Show t ! SATURDAY MORNING THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE 10 DECEMBER 31 1938- - t Dpen Houses Miss Kathleen Thomas Wedded Friday In Temple to Eugene T Pingree Th marriage of Miss Kathleen Thomas daughter of Mr and Mrs 1043 East Third King Thomas South street and Eugene T Pingree son "of Mrs Frank Pingree 173 First avenue was solemnized Friday at high noon in the Salt Lake L D S temple-b- y David O S L Betrothal Announced Hyde-Mill- er Couple Wedded in Home Rites Will Prevail Mr and Mrs Orson John Hyde B street announce the approaching marriage of their daughter Misa Radie Hyde to Joeeph Miller son of Mr and Mrs Housewarming arrivals of Visitors Smith Matthew A Miller 828 Ashton ave- just! ue ln the city for New Yearisr-anI the spirit of the holiday season — Th marriage will be solemnized are the Incentives for many inf or- - Saturday morning In the Salt Lake mal open houses to take place Sun-- 1 HD- - S temple with Nicholas Smith I day In Salt Lake City p0u0Wlng a short wedding trip Among the festive events is the the couple will reside in Salt Lake affair Dr and Mrs U R BrynerCity are presiding kover at their home 1425 Harvard avenue During both afternoon and evening hours on New Year’s day friends have been— Invited to drop In for “cheerio” Y ISltOT greetings Sons and daughters home for va-- i Midnight gupper WM erved to cations also share In the gay rounds eight guests following bridge at a of parties party given Friday evening by Miss b hom Miss Hoyt Smith plans to be "at Barb"! 1400 Fifteenth East street in com- home" between the hours of 5 and pliment to Miss Margo Faerber who 7 p m at tho homo of her parents h visiting In Salt Lake City from Mr and Mrs Fred E Smith 1370 Chicago arrangements Military way to 'wish friends h Ping carnation "Happy New Year" before she hies were effective for the table and back to Scrlpps college at Clare- - room decorations Guests Included Miss Ines Han mont Cal Also receiving on New Year’s 'day I sen Miss Margaret M Culp Miss at the home of his parents Mr and Dorothy Elizabeth Franklin Mrs Mrs F S Mulock 1373Third ave- - Ben G Bagley Miss Norlnne Ten nue is Richard (Red) Mulock as pest and Miss Katherine Stake v are the two young daughters of Mr Friday afternoon Miss Hansen and Mrs W I Dick Young 1241 was hostess at a luncheon gtvep at Gilmer drive — Miss Lillian Young the home of her parents Mr and and Miss Margaret Young They Mrs Walter R Hansen 1042 Seven-wi- ll hold open house at their home teenth East street The party also on New Year’s day between the honored Mis Betty L Millikan hours of 1 and 3 p m About 2001 who Is visiting in Salt Lake City from Odessa Wash guests have been bidden Assisting the young hostesses will Glistening metallic balls on a be another sister Miss Mary Lou mound of fluted cellophane centered ' the luncheon table where the fol- Young When friends call on Mr and lowing guests were seated: Miss Mrs Francis B Goeltz 2373 East Florence Snedden Miss Roberta V Thirteenth South street Sunday to Nesbitt Miss Helen Slopanskey say ‘The same to you!” they also Miss Marian Cornwall Miss Beverly will be adding congratulations be- - Stoner Mrs Carl F Welti and the cause the day celebrates the wed-- 1 guest of honor ding anniversary of the couple Friends are invited to call between the hours of 7 and 10 p m 5dlt Lake Mdld S Another couple to hold open house i on Sunday are Mr and Mrs R B VVeCiQing TO vOSST Colborn 528 Wall street Between U t i J NllOWn the hours of 8 and 7 p m members of the Victor lodge No 89 with their Made known today Is the mar-O- n escorts have been invited to call oX Miss Mary Phyllis Read Monday afternoon between the K a®’8 hours of 2:30 and 5 pm Dr and daughter of Mr and Mrs Mayne Mrs George Thomas will receive Head I®3 Yale avenue and How-the- ir many friends at their home ard dokn Person of Oakland Cal 1317 East South Temple street The son of Mr- - and Mrs- - John Paul Per Wichita Kan reception observes a tradition of ®°n The ceremony took place on De many years' standing cember 24 at St Peter’s Naval chapel Mare Island with Chaplain Charles V Ellis U S N officiat- 'Jew Year's Day 271 Gowned In m model of whits slipper satin mads with bouffant skirt bodies and short cook-ta- il tight-fittijacket of ruffled whits net Miss Marian Jackson daughter of Mr and Mrs' R C Jackson 564 Sixth East street was united in marriage to J Earl Peterson son of Mr and Mra Hy Peterson 434 E street on was Friday evening The ceremony bride’s the of home the at performed uncle and aunt Mr and Mra H R Moulton 1444 Murphy lane with a deception for 40 guests following' The bride who wore a corsage of with dainty pink rosebuds combined sprays was attended by Mrs Moulton as matron of honor Her gown was of heavy crepe with large splashes of blue and rust flowers on a background She wor a of butterfly yellow corsage of fragrant gardenias sister-in-la- w Attending matron was a n of the bride Mrs R A Jack-sowho chose jonquil yellow chif-lo- tt with a gardenia and rose corsage Refreshments at the reception were served in buffet style the table for which was covered with a handsome lac cloth and was centered with a large tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature brida and d ' t Mc- Kay Following the nuptial rites a reception was held Friday night at the Delta Delta Delta sorority house 1431 East First South street The bridal party stood in front of fcigh arched windows which were flanked on either side with lilies and palms and mellow lighted by cathedral candles The bride’s wedding gown of heavy white satin was enhanced with a longd'iyeeping train and fastened with high neck and Peter Pan collar Her veil was four tiered white tulle caught to a Juliet cap of seed pearls and orange blossoms Che carried a bouquet of calls lilies Miss Marjorie Thomas her sister and maid of honor wore a frock of cheny wine satin and the four bridesmaids Miss Katherine Moffat Miss Beverly Graham Miss Janet Stephenson and Miss Lila H Smith Were dressed in similar models of royal blue satin All of the attendants canted colonial nosegays of Talisman rosea and sweet peas Little Peggy Jean Thomas the flower girl was charming in a long dress of blue taffeta Over her sum Was a basket of roses mother of the Mrs Thomas bride wore an attractive model of French blue chiffon with silver trim while Mrs Pingree mother of the bridegroom was dressed In a Milgrim model of black crepe with lame trimmings Their corsages were of orchids In the dining room a handsome lace cloth covered the serving table which was artistically centered with a bowl of whlta snapdragons and Talisman roses Tall white tapers burned In silver candelabra n either side of the table Miss Isabel Marcroft was In charge of the dining room assisted by sorority sisters of the bride Mrs Joseph F Smith and Mrs John O Peterson wer In charge of the gift room while Mra Wayne H Knight of Chicago Mra Lane W Adame and Miss Faye McCarrey re oeived the guests at the door The bride's going away suit was a black wool ensemble with velvet trim and accessories of black suede After a wedding trip the couple will make their home at 2204 Jefferson avenue Ogden ng ’ i i -- jj V bridegroom The couple will be at hom at 564 4- - soon Sixth East street Sunday Supper Menu Serves i Eight or Nine By LOUISE BENNETT WEAVER Miss Radio Hyde whose betrothal and approaching marriage to Turkey Shortcake Cranberry Jelly bride-to-bFruit Salad Joseph Smith Miller is made known by the parents of the Plum Jelly Toasted Rolls Mr and Mrs Orson John Hyde Applie Pie Coffee Friday Afternoon Luncheon p Turkey Shortcake teaThree cups pastry flour teaspoon spoons baking powder salt 5 tablespoons fat 114 cups Bride-Ele- ct Compliments milk 1 egg) Mix together the flour baking and white blue tapers by powder and salt Cut' In the fat In silver candelabra with a knife Slowly add milk and Following luncheon guests spent egg When a soft dough forms pat bride’s a a happy afternoon making it out until It is half an inch thick book to present to Miss Jensen Spread with butter and carefully BevMiss included Those present Bake for 20 minfold half-ovScowcroft erly Betts Miss Janice utes Split and add filling Eccles of Ogden and Miss Marilyn Miss Alice Moyle Miss Mary Cath- Filling erine Howell Miss Jane Ray Miss Five tablespoons butter H cup teaspoon salt hi teaspoon Jane Wetzel Miss Margaret Gurn-se- y flour Miss Beatrice Winsor Miss paprika 3 cups milk hi cup cream Jeanne Cannon Miss Helen Gardi- 2 cups diced cooked turkey 1 cup 3 ner Miss Florence Durkee and browhed cooked mushrooms tablespoons chopped pimientos the honoree teaspoon celery salt 2 teaspoons minced parsley Melt butter and add flour Combine thoroughly and add seasonings and milk Cook slowly and stir Continuing the gay round of ties feting Miss Luclle Jensenjse-for- e she leaves the end of next week to be wedded to Richard'- Young Bennlon of Washington D C Miss Shirley’ Gardiner entertained at a luncheon Friday afternoon at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs ing R Art Gardiner 1422 Princeton The bride wore a navy blue tall- - avenue aCCeSS°rlM’ and W“ Miss Cherry Daynes of San Bright colored miniature sleighs Festive Party Given the silver centerpiece surrounded ‘her and Mrs Pferson will be at on the luncheon table which was — a °xuest for of the year at Friday MrsRoval wDavniuM F treeU10g9 after the first street In Oak FjftygeVenth Thomas daughEngaged Couple Mrs Eugene T Pingree the former Miss Kathleen Mrs J Mitchell Hoyt and sonjnd ter of Mr and Mrs King Thomas 1043 East Third South street J Mitchell Hoyt Jr-oNew York Guests gathered ’round a festive whose wedding at high noon Friday in the Salt Lake L D S City en route to California for ii I Mr when smorgasbord Friday night a month’s visit will stop briefly ini rfllllQ findJ Velvet constantly until a thick creamy and Mrs E F Plllsbury entertained temple was one of the prominent nuptial events of the last day Salt sauce forms Add rest of ingredients Lake next City Friday They h old of the year at their home in Holladay Forty-fiftand let simmer for ten minutes will be guests of Mr and Mrs Fred 'OmD Inea South street and Highland Place hot baked shortcake on a Smith 1370 Military way E covered linoleum or ChlC Frock a of n Whether It bo part drive in honor of Miss Marilyn warm serving platter Use turkey Shaw and her fiance Ivan H Karns Mr and Mrs George H Smith 55 house"or of a palatial residence work surfaces Then It becomes as filling and topping mixture ala of Billings Mont thing in the world Laurel street will arrive home Sun-- L Chicken or goose may he used in the kitchen Is primarily the same the easiest attractive a to have The fete climaxed the many pre ways yjean day morning to spend New Year’s place ot turkey trimmings kitchen abt for eveninhut not for once it is detached from nuptial parties the betrothed couple day at’ home They have been and nonessentials And more and Attractiveness Is essential sines It Fruit Salad have inspired before their marriage One cup seeded grapes 1 cup oversight Is remedied In a more we find the kitchen assuming makea for cheerfulness an imporhomeMhelrfn takes place tonight—New Year’s I m handsome afternoon frock which tant point when we consider how diced pineapple 1 cup diced oranges eve as and new interest KAIN Importance L ' 0? By IDA JEAN and velvet for uses faille for much time is spent in the kitchen 1 cup diced grapefruit hi cup Assisting the host’and hostess In Albuquerque N M tighPt fltting bodice its equipment improves and is reskir£ If you have too much Kinney You don’t have to gain weight torexerciae and how hard we have to work French dressing entertaining the guests were Mr Mix and chill ingredients Elerve while there and Mrs Gail E Smith of Klamath lose your figura Without the weight In the hips and too little From Chicago Mr and Mrs Alan nds at the hlP lin- where 11 J°lna duced in price xt haa a velvet Those mournful souls who conin colors In a bowl lined with shredded letcolor scheme out 1283 East South Temple th flared skirt Means a Work H Falls Ore holiday visitors at the down slim can chest on the you slightest gain in weight your figure tuce Pass additional dressing street have returned to spend New J0W a Ihe neck and velvet that make you feel happy Pillsbury home one measurement while building up stantly bewail the state of the world bands Guests Included members affil- can change until at home the other And you will look and There Is a zipper in back from will Insist that we are all" coming iated with the local office of the you take a whole Mrs Union Worthington of Wil- - neck to end of faille It is a useful out of the kitchen as fast as we can feel younger in the bargain! United Statee Indian service de- size larger irock Del is spending the holi- - frock for general afternoon occa-daand that's just partment of interior But somehow their lamentations Outdoor play is by far the best mlngton with her son and daughter-in- sions Miss Shaw is the daughter of Wil- what happens exdon’t of exercise the form since keep tune with the song that law Mr and Mrs William S Worth- liam H Shaw of Logan and Mr when your nice By UNCLE RAY is sung by manufacturers of kitchen' hilaration tends to hasten the ch‘ldren’ 435 Karns is the son of Mr and Mrs C firm muscles lose nd women comes near As old Held the ltsabout famous are sales that year who Kstree? report equipment Bridge Party toni process of muscle toning Another B Karns of Stanley N Y in discoveries science New time all the and to end be ask ranges a idea it great improving good may Mrs Worthington a former Salt A well Actually good point is that you enjoy outpeetnnc Home both gas and electric new auto- ourselves questions such as these: Do you keep a scrapbook of the door play and are apt to make a Laker wiU visit in California theAT toned muscles of habit of it and when it comes to middle of January before return-- 1 Mrs Wesle 0 Sesaions was the matic refrigerators new Bets weigh more than Are we better off than when the Corner stories and do you belong Orange Muffins Plus stores can't deliver the saucepans— to home over in her Delaware flabby tissue but making your figure started? Have the Happy New to the Scrapbook club? Lam always regularity ing year at hostess a we are midholiday delightful them fast enough Sure is Raisins Make Tasty it in exercise is practically the whole compact at coming out of the kitchen— out of Year wishes of our friends last Jan- glad when readers join the club evening bridge Thursday party Miss Mettome Dawn Mary while the flabby daughis Ice thing splendid for skating uary come true for us? What did New Year’s time is a Harrison avenue the kitchen muddle Hot Bread for Menu tissue runs to the figure So is skiing But if you ter of Mr and Mrs N P Mettome good tlms to we gain of a really worthwhile sort decorated symbols Gay 427 M street will leave bulk That is how-i- t can’t work up the nerve to tackle Saturday Is no Section There 1938?” for It but join charge Preparation during Have you ever made muffins with livnfurooms’ wlth J°®®buds ®en" these sports there’s nothing wrong for Chicago to attend Northwestern happens that One thing we all should have each reader who wants to be a the in kitchen supper a When your tering orange juice and sour milk adding measure ments planning university with plain walking With member is expected to send a favors marked places for Mrs G H new houee it is well to remember gained is greater knowledge plenty of raisins to the batter? The spread without an Ida Jean Kain Exercise Is & slow reducer for of public libraries stamped envelope addressed to Visiting In Des Moines Iowa as Dyer Mrs George E Enger Mrs that the refrigerator belongs In the its thousands result Is a meltingly tender fluffy increase in weight and it is the burns few calories in and schools the world is himself This envelope is to bo comparison muffin— a thing of beauty reason exercise is a P H Newell Mrs Ronald J Holl-ber- g preparation section of the kitchen museums If you to the number it is possible to take the guest of friends is V Max Moffitt Mrs'Lou It should stand as near as possible a place where we can add to our used in sending back a 1939 memMra Hand daughter of Mr and which is a joy but not forever no are to have a lovely necessity into the body at one meal but it Mrs T figure bership certificate a leaflet telling C Hand Jr 1548 Princeton B Dods and Mra Delia Sessions of to the door through which food knowledge easily Indeed! It will be gobbled up all makes short work of trimming the Miss Hand's how to make a scrapbook of your can we home backward After case strikes this In looking you Bountiful Robert brother Hand house comes into the too quickly are probably already concerned measurements You can look per has returned to Ft Lewis Wash assisted by her The proper kitchen boasts ade' look forward How can we make own and a mall printed cover was The hostess Orange Raisin Muffins our minds richer by adding to the design which you may place on over a thickening waistline and ceptibly slimmer after just one after spending Christmas with his daughter Miss Donna Vickie quate storage facilities strategically (12 large muffins) we know? Can we make bet- the cover of the scrapbook you buy spreading hlpa The waistline very week placed It is often a good Idea to things Send for leaflet “Measure Your parents or make Two cups flour teaspoon soda quickly shows the lock of exercise cab- ter use of the knowledge we gain? the of have storage the tops 3 Vt teaspoon salt Life Is largely a question of how cup sugar Vt for the slimness of this measure- Curves” and note the improvement work above the wall on the inets cup raisins 1 egg well beaten 3 ment depends entirely on the tone exercise makes In your figure counters so that the cook just has to use time All of us have 365 days in a year and all of us can take cup strained orange juice' hi tea- of the trunk muscles Otherwise Write to Ida Jean Kain Leaflets the to have down or to reach up time for good reading as well as for spoon grated orange rind 3 cup the figure sags and when it sags are 3 cents each by mail or 1 cent necessary materials at handi 3 sour milk or buttermilk work and play cup It thickens The bqny structure of each If you eall at The Tribune-TelegraHome Service Bureau Think of the treasures In the the hips helps to hold this portion hortening melted Figuring Space Sift flour baking soda salt and of the figure to form but unless Salt ' Lake City Utah world of books! People of long ago is Cabinet space generally figured BALANCED REDUCING MEND The sugar together Add raisins Com' the gluteus m&xlmus is used and in relation to the number of bed- did not have such good fortunen bine beaten egg orange juice rind kept In tone the tissues become nor- Greeks and Romans had the indicates rooms this since sour milk and malted shortening flabby and you look wider As time books but they were costly and mal occupancy of the house Thus Add dry ingredients to liquid stir goes on and you make no effort should not easj! for everyday people to obbedrooms two of house a Well Drop to restore tone to the trunk and were no printing press ring just enough to mix have at least 30 square feet of upper tain There Into muffin tins and bake In hot hip muscles any excess weight you es In those days to produce the milcabinets base with cabinet space lions of volumes which are on sale (425 degrees) oven until done about acquire naturally gravitates to the beneath 25 minutes waist and hips vital that all work surfaces at book stores now or on library is It Regardless of your total weight This means en- shelves waiting to be drawn out be easy to clean Not only do we have cheaper ZSO nisionnslK) Mrs Clara M Clawson announces exercise is the'hieans of improving amel surfaces on cabinets painted Greeks and Romans balance of Winter Stock dinner your figure By tightening the walls or better still washable wall- books than the 410 —we also have better books People Dinner d off musculature it cuts down your size metal and floor linoleum and formal gowns at paper (broiled) pattltthick of today can know far more than by animating the muscles it Hamburg 2Vi7-rm200 per and Evening wraps at twenty-fiv- e There who lived in ancient times fat those usee the Baked 100 potato unnecessary up 57 So Main cent off today only beana 1 30 is no limit to what you can do with Htrlng Flat Boyish Figure Through the centuries scholars and (Advertiaement) 200 Custard ple men of science have built up a trea530 sure house of knowledge for us Natural to IWn 2nd Frcil 111&1 Total ealortes for lafei Going back Into history we may of Aristotle works read the in 'Teens Girls 1938 Tribune for The Copyright and Pliny the Roman It Is ‘'The flat boyish figure Is normal interesting to learn what they knew It Works to girls in their early teens There and what they supposed they knew1 Visitor From Coast is no need of their worrying about but were in error about Up Quickly lack of development For A time Of course I am makig plans for Is Complimented New-Ye- ar the body may Increase In height our" column "during the ON SALE DAILY four as about for times much by Square your have something shall we week Next Big Saving and It’s So you fullness slows and then lunchup money It lasts a long tune never a growing decked Bright poinsettias of AT OUR 10 STORES Square about Tunis or Tunisia spoils and children love it appears ' eon table Thursday afternoon when Easy I No Cooking! This Is actually a surprisingly effec- Mrs Charles W Allison entertained AND 2000 DEALERS All young girls should romp end Africa which has been mentioned in Cough medicines usually 'contain durneed long hours of news dispatches from Europe PATTERN 6014 cough remedy In- a group of friends at her home 316 play They large quantity o£ sugar syrup — a good tive you feel it taking hold It loosingredient but one which you can eas- stantly sleep nourishing food end a diet ing recent weeks the phlegm soothes the irritated Douglas street In honor Mrs C A Later In the year w shall have n Illustration of that includes the various food eleily make at home Take 2 cupe of gran- ens an and those An is one of Cal pillow of afghan Lathrop and makea Lundquist membranes breathing easy ulated anger and 1 cup of water and need- ments that are necessary to well stories on other foreign lands also materials of stitches and comfortable Mrs accessories it John that for were tical aeen better laid Covers You’ve never for anything etir a few moments until dissolved No to its other ed color schemes being Mrs C M Dee Mrs adds decorativeness Sandman prompt and pleaaing results No trouble at alL To obtain this pattern send 10 Eating betwen meals too much Patent Leather ' cooking Then get from your druggist 2 ’a Pinez ia a compound containing Nor- Peter Sandman and Mrs John C qualities Here's one made all in ounrea of Pinez pour it into a pint way Pine and palatable guaiacol in Pack all of Ogden and the honoree squares (and a cushion too) you cents in coin to The Tribune-Telegrapastry and candy will be no help will prevent Vaseline patent bottle and add your ayrup This gives concentrated form a most reliable Home Service Bureau Salt m the cultivation of a fair skin In work Mrs Lundquist and her daughter know what pleasant pick-u- p you a full pint of truly wonderful med- soothing agent for throat and bronchial little Miss Jerry Lundquist are that makes! Use up wool Lake City Utah Be sure to write nearly all cases of acne it is founij leather from cracking Rub a little icine for coughs due to colds It ipaket membranes if it Money refunded much on your shoes before venturing out guests at Mrs Dee's home in varied in each square! Pattern 6014 plainly your name address end that the diet contains too k real aaving for you because it gives doesn’t please you in every way in the cold sweet food and afnumber contains directions for making starchy pattern Ogden gAdvtrtlsemant) ed - er Pran-ftnded- 1 Kitchen Plays Important Role in House Planning f r "V -- i simplex-compositio- You Can Look Heavier Without Proper Adequate Exercise “ EnsSLrf h - Wrist-Year- ’s A Little Saturday Talk I P” I as-ca- ke 1 Ses-slo- 1-- You Can Crochet in Scraps 1-- 2-- 1-- KEELEYS HOSTESS m hand-writte- CHOCOLATES IS 4 ' one-thtr- ea How to Make Better Cough Syrup Than You Can Buy P fid a — A art quick-actin- g prac-tgha- left-ove- 4 4 I '--w I? |