Show - A 20 November 30 19q :5bc Salt Sake Tribune f' Saturday Morning- —" — ’ 0 y ’ Irish Linens Haven Missed a Boat Yet!: Visitors Treat Foreign o Kindly and You Preach a White Is Right For Damask American Way of Life Some will go back to a life without those they knew and loved They will have to start Ufa among strangers make their way under hard conditions Let them carry with them a lifejong memory of the sympathy affection and understanding that you the American children showered upon them when they came to you sad and homeless If you do this you serve not only the stricken children but your own country your own American way of life You send out each of these children as a missionary for the American re public the United States America you strengthen the You hands of your people spread the gospel of democracy throughout Europe in a way that will count for generations to come Take'thls duty upon yourselves and perform It as faithfully as you would any major service to your country as soldiers of this democracy Show the world how children reared In a free land understand the obligations of that freedom Mr Patrl will give personal attention to inquiries from parents and school teachers on the care and development of children Write him in care of The Salt Lake Tribune Inclosing a tamped envelope for reply By Angelo Patrf ThU Is a message to the chilIt dren of the 'United States is important because it is concerned with a duty you can perform for humanity and your own country No children before you have had this duty laid upon them and for your 'personal honor for the honor of your country please do it well Children are coming to us from the countries that have been torn by the war They had to leave their homes their people all they knew and loved and take refuge in a foreign land far from the terror of the enemy They are coming to us for shelter and protection and I hope your loving care You will meet them in school Smile at them kindly wherever you meet them Lend them a ’hand whenever they need it without waiting to be asked Don’t laugh at their ways Just remember that you would look queer enough If you were landed In Holland or France or without a friend who knew and understood you Your dress your manners your speech would seem odd too Be careful gentle and t Don’t Act Superior Put on your best manners when you are with them the kind your mother has been drivGive ing into you for years these guests first place at least until they understand what life In your school Is all about Ask them no questions Remember that Wait until they are on friendly terms with you and can talk to you In your own language Then you can get together and tell one another what Is in your ' - White Is right for damasks aftef a vogue for pastelsand oc- A chic coat is of a neutral plaid brown and black on a soft gray ground A luxurious stole collar of black fox adds to the generally elegant aspect of the coat It is shown with a ' conga brown pull-ovsweater and a smoky gray pleated wool skirt full-leng- th y boys join new-looki- Masculine Lines Many of Those Who Suffer From Pinworms Reinfect Themselves Doctor Declares By Dr Irving 8 Cutter None of ux relishes the thought that the intestinal tract is the dwelling place of a multitude of parasitic worms Nevertheless such may be the case and in some families the condition may persist for years Attention is usually called to the existence of the offenders because of Itching about the exit of the theirMdy in ssIsess! NEW JERSEY WOMAN DECLARES H 13 H of baking with Spry and al-- 1 have grand results” continues ways Mm G Rauchmiller of Maplewood N J “I don’t care to use gnythlng else but always have Spry on my pantry shelf” h meals on And that means the table as millions of women know You get lighter cakes the Spry way flakier pastry crisper fried foods so digestible a child can eat them result— why? Because Spry’s purer stays fresh longer creams so easily And it’s the only shortening to give all thru of these extra Advantages 1 Change to Spry today !'T do a lot i GEE MOM 'IT'S M SWELL' top-notc- 11 S Wedgwood pattern are still easily procurable The fashion swing is again to white damask Irish linens haven’t missed a boat so such exquisite linen damask tablecloths as this Outfits that will keep you toast warm that will make every one take a second look of approval are the ideal models for travel and campus life Every piece has been copied from masculine originals Even the slacks and skirts have a sleekness that only comes from expert cutting and tailoring' bowel v casional deep tonea Satin band designs plain woven but ornamented with stunning mono-- " grams are tops in taste and are chosen for the finest trousseaux Newest Idea is the placing of the initials at both ends of the tablecloth This gives a double orna- ment and permits everyone seated at the table to seo the design Such monograms are embroidered at each end 21 Inches from the center As a change from damasks there are on which the patterns have been hand painted in pastel colors Fruits and flowers are favorite designs their natural shades forming a delicate color contrast to the gleaming white damask While this handbackground painting looks fresh and fragile the practical truth is that the colors are completely fast te er Don’t feel superior to these children because yoji know your way about and they don't Many of them will be able to dance rings around you In lessons games and usefulness generally Some of them may not be able to talk English but they will be able' to think in their own language and you want them to think well of you and your way of life Long Remember Some good day these children will go back to their home lands FZzfro-delidQ- By Bee Forsyth Wolverton This morning’ we wake up with a wonderful bona flde Wli ting headache and grope rapturously for the telephone notify our boss that we can’t come to work we ar Indisposed whereupon we settle ourself for a snug front of a blazing fire with ap apple and a book and nebiJ? vague plans bubbling In our head anent getting at that t 0r we should have finished last June But our son has other plans he thinks our head' Is Just a gag het starts to howl we quiet him with! he’d sell his soul for a glass of grape Juice swig of gn we reach for our book Juice any day in the week Van William wanta to play that new game we taught' th! him other night In a motherly moment that game where he rum and we catch him and vice versa so we put down our book and make a positive ass of ourself running from the kitchen the living room to the bathroom to the bedroom peeking aroun’d corners and giggling like an Idiot after an hour of ffif we are ready to drop not so Van William 1 - He wants to ride a so we ride a to Banbury Cross after which we for a hall hour or to after which we moo like the cow goes and baa lfe the sheep goes and meow like the kitty goes we even cock-hors- e cock-hor- pat-a-cak- Live active specimens of the pinworm vary from less than of an Inch to more than one-ha- lf inch In length These forms journey through the digestive tube and reach the colon within two or three weeks The eggs are deposited on the skin of the buttocks and as many as 10000 may be laid at one time How common is this infestation? There is rather wide variation in the figure due no doubt to the careless methods used for detection when swabs (tests) are made Many hospitals win show that 10 per cent or more of all children are playing hosts to the vermin Other reports indicate that as high as 50 per cent are afflicted Are these invaders harmful? Certainly we cannot ascribe convulsions delirium or any other major malady to their presence ne-eighth On the other hand because of sensation of itching victims may' become fretful They are’ likely to suffer loss of sleep and appetite Sometimes the worms congregate in the appendix and lead to true inflammation of that structure There can requiring surgery be no question that when freed of these pests most youngsters will put on weight and regain their ruddy complexions with the disappearance of dark circles under the eyes Inasmuch as this disorder symbolizes bad hygiene we should get rid of the offenders A number of procedures have been Recent experifound valuable ments indicate that one of the aniline dyes— namely gentian violet can be given in capsule This coloring or tablet form matter will so discourage the parasites that most of them will give up the ghost As a rule one-ha- lf physicians prescribe grain tablets for adults to be taken before meals for one week Several days of rest are then permitted If this regime does not prove adequate a second or even a third course may be administered Fortunately toxic effects are extremely mild as very little of the drug is absorbed the disagreeable o Occasionally however nausea will be complained of Children require much smaller doses" and the treatment should be continued for at least three weeks Other methods include enemas of a water extract of quassia chips or the giving of tetrachlor-ethylen- e This latter chemical Is In itself a fairly toxic substance Enemas designed to destroy the' eggs are ineffective An antiseptic mixed with a greasy substance will rarely kill all of the ova while scrupulous cleansing will Hexlyresorcinol has been suggested for enemas but the compound must be used repeatedly over many weeks before eradication can be expected There is no advantage in taking the drug by mouth Since reinfection is easy the y hands must be scrubbed (including the finger nails) after each visit to the thor-oughl- toilet Copyright 1940 Chicago Tribune Ski LILLIAN So too are the bolder colors In another group of linens with flowers hand painted on place mats In natural colorings on ecru linen the effect Is very gay and Is a sure bet for the woman who is a garden enthusiast For she can use real flowers of the same kind as a center decora' tion for either a breakfast or luncheon table (Such flowers as tulip rose hydrangea poppy and gladioli are represented in the series t Printed linens are more varied and beautiful than ever AsJn other fields the patriotic motif is a current favorite— a particularly happy combination for the womfln who has white china One of the big New York stores shows a theme with water glasses in red and salt cellars in blue glass to pick up the red and blue of the printed linen tablecloth The same Idea can be carried out more formally with traditional white damask cloth as the basis tri-col- or CORNELL AND KEN MURRAY Into the play pen with him and try to remember how that Holgat educational toy worka but It is too much for us W( decide to Just stretch out and read and give him the run ol the house He makes for the kitchen and we hear the cheery clatter of we tiptoe to the pots and pans followed by ominous quiet door and peekaboo at our son rooting In the garbage can we rescue him and bathe him again and change his clothes thia time he’ll play in the living room we close the kitchen we take up our book door and we look up just in time to snake our moppet out of the fireplace - We are just consi4erlng getting us a chair and a whip when the back door chime rings It is our husband home from work and no lunch “It seems to me” he informs us shedding his coat and rubbers and eyeing the living room which his favorite son has efficiently wrecked “ypu could at least have warmed up a can " ofjoup“Oh does it Indeed?" we grit at him “Well take a look at that little Indian you ired How would you keep an snimi like that under control?" We gesture wildly at our son he Is sitting on his little red chair with his fists folded serenely and a cherubic grin on his face Just all worn out " he gurjgles angelically "Da - “Da-da- ” da-d- a Profit From Home Study An enviable young man—he who breaks' Into the field of advertising and commercial art So great Is the demand for good Illustrations that an enthusiastic reception and good pay regard whoever makes the grade If you are an amateur In’ Art with no opportunity for schooling you may think such success is out of your reach It isn’t by any means You can do as many professionals'- have done study Illustration at home method By s modern short-cwhich makes Use of charts and diagrams you can learn how to draw the human figure in easy steps— analyzing It Into its simplest basic forms then adding details Our booklet "A Simple Course In Illustration and Advertising Art” gives instruction with 237 Ulus-- 1 trations and diagrams on draw-- ’ ing the figure and adding detaUs of clothing features expression Explains light and shade foreshortening osition horses -' Home Bureau Salt Lake Service City Utah ut 3t to 33 years old Woman who u restless moody NIRVOU8— who leer hot flashes dlzcy spells—to tab Lydia X Plnkham'a Vegetable Co- step-by-st- IN "A NIGHT Plnkham’e te fsmouJor mpound 40-pa- ge helping women during these "trying times' due to functional irregularities Get a bottle today from you! druggist! WORTS TRYING! ep CARROLL'S' A PARAMOUNT AT EARL "You PICTURE tuiuEiG eup J of Hi ( ra-j-B- " ' n'sjs f perspective compof dogs snd the drawing Send- - 15 cents In coins or stamps for our booklet "A Simple Course In Illustration and Advertising Art” to The Trib- A Kitten for Baby ' s e get Chic Plaid Coat heart t Un-en- of" very' kind t Gather your heirlooms while you mayl Now Is the time to give or collect household linens for war conditions have not yet affected the shipments of lovely Irish st which have been arriving The British governregularly ment frowns on these linens being sold at home to that all their production can be' sent to America So you’ll And plentiful’ selections in all price ranges from colorful kitchen towels to gleaming damask tablecloths And your linen purchases will have the double significance of aiding Britain and adding to your treasured possessions - Life With Van WilW One Round After Another 5 "—and herds the proof!" says Lillian Cornell to Kett Murray V ' aSAWMWli w I X'V I'X DEVIll FOOD IOAF S eunof fhoooUte melted L teaspoon vanilla powder teaapoon ealt 1H eupe lifted flour H eup thick eour milk Mix chocolate boiling water and aoda Let stand while cake is being made Blend Spry salt and vanilla Add sugar gradually and cream well (Dons in a ti twinkling with Spry) Add eggs singly beating well alter each addition Sift baking powder with flour 3 times Add flour to creamed mixture alternately with sour milk mixing after each addition until smooth Add cooled chooolate mixture and blend Bake in 8x8x pan in moderate oven (3S0 F) 60 to 60 minutes Spread Coffee Frosting on top and sides of cake 8es how light and tender thia Spry cake is— what marvelous flavor Purer Spry lets the full rich ohooolsta taste come through in all its satisfying I 1 1 1 cup euftr 2 egg unbeaten 1 teaspoon bakinf you s tritU-tnam- PURER COFFEI FHOST1NO 3 tshWspoons Spry 2)4 eupe lifted oonfee-- 1 tionere’ eugar tablespoon butter W teaspoon salt 3 tablwpoona hot eof- fee beverage (abotq) yi teaapoon vanilla Blend 8pnr butter salt and Vanilla Beat in cup sugar Add hot coffee UH I By Baroness Fiantonl Pattern No 1649 Cuddle toys are quick and easy to make Several may be cut at one time over today's pattern and the seams run up on the machine The pattern comprises full information and Instructions also cut-opattern for each part Ask for 1549 and enclose 10 cents (coin or stamps) Address The Tribune-TelegraHome Service Bureau Salt Lake City Utah goodness ” luummtnh fn rti neipttan lew?) end save this Spry ralpJ— simi Wetf c wiwittt wait a min- - tint Mmmm— pardon mt wt One batch of toffu iotorCt I wipt that ontor off prove anything You made it our call your ohoto IMlionTh strong on purpou and that’s tho look0 much weaker but that goo flavor ttiU eomo through way like ooffoo 11 111 an But J mad more eoffto uuiani Thank for thois and thi time I mad it weak Try word e Mr Murray but to it Kn— you'll like it truth it you oan’t male i 1549 7RPIE-- ut CREAMEP alternately with remaining sugar beat-- ’’ ing well after each addition Beat until thick enough to spread t will IS Spry-greas- rtU kh-k- m FOR EASIER MIXING i —J ve meney-b- uy thrifty t cm ueieagei by Beu Syndicate Inc i'uniionBfs enoupv cougiis to Dm Chest Colds Rub chast and throat with Mild le (made especially lor children) to quickly relieve distress of bronMus-two- - one oaiNO0 for drip er glow (effee etekert IIOIIIAI OSINS (ar percoioter er cottee pat chial and spasmodie croupy coughs aauMNs oupofMJB ‘ ' Jo i ' ‘ “ f Why you won’! make a bad cup of M J Hero’s why It flever fails! Make" your coffoo with tho ") and in tho samo manner you have in tho paat You will find tne two exclusive M JB features -- a richer roast— an J doublt'a‘ ing— wrlll give you the flneet cup of coffoo you’vo ovor tasted! y Offer Buy a pound of M JB co tor don’t If a week agree It’s better than any other you it-rFrflnclw San Co 666 Third Streep eturn the lid to M J B ‘ and we will gladly refund doubt your purchase price ' ef ' L' t b I J ftW' ck faVP-Air'- W yg() 0KB X f p r i 4 f |