices engine agfto Friday night in a disBut the small Dutch fleet which from Clark Lee Associated rse out of line we'll set a ceiGunnar Spant chief steward has dealt so pate'h many delaying blows on the battlePress Radio--(Offi- cial) was said it remarkable all ling" correspondent Morocco that TANGIER Spanish was Japan to be still "absolutely front aboard the vessel were not lost intactdeclared of consumers 7 (in—Rioting against BritRegistration Feb sea X'Is at and United 'acPress for ready Lee painted a vivid picture of (Continued on Prtge 80C11) through local schools will beish business concerns flared up tion" to ward off the attack (C0iUmn Three) TOKYO Feb 7—An army com- how American troops and their gin soon in preparation for issuhere Saturday night 24 hours ance of individual stamp bookwiped enemy Filipino comrades-in-arm- s sunimarizing after 25 persons were believed munique lets—one for each member of killed in a b to date in the campaign in out the main force of a Japanese losses explosion suicide battalion which had landthe family — governing sugar again focusing attention on the the Netherlands East Indies and ed behind the MacArthur left in north purchases for the duration The delicate alignments presumably on the Malayan penin- flank booklets are expected to be Africa "The fighting was typical of a sula Saturday claimed 22371 offew weeks in in and Arabs ready Spaniards joined Consumers will be required to Saturday night's demonstration men had been captured the bitter warfare waged In the ficer and declare all sugar on hand when during which the British post ofNEW YORK Feb 7 US—The I this propaganda maneuver areas of Bataan" Lee wrote may and 7700 bodies had been counted jungle German propaganda machine "where they register If it exceeds twti fice Wa f damaged and all windows ground is contested inch be intended primarily as a on the battlefields went into action Saturday to by inch and where men must kill pounds for each member of the In the Minzah hotel were broken The Japanese also have shot or be killed" operation people for family the registrar will tear There was a lull in the rioting prepare the German Every week just one winter down 444 war 'planes a n d deThere was no news from the the shock of a British-Unitestamps from the Thoarder's" al:t-- r many shops had been damago Prime Minister Churchill stroyed 470 on the ground They Burmese land front along the Salbooklets equivalent to the excess States invasion of the European aged was bucking up pepping up and amount The explosion last night occontinent timed in the spring to sank or damaged 92 ships and cap- vveen river some 100 miles east of Persons who falsify their curred on a quay alerting Britons with the warnof tured 307 minutes after disorganize Hitler's renewal Rangoon But that city target statement of supplies on hand a steamer had departed for Ging of what the first good invalosses were 153 planes of a heavy bombing assault early the offensive in Russia Japanese sion weather might bring in the and 10 transports Six damaged in the day was raided by a forma- will be subject to stiff penalties ibraltar The steamer left a little Coming' just at the time when —as much as 10 years in prison earlier than scheduled spring Moscow dispatches report the have been' repaired- tion of 24 Japanese fighter planes In addiThe fact that the Germans are transports and a $10000 fine How the tion to the 25 persons believed red army hammering at the very Casualties were 3882 dead and three of which were blasted out statements are to be checked killed 60 were injured including bases from which Hitler plans doing it now shows how the situwounded exclusive of the Malayan of the skies by the R A F's Hurritcononlid on Pxze Six) was not disclosed to launch his spring offensive more than 20 Britons sector a canes (Column Six) i - D) Colorado Bastion Stands j Before retiring Sunday night set your clock ahHad one hour! It may cost you an hour's sleep—but it will save- you a headache should you have to explain a Monday morn-I- s ing tardinessmaneuver does it A simple —if the clock gives the hour as 11 p m when you retire merely reset the hands to 12 midnight Then forget the whole affair—follow your regular schedule "strap-hanger- U 5-2- Idea 1165e ' ANDAKAN South China Sea By United Press BALBOA Canal Zone Feb 7— Time docks in Salt Lake City and vicinity and the activities they regulate will move ahead one hour Monday morning when the area joins the nation in adopting "war time" as a contribution r Price Ten Cents St7 :: -- - 4 1912 7c)':C17-uira-- Vessel Collides All Urged to Turn Clocks Ahead' to Avoid Error 11 Lora) tiettlenw ot rvic Copper ea 6b5e Sin jit p ShiP5 Sigawp'9 kir: ua:dioub109 Goal ArToy::c Navy Reveals Loss of Sub And 36 Men 'Work Mon ay an ar Tilme I 71110 Silver (domestic) Silver (foreign) 3512e Copper electrolytic deliv12c ered Connecticut valley 8 25e Lead 650c Zinc ' Leeid No 117 S3Z00 Gold V A ut - |