Show 41 10 Saturday Morning IF : ('' i ) I Iseued gakt irributte Zbe !Jail t-(1- 49 vory 'horning by ' : eilo iazvArteT April 15 1871 telt Lake TrIbUne Publishing de: Ds I Cloninshl ot the Associstod Prom The Agoortsted Press is exclusively entitled to the ?be Tribune Is I itiostbee tie km reproduction ele sil arcs dispecones credited to it or not Owyhee credited In this Wier sad $he the loos& hogs leablishod beryl& Salt Dike City Utah Satorday Horning November 29 1941 Steel Mills Assured And Utah's Future Made Bright Establishment of a steel industry in Utah which was just a "Wishful thought" last summer: when agitation started for more blast furnaces at Ironton has now heoome a reality Allotment of an additional $91000000 to the Columbia Steel company by the R F C for building not only more blast furnaces but an open hearth steel furnace and a rolling min means that Utah has an excellent chance to become a great manufacturMg center The immediate implication of the go rratent action is of course only as a part of the great defense program and the iron and steel produced in Utah will go to Pacific coast plants and sl:dpyards for building and fabricating weapons of war In fact it is probably the remoteness of the site from the coast and from national boundaries that determined its choke The other consideration in the decision lies in the fact that here in Utah I we have already established a nucleus I for the iron industry with a plant which has been operating for a number of years using ores and coal found within the bor i den s of the state Even if the defense aspect of the proj- ect were the whole story it would be cause for great rejoicing Building of these great plants and their subsequent operation will add greatly to the pay-rolls of the community and the state and are bound to provide a definite stirau- lus for busines1- - But in its broader implications the founding of a steel plant in Utah means much more than just another defense project which will wax and wane with the emergency and disappear after the war leaving the community perhaps worse off than before it came The steel and iron industries are in the nature of themselves a permanent factor in any in- dustrial commonwealth They form the basis of most manufacturing centers and furnish a product which is a necessary component of many articles turned out facas well as war-tim- e by peace-tim- e tories Completion of a steel plant fed by Utah ores and Utah coal will mark a sig tifIcant step in the state's industrial history In importance It may in time along with the opening of the great raining regions of the state or with important strides made by agriculture in the intermountain section It is impez taut not because one company will make and ship steel ingots out of the state but because from this industry as a nucleus may stern an immense system of factories which would mean a new era of prosperity for the state Some criminologists are inclined to blame "Indulgent parents" who see that every wish of a clamorous child is granted every whim gratified and every offents excused or condoned Others feel that parents are too much taken up with their own pursuits and pleasures to properly look after their offspring Still others hold that a lot of loose talk by elders is taken seriously by youngsters With the establishment of playgrounds in abnost every city the interest taken in youngsters by pivic and fraternal organizations the encouragement given to scout movements the convenience of public libraries the cultivation of hobbies and wholesome outdoor occupations it would seem that everything in reason is being done to curb juvenile criminality But something has been overlooked and Mb formers educators psychiatrists and parents should make diligent efforts to discover what is amiss Behind the 1 Scenes of Current News The Same 01' Tunisia -- By i I VESTERWAY - By Paul Mallon WASHINGTON — Secretary Knox says lagling enlistmenta may force the navy to draft fighting seamen for the first time in all history He implies the two destroyer losses fright- ened parents and presumably also eons The clique of admirals running his department has hastened forward with corroborating excuses saying they plan "more attractive advertising in the newspapers" and "relaxation of health restrictions" upon vol- unteers November 29 1911 tot 611: PI a0111111111111 :"IIIIEhtt gll e i ft 114 ) I '1' - Ai - - - -- ' ' y ! iribM i amq""Qto 9 -- --- - c StPtI4t i ' ' 'y TODAY 040 1:c r qk li 7''''''""4"1"'w-ft- "I'''''' Economy Program Not Supported JVA rtj T Frank Kent Says I 14111111111N 2' q Manning "ktry l 4 D y -:- '"'"- - 1-i zi teva:1 By Trial( E Kett of the met Caps our in tressing things country is the ebility of public men to fate both ways with ints punity: to say one thing and do another to make promises and then repudiate them So successfully is this done in these days that the etage hao been reached where S man's word no longer means very tauch Whether he keeps it or not appears to mak little difference That is a pretty serious charge to lay against the public life of the day but the evidence to sustain it la abundant and convincing There are in fact oo many instances that the novelty has worn off It is no longer sensational when the words of our higher public officials ars contradicted by their deeds Incidentally it is a reflecticm upon the American people that when these contradictions nd repudiations are so little resentment is evinced Take for eits2nple the L &econcilable of what is going an today in house and senate The contrast could not be greater On the senate aide the Byrd committee has begun hearings looking to the drastic curtailment of to nondefense expenditure The president last January solemnly warned that every nonessential activity must be "pared to the bone" Governor tocles the reserve board hes insisted that only the deepest cut can avert catastrophe &CT tary liorgenthau has Urged a billion-dooll- ar reduction Senator Byrd believes that two billions can be eliminated The budget director in accordance with the Byrd resolution has submitted three estimatee—for a billion a billion and a half and WASH:MC:MON—One Inginommonnommonnomm stern able to blame their own failures on 4r i '" ' ' '''' ' somebody far away preferably an unidentified mass of people who cannot answer This new CO '':i : ' i and saddest of all official com' ' M'" t 4 4fnmatt--' Al W 044'7:'6''''''-'mentaries on the lax spirit of ' w''''''''' li:'4: e tv American mothers and sons has 00 41' '''' orie aroused some resentment within - irk i the navy itself where down un-4 1 ''s '1 ' 1 t : derneath the i clique 1t siNtxiet ' 2 everyone has another notion of who la chiefly responsible for the navy enlistment problem Young American men generalr ly want action when they go Into the armed services of the country They are not timid by nature The ocean is the place they can get action now but f4f5' Utah's Youthful Prodigy you would never know it from ' i -' the accretive publicity policies 4) Makes Good in a Broadcast of the navy admirals The old t r woo"' - t seadogs have been trying to curtailment keep their part in this war below t Utahns who listened to the radio prodecks without letting the public House Program - : TOr:77:: :4:mooduic°011:11C)::P : know more than absolutely negram Thursday evening in which Major i And while the senate committee is thus Edward Bowes saldted Salt Lake City cessary They will not tell of 444 whit is the house doing? The engaged the own defense ":4 their ' great job acclaimed the "Center of Scenic Amer'': w-- :' is getting ready to pass the rivers house A i" is doing in the air and navy ' ica" fliust have taken as much ipride as under the Atlantic Old Glories and harbors bill authorizing projects to the txuttve: '''4'' 'V ' amount of $1000000000 This measure is in the of and its heroic pleasure performance When little ' denounced Senator of Misscsiri Clark by renow traditions Deno Kaunas the daily being prodigy ever most bill CS1 indefensible heard of" the enacted are t4 obliterated in REC'''ID:ItA 0004 formerly of Bingham Canyon where his ''!t :: ' Senator Vandenberg of Michigan declares t news The admirals meager navy father is employed by the Utah Copper that "it represents the most scandalous dissit on the lid of every event tribution of pork in all the history of logcompany was called to the microphone Answer to Protests legislation It rolling and everyone naturally expected to hear a Li a stench in the nostrils of If this blindness you protest m Passable rendition of a simple ballad taxpayers" "There Is enough port In this you will be informed that they suitable to juvenile taste and training bill" says Senator Tydings of Maryland are at war and secrecy is neces "not only to load all the ships we are now As that marvelous voice of surpriseery Not so in Britain Even a perfect democracy territory Makes Marine Defense building but all those we will build for a Reply more we Ignorance war Britvolume at sweetness indescribable than and the ing under ruled English Dyaks by long time to Come" acish give their people full came floating over the air it was a reveEditor Tribune: May we in Editor Tribune: That WWI a Yet we find the alL1714) administration officials There has been one counts of incidents and dramatic our own defense offer a bit of lation to those who had merely Ihard or beautiful polar bear float in the fortes supposodly cooperating with the Byrd since 1852 Previously duties in which their navy is murder Armistice day parade but why edification to Sigurose Davidcommittee In the senate to cut down a bilread of the talented youngster He sang engaged the natives were deceive our youth with a gross lion dollars strongly supporting in the house son marine the But when the survivors of the "La Donna E Mobile" from Verdi's "Rig° concerning and cannibals error Polar bears are not nathis bill which would add on a billion 6oReuben came James New into in Armistice the letto" as it might be rendered by a proday corps float be interfriends to Iceland tive My may lady llam In the bill is arrauthortzstion of $2S-3-York the other days (weeks ested to read that their Dyak There are no tigers in Africa fessional before a critical audience of parade The float was built as 000000 for the proposed St Lawrence seaafter the event) only the surWith radio touring cars "Besisters wear brass hoops around of the verse the personification way—a plan which twice has been rejected operagoers was officer allowed viving petty their torsos and legs—pardon - Heys It or Not" "Uncle Rays newest and fourth verse of the by the senate but which Mr Roosevelt tali to talk He gave a dull restrictBefore the echoes had passed out of me limbs Said hoops often 20 He calls it a national defense Travelogs" a superior school revived ed landed marine which famous back one far story received corps lad offer and hymn the in weight sometimes bearing and seven kinds of propasystem pounds measure but this aspect Is so debatable in the When n station-wagothe newspapers which was atop the cut into the flesh but my word probably more to participate in musical ganda we are still an ignorant and the whole scheme so dubious that tong S S Kearny crew reached Ice-it's the style conglomeration of nitwits and festivals in other cities Votes were pilpulling the float The ago It became clear that it could not go land reporters got full stories Said ladies smoke seven-inc- h we even glory in that fact was verse written incidently through either house or senate on its merits Deno as closed the from censors survivors but program ing up giving nut and betel read chew which somewhere that there I cigars on now a lieutenant Accordingly the expedient was devised of r marine killed out the best parts by a lead over the field for amateur excelmakes their teeth jet blatk and are no big animals in Borneo putting it In the omnibus river and harbors t been custom has It in the Iceland of the duty lence Row big do you want them? bill lips dark red Beautiful? I've admirals in to the fire the past We are sorry to disillusion one seen worse There are As Oliver Wendell Holmes observed pythons I public relations staff whenever so dogmatic in viewpoint but Put On Pressure Recently one of Salt Lake's orangutans (tree men) crocothe world ' is always ready to receive' their own blunders caused pubclubs and beach men's ladles which diles largest bathing been there have many polar lic criticism to rise Three talent with open arms" From the offers This wag rtgtrded as a very slick trick counts business men employ a dozen others bears in Iceland May we quote of the navylpublie indeed The first and natural effect of thA nonmade through Major Bowes it seems ern as orchids union and mechanics plentiMagnificent from the National Geographic relations bureau have already 'theme was to put on the committee tremenas dandelions in Salt Lake union amongst its membership ful that this little boy has been royally welbears "While polar magazine been effected since the war bedous pressure from all quarters Every These latter are protected by gave a banquet Paid experiare not indigenous to Iceland corned to the world of art and harmony member with a pit Improvsment naturally gan There can be three more 25 cents too enced in dishwasher a laws and that per game ILI come there of them many The Salt Lake Tribune congratulates and the condition of the navy brought it out If it was argued the presihour country we call savage occasional visitors on icebergs morale will never be improved dent could put his pet project in this bal him his parents and Colonel D C Jack Andrew A Van Brunt Barawac Borneo is British We of the Greenland drift" until look admirals the there was no reason others could not do 00 into encourling to whom they give credit for agree with the said Davidson too Also it was argued that this is the their own minds and discover not do Icelandic the that amateur lead people application that may aging bill of all others to hook in on as If the that the cause of the failures but where ice in By houses live to a great career lies with the secrecy restrictions pet is included there is no dahpresident's nam Park was an ice house on our float? of his vetoing the bill no matter bow they have imposed upon their ger would observant A person truly overloaded He hardly It was argued could i 'public relations officers 0 have noticed that it was a stone A good thought well exFor bounty bursting from the 3uvenile Delinquency The trap which nazi General penalize others for doing what be has done i covered with house merely Double Parking Nuisance Pod Ronunet laid for the British himself pressed Is often a source of Inwill You ice snow and agree For plenty flowing from the Presents a Stubborn Problem tanks at Sidi Rezegh might The result is that In the bill bedes the spiration to thousands whom the stone are us there that with Crowds the Shopping Season sod author never sees—Selected have ruined the Libyan camfor the St Lawrence seaway $285000000 won't houses in Iceland you For all these blessings I do are $197000000 for the discredited there paign had the British fewer modeled was house The friend? Over The shocking crime of a youthful inMulling It thank God! —Susie Q tank forces in reserve Ronunel Florida ship canal and $75000000 for the fsom one appearing in the same With Christmas shopping growing in Here's s bit of philosophy Bountiful Utah old Tombigbee river project which has been selected a large area south from Geograte who shot his friendly employer and Natioma aforementioned volume every day it is increuingly neccame across the other day which Tobruk in which he organized beat the dying victim as he gasped his batting around congress for years These Notes on the Cuff Department graphic magazine are the larger items—th three of them essary for continued and concerted efgreat concealed fields of fire more think makes sense: "The inHow I much last ctll for help on a lonely ranch in once appropriate was I because Probably well with there ilr an intank mines Davidplanted double to of the the totaling $557000000--b- ut forts been have would Siuroso police keep a man's enemies do him a salesman I notice what small jury Washington county Utah is a gruesome ones of ambushed and finite number smaller For example with on of son's expression artillery opinion stores are doing particularly at is so trivial compared with what parker' moving along streets in the busireminder that a number of such occurthere are 13 peparate projects in the little The outnumbered German tanks to the with many an of regard Here's this time parades year ness district Traffic is also growing day state of Maryland The stets (Tesal) at he almost surely will do to himled the British into these soft rences have been recorded recently civilians who in spite of the example: are not taken if and in the the chairman of the committee reporting German lines an Varwhere spots prompt self is steps of the day efforts by negit that of was a absolutely It In a certain town where there magnificent juvenile sickening story the artillery went to work on the bill gets a dozen of considerable size block in and arid should be igand intersection veterans' ious ligible every every organizations too quantity were stores saw told I shameleu and many ingratitude depravity them with great destructive sucto auxiliaries nored The corollary is also true Including intercoastal waterways ship catheir flag storeone will be impart Lake continuous downtown a Salt brave of the effort cess nals and storage reservoirs The '"pork'" has by Harold Joseph Ening the can do to stand those them that the by you idly respect to a make injury big display keeper cars of jam been distributed in fairly equal proportions It was a bad British blunder murderer arrested in Salt Lake City and hats on heads and hands in you hate will probably be of so with a shipment of half a dozen between north and south The calculation It is to the interest of all merchants but it may delay the success of little consequence to them that turned over to the New York authorities cans of a new item using the pockets Al the colors pass by is that there are almost enough members a defenders the In areas not to are We few the the their is worth who downtown the poit campaign only days support positively a carton and several days ago Although he left a empty clipped with a personal stake in the bi1 to put It are concerned about that time and trouble It is also true often double to in lice efforts curb the advertisement their Tank to Defects magazine give trail of blood and robbery between New a as more a float that than one's to enemies while through intact that an of the appearance impressive parking evil For every buyer attracted American correspondents on York and Kansas City he was held here does not seemingly come up to rule can do one very little damdisplay' Copyright 1941 by the Baltimore 8m the Libyan front are singing by leniency or disregarded parking rules one's supposed authoritative age one's friends can be of the on suspicion until he confessed murder I peeked through the door and the of be ten to the American will elsewhere forced assistance" t there praises go viewpoint greatest I saw leftovers of an unfortuPaul Skaritza a Pennsylvania motorU S less tank of the Personnel but In other words don't spend conspicuous Lake do to is Salt businesa some nate in which growing purchase ist gave him a ride On a lonely section are coming through indiMarine Corps Recruityour time trying to confound salesman's enthusiasm proved and with it the traffic grows Prompt were disor of the road near Binghamton in the Emdefects enemies many ing office by cating your your competitoo much for the storekeeper's and firm action by the police and cooperaCon D Silard in action Most serious ' home-mad- e on covered tors Concentrate accord' killed he his State lenefactor a saw caution I pire The New Uniform were the rubber treads merely If you tion of auto driver' will prevent it from Captain U S Marina showcase trim of a few wisps of "Oh darling! You look simply wondering to admissions made to local officers in Officer rimmed with A steel must to think switch Corps annoy you a really Frankenstein: becoming crepe paper and a sprig of holly ful It's so smart Turn around so I can oess 1 having him in custody "I slugged the treads for desert fight those whom you regard as your Charge Back of the counter I saw the t in the back- - Children be careful! you sucleast at to is do driver by hitting him over the head with enemies it by ing likely Rearrangetry storewife of the courageous on E Don't hands father! ment of the interior to afford your put your sticky Sees War Propaganda ceeding in spite of their i 11 my gun then I decided to put him out of keeper knitting while her husrn come over to Jones "I think Mrs call fire will to vision This wishes hurt and greater really pro band snatched a bite of food or his misery so I stuck my gun against Editor Tribune: Tour column and eee you Why not? She's such a good vide easier ammunition loading them s went on an errand A not an editorial column it is is his temple and pulled the trigger" He friend Well of course If you don't want au tasks The most blighting of may also grow out of this first Charles B Dziseoll was out of the question for clerk By a propaganda column-me to I won't Did you see anybody yoU merely Is or be to of American land experience something expressed satisfaction at the prospect of against them NEW YORK — Many visitors to New You write British on know the home? What did they 'propaganda way war more effective in eastaction implements somebody It'is And I thought of them after going back to meet old friends in an York like to hunt out the spots made familof pone indorsing the governatcrp fingering your fathers be more say? a to Johnny for fun lot and closed store the Maurfor the ern prison they'd You iar to them in books Arthur Bartlett ment's foreign policy belt! No you can't wear his cap! Youll Vague noises front within the somebody or something CultiPO per cent ice made this pastime his hobby He had night worried but resolute litknow state department denoting rethat These hideous incidents suggest three have It looking a eight-"Th- e today vate friends enemies disregard tle shopkeepers who had investof Dickthe trails months following that of spent sentment of the people comment: disapprove on The any for appeasement gold shoutier bare go so nicely with don't eet If you efficiency with get timely topics ed their all in merchandise for ens's and Thackerars characters in London Polls like Gallup's polls of Japan have been heard coat the I think they are ever so much policy You them alone let tain people of the Salt Lake police department—the a the delectation of fickle pubHe had learned Paris by seeking out the of fear because not are reliable the whole Kurusu than the silver ones And the fawn throughout to like can't prettier hitch-hiker- s expect everybody lic hoping against hope that the on the folly of picking up spots mentioned in French novels In New trousers are so snappy You've got to go Two authorities of that hangs over all the people negotiations know you you would boom not business manholiday York he followed the footsteps of all t the department's fae eastern Propaganda machines like yours highways—the startling number of crimes right down tomorrow and have your picture pass them by ner of fictional characters and of the auown government have our and division have been transferred will Children at taken Thanksgiving committed by youngsters in every secstop you clawing a some And yet people a y thors of the last century who wrote about to Antigua and the Philippines For each happy and gladsome been creating an atmosphere of your father! no tragedy or romance in tion of a prosperous land where jobs are there's New York for a couple of years And Chifear and the head of "I do wish Mrs Jones could have a look: the thing lately business! excuse of lend-leaHis book entitled ''The New York of the Legging for claimants and the come and say here is or southbound robins on the nese then at But then she will see you In church in you you t negotiations Novelists" published in 1915 by Dodd-Mea- d show of course the result that Of P M transferred to price conwell go to church 'Whatl—you t polls 0 desperation no longer serves won-dewing Backman he Roy says in of II an interesting item my collection For reborn hope each day does what the American people are feel conspicuous? They all wear their unitrol Official denials that these if there is anything toughRight here in Salt Lake City three books about New York Shame on you! were shifts more forms to church You remember when Jane thinking! bring than to reer live to anything than the were up school trying boys high Memories of Washington Irving are prefreea You leaves turned about For crimson lot Tom with her now routine been I don't think the have made by prate a brought of humorist? reputation being aerved in Nome of the neighborhoods in which cently apprehended after a series of 13 freedoms dom the frost was and the four But throughout the negotiuniform half as becoming to him as it In case has Smith Roy Fielding once was Li to you that interesting New Yorker And For things regained I thought and freedom from fear ations leaks developed daily or me in mind I can say for burglaries committed in the last two active were lost then you fill the country with "But darling you simply mustn't carry U S appeasement of tie "No!" both of suggesting months' Their admissions led to the on the side of Golden Hill In a house denounce! troubles borne For then the was in your pockets lists pipes artd tocams at hand These you lightly very thing things Japan of loot some their systematic recovery of was born me tossed Collins Jimmie of told this the bacco If Irving that Washington country people through government They will make you bulge Well I employes "In a full confession to the Golden Hill is hardly a hill now but the stealing For stars breaking through the were given the opportunity to he went duck shooting in determined to stop such a trend officers do smoke but I arri sure suppose contour of Pearl John and Fulton streets Salt Lake police" runs an item printed a snowstorm he put on a waiter's darkest night vote on this foreign policy and If they could don't carry pipes and tobacco around they and Maiden Lane indicates how the early For sun 'shining bright my white coat and a white handIn their pockets! the government removed the In this newspaper "a: State Secretary Hull's anyouth cart-tracused to go around the hill rather kerchief over his hat and didn't element of fear from the vot"What's that on your sleeve? It feels nounced decision to stand by day to light from the Pacific coast related that he had use the blind The ducks would over it William street now runs past For fears that have been put to I think the foreign policy than our to friends ing sticky apMary you did that! Didn't I tell rather than entered 200 homes in California during think he was a pile of snow and would be heavily voted down the place where Irving was our enemies proved that flight you to keep away from your father? Walt pease come in And I told him that For beauty in -each growing But you do not want a referwhile I get some of the cleaning fluid the past three or four years and escaped having been the birthplace of so these activities were needless Golden Hill is celebrated in a writer endum Mr Editor and the gov"And children don't you dare touch your of great more thing abusing the trust of a poor little loot" with than $1000 worth Distributed by King Features For cheeks that glow and hearts duck wasn't what I'd expect ernment does not either You father while I'm gone If he is any stickier history la the place where British soldiers What is behind the increase of juvefired upon American patriots in 1770 when from the president of a trust that sing both want war and you would when I get back both of you will go straight Syndicate Inc reproduction in s tile crime? any attempts have been whole or in part strictly prothe Revolution had not yet blazed forth into to bed!' For all the joys that children cheat the American people to company and a 33 per cent I mean degree Mason hibited snide to solve this preasing problem IL Paul Smith open warfare bring Let ill All officials - D? t GOTTA 1 rl ( IiINVE top-ranki- 1 4' 4 v- - IN I rill ng as-clos-ed Is - l': 1 - - -- - - i two-btra- on - -- ' - '' 4 V: '' sea-fighti- ng ' i :i 'Vrf:- - '' ' :11-year-o- 1d - ' ' I 4 l ' megmannommk6- back-scratchi- The Forum Forum By Our Readers head-hunte- ng hard-press- ed rs -- E k 20-fo- ot 1 k v Senator From Sandpit k4- 1 re-po- rts Chiistoplier Billopp Says self-progre- ss all-ste- el New York Highlights full-tim- 1 se ns 6 ld 1 ) ) ks born-Besid- - li I - a es ' 1 t- i I 0 t? -- " - :: - : - - ---- -- 4-- ------ MvmAsmztmcastotaamakmugsliswowook6 |