Show - ' - - - - - - - - j - - - N --'-- - - - ' - - i 1 I --- - i t I Zbe cliff galktTreibunt Monday Morning I Police Stop Youths' Break Tooe c Awaits Collision Hurts Intermountain Deaths From Jail 'Escape-Proo- f' Parade Tops Labor Tribune Intermountain Wire OGDEN—A telephone call from an unidentified woman Sunday night interrupted a spectacular attempt by three juveniles to escape from the supposedly escape-proo- f jail on the ninth floor of the Ogden city and county building rolce after receiving the callTI I e - I itiltres 11 Piyzigg Affury At Park City Tribune Intermountain Wire PARK CITY—Enthusiasm over his airplanes which sailed high and wide when launched in the tailwind of passing automobiles sent Richard Algiers 9year-o1- d son of Mr and Mrs Herbert Algiers to the hospital Sunday The boy was struck by an automobile driven by Raymond Pack 43 a mink farmer living near Kamas as he darted out to retrieve his paper plane thrown into the tailwind of an automobile passing Mr Pack opposite direction according to lames Rasmussen investigating officer Young Algiers was in a semiconscious condition at a Park City hospital Sunday night with concussion multiple head lacerations and body bruises He is given a fair chance to recover however 20-in- ch ' : — Steel Fragment Kills Worker H e '' I Horse's Fall Kills Boy 6 Tribune Intermountain Wire fragmtnt and fatally injured urday while adjusting an oil rig steam engine Scott was superintendent of the Kansas-WyomiOil company A fragment from a shattered counterbalance on the engine's fly wheel struck Scott while he worked on the engine at the Button Creek o I I field 45 miles northwest of Laramie 3 I ng ' : ::': : Priate William E Pattison 369 East Fourth South street has been rrorricted to the rank of sergeant in the Twenty-sixt- h training batlahnn at Camp Croft S C aeeorthrg to word received In Salt Lake City : 7: - i : i tI ' ' 1 i - AffiLIATIA C : 0 1t"-E ' ' - 11 : MONDAY V A - OP:Lr' ' -- ill eli 1061L - - ri-T- !'oo-s-- E W Nene Rreatt fast Bel ! :004( a I S- - I'- 5 an Yar d- P 8 — Koos II blunts' sad the New& It 4 lititoit re 9 farwtig 6 Reeks a I Stator a nt Reiss 'front Pm—Roman a 4 5--4- t Aour CAI Spletar rt P Peautitut 1 ten a ill White 15n I tri Hapninaia 1 of Harry Clork 9 Kr ght Horizon" I C4- -4 s d y a Ptorla 11t 0—a Jrir 111 f -- Virther Vi flea Roosav I t's Labor 2l Day Address Fr'ir'of 2 2 Man I At arrted P NC 2 2 1 sell Tres au ry to f Porte' Coverage Nitwa 17 2 t oe a Sinot al taala I 2 :44 0--1: P or courage ()Yrs a a: Luta& P roir rem I on- -- K P In—T041 ft F1-- -4( Stuate 7i0--- C "CP 1 '16--- -c A- - VI 10-- 2 AP‘p—tr 5L-4-1esta In New Rettinte blue Ribbon Qum mart at th bat 1i1 4'fieftopmot 7i P airhild All i 'Tr rle Of 2 Crerchnie write Us 2 1 M siralyn 1ay -F r -- ki Trio 0911114' AR Iti Be ru i4 end 24 -(' Pings 1 10--141--- The -- N- st- --b 1411-4 rt--c i - 4- 100— is La IV A in Backstage Howe Hio n 1S-- 47 Ilitil i4111- - 4: p a (r-f44-prn1 $ 3 54-- - t 7'-nt rRA !4--- -ft- lid i)1 1i I 2 31 14 a-Pnat - I:10o—gf i I I i - hot 14 (Paitt ght Advsrusetnent) - ei I I - 1 k - - et Cobol' ee Hontimaaa Wife" OPOtAitt 1 I ---- ' ' ' L 7 f :10t - " I I - N lionto LamkaainCinigiyheirris ' before may- ela In g to Winnemucca She returned to this env a month ago for a short vialt aro bye Ata noon Surviving sons J Hoeft: threeMoon hitsband two William Albert and Raymond tut rmrottly ktoort Am dau flier or WInnsmucca films brothers Jack Viaser of Isisw York City Jolt anti Anton of the Nethrtionda Marittua Vianer of Bait Lake City Henry Vlsoer of California Otitt two stators Um Itartinta Barton and Mrs Multior of Bait 'aka City Alhtt Mine living in Winnsmorea atm Itooft society and had bean active In I D 8 Relief Sunday achoot activities in W intim mucca 1 1 ward George Charles Morrison 69 a real Morrison died Saturday night in & Salt Lake hospital of a heart ailment Ilii was born in RIchfield September it 1371 a bon of William and Caroline Christina Ivrson Morrison piontars of Ha viss a membor of the I D Si thistrtii and for many year wog a proms tient Richfield businetia man In 19IS he moved to Deitt and in 1920 to Salt Lahti for five years City where he remained Pinc than he had lived in Kaysvill whets ha was& a contracttng plumber Hit was voteran of the Spanish-Americwar His first wife Mra Mary Avery "Morrison diad bout 1915 Uri Jtan Morrisou whom he worried later dittd in 19111 Irlorenc surviving are his widow Mrs whom he Rolle Morrison of Kaysville married Mir tbe second link llorrison's eons and death and following doughtori: Mrs Mrs Tern Warner of Dillon Mont Emma FoWlea of Valloto Ca 14 Mra Maud Sleoman of Colorado Springs Coo Mrs Hazel Smith of Pocatello Idaho: Clyde Morrison of Kayliville Mrs Idary Wells of Pocatello: Mrs Jean Nybarg of Salt Lakie Gaorge Charles Morrison Jr and City Kenneth Jame& Morrison of Saysville and n the following brothers and sisters: Morrison Jr of Monroe Walter W Morrison of hos Anorsies Cal Latayatt Morrison ot Delta: Mrs L ula M Harr and Mrs Martha M Horn of Richfield Charles and R Bruce Morrison and Mrs Liabell Clishinfi of at Lak City Mrs Mary Ann Drat lats Enterprise and Mn an Alkira et Diego Cal Richd pa a I 1 Part Ivrea) bureau for nearly 20 years Ile moved to Salt Lake City from Provo his birthplace in about (Continue:I from 1921 AA PAINTING-PAPERING-CLEA- Statistics Births Chase Family Hold More than descendants of ed ical society DING dy it-- - t )at ' Net-eo- T3 ta-L- rt from 811 Cor Sec 2 R 1 W ndy City and Midvale City care A Z Richards Templeton Bldg" Lake Salt City a total of n1 sec ft tot domestic usie from two wells as noted: (1) Well 61 ft deep at point 11739—Ralph J Wilcock Spry Ut4 follows:W 1320 ft and N 330 ft from Ev4 Cor 573 g p tn for domestic use from Sec 12 T 3 S R 1 Z and (2) Well well 190 ft deep at point Z 1176 ft 75 and N 280 ft from W14 COr Sec 28 490 ft deep at point W 1670 ft 12and N Cor Sec from said NOTICE TO WELL OWNERS The following appacationa have been filed to appropriate waunderground ter In th State of Utah all locations from 81133131 except when otherwise snd eft T 21 14234-Sa- : 3-- 12-i- 8 R ft 3 W K Farrel Provo than: for irritation from well deep at point 8 923 ft and E from NW Cor Sec U T 7 12403—W 133 g 163 ft 123 ft 4-- 1n IL 2 E - 14251-I- van 57 McCleParker lland St Salt Lake City: 99 g p rn for domestic use from well 284 ft deep at point ti 380 ft and E 3855 It from SW Cor Sec 19 T 1 84 R 1 L 12993—C J Ketchum Wrecking Co 2320 So Main Salt Lake City 91 It PM for industrial use from 280 ft deep at point S 19293 It and W 135 It from NZ Cor Sec 24 T 1 R 1 W 13019—L A Olsen IRO Sunset Ave: Salt Lake City 91 R pm for domestic 'Well 315 ft deep at point use from 593 ft and W 331 ft from NZ Cor I 1 24 T 8 R I W late Well and19 T Johnson fried 2426 3-- in T It 8 1 I ft from Gives efrain Deaths 1ntlet--Nn0--Po- - lcit lertretiostra Hall I ioo I - er- - - 0-- 7 11- 11 a 9 4-- in z 1 0 ' 7 4 'pm in 6 0 2-- in 6-T-RAVEL 2-- In ''' ft (2) E 36678 ft and S 36678 ft and B 204869 (3)14334--JaKelley Levan g p in for domestic use 350 well ft deep at point and E 1310 ft from NW 36 T 15 8 R 2 W 2-- in ck 13434--Robe- Wed-Mad- ly 14335-Wa- rren Smith 3134 A It: 193385 ft 4-- in South Ni 3-- in 2-- in 2-- In tad And 3 Anton' Da117 Sehedulsa daily to Soothers California and an graacisco Iror further information inquire - SALT LAKE BUS DEPOT - - 2nd- South Dial icontinued from Preceding E SO Dan 2-- in CONDITIONED A SCHEDULES la foi r East Salt Lake City 1111 p in well 80 ft den domestic us from S 1089 ft and W 800 ft fro at point M Cor Sec 32 T 1 8 R 1 W 14341-Dip° 4413 South 7th East Salt Lake City 1305 g p m for dowell SOO ft dee use from Meatic at point N 2115 ft and W 1205 ft 2-- In IR BURLINGTON SANTA FY GRANDE 0 DAKE AtCD PACLF1C TRAILWATs BLNGHAM STAGE LINZI Utah 6 71 from 8 1071 It Cot Sec well 165 for domestic use from at point N 605 ft and R 1870 Oalritlkl—lruneral services for Mn Ida ft deep SW Cot See IL T 1 8 It I Z from SE Cot Sec 24 T 1 S R 1 W front May Paster Illenke 51 wife of Henry it 14145-Or14368-Ll- oyd son A Wilkins 340 West W Keller Portage Utah G Skink of 2901 Washington Pouletsrd Salt Lake City 9 873 g p m for stock watering S frorr ) flortot who dhoti haturtity at tha Van Buren Are Ogden or 50( a hoar aliment will be eon500 home well from well ft deep at point pm for irrigation durted Wednesday at 2 p m in the (laden Ioo Cor Sec at point S 147S ft and K ft and W 500 ft from NA Fieventh L It S ward chapel by azahap 2547 Itft deep 141W 1 13 4 W R T 33 T 14 N Cot Sec from Hrtnert P tiossas 14377-Wil- ford R 1 W n F Ballet) Logan She Wel born Anglin 4 11140 at 14175-- Lee Brown 1715 Washington I Utah: 873 E p m for domestic tioo Ma a daughter of William and She remitted in &WI Ogden Lit: 10 1 atri tor stock from Sarah O'Brien Salter 14o ft deep at point S well Poston until she was 111 years of RIM when watering from well depth un870 ft and E 1050 ft from L V4 Car aris cOM41 tn Ottlinti where She married known at S 31 dew 12 mln W Sec S T 11 N R 1 E point Mr Kionke October 23 1911 14379-La2180 NZ Kociaharem Cor SVni Sec ftPl from1 ana was a member of the L ri P rhureh Payne V USE&M tili R the Itailiary to the T Utah 873 rt p tn for domestic um Pythisa Platers andSouthern 14204- -H M Oribble Gunnison Vt Pacific Old well 102 ft deep at point cnion Partrio and from Timers' clubs 673 g pm for stock watering diverted W 1237 ft and N 924 ft from SE Cot Surviving are her hinthand and a (laugh 100 ft Well from two Sec 3 T 27 S R 1 W ter Mrs Mark L Tillotson of Ogden and alternately 1438I-Hy- rum Morrell Fremont lit deep located at follows: (1) N 20 chat two grandchildren IL 873 it p Tn for domestic use trot t Interment in the Aulinreet Memorial and W 15 Chi) from Sti dirorted by Lindquist ili SOns T le S R 1 E 121 N 924 ft from welt 300 ft deep at point E 851 park will be of Ogden Cot Sec 5 T 19 IL R 2 Z Mortuary ft from SW Cot Sec ft and27 N 115 Triands may call It tint home Tileslay 14208-D- ora Woo Croft 4315 Wan17 T 8 R 2K and evening and NW nosilay der Lane afternoon ome 14383-Hfor VC: 1111m 99 (It Garden Company 41 Holladay until time of serviette well 345 ft SouthThlain St Salt Lake City 574 S domestic use from 644 W 1114k from It U m for domestic deep at point S 19631 ft and Donald C T 1 15 R 1 Z from Et'4 Cot Sec well 400 to 550 ft deep at point N 14214-- Ray 11895 Tremonton 299282 It and ft from Si 1 HoLdaway LOGAN—Donald Carter Sehiffman Sgl M: 18 S R 1 W for domestic use from Cot Sec 25 Tz-cpm C and Vrva Carter old son of Iran 14396-M- ike well 118 ft deep at point W 1720 Ramps Centerrillei Vt ' itehiltman Of 13t1 East Fifth North street and N 940 ft from SE Cot Sec 36 873 g p m for domestic use frorr ft 12 died Sunday in a 'titian hospital N 4 200 W one R well T ft deep at point W Surviving Sr the child's parents: 3206 South 2435 ft and 13' 806 ft from Z 14 Cot M Madill brother and one Neter Paul C and Tee la '14210-H1- 16a rman bar two Cud whit grandparent" 40th West Salt Lake City: 673 g pm Sec 12 T 3 N R I W 250 and Mrs Frd W Schittman of Logan M Winsor 14419- -L South 12t1h of two for domestic use from each 123 will be conducted ido services 450 g p m fa well as follows: (1) WeU ft deep Zest Bait Lake City a in m Cern"' ellY 'titan Monday at 11 n 2400 W N well $O between ICI ft from irrigation from tart where burial wit' be directed by W at point SB cor See 30 T 1 S R 1 W (2) and 150 ft deep at tboint N 1340 ft" Loyal Hail mortuary Weil 100 ft deep at point N 924 ft and and E 1320 ft from SW Cot Sec 12 W 25 ft from paid S Cor Sec 30 37 8 R 17 W Leah Tina Hamm 875 Box Smith Protesta reatating the granting o 1 270 witt for Of the foregoing applicationa in irriganittANTINVILLSt—runorai Par'Arra for Smithfield tit In! tip well 100 ft deep at resAons therefor must be in affidavi t1 tion from Tina Parma 2 who arm" drawbrd teh Mon843 h W wit' flied flet S hrid from and at and ft wit) ft (irantavilto form with extra copy Saturday pointCos Sec 20 I Isoe t 2 Po m in Grantorygg gortnd L I) g NZ T 13 N R 1 E the State Plngineer 403 State Capitol ward thapot WW1 Ptiahnia Civet William itaamtialie'n of s $1 Redmond' with Utah fee Laka Salt City $ilo ritiontlit mar rail at Papritst officiating hams aftOr In a ni Monday Burial Will Ut: 673 g p M for stock watering from on or before Oetoher 22 1541 960 100 Z ItED WATSON H well - deep at point State Engineer be in Grantsville cemetery 1 - Pate1 NOTICE or sifter this date August 110 I vitt not be reeponsible for any diiibta enntracted for by any ons other trait On 4-- 1n Signed: myself L 1 Wintch- - 2693 Hartford street 2-- in Cake Uribunt 5att wad trete morntne V Salt Dale 3-- It - mont Tribun 1 2-- in bit Publishing Comsat? 3-- in Cot-Se- e 2-- in 3-- in Sehiffman ft-an- 12-i- d 14222---rphral- m 3-- 1n I 14224--Lama- rr - TERMS OP sussc-Rtrno-x I lOS Dilly and Sunday one inonta otte at la Daily and Sanaa Mb The oboe rites arefirintriab Idithev Nevads and Wyoming Elsewhere in the Un:ted SLAW! D Della sod Sunday 11100th MIS The Tribune Is en sia in evert tont city In the United Suites Readers may ascertain sweats in any city bst taaw Dial pooning Uli orate The Tribuno is a member tst this Ass etated Press This Associated Prese Is en niuslvets entitled to the Die for reproducw Con of all news dispatches asedited to it by not otherwise credited In thus wooer and also Dm tocal news published Items The Tribune is a charter member or lino Midi' Bureau of Circulation The TrIbuto Is a member RC ItIf(63 Records Inc croup Reynolds Fut gereld Inc national rprofor black and WIte nodal genttiviro and color Offir: comic magazine ve Misdison Ch New York City 515 potion Michigan avenoc raga 380 Norsh 82s2 delphta Land Title 1110(11r Dattnit 1441nrs Pan Frani-se- ek (Inners' 1111 Putter street: bUlidlnit:agloa 117 18est Ninth Strset: ssattis JoimpA vanes butid ad-vi- ne 4-- iti a t at - 2-- in h oldKURRAY—Crolyn daugntair ot A Gion and f Cann! nutintirv Med Olander farmer reetdents idurtay of whooping cough Saturday at 4 S tit at bet residence In VelleA CALL tnende bete kernel:I Sundae as born )4 arth 22 1941 The child In ValieJo Resides the narnta ettrvivere ere ellortna Otaedr end trandrvarpritik Piwtipr Mr and atre A I °tarsier tit MiterAV will ha enn4neto4 Wotineariav at a time snot ptaca t6 be 441- tortnined later at Murray - pi:ittwae con:alonett! tohlyarilueuanWs: ASSAGE 2-- Carolyn Olander Ola advt orid b sc nal bt pea once a Soothing cooling rfeeting el wei being Get stores- - the GLNUINI at drue BUSY? Let 112 in now Mail for yr you pictures subecription FY68 CO 457 Serra SPECL6D1S2 MEN 01 onttitts 234 So Main Pls SWa-Red- uce warm on SI itation ProtodyThornton Was springs ENROLL-in-MelWay Ptano classest specialize mNG beginner chit& — PRIVATE-NURSL48234- Vacancy E14 Cor See 16 2-- In 4 Menke N - Prpnni so oup Christensen Americar t for Irrigation from gpm 240 It deep at point W 1421 495 225 3 IL I wel TAKARA Hygienic Powder I W : - 811 Ct' It1 in 2-- in - R 8-- in South wpm 250 pm for domestic 1 Ut: 4-- in 4-- in tftttdroeraep $avitpocionrt 1 Gunnison 5 S R I Z T 14270!--tit A L Bradley Moroni Vt 198 g pm for stock watering from WPII 70 ft deep at point W 366 ft and S 2285 It from Woe Cor Sec 12 T 15 8 R 2 E 14272-P- aul H Taylor RFD No 1 Box 148 Provo Ct 225 if pm for Irri- I well 180 ft deep at i gation Wfrom597 N 183 ft from ft and point RO-MESW Cor Sec 26 T 8 S R 3 E 14275- -M Keaton Pratiet Marysville Vt 673 g p m for domestic use Iron AND BATH well 20 ft deep at point 8 ea MAIS NurseScientific technique deg 530 min28 W 13733 ft from NS Cot 2WED Daliy-Sun- d Out calls 212-21Att W Sec 8 R T 3612 W 2nd S Mies Peterson 14301-M- aud Evans 3693 So 560( ItCIENTLFIC-massage-showWest Salt Lake City 873 t p tn foi son nurse 15911 So II Rio suite 1118 domestic use from each of two Dial II to S Sun I to S wells 150 ft deep at points (1) S 2464 massago $I C batru Mots LAM' ft and E 981 ft from NW Cot Sec CENT Taylor 313 Templeton bids 44624 36 T I 8 R 2 W and (2) 8 2045 ft : Vlbro Z 1105 ft from said NW Cot and ae tor Sige 138 IL state rm- - 2- - are 9 Sec SWEDISII-rnassiTens-14321-J- ohn A Fairclough 2804 South Nur pleton °pp Hotel Lit -wk: State St gait Lake City: 225 g p m ifLECTItm 117 20-Bun to 10 Well 50( for domestic use from to 5 UL Sae Tr 235 So Main 171 E 398 S at It deep It and RILLApoint $I It from NW Cot Sec 30 T 1 Sy R 2nd So220-2Era baths 25 1 E 10-Mies Ray Sun- - 10-- 8 1 14322-- Salt TrialsLake County care of R Mullins Rm 315 23 I lit IL mane Morrest Commissioner City ark 87- -: Lake Salt VilltY County Building City Doll MILS011ig to Dian 11100 011 226-22g p in for canning factory title front Hrs Allan bide well 300 ft deep at point W 15 3556 ft and N 21246 ft from Itra 10-- (Men anis 334-3- 5 Atlas tun r Cot Sec 25 T 1 8 R 1 W 731EN DAT MAE'S 14325-Ge- rard VIM Gerven 390 Wes 50v 13512 East 3rd So- - Rm 2 17tb- South Salt Lake City 673 a Pm foe- domestic use from each of Girt' OPPORTUNITIES wells 100 ft deep located as fol lows: from N1'4 Cor Set 31 T 1 8 NATIONAL TRAILWAYS R 1 K: (1) E 2e6r71 ft and S 18261 atch 19 8 ft and State EL Salt Lake City: 1035 for domestic use from well ft deep at point N 2304 It and E 700 1 ft from SW Cor Sec 19 T S R 1 E Supply Co Plumbing 2317 So Main St ear L H Stratford w 13268-Was- 200 14256-A- lex Fork 2-- in 13171-Gott- Squire pm for domestic use 8from at pointCor- - 2340 ft ft deep Z 15 BC 27 from 873 g 2-- tn a LOST-Cop-per-- 2-- in O 12958-- 0so stealth t17 I lma octet AND FOUND LOST LOST:---Buildin- L Olsen RPO No 1 Logan IA 673 g pm for domestic use 200 ft deep at point W well from 1392 ft and N 210 ft from SZ Cor Sec 11 T 11 N ' R 1 W 14247-A- M-3- -5041 Enloe PURSE black contains papers etcsit Rots Sears Ret Service deals plans around3rd Diab 64260 Main Reward rocktir spaniel Reward gives for Istrormation 737 DOG-L-ight brown fernL Cocker Tote old White on chtist Ans Lady Itor Reward Prineeton 6-- in 33 Y D LS E Enroll now 13 - T GO PLACES ET'S N 300 4-- in D7Li--The Organist m IDNIGHT rttetttee Bend 12:dri—NPa-rhttek 4 3 4'4—ignite Preis News You Ride tlood MITI Nieht until A a m on Tuesday (Paid AdvettieeMent) : extortor'a-4rtuating- Anti-in- 1610 1 i - -- 2-- Annual Reunion - -- ' ° Le-Gra- nde I I See -- 1 NING Sun-test- PROVO—Mlndia Ruth Ralladay 40 wife 13283-H- enry Dip 175 Oakland Ave ot 110 South of George A Halladay Lake city: 119 gpm for domestic Seventh Wait et resit died litinday at a Salt yell 366 ft deep at Weal tboapital after & 14444 44—itiO use from point N 1860 ft and W 1200 ft from lingerine fitness De- - ' born She 6E Cor Sec 24 T 1 8 R 1 W 13404-Ja- mes vintner 30 1900 at i Stanley Taylor 1140 Neb a big Springs 33d South St Salt Lake City: West ' P and daughter of J Niehten 135 ' cpm for Irrigation from three) Annie Miller wells as follows all located from SW bhe rectived bet early -Cor Sec 26 T 1 61 R 1 W: (1) 00 education in Heins 1 k win:iota and cam well 130 ft deep at wpm Nfrom to Provo in 1915 12095 ft and E 90726 ft : point25 her She continued 943 ft (2) sort gpm from 125-i- n ft well schooling here k E 907 — and wee married to Ur deep at 20point N 1199 125-in from well 151 ft (3) Hibiladsv J hopteMbor N —" 30 1920 le t ft deep at point N 1208 ft and Z Pennies her bust- ft 13405-hand shoi le survived W Rowland No West by throe sons and 0 Crystal Ave Salt Lake City St g pm deushters Lor- for domestic use from well 286 Finvel Holladay ratite &ilia and Roo- It deep at point N 936 ft 1 and W 48 ola Hatiaday of Pro--t °4 24 S R 1 W SE See T from Cot ft : vo Lloyd Holladay' 13423-- Don E Stanfield 2660 So the "tattooed with Main 15t Salt Lake City 13$ gpm U S army at th well 276 for domestic use from Panama canal and 853 ft and W 11 st aCecil Holladay at point N 24 ft deep SE Mrs- - Balla-dat lotted with the It B 1 b car T R 1 W Sec from It Can Frannavy at R Pitts 137 Commoncisco: nn brothr and two giolrai Loot Ave Lake 673 wealth Salt City Cam piteleen atm Hama P Cuddelord and Mrs for domestic-us- e from eecit of two Lora Cortese of Provo runeral service will bit condullad wells located from SW Cor Sec 19 at 130 9 M In tha Provo Second T 1 1 as follows: (I) L D 8 Ward Portal will be In Provo City 280 ft deep at point N 4878 ft and burial park leriende may call at the Berg Well E 1190 It : (2) well 380 It deep Tweed night and at the hums at mortuary N 47311 ft and L 650 ft point prior to the servicira 138ios-A Kartchner 196 West Oakland Ave Salt Lak City: 99 gpxki 13 He was born August 22 1897 a son of Dr Milton H Hardy prominent Utah physician a n d former superintendent of the State Mental hospital at Provo and Elizabeth Smoot Hardy three daughter of a prominent Utah pioneer family He was educated in Provo schools and attended Brigham Young university Mr Hardy formerly was mployed by The Salt Lake Tribune advertising department During the World war he served overseas for 17 months In addition to his widow he is survived by two brothers Dr Hardy of New York City Ida M and M O Hardy of Logan I 1 Pao4c V 1Ntso3fLoamit2-ainndwill1258- '"" i CUT-RAT- salt Lake City 25 ' ng building--renitkali- - 4 of Americepo-T-he Story of Litt kricasou 111:00NRC—Pleatture Time with 'red Warier' Pennsylvanians Newsroom of the Att I:1 P Caewell's seociateid Prtes News 9 :00—N BC- -it Clifford' Mayor Roporut Weems' Music Coverage News et International News Service nod United Press Llobon'e a Tune" with Gorgoa Jenktna Orchestra 1:00--KnY- t— f 1 Plunge of Auto Minnie Ruth Ilalladay Kills S L Man ate 7 I Jereey tb 00--N- BC 11 AS—NBC—Kendall td v ' George Charles dent of Saysvills lea-lur- 11 int"±W—LAC1)4Ot4V17 r--f ' 1 600--NBC-- (or the id 1898 to Harmon and ViaAlta '4Angenitija ller and came to the IT n I notes infor oirv1932 living ih New rai years She moved to nor Musicfi:1!-1(- Neal Ametrdm Netherlands July '' Isaac and Phoebe Ogden Chase atttndtd the family's annual reunion Saturday afternoon and evening near the old family homestead and Chase mill site in Liberty park James R Kennard of Salt Lake City wa s master of ceremonies correct answers 630000KD710--"Tou'- re In the army And Mrs M Harvey Ward was Now a Ornstein with 14 Stoker program that orcheetra direct from tort Douse chairman of las iteetiot ion Center on family organizaa talk - Contented Hour Perry Fasts end the Symphony °robes tion by W Henry Chace archives moil ta the attendant for the I D S Genealogire with tvelyt Lullaby Lady °I'S immedihtely tottowina baRAttall) I Mitsui Society of Losker Resin otreet 11 :on—Nlec —Clerk nroole trnetrt I :4 S—N RC—Proerott Preeents 1200—KUTA no1 right until g o'clock tomorrow mornins 'Paid AdvertileMant) 2 wa 4:30--NPC--- Piay-by-pa- y 1010—MITA —International 7 Wit-lim- or Melodies the Sport Scene 1110—KUYA—Duprout Done—Bob OfHan the gen interviews personalities Pioneer Les Nue 11:35- -- BUTA—Bseeball—Selt Labe Beee St ()trlon acCoint bl Hitt ikear - Tribune Intermountain Wire PAYSON—Former residents of this southern Utah county community returned by the hundreds Sunday for the homecoming which was a feature of the days program in the fourteenth annual Golden Onion Days now in progress The D Christensen student organization conducted its annual reunion at 4 p m with nearly 100 persons who were students of the former Payson educator now living in Salt Lake City and a member of the University of Utah board of regents attending The building in which be started teaching September '1 1880 is still in use Milton IL Ross of Salt Lake City was the principal speaker at Laurel Hatch Lux a homecoming program in the Mrs Laurel Hatch Lux 22 wit of Matt of enolocarlitia SunNebo I D 8 stake tabernacle at Luz of Vernal died at 1210 9 m In a Salt Lake hos7:30 p m Amy T Haynes pre- day pital Mrs Lug Wail born In Vernal Augliet 17 sented a brief history of Payson 1910 and resided ther her entire life husband and Mayor George C Chase exparents tended a welcome to former resi- Me mod Mrs Joseph Hatch: three brothers B ' Ferris J and Glendon Hatch:dents returning for the celebration Charles sioters Leatriew Louise and Cori:The celebration will reach its three len Hatch oil of Vernal and her paterMrs Limits Hatch of nal a grandmothar peak with Jun Labor day pro Picosant Grove The body was token to the Swain gram Monday fulmars' home ta V11104 for funeral serv- Coverage Nowa fit International Netl Service Bald United Prelim the's musie a 4$-- NRC--Pa- ut Dousine Sports sot umn 4 MR- -1 Siert Notebook 1—Patricia' 4:1 0 Carlota 4 WeiFronk Singmat MOO the Wool world news 0 Telephone Hour with Jame' Melton treacle Whit- e- Don Voorhees' orchsetra Coveratio News et International News Service and tinitett Pre Powell's Muse -Dr I Q Cash awards- for Chester's orchlitrit Players Natls arehretria mini Prwin Ten nrnIwy erettAtiltr11- ernv to100 a Na r- 7 L Ill Hymns and Mina oll the Roue with rpday 1 t i f- 't t 7 :45—XIITA—aupper at r'f41-11"- 1 :Li gabransky logt 7:30—KIITA—International Newt AL-- Comm 101 ' fi Y ! vitt " "'' 1 r Ploneral soretrai for Ds Clarinet's Vie Hewn 4I tSinnomucca Nov former Sail Lal reeident who died aaturday in a Salt Lake hospital be etondileted Wednseday at 1 p ot t ad host koventh Burial South street will be in Wasatch Lawn Mmorial t i Irrievida may railparkat or funeral ': r IIuntil piste 'vc time of services – was born at sit it t! - Dennis William Wagstaff leer - - - i 41111-1141E' Gertrude loser llooft A ' Wt i ars Robert Mr A Nora Cecil hiporit of Fort towis Wash Donald Miens apeere Lawretice Spears and Paul abeam sit of alt Lait City l Pullet-aserviette will ha conducted Toes-da- y at 3 p m at the Thtrd Prostoytcisti church 1701 hisventh P:ast street be Dr Robin D ittatiist preeideut of Weistminetttr course Friends ntsv call at !id Taut Seventh Booth street Monday Burial will be ist Wasatch LAwn Memorial park ' '' ''''' ES - 404sitsi 0 i : ices and burial rtt 700—N&C-eliallia- - 10 A SEPTEMBER 9 IL ' Lent" 1Totir rt 1 - PI' o Pity-by-pia- y fo—r p 30--lK I I Pititn AM " be Address by Wilof the liam Gruel Oreilidenl A nIPTirlin retreiton of Labor I:30—N ft C- -C lu la Matinee 1 —NOCY—Newe 2 :00—KUT A —You Tell Ca program 2 :20--- E UT A—Dttretut Detpo—Pnb Hatt eel ittttrytowa personatittee ot the Pioneer Lastito at gait 2 :25—K UT A— h aso hati—Ostion account Lake Cit Sears Rill by Neer 4 :45—NRC—Concert and 1)11meg Danes Time :DO—KUTAii-jt- 's 5:15—K VT A—I ntarnat IONIA NOW to:!tnNRO-e-Tru-e or Pales Muse tiotiely of Lower Peon street awing ilin ill M ' conducted hie by Henry Levine and Paul Laval: Diana Courtney yo canes: Will Scot4 commentator and guests 11: 34NBC—News Hero and Abroad 11:45—NBC-e-Nroadca- st t r o in Mexico F Alien discussea City—Robert the results of the Camacho gOV trortien t ill NIPrreNP' -- The Nickel Man Pti—Ph Troutnroand the Nowt Your Mulct rthur Goo t13 now" ownrrn LI r tOti nt Lake Federation 9 40—K41-44- 1'A La nor prawn ta & Labor Da y Prot rant et oia eitasteriwork 10 00--g 1010A 11 Prat u re 7 015—ar Pet riike oreheetra Ed at boa World Coven 10 e re 1An 4 'le a t - 1 Hill° PI4--- e 1 r'''' -- 21j r1157Crgte4 t 12:10—N110--"3oht- 4011 1111 A— LA nny -r v pottnii‘ no us With 144 Howard M C ! the Eon Ptroat Aoa trice Kay and Jennv Fnur f - il -- ilt014 -P p -- ' i i 1 ht bc - 1 1 -- i 'S- A ftr- 1 :I 7 ' — K - 1 i - quarts 1 IF 4 stratio of Italttaks L City and four broth r Provo Dairies hike Price of Milk : k 4 r ' MONDAY M r-- : ta an Nf 1 ' j o 1 4-- ti Draws Crowd sarnalBta i II 4 ' i Payson Fiesta Club with Doh L 4r McNeill M CI News With Helga 7:00—NBC—Tonay's 1 MONDAY Hiett A M 7:15—NRC—Music to Scrub be Duds Ranch 7:30—NW:'Ciara DtnTint tenor Favortte Hymn presents Irving Mg7 Yawn Patrol ler and his orchestra: Allen BreaCoverage News 1st cott: Joan Brooks ad K Lo Jack Litrsiational News Service and the Dem ol United Press a :n0KUTA—Internittionat News Winne Oft Parade ft rneembie ao—ofMert It Makes a:JO—NBC—Thinking Young' Family Ronne Philosophy iiiivercruys Journey drama ten--music Life ot Hartim David poetry a :45—NBC—Alma Kitchall's Call to Preekfast a :00—NBC—The — Negro itouthernaires grizase Hmitiewives Only club 444 le Qua Smith M C a 15--D 7 L- -- Refreshment UTA—Kitcnta Klaitsr with June Time with Lee Sam News with Helen 1000--Ni- ic singin' In Laborspoeen by 1130—NBC—Today'a Iiiett President Roosevelt MOOlitftt from 5:4 --K 11'ra—finials Interlude Winston Churchill celebrities front for amergenty ManHollywood government effbciale gement Paiute to Labor Preeiet the World the Nydent Prank lin D R000evait tali:Mee etcv hAtin Valiant Lady and As Hillman William 0 roso James noid Graiim's Daustleiter for Noon Murray Curvy oneniting Per-London Duke 1200-yesc- -i-n Prnest Sevin front Philip tablet the Storm ICIlingtOn and his orchestra the hie th e O tad Golden Gate QuartetJiketch with tittle James Cagney and Idward Ar- P W nold Melvyn Nuglu and LOWSU to Wits l'homits masters nt ceromonies 1 15oiiiNRO-ioi44tell- e bailie dreamt 11 :00-e- lf UT —Musical conducted Jones Quiz Bob Haniven Wieder Proem 1 I 1 :45—Kby of the 'trays UTA—Interoational News 2 Vette Lite Noon I 2 The Abbtots" of Diverts P M of Life" dretna L40ra inet-l- - A Hnonor Jorn flirt Intsrrie 9 World W'rrid Toosr 3 Pemod-rNro o4 TePing irol' rir liann 4 rt-- ef' P ro ere on eit nre a rv 4 Aennol WAtid 4 It : Kin i Hildkod ) ps' NPoly Gonorol 1)4 noll:'1 I A bilaserit K ins Peter of Tor t 10o 14 others speaking from London li I ti—r P A— A 1A1 Pert hoe retteistria 5 30—a- 1—H salmon Hnitdee Ronan Score a rod Itoort S 4n - I 4- -17 A 4 Nevis $nit Prmotill En Crr1111-Pa r4rt Ph irAr !MAWS' L with d 00—C IR A— Ynire a et — 'Jubilee " e ' MAI W a te and Dua Ellington 1:D0-'- 44" '"- - atird"lior with en4 Hut Musbc -14run -1 " rOlki ' ' i Stover mind tile rituaSs to 4 5- -1 Listening Post 7 News °rid Co Vi gnettang 7 s 1issrond Cali for Willie 1 la Stewart tavola& World I r1---- - 1 : 1 1' mattes – ROCK SPRINGS Wyo— The second death from an accident which the car driver Thursday inwent to sleep at the apparently wheel came late Sunday afternoon when Edith Alice McIntosh driver of car died at the hospital here Miss McIntosh was a teacher in Seattle Wash school Mrs Alice Phare Moberg 54 of Anoka Minn was the first victim dying Saturday Miss McIntosh 57 was en route to Seattle to begin the school term after spending the summer at her former home in Anoka and was being accompanied west by Mrs Moberg who was to visit relatives in the west Coroner J Warden Op le had said no inquest would be held PROVO—An Increase of 1 cent per quart in the price of milk will go into effect in Provo on Monday according to new price postings by dairies and stores Producers will receive 20 per cent more for their milk as a result of the increase in price dairymen reported I The new price for milk will be 11 cents per quart New prices for whipping cream will be 17 cents — -for hall pinta and 65 cents for 771 - — ---r 1 —ho il rthiltit s 104) rm 1 a 6 I ' I 4--to- tj 1 METTT-11BE-R ott itp-Mo- 9 : ii I - - ceived cuts and bruises Sunday afternoon when two cars met mile south of head on one-ha- lf Riverdale school on II S highway 91 In "fair" condition in an Ogden hospital were Mn J O Bybee 50 of trintah with a possible fracture of the right shoulder and her daughter Rosalie Bybee 14 with injuries of the right shoulder Mary Ruth Bybee 11 with abrasions on the left hand and leg and head bruises and Mrs Alta Peterson 58 of trintah suf fering 'hock and bruines on the left elbow and right shoulder were released following treatment Mn Elaine Kirkendall' about 24 and Mrs Grace Fields 22 both of 472 Thirty-firs- t street Ogden occupants of a second car were reportedly treated by a physician for cuts and bruises Weber County Deputy James A Larson and State Highway Patrolman Jack F Gridley who investigated said Two other persons suffered injuries late Saturday when the eastbound motorcycle on which they were riding crashed into the right front corner of a westbound automobile which was making a left turn from Thirtieth street to Porter avenue Investigating officers reported Injured were Norma Dorney 20 of 3228 Kiesel avenue with a fracture of the left ankle and foot inluries and James Hayes 19 of 2219 Madison avenue with possible fractures of the left leg and hip and lacerated hands a f t4 4 1 - I me -'' z — him about 6 p m The child in the company of his uncle Abe Ribe and a sister Blanch 4 were riding along with friends and relatives from Salt Lake City who- were here to attend he Labor day festivities The child apparently lost his seat and fell The horse lost his footing and fell on the child who suffered a fractured skull and-broken neck He lived about 30 minutes Louis Neal 14Ialout Sr w a a killed May 4 when a cow he was loading into his truck jumped the chute and crushed him The child is survived by his mother Mrs Mary Ribe Malouf and his sister' Blanche age 4 "T-' - i ' - 1 ' - - 1 - Promoted S L Soldier - i Crash Claims Second Life EVANSTON Wyo—Louls Neal Ma lout Jr 6 died in a local hos— Carroll pital Sunday evening of injuries LARAMIE Wyo Scott 35 of Mesa City Kan was received when a horse he was hit in the head by a flying steel riding on a county road fell on Sat- :: Tribune Intermountain Wire Sunday looked forward to a full 15 hours of Labor day activities on Monday when thia city will be the scene of a parade drum and bugle corps drills band concerts free movies ball games boxing and other sports exhibitions and climaxing dances in the Tooele American Legion park and at Stockton Beginning at 9:30 a In with a parade through Tooele's main street the day also will include and Garfield drum the Magri corps drill a band concert by the Tooele high school band at 11 and at 7:30 p tri4 a variety of sports contests Novelty acts singing and dancing will comprise a talent program at 2:30 p m and at 4 p 211 the Magna and Garfield bugle corps will drill at Tooele City park Immediately after the Ophir band will present a concert Tooele and Crescent baseball teams will play an exhibition game at 5 p m and at 6 p m a tumbling team from Salt Lake City will perform Boxing will come at 7 and at 9 p m the celebration will be ended with dances in the Legion park and at Stockton A 11 t in-th- Tribune Intermountain Wire 2 TOOELFThousands of Tooele OGDEN—Two persons suffered and families workers their county major injuries and tour others re- 1 ot Starts at 9:30 a In Mother Daughter From Uintah In Fair Condition Day Activities Top Floor of OgdenWeber Building 50-fo- Albert Nelson Spoors 24 for the pest ftve years so employe of the rioctric Motor company diod Saturday at 710 fittpnly p nt at his horn 14111 Hollywood Avenue altar an illness tt N of only one day 1 A tistiva of Salt Lake City Mr Optete nas born March 11 1918 a son of hese bsistin itd Ida Alice Mtwara 't ‘ W t tt Wootrgreen He attended primary in ths city whoot 1 and was a graduate of rant high achoot k —1 Mr had Photo '1 boon activa In work of the Third Presby- ' T' N snit Whin thurch ' wits aeorelary of the ' 'N 1 a ti a d ehiirch'it y I 's t school at the time k dowth of lit addlt" Ito We bill Is stir-Parente vived bv bin Wile 7: Mrs Masel Bell I 13 tOr Arthur Alien BUTTONS-BUCKLItAtir4HAW—liervierit Of 1151 eat becond bout° itattatilt clea huaband of Ann Dunn lettalt eyelet& will be beiti Tuesday at 12A1 SUITONHOLill Specialty libels 4 L sow noon In tile Itoss ruOrn Seventh South street Counse is telentrt BRICIMAM erry—Jmteph Loon WORK of the tnur it Aamodt Jrriende Ort died in a local hospital Saturday night may call ward otriclattrut illness atter awaslingering worts Wore iris 1$T CLAtin cement a In mortuary SaturdaY eN ening born October 11 1877 In PrIEteed Prices mac Est free SWUM! Mon011y and ll'ueaday Intl ham City a eon of William L and Melia Imo of orvIcea kuneral ailrettOla PLASTERING cement brick 'work: btalzt Watkins Wight CRY Lienerat 41397 mortuary Reused and 'educated In arches patch work Guar righam be married Amelia Knudsen In the Logan — — – — It temple November 3A 1904 and RALI-N-- Funeral services for tieurgot kien CONTRACTORS-D- ay at Job began malting cabinets In itrigham CitY ry flails will be conducted Vveduce In 1007 he went into the coal and kw Mil room ro v hose in at 3 In EXPERT ins taws ens roofing riv bulginess slid continued Until his dath lie h netwe Stecionta South No toe largo pawing 2334 S trest kest call was an ctiv L II 8 church Worker servd room In the Gold the at ?eye' :nay want RPENITERS reinobetinc a term as city councilman under Mayor and zno pymt rnortuary Monnay and Tuesday It- - Pm Soy Jim Knudsen was a member of the avenue WedPaxton the home 134 at or the Scout council president past !rola 10 S m IS I p in Slid CailtrWork guar nesday Kiwania club and an active chamber or Mt the Ruse room prior to service commerce worker Deseret mortuary directors Funeral He Is survived by his wife three sone FLOOR FINISHING 1 Solt Lake City Carlyle Irving I Wight 11011NSoirviroa— tor —Antia—Marto--Wi:b Wight Lou Anceles: Shirley L Wight ILLJecollitsibirea3510ingsognacAttot: for4r94 sod kmamaninatiritzn owtolhooto ttaztitititoehloewntont Brigham City ono daughter Mrs Norma W Rubinson Prightem Cityi aeVen grandnoon moon ha and o'clock 12 at pOlightorMachines hold be sanding Tuesday children' 'Ind the Inilowing brothers and rent Murton Lumber 68623 In toe Itryan L I'D it ward rhaiwit POCRIlino William pipterel: Wight H Cintriail ofticiat Le Mahon $oreneon Ore union Clot Joseph Wight Idahoi l og nee L Wight Hrittharn eller rldroti I "'tuna may end at the mortu FURNACES South Seventh laaat 30 W re ary weft Melissa Peter 8140'niglistalltoLagenk ecnaylig Mom SPECIAL-Furn- aces Saturday orenina Sunday and vacuura 'leaned at 04 family remittance bet eonducted Tuve anq tier osrviepswill ruporai : l't leader ituin 10 a tn Until time ward chapel dl day In the Third L SPECIAL or FURNACES ctirecture kunerai Ispryiree flirted by Bishop W H lettaynor Interment Vacuum cleaned Dial eret Mortuary will he in the Brigham City cemetery i Friends May call at the remit' home MOVERS HOUSE IN Monday evening and Ttiteday until time AMU Cat tor Lily at services wilt he held Monday at I P m aim him wit mov nottees any size or kusst any in the Mill Creek ward engine twre h south street Bishop East Thirty-nintlerietios KETCHUM BUILDERS SUPPLY Cyrus N Walters ottietatino i9S5 South MAY call at the residence WirsiT WEIttelt Woher County—runeret VW W 4th South Phone West street kieventh Sunday evettitig Pervicee for Dennis William Wagstaff InCIA and Monday from 10 a m until 12 kiAVENS fant son of Willard L and Elizabeth Gib in burial noon the Interment and moved weed Go astywnsre !pilau SuildIngs eon Wagstaff of West Weber were eon 0 2320 So Main 414701 Rat park undtr direttiou al the Whits ducted Sunday afternoon by ilishop George chapel mortuary A Heston Of West Weber I L it ward in SHARPENED MOWERS LAWN the Ulan mortuary chaNd at Ogdeo servir tor PrIsham rprii ustoo bullet wee in Wont Weber remotest n ()omen hospital he child died at of 014 North kind Wo l Waal nos- LAWN mowers ens roomed C A treertar lit 135 E Broedway Wino ci thweitath Wines tittles illaturday nIght H was horn rriday TUastiay St 12 titt noon Surviving ere the parents a minerhall Pathan at the assetutdy and grounds temple Wagstaff of West Weber thre Mrs Mary A Wagwith Bishop °Star M theon of the grandparenta ward staff of ottirtatitic Ogden and Mr and Urit Jacob wallpaper paints Save 23 to Tventytourth W Gineon of West Weber Yrienill may rail at the mortuary 504 Papenng and pittntott 119 tit East Seventh South street sator Regent -- et and venins Monday Sunday urday it AC Coo tr sounn Co Sod at this family remittanceor Tuaaday W paint 1111Por1ttlt Mcgpagrreta OP WIN& fton 10 a ro until time COVirk-ST Prices expert Papering paieDas Yunerat directors 0erkaret Mortuary cleaning Call Peareon n ss "'am p service' for Mrs Ger- PAPERING--Re-Work MtM)ET—Illiteral Jacons PainL guar 'kik trwla Visser Itoott site of William ces Moott wilt be conducted Wednesday SPECIAL-pripapering and otinting Sarno turn W d R Duke at 1 A m in the Roes room 36 East Friends may PAPERING: interior-AnSeventh Pouth street Salt Lake City call at the French room in the mot Best work lowest anti Plarr—Rarold Funeral until time of service Raymnnd Virginia tuary boulse Chadwick 1976 Claremont way directors Deseret mortuary PATENT ATTORNEYS daughter July 25 la Aaderwits—Blain and Mari On Con Manley Services foe Antoniti-touCaOltAs U A Reg Trail's TitomAs'a 37 ta daughter JillY so of 741 Blair street htishand of marks drawings allS00 bldg litartiard—Orrien and Mary Palmer tarry he vitil held Alonso 11berts (Armond eta 14n wad North street daughter Tuesidity at the Rose room 36 East PRINTERS-BOOKSINJuly US ' Seventh South street the Reverend Etelew—Marvin Lloyd and Parish Arvella W DIY k of Mattson Seventh the 1117 Third East street daughter Sister and subtle Miter" srbinding v Adventit4 church officiating Friends FOR Gortvets July 29 Dust Co 221 Edison mv eau at the mortuary and Paturday Beaver anti Dorothy Plitabeth Stelsg—Joh 'rues vanins Sunday Monday Drew 1719 Kra tiord avenue daughter RENT A TRUCK Funeral until time Or Der July-- 29 Deseret Mortuary director and VIII Berman neural Prderirie a TRUCII Move lotass4 StP no Grimmer 11aat Viral b alnla Gas ot1 furnished Low ratite I South Wert eon July 31 tor 3ri HI abet- 'Mel& 20 114 r TRUCK PULER ELNTAIn NC Ma Mathlina Paulsen lona died AuAthas—Chrtatopaer Elias and Alice Dalai ' 24 Fifth atrfet pan July :11 gust 29 will bo held Tuesday In the 360 So Well Temple en o ntekinpos—William Fletcher Jr and Lola 1431 Glimer drti Yle ward at 12pet:15 Re(tetica Moll''' 315 kast With Mouth ROOFING p m Bishop Lebeginning etre son Auxual 1 Jrand Beckman will officiate Friends nd Emanuel Beulah may rah et 124 Fourth 1ast street YOUR Tootling problomo oollotd 11120Ttivo Jorsponro—Virtor p In Murray Palmer 3309 Gaaen1 plats Los Monday venine from 5 to Frog vottrugtoo Coolutuore 80001g Cal eon Aunuot ale at the roeidenr of Mtg W T Angeles kAost Ninth Smith )ona Id A les a mire unit Pella trtet in:ry Pypr Memphia Macke WI Third East tritst Tuesday trom 10 until 11 a m in TRUSSES son August 4 torment wit& to la Ws City cemetery !Altaipt—Benjamin and Bernice Bloom SURGICAL toektugs WOW trussed' Milkott 2042 Sourth South street HotlirtEttet---FuneraFITTED BY 17CPERTS n 2 l services for Albert taday eon 201 Soutn Mgal 101 LAIL Cut Monree—WiniamAugust Wendell and Margery SpeYrst hustle nd of Hazel Bell Will be conducted Tuesday tit 1346 Hamard avenue Roger Speers Carpenter 11011 3 M Iii the Third Presbyterian Auctrt 5 WINDOW SHADES Willard and Patna LaRtut sove00 church East and tievem Nichols—Shirt') p:vnth Turnbow 154 Guest avenue son August Booth streets Dr Hobert IL WLNDOW shades and Vitottiao Ittnits la tP'ntfl o Steele offirlatng Friends may call at lats-m- ade wood or steel bv bLracs the stateroom in the mortuary ad and Genevieve Page—Waller Howard Co Fro samples and estimates Schroeder 1716 Seventeenth East treet East thmenth South street Monday SANDERS Souta 'Rata an“ August 9 Funeral (tweeters Deseret mortuary IJoseph Leon Wigilt Albert Nelson Speers Holiday Fete South of Ogden Beam of Searchlight Picks Out Boy Dangling From Blankets Just Below used a powerful spotlight from a poll:e prowl car to locate a youth danglaig from blankets tied to- gether outside the ninth floor He juvenile detention ward riskt-c- l a sheer drop to the f:fth floor setback of the building Before going up to the jail the officers locked the building and searched every office carefully to glee that no prisoner had already reached the comparative freedom of the lower floors By the time they reached the detention ward the three youths being held there had clambered back into their detention rooms They were a boy from Roy held Dufor burglary a " luth' Minn boy and a youth from Scotts Bluff Neb held for vagrancy All prisoners were accounted for After receiving permission from Juvenile Judge Paul Thatcher the would-b- e escapers were locked in individual cells in the women's ward The detention ward windows are not barred and the youths could easily climb out through the 8 by openings Corde from the blinds had been tied together with a magazine weight on one end prenmably to find out how much ef a drop existed to the first setback of the building Since there Ia no 'night Jailer on the ninth floor police and itherifrit officers on the ground floor are held responsible Six Persons 1911 CALL AN EXPERT ' FUNERALS T 15-Ho- ur it September I i ins 4 t - T ':--- - ' ''' |