Show : - - 8 v v itiondai Morning ir'b e crinit - 4 : br -5-all liwo og it sishei Zti I Mt f 15 1871 - f ! le party that cooperates and encourages I na- tional unity survives with colors flying high The choice stands before the Republican party today" Our partisan prejudices out private grudges our personal likes and dislikes should be laid aside in the presence of more important and long-lastiissues Says Mr Willkie in conclusion: "We may find fault with Mr Roosevelt or disagree with Mr Churchill but I insist that no real American can take Issue with what they are together fight ing for—the preservation of democracy" : That unrest is growing and uprisings counare reported in the tries of Europe is but natural After it is too late men and women begin to realize that some things are worse than death When the pacifists in each stricken population finished preaching appeasement when the isolationists ceased to counsel reliance on neutrality when defeatists found how little confidence could be placed 1 In the promises of Might to establish Week Assigned to Women Right the time for effective action had Organized to Aid Defense' Work passed The Henleins the Quislings and the One national week observance follows Lavals receivedtheir tainted rewards but another This week is dedicated to the the people betrayed lost their governFederation of Buisiness and Professional ments their opportunities their independWomen of America an organization that similar ence Some have intimated that came into existence as a result of the first rewards are expected by certain obstrucwar World and now tenders its' member utterantionists in the United States whose ship in 1700 communities to help solve ces-iare applauded in Berlin 'and Rome full-time problems is arising in the present emergency whose throwing occupation In namonkey-wrenchin the machinery of conforraitywith a suglestion made the secretary of state in Woodrow by tional defense and whose chief supporters Wilson's administration Lena Madesin are saboteurs of morale—that indispensaPhillips made a survey and indliced busible reinforcement to the bulwark of reness and professional women og the sevenemies avowed sistance erected against eral states to meet in St Louis in 1919 of all democracies where they perfected an organization Such intiznations of cupidity or ambi that in 22 years has increased to include tion receive no credence or support in 76000 members active in 400 occupations nor Wheeler columns Neither these Nye and recruited from 48 states the- District nor Lindbergh nor either of the Clarks is believed to be engaged in systematic interof Columbia Hawaii and Alaska ference with the plans and efforts of this At the last biennial convention held in Los Angeles in July of this year it government to keep the war from coming to the western hemisphere because they was decided to offer the services of the women thus enrolled to the government expect a victorious Hitler to make them puppet rulers over a vanquished people during the defense period to be utilized It is becoming more apparent every according to their respective talents that the passion which has made training and adaptability for the preserof phlegmatic foreigners is vation of morale among the masses thouet impelling impulse of seditious where propagandists are trying to create "warmongers" who profess pacifism In confusion suspicion and disunion and for such other duties as may be assigned to Germany it is racial hatred—vented upon Jews and all nations that have harbored them Jewish families—brutish hatred that vows In many particulars these:: affiliated to subjugate and debilitate all nationaliclubs can accomplish more than could be ties not easily enslaved—religious hatred achieved by ten times that number of inthat seeks Ito force the heads and minidividuals earnestly striving without orstes of all Christian denominations to or allotments that prevent ganization accept the nazi version of the Bible and of exertion and loss of energy duplication bow to the fuehrer as to a pagan god Utah had a business and professional In the United States of America it is women's club in 1913 six years before the believed that all attempts to foment idea took hold in the nation It:has never racial or religious hatred will fail—but ceased to function and may be entitled partisan malice will be inflamed instead to some special consideration in the naw erever it smoulders or explodes in the The obserlance will tional federation ' h trts of disgruntled politicians who rage continue through the week arid rant in congress or over the air and before audiences that applaud their auditirades as heartily as do New ences listening in or reading them in the totalitarian press of Europe and Asia Hatred precipitated the present World By Charles B Driscoll war Hatred has slain or starved millions NEW YORK—Diary: A serious minded of noncombatants in Europe Hatred is of garden enthusiasts set out for group the gospel of a fuehrer who relies upon over the way in Pennsylvania Doylestown force and vengeance to perpetuate his to see the new things in flowers- and vegepower Hatred is behind traitors who t tables at David Burpee's house I went have betrayed their people into the hands along and showei my ignorance:of gardenof ruthless masters Hatred rather than ing all too many times before the day wu Over hopes of especial consideration at the It's been a drouth year but Mr Burpee hands of "an invincible conquerer" is the to get together a dozen or so new managed alien the influence behind motivating a table of new or unproved and flowers Inspired campaign to discredit the 'United show us to vegetables States government and foment discord An experimental farm is like an auto among American nationalities factions mobile plant in that it must preduce some new models every year to &mate the cusgroups elements and individuals Hitler makes no secret of his purpose i tomers The novelty that really took thy eye was nor can his aids successfully camouflage: Mr Jonathan Burpee three months as young he animus th Apollo plays uponwhich old who sat on his mother's arm And viewed more his lyres primitive upon played the garden folk with a critical eye He proved that he has some of the qualities Of a real novelty by not crying once during the nazi-conquer- ed far-reachi- ng : - : 1 o l es - : I I i iday i I I ‘ ja—Gif is 'It i I it 'eMt444M0K A :1 - 4s-0- - in America iiv:1611°'"IZca)" : - ' f4sr :' tethi 4':--ts-1:e6- '' ng 9' - r441:cf '41A140 4ot4 041 'A N - REVDOILIUT1'ati'l - - ! " - 00::'' r ' Olf&NI17 r-- SyCW 410 lpstil4' i US 7 40NIPI---- - e0"4-1!1-!- -- i tkcwt'te ' - i TEARKG pER &4)111 1 tIV 7)N- okst t013 col wit- iktN)"' cps N I SS - 4 V et - 56x7fIcct- - - : ' dlk - f By Frank It: Kent WASHINGTON—Practically all the au thorities on the subject have stopped talk ing about inflation as a threat and accept it now as a fact Those not attached to the administration assert this openly those within the administration concede It pria 'irately but avoid public admission for fear of an untoward popular reaction But there is no sense In shutting one's eyes to the reality Prices generally have risen fast within the last six months—food prices clothes You prices prices of most commodities do not have to tell the American housewife that She known it very well indeed But she has not yet grasped fully the fact that within the next six months prices of all commodities are certain to rise still further In the end It is estimated the price level will be 50 per cent higher than it was a year ago Every informed person agrees about that and every informed person agrees that Will be real inflation Governmental consuch as taxation priorities federal reserve regulations etc will curb this Inflation but will not prevent it It can—or at least it is said that it can—be kept from becoming the runaway type of inflation in which prices go so high and money becomes so cheap that in the end everything goes over the brink and all savings of every sort are lost Can Be Avoided It'1)4c But Mr Dewey's friends sus- oN -- -' -pect that politics already has ' to slDistots L been injected into the selection '14 LB ti001Iy1 of sites in numerous instances 4st eifi7 "CI ' tvr I Local politicians with land or tiifi lAti3 1440buildings on their hands have fC:ti ot4 11 pm$ i tried to palm them oft on Mr 4 '1titt v 1Ive 0' Dewey Numerous communities k so t0baLtfAcarlototb4 4tet) are demanding that the TJSO ('-f ) libmA1114etAdur4toTI '''"t141:i'-'k:?0-c quarters be constructed In such e ''7:-4!i-: a way that after the war they t r -f:1 t 4 can serve as community cent :41Cti (5 ters The call is for brick and Cr': ZbI4:7i 1—'w''''' steel and other materials which 1 t : tr et L:"-1' are subject to priorities : 44( i mr Mr McNutt also the army and navy want wooden struc- :re141-tures which can be thrown- - up P4 overnight and torn down after -"110:e6er ' 4644 s37"-the emergency But Mrs Roose00001 : 't4 t 4 rsiF c velt sides with the nodal wel: ai): len : 4'1 fare workers who want perma's -t tki nent and expensive buildings 1h1 " ''' her will win point Probably she a)' She usually has in the 'past That sort of inflation—the utterly ruin-ri- d Washington apparently has 'N47:44towl kind they had in Germany I r France efmost on shelf the its Ito' placed 0' :7 09 14 ' —can be avoided But the kind that acutely '1"46 lb-fective weapon for controlling - aP- t 44 Pt)14raises the cost of living to every man man I a 1 strikes in national defense int g 11 441 101 x ' 1:A'i:-'- - dt It"12-1"- 3 1r 7 woman and child in the country and creates the ip dustries It appears that an- ' il of ‘Iiist:N 1 -r4-– administration is afraid to i 0:7 a price structure so high as to be painful 1 ' rlict14 ":-2r:117:11-f:p' i ''' ill 4p1CtV:::til'':larYIS!0504S tagonize organized labor Here and dangerous cannot now be avoided At 'tr4'' ' ' "': ' IC" 4 l Is the inside story: C::: el'if742e orlk 41:"0f::::: '' ' i471rf°eit: least such is the belief of most competent ittii4hkidCtx:'1 !V 41'7:11dA'01:t'Tefk14eA'-:Anf'!"1""Irl"1:"i "vZ ' : When workers at the North 4: ':Al'41':!"!'' ? 1:ar'''''-u '' !'4''''''' '” '' ' 'r:''' i e :0?1-)'rt observers We are they think well on our ' ''MA4t4t4114C 1 li EGle ''" gi'1 American Aviation plant walked :it zei44i4‘n1643 tt Is — r it:Tell3Icirir 'iyNciT L way to that condition now When and if out early in June stalling conprice control really becomes effective here struction of British and Amerithe price structure will be very much higher can planes Draft Director Herthan it is now—and now it is much higher shey by direction of the White House instructed his California than it was six months ago officials to reclassify the strik- The net results of the high-pric- e strucers on a "work or fight" basisaction they ay undertake are no bad from matter what Lauds Mother Belittl Soldier's es angle England Hershey's wire pointedout that i What a beacon of support that viewed are as So the far they average solwas the strike sabotaging Editor Tribune: The SeptemEditor Tribune: His royal will be! What morale it will citizen is concerned it means that he will diers earning only 22j at the 14 issue of The Tribune car' ber shouldbe proud of his have to pay more for everything he buys highness build! front Even more than the regried an article written by V American subjects who write in ular arm3ris occupation of North How sad that some maniac although governmental taxation leaves hint ' a Marie Jensen Forum of for verdict American's plant the Hershey their the leu Suggesting money with which to buy things And laboring under the pressure of "work or fight" order broke that - means of helping the morale of so as the government is concerned It concentradistruction far or death superiority should strike The men went back into will our very much increase the cost of defendtion camps for our honorable boys in the army She stated fall to the depths of threatening the factory rather than risk beourselves and aiding England and Rusing son enlisted she when lawmakers that national who her oppose civilization What a pity that ing drafted into the army sia It means that fewer tanks guns also enlisted to supporthim with our control British :of govern we must train our boys to comships and shells can be Broadened Plan words and actions of encourment (typical :British democbat such a threat But let us with the billions already appropriated and racy) agement I am not qualified to thank God that we had leaders Brigadier General Hershey that other billions will be needed more Another touchdown is about have much say as to how the eventually broadened his ultiwith see vision to the due enough the British for at least quickly It terribly swells the cost The matum to affect all draft disoldier boy mothers should conabout 10 billions This is for economy that would come from a low-pr- e' necessity of training them berectors Wherever and whenduct themselves but neverthestructure is so great that it makes all other defense of our front line trenches fore the actuality is upon us ever a labor dispute affecting a less I think Mrs Jensen's article and they 'Would have to fight in Britain else they Will become national defense contract ocsuggested economies seem sickly in comdeserves much praise weedridden without adequate Also there is the fact that when curred the general's boys were training parisoni She has placed patriotism beThank God also the majority Before Rudolph Hess Britain's we enter the postwar period a higher-pric- e supposed to suppress disorder fore self and of mothers see it as Mrs Jensen presented her plan greatest brain power of today structure would place us at a great disadby resort to the "work or to other‘mothers who may not does Let us hope the followers arrived in England to arrange a But the White alternative vantage in the economic struggle for trade have of Hitler in it Rusthe same unwar between of and thought may notice the Germany House which helped to frame is bound to ensue It would make it which as she to help them selfishness of the American solsia England was minus brains light the June 13 order wilV not perfor the own easy burdens their and dier countries mothers the and have Let what lighten n boy English hang their mit its use as a means of break-Ito underbid us It would make us a weak solat same time the cititheir heads in shame demand American help they a dead letter! is strikes rThe war andIt national defense dier sons feel that they have a zens don't need money Between Dean Parkinson competitor mother's heart with them in any Pocatello the years 1929 and l937t we will crimp and cramp the Recouldn't find a dollar within the Blames Roosevelt publicans In both the 1942 and nation to feed our undernour1944 elections provided the con All this is too clear to be disputed But ished and starving public Now flict laats that long The exile By no clearer than where the responsiis It beto England's stand in of former Governor Vanderbilt Ham Park halfbolster lies That rests squarely upon the our of bility of Rhode Island to the Canal controlled Roosevelt and administration whose policy tosysmonetary Zone as a result of connivance ilastures Some men are born to trouble Greener tem we can easily find box car ward agriculture and labor has sent food between the president and Demsome achieve trouble and others It's tragic greener pastures loads of American cash for prices and wages up far higher than the ocratic Senator Green of Rhode thrust trouble upon themselves seem Britain underscoree the politicorise in the cost of living justified and which —Isaiah Jr ' "India be quiet" After the across To fence lie the Mr Vanderbilt story has cravenly shrunk from firmly grappling military ' war we will give you freedom as was sent to Panama at the re— In the Mali And worry folks continually we did the the Irish after last with the vital problem of price regulation Dear Senator: Such a deducauest of the senator who feared Who hand have better sense The entirely detached and nonpolitical in war the of world form or Engtion I shall chief executive say that the former assumption? Joneses have the Than think scum and land's black Brookings institute made these charges the were all (the wrong Anyway you beat him next year mitt other day and made them with convincing them beat tans) My husband Is Just one of those Hundreds of eminent Repubnotorious traveling salesmen Speaking of piracy the rat licans have signed up with the Whereas the world is at their documentary proof No answer has been Hitler is amateurish Trying to who incidentally works on a made and none will be made because there armed forces during the past feet commission no salary Strange ape John Bull Hitler can never Under few years Just is no at:Amer It is administration polook there—not down If become as cunning as Cousin they'd as seem nor neither he it cannot may regulations they Mical truckling to the labor and farm lobJohnnie the street I know a single person belongcontribute a penny to the Re' bies that has sent commodity prices up is The to road commission the only fighting Faigland ing publican campaign chest In the raised the cost of living Increased the cost is Britall After doing today through the I Just wrote that Notes on the Cuff Department coming congressional and presiof defense newsand Is forcing a price structure controlled ish American note to to little that adyou prove dential elections But the Wish I had Gus Backman's that will bear grievously upon every citisome people not only want life papers ministration will have almost zen including the farmer and the laborer dished up on a silver platter Why don't the English invade one hundred billion dollars' aplomb and assurance At a dinbut an eighteen carat one You Germany? ' In the eight years of the Rooeevelt adworth of patronage consisting Senators of in ner honor given No Rudolph Hess is taking know this is a- - very beautiful of defense contracts- agricullong hot day no more severe indictment Wu' ministration and Holman McCarran Murray care of Germany's interests in and interesting world and from A conversation with Andy Wing brought tural payments social security been made of it than this and no course it me up to date on a lot of things Mr Wing Wallgren Friday night Gus was England etc Appeaser generation to generation it prohas has been so pregnant with evil pursued ocduces many wonderful people is connected with Garden Digest which perfectly at ease In fact he ' for the nation consequences senator Readwe more a are Women used like believe I Praises looked the but of Past by formerly premises becoming cupies Thing a little too intolerant ers Digest at the little town of Pleasantshould look than they did Editor Tribune: A lot has 0 0 P leaders won't admit it ville N Y Robert West once said "Nothbeen said about the ladies' atWell the nurses had their anpublicly but they figure that g is easier than Readers Digest startled the: publishing ing their Party as it once flourished nual banquet and Fielding Smith tire Par be it from me to say no talent no no world in several ways One was by doing its I s a thing of the pasU How to came through in fine style with what they should wear or how no character are required business in a village well outside New York brains BUDPOit F D R's foreign policies to wear it a humorous talk After looking Ordeal to set up in the grumbling busiCity When it outgrew its first plant it Most women are on the copy without cutting their: own poat no many charming ladies we Here's to happy days-- moved to another in a neighboring village ness" Father comes down to breakfast In a So if they make us men stare litical throats la a problem which decided that as soon as we could Mr Wing's moat interesting tale was of Highway Hannah all humor He says he was be our Martin Messrs and be we'd well it affairs McNary might arrange occasionally experiments now going forward in the Boyce long He vows he heard the clocks night unSenittor: us so could to a look have for been our associates Yea take Dear at their sick taken that you they for in verily Yonkers institute producThompson strike every hour He says he has had many ' sure stuck your neck out when nurse us Even "I Q and S" able to solve But vou can taste attire tion of seedleu tomatoes matrying experiences in his life but none to in like nectar would this us men The ladies from The P taste have hat: mentioned the roads of 00 your got you The experimenters take one2 drop otl a compare with what he has been through beat at smoking They can southern Utah! Congratulations their hands jority will back up the White certain chemical vaporize it and turn it He recalls that in his long and varied smoke as many cigarets as we House on foreign affairs Inasmuch as the powers that loose in a greenhouse career he has slept on pine boughs in the Caof the Southeast The concan chapter A and seldom to dozen as members of be Provo half consider very turn you tomatoes seedout prefer Result: All the woods He has reposed in pup tents connadian is of Writers Utah League see now several their idea stained retired southern the has Utah with gress plus fingers less and much improved in the quality of a and weekin three column during his service in the army dugouts ducting are hunting for a magazine or often been expressed that it the smoke Whether they are the meat once slept on a bench on the deck of a lie and Helper papers (Price: ly will newsminer which or not would be tobacco if Arizona I don't :better Some experiments along similar lines are syndicate chewing ship And once he slept with his body on a Dale) Varlotis members know Anyway you never see castle claimed this section of the state permit them to reply to the presbeing carried on elsewhere steamer trunk and his head and shoulders on the contribute result that with tobacco juice running down the ident's current series of magaWhy? Because Arizona mainThe seedless tomatoes cannot propagate a chair when he found his bed in a foreign a and diversified they produce corners zine of articles his of potains mouths their its themselves Tomato plants must be grown portion they justifying highway89 boarding house already occupied by unwelfeature as too interesting a manner Aitical in and to : from seed so even d the his assault such much respect for the have make it purge practice of making come visitors that bit safe for travel up to maximum upon the supreme court lipstick for that fruit seedless becomes widespread we'll Oakie the movie actor Jack Not one of those incidents be asserts amuses me defeatThe is What congressman considerable whereas the for speeds only lady was a dinner always have to have seed tomatoes for a candle to what he has just endured holds grtiest Saturday ed in the distance north of Kanab onothat broadcaster getting that deep purge was Mrs Mr of and His limbs propagation he says are stiff and his body is Guy night same highway it is not only unmasculine voice John J O'ConRepresentative meet him Toombes didn't I black blue He feels as though he had but and Released by McNaught Syndicate Inc t nor of New York City The man I am fearful the day is not safe but also impossible to it didn't matter for I met the been subjected to torture with rack and so Senate rewe who to the limit As far away- when talk approach speed thumbscrew very charming Ruth Binns (Mrs sistance to the supreme court about that sweet soft feminine "Highway Hannah's" remarks I Binns) wife of the And to think that this should have hapJoseph colvoice that used to be we will packing bill was former Senator through your widely-rea- d in his own home! He would never Why Illiterates? manager of the Hotel Stevens pened wet umn on Thursday she'd have to a bass Burke of Nebraska Both men chuckle for deep have imagined that such conditions could be She is Just as gracious Chicago nuillblow-guhave a mouth full of in view of their involvement in response Anyway with mascuThe army is worried about the large as she is beautiful Besides Mrs civilized people He found among to keep her false teeth from line voice feminine voice well the nurge and the supreme court ibers of selectees who are unablejo read and Binns and Oakie other guests at he was the victim of a deliberate suspects dressed or ill dressed here is battle have invaluable historical write Many thousands of young Americans chattering if she tried to drive the Toombes' table were Mrs plot to put him quietly out of the way Were ' Information from Salt Lake to Kanab at any do not have the arms minimum educe- hoping we will always have them V It not for his vigorous constitution be doubts Mrs and Smith E E Clayton ' with us and may the Lord bless But the magazine Which pubtional requirementsof four years of elemenspeed on highway 89 Jenkins of Los Angeles Mr and that he would have survived 'em all In spite of the fact that 90 M Brandon lished the president's articles It Heavy-eye- d tary schools and exhausted as he is father Mrs Gilbert Williams and Edcents reout of every MOO in this ' How can this be? has refused to print their Boneta Utah' is ruined for serious work the declares he ward CFlynn Most of the states have had compulsory part of the state winds up in plies Other outlets Which they remainder of the day He might just as well education for 20 or 30 years A rhild begins have tried have declined to run Salt Lake City the powers that An item I forgot to report have sat up all night as far as rest is con-- be fail to recognize that Utah school at six or seven So why shouldn't pratwas about the time Harry Joany articles belittling:1r D R So cerned Victory fltish extends to the Arizona and it looks as though Messrs Burke the piano in the tically everybody in America under 30 be What dreadful punishment has been inplayed seph ' able to read and write? Why should there be and O'Connor may have to make Nevada barders Hotel Alexandria lobby A wom"See how the bride is blushflicted upon father? Nothing except that :t an asked him if he could play their speeches under auspices of any youthful illiterates? Very truly yours been coughing at night And so father:has ing?" Is it possible to forget how to read and the America First Committee "Listen to the Mocking Bird" "Go on man That's not a to prevent his disturbing other Jnembers of —Loyd W Lovestedt editor I write? Or and manager The Kane I Harry not only could but did I blush 'That's the first flush of I the family it was decided to put him in the frenk their etuff out at I uolc V n NedeuwcLation I and I I and she 1 Uncle- - Sam ' s expense compel?—Denver t:e:mI) County Standard gave him a dollar Up I victory —The Pathfinder guest room bed! 't frr tIli ii 8 - v t J 4 '74-'- r - ' 's t:- - ' 4 sr - I - tt-1- : ‘: ''' ' : I 1 - 1 - f :!oki 4W ''!'r 4 - 1412 - 7 '''''' P 1 -: 46-Y- - : - 41r - 'i -- 114-- 1 4 7 41: - -"- 0 iii - I - IL : !' -- r w''- !- - 1 11 - A ' ) A "t 1": — nr-:- ---e-- - 4r :1114V:1'7-11- — IP - The Public Forum By Our Readers r t self-inflat- ed 4 air-purcha-sed ! ! - Senator From Sandpit 4 - ' : -- - 1 AN ter York Highlights - '' t Roosevelt Policies Foster Inflation Frank Kent Says - I SEE- bibmiT)I I TOLD YOU ? 1 o :' By Ray Tucker Thomas E Dewey who alms to run for the New York gov ernorship in 1942 and 'for the presidency in 1944 will not get those U 8 0 community: centers built unleu he cracks down on the White House and the war department Tom has told Washington friends that he is loath to make an 1111110 over housing 11 S 0 because he doesn't want to transform the question of soldier morale into a partisan mate - t A nazi-fasci- st - 'I'3 - ' - By 11 a liningi — -- 1 ' Salt Lake City i Utah Monday Morning October 6 1941 Hate and Vindictiveness Spreading Like a Pestilence i i a member of the Associated PMI'S The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for reproduction of all news dispatches credits d to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also to the local new published herein' "be Tribune ei Fight for U S 0 Plans '''' olt:::30 Dewey 'Plans -- : Issued orrery morning by Bait La ke Tribune Publishing Company 1 October 6is 1911 :' I I 3 1 1Zake Tfribunt Semite-originat- ed - - i Wendell Willkie's Message In the 'American' to Americans - fault-findin- ! - LA ! 4 a - Christopher self-deni- al upon Republicans throughout the nation to assume "a leading part in national defense and in the fight for freedom" Asserting that be has no connection with the administration and that he is still in disagreement with many of its domestic 1policies Mr Willkie is "sickened by the amount of sheer political finagling going on when the very life of our country is at stake" In this mood he calls upon Republicans to "clean house of political obstruction and obstructionists" and make a new alignment with independent voters of all parties to face a' common foe in defense of a common cause Mr' Willkie says further: "The fate of the Republican party hangs in the balance: today The men and women who compose its membership are entitled to join with people of like belief in a political organ- ization that will pursue an affirmative policy to make democracy strong not a course of negation and annoyance Life- long Republicans can remember with sat- isfaction that traditionally the Republican' party has been the party of world outlook not the party of aloofness and isolation It cannotbe a party which merely criticises and delays 'American history pro- vides ample proof that negation and compromise Iin periods of national emergency are tantamount to political suicide" In his opinion based on the history of political organizations in America "the party that pussyfoots opposes and ob structs uz usg a national emergency writes its own death warrant but the - ne - In an article appearing in the current Issue of the American Magazine Wendell L Willkie flays obstructionists hi both major political organizations and calls I army-navymari- Bopp Says ter-consci- : - i so-call- ed stage-manag- - ed 2 m so-call-ed : 1 :I t- - n 1 '? ' A - - ‘ c: : ' i I i 1 - s I 11 - |